Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Teresa Tue 6/14/11 #78 Charity Begins at Home --- the Barrera Home.

Hospital (combo scenes): Ok, Teresa is just downright Mala, no getting around it. She’s noticed Aida enter the room so she asks Espe about her bebé, very loudly stating she’s just past her first trimester. Aida is shocked and exclaims, “You’re Pregnant?” (so like her momma). Teresa wonders if Aida’s ever wanted a little sibling, but too bad because Espe’s planning to marry Dr. Hernán, the baby daddy. Falling right into the trap, Aida quickly adds up the months and demands to know how long it’s been since Espe broke up with Rubigote! Teresa’s really enjoying the scene she’s making but says she really thinks Aida wouldn’t like having a half-sibling. Not from this Rata, answers Aida. Espe better not be having Daddykins’ bebé. She tells Espe to get out of her life. “¡Esfumate (disappear) de mi vida!” Teresa tells her to think again because Mariano is Espe’s good friend and Hernán is one of Mariano’s strongest supporters. Espe looks as though she’s searching for a hole to hide in as Aida continues her tirade, saying if Espe had any shred of dignity, she’d disappear from the vecindad. Not just the vecindad but from the planet. Teresa can’t help smiling through this whole scene. Aida leaves in a huff. Espe breaks down in tears. Teresa pounces (do sharks pounce?), telling Espe that Aida is surely on her way to ask Mariano about the true identity of el bebé. She suggests Espe run to ask Mariano to say Hernán is the babydaddy. Espe’s distraught, saying she’s already asked Hernán not to lie for her. Oh woe is me, what to do, what to do? Then the only thing left to do, Teresa says, is to confront Aida once and for all and tell her the true identity of the babydaddy. Espe is crying, saying she’s done enough damage to that family. Teresa tells her the only one responsible for all this damage is HIM and he needs to take full responsibility for this bebé. Tere looks like a fútbol aficionada, waiting for the next play.

Rubigote’s office – more bad news for the mustachioed one. The accountant, Amadeo, is telling him there has been movement between several of Mayra’s accounts and business. It appears that all the money is there but in reality there are 45 million pesos missing! (3.8 million dollars roughly). Rube explains it’s not really missing, he just moved it temporarily to invest in another business venture. Amadeo says it doesn’t matter what the money was used for, Ruben has committed fraud which could send him to the slammer. Amadeo can also end up in prison if he doesn’t report it. Ruben can’t believe he’d do such a thing. He’s worked here for so many years, etc. etc. Amadeo says that doesn’t matter, Ruben’s committed a crime and he doesn’t want to be his accomplice. Ruben tells him to do what he likes. Amadeo tells Ruben to take his own risks, telling him he’s resigning as of today. He asks about handing over the paperwork. He no longer wants to work for Ruben.

Dr. Ledesma’s/Mariano’s office: Mariano’s on the phone with Hernán, agreeing to take care of his patients while he’s gone when Aida arrives atufada (angry). She’s angry because Espe is pregnant, then she transfers her anger to Mariano because she realizes he knew about the pregnancy and didn’t tell her. Her anger intensifies further (if that’s even possible) as she assumes the reason he hadn’t told her is because the baby is her father’s. And, here comes Espe with Teresa practically pushing her through the doorway. [Mariano needs to get all these women out of his life if he wants to maintain any kind of professionalism] . Mariano and Teresa both tell Aida to calm down. Teresa tells her she’s so predictable (predecible), thinking the babydaddy is daddyBigote. Espe tells Mariano she already told Aida the babydaddy du jour is Hernán, hoping Mariano picks up from there. Aida asks him for the truth. He’s so smooth. He says as far as he knows, Dr. Ledesma loves Espe and wishes to marry her. Aida can’t believe the luck of these rrrrratas de vecindad: Teresa marries Arturo and this cualquiera (nobody, floosie) is to marry a doctor? Mariano puts a protective arm around Espe and asks Aida to please stop. Yeah, right. Ay-ay-ida continues, saying it’s clear to her that this cualquiera was sleeping with her dad, the doctor, and who knows how many others. “¡Basta!” At last, Espe speaks! Yes, it’s true she was with her father. She loved him but he didn’t love her. Now she’s going to marry another and make a new life for herself. She has no intention of suffering any further insults or humiliations (humillaciónes). Teresa, who’s been trying hard not to bust out in a grin, agrees and reminds Aida she needs to get along with Espe if she plans to continue her relationship with Mariano. For his part, Mariano reminds Aida that her father did have a fling with Espe and it’s not right that …… he doesn’t finish. Aida asks again how long it’s been since Espe broke off her affair with Daddy. Espe replies, since before the pregnancy. Furthermore, she hates Ruben. Fortunately, she’s starting a new life. If Aida doesn’t stop bothering her, she threatens to go speak with Ruben and Mayra and clear up this whole mess so they’ll leave her in peace.

Rubigote’s office: He asks Amadeo for a little time to recover the investment made in Luna Turqueza. Amadeo refuses; his duty is to advise Aida and Mayra of his findings. Ruben can’t let him do that. Amadeo can be his enemy or help him and in doing so, change his life. He brings up Amadeo’s old car and the high cost of his children’s education. He’s worked all his life without resolving his problems. If he helps Ruben, all his problems will be solved. He only asks for a short time to recover the money and transfer it back to Mayra’s businesses. Amadeo repeats there’s nothing he can do. Sure he can, promises Ruben. He’ll give him tonight to think it all over. His family’s (Amadeo’s) future is in his hands or he can sink (hundir) further still, for-e-ver. Poor Amadeo – now Ruben threatens him. If he turns his back, Ruben will be his worst enemy. He’s never seen that side of him and has no idea how bad an enemy he can be. He better not even think of mentioning this to anyone before they speak tomorrow.

Hospital: Ay-ay-ida is now alone with Mariano, still screeching about Espe and wanting her gone, gone, gone. She’s no dummy and has no doubt that baby is Ruben’s. She wants the truth but she can’t accept that it’s possible she could have a half-sibling from that tipa. She refuses to calm down and gives him an ultimatum: it’s either Espe or her, his choice. Ruh-roh!

Elsewhere at the hospital (combo scene): Teresa continues to console Espe, telling her she was right in going to Mariano’s office because he surely would have told Aida the truth. Espe hopes Aida is satisfied with what she told her. Teresa says if not, Espe will just have to face the music. She still feels it’s best that BebéBigote know his father. Tsk, tsk, Teresa, now she’s trying to fill Espe’s head with the idea that Ruben still loves her as evidenced by the constant bickering in the Caceres household. Espe lets on that Ruben’s already told her as much. Teresa is overjoyed at this news while Espe spirals even further into the depth of depression. They embrace. Espe cries as Tiburoncita bares her teeth.

Dr. Ledesma/Mariano’s office: Mariano doesn’t take too kindly to the ultimatum and tells her so. Aida really starts yelling now demanding to know if her pain and rage mean so little to him. He lets her know that Espe had already begun distancing herself to avoid problems between them. Aida goes off, wondering why he is so adamant about maintaining that friendship. Could it be because she’s ensnared Dr. Ledesma and he shares his office? Suppose she wants to go out on a double date? Aida cannot possibly see herself socializing with that cualquiera. It isn’t fair to her or her mother. If he can’t forget about Espe’s friendship, then that’s it. It’s over. She grabs her purse and storms out! Mariano takes a deep breath. Whew! Let her go, Mariano!

Teresa and Espe continue their visit: Espe asks Tere to promise not to tell anyone about her talk with Ruben. As her friend, Teresa promises. (with friends like that……) Teresa paints a fairy tale for Espe, saying it would be best for Ruben and Espe to talk with Mayra and tell her how much they love each other, they’re having a baby and just want to be happy. Of course Espe doesn’t agree. Her mother always taught her that you can’t base your happiness on the sorrow of others. Well, Teresa thinks it’s just a matter of knowing how to arrange everything (and if anyone knows how to arrange things, Tiburoncita has what it takes). She suggests Espe think it over.

Genoveva’s house: Aida tells Geno she’s aware of Espe’s pregnancy. Geno admits she already knew but knows it’s someone else’s. Aida gives her the news that she’s three months along, making it very likely that it is Ruben’s spawn. Geno thinks it’s best that Ruben not know this. Imagine the scandal and remember that a baby will unite them for life. Aida refuses to accept the possibility that her father could have a child. Geno suggests she patch things up with Ruben as quickly as possible.

