Thursday, February 09, 2012

El Talismán #9 Thu 2/9/12 Bloviate /ˈblōvēˌāt/ Verb:Talk at length, esp. in an inflated or empty way.

Are you wondering about the word of the day? Well if you watched tonight’s episode you heard more bloviating in one hour than others hear in a lifetime.

Redux: Antonio tells Doris he would divorce her to marry Camila Najera.

The rapid-fire mumble-mouth team of Fab and Flo talk about mom, who pretends to be a deprived shut-in during the weekends, but instead she sneaks out to who knows where. Other chisme, Aunty Loo has the hots for Pedro of El Tal. The girls gleefully giggle that gramps will absolutely KILL her, hee hee. Works for me.

Lookrazia stalks one of the poor housemaids Alberta. She tells Al that her trip to Europe changed her a lot. Um, no it didn’t; you're wearing the same clothes and hair style and you haven't matured a bit. LooKrazia tells a nervous Alberta that she wants them to be friends. Loo says Al will be her “personal assistant” and find out everything that is going on at El Tal, otherwise she’ll get sacked.

Fab and Flo gossip about everything we already know, gramps hates Pedro, Pedro doesn’t seem so bad, Auntie Loo wants to boink Pedro and if he loves another then Auntie Loo's gonna KILL her. Girlish giggles. They repeat this exact conversation in another scene.

Camila and Genoveva check out their Alcatrash digs which look pretty nice, except Camila says Los Negrete are creeps and the daughter LooKrazia is worse than a viper. Quite an insult to vipers I would say.

Pedro tells Tia that he’s going to halt his love for Camila, but Tia says when it’s really love you can’t stop it, better to go for it, “Talk to her.” Pedro says that hasn’t worked so far. He’d be better off going after a dame who doesn’t have vengeance on her mind, skankster LooKrazia for example.

LooKrazia shocks Alberta by revealing that not only is Camila in Fresno but she’s staying at Alcatrash. But enough wasting time, she wants Alberta to visit her friend  Domitila and find out everything she can about Pedro. Alberta observes that Loo hasn’t really changed much at all. LooKrazia vows that her plan will work out perfectly.

Loo gives Alberta an envelope to deliver to Pedro. She instructs Al to NOT tell her nieces who are the worst gossips in the world. I’m not sure why this matters since Loo can’t stop flapping her own yap around the girls but whatever.

Camila unpacks and works herself into a tizzy telling Genoveva about Pedro’s kiss. Yawn. How can he tell her he loves her and be going out with LooKrazia at the same time? Geno suggests talking to Pedro. What a novel idea.

Tia nixes the LooKrazia idea and tells Pedro to act with his heart not his head. No doubt because there is a lot more going on his heart than in his head.

Oh man, enough of the teeny-bopping Greek chorus already. Here they are again on the ugliest bedspreads ever made and this time Fab wants to sneak out to see some of that forbidden avocado fruit from El Tal. Flo is worried but Fab titters that mom’s hiding something too. Something BIG. Giggle Giggle. Notice how they always giggle whenever they talk about sticking it to someone?

Camila and Genoveva are having the same conversation again, this time thankfully interrupted by a knock on the door. Instead of the drunky hunky Antonio it’s Valentin who creepily asks if everything is fine. Camila whines about them forgetting her blow-dryer and Valentin mentions that someone at the hotel told him about charging her card for the breakfast they ate. Funny, she says, they never ate breakfast. She’ll check it out tonight when she goes for her dryer. Valentin leaves, smiles to himself and triumphantly exclaims “Listo!” which I take to mean "Score!"

Antonio and Doris argue about Camila being on the premises. Tony snarls that his Papa invited her, so there. He drunkenly says he’s not interested in an affair with Camila, he wants to marry her. Doris tries to slap him and he says, “don’t hurt yourself” and hurls his whiskey on the floor. The house must smell great the way he flings booze all over the place.

Thirty seconds later Antonio has just about finished a beer outside. He tells Valentin their plan is going to work perfectly. If LooKrazia does her part, when Camila shows up at the motel tonight she’ll hate Pedro. Valentin wants to tell Gagorio that Camila’s in town but Tony nixes that idea. If dad finds out he’ll fire her and Tony needs Camila under his roof so he can conquer her. He yells and the beer flies around. Tony says soon Pops is going to lose all his power so Valentin had better be on Tony’s side. Tony kindly points out that at Valentin’s age it would be hard to find work so he’d better obey. Soon the whole world will know who Antonio Negrete is! I think the world already knows. He’s the desultory, scowling hottie with the laughably big belt buckle who shoves gym socks down the front of his pants and drinks all day.

Tia asks Pedro AGAIN if he’s going to talk to Camila. He says tomorrow, and why is that spy from Alcatrash at El Tal? Inside the kitchen Alberta gives the envelope to Domitila to give to Pedro. She says the thing between Pedro and LooKrazia is causing all kinds of problems over at Alcatrash.

Domitila calls Tracy to tell her Camila’s back in town. Tracy says she’s going to plan to do something with Camila.

