Tuesday, February 28, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #45 Tuesday 2/28/12 Ugly Crying, Self-Pity, and Rigid Self-Righteousness

LQNPA, Cap 45, Feb 28, 2012: Ugly Crying, Self-Pity, and Rigid Self-Righteousness

While the recap is being cooked up, I'd like us to discuss UGLY CRYING among galanes in telenovelas. I'm of the opinion that Cesar Evora is the ugliest crier in all of Telenovelaland. (I base this on his red-nosed, red-eyed, squished-face, totally-getting-into-it crying in Llena de Amor.) But I find that Jorge Salinas is a close second. For example:
Okay, he's mercifully hiding his UGLY CRYING from us in this shot. Let's try again:

That's more like it . . .

A final example . . .

And some not-so-ugly crying. (Aw, Rogelio, Rogelio!)

Jorge Salinas can also do "Pretty Crying" (as witnessed earlier in this novela) and galanes like Jose Ron and Guy Ecker are also "Pretty Criers." This is no reflection on the acting ability of any of these guys; it's just an observation.


(NOTE: Events may not be listed in complete order, but you should be able to figure out what belongs where!)

* We have a repeat of Rohellio's ugly crying from last night. He is talking big talk about how he'll just get over all of this, and he'll never love again, blah blah blah, but Maria says, nothing doing, you have Cupcake in your heart. Rohell breaks down and admits it, and through sobs, says, "But she loves another." Maria rests her head on his lap to comfort him, as he wipes away his tears, thoroughly shattered.

* Cupcake finds Fermin at Boring del Cielo and he is welcoming and friendly. They chat and she tells him that the Guscake is not believing that she's not a gold-digging bruja. "I tried to tell him, but he won't listen." (Sort of how she wouldn't listen to Rohell! But no, she won't make that connection.)

Cupcake and Margarito meet up with a friendly Fermin.

* Fed is at the Hacienda, not-so-subtly pumping everyone for info on Cupcake. He uses the somewhat strained excuse that since Cupcake is a friend of his former employee, Dani, and because Cupcake is a "buena muchacha," that he's worried. When he talks to Maria, she won't say much, only that Cupcake is very young, and she couldn't handle stuff. And that she took Margarito with her.

* Cupcake is directed to some bungalows (sounds like a motel?) where she and Margarito can stay. Fermin also tells her that Guscake is staying with him. Cupcake wants an opportunity to talk with the Guscake some more. Fermin says that Guscake took her so-called "betrayal" really hard.

* Carmen is asking Guscake about the return of Cupcake. No, he won't take her back, but the feelings of love are still there. "Why did she return if she's with this other guy?" Carmen asks. "I don't know, I didn't ask." (Well maybe you SHOULD, idiot!) He engages in some Pretty Crying as he says he's confused, blah blah blah.

Gus makes sure Carmen knows that he's still got a thing for the Cupcake.

A classic example of Pretty Crying.

* Consuelo and Maripaz are talking about their respective loser would-be or ex-novios, Miguel and Efrain. FF>>

* Miguel is put to work in the Hacienda, while Rohell looks on and chats. They're at a steep staircase, which Rohell says is his most hated part of the Hacienda, because it reminds him that he can't walk. Rohell then wallows in self-pity. He thinks that Cupcake used the "you murdered my novio" thing as an excuse to bail on his crippled self, because after all, what woman would want to be saddled with him. (Well at the moment that's true, but it's not because of your chair, but because of your thoroughly ROTTEN personality, dude!) Miguel tries to affirm that Cupcake was, indeed, very sincere, but Rohell isn't buying it. He then muses if perhaps he was destined to be alone, even if he could walk.

Rohell talks with Miguel, as we get a good view of Miguel's saggy britches.

* Fermin deposits Cupcake and Margarito at a bungalow. She thanks him and then asks about getting work in town. Fermin thinks he may be able to help. He seems very fond of her, thinks she's a great nurse, etc. She later tells Margarito that she plans on staying in Boring del Cielo, despite Guscake being mad at her, and that eventually she'll make him listen to the full details of her situation!

* That night, Fermin advises Guscake to stop being such a rigid, self-righteous pr*ck and actually listen to the Cupcake. (Of course he says it much nicer than that.) Later, Carmen advises him to seek out Cupcake, telling him that since he loves her, he should fight for that love.

* Back at the Hacienda, Miguel is having a chat with Consuelo, and she's telling him that Maripaz still cares for him. FF>> Miguel whines about being locked up like an animal. He sends Consuelo to get him coffee, and when her back is turned, he swipes some liquor and leaves, presumably to further embrace his drunken lifestyle.

* In the morning, Rohell goes to Miguel's room, where Miguel is sleeping off an evening of dedicated drinking. Rohell relishes dumping a pitcher of water on Miguel, and proceeds to chastise and admonish him, and tells him to suck it up and stop acting like a loserific drunkard. He reminds Miguel that he got him out of jail. Miguel, still staggeringly drunk, lunges on Rohell in a display of intoxicated gratitude, while Rohell recoils from (I assume) Miguel's less-than-fresh breath. Rohell tells Miguel that he needs to take this opportunity that life is giving him and not screw it up. He then instructs Hugo to keep an eye on Miguel.

Rohell doesn't need to get any nearer to Miguel to smell him, I'm thinking.

* Vainessa and David are talking business. David owns those lands at Boring del Cielo and Rohell is interested in buying. Vainessa tells him that if it'll annoy Rohell, she'd be willing to buy these lands herself. Smug smiles from both David and Vainessa.

* Fed calls Tia MentiRosa. It's confirmed that Cupcake left the Hacienda. Tia turns on the waterworks and hits Fed up for money, for helping the Cupcake, of course. He says he'll see what he can do, keep in touch, etc. Then Tia leaves a message with Bruno, and is seriously peeved over his douchebaggery in making it look like Rohell killed the Guscake.