Hospital: Teresa tells Aurora that Arturo is still very upset about Paloma’s demise. Aurora shares that Martin is also very depressed but will continue to work for Paloma’s foundation. Teresa tells her Arturo wants to do the same and she of course will also help for Arturo’s sake and also for Martin’s. She’s promised to get along better with Martin and this would be the perfect opportunity. They speak about Aurora’s relationship with Martin and Aurora shares that she’s happy with him. She’s not sure it’s headed toward marriage but he’s a good man. She also tells Teresa they’ve had “relaciones” and says he was super lindo, loving, and patient. Teresa’s surprised, saying she thought Aurora would end up with Mariano. In fact, she thought Aurora was still in love with him. Aurora tells her love takes many forms and she’s discovered a love with Martin she never knew existed. They’re very happy and she’d rather Teresa not bring that up again. Mariano is in the past and her present is with Martin – she didn’t say future, hmmmm.

Casa de la Barrera: Arturo tells Martin of Paloma’s dying wish that he (Arturo) take charge of her foundation. Martin’s surprised. He hadn’t expected this. Not because of Arturo but because of Teresa. Arturo wants to fulfill her dying wish. Martin agrees but also advises him to be present for the reading of the will.

At the hospital Espe is telling Mariano she’ll speak with Hernán about accepting his proposal and then learns he is no longer in D.F. What did she expect, Mariano asks. Did she expect him to continue to make plans after she pushed him aside?

Casa de la Barrera: Luisa and Fernando return from dinner. They speak about Arturo’s sadness when he walks in. The subject turns to Paloma’s foundation. Luisa thinks Martin would have been the obvious choice since he was her attorney (apoderado). Arturo’s given his word and plans on keeping it. Teresa already knows and approves. Luisa crudely says Paloma plans to keep a hold on him even in death. She suggests he turn the page and forget about her once and for all ¿Qué no? That would be impossible, he says. She was a very important person in his life. “More important than Teresa?” she asks. Arturo says that’s very different. Luisa continues, pointing out that Paloma asked and received his forgiveness and he still can’t forget her. And now he stands to honor her by taking on what was most important in her life. He answers he’s not doing it just for her but also for her “children”. Besides, Teresa has offered to help him so there’s no problem with him taking on the responsibility.

Casa Caceres: Ruben and Mayra are snuggling on the couch (eeww). This guy is so transparent. It’s amazing these women don’t see through him. He suggests that since Aida is involved with Mariano, it may be best to relieve her of the responsibility of managing Mayra’s business ventures. It’s not that he doesn’t trust her, but that’s not so when it comes to Mariano. There was never any money missing while he was in charge but if she doesn’t want him to manage her finances, she can always put someone else in charge. Let’s see, who can it be? I know! What about Amadeo? He knows everything about her interests. She can name him as the administrator. She’s not sure and wants to think about it. Well, he doesn’t want to talk about business any more. He just wants to be with her. Let the canoodling begin. He leads her to the bedroom.

Casa de la Barrera: Arturo announces that tomorrow is the reading of the will and he needs to be present. Tiburoncita arrives just then. They head upstairs to change for dinner. Luisa shares her concern with Fernando about Paloma’s memory becoming a shadow over the Barrera marriage. Fernando tells her not to worry, that won’t happen. Now Luisa tells him what Teresa shared about her conversation with Paloma – about her night of passion with Arturo upon his return from Cuernavaca. Fernando acts shocked and Luisa tells him she’s sure it’s all lies which is what she also told Teresa. They all know that Arturo spent that evening with friends, right? Fernando isn’t able to hold his poker face and Luisa asks if he knows something. Of course not, he says. She did right but telling Teresa not to believe that woman. Teresa’s very much in love with her husband and it would hurt her very much to think anything like that could be true.

Morning dawns at Casa Caceres: Rubigote asks if Aida has thought about their recent conversation. She agrees they should not fight amongst themselves because there is no limit to the number of people trying to separate them. He’s so happy to hear that and he attempts to caress her face. She stops him in his tracks. She tells him not to pressure her. It’ll have to happen little by little.

Casa de la Barrera: Amadeo has arrived to speak to Arturo and Tiburoncita takes her perch (do sharks perch?) on the balcony. Amadeo has come seeking legal advice. A client of his has committed a multi million peso fraud with his wife’s finances and Amadeo doesn’t wish to be an accomplice. Arturo advises him to renounce the client or he himself is guilty from the day he discovered the fraud. Teresa ponders this little nugget of info.

Casa Grumpy Granpa: Pati is musing about her upcoming 18th birthday and complains about Granpa’s plan to send her to a boarding school on that day so she won’t escape. Griselda reminds her she told Granpa herself about her intention to escape. Pati suggests Gris think about her future. She’ll be without a job once Pati’s gone. Gris hadn’t thought about that.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa meets Amadeo as she’s coming downstairs. He tells her Armando’s salary has increased as she requested. She invites him out for coffee to discuss it further but he declines saying he has an appointment with Rubigote. She offers him a ride since he came in a cab cuz his car’s in the shop.

Juana’s apt: Refugio and Juana talk about Paloma’s death and her friendship with Hector which is why Juana couldn’t bring herself to end things just then with Hector. They chit-chat about Hector vs Cutberto. They end with Refugio telling Juana she’s going to get herself into a bind by not telling Hector the truth about her feelings and by not fighting for Cutberto.

Rubigote’s office: Ruben asks if Amadeo has considered his offer. Amadeo has considered but also knows he can be jailed if they’re discovered. Ruben sweetens the offer telling him that aside from the money he’s offered, he’ll convince Mayra to make him the administrator of all her interests. Uh-oh – Tiburoncita is circling outside the office. The door’s ajar and she can hear the entire conversation. Amadeo agrees he needs the money but he’s afraid of going to jail. Ruben assures him that’s not going to happen. He’ll protect him. Amadeo now asks for double what he offered (he’s hooked). Ruben laughs through his bigote and agrees. Tibroncita laughs too, shaking her head in amazement. [I wonder if she put him up to this in the ride over there….hmmmm]

Cutberto and Griselda meet outdoor somewhere and she nervously tells him that one way or the other she will be without a job soon. She wants to know what’s what between them. Cutberto’s response: “uhhhh, can she repeat the question.” FF>> long story short, She’s thinking marriage, he tells her to let him think about it and she agrees to see him tomorrow. He’s left talking to himself about marriage being the same as death or at least a life’s sentence.

Reading of the Will: Martin and Arturo are the only ones present. Martin is to receive all her interests in Luna Turqueza and she asks that he continue to work for her foundation. To Florencia (Paloma’s cousin and confidante), she leaves her houses in Mexico and Madrid. And to Arturo……she names him Director of her foundation and in order for him to sustain the foundation, she leaves him her entire fortune. He’s muy impactado. Not bad for a romance that ended 15 years ago.

Rubigote’s office: Tiburoncita is circling her prey, asking how his evening was last night with Aida. She didn’t tell him anything? She doesn’t mean to gossip and doesn’t want him to think she’s against him but…..she wants to tell him the truth although she doesn’t understand why Aida didn’t tell him. He states the obvious: every time she approaches him in friendship, matters somehow always end up worse. “Not by my doing,” she responds. She turns to leave and he stops her. Then she lays it on him without further ado: Espe is 3 months pregnant. She’s taken her first bite as the Jaws theme plays out the scene.

The Will: Arturo doesn’t understand. Paloma’s also left letters for Arturo and Martin. Perhaps these will further enlighten her wishes.

BabyDaddy’s office (combo scenes): He’s recovered enough to repeat what she’s just told him: ¿Esperanza está embarazada? 3 months? That could only mean that….. Teresa gleefully finishes his sentence: yes that bebé is yours, Ruben. It suddenly occurs to him she mentioned Aida earlier. Does she know? Teresa admits she heard her talking about it to Espe. Teresa successfully got her to believe the babydaddy is another man. Ruben’s eyes are bugging out further and further. Teresa goes on to say Aida believed it because she’s seen Espe with this other man. “Who is it!? Tell me!!” he demands. Oh, now he’s all jealous. She’s reluctant to say (sharks have been known to toss about their prey) but she will tell him the man is a doctor. Ruben immediately assumes it’s Mariano and he’s furious to think the man dating his daughter can be two-timing her with his ex-amante. She’s on a roll now, warning him about Mariano. She doesn’t think his proximity (cercanía) to his family is convenient and she mentions Mayra. Yes, yes, he agrees but he wants to know more about the man in Espe’s life. She gives up Hernán’s name and that he loves her. She also tells him she’s convinced Espe continues to love him (Ruben). He doesn’t understand why she never told him. “Now, now Ruben. And you call me cynical” Teresa says. He’s the one with a wife, a daughter. She’s only there because of her friend and doesn’t want to see her continue to suffer. As an attorney, she’d say that at the very least the bebé deserves a good living (pensión) and a life without problems like the one Aida had. Well, her job here is done. He needs to do what he thinks is best. She hasn’t said anything and hasn’t even told Arturo --- should she? Of course, Ruben thinks it best she not mention it, he wouldn’t understand. Ruben is still in shock. She doesn’t think she herself should be so understanding (comprensiva) but Espe has convinced her that he loved her albeit for a very short time. He gulps. Well, she’s off, supposing he has much to think about. She saunters to the door enjoying every bit the carnage she leaves in her wake. Ruben stands there trying to take it all in.

