Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #36 2/22/11 Max is Scorin Hella Points; Victoria's in the Negatives.

Maria Desamparada is not with the program—not with Max’s program anyways. She’s with the novela program of separating the lovers at every opportunity possible. Despite Max’s pleas, she thanks him for his love, and kisses him goodbye. He’s confused and hurt.

Antonieta can’t believe Max quit. Victoria blabs about Max’s obsession with Maria Desamparada. Antonieta is upset that Victoria is letting her pride distance herself from her son—wasn’t the separation from a daughter enough? Victoria doesn’t care; MAX WILL MARRY XIMENA!

Maria is crying to Nati and Linda about the breakup. Linda thinks she’s dumb for doing it [Agreed]. Maria says she knows what it’s like to lack a mother’s love. Oh, shut up, Maria. Linda tells her to call Max and tell him that she loves him. Nati tells Linda that they won’t understand Maria Desamparada’s dilemna. Linda is the only one makin sense here. She doesn’t think Maria should sacrifice her love. Oh, and now she’s crazy again. She says she hates Victoria and is going to steal Osvaldo away.

Antonieta and Victoria are still discussing Maria and Max. Victoria thinks he’s infatuated; Antonieta doesn’t understand why Ximena sounds like a good choice [for anybody!]. Victoria, who I wish would get struck with lightening, says Max will only be happy with Ximena.

Cruz remembers Fer yelling at him. I think he says he’s going to tame her.

Ximena tells Guillermo that he’s cruel because of something. Ew, I’m too not into this scene.

Victoria thanks Christ for reuniting her with her daughter. She then asks why she doesn’t feel anything special for Maria Magdalena. She begs Jesus for mercy. She also adds that Maria Desamparada isn’t good for Max. In the back, Maria Magdalena enters.

Osvaldo comes to church. He wants to talk to Juan Pablo. The other padre tells him that JP is at the Red Cross.

Ximena tells Guill that she loves Max. He doesn’t believe her. She asks what he understands of love since he’s never loved. She’s wrong, he’s loved before.

Cruz sings to Fer from outside of her house. Where the hell is the dramatic Sandoval family now? Fer wakes up and gets out of bed.

Guill says love is powerful. It can make man into a beast. Ximena says it can hurt people. More kissing. Nastyyy.

Cruz sings, and Fer looks out at him. She shakes her head with a slight smile. She looks moved, but doesn’t open the window to let him know. She asks herself what she’s doing, thinking of this gardener? She says she loves Federico. Cruz retires for the night.

Fausto remembers bumping into Maria Desamparada. Damn it, I didn’t pay attention to what he read, but he longingly says Maria’s name.

Maria cries in bed, remembering the meeting with Max. Max without a shirt [WOO HOO!] in bed remembers the same. They both get out of bed. Maria picks up the phone, dials, but changes her mind. Same with Max except I’m drooling for him. They both think of each other.

Bernarda’s upset that JP didn’t tell her he was at the hospital. She wants to take him to a private hospital. She asks who hit him and vows not to rest until the culprit is found. The pimp and Maria Magdalena show up, and Bernie slaps the pimp! She calls them sinners. Osvaldo enters, and JP thanks him for the visit. He’s introduced to Bernarda who asks if he’s Victoria’s husband. She knows Vicki a lot more than Os thinks. Os is confused. She asks if he knows that Victoria betrayed him….

Victoria, who at this point has zero sympathy from me, cries to Antonieta that she feels nothing for Maria Magdalena. She doesn’t think she’s her daughter. If only she could be sure…Heyyy, get a DNA test, idiot.

Osvaldo doesn’t understand. Juan Pablo tells Os that Bernarda is not well and doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Bernarda denies having issues and excuses herself, inviting Os over anytime he wants more information.

Antonieta brings up the DNA test idea. Victoria thinks that it would be betraying her beliefs. Dumbbbbbb. Victoria says she’s going to help Maria Magdalena no matter what.

Maria Magdalena calla JP a savior. Both she and the pimp are changed people…aww touching…

The pimp laughs about tricking the priest with the confessions. He pressures Maria to do as he says.

Osvaldo is pacing around JP’s room. JP wants to know what’s up. Osvaldo wants advice, and he wants JP to promise secrecy. JP promises, and Osvaldo reminds JP of his confession…He tells padre that Bernarda says Victoria has a lover, but he is the one with the lover. JP is impactado.

Milagros tells Linda that they’ll get her bridal wear from somewhere, and Linda acts snobby about the place, but agrees. They hug.

Fabian says he doesn’t understand women. Why did Maria Desamparada do such a thing? Max defends Maria, and—hey! Wait, why is he at work? Anyways…Max tells Fabian that he’s going to get Maria back. He smiles confidently.

Pipino tells Oscar to make sure Antonieta doesn’t find out that he loves Victoria. Oscar doesn’t mind if Antonieta knows, but he forbids Pip from telling Victoria and hurting her. Pipino tells him that he can find a nice unmarried woman.

Maria Magdalena is being abused by the pimp.

Maria Desamparada sits uneasily and tries to read. Nati tells her just to call Max. Maria’s a stubborn mule. Nati leaves, and Maria sits pensively. There’s a knock at the door. No one there. Knock again. No one there. [This seem familiar to anyone?]. Knock again, and a cute little kid is there with red roses for Maria. He says these are flowers for the prettiest girl in the world, Max pops out and hugs the kid and tells him that he wasn’t lying about Maria being pretty, huh? Maria smiles.

Victoria and Antonieta are by a brothel or something, waiting for Maria Magdalena. They’re crying because of the environment.

In Maria Desamparada’s apartment, Max tells Maria that he just came to say goodbye. He feels that Maria doesn’t love him with the same intensity that he loves her. She tells him that she loves him, but he counters that. She’s always trying to distance herself from him. She’s abandoning him with the pretext that she doesn’t want him to sacrifice for her. He doesn’t want excuses. He tells her that he won’t abandon his family; he’ll live with them although that means he has to be sad forever. He hopes she’s happy and finds the family that she didn’t want to have with him. [Ok, I admit it. I cried!] Max heads to the door, but Maria tells him not to leave. She tells him that she loves him, and God knows that she’ll die without him. He comes back, and they embrace.

Pimp invites Victoria and Antonieta inside. They’re looking for Maria Magdalena; the pimp tells them that Maria has mood swings. Sometimes she’s happy, and other times she’s angry. She’s probably at the bar.

Max tells Maria that from today they won’t hide their love. Maria doesn’t want to cause any problems, but Max is determined to show the world that their love is true. When they come back from Miami, they’re getting married. Besos.

Osvaldo tells JP that his life with Victoria got worse, and his life with the other woman makes him feel loved and young. JP tells Osvaldo that Victoria has personal problems, and Os tells him she tried to tell him the other day, but he fell asleep. JP gives him the guilt trip.

Victoria and Antonieta are at the bar and ask for Maria Mag.

Os tells JP that he’ll try to make Victoria tell him the truth. WTH! All of a sudden, Osvaldo tells JP that Max’s mom is alive?!

Sweet William Luscious Levy in a kayak.


Llena de Amor #134 (Mex. 139) Tue 2/22/11 Jorge plays dirty, and Lowrenzo is a dirty player.