* Bruno visits Tia MentiRosa. She is very peeved and is screaming and hitting him. He restrains her and with bug-eyed freakiness, lays out his plan. He needs Cupcake to return to the Hacienda and stay married to Rohell. Then he can work on Cupcake to get her to hate Rohell enough to hatch a "revenge" plot for the so-called murder of her novio. The plan involves bilking Rohell for his entire fortune, as well as Sinthia's half, if they can! AND . . . (Bruno says, twirling his evil villain mustache) he wants Cupcake for himself at the end.

Two greedy villains squabble.

* An interesting conversation between Bruno and Tia. They are peas in a pod. He wants money because he had it and lost it; she wants money because she's never had it. He admonishes her for "betraying" him by pushing Cupcake to marry Rohell, and says that the perks she gets now from Rohell (the house, the income) are "charity." They could be taken away at any time. He has something better planned!

* All of this evil plotting also requires that they do away with the Guscake, so Cupcake never finds out he didn't get murdered. (Too late for that, Bruno!) Tia is not all that keen on the killing part, but in the end, you know, whatever.

Bruno gets all bug-eyed and freaky. He explains that he had to set up Rohell so Cupcake would hate him, because she was starting to fall for Rohell and that couldn't be allowed.

* Bruno and Tia plot to get Cupcake staying with Tia, where she can work on Cupcake and have her know that she has Tia's "support."

* Guscake visits Cupcake, but in the end, won't budge. More self-righteous rigidness. "Talk to the hand!" he says, as she pleads and pleads and tries to get him to understand that she went with the rich dude because she THOUGHT GUSCAKE WAS DEAD, as in dead, deceased, assumed room temperature, no longer breathing oxygen, and so forth. But Guscake still won't listen, still won't be reasoned with, and plays the aggrieved and wronged boyfriend.

Oh he with the beautiful eyelashes visits Cupcake to further discuss things.

She tries to explain, but as usual, he won't listen.

* During  this frustrating conversation with the Guscake, it comes out that Tia knew that Guscake was alive and didn't say anything to the Cupcake. Cupcake looks impactada.

* Guscake absolutely flips when he finds out that the Cupcake is married. He accuses her of not mourning for him very long and can't believe she'd be kissing him while married to (and sleeping with) her husband. Cupcake can't get a word in edgewise to explain the true nature of her marriage. This is the final straw for him—he tells her that she is dead to him.

Impactado Gus.

* Vainessa tells her dad, Fed, that she wants to buy the Boring del Cielo lands from David, just to p*ss off Rohell. Fed is worried that she's too caught up with revenge. "Aw dad, just let me do this one thing!" she whines. They agree to meet at Boca del Cielo and talk about it some more.

* Consuelo is still heartbroken that Efrain is in love with Sinthia and there won't be any wedding. She's asking Sin (who has come into the kitchen) to not hurt Efrain anymore. Maria comes in, and wants to know what's up. Conned won't tattle on the affair between Effer and Sin, but Maria is suspicious and asks Sin if there's anything between her and Effer. Sinthia, in true selfish coldness, laughs and denies it, says that it's not her fault if Effer is in love with a "Princess" like her, and (while shooting a look of contempt towards Consuelo), says that he should aim a little lower, like another peon. Man, she is one arrogant, cold bruja in this episode.

* To further convince Maria that she's in no way involved with that peon Effer, Sinthia tells Maria that the guy she's really interested in is Mersnotty's brother, Gus. Just then Mersnotty comes in and Sinthia introduces her to Maria.

* Guscake rants to Carmen that Cupcake is married but doesn't love her husband, and at the same time wants to re-hook up with him. He's even more convinced than ever that Cupcake is a heartless, man-eating gold-digger. Carmen offers herself to Guscake to help him get over his broken heart. They hug and Cupcake sees. She pouts prettily as he sees her looking at him and Carmen hug. After Cupcake rushes off, Guscake tells Carmen that she's a great girl, but there can't be anything between them just now.

* Bruno calls Rohell as Tia listens in on the conversation. Cupcake hasn't shown up at Tia's house in Tuxtla. Rohell reports that Miguel (the Weakest Link) has been found and is back at the Hacienda. (Tia is happy about this.) "He'll be here until Cupcake returns and asks for forgiveness" he says. Rohell tells Bruno to keep leaning on Dani to see if she knows anything and to keep looking and pushing. He also says to keep an eye on the Tia as well.

Bruno reports back to Rohell as Tia listens in.

Rohell tells Bruno to keep looking.

* Vainessa and Sinthia are having a visit. Vain wants Sin to come with her for that business thing at Boring del Cielo. Sinthia passes because David will be there too. Besides, she's hanging out with her new friend, Mersnotty. Vainessa curls her lip at Mersnotty, still resentful because Mersnotty supposedly had a thing with Esteban. (But you dumped Esteban, so why do you care, Vainessa? Was it that your vanity was wounded?) Vainessa says she also wants to try to work on her dad to convince him to give up looking for that so-called other daughter of his.

Sin shows off her fabulous washboard abs as Vainessa leaves the room.

* Fed comes into Rohell's office to say goodbye, as he's off to Boring del Cielo. He hopes for Cupcake's swift and safe return, and offers any help he can give. Rohell thanks him. In slinks Vainessa. She tells Rohell that she hopes his wife never returns, as Fed shakes his head slightly in disapproval. Rohell gives her a look of veiled disgust.

Not thrilled to see Vainessa.