Vecindad: Ramón asks Mariano about Aida. Not so hot, Mariano says and tells him she’s ended it because of his friendship with Espe. Ramón doesn’t like the sound of that but tells Mariano to realistically put himself in Aida’s place. Espe did have an affair with her father, after all. He goes further, telling his son he sabotages his relationships. He’ll never be able to forget Teresa if he goes on this way. Armando has walked up and starts in on Mariano telling him to please stay away from his daughter. Ramón tells him to mind his own business. Mariano tells them to both butt out. Teresa’s made it very clear what she wants from him and what she wants from her husband. Armando wants to know what he means by that. Mariano proceeds to tell Armando the same thing he told Arturo. He’ll stay away from Teresa so long as that’s what she wants also. Armando maintains that is what she what she wants and he’s caused enough problems already. ¡Caramba! Ramón thinks it would be a good idea for Armando to tell Teresa the same thing because he knows she’s come around looking for Mariano. ¿Que dices? Armando’s shocked. It’s true, Ramón says, and he’ll repeat it as many times as he wants in front of Teresa.

The Will: Arturo reads Paloma’s letter. She’s pathetic even in death: Arturo, you know very well you are the love of my life. My only love. There’s no one else I could entrust with my foundation. You have all the right connections and I know how much you love helping others. You are a good man. Just as it was God’s will to take our son from me, it was also His will to bring these children to me. If you’re reading this, it means that I died before you and am now with our son. Our little one who I’ll cover with kisses and will speak to him lovingly of you. As always yours, Paloma.

Vecindad: Johnny recommends Gemma’s sandwiches. Cutberto talks to him about Griselda’s hopes of marriage as Juana overhears from a distance.

Genoveva’s house: She holds Paolo’s photo as she speaks of her hate for Espe. She’s giving Ruben a child. A child! The only thing she could never give him. Ruben always wanted another child and she prays it isn’t a boy (barón) which is what Ruben wants most. She’s so angry, hoping Ruben doesn’t find out about the pregnancy. She’d always hoped he would see Paulo as his son and make him a part of his business. She’s interrupted by Mayra who’s come seeking her advice on Ruben’s insistence that Aida stop managing her finances. She mentions Ruben’s suspicions about Mariano. Geno agrees that Mariano is only after her money. Geno is in complete agreement with Ruben and thinks it’s best for Mayra and Aida. Mayra doesn’t look too sure.

Juana’s apt: Refugio arrives to find Juana crying. She heard Cutberto talking about wedding plans. Outside Cutberto tells Johnny no way he’ll marry Gris. He’s not the kind of man who can idly promise marriage. Johnny is really trying to get Cutberto to string Gris along until Pati’s 18th birthday.

Espe’s out somewhere lugging a bassinet and sees a transaction go down between Fito and some guy. She notes down his motorcycle plate number.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa asks about The Will. He responds it had to do with the foundation. She tells him Paloma wanted to make it official to obligate him further. In truth, he does feel obligated because in addition to directing the foundation, she left him her entire estate so he could support the foundation. Teresa wants facts. Did she leave a trust (fideicomiso) or what? He clarifies that she left him her entire fortune so he could increase its value in order to fund the administration of the foundation. Teresa’s speechless but controls herself, saying they then need to make that money grow so they can help as many people as possible. She’s so charitable. She still wants further clarification. The money was left in his name and not the foundation’s, correct? He confirms this. Teresa reflects on Paloma’s need to demonstrate her love and confidence in him until the very end. She tells Arturo it’s very important then to make sure neither of them touches a single peso of that money, it should all go to the children. She hugs Arturo and thought bubbles that Paloma’s money will now be hers.

Juana’s apt: Espe feels it’s best to end their friendship even though the love they have for each other is that of a brother and sister. She’s paying the consequences for her relationship with Aida’s father. She wants him to be happy if he’s truly happy dating Aida. They’re trying, he says. But he told Aida he wouldn’t end his friendship with Espe. Espe wants him to reconcile with Aida. Every day, Teresa gets closer to Arturo and it’s only right that Mariano begin his life anew. She doesn’t want him to end his relationship with Aida because of her (Espe). Before he leaves, she tells him she saw Fito. She didn’t talk to him but she did manage to jot down his license plate number.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa wants to immerse (empapar) herself in all the ongoing projects at the foundation so she can know where she can help. Juana interrupts their discussion and wants to speak to Teresa alone. Juana wants to know all about The Will. Teresa says Paloma finally did something right and left Arturo all her money. Now he’s richer than ever. It’s meant for financing her foundation; however, she didn’t leave it in a trust so it is all at Arturo’s discretion as to how it’s used. (ruh-roh) Teresa starts talking about using the money to help kids get an education but making them work for it. She finally notices that Juana is unhappy. Juana breaks down and tells her Cutberto is getting married. Teresa feels this is the best news. She has Hector who will give her everything. She’ll have a house here and in Cuernavaca, trips to Europe at least once a year. Yes, Juana says, but she won’t (sob) have Cutberto. It’s a matter of chemistry, of the understanding between and man and a woman. She knows Hector is very attentive and thoughtful but she’ll never feel for him what she feels for Cutberto. She thinks there’s nothing worse than not being with the man you love. She begins to sob in earnest and now Teresa’s also sad.

Kind of a bummer ending after all the excitement of recent episodes. Oh well. ¡Hasta mañana!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Alborada, 6/14/2011. Cap. 11. WHAT CHILD?

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #2 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 11 start at this link.

Thank you, Audrey, for writing up the Plot Developments! You're an angel!
Luis finds out from Martin that there is a small child with Hipo and Ada.
At the convent, Hipolita becomes roommate to Perla and servant to Catalina, who wishes Hipo had never been born.
The Inquisition priest orders Luis to try again with Espy. If she dies in childbirth, then it is her punishment for having sworn false testimony.
Ada and child are delivered to Las Tunas.
Hipo claims to Cris that Ada plans to return to Panama.
Tia Isa realizes that the child might be by Luis.
Hipo asks Perla whether Don Luis is a trustworthy man. Perla confirms that he is, and that he is exceptionally capable of marital obligations.
Diego plans to impregnate Espy to cuckold Luis. (cornudo = cuckold)


Teresa Mon 6/13/11 #77 Paloma’s Swan Song: She Gets the Last Word, But Will Teresa Gets the Last Laugh?

Cap 77     

For those of you who missed it and are rubberneckers at heart, we have a quick 30 second redux of the jaywalking chismosota, Paloma, going air-born courtesy of an unsuspecting SUV.   Afterwards, we see a worried Arturo accompanying the ERT’s and/or paramedics rolling her into a room at TOHIMC [yep--the only hospital in Mexico City].

In another part of said hospital, Hector the Director is telling Aurora that he’s suffering from TMI and that he’s hard put to think that his little girl is all grown up now.  He’s stumbling around for the right words with her.  But, like most grieving papas, he’s  relieved to hear that she at least used birth control (and we’re relieved she’s not the only one in her crowd still a flippin’ virgin....).  Just then Hector gets a panicked call from Art about the accident and Hector rushes down to the ER. 

Teresa now sees them rolling PatPal into the surgery ante-room area. She’s been waiting to see her OBGyn and she’s surprised to see Art following along with the unconscious PatPal! “--Y-y-you were with Paloma?”  Art asks her to trust him and then says they’ll talk later.  She strategically changes tactics, grabbing and hugging him close.  “--Everything will be fine.  Have faith, my love!”  But, her eyes shoot daggers towards the wall behind him and the steam curls out of her nostrils. 

Aurora, meanwhile, has come to tell Mariano about PatPal’s accident and injuries-- internal hemorrhaging--and then calls Martin to let him know also as Mariano races to the  surgical area. 