Repeats…Oliver is boggled to discover that Marianela and Victoria are one and the same, plus or minus a fat suit and a few accessories. He looks like a cartoon…jaw on the floor and eyeballs bouncing around on springs. Everyone else just laughs…except Brandon, who’s looking like maybe he hopes she’ll keep stripping stuff off. Meanwhile, Muñeca and Lorenzo loll in bed at the dollhouse and cool down, each pondering the understudy waiting in Lowrenzo’s wings. Meanwhile meanwhile, Ilitia tries to get a little action of her own in Emanuel’s room, but strikes out. In rather unusual form for a protagonist, he has not forgotten that he wants a divorce. Eman goes off to sleep in Marianela’s old room, much to Ilitia’s disgust.
And now…back at the pensión, MariVicky comes back downstairs, restyled as fashionable slim Vick, much to Jorge’s clearly-expressed relief. Netty indignantly tells him that her niece is divine, fat, thin, or anything else. Brandon emphatically agrees. Oliver is still wrapping his head around the idea of the deceit, but quickly turns to wrapping his lips around the other damsel in disguise, his jalapeñita bigotón. Maverick apologizes to everyone for lying to them all this time, and Gretel joins in, but they understand. MV asks them all to promise not to mention a word of this to anyone else, and everyone we can see heartily agrees, but Jorge is mysteriously missing from view. Gretel thanks Netty for being *like* a mother to her. MV explains Jorge’s presence, and he finally chimes in with a promise to be protective and helpful. Not exactly a promise to keep his lispy mouth shut. Now Jorrible Jorge kicks his scheme into high gear. He tells the clan they’re so warm and welcoming he could cry (he does not remotely do so), then announces he’s taking them all out to the best restaurant in the city. Where they can surely get a table for eight at a moment’s notice. The ladies head upstairs to get more dazzlingly beautiful, and Gretel asks Oliver to accompany her to get more daffily macho. Thus our two young bucks are left alone to tangle antlers. Brandon remarks that Jorge doesn’t seem to look at Mari as just a friend. Jorge tries calling Brandon “son,” which does not go over well, tries chucking him on the gut, which also irritates, and finally just says it’s true that he’s in love with Marianela.
Emanuel sits in Marianela’s bed, talking to himself about how much he loves her and remembering their romantic night in the studio. He thought he’d never be able to move on, but then he fell for Victoria, how crazy. We get another gander at the waterfall whoopee-makin’. But, alas, alack, Victoria is cold and insensitive and totally used him. His beloved Mari would never have done that. It’s so odd that he fell in love with someone so different. And yet…there’s something about Vicky and Mari that’s so similar. Well, the little hamster is getting warmed up now. Eman remembers Fedra talking about the two being one and the same. Screech. Rusty hamster wheel. No, no puede ser, says Eman.
Netty is the first to join Jorge down in the courtyard. He tells her she looks fab and then, because he’s an idiot, says it’s great that Mari lost so much weight; she looks so much better. “Look, you snotty chump,” says Netty, although more nicely, “Marianela has always been beautiful, personality and character are what matters, Emanuel fell in love with her the way she was, and it’s upsetting to see her now, so full of bitterness and hate.” Jorge says the quest for revenge is understandable because they were all so mean to her. Netty agrees that she wants justice. She wants for Fedra to go to jail and Mari to get her house back. But then she hopes Mari will let go of the anger and live happily ever after with Emanuel. Jorge argues that this is impossible because he’s the son of Mari’s worst enemy. “Pavón women only fall in love once, and Marianela fell in love with Emanuel. She does not love you and never will, dude; get over it.” Netty pleads with Jorge to at least make it a clean and fair fight if he’s determined to win over Mari. He has to tell Eman that Mari and Vicky are the same. Jorge is saved from responding by the arrival of the others in a conga line. Needless to say, one simply must rewind a few times to watch Oliver’s conga. Brandon pulls Oliver aside and tells him he doesn’t trust Jorge a bit. “Whatever, free dinner out!” says Oliver.
Next morning, Emanuel runs around the mansion grounds, pursued by the dogs. Kristel reads a magazine in a lawn chair and doesn’t even notice the commotion. Meanwhile, MV exercises in a park, primly carrying a towel and water bottle as she runs.
Muñeca has brought the kids to the pensión, and Gladiola and Netty make a big fuss over Cristián. “Ahem, I came, too!” says Manzanita. Gladiola indulges her with some attention, for once in the poor kid’s life. Muñeca has come to chat with Victoria, so the other ladies take the kids off to the park. Muñeca thinks Vicky wanted to talk to her about the money Lowrenzo stole, but that isn’t it. Before Vic can state her own agenda, Muñeca jumps right in and asks what’s going on between Emanuel and Vicky.
Emanuel and Benigno walk into the house (Benigno thinking he’s going to drop dead from whatever bit of exercise he did) and Fedra slithers down the stairs. Eman teases her about finally quitting her game of Big Brother and getting out into the world. Fedra’s massively hung over and in no mood for his teasing. She scuttles off for painkillers and Eman and Beni remark that she’s been in really bad shape lately. Benigno says she’s got a lot of charges on her conscience, and the bills are coming due.
Delicia answers the door…it’s Jorge, who shovels on the smarm and charm with a backhoe, kissing her hand and everything. She’s delighted. Emanuel is somewhat less delighted. “Qué the hell are you doing at my house?” is his warm welcome. He asks his campeón and Delicious to leave them alone. “Whaddaya want?” he asks Jorge. Jorge says he’s come to talk to him about Marianela Ruiz y de Teresa and Victoria de la Garza. There’s something he needs to know.
But let’s not tax our little minds with vital knowledge. Let’s join Kristel out on the lawn in the sun. That’s what Lowrenzo is doing. Well, he’s lurking and ogling, and thought-bubbling that he won’t let this tasty bonbon marry that stupid Mauricio. Bernardo catches him in the act and tells him to keep his lechy eyes to himself. They scuffle a bit, and Fedra comes outside. Bernie tells her this creep was looking at her daughter the way he used to look at her, just eating her up. “Admit it. You want Kristel.” Fedra’s too hung over to do more than clutch her head.
Vicky swears to Muñeca that she never meant for anything to happen with Emanuel. Muñeca says she knows if Emanuel had been in love with Ilitia, he never would have wandered, but he’s in love with another woman, and Ilitia’s in love with another man. That is news to MV. “REALLY?! With whom?”
Jorge makes it very clear that he’s only pretending to be considerate because Mommy, er, Netty, is making him. “You claim you were so in love with your gordita hermosa, that she was the only one for you, but then you were able to fall in love with Vicky. Doesn’t that make you wonder?” Emanuel again remembers Fedra’s ramblings. “Are you saying that Victoria and Marianela are…” “Are best friends. And Netty asked me to deny Mari the divorce and fight for my marriage.” {Jorge, you dirty skunk.} More hilarious handplay by Emanuel as he tries and fails to pretend he understands what’s going on. “And…what does this have to do with me?” “I’m just letting you know, because I’m SUCH a gentleman, that I’m not pursuing Vicky. I’m focusing on my marriage and throwing Victoria back in the sea.” “Oh, WOW, what a guy! You’re telling me Victoria is free for me to pursue? You needn’t have bothered, because with or without your permission, I would have fought for the woman I love.” “Oh, no, no, not at all. I’m just asking you to extend the same gentlemanly courtesy, and also walk away from Victoria. For Marianela.” Well, that is ridiculous, and Emanuel and his sage smirk seem to agree.
MV really wants to know if Ilitia is really in love with another man. Muñeca thinks MV just wants to feel less guilty about getting involved with Emanuel. She emphasizes to MV that Ilitia is going through the most difficult time of her life, and as her mother, she’ll do anything to support her. MV understands, and Muñeca mentions that of course Eman couldn’t leave Ilitia when she’d just been raped, and MV agrees to try really hard to stay away from Emanuel. Okay, now why did Vicky call her over here? MV pulls out the briefcase and hands it over and Muñeca gasps. Unfortunately, Mauricio walks in right then, having strolled right over the “Welcome, Thieves and Murderers” mat at the open door. {I have a hot business idea…I’m going to become a locksmith in Telenovelalandia. I’ll make a fortune, I’m sure…the demand is endless.}
“You aren’t the boss of me, and I don’t have to do what you want!” Eman tells Jorge. It’s all fine and good with him, just FINE, MARVELOUS, if Jorge wants to pass on Vicky and stick with Mari, but Eman is still going to get his divorce and pursue true love. “Don’t use that tone with me,” Jorge sniffs. He tries to convince Eman that Vicky and Mari have such deep friendship and loyalty that Vicky will NEVER forgive what Eman did to Mari. “Never! So you don’t have a chance with her! Don’t even try!” Emanuel just laughs. But then he seriously says that Jorge is right about one thing; Eman doesn’t want to hurt Marianela. So he wants to see her face-to-face and talk with her directly and straighten everything out. It’s only fair. Jorge agrees to arrange the meeting. Ilitia strolls down the stairs and asks why he wants to see la gordita. To run into her arms after their divorce?
Kristel is still obliviously looking at the pictures in her magazine. Fedra tells Low if he cheats on her with her daughter, she’ll kill him. He says the lowly servant is just making things up to cause trouble; he was just looking for Ilitia. Bernardo says Lorenzo was totally drooling over Kristel. Was not, sez Low. Were too, sez Bernie. Bernardo knows a slimy leer when he sees one, and that was it. “Oh, you mean the way you look at Fedra all the time?” Low asks. “That’s different; that’s platónico.” “De plato de huh?” asks master wordsmith Fedra. Fedra doesn’t want a scandal and orders Bernardo to get lost. Low starts meowing and tells the little kitty to obey his mistress. Low tells Fedra if she doesn’t fire Bernie, they are through. “I’m not firing him, no way, no how, not for you or for anyone,” Fedra says. “Why? Do you have feelings for him?” Delicia arrives with Fedra’s mineral water and analgesics on a tray and says it took so long because Marianela’s husband dropped by. Fedra swishes off to meet the mystery man.
Ilitia drags Emanuel upstairs for a chat. Jorge is en route to self-congratulating his way out the door but is waylaid by Fedra. “You must be Jorge, the husband Marianela invented to throw us all off the trail,” Fedra says, clutching her head. She wants to know what catalogue Mari got him from; she could use a hot new chofer. Jorge laughs and says he has no idea what she’s talking about. Fedra must really find him attractive because she takes the time, a lot of time, to learn to say his name, and puts her arm around him, which makes him grit his teeth (though he maintains his Cheshire Cat grin). Fedra asks what he’s doing in her house. “No, not your house. This is my wife’s house.” “Tell the whale not to bother trying to get what doesn’t belong to her. This is MY house.” “What a shame that such an attractive woman as you is wasting her time on a lost cause.” He kisses her hand and takes his leave. Fedra swoons and calls him back and invites him to Kristel’s wedding the next day, as her guest of honor. {Ha. I kind of love the idea of making some guy you’ve just met the guest of honor at your daughter’s wedding, because you hate the groom so much. Funny.}
MV asks Agent O why he’s asking about the briefcase. Does he have some particular interest in it? Of course not, he insists. Just curious. MV and Muñeca act like Muñeca just forgot it when she was visiting the other day. Orangey asks if it perhaps contains the money El Lirio stole for the orphanage.
Ilitia begs Emanuel to not meet with Marianela. She’s afraid it will just reinforce his feelings for her. On the contrary, says Eman. He wants to look Mari in the eyes to tell her he’s over her. Ilitia says it’s just the limit, that he wants to ask the hamburger’s permission to hook up with the French fry. “What part of the Happy Meal am I?” “I don’t know; make your own combo. You and I aren’t together anymore! Get that through your head! Don’t cry!” Eman scuttles away, and Ilitia goes out to the balcony and calls to Jorge down in the driveway that she wants to talk to him.
Muñeca tells Malicio that she expects a big donation from him for the orphanage soon; he’s such a big successful businessman. She takes the briefcase and leaves to find the kids at the park. Mauron tells Vicky he’s come for a little bachelor party. He swears he’ll keep his word and ditch Kristel, but he needs a little incentive, an advance payment…how about a little kiss? He leans in…
Low and Kristel toast to her wedding, and she drops her entire tequila sunrise on his foot. He comments that the bride seems a little nervous. Is she afraid the groom won’t show up, or what? Zero cool, she says. He tells her she’s too fab a woman for that icky Mauricio. Kristel tells Low to forget about her. Maybe he should go see her mami for a little R&R. He’d rather do that with junior, and tries to get started. She throws him off. “Move. On!” she says in English. She’s in love with Mau, and tomorrow they’re going to marry. “That louse is not good enough for you! Stand him up! Tonight I can have a private plane ready, and we can fly off wherever you want to go. What do you say?”
Ilitia tells Jorge she wants to stop Emanuel from seeing Marianela. Jorge tells her he’s arranging the meeting, but he intends to stick with Mari and keep Eman away from Victoria, too. Ilitia teases that he wants both of them to himself, the glutton. Jorge offers an alliance to keep Emanuel with Ilitia.
Kiss denied. Malicio’s creeping into Rapey Snake mode, but MV doesn’t seem to realize the hazard. He growls that he’s getting desperate and he’s got to have her. She calmly says he won’t have to wait much longer. He slimes on her hand and Brandon walks in.
Low runs his pervy hands all over Kristel and begs her not to marry Mau. Run away with him instead. She asks if he’s really serious. He says she has no idea how badly he wants to get into her…heart. He’ll do anything for her. “Really? Anything?” Ilitia walks out of the house. “WHAT the HELL is going on here?! Gross, Dad! She could be your daughter!” “I will not tolerate those insinuations!” “What insinuations? Your hands were all over her!” “Oh, no! I was just congratulating her on her wedding! And being affectionate, like a father!” Ilitia gives him a sideways look at that. Kristel swears it’s all true; it’s not at all like what Ilitia’s thinking. Kris suddenly decides she’s got to go supervise wedding preparations. Ilitia apologizes and says she’s just nervous lately. Is it true he’s accused of theft? Low says it’s just a misunderstanding and he’ll clear it all up. Ilitia tells him to do that, and fast, and then never hurt Mommy again. He’s made her suffer enough over the years. Low gets calculatingly teary and shaky and says he’s still hurt that Ilitia took Muñeca’s side when she threw him out of the house. Ilitia softens a bit but stands firm: she wants him to stop being such a jerk and fix things with Muñeca. Not for their own happiness, of course, but because Ilitia is selfish and wants the comfort of seeing that problems in a marriage can be overcome. Low tells Ilitia that maybe all the problems in her marriage are her own fault. Screech. “¡¿COMO?!” Low asks if it’s true that Ilitia is in love with that worse-than-nothing, Brandon Moreno.
Mau teases Brandon about not catching the baddies yet again. Then he slimes on MV’s hand some more, and Brandon grabs him by the collar and chucks him out. Brandon asks Mari what the heck is going on. She says it’s all part of the plan. Tomorrow is Kristel’s and Mau’s wedding, and everyone is going to find out what trash he is. It will be an event full of surprises!
Lowrenzo asks Ilitia if she really wants to spend her life mopping floors and cooking rice and beans. As if! says Ilitia. He knows very well she can’t stand that guy. Although sometimes when she looks at him… Ilitia gets a bit hot and flustered for a second. But then she gathers her wits and swears she would never have anything to do with Brandon. She loves Emanuel, and she will never leave him! Low says that’s good, because if he heard she was in love with that poor dude it would be the worst thing ever. Ilitia looks very sad at that. Low gestures at the luxe mansion and tells her she’s got to hang on to all this. He knows she isn’t very smart, but… “Excuse me?!” Low reminds her that she already lost Eman to la gorda once. And now again, Victoria, whew, boy is she ever a hot property, like a curvy monument, who wouldn’t want to… “Dad! Stop!”
Mari thanks Jorge for spilling the beans to Netty. He uses a lot of words to say no problem. She says that now that Marianela is going to return, she wants Emanuel to think she’s changed her mind about the divorce and she and Jorge are totally together. Jorge says he knows her so well he anticipated that and has already told Emanuel. “Oh…well, thanks.” He tells her he also met Fedra and Fed definitely suspects their marriage is just a ruse. Mari thinks that problem will vanish when Mari and Jorge appear together. Jorge thinks they need to be more bold to get Eman to stay away…Mari should tell him to forget about her friend Victoria. Good plan, says Mari, but they’ll have to wait until Doris finishes the botarga to put it into action. Jorge mentions that Fedra invited him to the wedding and says he wants Vicky to be his date. “Oh, sorry, I already have a date for tomorrow,” says MV. “Who?” Jorge asks. The banty rooster struts in, awfully pleased with himself.
The hapless hoodlums catch up. Mau tells them about the briefcase. Garduño says that Victoria and her brother the reporter have gotten to be a real nuisance. He thinks they should get them out of the way. Mau says to leave Victoria unharmed. Garduño assigns Dandy to rid them of Manolo, tomorrow. The big problem, though, is to get the money back. Low doesn’t think he’ll manage it because Muñeca doesn’t trust him at all. Garduño smirks that he’ll take care of the wifey; Low just needs to make sure she’s at home alone tomorrow. Mau’s only job is to marry his dim fiancée, and to make sure he does it, Garduño is going to have two armed men at his side all day. If he doesn’t get the job done, he dies. And we end on that happy thought.
Mañana: Chaos at the wedding. MV ousts Fedra from the house and Fedra is arrested for fraud.
Jalepeñita bigotón – mustachioed little hot pepper. i.e. Gretel/Manolo
Goloso – glutton
Mafufo – crazy person; nutjob. (Ilitia said this of Brandon)
Botarga – clown suit, costume