* Carmen, Fermin's daughter-in-law, is jealous of how Guscake is still hooked on Cupcake. She's going to try to snag the Guscake for herself, because somehow it's "not fair" that Cupcake should have him, since she's an evil gold-digging married woman. Later in the episode, Carmen approaches Cupcake and implies that she and the Guscake have something going on, and that Cupcake should just back off. Indeed, Cupcake did see Gus and Carmen hugging earlier and Gus knew she saw and he didn't leave her with the impression that nothing was going on, so . . .

Carmen tries to drive Cupcake away by implying that Guscake is involved with her, Carmen.

* In the evening, Effer reports to Rohell that they have searched for Cupcake, but so far, nothing. Do they keep on looking? Rohell snaps his whip on his desk and says of course, keep on keep on keep on.

"Don't stop looking for her!" he barks at Effer.

* Cupcake is able to call Dani and tell her that the Guscake is alive and not murdered by that old turd Rohell. Though of course Rohell is still to blame for hiring a hit on the Guscake, Cupcake is convinced. (I wonder what Rohell would think if he knew that both Dani and Miguel were fully aware that Cupcake was alive and well, and they said nothing. Now of course we know why Dani and Miguel aren't telling, but at the same time, Rohell still has no idea if Cupcake is even alive, or if she has succumbed to the wild terrain she had to travel through to escape.)

* Fed is in Boring del Cielo (on business with Vainessa, etc) and encounters the Cupcake. She's freaking, worried that he'll tattle on her, but he assures her he won't. They agree to meet later so they can talk.

Fed promises to help Cupcake and they arrange to meet later. But she can't show her face right now, because Vainessa and David are also at Boring del Cielo.

* In the dark, depressing solitude of his office, Rohell muses over his and Cupcake's wedding photo. In a fit of anger he throws it against the wall and he vows that he will "make her pay!" Okay, whatever, dude, I don't believe you, but if it makes you feel better to say it, go ahead . . .

In the dark solitude of his office, he looks at the Ugly Necklace he gave her, as well as the supposedly dead novio's necklace, and broods.

He looks at their wedding photo and wonders where she is.



Vainessa sees Paula and Margarito at the bungalows and promptly calls Sinthia and tells her.

Repeat of Rohell vowing that she'll "pay" and a shot of Cupcake and Guscake kissing.

From the avances: Vainessa smiles smugly when she spots Margarito and Cupcake.


Una Familia Con Suerte #141-142 Tue 2/28/12 What are we WATCHING?

Enzo takes the news that Chela doesn't love him pretty well... they're both crying, but he just doesn't want her to stay away from what she wants (Pancho) on account of him. Kind of a damp rag, but sweet.

Christian can't wait to go out with his underage secretary, and he bids his wife farewell as ominous music plays. She fondles a diamond with an evil look. Huh? Help me out a little here, I haven't been watching lately.

Our weak-willed house-mistress Candi has taken to yelling for Ado just like Pina. Chela shows up weeping.

Enzo tries to get in a word with Pancho, but totally gets steam-rolled by the entrance of the rowdy Cha-Cha buddies. Pancho takes all three out to la burra. They pile in to watch Mike hit on Rebe ("I like how things are progressing between us," he says) and put the world's most conspicuous tail on them as they go out for a drive.

Pina has a chat with Vins, but Sandra runs in to cut her off and warn her that Violeta is acting even crazier than usual. Cut to the Glamazon herself, who is muttering about killing Chela. Moni finds her in this state and is not pleased.

Maybe Pancho, Enzo, and the Cha-Cha boys weren't following Rebe... they're drinking together like old buds at some kind of party. Pancho asks "mr. mariachi" to play a song for his buddy Enzo. Enzo asks for a song that will silence his heart. Poor boy. They all chat about how difficult love is. They drunkenly attempt to sing along.

We break to a scene of Chela admitting to Lupita that she's madly in love with Pancho and then return to the boys, who are still drunkenly failing to sing with the Mariachis. They finish up and stumble off, joined by some random chick.

Glamazon's muttering has risen to full-on-crazy-screaming for the life of Chela. Monica doesn't know who to call.

Freddy and Ana have been sleeping together WHAT? Pina is trying to devise a way to stop them.

The boys are still drinking, and Pancho declares Enzo to be more than a friend: a brother. Wow, that was fast! Enzo admits he used to wash cars and he owes his success to Vins... Everyone looks hugely shocked, but they deal with it and have a very nice toast. They're mega-plastered, but they're a fun bunch... hope to see more of them. Then there's a very weird bit where footage of some (I assume) famous mariachi band is spliced into the rest of the show (not old footage, I don't think, just given a filter to make it look old). Some help? The singer looks quite made up, and in fact reminds me of Data from star trek. Plus a sombrero and mustache. The Mariachis have embroidered shirts that say, I think GAMA 1000. The singer throws his sombrero and Chato catches it, which I guess means that he'll be the next to get married.

The song has some very weird lyrics, and the singer fondles the gun tucked into his pants. He then pretends to give a rose to this lady in the audience, yanks it away, and hands it to her boyfriend. After giving off a few shrieking mariachi laughs, he kicks a teddy bear and fires a few shots into the crowd. Then he starts shooting the band one at a time as people throw flower-pots and his hat back at him. Enzo looks at his shot glass as if to say "what the hell was in that tequila?" But they're still mouthing the words to the song. The singer shoots Pancho and Enzo and it becomes clear that it was loaded with blanks. All in all, a surreal cameo.

Pina wants Ado to look out and tell her when pancho gets home in his "camionsucho."

Actually, the boys do make it home... They're all drunk, but they made it home. Pancho staggers in, drunkenly singing, only to meet his ENTIRE FAMILY, who are aghast to see him like this (except Pepe, who likes the song). They lay into him.