Tere, meanwhile sidles into the subject again and tries to ask Art how he just happened to be there to see the accident.  Just then Hector runs in to the lounge area to tell him that  PatPal is conscious now and wants to speak with Art.  He runs back with Hecto an avoids answering Teresa.  Tere next spies Mariano rushing the same direction, grabs onto him and feigns Miss Sweetness and Light in shocked concern.  Her cheek goes to his shoulder.  “--Paloma was run over! Sniff, sniff!  --Ohh! I know we never got on together, but please do what you can for her!”  Mariano brusquely says he will and rushes off as Viewerville checks his white coat for traces of smeared make-up and mascara.

In the surgery area, Mariano arrives as Paloma tells Art she loves him and asks him to take over her children’s foundation.  Mariano says they’re going to operate so Art leaves.  Mariano tells PatPal to stay calm while he goes to prepare things for her surgery.  Tere sees him leave, sneaks into the room, and hisses.  “--So!  You were with my husband!” Paloma accuses her of two-timing Art. “--You... cheated on Arturo... with... Mariano, Teresa!”  Tere angrily grabs PatPal’s hand and bends it backwards, asking menacingly if Aurora told Martin who then ran to her with the gossip.  Paloma, tho’, bites back, letting her know she and Art slept together the night before.  “--Do you know... who he ...spent the night with...that night he... left in Cuernevaca?”  Tere goes into a rage!  “--Are you telling me that--!”  Suddenly the alarms go off on the screens.  Paloma suddenly stops talking and gasps her last.  (Tere has avoided being found out again! I swear, the gal has more lives than room full of felines!)  Tere freaks at the sight and high-tails it out of the room before she’s discovered.

Armando, meanwhile, arrives home early and surprises Rufugio with the fact that he’s just paid off his debts in full to Gema.  The lawyer in Tere’s firm told him to get the signed IOU’s and then to rip them up once he got home.  They do, like a couple a kids makin’ mudpies.  FF>>

Back at the hospital, Mariano comes out into the lounge to tell Aurora, Art and Tere that PatPal will be checking out of the hospital feet first.   Mariano hugs Aurora and tells her to stay strong for Martin.  She, on second thought, decides to play along instead of brood,  and gives Art her shoulder to weep on.

At Casa del Bigote: Maira and Ruben agree that they don’t want Aida chumming with anyone who’s close to Esperanza.  Mariano is part of that scene and that past they’ve agreed is now in the rear view mirror.  Ruben emphasizes that’s the main reason he doesn’t want Aida slumming with him.  They’ve got to figure a way to get her away from Mariano, but they aren’t sure how since if they say anything she’ll just get more involved with him.

At Espe’s and Johnny’s, Espe makes it clear that she doesn’t want the problems that having his girlfriend around will cause, i.e., Abuelo Grumps.  He promises not to bring her to stay with them then.

Back in the hospital’s lounge, Aurora and Tere talk about death.  Tere admits she’s never wished death on anybody, especially after the experience with her sis, Rosita.  She nearly lets the cat out of the bag about being there seeing PatPal at bedside give up the ghost. 

Refugly is there visiting  Juana who wants to call Hector up to give him grief for being late and possibly standing her up.  Ref suggests that maybe she really is just looking for a way to call it quits with the guy so she can go back to the man she really loves --Cutberto.  

Tere now has flashbacks to being in that same hospital lounge area when Paulo died.  Aurora drags her back to the present.   She sees Tere’s tearful reaction and misinterprets all of this, telling her that she thinks in spite of everything that’s happened, she’s still the Teresa that Aurora used to know and love because, although she hated Paloma, Tere’s doing all she can to put that aside to support Arturo through his pain.  Just then Martin rushes in and gets the bad news.  He has a major melt down and uses’s Aurora’s shoulder to cry on--they were such close friends, he and Paloma. Sniff, sniff. He and she really were close. Sob, sob!! FF>>

Juana is ready to read the riot act to Hector when he finally comes by for their date.  She eats her words once Hector explains about being stuck at the hospital because his long-time charitable friend, Paloma, died that afternoon.  Juana realizes it’s Teresa and Arturo’s Paloma who died. She mentions that Paloma was Art’s ex-fiancee and that Tere and PatPal never got along because of her continually trying to separate Arturo from Teresa.  Hector seems surprised to hear that side of her.

Back in the hospital’s lounge, after a few more words of support and consolation, Tere asks Arturo again what was going on between him and PatPal considering he’d promised that he’d never see her again!  He fudges and says to trust him, and adds that he told PatPal there could never be anything between them because the only woman he loves is her.  Tere pretends to be satisfied with the answer, but the look on her face when she hugs him is anything but.

Aeeeeda gets back home from the hospital and has told Papi and Mami that Paloma flat-lined that after noon.  “--What luck that tenement rat, Teresa, has!  Paloma was the only woman that Arturo would have left her for and the fool had to up and croak!”  Her parents can’t believe the callous attitude in their little princessa.  Aeeeeda says, well it’s not that she meant to be disrespectful (naw, it just an ingrained part of her personality), but it is what it is.  Papi Bigote tries to talk Princessa into forgiving him and working at the law office with him again.  Aeeeda is not in a forgiving mood.  Papi lies again and tries to make his case that Espe’s been the one telling lies.  Aeeeda says tell the hand, and oh BTW, that  the slumdweller obviously didn’t really give a hoot about Papi anyway!   “--She’s already got herself another guy to suck face with [busquearse=smother with kisses, neck, make-out] !”  Ruben suddenly feels ice-water running through his veins.

Tere and Art finally return home.  Art says the chapter with Paloma and him is now closed.  Tere says fine, and she trusts that he told her the truth about the other night; but also, it does hurt to see the way he loved Paloma.  Art says it’s in the past and asks if she’ll go to the funeral with him.  She says tho’ she’d like to support him in this, no she’d rather stay home.

Aurora is still consoling Martin at the hospital.  (Yawn.)  FF>>

Back at Art and Tere’s, Tere regains control of the home situation by seducing Hubby. 

The next morning, Juana chats with Teresa and tells her she saw Art sitting alone in the dark in his library  when she got home late last night, and is down there now (morbidly) sipping his morning coffee.  She figures it was over PatPal’.  Tere, rather relieved, says  things between the two of them are better than ever now that PP’s pushing up daisies.  The woman, Tere complains, was nothing but a pain while she was alive and continues to be even in death considering how he’s moping for her.  She wasn’t going to the funeral, but she knows it would be worse if she tried stopping him.  (I think that’s what she was getting at.) 

Art is thumbing through the Luna Turquesa novel that Paloma gave him, reading the loving inscription there, and remembering the bittersweet.....

Juana says it can’t be helped because PatPal was a part of his past.  Tere agrees, but says, hey, the man is supposed to be hers and NOBODY else’s.  Juana gets after her for speaking ill of the dead, but Teresa says she was a thorn in her side, trying to steal away her husband!  “--And just where is it written that just because somebody dies you can’t say something bad about them?”  Juana gives up and tells her to hurry and get dressed.  She needs to be with Art and that should help make him feel closer than ever to her now.

Fernando drops by to offer a little sympathy.  Art tells his BFF that he can’t believe how painful this is.  He feels sorry for both Paloma and Tere.  Nando tells him it was an accident, that she crossed the street without looking.  Yeah, but she was there to meet him.  “--What?  You had a date?”  No, says Art, he’d gone the next day and broken it off, but she’d called saying there was something important he needed to know.  After everything, Nando says, you don’t suspect she was trying to get back together?  No, says Art.  “--Her voice sounded anxious and I know it had to be important.  But, I never managed to find out what it was she wanted to tell me.”  Nando is angry because he still believes Art was in love with her and that the two were wanting to find a way to get back together.  Art swears different.

At the wake, Mariano and Aeeeda stop by to give Martin emotional back up, and assure financial support with the foundation.  Martin’s comforted, he says, to find that Paloma was so loved.    As for the foundation, they’ll have to wait for the reading of the will to see what happens with that.  “--And with her shares of Luna Turquesa!” adds little Miss Minted Millionaria.