La Verdad Oculta EP111 02/22/2011 – The Letter finally left Middle-earth

* The goons follow shocked Adolfo who drives to an abandoned road, and they record every single movement of him, including the spectacular moment when he gets rid of Carmelo’s body.

* While David and JJ are watching porn, I mean, waiting for Garnica’s mail, Eddie and Valentín are creating copies of Adolfo’s one man show. Speaking of Dolphie, when he arrives at home and hears that Bertha desperately wants to get out of her room, he send his terrified maid to vacation and threatens her in order to keep her mouth shut. Crazy Dad enters the room and tries to calm hysterical Bertha down, though his caresses and hugs make her feel more frightened. He really cares for her, he would never hurt her, he just needs a companion who understands him. His confession is interrupted by the maid who gives him Eddie’s DVD. Irritated Adolfo watches it in his bedroom and he has to realize he’s been framed. *Viewerville: LOL*

* After a troubled night Alejandra finally confronts Juan José about his relationship with Elsa. Frankly, she can’t understand it. *Viewerville: Don’t worry, Ale, we don’t understand it either. Nor do the writers.* JJ assures his wife there’s nothing between them, for him Elsa is like a little sister and a friend. Maybe, but she’s mad about you! JJ doesn’t care, he loves Alejandra. At last his words melt her heart but she’s still worried about Elsa. JJ says since Elsa’s going to visit Caramelo in David’s house they won’t talk often, only when it’s necessary. Does she feel better? Yes.

* The Endless Nightmare On Braless Street continues: this time Dante interrogates Zaida and tells her not to play the innocent dove, when they met in Europe she’d been already involved in dirty businesses. She begs him not to hurt her, and she’s ready to do anything he wants. Really? She committed many errors, so she should be careful. The first question is: is Garnica alive?

*In the morning Adolfo visits Bertha in her bedroom and tells her he locked her up because she was hysterical and he wanted to prevent her from doing something stupid. He’s got many problems he has to solve, first of all he has to deal with Mario. But if she promises she won’t try to escape he won’t lock her up. He’ll trust her.

* At Dante’s the old rascal tells Zaidita, who tries to make him believe Garnica’s alive that he knows she’s lying. It was Adolfo’s idea, wasn’t it?! But never mind. Now she has to go back to Adolfo and tell him she managed to convince Sevilla. But remember: if she dares disobey he’ll kill her. *Zaida definitely wants a new job.*

* While Édgar and Valentín are writing their second letter in which they demand the second part of the money for Gaby’s shoes, the young employee takes a photo of Psycho Eddie and sighs. Papucho! (Hottie.) In his office Adolfo reads the newest e-mail he realizes the dead guy in his car wasn’t the one who impersonated Garnica. But fortunately the geeky hacker’s arrived at the condo and he explains to Adolfo he can track the location of the computer from where the e-mails were sent. However, finding out the identity of the sender will be more difficult.

* Juanita calls Yolanda who asks her to give the letter that’s hidden in her mattress back. In the meantime the hacker finds out the goons sent the letters from the same computer, most likely the used an internet café. Juanita rushes to Yolanda and gives her the famous Letter. She reads it and finally realizes it’s Carlos’s death sentence.