Enzo stumbles into his house. Moni calls, still worried about the screaming psycho Mamazon. He heads out to help her.

Rebe, having Sushi w/ Mike, and man is he in fine form for greasiness. She has a flashback-memory of "teaching" Pancho to use chopsticks. He tries to impress her by remembering her favorite things, but makes little headway.

Meanwhile, Pancho is a WRECK. He's drunkenly sobbing to his family about Rebe and Mike. Temo chides him for giving up so easily, but he's not ready to hear it. Then Chela admits -to Pancho- that Enzo "cut her off."

Now Elena is having drinks and flirting with her old married boss. They start kissing in the restaurant, and I throw up a little in my mouth.

Pina shows up at Pancho's to tell everyone that Ana has been sleeping with Freddy. Yikes. Everyone makes funny faces.

Oh god, this is gross. Lena and Christian... she's going at him with all guns blazing. He does the world's worst ever job of pretending to tell her to stop because, you know, it's just not right... No one is fooled. Cheapo camera effects reveal at least one of them to be drugged. He drops dead! Then she passes out.

Pancho is in the midst of a fit over Ana. He misses her playing with dolls and stuff, and now she's a woman. Boo hoo. He cries, everyone cries (except Pina). In the middle of all this, Adoracion runs in... The Mexican embassy in Brussels (or maybe it's Belfast, Adoracion isn't sure) is on the phone for Pina! Totally random turn of events... yay!

The Mexican consul: There has been a huge disaster. Apparently Yuyu's private jet has crashed. They don't know exactly what happened, but Pina is grabbing the next flight to Belgium. This has been an exceptionally absurd episode! Maybe Yuyu has died, and Mely is coming to live in Mexico.

When they're alone (in the bedroom... woohoo!) Chela admits to Pancho that she still loves him. THEY KISS! with their eyes closed, and when they open them mid kiss, they both leap to their feet in horror with amusing masks of discomfort on their faces. They part with much awkwardness, but the next morning Pancho awakes to a mean hangover and the sight of Chela showing up with some water for him. Temo shows up and eavesdrop on their awkward chat in the morning, and knows something is up.

The next morning, Mamazon wakes up looking much less crazy and, for once, a little sexy. She denies ever having flipped out the night before, much to everyone's consternation.

Temo whines about Mely.

Now comes a scene so weird I think it might have been accidentally spliced in from another show. Some woman in an unfortunate purple dress walks into a small office, says "hi, Napoleon" to a bust of Napoleon, wakes up a computer displaying a mid-90s-era screensaver, and proceeds to have a conversation with a camera on a robotic arm while watching a video of catgirl unmasked. Actually, I think the robot camera is named Napoleon, but I'm still in the dark.

Ana grills Pancho about Chela, but he turns it around and yells at her a little more about sex. She talks about using protection and he makes a hilarious face, like, "would that I could erase that image from my head."

Lena wakes up in a room with Christian's corpse (bearing her lipstick on his cheek). She freaks the hell out, as well she should. Eventually she pulls herself together enough to call Tomas to come help her out. He arrives, realizes how crazy things have gotten, and tells her to leave. He tries to wipe fingerprints off of everything, but finds a necklace on the bedside table which seems to have deep significance to him...

At this point I kind of tune out. Nothing really important happened. Pancho gets a call from Mike, but we don't find out what it is.

Wow, that was exhausting. Thanks, guys.


Una Familia Con Suerte #139-140 Mon 2/27/12

Hi there.
I was not able to do the recap for last night. I'd forgotten to set the DVR, and I'd been away this weekend, so when I came home late, I realized what had happened but could no longer do anything about it. I apologize.


El Talismán #20 Mon 2/27/12 The Big Kat and Mouse game at the Guacamole and Grain Growers Ball and the young jousting teams who didn’t get an invite…

Recap by Super Marta Ivett...here she comes to save the day!