Luisa stops in for a chat with Teresa.  She sticks up for her big brother since PatPal was such a big part of his past, but she’s clear that she is in solidarity with Tere.  Tere says she has a bad feeling that Art never really ever got over Paloma.  Luisa says she’s certain that he did, though!  Well, then, says Tere, what PP told her must have been simply to upset her.  What is she talking about, asks Luisa.  Tere swears Luisa to secrecy-- her brothercan’t know! (Riiiiiight!  She knows the kid leaks like a sieve when it comes to keeping secrets, but if anybody can accidentally on purpose wrangle the truth out of Art, it’s Luisa! )  Teresa draws in the unsuspecting Lu, telling her in sweeter-than-sugar confidence that “altho’ she can’t prove anything,” she believes Art and Paloma spent the night together the night he left her alone in Cuernevaca!! “-- Since I can’t prove anything, you’ve got to swear you won’t say a word to him!  The other night she called me to tell me she’d spent the night with him the night he left me there in Cuernevaca.  You don’t suppose he did, do you?”  Luisa assures her absolutely not!  He adores Tere!  Why, she probably found out from Martin who found out from Aurora and ran to PatPal with the news; and then she decided to use it to upset her!  Tere smiles to herself as Lu takes the bait.

At the same time, downstairs, Art admits to Nando that it took a lot of strength not to start hitting the bottle last night.  He didn’t even go to the wake; all he could do was think about Teresa.  Nando’s confused at that remark.  Why?  Art explains that it bothers him that she’s hurt and still doubts he wasn’t there with Paloma at the time of the accident.  All he could do was assure her that they weren’t lovers.  He never really clarified anything, though.  Nando can’t believe he wouldn’t have admitted the truth to her.  Art says he couldn’t tell her about their making love that night because he knows how it would hurt her and she’d definitely divorce him!!  “--I just couldn’t tell her!”  Tere calls out from the upstairs balcony.  “--What couldn’t you dare to tell me, Arturo??” 

Back at Casa de los Cucarachas Caceres, Aeeeda complains that there were so many people at PatPal’s wake she thought she’d never get out of there.  Art, though, never showed up thanks to Tere’s leash.  Just as well for her and Mariano, though, she adds.  Maria’s surprised that Arturo didn’t come to the wake.  Maira then complains to Aeeeda about her slumming with Mariano.  She feels he’s been a crutch since Paulo’s death that she doesn’t need any longer.  Aeeeda gripes at first, then giggles and says, oh she’s only doing it to get under Teresa’s skin. Maira says Tere made it obvious the day of her wedding she wanted nothing more to do with him.  Aeeeda snickers that even so, she knows it irritates the heck out of Tere to see her dating him, and admit’s she’s never intending to look for love like Paulo’s again.  On the other hand, she’s not going to stop trying to get Teresa Chavez’s goat!  Maira says well her papa thinks things are getting pretty serious considering Mariano told him he was thinking about marrying her.  Aeeeda giggles some more.  Marriage is the last thing on her mind.  “--Really????”

Art swallows but thinks on his feet.  He stammers out about PP’s asking him to take over her foundation for her and his agreeing to.  She says oh,  that’s wonderfully admirable!  Wow!  If you’ll allow me, I’d like to help you with it!  He thanks her and hugs her as Nando watches and signals his disgust at the way he’s just lied to Teresa like that again. 

At the hospital that day,  Aeeeda stops in to see Mariano to clarify the bit about telling Papi that he wants them to get married.  Mariano says naw, she’s got it wrong.  Her father thought he wanted to marry her for her money alone.  He doesn’t need her money, she says, considering how well he’s doing there now.  He says that marriage would be a serious step and they’re just getting to know one another, and as long as she’s comfortable with him, he’s game to continue the relationship.  Her daddy only is looking out for her best interests.  No, she says, he’s got a way of always twisting things to his advantage, like the business with that Esperanza.  How could he continue to get involved with Espe like he has?

Speaking of Esperanza, she’s on her way to work when Ruben jumps in front of her demanding she come back to him.  Espe lets him have it for the way he dumped her in front of wifey’s BFF (and the way they all dumped on her at Teresa’s wedding).   Mr. Big tho’, seems to think there’s is forever and starts up the same ol’ same ol’ about finding a way to tell Maira the marriage is kaput.  He begs her to come to his house to tell Aeeeda that he wasn’t lying.   Like what part of N.O. doesn’t he understand? 

Elsewhere in the barrio, Fito offers Johhny his digs to lodge Ms. Pati and him.

Our mustachioed mauler won’t take NO for an answer.  He grabs and put’s a major lip-lock on Espe just as poor Hernan the Galan comes walking down the street to fetch her.  Hernan misinterprets the mouth mash, and looking like a poor kicked and abused puppy dog, he heads back to his car with his tail between his legs.

Tere stops by Mariano’s office.  She warns him that as long as he’s got Aeeeda on his mind and in his bed, it’ll be strictly business between the two of them.  She ignores his quip about Aida being the only one he can’t screw around with and gloats that destiny persists in throwing them together.  Art is supposedly the one in charge of PatPal’s foundation now, she will be his assistant.   Mariano doesn’t seem to like the idea one bit.  (Ha!  Dealing with Art would be bad enough, but now Art and Teresa together????  Holy freejoles! The sexual tension and payback in those meetings!  Can you imagine the amount of spritzing to mark territory??  It’s gonna get really rank in those meetings--and neither Teresa nor Viewerville can wait!)

Meanwhile, El Bigote is either on the phone with Maira or Genoveva saying that the will is going to be read tomorrow morning and then they’ll know who the new partner in Luna Turquesa will be.  (My guess is PP’s faithful lapdog and mouthpiece, Martin, comes out the winner there.)  He hangs up and Maira’s accountant asks him for a moment.  Seems the books show there’s been some big-time embezzling going on and the only one able to manage that, says the accountant, would have been Ruben.

Back to Mariano and Teresa, Aeeeda walks in on the two of them.  She hears Tere bragging about her being a new volunteer and immediately starts hanging all over Mariano. Well, she's volunteered help at the foundation with Mariano.  Didn’t I my sweetie-patootie-cutie-tootsie-wootsie? MMMMM!!!!SSSSsmooooooooochhhhh! 

Mariano plays right along and tells Aida that she doesn’t have to worry about him; he’s not going to be seeing anybody but her!  Tere takes the hint and leaves.  Outside, in the reception area she stops to wipe away a tear and then thinks better of it.  She checks in with Espe to talk about PP’s death and her helping Art out with the foundation.

At the same time, Hernan stops in to tell his best bud, Hector,  what happened with the pregnant gal he was interested in.  Heck, anyone else in her situation should have been thrilled but she rejected him flat outright, he says.  So, he wants some time away and asks Hec to sign him up for some convention or other.  Hec obliges for his buddy.  Conversation changes to Hec and Juana’s relationship progressing.  Nothing doing till he gets things solved regarding his estranged wife.  Hernan says perhaps they’ll do just fine, tho, living separately like many serious couples do.  That would be fine with him but it’s up to Juana.  The main worry is that he has no idea how he’ll feel or react once his wife resurfaces. 

Espe tells Tere that it’s a good idea sharing more time with Art.  Tere admits that she still hasn’t been able to forget Mariano.  However, she’s certain that Aeeeda is just trying to make her upset the way she hangs on Mariano.  Just then Tere sees Aeeeda walk out of Mariano’s office towards them.  She acts like she’s completely oblivious and begins cheerfully congratulating Espe on three successful months being preggers.  Aeeeda overhears the business about the baby and is stopped-dead-in-her-tracks impactada. 


Monday, June 13, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #38 Monday 6/13/11 Get Me (Us) To The Church On Time, eh?

Quick Review: The big proposal, the big putdown by MeanMom who won’t come to the wedding, the old girlfriend shows up from Spain, apparently ready to give him children this time?? Que the ??? Fina pulls her poor dying me card on Gonzo, don’t tell the children, I just want to torture you in private. Lorena hears that Jero is not coming back Barcelona because he is going to marry in Mexico. No puede ser…

Jero has his nightmares, here’s Lorenzo again revealing that Rafa committed suicide, rereads the phony Dear John letter from La Bonita to Rafa, fueled by Fina that La Bonita was Renata all along. The romantic evening with the sexy dress, candles and fire works leaves me (CNM) nervous since NMex is banning all activity with the word fire in it. The weather station is giving smoke pathway forecasts for the faint of lung. But for the moment, on to the wedding!

Jero’s assistant tells Lorena that she has a copy of the wedding invitation (who had time to do these professional graphics?) but insists she is going to beat a trail to Mexico to claim her man. She can’t believe that he is in love with someone else this fast. The assistant warns her that her behavior was her choice and now is her responsibility.

Gonzo shows up for the frank talk about being (cabal) honest, upright. treating his favorite daughter with dignity. Jero ominously assures hi m he will be just the husband she deserves (merece.)

Renata says a soft good bye to her beautiful horse that she can’t take with her. Matias wants to know why not, it is so far and maybe there isn’t room for horsey. He returns that he isn’t going to be there but will be moving out soon to his own apartment.

