Tuesday, April 20, 2010

un Gancho al Corazón Mon.4/19/10 REDEEMED!

OK gang, this is the episode that we have longed for ever since this show began when we were all still young. Well, OK, I know it's certainly what I've been patiently waiting for for what seems like eons. So pour yourself a drink, sit back in a comfy chair, and let's observe this embryonic stage in the emergence of a new and improved Constanza. Still some rough times loom in her future (payback... well you know) but at least she is taking some hesitant first baby steps down the path of righteousness.

Paula and Cristian have elected to spend their honeymoon fighting crime. Thus we join them as together they explore a remote crime scene where the body of Federico Arauco, the lawyer hired so long ago by Salvador to investigate the various shady ventures of Oscar and Jerónimo, in particular their purchase and their planned disposition of the vecindad in which dwell the naco contingent of our cast of characters. As you will recall, he was murdered by Oscar in the parking garage of Groupo Sermeño and buried somewhere in the countryside. Paula is kneeling done and poking around the the open grave as Cristia asks her to join him in examining evidence recovered from the scene. From a cardboard box he has extracted a plastic bag containing bloody womens clothing, a cell phone, and a note. He reads the note out loud, "To whom it may concern, Constanza Lerdo de Tejada killed this man and Salvador Ulloa." Gee, how convenient is that? Might as well have been tied up with a bright red bow.

Back at the arena the boxers have returned to the ring. At ringside Nieves is worried to the point of chest pain. Estre reassures her that Moni will win the fight and recover the neighborhood from Coni's clutches. Xime meanwhile approaches Coni's corner, "May I tell you three things?" Coni's in no mood for Ximy's wisdom, "Go to Hell, Ximena!" Undaunted, Ximy proceeds with her three things which Hombre so ably translated for us Friday, " Una, having a sister like La Monu must be maraviguau. Dos, I wouldn’t want to be in your place, because your sister’s gonna blot you out (opacar, to make opaque) totally, and Tres, although she’s prettier than you, and better in every way, do your best (échale ganas), because you don’t have a chance (she looks at Beto, holds her nose), train her well, Robi, please." Over in Moni's corner, Mao takes advantage of the lull in the action to tell Moni, who insists that she doesn't want to hear it, that the only reason he rescued Lobo was for her, and that he still loves her. Thanks for that Mauricio. Yawn.

At the crime scene the two newlywed sleuths are still examining the contents of the plastic bag interred with the body. What they discover next is even more shocking that the corpse itself. "Salvador!" Immediately they recognize pictures of a deceased Salvador. Wow! Things are really starting to move.

Oh my, having returned to his grim, garish rat's nest, Oscar has elected to become a gangster movie cliché. Disheveled, battered, and bloody, yet strangely dapper in his all black ensemble, he stumbles and lurches into the drawing room. "I need a drink (un trago)." Well, I guess so you poor baby. Sylvia said you'd be thirsty. Nothing like being beat to a bloody pulp for whetting one's thirst. I'm guessing Scotch, although there's no label on the cut glass decanter he chooses. If it were brandy, it's unlikely that he would pour it over ice. Could be Bourbon or Canadian whiskey, but Oscar strikes me as a single-malt man. He mutters to himself that he needs to get out of there as soon as possible. Then, as he tilts his glass for a well deserved slug, Loriloca scurries up wielding a syringe tipped with an imposing hypodermic needle. Gasps of gleeful horror escape from delighted viewers all across Gancholandia as she plunges that needle to the hilt into his bare neck. Not very professionally done, yet effective. Well done, you lovable lunatic. He swats at his neck. As he staggers about and asks what she ha done, she explains that she has just injected him with the same stuff that he's been injecting Sal with these past weeks. She scolds him for having deceived her.

His right eye now patched, looks like Lobo's wounds have been tended. He is visiting a now incarcerated Jairo who is being kept company in his cell by his two toadies. Lobo gloats a bit. Jairo speculates that Lobo will soon join him behind bars, "Bet?"

Back at the arena a patient crowd awaits a resumption of the action. The fighters are back in their corners. Cesar pleads with Monita to suspend the fight, "You're sisters!" Moni firmly refuses. Across the ring, similarly Beto is pleading with Coni to stop the fight. He does not understand how she can continue with the fight knowing that Moni is her sister. Coni is also firm in her refusal.

Stretchers containing Aldo and Sal are wheeled into an emergency room. The ambulance attendant informs the Dr. on call that they were found at the scene of an accident along side the road, neither had any identification. The Dr. waves them in.

Meintras tanto, Beto is still trying to convince Coni of the senselessness of this fight and of the damage her hatred of Moni has already caused. She had the advantage of growing up with wealth as well as both parents while on the other hand, life for Moni wasn't so easy. "Her mother didn't want her. She lost her best friend and no longer has Mauricio. You've already won. Do you want her dead?" Coni is starting to tear up and she focuses on Moni's water bottle. Suddenly with an urgency she tells Beto to get rid of Moni's water bottle. Beto looks at the bottle and then at Coni and suddenly understands. Yes!Aldo comes to in the ER asking about Salvador who is unconcious on the adjacent gurney. Assured that Sal is alive, he wants to contact his papá, "Mauricio Sermeño."

The referee asks Cesar if his boxer is prepared to continue the fight. She is. She stands. An attentive mamá offers her a drink. She takes it. Across the ring, Coni also is ready as an efficient Beto empties the tainted water bottle into Coni's spit bucket. A sister saved... a sister redeemed. Beto gives her his blessing followed by a sincere kiss, "Te amo." "Te amo," Coni answers as she determinedly returns to battle. The fight resumes at the same pace as round one, the fighters gracefully circling with nary a punch, when suddenly their delicate ballet is interrupted by a uniformed Cristian and another police officer who have entered the ring and each take hold of Coni's arms. Moni protests,"what's going on?" Cristian gravely intones, "Constanza Lerdo de Tajeda, alias la Momia, you're under arrest, accused of homicide in the first degree in the deaths of Federico Arauco and Salvador Ulloa. Coni is genuinely distressed as we break for commercials.

"!Suelteme!" Coni is not taking her arrest gracefully. She struggles with the officers. Beto objects. Cristian tells him there is proof. Marcos objects. Moni holds Beto back as Nieves from outside the ring urges him to stand back as Coni implores Beto to do something. Ximena thinks it's just like a chapter of Mujeres Asesinas, Truculent Coni. Ximena seems to be enjoying this just a little too much.

At the ER, Aldo is restless. The Dr. assures him that he will call his dad. The nurse reassures him that though they are both seriously injured, they are in good hands.

In Moni's dressing room, Beto is wanting to go to Coni's side. He is impeded by a determined Moni and an adamant Nieves. Neither of them want him implicated in Coni's crimes. Nieves hugs him cradling his head on her shoulder. He is still insistent that he must go to Coni's aid (I must say, I am in full agreement with Beto on this). Monita is a little less gentle. As he tries to push past her she delivers a punch to the solar plexus. Beto doubles over. Tough love I guess.

In the ring Coni is still protesting her apprehension and pleads with Marcos to help. Marcos demands to know what proof they have. Cristian tells him of the photos and clothing accompanying the deceased lawyer, from outside the ring, Paula reminds Cristian that the clothes were soaked in blood. Thanks for that Paula. Coni protests that Oscar planted that evidence. Marcos stands directly before her and asks her to tell him that she had nothing to do with Sal's death. Coni admits that she was present when Sal died, of an infarction, and that she wanted to call an ambulance but that Oscar prevented her from doing so. Now Mao steps up and wants to know why she didn't call for help, why they hid the body, and why they made him believe tht Sal had perished in a plane crash, "Salvador was like a father to me."A livid Gabriela, eyes blazing, moves Mao aside and approaches Coni taking her face firmly in her hand and glaring directly into her eyes, "Maldita infeliz, you killed my Salvador." Coni is now hysterical as Cristian and the other policemen drag her out of the ring and off to jail. I would have wished for Coni to be a little more stoic about this, but at this moment it looks to her that everyone has abandoned her as her world comes crashing down around her.

Her protestations continue as she is placed in the cell across from Jairo who observes, "What a small world." She calms a bit and asks what he is doing here. "No, what are you doing here? shouldn't you be boxing right now?" She tells him that he fight was cancelled. She was arrested for murder. He asks if she killed Moni. She tells him that it was for the murder of a man. Coni is now more composed and tells Jairo that since the fight was cancelled, she expects to get the money back that she gave him to bet on the fight for her with. Nope, he has no intention of returning her money. Actually, she should get her money back since the fight was cancelled without a winner, but I guess when one deals with criminals... She tells him that she sold her house and boutique, that was all the money she had. Jairo is unsympathetic, "That's not my problem." Their conversation is cut short. Jairo's ride has arrived to take him to the Big House. Cristian unlocks the cell. Now both he and Coni look dejected.

A crescent moon is followed by a brilliant sun, it's morning. Mao has been with Marcos all night, waiting at the jailhouse for Marcos to have a chance to visit with Coni. He has borrowed Marcos' cell phone, you remember he lost his at Jairo's place, to check with Teri about the girls and inform her of what has transpired. Marcos complains that he has been there all night and has still not gotten permission to see his daughter. Mao reminds him that Coni has been charged with serious crimes. Marcos is appreciative that Mao has stayed with him. Irish setters may be dumb, but they're loyal. Cristian informs Marcos that he may visit with Coni now. "It's about time," he mutters.

At Gabi's place she thanks Estrella for staying with her. She can't quit thinking about Sal dying of a heart attack with Coni standing by and not lifting a finger to help him. She always doubted the story of the trip to Venezuela and the plane crash. Sal never called her. He was already dead. Estrella tries to get her to relax and think of something else. Of course Gabi can't. She still has things that she would like to say to Coni's face. "I'll go with you," Estre offers. The phone rings. It's the perky ER nurse. She is calling on behalf of Salvador Ulloa. Gabi is outraged, "Salvador is dead!" Perky nurse is frustrated, "She hung up on me and Mauricio Sermeño doesn't answer his phone."