We begin where we left off Friday, Jousting team TRAZ Lookrazy begging young Marcus Welby to not tell her dad or the police about her getting a beating.
Fairy Godmother without wand literally drags jousting team ELTAL Petro and reminds him his lovely princess must know that Lookrazy is in da house… just keep it all in the clear to avoid trouble… Petro is confused (so what’s new?)
At the Kat and Mouse Ball, we see the red minnie mouse arrive at the arm of the Giggolo Kat.. they both pamper each other with the sweet ear talk… and they both think… boy I am hooking the big money bag prize… and they don’t know it yet. 
Yellow minnie mouse runs to greet them… red minnie excuses herself to the girls room… She is spotted by Penguin Kat… who follows her…
Meanwhile yellow minnie nags at Giggolo Kat about paying too much attention to red minnie…
Giggolo Kat says he is falling for minnie…
The Kat that signed the papers asks Horis mouse who is that woman… don’t know… Horis mouse gets curious herself.
Back at the jousting ranch, Team ElTal CaMEEla is woken up by a tick tock on the door… she opens to ElTal Petro, but she is already mad… (did he wake her up from a nice dream?) he tells her they had promised to be totally honest so he is announcing to her that Traz Lookrazy is in da house… ElTal CaMEEla is not a happy camper and is not about to let ElTal Pedro be a softie with Traz Lookrazia. She won’t listen to his reasons… no way will she stay here the night! If she won’t go I will! Petro asks if she is jealous, as an answer he gets an ultimatum, she goes or I go!
At the Ball, Penguin Kat confronts red minnie, can’t believe you are lovelier and more interesting. Better than when we were rolling in the hay… She is direct in offending him, saying he does not look good (you think??) and undermining him as an ‘ordinary Ol McDonald rancher’.
Back at jousting ranch, ElTal CaMEEla and ELTal Petro are still arguing… she goes or I go! (have we heard this before?)
In the big house, Fairy Godmother without wand does not buy into Traz Lookrazia’s gimmicks… and lets her have it. Don’t bother faking, Petro is not here. Traz Lookrazia tries to continue with the ‘I am hurting’ play script, but to no avail. Fairy Godmother without wand tells her that just as she dragged yourself here to give Petro the guilty trip, she could have dragged yourself to a friend’s house or a hospital or to the police station… NO BUTS!! No need to come bother Petro (he is too busy arguing with CaMEEla).
Back at Ball, Penguin Kat is responding to red minnie mouse with same insulting offensive ‘you are nothing but a ho’ tone… I might be a bit out of shape but I am richie rich… unlike you who have no moolah… have u ever done anything to get money other than use your charms… what are you doing here? Why don’t you just go back? I don’t want you near me… She wants to play the guess game, but Penguin Kat is not in mood…
Yellow minnie mouse still with Giggolo Kat wants him to stop the flirty games… you look like a drooling puppy after that old hag… (LOL!)  .. he responds it feels as if he won a lottery… he does not want anyone targetting the rich red minnie… he is flattered at her acting jealous, she laughs it off. PLEEEZE!!! Well, maybe of the money you will squeeze out of that old hag. As for me I can find any man I want.
In jousting site ElTal kitchen, Tracy is torturning Panchito with extremely hot hot cocoa. They talk about whether Tracy should accuse her boss for stealing her stash of cash, she wants to do it. he asks who will believe you?.. they will believe Giggolo Kat, not you. Tracy will find a way to get payback. Hopefully Mrs red minnie mouse will make his life miserable.
Back at the ball with Penguin Kat and angry red minnie… Penguin Kat demands to know if it was her idea to send CaMEEla to work at Traz…
At ElTal cabana, Petro and CAMEEla are STILL arguing about same thing… You are the love of my life and I won’t let her or anyone separate us!! If you don’t run her out, I will!! (she goes in to put a sweater on.. but she keeps her pjs on under it. Sleeping beauty roomate wakes up but Petro tells her he will explain later…
Back in the house, Fairy Godmother without wand tells Traz Lookrazia to forget about Petro, he is madly in love with CaMEELA..
Outside El Tal house, in the carriage truck, young kittie hacienda worker is having a powow with gabriel the ranch boy… suddenly he spots Petro (or did he?) and they have to duck under dash.
Angry CaMEEla runs into the house and she and Fairy Godmother without wand stare at Lookrazia.
Back at ball, red minnie mouse denies having sent CaMEEla to traz. It was just a coincidence. Or maybe life wants to get back at you. Penguin Kat says what about the harm YOU did to your family? That is the past… oh by the way, things are different now, you are still beautiful.. why don’t we pick it up where we left off? She says you are the same, and by the way, who needs you when there are younger richer men around?  She leaves, he swears she will be HIS minnie again.
He needs to find out what she is after.
CaMEEla is shocked at seeing Lookrazia’s face all beat up. FGWW tells her apparently it was her dad who did it. CaMEEla begins to tell FGWW that in this state, there is no way Petro will shut the door in her face.
Back at ball, red minnie finally comes out of ‘girls room’. Giggolo Kat says he was anxious waiting for her.
Penguin Kat looks ill, Handy Horis keeps an eye on him, he wants her to keep an eye on red minnie and find out who the Kat with her is.
At ElTal house, CaMEEla and FGWW put on a script to make Lookrazia believe CaMEEla is giving her Petro on a silver platter… she walks away signaling to FGWW to watch Lookrazia’s reaction. Lookrazia falls for it hook line and sinker, and when they leave the room she rises and almost jumps for joy… CaMEEla and FGWW come back to watch her smile joyful… ‘SO you felt soo bad, didn’t you?’ FGWW fives CaMEEla a final stare apparently in admiration for her strategy.
A while later Petro is pacing anxiously, he had never seen CaMEEla so mad… FGWW and joust ranch boy Gabriel are trying to calm him down, Petro wants to avoid more trouble. FGWW says let them work out their differences (and I say ABSOLUTELY!! Let CaMEEla even out her face)
In living room, CaMEEla calls Lookrazia stupid for having let her dad beat her like this. Lookrazia insists not to accuse her dad with the police. It is my dad!.. CaMEEla starts to figure out that maybe it was not Penguin Kat who beat her up.. ‘who did you the little favor to beat you up so Petro would feel pity for you?’..
At Traz, TRAZ team jousting star Tony grows anxious that Lookrazia has not reported in, and talks to himself swearing CaMEEla will be his wife. Young Traz sweetie Flo hears this and asks him about it. But as she confronts him about a ‘girlfriend’, she seems to be high on something.
Back to ElTal living room… Lookrazia keeps denying it.. CaMEEla insists Petro does not love her.
Lookrazia still swears Petro will some day love her. Even if it is the last thing I do (is this a prediction? Will she be the innocent victim of Penguin and Traz joustin star when all is said and done?)
At ball, Handy Horis tells Penguin Kat the name of the other Kat is Rennie… Penguin Kat says enough with the guessing game.. lets go play straight… they join Giggolo Kat and red minnie in dance floor, Penguin proceeds to announce to Giggolo Kat that red minnie used to be his minnie.
At ElTal living room, Lookrazia admits she had someone beat her up to get Petro. CaMEEla asks her what is wrong with her?? You need a PSYCHiatrist!! I will make sure you don’t stay at ElTal tonight!!
At traz, star jouster has to do damage control with lovely young minnie… yes there is a minnie. Young minnie gets really sad besides high on something, asking if he and her mom will divorce. She knows they are not doing well as a couple but she does not want to see them divorced.  CaMEEla calls him on his cell. Young minnie asks daddy if the other minnie is named CaMEEla, on phone CaMEEla is mad, tells him don’t know if you are aware, but your Sisteh is hurt, CaMEEla demands he come get his Sisteh right now!!
Back at Ball, the foursome are still at it, especially red minnie and Penguin Kat going at each other with the skeletons of closets past in front of Handy Horis and Giggolo Kat. Red minnie claims Penguin is just a spiteful ‘ex’ who won’t take no for an answer. Penguin insists in calling her his past ho, and Giggolo plays the defending gentleman who won’t tolerate anyone offending his date ‘lady’. Penguin warns ‘if I were you I would not bother with this ‘woman’. (have to say Handy Horis and red minnie are holding back their Kats to avoid a claw to claw confrontation.)
Penguin Kat accuses red minnie of having done nothing but squeeze him out of his money during their ‘fling’.