For some totally macho and stupid idea, Gonzo says her will give the care of Renata’s financial resources for him. He tells Popinlaw-to-be that he is poor but he has enough to assure that Renata will live in the manner she is accustomed to . Jero and Carlos argue that he is hiding his true rancor from his FFIL but worries about liquidating the hacienda.

Regina and Inez talk about wanting to meet the MeanMom but Regina does not think she will go to the wedding Inez is dying to meet her and see what she is really like. Regina says Jero told her Renata is worried about the effect of her presence o n Mom.

Gonzo begs her to go to the wedding it may be the last thing they ever do as a family. Fina flinches but feigns she has always dreamed of seeing her daughters at the sacred altar but this ill fated marriage that is doomed to crash so she won’t go to the wedding since her heart is so broken. Gonzo appeals to her better nature, suggesting she show family support to her beloved daughter. He's not taking into account that she has no better nature to respond. She listens with calculation perhaps planning how to make it the most miserable of events. Looks like the demons are rushing toward the altar to see who can make the most misery: Jero, Fina, Lorena, and we don’t even know yet what loving sis Roberta has up her sleeve.

Matias brings films to Adriana and says he is going t o the wedding, right. He tells her that he saw Renata with the horse this morning and she is determined to leave with Jero. Adriana says he must be with Renate even though she doesn’t love him the way he wants to be loved. Adriana knows what love that isn’t returned hurts, says he must think of his own happiness and support .

Roberta and Fina fight over who would be at the wedding , Roberta doesn’t want to go since she hates Renata. She is also afraid she will show her pregnant stomach so what would she wear. the only wedding Fina is looking forward to is the Roberta Matias extravaganza..

Adriana and her Mom talk about getting ready for the wedding. Typically, Mom doesn't know Adriana why isn't with someone already herself. Adriana says Daniel is the only possibility and he isn't making her too interested. Then Mom asks, why isn't she going to help Renata dress for her wedding. Constanza told her it wasn’t necessary. She thinks that Consta has been cool to her every since she learned of the friendship of Honorio and Mom. Meaningful glances whip all around.

Hon and Consta fight over when he will tell Adriana that Hon is her father? He makes the stupid suggestion that they will get together with "their " daughter. Consta stomps off in tears again that she will not get used to the daughter bit. She could not have a child. She couldn’t have a daughter.

Selene talks Chema into going to the wedding, more spoiled plans. He bats his babyblues and hopes going to a wedding where Consta might be would be fun. Fool. But thanks for the eye batting anyway, nobody does it better.

As Renata dresses and applies her makeup, she asks Consta to put her necklace on. Consta observes that the chain is loose (cadena es floja). At least Consta can play the loving mom figure for Renata since no on else wants to be nice to her on her wedding day. Oh boy, it is the big R necklace that Consta fits onto her niece's lovely neck. It's her favorite and she has always had it. At least a few customs are observed, something old. (I actually don’t know if the old, new, borrowed, blue bit is strictly USA or perhaps the Mexicans have some version of this custom?)

Antonio meets the seductive red-gowned beauty, Regina and aha, she has the original big R necklace that she tells Antonio she got when Regina Jr. was one-year-old right before she disappeared so it has so much meaning for her. Hers is slightly larger but just like Renata has.

Jero is in a snit when Carlos comes. His scowl tells me he is ready to do his part of the spoiling.

Alfonsina and Dr. Dunce steal a kiss by the carving tree. She seems a lot less interested than he. She is feeling guilty that hey are both married, he doesn’t give a fig. He says desire is the beginning of love so she shouldn’t resist. So she doesn’t.

Alf’s husband that the wedding is today and tomorrow Jero and his bride will arrive. HE orders husband to tell Alf to get close to the new bride and become her confidant.

Ah everyone loves a wedding . Gonzo and Matias greet people, Fina is in the background in homely matronly black when beautiful Regina comes sparkly and as beautiful as a bride to join the party, Gonzo kisses her hand, Fina snarls and flirts ineffectively with a man her daughters’ age.

SpareGirl rides up, gets off her horse quietly and sees Alfonsina kissing Dr. Doom. She hides behind her horse, which apparently they don’t see. We all watch while Alfonsina part kisses passionately, part pushes him away as he moves in on her.

Antonio comes up to rescue Regina with Dona Cata, Inez and her family. Cata is anxious to be presented to Gonzo’s wife so he can present her daughter’s fiancé yadda yadda. They all flank Regina and are all ready to meet Fina and Mom wants to be presented . Inez is there with hijo.

Licensiado-spy is talking to Fina who is distressed. Roberta doesn’t

Spare girl asks Alfonsina that she is confusing her (saca de onda) aren't you married to Ezek and isn't the doctor married too? Alfonsina tries to deny that she and doc were kissing, but SG isn't taken in but assures her she is not jusging her and won't rat her out. You are going to ruin everything for yourself, what were you thinking? Very soon someone will see you two together and then the story will be on the lips of everyone in town. (en la boca) Wow, could SG have a sense of morals and justice? That’s going to be interesting. Alfonsina looks appropriately scared witless for the moment.

Roberta is calling someone. Fina cries she can’t believe that Regina has come to ruin this wedding and Gonzo has brought her. Roberta gets to her mom and Roberta says she want’ gong to come she can’t believe that she came. She is the mother not Regina. I don’t want to make a scandal at your sister’s wedding and I can’t be at the altar with my wedding . You need to be at the wedding with your sister so you can support me by telling me everything that happens and your father does.

SG and Alfonsina stand by the horse while Doc disappears, SG asks Alfonsina if she loves Doc. She passed some point one day and he makes her feel things. SG suggests maybe she should decide on divorcing but Alfonsina doesn't know quite how they got from innocent flirting to this step that goes too far. Ezek wouldn’t speak to her ever again. This doesn't seem to be what she wants after all.

Carlos, is introduced to the crowd that is happy to be there. Regina says if Carlos is Jero’s friend then they are all his friends. Inez says where is Jero while Antonio says, where is Renata? Jero hides behind a pillar and remembers giving the R necklace and envelope to Carlos as he decides to set aside his revenge. He doesn’t know how he is going through with this to marry his brother’s traitor.

Spain girl (Lorena) shows up and jumps in a cab ordering the cabby to drive clear to the other side of town as fast as he can so she can get to the wedding on time. With 10 minutes to go, I don’t see how all these spoilers can take place so fast and it is looking like a two or maybe three episode wedding, not pretty, not pretty.

Roberta shows up to interrupt Consta saying to Regina it's your fault that Fina left she can't be here with you here stealing her man. Consta and Gonzo join in but Roberta wins the ugliest of all contest with her ugly mouth. She calls Regina cynical. Regina thinks she should probably leave but Consta says to Regina don't go away it would only show that you feel guilty and Fina will get away with treating Renata like a cucaracha. (or does she say that Regina should not scuttle away like a cockroach. Gonzo calls Fina who doesn’t feel like coming back, she is so disgusted. When she says she is so sick she might just go right back to the doctor, Gonzo says, how dare you not be at your daughter’s wedding. She muses to her self that she doesn’t think she should risk being recognized by Regina but then she smirks that Regina has no idea that her little daughter is the one getting married.

Chema, comes up to ask why Consta is so sad. She is sad because she just learned that Adriana is Honorio's daughter. She admits it cannot be Adriana's fault but she is the daughter that she couldn’t have. Selene spoils her moment once more by another jab at youthful beauty, so Consta stomps off. Chema doesn’t seem as impressed as Selena hopes he is.

Augie is a man pouting in his field when Ezekiel shows up with a package that contains the lovely grape bunch earrings with a note from the jeweler that since he did not come to collect them and had paid the balance (liquidó), here they are being delivered to him. Ezek thinks they must be a present for SpareGirl but no, Augie says there is only one woman who is the owner (dueña) of his thoughts.

The vintage car pulls in and the crowd calls out that the bride is arriving. Gonzo brings Renata out of the car and sees the beautiful little girl he fell in love with. I remember that when you came into my life you have been my fondest wish (anhela). She is so glad he is the Poppy dearest who is there with her today. These two have the only pure love in this TN. He adds, I will be here today, tomorrow, forever, and eternally with you. If you want to return one day I will be here for you. But Renata assures him that Jero is the man that she wants to spend her entire life with. Gonzo's surprise for her is that Fina has agreed to be in the wedding. She is so happy and he knows she is. Let’s breath, they laugh.
Adriana comes and they swoon over the bridal dress. Renata sincerely thanks Roberta for coming but Roberta does ugly better than anyone else once more. She snipes that Fina isn't well so she is there only to keep the harpy Regina from her father.