Good Lord how many times are Tia and Pedro going to have the same conversation? One more time it looks like. This time Tia adds that Pedro should tell Camila he paid them for El Tal. He says he didn’t want Camila to know. Tia pretty much tells Pedro he’s a huge dope and he should tell Camila ASAP.

Camila’s thought bubbling to herself ad nauseum about Pedro and Loo when Doris blasts through the door, demands to know why Camila wants to steal her husband, and lets Camila have it right across the cheek. (Did anyone else think that was Genoveva at first? It’s hard to tell these skinny raw-boned chicks apart.) She demands an answer and gets one. Camila slaps her back, hard, and says it’s not her fault Antonio is sick of Doris and chasing skirts. OMG, I just realized something besides a conversation just happened. We’re almost halfway through folks and we had our first bit of action. Catfight! Bring it on.

“No hay peor lucha que la que no se hace.” There is no worse fight than the one that isn’t fought. This was the only thing worth hearing in yet another interminable conversation where Tia tells Pedro to Talk To Camila. Pedro starts to go upstairs; dare I hope this 30 minute conversation of four sentences is over?

Elvira and Armando are cheerfully working at Starbucks in Davis. Psych! Did you believe me? I didn’t think so. Elvira and Armando are sitting around doing nothing except to complain that Camila hasn’t called them. They agree to go to Fresno to surprise her. It’s hard to imagine these two wiping their butts much less planning a trip to Fresno.

Doris accuses Camila of trying to land the son of a millionaire. Camila tells Doris to lay off, she’s always hated Antonio because ever since she’s met him all he does is try to proposition her. (Perhaps not the wisest thing to say to a furious wife.) Camila insists it’s not her or any woman’s fault if Doris can’t keep her own husband. Aw Camila, now look what you did, Doris is gonna cry. No llores, Doris.

Lord help me, Tia and Pedro are back in the living room AND STILL TALKING! Did I accidentally rewind? Same subject, same sentences.

It looks like Doris believes Camila, but she says Camila’s rebuffs only fuel Antonio’s fire. Now that Camila is living there he wants a divorce. Doris says she’s done all she can to keep Antonio, but he just doesn’t love her. Camila asks if Doris has done anything to piss off Antonio, like cheat on him for example? Doris gets all guilty-looking. “Moi?” she says. Camila’s cell buzzes and it’s Mama, griping because Camila’s been busy. Elvira is further annoyed because Camila hangs up, saying she’ll talk later.

Inside the house Antonio sees LooKrazia and pours himself a couple of shots of tequila to celebrate the success of their plan. They’re going to win the battle!

Tia and Pedro, seventh verse, same as the first.

Doris tells Camila that Tony’s hated her since the day they were married because she was pregnant and Tony was convinced she got preggers to trap him. They were very young, six years old actually, which explains why they look slightly older than their daughters. (I made that last part up.) Camila observes that Tony acts more like their BROTHER than their father. Don Gagorio forced Antonio to marry Doris and her rich family.

Antonio’s sisters, er I mean daughters, scamper in to beg if they can go visit a friend. Dad says fine, he’ll drive them now that he’s in a better mood after slamming down a whiskey, a beer, two tequilas, and now another whiskey, probably two, and God knows what else. As dad staggers out bumping into the chair, the girls fret about having to lie to him to meet up with the young studs. In his condition I'm not sure dad will notice much.

Claudio and Gabriel are working! They’re carrying bales of hay! Just then another young unknown actor runs up and gives his best shot at the performance of a lifetime. Who knows what talent scouts might be watching
El Talismán? (Answer = none) He’s got a message from the girls and they want to hook up at the ice cream parlor in an hour. What? They can leave in the middle of working? Were they just pretending to work? (Answer = yes)

Camila begs Doris to leave her alone. Doris leaves, but not before pleading with Camila to stay away from Antonio. “I’m in a house full of nut jobs,” observes Camila.

A new character. He’s reading the paper and says “Susana Bettencourt, how interesting.” I guess Tracy works for this guy, Mister Renato. I don’t really get what’s going on in this scene except that Tracy has been working for Mister Renato and he hasn’t paid her in a long time. He’s going through a rough patch but he says his luck is about to change. I would be thrilled if anyone else can add anything because there’s definitely something odd about Mister Renato. I think he might be some kind of con man who hooks up with rich women for their money. He and Tracy banter back and forth about how Mister Renato should treat the poor women better and Tracy should show a little more respect to him.

Tony drops the girls off in town. They scamper away, giggling that grandpa would kill them if he knew. These two have a very limited vocabulary.

Tracy tells Mister Renato that she’s off to see an old friend. She pulls out a pile of letters, presumably the ones she was supposed to give to Camila years ago. They’ve been in a drawer all this time? She rushes out and one letter drops to the floor. Gosh, I wonder if it could be The Letter? Mister Renato picks it up and sees Pedro Ibarra’s name on it. Isn’t he the owner of El Talisman?