Looking very tiny and very sad in her cell, Coni looks up as her dad approaches. She pleads with him for help and for him to believe her, but he has hardened his heart. He knew she needed a lesson but not this way. She tells him again that she is innocent, but he is outraged by what she has done. She will have to pay for her crimes. He tells her that now she is dead to him. I'm really not liking this one little bit. Bad dad, at least at this moment.

A distraught Beto is with Moni in the cantina. He is throwing back shots of Tequila as he drunkenly whines to Moni. He's upset about what Coni has done, but he can't help but still love her. He notes that Moni warned him but deep down he can't see that she is bad. Moni is trying to slow down his drinking and tells him that her situation is similar. She's managed to get involved with two brutes. She encourages him to be strong. Beto continues to drink.

Coni pleads with her dad to help her. He tells her he's hired a good lawyer but she must pay for her crimes. Once more she protests her innocence. "You'll have to prove it." Must not be like in our good old USA where one is innocent until proven guilty. Coni then throws a low but well-aimed punch. She notes that once she was his favorite daughter, but now that Monita is here, he is tossing her aside like an old doll. She says that she shouldn't be surprised that he is abandoning her. He did the same to Valentina when she was a child. He tells her that he will always love her. She coldly replies, "If you won't help me... get out." Not very pretty.
More Moni and Beto. He's tossing back Tequila shots. She is trying to stop him. Drunken talk.She's been there all night looking out for him. He wishes that all his feelings for Coni would be ripped from inside him. She wants the same for her feelings for Mauricio. Thank goodness the food has arrived. She urges him to eat his menudito.

A downcast Marcos rejoins Mao and tells him how he told Coni that he couldn't help her and that she must pay for what she's done. Mao asks how she responded. "She said that if I wouldn't help her, I should get out."
Coni's lawyer arrives. Mao excuses himself to go check on Beto who must be taking this hard. The lawyer tells Marcos that the case against Coni is very strong. The judge has denied bail and that she'll probably be tansferred to the prison until all the proof against her has been determined. Marcos tells him that his main concern is for Coni to pay for her crimes. Say what? What a dad. I had more faith in you than that you old buzzard. Too bad they're not in Texas. With Racehorse Haynes as her lawyer, not only would Coni already be out on bail, even if she were guilty she'd get off scot free and the jurors would be clamoring to have their pictures made with her.

Gabi and Estrella arrive as Marcos and the lawyer exit for Marcos to sign some papers. Gabi tell Cristian that she wants to talk with Coni. Cris sees no problem with this. "Take a seat and I'll come get you."

At the ER a police detective tells Sal and Aldo that a patrol car has been dispatched to the cabaña. Sal thinks that Oscar has likely escaped already. he advises them to come to the station when they are released in order to make their statements. Sal asks the nurse about the call to Gabriela Celorio and is informed that she must be very angry with him, she hung up on her. Sal shrugs his shoulders. Aldo asks about his papá and is informed that he didn't answer but that she left messages. He asks if he may make a call. "Sure," She takes him by the arm. Hey, pull up your pants, kid.

Beto and Moni are still in the cantina. She wants him to finish his menudo and drink some coffee.He balks. She says that they both need to go get some rest. He asks if she loves him. "Of course." "Then take me to see Constancia." I can't believe that I'm saying this. Thank goodness here is Mauricio. Beto is glad to see him as well, "Do you love me? Take me to see Constancia." He hugs Mao. Moni wants to go home, she's sure her mom is worried. You have no idea, my dear. Mao offers to look after Beto and see him home. He encourages Moni to go on.

Once more , perhaps for the last time, we return to Oscar's Happy Hoodlum Hideaway where he is securely tied to a chair and Loriloca is snacking on some fruit. She offers him some. He wants to know why she tied him up. "It was tie you or inject you and I need you awake." She wonders where Sal is and seizing upon opportunity, Oscar speculates that he is with Gabi. Lorenza is sure that he's right. He offers to take her to him if she will untie him. She eagerly agrees and is busy setting him free when we hear sirens. The cavalry has arrived. She is spooked and scurries off not wanting to return to the nut farm. He vainly pleads with her to finish untying him. Too late. Police with pistols drawn rush in and train their guns on the suddenly luckless Oscar.

Gabi confronts Coni in her cell. She insists that Coni look her in the eye, "Why did you kill Salvador?" Coni tells her again that Sal died from an infarction. "Was that before or after your clothes were stained with his blood?" Coni tells her... the truth. Oscar and Sal stole her clothes and stained them in order to frame her, planting the evidence. Gabi says that even suppose that she didn't shoot are stab him, but she stood by and watched him die without offering to help and that is a form of murder.

Estre's cell phone rings. "Estrella Falcón, actriz." It's Aldo, "Hola, Estrella." "¡Cochorro! Where are you?" He tells her that he's at the hospital but that he's OK. He tells her which one. "I'll take a taxi." She tries to say more but to her chagrin, he hangs up.

Coni tells Gabi that she tried to call for help but Oscar kept her from doing so." Gabi gives a sardonic laugh, "Do you think that I believe you? Not only did you kill Salvador, but slowly she has been killing me as well by taking away the one thing that I loved." Gabi won't listen to any more explanations, she just want to know where the body was hidden so she can give Sal a Chrisian burial and say a proper goodbye.

Aldo is telling Sal that he got ahold of Estre and that she is coming. Aldo asks if he can walk. "Of course." He asks if he is OK. "I feel more alive than ever." He then asks Aldo to help him walk out. This is a very moving scene and as they walk to the door, I'm reminded of the last scene from Casablanca.

Coni tells Gabi that Oscar did it all. The fake trip, plane crash, everything. He sent her out and she has no idea what he did with the body."You may not believe me but I swear I'm telling you the truth." "You're right, I don't believe you." She asks Gabi for forgiveness. "I? No Constanza, may God forgive you... I can't."


Corazon Salvaje, 04/19/10

Sorry I have not been able to watch the show since last week and have not had a chance to catch up yet. Feel free to correct or add to my recap.

Regina is helping Dr. Pedro and Remigio tend to the sick. Dr. Pedro tells Regina that she can leave to rest, but she refuses. Remigio tries to convince her to leave. It's getting late and he doesn't want her to get home after dark. Regina finally agrees.

Aimee is taking a luxurious bath. Renato comes in and stares at her. Aimee turns on the charm and asks him to wash her back. It would be my pleasure he replies. He walks over picks up a rose and tears the leaves off and throws them in the tub. They then go at it like drunken monkeys.

Noel tells the sheriff that his client (Juan) acted in self defense therefore he should be set free. Sheriff informs Noel and Gabe that the guy was found dead this morning. Gabe gets pissy and asks him why were they not informed? Because they have just informed me replies sheriff. (What is his name?) Noel smells something fishy and asks to see the dead body. No can do replies the sheriff. Our policy is to bury them as soon as they expire to avoid any diseases. (I work for a long term care pharmacy. Some nursing homes instead of saying the patient is deceased will say they expired. I always found that odd) Anyway the sheriff says that Noel's client (Juan) cannot be set free. Noel promises that this will not be the final say and leaves.

Orca is getting drunk. He swears venganza against the Montes de Oca.

Gabe tells the fisherman about the injustice being done against Juan. They decide to fight for Juan and get him to be set free.

Orca asks Maria del Rosario if she wants to be set free. She nods. Come with me replies Orca.

The fisherman have marched to the jailhouse demanding Juan be set free. One of the guards run in scared and informs the policeman of the angry crowd outside. Policeman doesn't like what's going on and says to release Juan.

Orca gently leads Maria del Rosario into the house and tells her to go find her sister. Maria is scared.

Mob outside yelling to free Juan. Juan comes out. They let me go because I am innocent says Juan. He thanks the crowd for coming then turns to the guards and tells them it's not over.

Rod complains to Leonarda about Noel defending Juan. Does he not care about the honor of the Montes de Oca? Leonarda is in total agreement. She is tired of Noel. The lights go out and Leonarda goes frantic. Suddenly Maria del Rosario comes in yelling out Leonarda's name. Leonarda is freaking out and Rod looks like he's having another attack. Maria del Rosario tells Leonarda that she came for her. Come with me! Leonarda yells out to Maria del Rosario to go back to where she came from. Rod looks totally freaked out.

The guard asks the sheriff what are they now going to do about Juan. Nothing replies policeman. If Rodrigo Montes de Oca wants venganza against Juan then he will have to do it himself.

Leonarda lights the candles again. Rod asks if she saw what he saw. He starts talking about what he saw. Leonarda tells him to calm down. He is still nervous and says that this was not the first time he saw her. What do you mean asks Leonarda? I saw her before, but didn’t want to say anything. I thought it was all in my head.

Orca throws Maria del Rosario back into her cell and asks if she saw/talked to her sister. She says that Leoanrda told her to go away. She doesn’t care about me. Orca tells her that Leonarda never did.

Rod thinks that Maria del Rosario’s soul haunts the house. He can’t believe how Leonarda reacted in seeing her. Have you seen her before? Yes, replies Leonarda. I never told anyone else either. I didn’t want them to make fun of me or think I’m crazy. Maria del Rosario has never abandoned this house.

Orca yells to Maria del Rosario that her sister won’t be long in coming to see her.

Rod asks if Noel or Renato has ever seen her? No replies Leonarda. But I suspect that your daughters have experienced strange things. Especially Regina. She found a bouquet of gardenias in Maria del Rosario’s room. Why didn’t you tell me ask Rod? Because I didn’t want you to be anguished. You know I think of you first. Rod wants to know if they should share this information with the others. Leonarda says it’s best not to say anything. It’s best for everyone. Rod agrees.

Juan tells Gabe that the same cell he was locked up in was the same one that his father was in all those years ago. Juan has a lot to think about, but one thing is for sure. He is staying to confront his enemies.