And Jero comes down the stairs in a good mood for the moment and looks the part of the handsome swain he should be. They laugh together and prepare to go up the steps to be married. He notices with shock that she is wearing the R necklace, hmmm, what does this mean. I am remembering when they kissed and hesitated outside his apartment not long ago so am not surprised when Lorena arrives just in time to win the spoiler award. She locks lips with Jero pushing Renata and the veil aside. Everyone looks totally in shock except Roberta who grins her big toothy grin. At least she doesn’t have to throw another tantrum, it’s out of her hands.

Jules, I’ll have to leave it to you to get Lorena's greasy lips off Jero or maybe they'll just start that family here and now, or……


Triunfo del Amor #146 6/13/11 Hello Dolly! Bye Bye Bernie? I’ll Drink to That!

Sometimes eavesdropping is its own punishment:
We pick up from last Friday when Victoria overhears María telling Juan Pablo:
¡No la soporto! ¡La desprecio igual o más de lo que ella despreció a mí!(I can’t stand her! I despise her as much as she despised me – or even more!)
Yet despite her bravado, María’s eyes are filled with tears. JP’s face is a mask of anguish. Victoria withdraws silently.

Toni comes upon her friend crying. Vic looks up in despair and says:
¡Antonieta, ya no puedo más!
(I can’t take it any more!)

[And to those of you at home who are muttering -- ¡Ni yo tampoco! I say:
¡Sí se puede! Bunch of wusses!]

Remember how Fabián scooped Fer up in his arms after the XiMonster knocked over her wheelchair? [No really. If you missed this episode, I’m not kidding. Oh Xi’s so going to hell…]

Anyhow, Luci hasn’t forgotten. From the way Fabían looked at Max’s little sister, it’s clear to Luci that he still loves Fer. Fabián finds Luci in tears; but when he asks her what’s wrong, she walks away.

Father and daughter continue their talk:
To PJP’s pleas that she free her heart of bitterness and resentment and open herself to forgiveness, that God expects no less of her, MD remains unyielding.

At a certain boutique hotel in the city:
Dr. Voice and his glamorous neighbor, Leonela Montenegro, meet, by chance, in the lobby. He saw her interview on television, he tells her admiringly. And then he invites her to dine with him. He’ll pick her up at the theater after rehearsal.

Cousin Chente comes to the parish looking for Fausto. Padre Jerónimo tells him Fausto’s off hobnobbing with the bishop about becoming a priest. [So I guess Jero doesn’t know that Fausto is in jail!]

Darkness falls at Bernies:
Doña Demente is in her bedroom.
Eva is nearby. She smiles evilly.

An Evening with Pip – or - Great Expectations Dashed!
The whole Casa Victoria gang is gathered at Pip’s. María stands somewhat apart from the Sandoval clan –- Victoria, Osvaldo, Max, Fer and Cruz. Fabián and Luci and Toni and Oscar complete the tableau. Pipino bounces in and the silly song plays – so catchy, so cheery, even the Mavens are on their feet and dancing. Then the doorbell sounds and – it’s not Luciano! It’s a couple of suits! How disappointing! Pip’s own vida sentimental isn’t in play tonight.

Since it looked like Oscar and Toni were never going to take the initiative, Pipino explains to his puzzled – and impatient – guests, he had to be the one to take action. And then he opens a box, pulls out -- a bridal veil! Toni is the bride! The suits are a judge and his secretary. And Toni and Oscar are getting married this very moment. They seem to think it’s a swell idea.

Eerie strains of Gregorian chants.
Bernie lies in her usual uneasy sleep and relives the infierno she created for Rosalía, Gonzalo and Fausto. Eva lurks nearby holding a lamp. She sets frayed wire to frayed wire...

Pipino fusses about, arranging the wedding party. He is padrino de los anillos, he announces, and he pulls out rings for bride and groom. A moment later, the witnesses are signing the registry. Now it’s Vic’s turn to sign. She smiles -- almost shyly -- as she passes the pen to María. Hugs all around. Well, almost all around. Vic looks on wistfully when María and Fer hug.

Beethoven and Shakespeare at the same time, so you know nothing good can come of it.
Alone in the darkened theater, Leo reclines on a bench and Gui looms over her menacingly, his hand in a chokehold around her neck. They’re rehearsing the murder scene in Othello – or are they just rehearsing? Gui recites with convincing menace: Esta misma noche morirás. Morirás por un beso
(This very night you shall die. You shall die of a kiss …)

I’ll toast to that!
Back at Pip’s, everyone is raising a glass to the newlyweds.

While in the theater that cost him his son --
Guithello leans over his Desdemona, his hand still around her neck:
... Un beso de amor será nuestra despedida.
(A kiss of love will be our farewell.)
The sound of clapping startles Gui and he releases his hold on Leo. Leonela’s look of terror changes to surprise (and relief?) Both actors look up and see Dr. Voice watching the stage from above. Sorry, says the Voice, I didn’t mean to interrupt…

At his appearance, Leo is all “I’ll just go get changed”. Gui is all “Curses! Foiled!” If he had a mustache, he’d be twirling it. He has to settle for glaring.

Back at Pip’s, the gang’s still toasting.
Fer takes her turn:
Yo quiero brindar por mis hermanos – brindo por Max y por María Desamparada. ¡Les deseo toda la felicidad del mundo! Toda!
(I want to raise a toast to my brother and sister – here’s to Max and María D. I wish you all the happiness in the world!)

MD – who by now is getting to be a real aguafiestas (party pooper) – thanks Fer but stuns the gang when she tells them that she and Max have decided to separate. Max – still in the same ill-fitting suit he wore earlier which makes him look more like the Incredible Hulk than the Incredible Hunk – tells everyone not to worry: No pasa nada. Sigamos con la fiesta. (Nothing’s wrong – let’s just keep on partying.)

The party’s over
Vic and Max have gone back to Casa Sandoval. Vic is dying to tell MD what a mistake she’s making in choosing Alonso but Max begs her not to interfere. Besides, he and MD will love each other forever. Now Vic is really confused: What is going on here? Max admits that he and MD have a secret but refuses to say more. Victoria repeats: I think you two are making a big mistake!

While at the vecindad: The Ring Recycle
The big mistake himself, that is, Alonso, shows up on Maria’s doorstep. As usual, he is hidden behind a bouquet of flowers. He’s a tad disconcerted because no one told him about Pip’s wedding soirée and he’s been left waiting for his ternura all this time. When María apologizes and explains where she was, Alonso pounces on the fact that Max was at the gathering too. He sputters a bit and then gets down to business babbling a flowery declaration of devotion. He kneels before María, pulls out The Ring and offers it to her as he proposes marriage cuanto antes (as soon as possible). The sight of The Ring – identical to the one Max gave her (maybe even the very same ring – are we to assume that Max brought it back to the jewelry store for a refund? Isn’t that a little…er… practical for our boy?) –

-- Anyway, the sight of The Ring seems to be the spoiler Xi was hoping for: María remembers how Max gave it to her as a symbol of their love. Her lips purse as if she’s just bitten into an unripe persimmon – and she tells Alonso: No puedo. No puedo aceptarlo. No puedo. (I can’t. I can’t accept it. I can’t). Al is slack-jawed impactado.

In the sacristy:
Padre Jerónimo feels bad for his friend but sadly, he had no choice in ousting Bernarda from the house of God. Juan Pablo understands. And it pains him to know that his mother may die in sin and that the flames she fears so much may be her final resting place (su última morada).

Bernarda, as if in anticipation of her toasty última morada, dreams on of the hellfire she imposed on her first victims.

Eva also enjoys toasting – in her own way.
Frayed wire to frayed wire. Sparks. Flames flare and spread to the room where Bernarda sleeps. Eva watches and smiles. Then she slips out the door – wearing a little Clara Barton cape – and says with satisfaction: You’ll rot in the flames, Bernarda, and then you’ll rot (pudrirás) in hell!

Still on his knees…
Alonso, more pathetic than ever, cries out:
Pero ternura – yo pensé que me habías aceptado. ¿Me mentiste? ¿No quieres casarte conmigo?
(But darling – I thought you’d accepted my proposal. Were you lying? You don’t want to marry me?)
Here’s what she should say: That would be “yes” and “yes”.
Here’s what she does say: Where did you get that ring, Alonso? Did Max give it to you?

Now Alonso is completely lost – and more than a little miffed at María’s bringing up the Name That Must Not Be Spoken – What does Max have to do with the price of atole in Chiapas? And María explains – This is the very ring that Max gave her; the very one that she gave back to him when he told her he was going to marry Xi.