Domitila brings LooKrazia’s letter to Pedro. He reads that LooKrazia is desperate, she had a huge fight with dad because she defended her love for Pedro. Dad beat her and kicked her out of the house. She has no where to go and needs his help. She knows Pedro hates her but if he could just loan her some money she’ll go far away and never return. Please meet her at the only hotel in Fresno.

Antonio and LooKrazia reconvene to gloat over their plan. The only problem is that Loo told Pedro that dad beat her so she needs Tony to give her a smack. “Hit me, pretend I’m Doris, hit me!” she taunts in an overtly sexual manner. He comes close but recoils. “I’m not as crazy as you,” he snorts. She thinks he’s a damn coward.

Flo Fab are with the boys, griping about the tension at home. Claudio tells Flo that it doesn’t make sense to continue hiding how they feel. Will she be his novia? Flo frets, no can do.

Camila waits until darkness to go to the only hotel in Fresno. She tells Genoveva that upon reflection the Pedro/LooKrazia pairing doesn’t make sense after all. Bwahahaha! Cue the anvils.

About that time Pedro shows up at the hotel looking for LooKrazia who is waiting in the lounge. She tries to look all hang dog and he looks sceptical.

Mister Renato can’t stop wondering about the letter. This Pedro has lots of money, he thinks. He locks the door and opens the letter. Guau!! This check is for a fortune! Who in the heck is Elvira Najera? He smiles, “She will be my next conquest.” I like this Mister Renato. Am I just a cockeyed optimist or are things looking up?

LooKrazy takes Pedro’s hands and weaves her tale of perfidious woe. She’s all doe-eyed and sucking up to him, getting him in the mood with some hand reflexology. Just then Camila and Geno show up and decide to wait in the lounge while Cam's blow-dryer is retrieved. But Loo’s been waiting in ambush and the moment Camila walks in Loo grabs Pedro’s face and inhales him.

Pedro’s kissed and Camila’s pissed.

Avances: More caveman action, bring out the ibuprofen.


El Talismán #8 Wed 2/8/12 the buy 1 get 3 free script line annual sale: you are doing this for vengeance, aren't you?

 Recap by Marta Ivett

I know this is very long, word for word, but have to admit I was entertained by the high school-ish argument back and forth between Camila and Pedro… two grown people arguing stupidly and two much younger guys just standing there entertained or scared.

Camila is mad in Pedro’s living room
C: Tell me! Now you have a habit of kidnapping women?
P: No, no! of course not! … well, if you want to you can leave.
C: What ??
]C is shouting loud, demanding an explanation… P is just staring at her, still trying to figure out if he is dreaming or this is real…]
P: If I brought you here this way was because I was trying to avoid you bringing the plague that is at Alatrash to ElTalMajal!
[Now she is the one in disbelief.. ]
C: What kind of person do you think I am?
P: The Camila I knew is another one!
C: But you do believe I want to ruin your crops!
P: Well, but it is logical, no? You hate me because you think I am to blame for your dad losing ElTalMajal in a gambling game!
C: OF course you are guilty!! One way or another you are to blame for my family losing everything!! And since you are feeling shame for it, now you say I want to take revenge! Who told you I want to take revenge? WHO??
Claudio :Antonio Negrete, Pigorio’s son!
Gabriel: Yes!, He told us that you were coming to work with the plague from the Alcatrash, to bring it to ElTalMajal and that way you would ruin him (Pedro)!. (Pedro is nodding .. see?... but still he has a facial expression not quite believing this is happening)
C: And you believed him?
P: Well, Pigorio has always wanted to take revenge on me, and as it seems, now you too want the same!
C: Don’t try to justify yourself. You can think whatever the heck you want!
P: Now you are the victim!
C: Look, Pedro! I hope all your crops rot! You deserve it!! (Pedro looks at her like saying ‘now, you really didn’t say that, did you?’)
P: thank you for the well wishes, but I won’t let you ruin my ranch!
C: The lion thinks all are in the same condition, right? If you think I came to ruin your ranch, it must be because you know you deserve it!
P: No, I have my conscience clean!
(the boys Claudio and Gabriel are still as flies on wall watching this argument go back and forth… Claudio has his arms crossed stiff as a guard, Gabriel seems rather scared)
C: IF you did you would not be worried that I came to take revenge! But you know you are guilty of taking ElTalMajal from me and leaving my family out on the street!
P: I did not leave your family out on the street!
C: And what are you going to say? That it was my dad? But my dad needed someone else to bet against him! And that was you, Pedro!
P: But you don’t even know what happened that night!
C: All I know is that that night you left my family on the street! And if one day I felt something for you, I no longer feel anything!! I don’t ever want to see you, understand it!!
P: IS that what you really want?
C: Yes!!
P: That is what we will do! (grabs her over his shoulder and carries her out to the fence… with the help of the boys he drops her on the Alcatrash side of the fence)
P: IF that is what you want, you are going to Alcatrash!
C: Let me go!! Let me go Pedro!! Let me go, you wild thing!! Let me down!! Animal!!
P: That is what you wanted, no?? To be at Alcatrash?? Well, you are at Alcatrash!! You did not want to see me again?? Well, you will not see me again!! (turns around and leaves in a huff)
C: Leave forever!!