Back at ElTal living room… CaMEEla wants Traz joust star to come get his sisteh since she is not welcome here! Traz jousting star realizes he has to run to do major damage control…
CaMEEla tells Lookrazia ‘your game plan failed, nuff said!’…
Lookrazia tries to play offended to CaMEEla saying ‘look at me all beat up and you still dare kick me out now? What I did was to defend Petro!’ CaMEEla will not have any, Shut up! Wait for your bro … you will not stay here at ElTAL!!
Traz jousting star stops by to get Val as backup to go do damage control at ElTal. Stupid sisteh of mine might have got me in lots of trouble with CaMEEla… lets go pick her up before she sinks me deeper!
At another traz room, other young minnie is reading a magazine article about ‘your ideal mate’.. and she looks up as if daydreaming with her Armani… (barf!!)  In walks other young minnie all sad about their dad having plans to marry another minnie…
Traz jousting star arrives at ElTal to pick up the ‘package’. Petro confronts him about the ‘woman he hired to play my wife’.. (give up, Petro, this jousting star will not fall for that one) Traz jousting star keeps on his Deny Deny Deny stand… ends up shoving the mudd back at Lookrazia for hiring ‘la tal Julia’. Blames Petro for Lookrazy being krazy, because Petro never gave her the time of day and she is krazy about him. Excuse me I will go fetch my sisteh.
Back at Ball, red minnie mouse walks away in a huff from the foursome discussion, Giggolo Kat and yellow minnie comment that maybe this red minnie was no ‘perita en dulce’ (sweet thing). She is going after my ‘money’, so she won’t suspect that I am after hers, and HERS is the real thing. They conclude that when red minnie was with Penguin Kat, she did not know how nasty this penguin really is… he will try to make red minnie believe that he does not care for Penguin Kat’s lies about her. Will continue on with her, making her believe I am crazy for her, so can marry her asap and cash her check and keep the money.
Elsewhere, red minnie is worried about how to explain this news (her being Penguin’s old ho) to Giggolo Kat. Here comes Handy Horis, on her info gathering mission… red minnie has no intention to talk to her, she has heard Handy Horis is nothin but a fly on the wall at the Negrete ranch. Handy Horis warns she can be as dangerous as any other Negrete. Handy Horis warns her to stay away from Pigorio, and by the way, tell your little princess to stay away from my jousting star because this fly on the wall can destroy both of you if she insists in going after MY jouster.  Red minnie asks why are you still after a jouster who loves another princess in demise. Handy Horis insists Jouster star is still my kids dad AND my husband! And here is my BLING to prove it! (showing finger up) Red minnie mouse looks very bored with the arguments by Handy Horis. She won’t give CaMEEla any message from Handy Horis.
Jouster star enters living room at ElTal and runs a play that he is totally surprised about the state of his Sisteh…
Young minnies at Traz are worried that the blow will be hard on their mom if it is true that dad is divorcing her to marry a CaMEEla. They have to investigate the details. Mom is capable of doing anything to get that other minnie out of the way. Could that CaMEEla be the same that came to get out the plague? Whoever it is will have to be careful of my mommie. Mom has never been a sweet thing, but I will never accept my dad’s ‘other woman’.
Back at ElTal living room, CaMeela and Petro insist that jousting star and Lookrazia should accuse their dad… the Traz kids are worried… they continue putting on a script in front of CaMEEla and Petro, but to no avail. Lookrazia manages to beg Petro to go with her to the hospital, so CaMEEla invites herself too. The four head for the hospital.
The henchman of Traz and Gabriel the ranch boy at ElTal play a stand off game … (honestly that has more entertainment potential than the red minnie mouse vs Handy Horis stand off at the Ball.)
Petro asks CaMEEla if she is sure she wants to go. CaMEEla says of course, don’t trust HER!
At Ball, Handy Horis will try to talk to CaMEEla herself… red minnie mouse says it’s a waste of time, because whether CaMEEla is in the way or not, your man does not want you.
Handy Horis warns her to stay away from Penguin Kat, red minnie asks ‘you want him for yourself? If its not the son, it’s the dad… you sure are pathetic.’ Red minnie walks away. Handy Horis mumbles to herself ‘Penguin Kat is my little gold mine, and I won’t let it get away from me’.
At hospital, Jousting star gives Petro a forced ‘thank you for helping my sisteh’… Said sisteh has requested to see Petro, and Doc won’t let CaMEEla go in with him, so Petro tells her he loves her and kisses her in front of Jousting star to mark his territory. The police arrive. Jousting star and CaMEEla are the only ones left there in waiting room. CaMEEla urges jousting star to dennounce his father. Jousting star hessitates. Police says best would be Lookrazia herself but a relative can if she can’t. Jousting star insists to wait for Lookrazia. CaMEEla offers to tell them what Lookrazia told her. Jousting star insists to wait for Lookrazia. CaMEEla keeps putting a very nervous jousting star on the spot in front of the police ‘it was your father who beat her, right?’..
Petro is with Lookrazia, she fakes being very afraid of her dad’s reaction to her accusing him.
Outside in waiting area, CaMEEla finally puts Jousting star on the spot and he has no choice but to accuse his dad of his sisteh’s beating.
Back at ball, Handy Horis reports to Penguin Kat about Giggolo Kat.. he is a ‘vibidor’ (womanizer after money). Penguin says he fits the stereotype pattern. He represents no danger for me then. They are made for each other. A pair of good for nothings that won’t get anywhere.
At hospital, jousting star claims he was not present when his dad beat his sister, he would never have allowed it, heard it all from CaMEEla who called him to let him know. CaMEEla confirms. Jousting star gets Petro smack in the middle of the mess since Lookrazia is madly in luv with Petro. CaMEEla makes faces behind jousting star as if not liking where this is heading. Jousting star tells police Lookrazia’s love for Petro is illfated, could even lead her to her death. Police seem interested in this angle.
At Traz, Penguin Kat and Handy Horis arrive home happy the darn event is over. Handy Horis reminds him these events are a necessary evil. Penguin Kat says you are right, but somehow this time it was not quite as boring … jeje.
Giggolo Kat drops red minnie mouse at hotel, thanks her for the lovely evening. She tries to sort of half ass appologize for them having to deal with that drag Penguin Kat… Giggolo Kat says don’t worry about that, don’t let it ruin this magical moment (barf!), the moment to steal a kiss from those lovely lips… she plays an uncomfortable high school girl, worried face, closing eyes and staying as stiff as a wood log.
At hospital police tells jousting star that with or without Lookrazia’s declaration, they have enough to go arrest Pigorio. Police leave. Jousting star turns and brags to CaMEEla that ‘see? I don’t fear my dad, only he could have beat up my sister that way’. She appologizes for doubting him, but she is confused at this time (are you falling back to confused clueless CaMEEla?? You had shown SUCH POTENTIAL all this episode… but I guess next ep we will get the same ol’ CaMEEla). Jousting star swears that he would be incapable of hitting a woman, even less his sister whom he luvs so much (did anyone spot a nose growing anywhere round here?)  Jousting star runs to fetch HM Valentin to run home and if police come looking for Pigorio to arrest him, to deny he is there. Val is scared.
In hospital room, Lookrazia begs Petro not to leave her. Take me to live with you at Eltal!! I am afraid!!
Petro tells her that is not  possible, please understand. Petro assures her the police know her dad did this to her and they will watch for her.
Lookrazia says noone will watch for her because she won’t accuse her dad.
Petro says the only way to protect her is to denounce Pigorio. If you don’t want to, then you can just escape, go far away. But he can’t take her in to live at ElTal. Sorry for my being so direct, but there will be nothing happening between us! She keeps trying to give him a guilt trip, but to no avail (maybe Petro will indeed keep some of the smarts he has shown in this ep, unlike CaMEEla who seems to have reversed all her progress)
Previews: Antonio warns Lookrazia ‘pobre de ti’ (you will regret it) if you say I was the one that beat you up. Antonio tells Val that if Lookrazia does not accuse Pigorio, they won’t be able to arrest him. Val warns Antonio that if Pigorio gets arrested, there will be hell to pay…
Voice over: Antonio plays a dangerous card at ElTal!...
I hope you all liked it, this was one of the most entertaning eps of ElTal to date…