* Eddie and Valentín are about to visit the internet café when they notice the hacker and Adolfo’s bodyguard who ask the pretty employee about her papucho. The goons decide to get the hell out of there. Adolfo’s men show the girl a photo of Garnica, and she laughs, her man is young. She shows them the photo on her cell phone, but since the guys never met Édgar they don’t recognize him.

* Carlos visits Yolanda and when he starts gushing about how much he loves his new job and how much he wants to earn JJ’s trust, disquiet passes through her face. She confesses to him she has the Letter.

*In the condo the insane game between the crazy, caring tyrant and the frightened prisoner continues. Daddy Dolphie tells Bertha he’s going to work at home so they can spend more time together. *Grrrreat.* And they can go wherever she wants, shopping, cinema, and so on. And what about traveling, asks the little girl. Later. Right now Faidella wouldn’t let him leave the country. Bertha confesses she’s afraid, so Adolfo hugs her again and tells her he won’t hurt her. She means so much for him, and don’t forget, he wants to give her single every peso he has. All she has to do is to spend the last years with him. Bertha calms down a little bit.

* Dante gets an anonymous letter with Adolfo’s home video. While he’s watching it, Édgar calls him for more money, however, Dante knows he’s one of Adolfo’s men and sends him to hell. No, no, no, says Eddie, if Dante doesn’t pay him, the DVD will end up at the police. Adolfo and Bertha are having lunch when he also gets a phone call from Eddie. While the handmaiden is eavesdropping, Adolfo tells Édgar he knows he’s a traitor and he impersonated Garnica, therefore he won’t pay him. On the contrary, consider himself a dead man! Bertha’s on the edge of freaking out again. But Eddie doesn’t give up, he reminds Adolfo of the shoes and the diamonds. Then he tells Valentín they will have to do some investigations again.

* In their office uneasy Gabriela tells David she feels so strange lately, she’s worried about her father and she feels something’s wrong. David hugs and comforts her. In the garden of the Genovés villa the three amigos, aka Abelardo, Limón and FaustiMario are playing cards when anxious David shows up and wants to talk with his dad immediately. In the study he tells him how depressed Gaby is and when Fausto starts again his “I’m not ready to tell Gaby everything yet” speech he firmly demands him to reveal the truth at last.

* When Adolfo arrives at home he finds a very drunken, giggling Bertha in the living room. She tells him she needs to leave the flat, to meet young people and Adolfo lets her meet Jimena. She may leave the flat with his bodyguard.

* JJ also gets an envelope with the photos of Garnica’s helicopter and Carmelo holding the shoes. The letter says the guy on the photo is Carmelo Rodríguez, the man who killed Javier Garnica and Susana Gómez. If he wants more information he’ll have to pay for it. Oh, no, again?

* In a bar drunken Bertha has great time with Jimena and two guys, and by “great time” I mean sinking deeper into the pool of depression and self-destruction. When the four horny youngsters decide to go to a hotel, the bodyguard calls Sugar Daddy who orders him to get his wife out of the building.

* In Yolanda’s flat Carlos holds the infamous letter that caused so many problems. Yolanda tells him they can’t give it to the police since it says he was the one who murdered the maid. Even if he denies it, Roberto is already dead and there will be another investigation. What if he ends up in jail innocently? Okay, but then what should they do with the letter, asks the boy. Yolanda silently picks up her lighter. Wait, wait, wait. Is she sure? Yes, she is. Carlos is the one who will tell the police the truth, not the letter. As the two watch the burning paper, painful flashbacks remind screaming Viewerville of the horrible events that happened because of it.



Tuesday, February 22, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #223-234 2/22/11 You can’t talk if you won’t say what I want.

Capitulo 223.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. The fight continues. F: Lety has a commitment to me. It’s a work commitment. Fern punches Aldo and he falls. Lety calls “Aldo,” but does she rush toward him like she did when Fern fell? She tells Aldo to leave, the same as Fern. Lety runs away. Aldo tells Fern his faults:
Aldo: I’m not going to manipulate her like you did.
Fern: Since she met you, she’s been cold to me and serious. You’ve turned off her light toward me.
A: No, you turned off the light she gave you. I’m turning her light back on, and it will be for me. For me! You’re in love with her, right?
F: Why do you ask? You just want to use it against me.
A: You are your own worst enemy. Your love is weak. You put your love for yourself first. Your love depends on Lety returning it. So that she makes you feel good, and so that she rescues your company from the bankruptcy you put it into. All this turned into a dishonorable love and in the darkness. False.

(Aldo continues) Couldn’t you see that? Would you be able to defend your love for her? You will fight openly (not “you would” but “you will”).
F: You can’t (have no right to) judge me. You don’t know what I’ve done or what I feel for Lety. And you cannot imagine what I’m going to continue doing for her.

2. Alicia insists that her problem is the same as Marcia’s – Lety took her fiancé. Marcia takes offense at the comparison.

3. Lety tells Tom that Fern and Aldo fought, and that Aldo declared his love. Tom eagerly asks if Lety accepts he declaration. She says she can’t; she still loves Fernando. She says Fern only defended his company, but Aldo was really defending her. Tom again tries to push her into Aldo’s arms.

4. Marcia stops the fight and asks if it was about Lety. Fern claims that it was because Aldo bothers him.

5. Luigi definitively breaks up with Ruli, saying he’s met the man of his dreams. In the Rage Room he thanks Aldo for the bear and agrees to spend their life together, before he lets Irmita tell him that the bear was from Ruli. Irmita tries to talk sense to Luigi, but Lui doesn’t want to hear the truth.

6. Fernando wants to cancel his trip since he now knows Aldo loves Lety. Omar convinces him that won’t work (Omar’s been getting smarter lately), but Fern puts on a pitiful face to make Omar promise to keep Aldo and Lety apart while he’s gone.

7. Aldo apologizes for putting Lety in that position, but he needed to tell her (an apology with a “but” is never an apology, it’s an excuse). Lety wishes she could return his love but she can’t. He’s sure one day she will. She says she gets strength from him. From today on, he’s going to put all his strength into winning her. She tries to say something about that but he won’t let her. Is that a preview of his methods?

8. Aldo and Tom rehash. Aldo asks what Fernando has that drives women crazy. (How much time ya’ got, Aldo?) Tom briefs Aldo on Ali’s fantasy engagement. Aldo tries to talk to Ali, but she knows what’s coming so she won’t let him burst her bubble.

Capitulo 224.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety tells Tom that Ariel insisted on a restaurant because he wants to have the upper hand. By refusing the ride with the chauffer, she returns the first volley. Paula asks Ariel’s chauffer for the address of the restaurant, and Fernando intercepts the it before giving it to Paula.

2. Fern and Omar fight for the comfy chair. Fern is sure Ariel asked Lety out to seduce her. But why would she go, after all he’s done to her? Omar says now Lety has three suitors.

3. Ariel tries to impress and charm Lety, but she cuts straight to business. He asks for an advance. She flatly refuses because of the financial crisis. He tries mind games but she doesn’t budge. Meanwhile Fern, in hiding, throws grapes at him. Lety leaves.

4. Aldo tells his dad that he’s the right one for Lety because he gives a better quality love. Fern only wants to please himself, not her. He says (I think I heard this right), “ If he were to genuinely love her, she would be obligated to forgive him, and she hasn’t. My love is so great, if I knew Fern would make her happy I would step aside immediately.”

5. Fern catches Lety leaving. He warns her Ariel just wants to use her. Lety mocks the irony, an executive who wants to seduce her to save his business, and Fern is telling her because she’s so gullible. See the transcript. He says, “No one can love you like I do. I can't get you out of my heart.” He begs her to go away with him. “Why can’t you see that you were born for me? And I for you?”

6. Lety hopes that when he returns, he’ll stop using people. Fern answers, “When I get back, I will find a way to show you how MUCH I love you.”

Spanish Lesson. Outside Bon Terra.

Note, I started with Melinama’s recap and added to make it a nearly precise transcript. Certain parts will be identical because hers provided the skeleton of mine.

L: Are you afraid we're planning against you?
F: No, Lety. The truth is, I can't stand to see you with another man, not Ariel, not Aldo. Understand me, please.
L: We won't talk about Aldo, but why not sit with Ariel and exchange experiences?
F: That idiot's going to hear about it from me for making fun of you!
L: Don't complicate things for us more than they are already.
F: Since we’re being honest, can I tell you the difference between that executive and this one? That one would never fall in love with you.
L: Be quiet!
F: No, you have to listen to me. Don’t you understand that no man could ever, ever fall in love with you as much as I have.
L: Don Fernando, go home. Stay away from me. I’m begging you. I’ve asked you a thousand times. All you’ll do is make more problems.
Screen 38:55. F: More problems, Lety? I am in the middle of a very serious problem. Do you know what it is? I can’t get you out of my heart. I can't forget the incredible times we had together. Do you remember the weekend we escaped to Cuernavaca? (He’s breaking through.) Our night together? Lety, we can rebuild everything that’s broken. XG at our feet. Against/contrary to ourselves.
L: Yes, against ourselves.
(He starts to move to kiss her and she doesn’t resist, but then he gets an idea and pushes his luck.)
F: Let's go. Right now. You have no idea how much I need your kisses. I need the touch of your skin to live again. You and me. Together, far from here. To start anew. Like the first time. revive me, let's begin again. (He leans in to kiss her. She pulls away.)
L: No. Something’s wrong here.
F: What? You and I can get back together. We can forget about Marcia. There’s nothing to get in our way. I need you because you are mine. I’ll make it so you can forget all the pain in the world, and Aldo too. Can't you see? Why is it so hard to see that you were born for me? And I for you?
L: Do you suspect Aldo of fraud against Conceptos or something like that?
F: Of course not, Lety. Why do you say that?
L: That’s what it is. You’re afraid of Aldo like you were once afraid of Tom.
F: No, of course not. But I’m concerned because I don’t know his intentions.
L: Of course. I’m an idiot. Sr Fernando, I wanted to believe you’re sincere. But you’re still playing your old game. You want to seduce me to save your company.
F: No. That’s not true. I’m just asking for a chance. For us to be together today. Only today. To show/demonstrate to you..
L: No. Forget it, Sr Fernando. Go away. Leave me alone.
F: Fine. I will leave you alone. If that’s what you really want. Starting right now, we won’t see each other for a long time. I’ll be traveling, working.
L: I hope when you return you'll have reconsidered. If only you would mature and stop using people for your personal gain.
F: When I get back, I will find a way to show you how MUCH I love you.