Meanwhile inside Alcatrash…
OSG surprised that Pedro is in love with Camila… LooKrazia says Pedro drools every time he says her name… her only relief is that Camila is far away, and Pedro will not see her again, if she ever comes back around here, I will kill her.
L: The worst that could happen to me would be that Camila returned. If Pedro is crazy about her having her far, can you imagine what it would be if he had her near him?
OSG tells LooKrazia that he thinks he saw her at a Fresno hotel, but with the drinks he had in, he could not tell for sure…  LooKrazia wonders if Pedro and Camila see each other in secret. OSG says maybe, but don’t forget that Pedro is still married to Mariana, so if he is seeing Camila, it must be in secret.
L: I don’t care that Pedro is still married to Mariana. That does not count. That happened years ago.
OSG: But everyone thinks Pedro killed his wife.
L: and that is true?
OSG: Who knows, the issue is Mariana dissappeared.
L: Tell me the truth. Was it you and my dad that dissappeared Mariana?
OSG: Don’t ask so many questions.
L: I don’t care either way. In any case, Pedro will fall (for me).
OSG: What we have to find out is if Camila returned or not. Last night I was so drunk I am not sure if I saw her or not. But if it is true, poor her (Camila) and while at it, I will help you, flirt.

Back to fields of Alcatrash… So it IS Avocadoes!! Ok, back to the show… Genoveba comes running to meet Camila, Camila is still smoking angry and says she saw Pedro and he is dead for her!! Camila tells Genoveba she will concentrate in work and make believe Pedro never existed.

Pedro tells the boys on their walk back that he hopes that the plague of Alcatrash won’t come over here… Boys ask if he truly believes Camila wants that to happen. He asks them to please not mention Camila to him again.

Camila tells Genov what happened with Pedro. Genov asks if she thinks Pedro believes she is teamed up with Gregorio to harm him. Camila confirms, and says he dared say it was for vengeance. ‘You know how much I fought to not vow to avenge against him and everyone that hurt me!!’ Camila tells Genov she just wants to end the plague and leave asap…Genov says it will take much longer to fix the ‘plague’ than they anticipated. IT will take at least a couple months. Camila wants to make believe Pedro never existed. Genov suggests to have boss send someone else instead of Camila. Camila is not willing to back down and make Pedro think she buckled and ran.

At apartment, Elvira is remembering when Pigorio sent her packing and told her he never cared for her really. ..and his favorite word ‘LARGATE!!’  … she keeps telling herself he will pay someday… Armando comes home, not heard of Camila yet. Elvira wonders if she has already seen Pigorio. Elvira tells Armando that they both will also head to Fresno.

Gabriel, Pedro and Claudio are buying wood… Pedro goes off to pay for it, Gabriel and Claudio  talk about Pedro and Camila. Camila is very pretty, no wonder Pedro has not been able to forget her… and so is Mariana per her photo. That it seems Camila and Pedro need to talk but can only yell at each other… Seems Margarito left a while ago and got to drinking regularly.. they hope Margarito would return, Pedro could use his advise now.

Doris drives in with Florencia, Claudio is smitten instantly. Gabriel reminds him that Pigorio threatened them not to approach his granddaughters. Claudio will take his chances… Doris warns Florencia about what her granddad said as Claudio is approaching. Florencia tells Claudio can’t be friends anymore.

Inside Alcatrash, Pigorio is telling the same thing to OSG… Pigorio is predicting Faiola (he got the wrong one) will not follow his orders so he is asking OSG to talk to her. OSG sarcastically tells Pigorio that he will tell Fabiola that the God of Alcatrash has spoken… So it will be written! So it will be done!! (man I miss Yul Brynner) … Pigorio does not appreciate the joke, says better go talk to the farm engineers who are dealing with the plagues instead (then why this whole speech to OSG to talk to his daughter if he has other plans for OSG?) Pigorio wants the engineers to stay within Alcatrash grounds, instead of them staying at a nearby city hotel.

Camila and friend are settling into an office room at Alcatrash… Camila says she can hide from Pigorio and the Negrete family here… Friend says better be ready to face Pigorio and OSG and the rest of the sweet tender family face to face since if they spend so much time at their ranch, no way can she avoid them for long…  Camila says had enough today with Pedro, give me time… Friend asks about El Talisman inside deco… did it have flowers, nice things, etc?  … yes, why?... better start getting the idea that there is a woman living at ElTalMajal…

Claudio and Gabriel tell Pedro about Florencia discarding Claudio because Pigorio ordered it. Pedro says hold on, I will take care of it… just at that moment, here come again Doris and Florencia back to their van again… Pedro calls for Florencia but Doris immediately steps in the way telling Pedro off… Pedro won’t stop.. he tells her noone discards these men… they are worth a lot, they are good people, have a good heart and are very decent. Doris says how can they be worth much if they are mere peons of ElTalMajal?  Florencia also questions Pedro’s image of them… Pedro gives up and tells the boys ‘lets go, its no use, but I have to talk to the two of you’…

Back to Camila and Genoveba… Camila wonders if Pedro married or has anyone else…  Friend says perhaps. Camila confesses someday she dreamed of marrying Pedro. Friend says time has come to get Pedro out of her mind… Camila says easier said than done… In comes OSG and Camila can’t avoid him… ‘go ahead and deny you are Camila’ … OSG is in disbelief… you are coming here to work? … Camila explains that they called the company she works at and the company sent her here to help them fix the plague problem.  Genoveba confirms what Camila said… OSG tells Genoveba she will say whatever Camila asks her, and then tells Camila ‘I know you came to Alcatrash for vengeance (third character that has a vengeance, according to another character? How many copies of this script did they give the cast?? Was this script on clearance sale??)