Leonarda tells Rod that she will pray for Maria del Rosario’s soul to rest. Rod praises her. Leonarda tells him not to worry about anything. While he is close to her she will watch out for him. Thank you says Rod and kisses her hand. (you know she will not be washing that hand) Leonarda is angry at Orca and runs down to talk to him. She comes upon him and slaps him. How dare you allow Maria del Rosario to enter the house? Because of you Rod suffered a bad moment. Oh too bad replies Orca. Hopefully he goes crazy and leaves this house forever. Leonarda keeps hitting him. What do you want?! Orca says I want my old job back and you. It has been days since you last have visited me. You either do what I say or I will release the crazy one again. Leonarda locks the door and starts undressing. EEWWWWW!!!!

Noel comes to talk to Rod. Rod tells him it’s not the right time to discuss anything. Noel asks Rod if something is wrong. He notices that Rod is acting nervous and strange. Many things are on my mind replies Rod. You say I am imprisoned with my anger and hurt. But you have forgotten what I really feel. You have no idea how I felt with the rejection of Maria del Rosario. I really loved her. But it’s also her fault. For provoking this pain that I feel. She will never let me be. No yells Noel. You were the one who separated her from the man she loved. You are the one that destroyed them. You are the one that provoked this pain your feeling. You couldn’t get her love or her forgiveness. You are the one who sought this tragedy.

Gabe thinks about Estrella. Scenes of their first encounter and kiss.

Juan bathing in a tub thinking about Aimee. He wonders if she feels the same passion she felt for him in the arms of another.

Aimee and Renato in the tub enjoying each other. Aimee thinks about Juan.

Regina crying. Thinking about Aimee tearing off Renato’s clothes and making out with him on the ground. Regina says she needs to quit thinking about him. Then thinks about Juan and how much she despises him. He is her worst enemy.

Juan looks at his father’s picture and asks what does he need to do?

Phillipe introduces the new show to the gentlemen. It’s Fifi? showing off her legs and doing a strip tease. The men applaud.

Juan and Gabe on horseback running down the beach. Nice.

Servando and Griselda talk about Jimena and how she thinks that she is daughter of her dead sister. But she never even had a brother. Laughs from them both. Jimena walks in and wonders what’s up? Nothing replies Griselda. We have some new ideas. How is that guy doing? He seems really taken with you. Don’t let him slip away. I’m not the one he’s interested in replies Jimena. It’s another.

Fishermen welcome Juan back. Juan tells them all that he is not leaving and that all their problems are now his. They will find justice for all the fishermen. FF>>

Regina tells Clemencia about her day yesterday helping out the sick. Clemencia says thank god Leonarda didn’t tell your dad. He would not have liked you to have dressed up as a man. I will confront that if the time comes. What’s more important was helping the sick. It reminded me of how fortunate I am. And also I was so near death. That is why I am going to visit my mother’s grave today. Clemencia says your mother was such a nice and sweet woman. Although really fragile. Leonarda comes in and says hopefully you will not take after her. Otherwise you will die young. Clemencia says how can you say such a thing? It’s the truth replies Leonarda. She suffered from nerves just like you did. I took care of her like she was my own sister, but she would sometimes give me funny looks. Like I would hurt her. Anyway I want you to know that what you did yesterday was not good. And the only reason I will not tell your father is because I don’t want another episode. But don’t you ever do that again. Understood?! Leonarda leaves and thinks about Constanza and the special teas she made her. She says out load that no one will ever know that she killed her.

Clemencia tells Regina that it’s true that her mother was very fragile. She shows the key again that Constanza gave her for the trunk that had a letter for her daughters in it. Clemencia recalls her last night with Constanza. She knew the end was near.

Gabe tells Jimena that Juan was freed last night and thanks her for helping him falsify documents. He brought her a gift. It’s a blue lace shawl. In case she ever wants to go to church. Its beautiful replies Jimena. I have never been to church. I don’t even know how to pray. He offers to take her. Gabe puts the shawl on her head and takes a good look at her. He gets a funny look in his eyes.

Regina and Juan meet up at the tomb where their mothers are laid. You’re out replies Regina. He tells her he got out last night. I never thought I would see you here. I came to visit my mother’s tomb replies Juan. So did I replies Regina. Now that I am here I am also going to pray for my aunt that I never got to know. But I have a great respect for her. She died for love. Her name was Maria del Rosario. For me she represents pure and eternal love.

Manana: Jimena brings Gabe a letter from Estrella, but ends up getting a kiss from him.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Dinero #66, 4/19/10: A volleyball game and saving lobsters from flame!

Is it Friday already?! Only in my dreams. Pata and I are trading off Mondays until we find a permanent recapper. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Here's the dish for today...

Ale and Rafa share a bittersweet moment after signing the preliminary agreement with Refri Transportation.

All the Siglo employees are on the phone with friends or family members to complain about their selling woes. Isabel thinks they’re pathetic; there’s no way any of them are going to beat Rafa and win the car. Refri wouldn’t invite business associates to the beach just to say no deal.

Marino is suspicious; he thinks Ale and Rafa have something going on. Ismael is irate that Marino would insinuate such a thing about their soon-to-be-married boss. Isabel adds that if it were true, they would be violating company rules.

Ale and Rafa make their way outside and come across a backyard volleyball court. Rafa is tying to convince Ale to let him play when a stray volleyball hits Ale in the back of the head. Monica, Ledemza’s niece, runs over to apologize. She invites Rafa to join their game. He is all too eager to jump in but Ale stops him; she wants to play too. Rafa thinks Ale shouldn’t play because of her recently healed leg. Monica agrees; volleyball would be too rigorous for Ale.

Ale mocks Monica and claims to be so experienced that she could teach Monica a thing or two. “Oh, but volleyball has changed a lot since your time. This is ‘beach volley’.” Ale makes fun of Monica’s English. “I think ‘bitch’ means something quite different.” (LOL) She challenges Monica and her group to a game; Monica agrees and rallies everyone to play “veterans vs. young things”.

Ale is incredibly offended over being called old and strips off her cover up to reveal one hot black bathing suit. She throws her cover up over Rafa’s head and trots off to the court. Rafa is so captivated that he nearly loses his balance.

The game begins with Rafa, Ale, and the Refri Reps on one side against Monica and her friends on the other. Rafa is hilariously awkward but for what he lacks in coordination, he makes up for in enthusiasm. The “veteran” team scores the first point.

Beltran is anxious that Ale and Rafa haven’t called to update him on the business deal. Susana tries to calm him but he would rather take hits of oxygen than listen to reason.

The game continues and the competition is fierce; the “vets” are going down 1:9. Rafa tries to hit the ball but ends up facedown in the sand. Ale takes over as captain of the team and Rafa puts her on notice for being too snappy. “We aren’t at Autos Siglo. Stop yelling orders at everyone.” Ale is too fired up to settle down; she wants to see Monica bite the dust (morder el polvo). Game on!

Beltran storms onto the sales floor and reads everyone the riot act for their meager sales. He threatens to take away the car as a prize. The employees beg him to reconsider; he offers them three more days to get their acts together or they can forget about the car.

Vicky storms into Rafa’s house, in tears as usual, and sobs to Leonor that Rafa hasn’t called. Leonor hasn’t heard from him either but it’s no big deal. Everything is a big deal to Vicky. Leonor says that men don’t like to be smothered but Vicky is sure that if women don’t keep tabs on their men, then the men have opportunity to step out on her with another woman.

Monica’s team scores their fourteenth point to tie the game. Ale is determined to score. “Over my dead body will esa muchacha win.” Sure enough, Rafa serves the ball and scores the winning point for the team! Vets win the game! A couple guys try to lift Rafa over their heads but it doesn’t work out very well. Ale gives Rafa a big hug and he thoughtbubbles, “Licencida, what a woman. How I admire her.”

Chavez had both good and bad news for Marco. The good news? He removed the embargo on the hacienda. Marco does not think it’s good news; Chavez was supposed to talk to his contacts about delaying the removal. Chavez isn’t worried. The cows produce a lot of milk and all there debts will be squared away. The bad news is that Chavez lifted the embargo and Marco still hasn’t married Ale yet. Marco has to think of a way to keep Ale, Rosario, and Jorge from finding out about the embargo until after they get married. Everything has to be ready for when Ale returns.

Rafa, Ale, and the Refri Reps have retired to the living room for drinks and chitchat. Monica bounds in and is depressed to hear Rafa and Ale are leaving later in the night. She slinks over to Rafa and asks if there’s any way he could stay. Ale does her best sweet voice to keep his attention on her. Monica kisses Rafa’s cheek before heading off; Ale rubs it off his face and threatens to hang him from a palm tree if he keeps it up.

Ledezma says it’s getting close to dinnertime and, in their house, only the hosts and the guests cook. Rafa is thrilled; he loves to cook and goes on about how to cook various “comida tipica” foods that make Ale stick out her tongue in disgust. Ledezma tells them he has fresh lobster ready. Rafa isn’t one for seafood but can’t complain.

Rafa loses interest in dinner and wants to go out to the ocean. Ale tells him not to go. (Considering his fish-swallowing disaster, she's right to be worried). When the group asks why he can’t, Ale flutters her eyelashes and says she doesn’t want him to go without her to protect him. He agrees to stay put and, after some peer pressure, asks Ale for a kiss. She gets out of it by blowing him a kiss before going into the kitchen.

Ismael sits down with Ramiro and asks why he seems so stressed lately. Ramiro blurts out he’s been seeing a sex therapist.

Ale helps fix salads in the kitchen with “The Real Wives of Refri Transportes”. Ledezma’s wife (Patricia?) admires how caring Rafa is and wishes Francisco could be more like him. She’s sure Federico has had his eye on other women. Ale flashes back to Ledezma’s groping phase at the restaurant and gulps.

Patricia is suspicious because Francisco is supposedly doing business with an associate named Humberto Quiroga nearly everyday. Ale listens with a keen ear and pays little attention to the disaster of a salad she’s making in the process. Francisco’s meetings with Quiroga sounds a lot like Marco’s meetings with Urdiales. Ale puts an entire ocean’s worth of salt on the salad before she snaps out of it.