Various significant sentences
These are spread over several interchanges between Aldo and his father, Fausto.

Fausto: The fight with Fernando. Did it accomplish what you wanted? Aldo: Yes...
Aldo: Fernando fell into his own trap. He ended up falling in love with Leticia.
Aldo: Fernando’s fortaleza (fortitude, strength of spirit) depends entirely on Lety’s love for him. His love for her is selfish. He only loves her to make himself happy. He never thinks about what is good for her, what will make her happy. Fausto: And you do XG??
37:50. Aldo: (I think) If he were to genuinely love her, she would be obligated to forgive him, and she hasn’t.
Fausto: When one is aware of his weaknesses, it’s easier to manage them and control them.
Aldo: (Loosely) Fernando is a mess and his love is a mess. Fausto: Yes, but Lety still loves him, doesn’t she?
Aldo: My love is so great, if I knew Fern would make her happy, I swear I would step aside immediately.
Aldo: After the way he deceived her, now the more sincere he gets when he’s with her, the more of a liar he will appear in her eyes.
Fausto: (as if remembering his past) Yes, that’s the price one pays when he deceives the one he loves.


Eva Luna #75 Mon 2/21/11 Indecent Leo’s Proposal and Marci’s Next Malevolent Move

Cap. #74

Daniel just keeps getting one nasty smack upside the head after another.  Leo continues embellishing the latest lie about Pablito really being Leo’s son, saying that he only found out the night before from Eva herself.  Tho’ Dano finds this hard to believe (DNA testing?  What’s that?), he must’ve swallowed it hook, line and sinker.  Leo says he knew that Dan was secretly hoping that the kid would be his own, and actually Leo was afraid he would be the baby-daddy also, but it makes Leo happy as heck to find out the boy is really his.  Leo says there’s one more thing he needs to tell Dan, that he and Eva never stopped seeing each other the entire time she was hiding out.   Dan is confused because he remembers how Leo was as surprised as the rest of them were the night she made the perfume presentation.  Leo says it was all pretend and just that he’d never seen her so complete, so professional, but amongst his family he had to pretend.  So, now Dan should understand that it’s Leo’s obligation to take care of his woman and his first child.  Leo smiles evilly behind Dano. Dano fights to maintain his composure while his heart is breaking.  (If Leo were any lower they’d have to dig 6 foot up to find him!)

Meanwhile, Renata is finding it hard not to faint at the sight of Don Julio alive and in the flesh.  (Oh noes!  There goes the house in D.F.!)  He tells her yes, he’s very much alive for her, but not for the others.

At the bar where Tony and Victoria have met, she is waiting for an answer.  How much does he want to kill Eva?  Why no answer? Tough Guy Tony apparently is all talk.  He might do all sorts of nasty little things, and he might hate Eva like crazy, but he is not a murderer.  Icky won’t take “no” for an answer and promises to give him something else if money doesn’t do the trick --namely herself.

Jackie and Francisco continue to flirt once they’re back home.  He tries to explain about why he kissed her but finds he doesn’t have the nerve and pretends he’s got to see Dan about something.  FF>>

Back to Julio and Renata: he wants to make sure she stays mum about his being alive.  He promises to explain it all at the appropriate time.  Ok, she says, cuz he knows that she has always been and will always be loyal to him.  He next demands to know why Ren lied to him all those years that Justa was really alive.  She tries to lie and says Justa really was dead, but DJ angrily tells her he saw her himself crying over his grave.  That’s why he sent Dr. Garcia to see her with the story about leaving Justa a letter.  “--So it wasn’t true then?” “--No, just as Justa being dead wasn’t true.  So, no more lies.  Tell me once and for all the truth!  Is Justa alive or isn’t she?”  Ren, in tears of anger, finally admits that Justa is, but that she only found out herself a few weeks before he faked his death.  She had no idea and it was only perchance that they ran into each other!

At the boarding house, Adrian surprises Don Ricardo and Doña Justa by sneaking in unexpectedly from the second floor balcony.  The three are all relieved to see one another again. FF>>

Well, Bruno really did take our inebriated Marcela back to the manse.  He tries to get her to lay down.  She wants to fool around --to let the whole world know they’re having an affair!!  Bruno, in between silent gags, tells her that’s too dangerous right now. He tries to reason with her, but she grabs him by his tie and threatens to kill him if he tries to leave her at this point.  (Not sure whether that was in general, or in particular, or whether Bruno had to do the deed right then and there.  Either way, I hope the jerk gets a chance to tell the pig off before he gets his!)

Julio wants to know why Renata hid Justa’s being alive from him.  She says because she didn’t want their love to be reborn.  She knew he was having problems with his marriage and hoped he might take an interest in her just as she did all those years ago when she took care of his ailing first wife.  She fell in love with him without wanting to.  It made her angry that he chose Justa instead after all the time she comforted him through her illness and his becoming a widower --and yes, she became her rival.  She had rather he marry Marcela than Justa.  DJ can’t believe she’d have chosen Marcela over her own flesh and blood, but Ren admits that’s how much she hates Justa!

Back at the ad agency, Dan is freakin’ mad to tears from everything he’s heard out of Leo.  He throws his glass at the shut door and it shatters.  His secretary immediately runs in to see if there’s something wrong and finds him crying.  He tells her yes, there is something wrong but there’s nothing anyone can do about it so leave.  She does. 

Don Julio wants Ren to bring him Justa there.  She refuses but he tells her she will because she owes it to him. Ren says it makes no sense at this point and besides it would give her as much a fright as it did Ren herself.  Also, there’s the chance that others will find out he’ still alive if he brings Justa in on this.  Unfortunately, Julio says, he has thought of nothing else since he saw her crying on his grave.   Ren must tell her only that there’s someone who needs to speak with her.  “--It’s time that Justa and I see each other again.”  Ren tries another lie with Julio, saying that Justa wants nothing more to do with either Julio or memories of him because she resented him leaving her for Marcela.  She hates him and probably won’t agree to see him again, says Ren.  Julio doesn’t agree and says he finds that hard to believe since he saw her crying over his supposed grave. “--You. Have. To. Bring. Her. Here. To. Me!!!” 

Dan meanwhile, is continuing to roll things around in his head.  (His brain is full of cobwebs and moving a tad slow right now, but at least it’s still intact.) Through sniffles he tells himself that it isn’t true that the little boy is Leo’s!  (One look at the kid should have made that clear, fool!  Seeing really is believing, ya know?)  Just then, Eva opens Dan’s door with a report and sees the broken glass on the floor there.  (She can’t help but notice the tears in his eyes, right?)  He tells her he’s got an important question he wants to ask her.  She refuses to answer questions and goes straight into a discussion about Deb’s new product launch, and then about getting a meeting with Buick to consider Arismendi as their ad agency.  

Dan admits to Eva how impressed he is with the businesswoman she’s become, especially in so short a time, and he wants to know who trained her and showed her the ropes.  How did she manage to do it?  Eva says it’s none of his business.  “--It was Leo, right?”  She tells him to believe whatever suits him and turns to leave. He grabs her arm and pulls her back.  “--While I thought you were far away, you were meeting up with him in secret.  So tell me, did you have a good roll in the sack with him?”  She slaps him as hard as she can.  He sneers and shakes his head.  “--Don’t pretend to be so offended.  I know very well the kind of relationship you two had that entire time!”  Eva hisses angrily back that he doesn’t know spit! “-- if that’s your question, I don’t think I’ll answer it!”  He grabs her again and asks who her boy’s father is, Leo or him.  She stares angrily back at him. (You could hear a pin drop as all of Viewerville waits with Dano for the answer.)

Again at Don Julio’s, Ren finally gives in.  She says, as proof of her life-long love for him she will do as he asks and bring Justa to see him. 

Back in Dan’s office, Eva haughtily insists that she’s not about to argue over her son’s paternity with him.  Dan says he doesn’t want to argue with her about it, he only wants to know one thing: who’s his father?  She breaks away from him, and tells him to leave her in peace, and then slams the door as she storms out.  (Is there any hope that Dan does not remain blind as a proverbial bat and maybe sees his nose or Laurita’s eyes as plain as day in that boy’s blond features?  Or, that at the bottom of his wimped out heart, he doesn’t believe a word of Leo’s trash talk?  Yeah, and like it ever made a difference before?)