Sunday, February 26, 2012

LQNPA Info regarding comments over 200

I apologize if the post is inappropriate, but because there were so many people commenting on Jardinera's recap LQNPA, 2/24/12: Hell-Fuerte Hath No Fury Like A Husband Scorned, something strange happened to the comment section, so I decided to give you some guidelines on how to see the latest comments. I don't know yet if this happened because there were more than 200 comments or because the blogs changed their interface, but I'll post these hints in case there are still people who want to keep track of the latest discussions.

So here it goes. You can do this in two ways:

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2) You go on the CarayCaray page and at the bottom of the recap, where it says


Una Familia Con Suerte #137-138 Fri 2/24/12 It's My Life, and I'll Do What I Want

Part One: Plotquake

Back to Arnold and Pina at dinner. He says with every moment that passes, he's more in love with her.

Candy and Vice are in bed. She answers his phone while he's in the bathroom - it's Violeta! Candy reads her the riot act. Violeta says she has enough money and "friends" to make Candy disappear right off the map. Candy ridicules her and hangs up. (It does not occur to her that one of Violeta's "friends" might be someone like Napoleon.) Then she fills Vice in on the conversation.

Moni shows up at Violeta's. She says the chofer will bring up her bags, which raises the question: how heavy can they be, given that someone stole all her stuff?

Pepe goes home to the mansion and hangs all over Ana crying.

Now Enzo pays a visit to Violeta and Moni. Moni hangs all over him crying. "I don't like to say 'I told you so,'" Enzo tells Moni. (Sorry, Enzo, you get ZERO sensitivity points for that one.) They didn't break up, so it's no big deal. And now she'll think twice before making another hasty decision. She feels she's screwed up pretty badly. He tells her that Thomas Edison tried 100 different ways to make a light bulb before he got one to work. He didn't consider them 100 failures, but rather 100 steps (peldaños) to success. (Violeta watches and listens in the doorway and makes weird faces that I don't know how to read.)

Chela is trying to understand why Pancho broke up with Rebe. She finds it odd that he was so quick to throw in the towel, and so insistent that Rebeca's hate for Mike is love in disguise. If she has doubts, then she must not love Pancho enough. "You can count on me," Chela tells him, and thought-bubbles, "why can't I love Enzo, who's such a good man? Why can't I stop loving you, Pancho?"