The Refri Reps congregate. Ledezma is worried Ale might tell his wife about his behavior when they met. His partner tells him not to worry; if she does tell, they’ll have his body shipped back to Mexico. (Ha!) Rafa serves the guys some drinks and a servant brings in a large cooler of live lobsters. Rafa is shocked they’re alive and is horrified to hear they’ll be boiled for dinner.

Rafa brings the ladies some cocktails and saves one made especially for Ale. She’s hesitantly takes a sip and pretends to like it even though its way too strong. The cooler of lobsters is nearby and Rafa takes another peak inside. Rafa tells Ale about how badly he feels that lobsters are going to be killed so violently. Ale says he’s being ridiculous. Rafa runs outside to get Ale’s shoes and sunscreen and the wives swoon at how considerate he is. A servant takes the cooler of lobsters outside.

Vicky is still weeping all over Leonor’s couch. Julieta gets home and Leonor drags her into the kitchen for a welcome break from Vicky.

Rafa, alone with the cooler, talks to the lobsters, picks them up, and starts naming them (Rosita, Petrita, Casimira, etc). He promises to save them.

Leonor is fed up after listening to Vicky whimper and wail for two hours and sends Julieta out to get rid of her. She has just as little luck in getting Vicky to leave.

Ramiro explains to Ismael he needed professional help because of the lackluster relationship he has with his wife. The problem is: he’s fallen in love with his doctor.

Rafa serves tequila to the Refi Reps and they head outside. Rafa brings cocktail refills to the ladies, along with Ale’s shoes and sunscreen. The housekeeper rushes in and tells Patricia the lobsters have gone missing. She and the wives are off to search for the crate but Ale stays behind with Rafa.

Ale gives him a look and Rafa admits he hid the lobsters. Ale wants to go get them but Rafa won’t let her. He knows it’s ridiculous but he can’t let the lobsters be killed; he’s going to set them free in the ocean. He kicks off his shoes and runs outside.

Ale and Rafa carry the crate out to the ocean and name all the lobsters as they toss them to freedom in the ocean. (Several of the lobsters are named after Siglo employees: Susana, Claudia, Generala, etc.)

Vicky is still crying to Julieta when Jaime stops by for a visit. Julieta sticks him with comforting Vicky while she joins her madre in the kitchen.

Ale and Rafa drag the empty crate back into the house and are caught red-handed by the entire household. “Can you explain what it is you’re doing?” Ale and Rafa look at each other helplessly.

Avances: Vicky shrieks into her phone to Rafa that he better be home that night or they won't be getting married; Rafa says he'll respect her decision and she screams at him.


El Clon, Mon., April 19- the future of the story (hopefully) is born and Jade's necklace walks into a bar...

Jade realizes that now she is pregnant, she can't get a divorce, return to Miami and study. She is destrozada and cries, "I've lost everything!" Zoraida tells her it's haraam to be upset that you are pregnant.

At the restaurant, Ali continues to sabotage Said's marriage prospects. He says that one has dentures, another had a sister who was sent back. Ali tells Said that it is a good thing that they ran into one another - making the right choice of a wife is difficult.

Daniel is angry with his mother. The kid can sure hold a grudge. Dora writes to her friends that Daniel blames her for taking him away from his real father. The kid likes his grandma but not his mama. She says Albieri stole her son's heart from her.

Zoraida calls Latifa's house to share the good news about Jade. She gets Nariza who is stuck babysitting while Latifa and Mohamed go out. Nariza can only think about Osvaldo, though. She hasn't seen him since he went out of town. Zoraida gives Nariza the news about Jade. "That means they won't get divorced," says Nariza, disappointed.

After she hangs up, she asks Allah not to let Said change his mind. Latifa and Mohamed return. Nariza passes on the news. Latifa is upset that Said will take the baby from Jade when it is born.

Jade is still inconsolable. She says that she only wanted to have Lucas' babies.

Marisa puts on her sexy underwear and tries to get Lucas to make another baby for her.

Lucas refuses. He says that they are fine with just Natalia. Marisa says that she thinks that another child would bring them together. Lucas replies that a kid isn't the solution to marital problems. If they haven't succeeded with one child, two will be worse. Frustrated, Marisa reverts to her natural state of nastiness. She says that but for Natalia, she wouldn't be married to someone as insignificant and mediocre as he.

Said comes home and asks why the doctor had been there. Jade tells him that she is pregnant. Said is impactado and then ecstatic in thanking Allah that he is blessed.

Zoraida returns to a scolding from Ali but when she tells him the good news, he says that she has brought happiness to his house.

It appears that Albieri has put detectives on Dora's trail. One of them has come to Dora's workplace and now she tells Estela that they have to move immediately.

Albieri hears from the detective that he has lost track of Dora. Once again, Albieri says that he cannot understand why Dora took the child away. Luisa suggests that maybe Dora felt uncomfortable with Albieri taking over Daniel's life. "But she ruined his future out of selfishness," says Albieri, "I had so many plans for Diego." Luisa reminds him that the kid is named Daniel. "For me," replies Albieri, "Diego and Daniel are the same person."

Osvaldo is back at the dance club. He told Nariza a story about going to Chicago. He tells the bartender that these Arab women want to get married before you can check out the merchandise. He has given up his dreams of oil money. The bartender suggests that Osvaldo is still carrying a torch for Dora. Osvaldo says that she hasn't even called him. He swears on 'los clavos de Cristo" 'the nails (as in nailed to the Cross- fingernails are uñas) of Christ' that Dora is out of his life forever. So, of course, we know that they will get together eventually.

Said celebrates the news of Jade's pregnancy by doing the handing out food to the poor ritual and there is a party at Ali's. Jade is glum. Said says that he will wait until the baby is born to decide what do with Jade. He thanks Ali for keeping him from marrying one of the women at the restaurant.

Jade slips out of the party followed by Zoraida. She tells Jade that being blessed with a baby is the best thing that can happen to a woman. Zoraida goes on to quote the prophet that, "if we raise our children in the customs and the religion, that child becomes our shield (escudo) accompanying us in old age and defending us from the fires of hell." Jade is unimpressed with this wisdom especially since if Said takes the child, it won't be around to defend her when she gets old.

Nine months pass quickly. A short montage and Jade is great with child and in the ruins. Back in Miami, Lucas appears to get a psychic transmission but he turns to the picture of his child and a tear runs down his cheek.

Latifa gives birth to a boy. Mohamed gives thanks to Allah. The baby is named Mohamed Amine and will be called Amine, the name of Said's, Mohamed's and Nariza's father, so has not to get confused with his father Mohamed.

Zoraida gives Jade the news about Latifa's baby. Said brings Jade a whole box of gold jewelry and says that even though they are separating after the baby is born, he wants her to keep the gold as a token of his appreciation. She takes the box but doesn't show any appreciation.

Mohamed brings Latifa one gold necklace for making him the happiest man in the world.

Lucas finds Natalia reading a book about the desert. He says that one day he will take her to the desert and tells that long ago he wanted to live in the desert. He says that if he had lived in the desert, she would be riding a camel and would be the daughter of a beautiful odalisque.

Jade goes into labor. The news goes to Miami. Mohamed tells Nariza that when the baby is born, she has to go back to Morocco to take care of it. Nariza doesn't want to leave Miami or take care of her brother's children at least until she hears from Osvaldo. Latifa is upset that they are planning to take Jade's baby away from her. She doesn't think that it is fair that Jade's baby will be taken away. Mohamed reminds her that the baby belongs to Said's family, not to Jade's.

Jade must be the only woman in labor who is trying not to deliver. She says that she doesn't want the baby out of her.

Lucas tells Natalia the story of him and Jade as a fairy tale. A traveler went to a far away kingdom in the desert and saw a beautiful princess and fell totally in love with her. She was locked away in a tower but she would escape occasionally and see the traveler. They planned to have lots of kids together and get married. Natalia asks if they got married. Lucas says, no. Another princess named Natalia appeared and the ending was changed.

Finally, however, Jade's baby girl is born. Said names her Hadiyah (the name of the prophet's first wife.) Said tells Jade that after the mandatory 40 days of rest, he will come back for the baby and she will be raised by Nariza. Said says that Jade can keep everything that he gave her during the marriage. Jade is destrozada.

Ali tells Said that the arrival of the baby means that he can withdraw his two divorce declarations. Said replies that he isn't changing his mind. If Jade doesn't care about him, he doesn't care about her. [And knowing what would happen after the baby was born, has Jade done anything to make Said believe that she cares about him? Apparently not.]

Uncle Abdul has another matrimonial candidate for Said.

Ali tells Jade that he did all he could but Said will not revoke his divorce declaration. Jade says that it isn't right that she should lose her baby. "La suerte le da la espalda a quién no piensa en las consequencias, (Luck turns its back on those who don't think about the consequences of their actions)" says Ali. He says that Jade can go to the US and study. Jade replies that everything is changed now. Nothing is more important to her than her baby. Ali gives Jade some more, 'I told you so' advice. Jade says that no one will take her baby away from her. Ali replies that Allah will give her resignation.

Said likes Uncle Abdul's wife selection although he only sees her eyes. Ali's servant who was at Said's house to get Jade's stuff is watching and reports to Zoraida who tells Jade. Jade says that she won't let a stranger raise her daughter. Jade has a plan. She gets Jade to invite the girl to her house.

Said buys a gold necklace as an engagement present.

The new wife candidate comes to Ali's house. Jade tells Zoraida that her life is in Zoraida's hands. She must translate exactly what Jade says. Jade (who got her figure back immediately) welcomes the woman. Jade flashes back to a conversation with Said where he said that he had a superstition that if a woman looked at him and right away intentionally dropped her veil, that would mean that all their life together will fall like the woman's scarf. So, of course, Jade instructs the woman to do exactly that. She does and the marriage is off. Jade is happy but Ali warns her that Said will just find another woman. Jade didn't nourish the love Said felt so strongly (a borbotones) for her. "¿Qué culpa tiene la lámpara que se apaga cuando su aceite se agota? (Is it the lamp's fault that it goes out for lack of oil?)" says Ali.