Julio thanks Ren and warns her that Eva is his intermediary and represents him at the mansion and his business.  He knows how mean she was to Eva, but he demands that Ren treat her with respect from here on out.  Ren objects and says Eva’s left the house in chaos and is disrespectful to Marcela.  Julio doesn’t care.  “--Marcela deserves everything she gets!”  Ren swallows hard and agrees to treat her respectfully; as she leaves she caresses his face and tells him how glad she is to find out he is still alive.

Back in the kitchen and taking a tea break, Renata gets a little goosing from Ali who demands that as an owner of the house, Ren bring her out something to snack on and to drink by the pool --and make it snappy!  (That’s it, Ali!  Make that goose-stepper show us how it’s done!)  Ali has a great time giving Ren the business and letting her know that pay-back’s a b!tch.  Ali reminds her of all the times Eva used to come home dog tired and tell her of the miserable way she and that witch, Marcela, treated her all day long.  “--Why don’t you just quit, Renata?  Is it that you can’t bear to leave Doña Marcela alone with this pair of scorpions?”  Ren says, well, in a manner of speaking, yes.  Ali laughs and says well now they’re talking!  She’ll have to put up with them then and yep, Ali’s going to love giving her a hard time, too.   “--I had no idea that money bought all that!  Well, better you get with it or there’ll be hell to pay.  Now get out of my way here because you ugly up the landscape!”    (This end of Viewerville cheers!)

Eva pays a visit to Laurita at the boarding school.  She has Laurita tell her exactly why she told her daddy she wanted to go to a boarding school since she didn’t really want to leave home.  Laurita confirms what Jackie told her.  She says one day she heard Ick-toria and Dan arguing over her; Icky told him that Laurita was the reason they weren’t happy.  That night she had a dream.  Afterwards, Icky told her he would get ill and could die if she didn’t go so that they could be happy together.    Eva assures her that isn’t the case at all and tells her to tell her father the truth about why she’s really there.  (Let’s hope Laurita gets the chance!)

Meanwhile, Bimbutt cries on her brother, Leo’s, shoulder because she can’t have children.  Oh, it’s not that she wants them, says the selfish bitch; it’s only that she has to give him a child like that witch Eva has done!  If he ever finds out he might leave her then!  Leo doesn’t help matters by saying he can’t understand why after all this time together she hasn’t managed to make him fall in love with her.  He backs up a couple of paces, figuratively and tells her his plan to marry Eva before Dan finds out the kid’s really his.  Leo explains he’s already made Dan believe that the boy is his.  “--You’re a genius!”  The idea, he says, is to get Eva to marry him before Dan discovers all Leo’s been lying about.  (Okay, all y’all.  Set the time and let’s see how long that takes!)

Deb, in the comfort of her living room meanwhile, cries over the old photos of her children.  How could Ismael have taken them from her like that?  “--They think their mother abandoned them and it wasn’t like that!  I really didn’t!”  She remembers her confession about having an affair and his angry responses.  One day they need to know, but they’ll never believe her, she says hopelessly.

Eva gets home from work and finds Leo playing with Pablito.  Tilde complains in a whisper that he’s been there with the kid like forever and refuses to leave.  Eva says not to worry since he can be trusted. 

Meanwhile, across the way, Dan and Franc share a few tragos together.  Franc admits he’s got women problems, still being married to Mari and now if he lets this relationship with Jackie take hold.  Dan is a little surprised to hear it’s Jackie that Franc has the hots for, but he’s got no problems with it and agrees she’s good people.  The problem is, Franc admits, he isn’t quite over Marisol yet, despite all she did to him.

Jackie is in the kitchen at the same time daydreaming about their first kiss.  She asks herself if he could possibly be starting to feel something serious for her and forgetting Marisol.  Unfortunately, her rival comes banging on the door just at that moment, wanting to speak with the hubby.  The two women squabble, unbeknownst to Franc, over the fact that he hasn’t any use for Marisol now and what a rotten slug Mari is.  Besides, says Jackie, the two of them are engaged now!  Mari’s shoulders take a drop.  Well, I’m here to see your fiance about the divorce papers, because like it or not, we are still married.   Jackie says great cuz it’s about time they put that farce of a marriage to bed!  Mari says ok she’ll get them.  More insults and Mari walks out of the house in a huff. FF>>

Leo gives Eva a song and dance about how much he loves kids and wants a big family, but the woman he wants them with hasn’t decided yet.  (Gag alert!!) Eva tells him not to start with her again about that.  He gets back to the idea that she needs a husband and a masculine influence for her son.  (Anybody else feeling slimed?)  He says he wants to be that man for Pablito, but it’s obvious she hasn’t decided yet.  Eva says she doesn’t want any man in her life right now and can be both father and mother to him.  Leo asks if she really, deep down, is still in love with Dan, but Eva again denies she feels anything but hate towards Dan after what he did to her father.  How could he ask such a thing?  He apologizes and then suggests marrying him would be a great way to get even with Dan, but Eva says she doesn’t agree with marrying somebody out of vengeance. 

Leo says he doesn’t think Eva’s need for revenge is very strong then.  Why?  “--Because when you want to attack the object of your hate, you hit him with everything you’ve got.  You have a chance at a new life and you can get Daniel where it hurts the most!”  She tells him she doesn’t have room in her heart for love right now.  He tells her sure she does and just let him have a chance to show her.  Perhaps she’ll find out that they can find their happiness together.  (I can see how Marci must have worn down poor Julio years ago.  Ugh!)   Eva says a marriage has to be based on love and admits she doesn’t love Leo.    He tells her eventually Dan will know that the boy is his and will want to recognize him and declare his rights over him.  He might even try to take him away from her.  Eva threatens legal action.  Leo offers then to marry her and to adopt the little boy so then Dan won’t have a reason to worry about him.  Eva says she can’t marry him if she doesn’t love him!  (Thank gawd Eva has a mind of her own!)

Ali walks past the door and accidentally hears this part of the conversation.  “--Eva! You can learn to love me.  I will show you how to love me.  I love you so much that I have all the patience in the world.  I am capable of waiting all the time in the world.  (This guy is like a dog with a bone!  He won’t let go!  Thank gawd Ali walks in on the two of them now.)  “--Am I interrupting?”   Leo says he’s just there offering his unconditional support as a male figure for her child.  Ali knows better.  She looks at Eva.  “--How gentlemanly, eh?”  Eva smiles and Leo finally leaves.  Ali turns away to hide her tears.  Eva wants to chat like always. Ali says too much has happened for them to chat like they did before, wouldn’t she agree?    Not between them, says Eva.  Ok.  Ali takes a seat and first thing Ali asks is what Eva thinks of Leo.

In another wing of Eva’s new manse, Ren tells Marci that Deb just called to come over and chat.  Marci says show her in when she does.  She’s the only friend Marci has left and she’s anxious to have somebody to vent with over the rage she feels about Eva and the rest of her raggedy-ass group of relatives!  Ren leaves.  Malevolent, Maddened Marci says to herself, as she plays with that gloved hand of hers, that the hate she feels for Eva makes her feel ready and willing to kill all over again…..

Eva admits to Ali that Leo and she get on well together and he was the one who gave her the job there at the house, and of course, there are those earrings he gave her.  Then of course, he kept her hidden when Daniel went to the police with those false charges and had them searching for her.  Ali, says yeah, but she meant more like how does she think of him as a man?  Is she attracted to him?   “--Oh, he’s handsome and all...”  “--Has he ever propositioned you??”  Before Eva can say anything more, Deb comes waltzing in to say hi before going to visit Marcela.  

Ren brings in the tea for Deb and Marci, but she’s not there.  Marci and Ren don’t understand where Deb could have gotten to.  They start looking for her.

Deb says living alone, the house is too quiet and so she enjoys going visiting.  Ali asks if that means she hasn’t any family.  Eva tells her not to be so rude.  Deb admits her husband died.  Just then, Tilde brings out the baby for them.  They go through the introductions as if they’re strangers.  Deb falls immediately into oohing and ahhing over Pablito.  She thinks to herself that here is her grandson!  “--Oh, how I’d have loved to have a family like you all!”  Tilde looks on but says nothing.

Ren and Marci find Deb in with Eva and the others and holding the little baby.  Marci snidely remarks what a tender and touching scene this is.  “--All we need is Saint Joseph to make a terrific Christmas Card!” Deb says she was on the way, but then she saw the baby...  Marci rudely tells Deb she can save her visit, and then tells Eva she needs to speak with her in her bedroom before making her grand exit.

A minute later, Eva knocks and is allowed to enter.  Marcela orders her to shut the door and then starts smiling from ear to ear.  “--I have decided to accept your suggestion.  I will hire your sister back-- however, with one condition--that you hire Giorgio back.”  She reminds Marci that she’s in no position to put conditions on anything she asks.  However, since she has no objections to Giorgio working there, it’s all fine with her and then asks if that’s all.   Marci says very sweetly, that no, she’d like to make a recommendation.  “--Enjoy this moment in which you’re on top because shortly you are going to fall again.  And very soon I’m going to manage the means to destroy you.”  Eva tells her she’s fed up with all of her threats and if she keeps it up, then Marci’s going to be the one without a job.   Marcela smiles evilly.  “--You don’t say! Huh!  Don’t think it will be that easy to get me out of the firm.”  Eva says of course it will be and not only will she kick her out of the business, but out of the house as well.  “--Remember, it’s my house now!” 