Doris is yelling at Florencia for talking to Claudio. Doris swears to Florencia that Claudio and Gabriel are just like Pedro! Florencia argues against it. Doris yells over Florencia and tells her she cannot be friend of that ‘gentuza’ (commoner trash). Don’t talk to them! It is an order from grandpa!! Doris mentions that Fabiola is also a rebel and she has had enough of the both of them.

Pedro is also sermoning the boys… don’t get your hopes too high with Flo or Fab…
Boys say you don’t know them, Pedro argues, but I know their family! Claudio swears that Flo and Fab are not like grandpa. Pedro warns ‘for now, but don’t be so sure’.

Fab is in living room at Alcatrash, in comes LooKrazia… who asks Fab what happened with the Najeras’ LooKrazia asks Fab if she heard anything. Fab only remembers OSG telling her mom that Camila was prettier. LooKrazia won’t tell why she asked. But will say she wants to know where Camila is, so she won’t mess with her plans with Pedro.

OSG is still hanging at Camila’s improv office … He insists she came for vengeance. He does not want her to forget he is the owner of the ranch, and she is just an employee. She pulls her card, she can help his dad not to lose the ranch for the plague. And if he does not like it he can call her boss and she will be replaced. He tells her that is how he remembered her, a fidgidy fighter. He has always ‘admired’ her. She corrects him ‘you have always ‘wanted’ me.  OSG admits that is what he meant, and promises her she will fall for him. (vas a ser mia).

Pedro tells the boys that the ‘expert/specialist’ Camila will try to ruin their crops…  HE asks them to take measurements to put up another fence… When Pedro leaves, Claudio explodes, tells Gab he respects Pedro but he won’t accept that Pedro keep him and Flo apart.

Fab asks what happens when grandpa finds out she is after Pedro. What if he sends you away again? LooKrazia says he does not have to find out, you just keep your mouth shut. I will make it so Pedro and Camila will not see each other.. Fab confused since Camila and her family left long ago. LooKrazia says yeah but I want to make sure Camila won’t come back.  I promise you, TiaLu will never let them be together.

Camila is in disbelief that she will be with OSG. OSG says just give it time… Genoveba reminds him he is married, he is irritated that Genov butted in. Camila asks him to respect Genov. OSG appologizes to Genov. HE asks Genov to leave… tells Camila that for her, he is willing to divorce even if he ends up pennyless… Camila is in disbelief. OSG insists he is serious. Camila says don’t wait up… you and I will never be anything.  OSG pulls another card.. .’why? Because of Pedro?’   Camila can’t hide her surprise that he knows… he says LooKrazia told him.  How does she know, asks Camila. ’Pedro told her… (and he keeps playing his script) didn’t you know that Pedro and LooKrazia are together?’ Camila puts deer in the headlights face…  Camila swallows hard and asks for confirmation. ‘Yeah but in hiding, you know my dad hates him. … because he kept ElTalMajal… that is why they have to see each other in hiding, she stays at his place and returns before my dad wakes up.’… Camila is trying to hide her pain, says she doesn’t care. OSG asks for a chance … she says even if I don’t love Pedro does not mean I will be with you… so let me work… OSG asks to be friends (with a very sneaky facial expression… nose growing anywhere?) OSG says fine, lets be friends, at least. Camila agrees and keeps asking him to leave and let her work…  OSG finally leaves and Genov comes asking for the gist of what happened… Camila tells her about LooKrazia and Pedro being together

Pedro and auntie are talking about him and Camila… Pedro insists Camila is after vengeance… he would have preferred she never returned, the old Camila was nice, transparent, with no prejudices… Tia says she would like to meet her to know her true intentions… Pedro says its no use.. life is funny, LooKrazia is interested in me, but I am in love with Camila, who wants to take revenge on me… the world is spinning backwards.

LooKrazia is drinking.. Fab is asking if Pedro loves Camila, will she beg him? LooKrazia assures Fab that when a woman loves a man, she will leave her pride aside as long as she can have him, and she wants Pedro.

Camila took it hook, line and sinker, telling Genov that Pedro does not love her and is together with LooKrazia. Genov suggest she ask Boss to replace her, but Camila says being away will not take the pain away.. will stay even if Pedro and LooKrazia are around.

Said LooKrazia is calling a PI to find Camila. OSG walks in and hangs up for her and tells her Camila is here at AlcaTrash.