Albieri is still hiring detectives to find Dora.

The club appears to be a big success for Cristina but apparently Leo hasn't been back. In walks Jade's necklace on a woman who was given it by her ex. Cristina offers to buy it from her.

The 40 days are up. Jade takes her baby and makes a run for it. Since she hasn't learned any Arabic and doesn't know anyone, Ali's servants find her in the ruins immediately. Now she throws herself at Said's feet and begs to be taken back. She swears that she won't 'trastornar.' 'mess up' his life again. She says that if he doesn't want her as his wife, then keep her as the nursemaid.

The credits roll.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Gancho, Friday April 16th, Round One, There’s a Whole Lotta Fightin’ Goin’ On

No need for an opening paragraph today – this episode was total action!

Last night, the table was set. Moni and Coni were getting ready to box. Moni figured she might have to take a dive to save Lobo, Coni was nervous, conflicting emotions racing through her mind. Aldo was not digging the digging he had to do, as Sal and Lori stood by blindfolded, Oscar calling the shots from behind his automatic pistol, a grave situation to be sure. Marcos and Nieves were awaiting the match, worried a tragedy might occur. Hissabel sat coiled like a snake, observing as Cesar put a white sports bottle in the ring near Moni’s corner. Jairo was guarding a gagged and beaten Lobo, telling him Moni had better take a dive in the third round, or else. There was a knock on the door, and Mau had burst in, punching out Jairo and his goon guards! That’s where we left off.

Lorenza doesn’t like what she doesn’t hear. Namely, voices. Weddings are supposed to have lots of talking, lots of laughing, but the only voice she hears is her own, what’s happening? Shut up! yells Oscar, I can’t stand you any more, THIS is what’s happening. He raises his gun, aims at her face, when Aldo SMASHES the shovel into his head from behind!

Mauricio unties Lobo, just as the bad guys are recovering from Mau’s punches. They jump up, guns in hand, but Lobo’s a champion fighter, and makes short work of two of them. Mau takes a punch to the jaw, but unleashes a furious right, flooring the third guy. Lobo’s appreciative, and before the thugs can recover, the police burst in and put ‘em under arrest. Not noticing that Mau’s red cellphone has fallen to the floor, he and Lobo rush off to the ring to stop Moni from throwing the fight to save the wolf’s hide.

Xime is flanked by her two beaus, Rolu and Arnie, ready for her three things. Una, watch Coni well when she goes up into the ring, that’s an image you’ll never see again, Dos, Moni’s going to give her such a thrashing that Coni’s plastic surgeons are gonna make a fortune (van a hacer su agosto), and Tres, this fight is not a hidden camera joke, ajá!

Higher up in the stands, Paula tells Cris they may not have had a wedding party, but this is so exciting, it feels as if all the people are there for them! Cris gives her a kiss. Gabi and Estre are sympathetic single sisters, having enjoyed the wedding, but missing their mates. What they’d give to know where Aldo is right now!

Well, here he is, taking off Lori’s blindfold. Oscar’s stirring, so Sal goes into attack mode, kicking the gun away, kicking Oscar, imploring Aldo to take Lori and run! Despite Lori’s protests, Aldo ushers her to safety, leaving Sal to confront the Odious Ogre. Said Ogre, remarking how Sal must have been faking his zombie-ness all this time, gets in a vicious hit, dropping Sal. Meanwhile, Aldo has gotten Lori to the highway, she still babbling about the boda, and begs her to sit tight (on a bench) while he goes back to help Sal. Sal’s still fighting, getting in a few good licks, despite Oscar’s age advantage. No sooner has Aldo left her side than Lori hails the first car that comes along, tells the nice guy she’s late for her wedding, but can he give her a ride? (he’s invited!), and off she goes.

Trading furious blows, Sal and Oscar batter each other until Oscar goes down. Sal grabs the shovel, pushing it down onto Oscar, but Oscar kicks him, and gains the upper hand. You’ve had it, grandpa, he chides. Just then, Aldo crashes in with a flurry of punches, but Oscar’s way bigger, and gets on top of him, ready to squeeze the life out of the youth. From behind though, Sal’s iron hand raises the shovel high, and brings it down onto Oscar’s head with all his might! Leaving Oscar bloodied and unconscious, our heroes head down the hill to rescue their lissome loony lass, unaware Loriloca’s loose!

Xime’s enchanted with the idea of two women, filled with rage, fighting for their man. Actually, it reminds her a bit of when she was in school, when the other girls wouldn’t let her copy their exams! Rolu would have let her copy HIS exams. Yeah, then you’d both fail, shoots back Arnie, you never were too good at studying. The two boys trade insults as Xime ignores both, there’s excitement in the air, every seat is packed. In the upper stands, Cris keeps kissing, he really likes this marriage thing. His phone rings, though, and it’s a police call. There’s a K-4 in progress, he has to go. Well, Paula isn’t letting him get away on their wedding day, she’ll assist at that K-4.

Off they go, arm in arm, partners in life, partners in crime prevention, giving each other total support.

Sal and Aldo, a bit tired, and also supporting each other, arrive at the bench next to the highway, but Lori’s not there. Sal suggests getting to a little town with a phone, and calling the cops. Aldo says we’re still close to the cabaña, why not go there and get Oscar’s car? They need the keys, though, and decide to walk back up the hill, take Oscar’s keys and cell, and then go to the cabaña, where they hope Lori is waiting.

Moni is praying in her dressing room at the ring, when Cesar comes in. He knows about the threats to Lobo, and advises Moni to cancel the fight. But she can’t, it’s too late. Enter a beaming Hissabel, saying she bets Moni will finish off La Momia in the first round. Let’s not talk about bets, says Moni, she’s just worried about Hissy’s health. Hissy says she’s fine and gives Moni a big hug (with the usual eye-rolling for the studio audience).

There’s a much more satisfying hug in the other dressing room, as Beto and Coni snuggle, she looking very fetching in her french braid, black robe with silver trim and silver-gold boxing gloves. He wants to find a place where they can really snuggle, who needs this silly fight? She promises it’ll be her last fight, but for now, she has a job to do. Beto thinks she has no chance, but Coni, remembering Hissabel’s words, feels pretty confident. Marcos comes in, demands to talk to Coni alone. She tells him nothing he says can change her mind. He’s just about to spill the beans, but he’s typically long-winded, and before he can get it out, the fight’s announced, and Coni marches off to her destiny.

And let’s get ready to rumble! It’s a 6 round exhibition match of the peso gallo (rooster weight, about 115-118 pounds). In the blue corner, weighing 52 kilos, 800 grams, from the D.F., Constanza la Momia Lerdo de Tejada! Coni, looking great with her black hood with shiny silver trim, thrusts her arms into the air.

Everyone boos. She sneaks a confident glance at Hissabel. In the red corner, at 53 kilos, 500 grams, also from the D.F., the current national champion, Valentina la Monita López! The crowd goes crazy as Moni, in her trademark red and pink, salutes them.

Sal and Aldo have finally made their way back up the hill, but it´s dark now, and Oscar´s not there. I guess he´s not dead then, remarks Aldo. Guess not. So much for the keys and the cell. Oh well, back down they go again.

You know the rules, fighters, no low blows, no headbutts or hitting the back of the neck (la nuca), touch gloves, go back to your corners, and may the best fighter win. They go to their corners, and Hissy tells Don Cesar she’s nervous, can she possibly stay right next to Moni’s corner? (and next to the sports water bottle). Sure, no prob. Over in Coni’s corner, Beto tells her she’s happy now, but soon she’ll probably be knocked down, seeing stars, and he swears he’ll throw in the towel. Do that, and I’ll CASTRATE you, she replies. That shuts him up, grabbing the family jewels. Both fighters put in their teethguards, and the bell rings for round One!

Coni, looking cute in her little black skirt and sleek spandex tank top with white stripes on the side, seems determined, and swings away, but isn’t really connecting. Moni’s just playing defense, circling backwards, not even trying to hit Coni.

We hear ominous music as Hissabel has snuck into the dressing room. She finds a water bottle just like the one at the ring, fills it mostly with water, adds a few drops of poison, then empties the entire bottle in.

Uh oh!

The crowd is on its feet, as the punches look great, but aren’t connecting. Nieves wonders, what’s up with Monita? If she doesn’t hit la Flauta, how’s she gonna win? Gabi thinks Moni looks noble, Coni clumsy (torpe), but Estre also thinks Moni’s not trying. Xime likes her pink shorts, though. All of a sudden Moni DOES connect, and Coni falls back against the ropes, disoriented. While she recovers, Moni goes back to her corner, just as Mauricio and Lobo rush in, Mau telling her she can win the fight now, Jairo’s been arrested. Lobo tells Moni that Mau saved his life. She’s muy impactada. Hissy takes this opportunity to switch the water bottles.

Coni glances over, appears to have seen this.

Cut to a crime scene, a “K-4”. It’s dark, police lights are spinning, there’s fog, yellow tape, and Paula’s really stoked – how cool! she says. We’re debuting (estrenando) as spouses and as cop partners the same day! Negativo, says Cris, this isn’t a job for such a tender and caring woman as you. Ah, you don’t really know me, she says slyly (we do, having seen her in action). One of the cops says we have a body here, mostly decomposed. Paula asks for the name of the victim (el occiso). His wallet says his name was Federico Arauco. Paula grabs the ID, that’s the lawyer of Don Salvador!

Well, Don Salvador is running out of steam, he and Aldo have been walking for a while, and the bruises from Oscar’s hits really hurt, but he feels they have to keep going. If only a car would come by. This being a novela, they immediately see a car’s headlights approaching. Hooray! The car stops, and they’re saved. Uh, well, maybe not, since this being a novela, the driver of the car is none other than Oscar! Here’s what the captions say “Quieren un rait” (Do you guys want a “ride”?). This may be a bit of a hitch in our hikers’ plans.