Marci says Hah!  Eva’s nothing but a vulgar servant who certainly slept with her husband to get the inheritance.  Eva warns her that insult will cost her dearly and turns to go.  Marci says, yeah, we’ll see.  “--Oh, and by the way, be careful with your little boy. You sleep with that lock very secure.”  Marci smiles.  “--You never know what could happen.”   Eva looks over at her with a look that could kill.



Llena de Amor #133 (Mex. 138) Mon 2/21/11 Those pesky last 100 pounds just keep coming back

Friday: the real Lirio easily fights off all three baddies, and the police, none of whose helmets fit right (they look left, the helmet keeps looking forward – too funny!) are swarming. Gretel finds the briefcase with the cash, but the Lirio politely takes it from her.


Outside their house, Muñeca is playing with the kids, and Lorenzo comes running up, grabs both of them and shouts to her to say he’s not home, he’s at work. Brandon comes running up just after, and tells her that the Lirio struck again.

Mau tells Garduño that they ought to go back to the house and look for the hidden money. Dandy figures that the Lirio wouldn’t have left without it. Mau takes this opportunity to diss on Lorenzo – if he’s Garduño’s big deal new right-hand man, then why isn’t he there with them now? Garduño, who must be enjoying being the prettiest girl at the dance, tells Mau he better zip it, or he’s going to be below number two, or four, in fact he’s going to be belowground, got it?

There’s a mighty knocking on the door, and the three don’t seem concerned. Dandy goes to answer and it’s Oliver, alone, but threatening. He calls them Mafiosi and tells them that the police have their eye on them, and they’re all going to end up in jail. All three burst out laughing at him.

At Netty’s the judge is still holding a gun to MariVicky’s throat, while Netty hysterically begs her to just hand over the papers. MV says never, and she’s going to see to it that all the people who abused and defrauded Marianela end up in jail.

Ooooh, says the judge sarcastically, my knees are shaking. You can’t do anything to me, but I can do a lot like you, like send you to the cemetery. I wonder if I will…

When baddies in these shows take their time indulging in verbal flourishes, we know they’re going to be foiled, so it’s no surprise to see the Lirio coming in through Netty’s door. The judge turns and points the gun at him, but of course doesn’t shoot, giving the ladies time to give him a hefty shove from behind. His gun flies into the Lirio’s hand, and now he’s the one at gunpoint.

Brandon tells Muñeca that the Lirio just stole money from the mafiosi and now he’s for sure going to come give it to her for the orphans. Muñeca assures him he won’t, because he knows the house is being watched. Brandon knows the Lirio won’t rest until that hospital is built for the poor little kiddies, and Muñeca sighs dreamily that he’s a man who finishes what he set out to do. Brandon asks her if maybe the Lirio might come by the orphanage to give her the money. Does anybody else thing this is a flamingly stupid question for a policeman to ask?

Muñeca gets it that he wants them to go there now, so she says she’ll go get her purse, and she lies that Lorenzo left for work a few minutes before.

She goes in, and here comes Ilitia up storming up the walkway, furious at Brandon for telling her mother about them.

Lorenzo is lying on the bed, still dressed as the Lirio. Muñeca demands to know why he’s in that garb and, patting the bed, he tells her it’s just for her, so they wouldn’t keep fighting. Did you steal that money? she fires at him. I did, he says, they found me out. I’m the Lirio! No you’re not, she says, slapping him. You don’t deserve that exalted title. You’re just some little worm dressed up like him to get back the money you stole from the agency.

Meantime the real Lirio is handing out justice, telling the judge in stentorian tones to leave and to never bother these people again. Okay, sure, says the judge, but (he tells MV) you’re going to give me those papers whether you want to or not. Eugenio gives him a shove with his delicate, sugary fingers, and out he goes.

Eugenio is star-struck and asks for the Lirio’s autograph, setting off Netty, who tells him not to be so familiar. MV and Netty fill the Lirio in on the backstory about the judge being bought off by Fedra so she could get Mari’s house and now he wants back the papers that could put Fedra in jail.

Ilitia thinks Brandon is jealous and is trying to wreck her marriage. Brandon points out that he didn’t tell her husband, and besides, she can do whatever she wants with her life because as he’s said before, he’s not interested in somebody like her.

Of course not, says Ilitia. I’m “nice”, classy. C’mon, says Brandon, I know Muñeca isn’t your mother.

Muñeca tells Low that she’s going to go get Brandon right now, she’s had it with him. Wait, no, I’m the Lirio, says Low, putting on the ski mask, then adding the leather mask over it.

Don’t! says Muñeca, getting a lustful look in her eye. When you look like that I just can’t think straight. Camila! says Low, pushing her down on the bed while she weakly resists, protesting that she’s mad at him. Shut up and kiss me, she says, pulling off his mask.

Brandon must be thinking that it’s a very big purse.

But after the ads, we see he’s not thinking purses at all, he’s telling Ilitia not to try to fake him out, he’s seen her records at the orphanage. So what? says Ilitia, you don’t have my upbringing, you’re just a “social climber.” A what? he says. She translates for him. (trepador, for those who haven’t seen a gazillion telenovelas.)

He tells her she just can’t accept who she is, that she doesn’t have blue blood running in her veins. She tells him to leave and never come back, but he tells her that he came to talk to her mother who by the way is a real lady, something she’ll never be.

Brandon tells her she’s more like her father, no scruples. He pretends to be a businessman, but he’s just a common thief.

Ilitia huffs off, and here comes Flora with a message from Muñeca who said not to wait, they’ll go to the orphanage tomorrow, because one of the children is running a fever, and they’ve gone to bed (leaving out who “they” are.)

The Lirio tries to give MV the briefcase, but doesn’t count on her x-ray vision, because she says she can’t accept stolen money. Eugenio, trying not be too drooly, says the household is in need, but they just can’t accept it. The Lirio says it’s not for them, it’s for the orphanage but he can’t deliver it due to the house being watched, so he’d like MV to do it.

Netty grabs it and says she’ll be glad to deliver it. The Lirio proclaims that he’s always on the side of truth, justice and the Mexican way, and, chucking MV on the cheek, says he’s always on her side. Off he goes to leap astride his pawing white steed.

Netty is beside herself – He’s in love with you!

Eman comes home to a darkened house. Whew! that was close, he tells himself, not seeing his father sitting on the stairs, so he’s startled when Emil greets him. Emil says he was waiting for him, and what’s this? he takes the ski mask from Eman’s hand. Eman says it’s just some costume thingy from work. Emil thinks he’s acting strange, coming in at all hours, showing up late to work or not showing up at all like today.

Trust me, Eman says. I wouldn’t do anything to destroy the trust you have in me. I’m very proud to be your son, which is something I couldn’t say about my mother. Yes, says, Emil, every day she’s getting worse.

Gesturing with the hand that’s holding the ski mask, Emil says he found Fedra drinking, then she went to her room and didn’t want to talk to anybody. Right, says Eman, discreetly trying to snatch the mask with each gesture. Emil finally hands it to him.

We see Muñeca and Low in bed, basking in a post-Lirio glow. He strokes her arm and tells her it was wonderful that she got rid of the policeman and stayed with him. Muñeca tells him yes, but that doesn’t change the fact that he stole from the agency and dressed up pretending to be the Lirio. He tries to insist he’s the real Lirio, but she scoffs while saying she just can’t help herself when he’s dressed up that way.

She wants to know if he’s the one who took the money from the Mafiosi. Yes, he admits, he took it because he has debts. Yikes – did you see that? He has a huge tattoo of a hawk or eagle on his back! Anyway, he says that the real Lirio beat him out which means (he strokes her arm) she’s about to get a big donation.

Muñeca is mad that he’d get messed up with mafiosi – they could have killed him, or the police might have nabbed him. He strokes her some more and says none of that happened, and he likes dressing up the like Lirio because it drives her crazy. She melts a little bit, then tells him he’s nothing like the real Lirio, who takes money to do good for other people, not for himself. Low says the main thing for him is not to let Vicky send him to jail.

Muñeca thinks a few years in jail would be good for him, and he points out that she could end up there too for accepting stolen money. He kisses her hand and tells her they have to think of their children. Muñeca laments that she loves him so much, and she doesn’t know what to do with him, what to do about their marriage.

Wine in hand, gaze unsteady, Fedra is staring at herself in the mirror. Somebody is knocking on her bedroom door and she tells them she said she wants to be alone. It’s me, Eman! he calls out, and she quick dabs her face to look presentable. She walks to the door as steadily as she can and leans against it, saying The son who abandoned me! I’m not important to you! He pounds some more and says he wants to make sure she’s okay.

Ah, my son, she says opening the door. I’ve been dying to hug you. They hug and she plants some kisses on his neck. He asks her why she’s been locked up like this, drinking, and she tells him it’s because of him, because he doesn’t love her.

How can I? he says, when there are so many lies falling like dominoes? The receipts with Eva’s supposed signature have shown up.

I don’t know what you’re talking about, she says, sitting back down in front of the mirror and taking up her wine glass. The receipts, says Eman, that were used to take Mari’s house and inheritance away from her.