Outside, Camila and Genov are talking about needing to take measures to avoid the plague to get to other crops, when they spot Pedro’s boys.. who are busy taking their measurements.  Camila and Genov guess they are planning to build another fence… Camila yells at the boys that a new fence won’t prevent the plague to get to ElTalMajal.

Inside Alcatrash..
LooKrazia is worried that Camila is around… she wonders if Camila came to see Pedro. OSG says Camila came to work… OSG tells LooKrazia that he told Camila that LooKrazia and Pedro are together… she is happy to hear that…

The boys yell back at Camila that Pedro can do anything, he owns the land… Camila yells that that won’t do anything, they are a bunch of stubborn fools… let Pedro do whatever he wants…

Pigorio and one of his workers are talking that they can’t provide enough grain to fill the orders from the factories… he won’t buy Pedro’s crops but has not let Pedro sell to anyone else either… he and the worker are planning to take the customers to a womens house they are friends with…

Pedro and auntie are also talking about ElTalMajal not doing well financially since he has not been able to sell the crop, they might need to mortgage ElTalMajal. Tia impactada that the situation is this critical.. The boys come running to tell Pedro the message Camila sent, that it is useless to lift another fence to avoid the plague from reaching ElTalMajal.

Camila tells Genov that they have to prevent the plague to get to ElTalMajal. Genov jokes that Pedro has been acting so nasty, but she still worries about him. Camila keeps insisting it is not about Pedro, it is about her job and ElTalMajal. Genov confronts her asking flat out ‘ElTalMajal… or Pedro?’  Camila finally opens up, saying she thought Pedro loved her, but it shows he never did’.
Here comes Pedro jumping the fence and approaching her from behind
P: ‘Camila! Stop sending me messages (with third parties)! I know you will not stop until you infect ElTalMajal with the plague!  (Genov makes her quiet exit)
C:  And here you go again!
P: If you are going to tell me something, at least tell me face to face!!
C: I don’t know what they told you, but I just told the truth! It is useless to raise a fence to stop the plague from reaching ElTalMajal!
P: Don’t tell me that you now are worried about ElTalMajal, don’t be a hypocrit!
C: You are the hypocrit! You told me you loved me, that you would always love me, but you are a liar! I know you have another one!
P: (thinks: how did she find out about Mariana?) Ah, you found out!
C: You thought I would not find out? What makes me most angry is that I am such a fool! Because I came back with the pretext of the plague but I wanted to see you! I wanted to be with you! (he gets a happy grin on his face) And all you told me years ago were just lies!! You never loved me!!
P: Enough! You don’t know how much I love you!! (grabs her face with his hands and plants a BIG ONE on her)
P: Now dare tell me this kiss was not one of love!
C: you love me? And LooKrazia?
P: What does LooKrazia have to do with all this? I am not in love with LooKrazia!
(a huge shotgun shot is heard, they freeze… Pigorio’s HM threats Pedro with shooting him if he does not leave right now)
C: No, Valentino!! (Pedro is very happy she jumped to defend him)
P: Don’t worry Valentino, I am leaving now! (back to Camila) Now you know, don’t pay attention to anything you hear about LooKrazia. I love you, Camila. Ah, and… when you don’t feel like taking vengeance anymore… come looking for me. (leaves her totally confused)

Inside Alcatrash, LooKrazia and OSG plan to set up a situation where Camila sees Pedro and LooKrazia together… But OSG does not want to participate in such a way that Camila will find out he was part of it. He is really interested in Camila, he wants Camila to believe he really wants to be her friend..

Pedro is remembering his argument and kiss with Camila… (their theme song: the light in her looks, the tone of her skin… the color of her lips… my God, what a woman!’)
P: What am I doing? What am I doing? I don’t know if she is sincere or if she is setting a trap for me…
Claudio: Pedro! Are you ok? … sure you are ok?
P: I am falling for a woman I can’t figure out.

Camila tells Valentin one of these days he will actually shoot someone and regret it. Val says if it is Pedro, boss will congratulate me.
Valentin tells Camila that on orders from Pigorio, they will stay at Alcatrash, their things were already moved over here from the hotel… Camila and Genov are not happy that they were not asked… Valentino tells Camila, sorry but you will have to live at Alcatrash.

At ElTalMajal fields, Pedro and Claudio are revising the leaves… Pedro is unsure what to do. Claudio is painfully honest with Pedro, tells him that you can’t decide who you love, Pedro says he has to forget Camila. Besides, he is still married. Claudio says don’t take this the wrong way, but you are using Mariana as an excuse. That he can get a divorce anytime.. Pedro admits it is a pretext, and will continue using the pretext to not fall for Camila.
P: Camila does not believe the plague will reach ElTalMajal.
Claudio suggest he go talk to her and ask her himself.
Pedro does not like the idea, anyone can see what he feels for her miles away!
Claudio: Now you understand what I go through with Florencia…
P: that’s right, you too are in love with Florencia… but she is a Negrete.
Clau: That Flo is a Negrete does not mean she carries the evil genes of her dad, Pedro!
Am I a drunk like my dad?
P: OF course not, but you heard them this morning, Pigorio does not want you near his granddaughter!
Clau: Then what do I do? Let the woman I love go just like that? Flo is not seeking vengeance, like Camila does!
P: But she won’t even talk to you!
Clau: But that is because her mother is brainwashing her against me! But once I talk to her everything will go back to the way it was!
P: Alright! Let’s suppose you get together, what are you going to do to see each other? In hiding? Think about it! IT is not worth it!