The boxedoras are in their corners, waiting for Round Two. Jimmy tells Coni that Moni’s not attacking, for some reason she’s helping you out. Cesar tells Moni that since there’s no danger now (the Lobo thing), you should attack. Hissy asks what danger? but Cesar’s not telling and gives an evasive answer. Moni assures him she’ll get it over with, with one knockout punch. After all, she’s fighting for the vecindad! Hissy hands her the water bottle, you must be parched, dear, why not take a drink? Moni’s just about to drink, when Coni approaches, and Moni doesn’t take a sip.

C: What’s up, Mona? When the second round starts, attack me, hit me, I don’t want you to give me any advantage, I don’t need it!
M: Now just cool it, cool down, I have no desire to hurt you, and yes, I’m going to beat you, but I’m not going to injure you.
C: Why, Mona? Do you pity me? Is that it?
M: Because I have no desire to kill you.
C: Because you know that you can’t.
M: No. Because I can’t kill my sister.

Whoa! We see the stunned faces of Coni, Isabel, Marcos, Mau, the determined face of Moni, and Coni again, speechless.

A haggard but still menacing Oscar orders Sal and Aldo into the car. Aldo points out he doesn’t have the gun anymore. How do you know? says Oscar, raising his hand, as Sal goes into a fighting stance, and Aldo jumps back. But it’s just Oscar’s hand in the shape of a gun, which he pretends to shoot, chuckling ominously. He points out that they’re afraid, and that’s his best weapon. So let’s go back to the cabaña. Or do you want to abandon Lorenza? Wouldn’t you like to know what I did with her? Suddenly, Aldo goes berserk, he violently grabs Oscar, punches him, knocks him to the ground, yelling you’ll pay, damn you! Sal and Al jump into the car and burn rubber! Oscar, bloody and clutching his chest, can’t stop them.

Connie’s distraught, this is the worst thing imaginable, what are you talking about? Moni’s no happier, she hates it, and she’s been carrying around this secret for two weeks, but it’s the truth. This wretch (pointing at Marcos) is my father as well as yours. Deny it! shrieks Coni, I demand you deny it, Daddy! Marcos can’t. It’s true. What united him in the past with Isabel was Valentina – she is your half-sister, she’s my daughter. Coni’s jaw quivers, she’s shocked out of her mind.

Back at Cris and Paula’s crime scene, the medics take away the body, as Paula tells Cris she knows it was Sal’s lawyer, he came to the office, but one day he disappeared. And she’s sure it was OSCAR who did it. The ambulance takes off, and Cris remarks they’re taking the body to SMF. What’s that? asks Pau. El Servicio Médico Forense, the wife of a police officer has to know these things. Pau cuddles up to Cris, she wants to learn all the cop things, he can teach her every day, every night…she starts to caress him, Cris backs off, I´m on duty, they could sanction me. Paula reminds him it´s also his duty to wait on his wife and give her kisses, or she´ll sanction HIM.

Everyone at the ring is amazed at the revelation about Moni and Coni. Xime doesn´t think they resemble each other, except maybe their fingernails. Rolu thinks it´s terrible that sisters could fight. Arnie wonders if he´s ever heard of siblings fighting before, hint, hint, such as over a woman. Xime thinks women fighting over a man is ¨super vanguardista¨.

Cris and Pau have suspicions about who killed the man, and Pau says these suspicions are reliable (fidedignas, probably another copspeak type word). Cris asks to be in charge of the case, and the other cop says that’s fine. Pau is all ready to solve the case with her partner. Affirmativo, adds Cris.

Nieves, Estrella and Beto are also discussing the bombshell. Beto thinks this’ll make Coni feel sorry, Estre says no way. Nieves thinks Isabel’s coming to town has been a bad omen (aguëro). Gabi also can hardly believe it, but one thing she knows for sure is that Oscar is guilty of the murder of Salvador, and has to pay.

Back in the dressing room, Coni is almost crying, upset with her Dad’s affair all those years ago. Coni yells at Moni, Moni yells back, Marcos begs them to be civil. Isabel wants Marcos and Coni to leave. Oh yeah, says Coni, well you were tricking me too, Isabel, all this time, why didn’t you say anything? Huh? says Moni to her Mom, you had a deal with her?

Lobo thanks Mauricio, but Mau didn’t do it for him, he did it for Moni, and he’s hopping mad that Lobo put Moni’s life at risk. He tells Lobo if he has any dignity, he’ll leave now, and not put Moni’s life in any further danger. Lobo knows his fight is over, and leaves with dignity.

Hissabel thinks quickly, explains to Moni that when she was staying at Coni’s apartment, she knew she couldn’t trust her, that’s why I didn’t tell her about my past, or about your being my daughter. Oh, don’t be a hypocrite! spits out Coni disdainfully. Hissy turns to her, reminding her that when this match is over, things will be “very different”. Coni hears Hissy’s previous words in her head “With or without your help, Valentina will die”. She decides not to push things further.

Riding through the night towards home, Aldo’s ebullient, we did it, we escaped, did you see how I punched him! Sal, driving, is a bit worried about Lori, hope she’s okay. Aldo notices that Sal’s looking a bit peaked, is everything all right? Apparently not, as Sal’s eyes close, his head lolls back, he slumps over towards Aldo, takes his hands off the wheel, and the car careens off the road at top speed, crashing head-on into a tree!!!!!!

Marcos figures now that the girls know they’re sisters, the fight is off. But no, Moni’s ready to get back in the ring, and Coni’s not backing down, either. If Moni wants her mangy neighborhood back, she’ll have to fight for it!

Paula has become an unofficial member of CSI-Mexico, having donned a white coat, surgical gloves and a blue mask. She’s with the other investigators, picking through the debris at the murder site of that lawyer, when another agent finds a plastic bag, conveniently filled with “evidence”. Cris shows Paula the bag, containing ladies’ clothes, covered with blood, a cell phone and a handy little note. It says “Constanza Lerdo de Tejada killed this man and Salvador Ulloa”. Paula’s surprised, it was La Momia!

At the ring, Estrella and Nieves are distressed to find that the fight’s going to resume. Nieves has a bad premonition, and crosses herself. Xime goes over to Coni’s corner, tells a seated Coni her three things. Una, having a sister like La Monu must be maraviguau. Dos, I wouldn’t want to be in your place, because your sister’s gonna blot you out (opacar, to make opaque) totally, and Tres, although she’s prettier than you, and better in every way, do your best (échale ganas), because you don’t have a chance (she looks at Beto, holds her nose), train her well, Robi, please.

The two boxeadoras sit opposite each other in their corners, awaiting the restart, grim, determined looks on their faces. Mau asks Moni if she’s okay, she thanks him for saving Lobo, but doesn’t want to talk now. He does, anyway. He did it for her. If you knew how much I love you…….. he tells her earnestly. This appears to affect her, once again, she’s wavering.

Paula knew Coni was gossipy, shady, poisonous personality, but a killer? Cris says the proof doesn’t lie (yeah, right). And look what else is in the bag! Pictures of Salvador, dead!

Their eyes grow wide, and that’s all we have time for tonight.

But this Monday, we’re back with ROUND TWO! Will Moni take a hit of that sports drink? Will Lorenza hit back for Oscar’s ruining her wedding? And will Coni be hit with the long arm of the law? Don’t change that dial, as our show’s ready to EXPLODE!!!!!


Hacer su agosto – to make a fortune, make a killing
Torpe – clumsy
Estrenando – debuting, the first episode of a show is El Gran Estreno
El occiso – the murder victim, in formal copspeak
Fidedigno(a) – reliable, another formal, cop type term
Aguëro – an omen, such as a good or bad omen, or luck
Opacar – to darken, to make opaque, to mar, to blot out
Échale ganas – do your best, give it all you’ve got


Salvaje, 04/16, 10: The Honeymoon Hots and The Jail-Cell Rots

Capítulo 41

As Viewerville settles in for its nightly examination of the intolerably tyrannical versus the terribly tyrannized, Noel comes to tell Juan that he’ll be defending him because young Gabriel Alvarez believes in his innocence and has asked him to. Juan insists that he is innocent. He is curious though and says he doesn’t understand Noel’s motives in defending him, especially after the commotion he caused at the wedding. Noel says he has two basic and undeniable reasons for it: first, because he’s a fair man and secondly because his son, Renato, has asked him to do it. This surprises the cynical Juan and even makes him snigger a bit. Noel says, yes, for some reason Ren likes him and respects him despite his having acted like a wild man at the wedding. Noel then asks Juan why he did it. Juan explains, a little vaguely, that it was because he was looking for a woman who had toyed with his emotions and betrayed him; but of course, he’ll never utter her name to a living soul. That’s fine with Noel. He says he’s not interested in her name and prefers not to meddle in his clients intimate affairs.

At the same time a guard, following the constable’s and Rodrigo’s orders, walks the prisoner Juan wounded in the fight the night before out into the boonies, tricks him into thinking he’s off scot free, and then shoots him in the back. The man falls dead over the cliff, one less loose end to bother Don Rodrigo and his boss. The guard smiles to himself, pockets the would-be assassin’s thirty pieces of silver, and says that Don Rod can sleep peacefully as his orders have been carried out.

Back at the prison, Remigio comes to visit Juan, but Juan, who is acting more and more like his loony mama every time anyone shows up, irately throws hay at him and tells him to get lost. “You should have killed me when I asked you to!!” Remi asks how he could kill him since he was the one who saved his life and brought him up from infancy. They’re brothers, after all. He’s there to beg Juan to give up his lunatic ideas of blood and vengeance. Juan says he can’t because he’s too eaten up with rage at the thought of Aimee in the arms of another man. It’s the only reason he wants to get out of there; he must find the two of them and exact his revenge.

While Juan suffers alongside various and sundry fat ‘n happy rats, our newlyweds walk along the boardwalk of Vera Cruz and enjoy the salt air. They run into the gossipy Eloisa who immediately tells them that a prisoner attacked Juan last night. (News travels fast in that place. Don’t ask me how she knows or who told whom.) This upsets Aimee who immediately asks if he was hurt. Renato notices her somewhat misplaced concern and asks her about it. She lies about simply being concerned “for the poor man” and quickly changes the subject to how beautiful the ocean looks. (A-hem.)