Doris unpacking a suitcase and she tells MV that she hopes that once she gets her house back, she’ll give up on this whole revenge thing. Not a chance, says MV, I won’t be happy until Fedra begs me on her knees for forgiveness, until I see her writhing on the floor like the snake she is.

And if she finds out you’re actually Marianela before that happens? MV swears that won’t happen, and didn’t Doris have a plan? Yes, indeedy she did, and she’s been working on it. She pulls a fat suit out of the closet, gratifying all of us who wondered what one looked like, and leaving MV speechless.

Fedra: You’ve come to bug me, haven’t you? You’re very inconsiderate with your mother, aren’t you?
Eman: Don’t start. We were talking about something very important.
F: The important thing here is this pain I’m feeling. When you, who are the most sacred thing I have in this life, mistreat me and judge me the way you’re doing.
E: How I wish I could have a different relationship with you, but you don’t let me, you’ve never let me.
F: Listen to me! You are completely different from your brother and sisters, and yet you have kicked me to the curb.
E: I adored you. And you – what did you do?
F: (shrugs)
E: And why do you insist on making me believe I’m different from my brother and sisters?
F: Because you’re the same as your father.
E: That’s what you said last night. Who are you talking about, Emiliano? Or Jose Maria Sevilla?

MV and Doris are laughing, horsing around with pieces of the fat suit, and pretty soon we see our old gordita, with Doris putting the last makeup touches on her. MV can’t wait to see herself in the mirror. Doris puts her glasses on her and MV runs to the mirror where she suddenly looks serious when she sees herself.

Fedra is pouring the hard stuff now. Eman takes the glass from her, and begs her to stop drinking and tell him what it is that makes him different from his siblings. His origin?

F: I’m your mother and I know why. Because you’re the only one who has fire in your veins, because you’re brave, because you’re not afraid of anything, you don’t tremble in front of anybody, not even your mother.
E: Because I’m like my father.
F: Yes, my love! Because you have his eyes, his gaze, his character, his courage.
E: The same as Jose Maria Sevilla..
F: I can’t believe after all these years you stubbornly go back to thinking that Chema had something to do with our lives, when you know perfectly well that he killed my parents. I’m talking about Emiliano!

She toasts Emiliano. Emil says he can’t figure out what to do with her, that she’s lied to everybody, to him. It just kills him not being able to believe in her, he feels like his whole life he’s been lied to.

F: If I’ve hurt you I’m sorry.
E: I’m not the one who needs to forgive you. You need to forgive yourself for all the damage you’ve done to your children, and to my papa. You believe that it doesn’t hurt me to know what you’re capable of?
F: You’re condemning me again.
E: No, no NO! I’m begging you to give up this hate, to stop destroying your family.
F: I’m not going to let you say anything more. I won’t let you talk to me as if I was the lowest trash in the world. I’m your mother! Get out, traitor!

If you missed the episode, or I should say this scene, you missed an awesome performance. I had to rewind a lot to get the dialog down, and it was a treat to watch over and over.

Back to our story…

Mari looks in the mirror and says it’s who she used to be, the weak girl who had to flee. Doris tells her she’s not allowed to be sad, she just has to finish her mission. Mari thanks her and says it’s so odd to have a big stomach, and arms like Popeye. Doris says it’s just a practice try-on and the second time it’ll be exactly right. Mari says she doesn’t have a lot of time, and Doris says it takes some work, but she’ll end up looking just like she did before.

Jorge knocks and Mari hides, excited. She bounces out and Jorge is amazed.

In Max’s basement, Emil is telling him that his children are everything to him, and that’s why he stays, to protect them. Max thinks the best way is to throw Fedra out. Emil says that’s what he plans to do at the right moment, but right now he’s waiting for the investigator to get more information on her past. Max is sure that the Curiels who died in the shipwreck were not Fedra’s parents – they’ve seen the report that the Curiels didn’t have any children. Emil says to protect his children, he needs to know who Fedra really is, who he really married.

Max reminds him that he married someone he found wandering on a beach and he’s just now asking who she really is. Emil knows he’s right. Max tells him to leave this woman who’s sucking all the life out of him. Emil says he will when he has the proof of her deception in his hands. It’s all quite difficult for him. She’s their mother! Max tells him he’s sacrificing himself for children that might not even be his.

This is the sort of bald statement that might make a fellow impactado, and indeed that’s what Emil is.

This time it’s Eman sitting on the stairs in the semi-darkness, looking at a photo of his mother and him, and he’s thoughtbubbling out loud that if she was capable of locking up Gretel and traumatizing Axel when he was young, for sure she was capable of lying to him. JM Sevilla – Eman is sure he means something more in her life, in his own life.

Emil hits the roof – how dare Max suggest the kids aren’t his! Max tells him to get real – he knows that Fedra is capable of any sort of low stuff. No way, nothing like that, rants Emil. The children are mine! Max tells him he’s a good-hearted man.. Emil cuts him off and tells him not one more word, don’t turn his life into a nightmare.

Mari is excitedly telling Jorge that this is the way she used to be, and she even entered a beauty contest. Obviously taken aback by her appearance, he says she never told him about that, and when he met her she was already slim, not a ball like that. She asks he’d met her when she looked like that, would he still have been interested? He stutters no, it’s not that, it’s just that as ad people, appearance, you know…

She reminds him that interior beauty is what matters, and would he have fallen in love with her looking like that? Of course! he declares, but she tells him not to lie, and it’s okay, she’s not judging him. Jorge protests more sincerely that it’s a person’s values, their actions, etc., that count in love. He seems to be having trouble actually looking at her, his eyes darting this way and that. She asks if the physical aspect doesn’t count. Sure, it does, he says, don’t they say that love comes from sight? (What about winged cupid being painted blind? Is that just in English?) That’s why you have such a pretty, unforgettable face! Doh, the “pretty face” line! Loser. He quick changes the subject.

Jorge has brought wedding rings for them to wear and they yuck it up, but then he does a secret “whew.”

Eeewww, Bernardo and Nereida are in bed, he kissing on her, she more interested in getting to be the head housekeeper again. He says she lost it for being too ambitious, so get over it. She huffs that if he isn’t going to help her, she’ll just help herself. She knows a big family secret – she heard Fedra says Eman isn’t Emil’s son. Bernardo stops his kissing and stares.

Doris tells Netty and Gladiola to sit still on the couch, she has a big surprise. Jorge comes down the stairs, then it’s Marianela in her Gordita outfit. Netty and Gladiola are ecstatic and throw their arms around her. Just then Brandon, Oliver, and Mano arrive home. Oliver is thrilled to see Mari, Brandon looks confused and Mano smiles ear to ear.

Nereida is getting dressed, and tells Bernardo she’s worked like a donkey at the house for years and of none the money the Ryd Teresas have never has flowed her way, so she’s going to make it happen. Bernardo tells her not to even think she can threaten him or Fedra with her information, and of course she could end up dead. Nereida says the amount she’s thinking of is worth the risk. Just think how Emiliano would react if he knew Eman wasn’t his son!

Never gonna happen, says Bernardo. You might as well buy your cemetery plot now, because if Fedra hears what you’re saying, you won’t last two hours. I know, because I do the dirty work. Nereida smiles that he’s not capable of something like that, and he grabs her by the throat, scaring her.

Doris, Netty and Gladiola confer while Oliver hugs Mari. Netty thinks the disguise has just passed the test, the guys think it’s real, but Gladiola says look at how Brandon looks doubtful. Netty asks him if he doesn’t want to hug Mari, who’s here with her husband Jorge? Sure, he says, he saw the photo and even had it analyzed. Oliver wonders why, and Brandon tells him to ask Mari. He hasn’t heard back, but he just won’t let his Netty be tricked any more.

It’s one thing to try to protect Netty, it’s another to pretend you’ve just come back when you’ve been with us for months. Oliver is bewildered. And Brandon is even more bewildered that nobody else seems surprised. Mari says she had an idea he suspected when he helped her with the papers in prison.

Netty says she already knew, in fact everybody knew. Brandon explains to Oliver that Vicky and Mari are one in the same. Mari takes off her glasses and removes the stuck-on bangs and Oliver is agape.

Same Pillow, Different Dreams Part I: Lorenzo and Muñeca are lying in awake in bed, thoughtbubbling. He thoughtbubbles that he could have spent the night with Kristel and instead he was stuck here with Muñeca. He’s sick of it. Muñeca thoughtbubbles that the fortune teller said some young woman was going to steal him away – who could it be? Is the thinking of her while they make love? She shouldn’t believe the fortune teller.

She asks him what he’s thinking about and he says You.

Same Pillow, Different Dreams Part II: Ilitia is lying on the bed in a cute little nightie when Eman comes in. She notes that he stays out late, comes home and dinks around and finally comes to greet his wife who is waiting for him, all sexy. He says he just wanted to get some clothes from the room.

She tells him his place is there (pointing at the bed). He asks if she’s forgotten that he asked for a divorce and she asks if he’s forgotten that she said no. She tells him to come on to bed. He says he just can’t deceive her. She says she won’t be jealous, that thing with Vicky – forgotten! Not for me, sez he. He’s going to go stay in Mari’s room.

He leaves, and Ilitia thoughtbubbles that she’s always kinda creeped out when he says he’s going to sleep in Mari’s room

Avances: Kristel’s getting married tomorrow, says Mari. Netty again urges Jorge to tell Eman the truth and it looks like he’s going to.


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