Inside Alcatrash, Flo and Fab are talking about Claudio’s reaction to her rejecting to talk to him. Flo is afraid Claudio must think she is just like her granddad. She felt Claudio was really dissappointed in her. Fab says no use regreting it. Just have to figure out how to solve the problem. Fab asks Flo if she really does not like Clau as a man. Flo keeps denying it, but don’t want to lose a friend like him. Fab says then whether mom likes it or not, you and I will go talk to him.  (Flo impactada, is afraid they will get caught. Fab says so what? She(mom) also has her own secrets, no?)

OSG enters his bedroom, Doris is in bed, asks if he will fulfill his marriage commitment. OSG: You should be that lucky.  I wouldn’t go back in your bed even if I had gone crazy.
I freed myself from you and I won’t fall again. (Doris claims they do get along well in bed) that was before. Now it is different… Want to know why?... because finally there is a woman worth my risking my dad disheriting me… (she demands to know the name) course, her name is Camila… yes, Camila Najera, she is back at the ranch, and for her, I WOULD divorce you…
(end of ep)
Previews show OSG continuing with his intention to divorce, Doris slapping Camila and showing her her wedding ring, yelling Antonio is her husband… Camila returns the slap right back but seems OSG and LooKrazia do scheme the meeting with Pedro and LooKrazia, Pedro receives a note, seems hopeful, probably thinks it is from Camelia, OSG and LooKrazia celebrate ‘tonight will be the great night, flirt, we are winning the battle’ .. voice over: the war begins.. at ElTalMajal!!


Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #115-116 Wed 2/8/12

I heartily enjoy the recap... Pina catches Vins and Candi making out and gets it recorded... Beto jumps out of his pants singing and dancing for joy, because the great inaki gasco wants to invest, which could pull them out of debt... Chela meets Enzo in the gym, but is disappointed to find him in his business suit (he's got to meet with the great Inaki)

Why the hell did Pina give Arnoldo the phone? Dollars to donuts she hasn't made any copies of this legally crucial file. Oh. She doesn't know how, and she needs his help. Aren't there some eggheads (or at least, people capable of using a phone) who could help her who *aren't* friends of Vins? She could take it to a cell-phone shop or something to get their help. In Mexico you can hardly walk a block on the street or 200 feet inside a mall without running into a cell store or kiosk. Nonetheless, it's downloading, and I'm reminded of that stupid ad on Univision where a woman can't come to lunch with her friend because she's waiting for videos to download (what, were cute cat videos more important than your friend?)

Pancho is nice to Enzo now that the man (regrettably for us) saved Temo. Awkward phrasing from this conversation: "I take off my hat to you with all my heart." They hug, yay! Rebe and Beto are happy to see this.

Rocky was busy so he let Chela teach Zumba. But she dreams about Enzo. Weirdly, her romantic flashback has this random side-shot of Pancho. Clearly symbolic. Glad that triangle's opened up. I love how quickly stuff gets resolved in this show.

At the meeting: Enzo walks in and demands Pina's phone. She hands it to him. I hope it actually downloaded. NO WAY! Have we just met Pina's future love interest? Inaki walks in and kisses her hand as Vins grumpily looks on.

Pepe and Moni are shopping for their new pad. Pepe: what are you going to cook for me? My aunt has some tips.

Inaki flirts with Pina, and Avon flirts with Inaki. They boast of their plans for greater production... what a turn-on. Vins feels left out (I think), and in the end won't even shake the man's hand goodbye. Beto proclaims the meeting a huge success (He likes Pina/Pancho as a team), but Vins yells "nononono, lambiscon!" He thinks that it only went through because Pina was flirting with the man. Fortunately, he gets shot down by everyone in the room (including Enzo), much like a hang-glider hitting flak. Vins flips and says that Pina's just a dilettante who knows nothing about business (just like Pancho). He threatens to kill her, and then, once he's left in the empty meeting room, he angrily eats all the snacks from the meeting.

Ana gets a call from her producer, which saves us having to watch Candi moan about the video. Oh wait, she gets a quiet solo mournful flashback after Ana leaves. Oh well.

Mamazon is off to San Diego. Moni is sad about her weird and depressed mom, but happy that she and Pepe now have kitchen appliances and other household consumer goods to share together.

Vins and Arnold have a cute scene. Arnold gives him whiskey, which calms him down a bit. Vins whines that he's going to lose everything. Arnold cleverly reminds him that he once said he'd give up everything for "Miau." BUSTED! In reply, Vins utters a few words that will clearly bite him in the ass: Pina will never, never, never defeat me!