In a yuppie poolhall, Ximena twirls her hair and thought-bubbles nastily:
Seguramente Alonso ya le dio ese anillo a la zorra.
(Alonso must have give the ring to that whore by now).
Xi would have loved seeing her face. Wait a sec… If Alonso is marrying the dirty little slut (zarrapastrosa), that means Max is free. How interesting!

NovelaMaven Rant – Feel free to skip.
Really Xi? Really??? You tricked him into a loveless marriage for his money when you were already pregnant by Gui. You and your insufferable mother made his life hell when you were together. You tried to kill him and little Osvaldo. You tried to kill María. You crashed the New Casa Victoria and tipped over Fer’s wheelchair. You tore Victoria to shreds in front of the whole Casa Victoria gang. Max would sooner swallow crushed glass than exchange a word with you, let alone exchange rings, vows or body fluids with you! Zorra? Zarrapastrosa? Look in the mirror!

Whew. Okay. I feel better now.

Alonso Realizes He’s Been Had.
The poor schmuck is asking himself how he could ever have trusted Ximena. Again. She’s the one who convinced him The Ring would make María happy. Alonso apologizes for doubting her and offers to return The Ring but María asks him not to. If it found its way back to her, there must be a reason. [Like maybe her destiny is to end up with Max? Ay, Alonso!] And she accepts it and agrees to marry him on the day he chooses.

En serio (really?) asks Alonso. Now he’s beside himself with joy, like a puppy who finally earns his mistress’s approval by pooping on the newspaper and not the rug (but he also looks alarmingly ill and on the verge of another collapse). He babbles happily about the spectacular wedding he’s going to put together – fireworks, rockets, balloons. María suggests she’d like something a little ... um ... simpler.

Speaking of fireworks,
Inside Bernie’s house, the flames are blazing merrily all around the Demented One. She wakes from her dream of hellfire and realizes she wasn’t dreaming. She curses Rosalía.

Outside, a neighbor sees the flames in the window and tells someone to call the fire department. Eva, in her demure Clara Barton cape, stands by and enjoys the show.

Chente and Napo are on duty at the fire station playing cards and chewing the fat. Chente has just told Napo to cut the pollón and self-pity crap. You can see a mile away (a leguas) that he’s nuts about Aunt Millie (se está babeando, he’s drooling over). Then the fire bell sounds and the chitchat is cut short. The bomberos run to answer the call.

At Casa Sandoval
Victoria is going out to visit Fer. Osvaldo wonders if she’s using that as an excuse to see María. Maybe so, Vic admits, but she really has been wanting to talk with Fer. She turns down Os’s offer to accompany her; she prefers to go alone this time.

Osvaldo counsels patience with María. Pressure won’t help the situation. I know, says Vic, but I’ve waited so long for this moment…

Osvaldo repeats: Be patient. And have faith. María has a big heart and a good soul. She’s probably very confused right now and that’s understandable. But sooner or later, she’ll accept you.

I don’t know if I can wait, says Vic. I’m dying for the day she calls me “mamá”. But I also realize that her rejection was blinding me to something I should be enormously grateful for:
Ahora sé que mi hija está viva! ¡Que está viva!
(Now I know that my daughter is alive. She’s alive!)

Alonso’s tail stops wagging and his ears droop to the floor when María gently suggests foregoing Barnum and Bailey as their wedding planner. Does that mean María is afraid to let the world know he’s her husband? María smiles indulgently, scratches his belly and tells him she’s not afraid of anything. They’ll get married his way, whenever he wants, however he wants. (Nos vamos a casar como tú dispongas, cuando tú quieras, como tú quieras.) That’s all he needed to hear. Now he’s flashing his large, overly whitened teeth in an answering smile. He leans in for a kiss…

María stops him. No, Alonso, she says. Down boy. Down...

Let’s hope the bomberos, now arriving at the Blaze at Bernie’s, are are efficient at putting out fires as María.

Padre Juan Pablo is reading from his prayerbook when he gets a phone call. I’m on my way, he tells his caller. (Voy para allá). My mother is in danger, he shouts to Padre Jerónimo and he rushes out the door. Her house is burning!

Back in the vecindad
Milagros, still wearing the pretty blue dress with the tulips (well, why not? Cruz has worn the same thing every day for the past two years), gets a phone call from Juanjo and he updates her on his plans.

Cruz is impactado by the news that María is Fer’s sister. Fer didn’t have a chance to talk privately with María earlier so she’s heading to her apartment now. She wants to convince her to forgive Victoria. And she has a gift for her. Cruz blesses her (a sweet, domestic detail that bodes well for them) and wishes her luck.

No kiss for you, Alonso.
So let’s see. His ternura won’t kiss him. And she wants to keep the ring that Max originally gave her. Think, Alonso, think. He does. And this is what he comes up with: He’s willing to wait for her to give him that first kiss; then he’ll know he’s her one and only and she has forgotten Max.

María is spared the need to reply to delusional Al by a fortuitously-timed knock on the door. It’s Fer; and she needs to talk to her sister.

In another part of the city
Fabián comes home to a silent, empty apartment. Luci’s things are gone. Se fue, says Fabián softly. She’s gone,

Back in the vecindad -- Warning: Llorathon Ahead
Fer asks Alonso to give her and María some time alone. When he leaves, Fer says: So it’s true? You and Max...? Yes, says María, but she’d rather not discuss it. Fer wants to know why María can’t forgive nuestra mamá – our mother. She reminds her of the time María, then an orphan, told her that she, Fer, had something very valuable – a mother. Now María, by refusing to forgive Victoria, is losing her own chance to have a mother.

María doesn’t want Fer to suffer for her sake – she has already suffered so much.

And sometimes eavesdropping has its rewards:
At this point Victoria arrives and is about to knock on the door. She hears her daughters’ voices inside and stops to listen…

You’ve also suffered a lot, she hears Fer tell María. Maybe that’s why I want to bring you close to all of us – to protect you. And then she hears María’s reply: No puedo. No puedo perdonarla. (I can’t. I can’t forgive her.)

Now Fer, her face streaked with tears, says:
María, mi mamá es tu mamá. Que la perdones, María, por favor.
(María, my mom is your mom. Forgive her, María, please.)

María is also crying. So is Victoria, standing outside the door. María hugs Fer: No llores hermana (Don’t cry, sis), she says. And adds: I never knew I had a sister – te quiero mucho! And she bends down and kisses her hand. And I love you too, answers Fer. That’s why I brought you this gift. And she holds out the box to María.

Hello Dolly!
María opens the box and pulls out -- The Doll That Trumps DNA!!! Her fingers trace the sewn-on features of the doll’s face; and seeing and touching the doll triggers a powerful memory. She remembers her mother -- Victoria, her mother! -- giving her the doll for her birthday. Mi muñeca, says grown-up María, the tears now streaming freely. Fer cries. Vic cries. NovelaMaven cries. Even Mr. Maven is surreptitously sniffling into a tissue.

Bye Bye Bernie?
Padre Juan Pablo has arrived at the fire scene. He tries to press forward to the blazing house – his mother and Eva are inside! – but the bomberos hold him back. Eva pops up from the crowd and tells him she managed to escape safely. She claims she’s the one who called the fire department.

Inside, Bernarda writhes on her bed, seemingly untouched by the flames that surround her. [Does this devil wear asbestos?] She screams:
No... no quiero morir en el infierno. No quiero morir así! ¡Auxilio! ¡Nooooooooo!!!
(No, I don’t want to die in this hell. I don’t want to die like this. Help! No)

Cue the Alonso Mortuary Montage


Alborada, 6/13/2011. Cap. 10

Hooray! We have a new recap! Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #2 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 10 start at this link. (Note, Friday I mistakenly posted the YouTube link for Cap 8. I have now corrected Friday's post to link to the Cap 9 clip.)

Plot Developments
Isabel chews out Juana for siding against her own son. She speculates that Agustin has the goods against Juana. He must have some secret by which he controls Juana.
Juana chews out Diego for taking Hipo. She tells him Hipo had a son by Luis, and if he finds out he’ll dump Espy for sure.
Luis goes to the brothel to rescue Hipo, but her pride and rancor prevent her from accepting. Cris warns that his hot head keeps him from reaching her.
Hipo begs Juana for help. Juana says it’s Panama or a convent, but without her son, either way.
Agustin meets Hipo in the anteroom and flirts with her.
Luis is summoned by the Inquisition.
Juana’s servant takes Hipo to the convent, while Marcos and Martin follow.


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