Back in his cell, Juan tells Remi that he feels as if he’s suffocating because of what Aimee did to him. Remi tells him to give it up and resign himself to having lost her. He refuses. Besides, he tells Remi, he’s got to get out of there. He’s got a curse over him, the same one that his father suffered from there in that very same cell years ago. The same thing that happened to his father is happening to him: everything he loved has been snatched away from him in life. That’s why he’s got to get out and take his revenge, to be able to die with his soul at peace. Juan begins to weep and says he won’t allow Remi to touch him out of fear that something will happen to him also. Remi tries to console the poor, afflicted Juan. “Not everything is lost.” No. Juan has him and the love and respect of all the fishermen who are all on his side. “We would give our very lives for you.” (Big whoop. Unless you’re gonna break him outta there, who gives a fat rat’s patoot?) Eventually the guards come and yell that Remi’s time is up. They drag him off still yelling about solidarity with his brother. Juan cries out pitifully and begs him not to leave him. (Like the guy has a choice?) Juan suffers a breakdown. (Thank. You. Aimee. You’ve just succeeded in making a grown man cry again. You can add another notch on your bustier.)

Jimena runs into Eloisa and offers to read her fortune. Eloisa says she doesn’t believe in such things, but then she changes her mind and lets curiosity get the better of her. Mena reads her palm and tells her that she’s married to an older man who loves her, but who she needs to be careful of. Eloisa laughs at that. “Fulgencio is a defenseless old man!” Mena says nope, things are not what they seem so she better be ware. “The man will be part of your misfortune.” Eloisa stops smiling.

Federico pays a visit to Fully who complains to him that gun sales are rotten. They haven’t sold a thing in a month. Feddy says he is aware of that and suggests that they should sell their guns in the north of the country where he’s sure they’ll have very willing buyers. Just then Eloisa returns home and behind Fully’s back makes googly-eyes at an uncomfortable Feddy. She tells Fully she is late in getting back because she ran into the newlyweds who were buying her something for her birthday party, and then coquettishly asks if he’s not going to permit her to have that party. Fully smiles indulgently.

Back to our newlyweds: Renato has noticed the change in Aimee since she heard about what happened to Juan. She skillfully turns the situation back on him and says she’s noticed that he seems especially interested in “that man”. Ren admits that he does like him and feels some pity towards him. He has the feeling that Juan has suffered quite a bit. She suggests that then they should see Noel about him. Just then Noel walks over and greets them. After exchanging pleasantries, Aimee mentions they were coming to see him because Ren was worried about what was going to happen to “the man whose life he saved.” Noel explains that he’s just come from seeing him at the prison and says he’s taking the case because there are so many anomalies in it. Apparently, he wounded that other prisoner in self-defense. Aimee asks if he found out who Juan was looking for at the wedding. Noel explains it was a woman who had been playing with his affections. Ruh-roh! Ren pricks his ears up at that, too. Aimee starts thinking of a way to explain the otherwise inexplicable “who” in that equation.

Back in Pedro’s hut, Colibri begins to pace and cry because he’s afraid something bad will happen to Juan now that he’s in jail. He doesn’t want to be left alone again. Pedro says he’s just as frightened as Colibri because he’s worried Juan will suffer the same fate as JD Sr. did. Santos says he hadn’t thought about it before but now that he mentions it…..

Juan sits in a corner of his daddy’s old cell and looks around. He sees the manacles hanging from the ceiling and thinks about the way his father and mother suffered at the hands of Rodrigo Montes de Oca. He thinks back to Clemencia telling him that this was the same cell they kept his father in and that she brought his mother there to tell him she was expecting Juan. He moves a rat infested bale of hay, disturbing an otherwise happily chirping rat, and discovers “Maria del Rosario” carved into the wall. There are more tears and self-loathing from Juan who can’t stop thinking about what his parents must have suffered till their dying day at the hands of Rodrigo Montes de Oca.

At the same time, his very much alive mama (if you can call it living), talks to her make-shift rag-baby and remembers when she told JD Sr. in the jail cell that she was expecting his child. She cries over the fact that neither of them ever got to know their child.

Meanwhile, the field hands are literally dropping over from some illness that seems to be spreading through the group. One of the workers tells Remi that Arcadio has been sticking the sick in the old abandoned granary and leaving them there to die. The Orca won’t lift a finger to help any of them and says that Doña Leonarda has ordered him not to. Just then Orca rides up and orders Remi and the other shirkers [haragan = shirker, lay-about] back to work. Remi yells at Orca and asks if what he just heard is true. “Somebody has to take pity on those people!” “—And who is going to do that? You?” Remigio answers in the affirmative and rides off to get word to Regina while Orca keeps ordering the men back to work.

Back at Juan’s hilltop casota, Jimena and Gabriel exchange googly-eyed glances at each other while Gabe and she forge false ID papers for Juan. Gabe puts the name Juan San Román on them. Mena asks why they can’t use his real name. Gabe explains it’s not the right time yet to reveal his true identity and that he’s not at liberty to discuss any of the details with her.

Aimee is still very upset over the news about Juan being in prison. Ren notices and asks her why it’s bothering her so much. She makes Ren believe that she’s upset to find out that Juan made trouble at her wedding because her sister is the woman he must have come looking for. She brings up the time Ren saw “Regina” sneaking off to the caves and says she must have been going for a rendezvous with Juan.

Remi finds Regi at the finca’s main house and tells her what he just found out about sick and dead workers being kept at the abandoned granary. Regi decides she can’t bother Ren about it or take the time to find her father to tell him. So it’s Ste. Regina to the rescue. She dresses in some of Ren’s clothes for the long and arduous ride to the cane fields and leaves with Remi to take charge of the sick herself in order to avoid a possible epidemic.

Meanwhile, Aimee pretends to be ashamed and embarrassed over her sister’s possible loose morals and behavior. (That’s rich.) She reminds Ren of the way Regi was always bringing up a secret love and cleverly asks if it could be Juan that Regi meant. Ren seems a little worried at that and doesn’t think it too likely, but he doesn’t totally disagree. Aimee suggests that her affair could be why Regi must have been acting so oddly once they got back from Europe. She can’t believe her sister would have ever been capable of something like that! Oh, the shame!

In town Gabe hands Noel over Juan’s falsified ID papers. When Noel sees the name he is wide-eyed impactado. Gabe asks why Noel seems so surprised. Noel explains the name is the same as a man he knew many years back. Gabe assures him that it must be only a coincidence. “Sr. San Román isn’t from around here and doesn’t know a soul.” Noel agrees it must be a coincidence. But the name, he says, still brings back some very painful memories for him.

Regi attends to the sick and sends Remi to find Dr. Pablo. Orca runs in to see what’s going on. He races around insulting the sick field hands and tells them if they don’t go back to work they won’t get paid. Regi asks Orca if he intends on bringing the dead back to life to make them work, too? Orca tries to kick Regi out of the place. “Clear out of here! I’m the one who’s in charge of these field hands!” Regi tells him she doesn’t need his permission to be there and she doesn’t need Leona’s either. She refuses to leave while everyone around her is sick or dying. Doesn’t Orca have a heart or a conscience? (A rhetorical question, certainly.) As far as she’s concerned only Renato has the final say and she is certain he’d agree with her if he was there. If Orca won’t help her transport the people to the clinic at Paradise, then he might as well get the heck out and leave her alone. Orca says fine! He’s leaving and will tell Leona that Regi’s going against her orders! Regi can suffer the consequences. Regi ignores him and rolls up her sleeves. Orca storms out.

An incensed Orca runs straight to Leona and angrily tells her that Regi defied him in front of all the field hands and refused to obey Leona’s orders. Leona gripes about Regi being the same rebellious girl she always has been and insists that that doesn’t mean it gives her the right to interfere in her affairs. Orca gripes that Regi also had the audacity to rub his nose [restregar] in the fact that the only one with real control over the finca was Renato and that she was certain Ren would go along with whatever she did. Leona says well, Regi was definitely right about that. Noel walks in just then. He hears Orca griping about Regi transferring all the sick from the old granary to the clinic at Paradise despite it all and hears Leona say she won’t permit it. Noel asks what sick people they’re talking about. Leona tells Noel to stick his nose out of it, but he insists on getting an answer. Orca explains that there’s an epidemic spreading in the properties behind the sugar-cane fields.

Leona exclaims shock at how Regi went dressed like a man to help them all. Noel says it doesn’t surprise him because she’s always been charitable and that apparently Leona has forgotten that the field hands are human beings, too. Leona tells Noel it’s none of his business and orders Orca to do what she’s told him. Noel yells at Orca to stay put. He adds that if Leona tries to contradict him then he’ll immediately send for Ren and have him come back so that she can face him. Ren will finally see what a cruel and inhumane woman his mother really is. This does the trick for Leona. (Maybe Noel is growing a pair to match the ones his wife has.)

Meanwhile, Aimee works her charms on Ren. She explains that her little whims and mischievous ways are the way she shows him love. The more she upsets him and makes demands on him the more she shows her love. Ren seems to understand this convoluted interpretation of luhhhv (much more than Viewerville does or even cares to) and turns to putty in her hands. He says she drives him crazy [Me vuelves loco]. She says that’s why she adores him. Viewerville fights a communal gag reflex as more newlywed love-making ensues….. FF>>

Back at the finca, Leona tells Orca to leave things the way they are for the time being and that Regi can continue there at the granary doing whatever she has a mind to. Noel isn’t done, though. He fires Orca. “You’re no longer the foreman for the Montes de Oca’s finca. So pick up your things and get out. I don’t want to see you around here ever again.” When Leona says nothing in his defense, Orca says before he leaves he’s going to tell him about a few things he’s not aware of that might surprise him and the rest of the Montes de Oca’s quite a lot. Leona tells him to shut up. “Arcadio be quiet! D-d-d-don’t put your future at any greater risk!” She turns to Noel and tells him that only Ren can fire him. Orca, satisfied his threat has hit home, says he will leave them alone to see if they can come to some kind of agreement.