The Cha-Cha cronies (chacho and chato, or is it the other way around?) are chatting with Pancho about Chela and Rebe when Pina walks in and chases them away. She wants to talk about Freddy and Ana... She doesn't like their relationship, and she knows that Pancho feels the same way. She proposes an alliance to nip it off in the bud. He's still mad about the car incident and won't have anyone so much as implying that his daughter isn't an awesome chick.

Enzo is making out with Chela when (didn't this already happen once) Temo wanders by, sees them, and starts screaming. Hate that kid. We are "treated" to a scene wherein he sobs in bed and Chela tries to convince him Enzo has changed. "don't you think your aunt deserves to be happy?" ... "but what about me? me?" I hit fast forward.
Oh, btw, Manuel's dad changed his mind and now he will give them an album, but they have to change their image, starting with Ana. He wants her to become "sexy." The words "I want to see you sensual, attractive" seem a little insulting to me, but w/e, Ana's pretty happy with it.

Pina takes her son out to a nice restaurant to chew him out over his "betrayal," dating Ana. Then she lightens up a bit, and admits that she just puts up a hard front for Vins. She's actually very sad about the loss of those 20 years spinning by Vins' side. Side note: I actually like this outfit.
Arnold comes to Pancho and Rebe looking for help. "It's Vins. I've already administered many doses of whiskey, but he's not getting better." Vins is making him choose sides, but he supports Pina unconditionally. He doesn't want to get killed or fired, so he's come for help. Also, he admits up-front that he threw some dogs at Rebe and promises that that's over with. Pancho, too, is rather up-front and asks what was with the whole fake-gay thing. I don't totally understand his answer, but I think he's saying that his old boss really had the hots for him and gave him a choice: your body or your job. He said no, so she fired him and told all the other beauty businesses that he was guilty of sexual harassment. And that (I don't really understand why), he says, is the reason why I fell in with those buzzards who tried to take you down, and I'm so sorry (he didn't want to lose his job again). But why did you put on the gay act? I got it from a Mauricio Garces movie, modisto de senoritas, with Irma Lozano. Some help here? Anyway, Pancho brightens up like the sunshine at the mention of a movie he loved, and Rebe looks similarly touched. Then he gets a call (it's Ana, calling from the studio) and acts ULTRA-GAY! He hangs up and goes back to speaking normally. It's clear that positively no one (except maybe Ana... ew) respects him, not even the receptionist.

Ado wants Chato to meet her mom and make the relationship real, and he *freaks out*. He literally has a cow (and judging by the expression in the picture I saved, it comes out sideways)... Either he has serious concerns about the future of their relationship or he's holding in a mega fart. I don't know if I'm giddy from staying up so late, but that thought really cracked me up. I laughed out loud.
Uh-oh, Ana wants Arnold to make her sexy. Avast, mateys, there be awkward moments on the horizon. He thinks she should be like Blondie. I snicker.

Enzo admits to Chela that he was a car-washer. He fell in love with Mamazon and loved her like crazy, but she turned out to be unstable. She got pregnant by some other rich kid, and wanted to get an abortion, but Enzo said no and that's why there's a Monica. Also, he drops the L-bomb on Chela and she looks a bit uncomfortable, but pleased.

------at this point something weird happened to the recording. next thing, Panch and Rebe are in a bubble-bath-----

Also at this point I just got too tired to go on. I'll finish up in the morning! Sorry, guys...

Second part opens with a fun little party at Pepe/Moni's place when everyone brings them household goods. Enzo again demonstrates that he is reformed, by bringing a colossal microwave. Once everyone has arrived, Ana has an announcement: she's going to marry Freddy. Also, she's pregnant! ----------------------------------------------- *NOT*, which doesn't seem like a very appropriate joke to make in front of your dad. My mom says it's like telling a bomb joke to a TSA official.

Elena shows up like the half-wit low-rent villainess she tries to be, and makes a fruitless attempt at raining on the parade.

Arnold consoles Pina, and in the process is visited by a goofy voice in his head informing him that these new feelings of desire for Pina are totally wrong. This is probably a healthy thing... the goofy voice in my head seldom has any good advice.

Vins shows up at his house in time for a brief confrontation. He grabs the pooch, praising her for being "the only creature in this house incapable of betraying me..." Pina, who has just been making plans to install something in the house (new locks?) lays into him and tells him that she'll get custody of the dog, too. Freddy takes the dog and tries to cover her ears to prevent her from hearing the ugliness.

Arnold is worried about what would happen if Vins knew about his feelings for Pina, and has a black-and-white vision of Vins shooting him.

Pancho admits to Chela that he got jealous when he saw her with Rinaldi.

Pina is on the phone with the men who are going to install some "very sophisticated equipment," when Ado shows up behind her. She shrieks "asustacion" (I love these names) but proceeds to console her over Chato, who apparently doesn't like her anymore.

Next we see Chato's side. He's moping over what happened, and explains to Chacho something that he says very quickly and very slurred, without subtitles. I didn't catch it.

After swearing her into secrecy, Arnold admits to Rebe that he's in love with Pina.

The show goes out on that... I can't wait to see the sophisticated equipment.


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