When Orca leaves, Noel asks Leona why she’s always so eager to defend the man. Leona says it’s only because he’s been a terrific employee for her all these years. He reminds her that the man stays fired and she’d better not let Orca back. She defies him and says he doesn’t have the right to interfere in her affairs, period and then storms out. In an adult ADHD moment, Noel immediately turns his thoughts to Regina’s great heart and generosity in helping the sick field hands. (Viewerville is left scratching its head.)

Meanwhile, Regi and Remi continue to take all the sick from the granary and transfer them to them to the clinic at Paradise with the help of the other field hands.

Leonarda finds Orca in the basement and tells him to give her time to fix things with Noel. Orca is fit to be tied. He’s followed her orders blindly for years, he complains. So she’d better get him back his job or he’ll let MdR loose. “We’ll see what explanation you’ll give Don Rodrigo then!”

Upstairs, Rod finds Noel in the study and begs him for the honor of the family not to defend the savage that caused such a scandal at their children’s wedding. Noel says nothing Rod says will change his mind. As a lawyer, his personal and professional lives remain separate. Juan is simply another client who requires his services. Anyway, none of what Rod’s mentioned merits a man being put away for so long. Rod angrily disagrees and Noel angrily reminds Rod that he was witness to a similar injustice committed years ago and says he will not be a party to another injustice like that ever again! Noel calms down and then asks Rod to think things through because this man is the representative of the majority shareholder in their business, after all. That man could show up at any time and this would ruin their partnership. It’s nothing personal for Noel, but “injustice has neither face nor name.” Noel excuses himself saying he must leave to speak with the constable. Rod is left to swallow his rage whole.

Pablo and Remi finally talk Regi into going home and leaving them to take care of things at the clinic. As she leaves Pablo expresses his undying admiration for her. Remi says the difference between her and her sister is plain as day. Pablo’s silence speaks volumes on that topic.

That night Aimee entices Ren again with a sensual and seductive candlelight bubble bath. Ren makes love to Aimee, but is she making love to him or to Juan?


Dinero #65, 4/16/10: Rafa is as good with yachts as he is with planes.

Hey, all. Sorry if this one is a little long. There were a lot of great moments that needed a good set up to make sense and the ending was so strong I had to make sure it was detailed enough. Anyway...

Rafa finishes his song just in time to see Ale “flirting” with a nameless hunk. The crowd chants for Rafa to sing another song but he pulls Ale away from the beefcake and says it’s time to leave.

Back at the hotel, Ale wants to discuss with Rafa what they should tell the receptionist.

She reminds Rafa the whole purpose of the trip is the sales deal but, since everyone in the hotel thinks they’re married, Ale does not want to be known as the wife of an idiot who stays out half the night doing who knows what.

Ale drags Rafa to the receptionist’s desk, where they make a show of being pleasant and sweet to each other. Rafa says he was out having a cocktail with some executives and there were no women around; he’s a decent man. He explains how Ale’s jealousies make her forgetful and that’s why she left her key card behind. Ale is not pleased with his explanation and Rafa gets kicked for telling the receptionist Ale needs to take her medication.

Rafa marvels at the massive hotel room. He loves the huge, luxurious bed but Ale says the bed is hers and hers alone. Ale tells Rafa to sleep in the living room but changes her mind when she thinks he might sneak back out to the party. He can sleep in her room on the couch.

Ale tells Rafa they have to be awake at 7 the next morning so he hastens to the bathroom. He checks everything out with pure excitement. Ale says if he likes it so much, he’s welcome to sleep there. Rafa can’t believe the size of the bathtub and the shower. “You could fit three people in here! This bathroom is bigger than my house!” Ale stops trying to correct him and just laughs. Rafa then discovers the mini-bar in the bedroom but Ale makes him leave it alone.

When Ale heads into the bathroom to change, Rafa sneaks over to the bed and gleefully jumps up and down on it. Once he gets comfortable on the bed, Rafa flips through the channels and either comes across Cinemax After Dark or the naughty pay-per-view channel. (Either way, Univision felt the need to censor the sound, which only makes it more hilarious.) Ale calls from the other room about the noise; Rafa makes excuses and quickly changes the channel.

Once Ale goes to bed, Rafa clicks back to the naughty channel (again the sound cuts out) but the noise wakes Ale. After turning off the TV, Rafa prays for his mother and sister and accidentally scares Ale when he tiptoes near the bed.

Early the next morning, Rafa wakes up before Ale and looks out in awe at the ocean “Mi jefa y el mar. I can’t believe it.”

Susana rallies the less-than-enthused Siglo crew to tell them that the new Salesman of the Month has to have the motivation to raise sales and complete all the sales reports. Picking a winner is going to be difficult because none of them fit the bill this month. Nelson limps into work and everyone teases him. Susana informs the crew about Ale and Rafa staying at La Playa a little longer to get the deal closed.

Marino passes a note to Ramirez, middle school style. He thinks something strange is going on with Ale and Rafa.

Ale wakes abruptly upon hearing Rafa’s boisterous singing in the shower. She’s in a rush after sleeping in and bangs on the bathroom door. Rafa walks out in a towel and Ale “hides” her eyes.

The Siglo crew wants details from Dandy about his date with Susana. He moans about having to pay for an expensive vegetarian dinner and for having to foot the bill for a massage that nearly broke all his bones. The crew is ready to give up but Dandy is sure he can lure Susana. They offer him a bet: win over Susana and get all of their commissions or fail and pay all of them his commission.

Just as Dandy is about to agree, Don Ismael overhears and is incensed at the immaturity of the crew. They pout, plead, and eventually persuade him not to turn them in.

Ale and Rafa meet for breakfast and play sweet, charming spouses whenever anyone comes within earshot. Rafa says they need to get their story straight in case the Refri Representatives ask about their “marriage”.

Ale is such a romantic: “We met at work. I was your boss, you fell head over heals for me, we got married in a civil registration that lasted two seconds, the end.” Rafa agrees to the story and adds a honeymoon in Cancun to the story. Ale nixes the idea of a honeymoon altogether. They keep arguing until a Refri Rep, Lic. Ledezma, comes to collect them for the yacht outing.

Beltran’s blood pressure skyrockets upon finding out that Ale and Rafa haven’t returned. He takes his worries out Susana by bugging her as usual.

Ale and Rafa meet the Refri Reps on the dock and are introduced to the bikini-clad, much younger Reps wives. Rafa, much like on the airplane, asks several questions about the yacht that Ale laughs off as though jokes. The Reps and wives get on the yacht while Rafa shakes nervously over the thought of getting on the boat. Ale tries to convince him it’s safe but Rafa doesn’t buy it. “That’s what the passengers on the Titanic said and look what happened to them.” After much prodding and pulling, Ale manages to get Rafa on the yacht.

We’re treated to a montage of several short scenes of Rafa’s antics on the yacht. He soaks up sun on the deck, inadvertently bugs the yacht captain, tries to climb in a hot tub, turns green with seasickness, and even gets a chance to steer the boat. Ale is on hand the whole time to keep Rafa from getting in too much trouble.

Dandy is trying desperately to get Susana’s attention. He asks for her help in figuring out his future and she suggests a “carta astral”. She invites him to her apartment to talk about it.

The yacht docks and the group heads off for the beach house. Ledezma and his wife welcome and tell them to relax and enjoy themselves. Ale wants to get straight to business but agrees to wait a little longer. Ledezma introduces his itsy-bitsy bikini-wearing niece Monica. She flirts very obviously with Rafa, which earns them both some sour looks from Ale

Once they get a second alone, Ale warns Rafa to stay away from Ledezma’s niece; it could ruin their business. As more incentive, Ale tells Rafa about the brand new car as a prize for the Salesman of the Month.

Ale overhears Rafa explaining their “love story” and is annoyed by his creative additions to their earlier story. “She had her eye on me from the moment I got there. I ignored her at first but she was so insistent and starting making me love letters. She even started calling me at all hours of the morning to get me to come to work early.”

Ale finally enters the room and adds her own flair to the story. “You begged on your knees for me to marry you.” Rafa isn’t put off and continues his tale tail. “The worse she treats me at work, all the more she’s telling me that she loves me.” Ale is very uncomfortable and Rafa hears all about it when everyone else leaves the room.

At last, Ale and Rafa get to talk business with two of the Refri representatives. The reps already have a preliminary agreement written up; all Ale and Rafa need to do is read and sign it. Ale peruses it first and says the agreement is perfect. She signs it immediately and hands the paperwork over to Rafa, who does the same. The deal is sealed! Both groups are thrilled to be doing business with the other.

Ale and Rafa slip away into the living room. Rafa is ecstatic! He’s finally closed the deal and will finally be left debt-free and in peace. Ale (who is visibly misty-eyed) says what a relief it must be to have the nightmare over with; now they will never see each other again.

Rafa forlornly agrees. Once they get back to Mexico, Ale offers to have Susana arrange the paperwork for Rafa to leave the Siglo. Rafa asks how they’ll sign the official contract if he quits. Ale says since they both signed the preliminary agreement, they don’t have to be together to sign the contract.

Rafa opens up to Ale. He was afraid he couldn’t achieve such a big business deal or be able earn as much money. Ale tells Rafa he is a wonderful worker. She shakes his hand and says she has never known a salesman who could pull off a deal of such magnitude.

Their handshake lingers a little longer than a normal one as Ale continues to congratulate Rafa. He’s going to be left well taken care of with lots of money to spare. “Even a new car. Your new Panther.”

Rafa isn’t the only one who is going to be better off. Ale will receive an excellent commission and much-deserved recognition from the company. Rafa says this achievement between the two of them shows what a good team they made. Ale’s tears flow freely as she reminds Rafa they only have a few hours left to celebrate and enjoy the ocean. She hurries away and Rafa, contract in hand, sorrowfully watches her go.

Avances: Vicky sobs over not hearing from Rafa. Meanwhile, Rafa is far less preoccupied as he and Ale play volleyball on the beach.


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