Pancho admits that he's feeling insecure and jealous. Chela points out that Rebeca agreed to marry him. But Pancho points out that Rebeca had once told him that Mike was nobody to her, when in fact he's marked her life and transformed her into a nervous wreck. Pancho can't stand it.

Mike rehashes with Lidia: Rebeca took off after Pancho, but came back sadder than ever. But Mike's pleased that she still had a little box of mementos from their past. "How interesting," Lidia says with exaggerated enthusiasm and wiggles her chest at him. (Just as Mike was slow to take the hint when Rebeca ignored his texts, he's slow to take the hint when Lidia flirts.)

Mike dramatically tells Lidia that he wants a little favor. He strokes her leg suggestively. This favor has nothing to do with her job, Mike says, and she doesn't have to do it. Lidia says the suspense is killing her. "I want you... I need you... to make friends with Rebeca!" This virtual bucket of cold water snaps Lidia back into business mode. Unlike Mike, she does NOT have the impression that seeing him again made Rebeca realize that she still loves him. No, it's just that they broke up so fast that there's some unfinished business.

Lidia doesn't HAVE to do it, but if she doesn't, she knows he'll be distracted and grumpy and they may not be able to do the merger with Avon; so she'll do it. (I'm getting the impression that even though she's his "assistant," she's probably the brains of this operation.)

Chela prepares a footbath for Pancho. She asks him what he would have done if Fer's DNA test had come out positive. He says he wouldn't give up the childhood he had, and the bond they have now is stronger than any DNA, and who are they to judge her for giving up her child?

Moni notices that Violeta looks tired. V goes to bed. Moni remembers that extra-sparkly first night with Pepe. Her nose pinkens with woe.

Pepe tells Pancho and Chela that he won't go back to the apartment until Moni does. And he's sure she will, even though her mother has more money than Vice and Enzo put together. He thinks that holding down two jobs while going to school will elevate him a little closer to her level. Pancho suggests an alternative: Pepe can stay at home, devote himself 100% to university, and when he and Moni are ready they can get married.

Ana goes to Lupita for the sex talk. Lupita thinks she's an odd choice for the task, given her lack of experience, and is afraid she'll give bad advice; but Ana asks her to just play along. She's afraid Pancho would put her in a chastity belt if she asked him, and she'd feel funny going to Chela, and they never even see Candy any more. Lupita agrees to listen. They talk about the magic of kissing, and Ana admits that she's ready to gobble Freddy up. Lupita tells her to be safe and responsible and go to a gynecologist for the best "method." She also recommends respect and communication. Ana tells Lupita she's the best advisor ever.

Temo comes in and pretends he's heard everything and will tell Pancho, but then admits he didn't hear anything. They throw pillows at him.

Arnold brings Pina home from the restaurant and gives her a very effective goodnight kiss. Fred sees them from a distance and starts to throw up in his mouth a little bit, but evidently doesn't recognize the back of Arnold's head. Fred intercepts Pina outside the house and asks her about the kiss. She starts to say "nobody can know that Arnold..." but then catches herself and says Arnold fixed her up with this neat widower that she went out with. She asks him not to tell Vice about it.

Morning brings us a gratuitous breakfast of beefcake and shaving cream: Shirtless Enzo! He shaves twice for our entertainment. First he takes off his mustache with an electric razor, and then he does his whole face with a straight razor. The result is an even younger-looking man with a lippy smile and a lot of teeth. Huzzah!

Lidia tries to be friendly with Rebeca. Her efforts are met with suspicion. Lidia claims that Mike only works with her, and doesn't confide in her. Rebe doesn't thaw. Pancho shows up and takes a coffee with two sugars. Vice shows up and the room gets even colder.

Candy is unnerved to find two men in suits outside her door. Vice has hired bodyguards to protect her.

Mike shows up to the meeting, and Vice greets him like a long-lost brother. Enzo is there now too, and Pancho says he looks young enough to be Moni's brother. Vice accuses him of having Botox and tells him to stop talking to the greengrocer. Lidia comments on his youthful appearance too.

Pina, Arnold, and Beto join them next. Pancho apologizes for missing the meeting in Acapulco but says he was going over the numbers last night, and to begin with, Belle Face is way overpriced. Mike inflated all the numbers.

Enzo smirks knowingly. Everyone else looks either shocked, confused, or amused.

Violeta again tells Moni that she's too good for Pepe. Moni insists that it is she who doesn't deserve such a nice guy. She obviously has something on her mind that she doesn't want to talk about. Violeta persuades her to tell, but we don't get to hear it.

Chela looks like she's getting ready to leave when Candy shows up (with bodyguards) to Stately Lopez Manor for breakfast. Chela feels guilty for having feelings for Pancho when Enzo's been so great. She wishes she could just tear that love for Pancho out of her heart; she doesn't want to hurt Enzo. Candy tells her that now Pancho's split up with Rebeca, it's time to make her move. Chela tells Candy about the talk and foot-rub with Pancho last night: when she went to bed she was floating with happiness, but then she was dreaming about Enzo. Chela's torn between the wish of trying with Pancho again, and the fear of hurting Enzo.

Pepe is taking a math test. Looks like it's not going well.

Fer meets with her old doctor and pal, Octavio. She asks why he hasn't remarried since his wife died 12 years ago. He says that he has actually been in love for a while with a great woman who doesn't know how he feels: Fernanda!

Pepe meets with Moni. "I'm two weeks late," she tells him.

Pancho tries to make himself clearer to Mike: his numbers are bad. They've been altered. They're false. Yes, he's calling Mike a liar. He had some Avon people check, too (Beto smiles timidly). Belle Face is worth about 70% what Mike claims. Mike is offended and says Pancho's the liar. Pancho says Mike tried to trick him, if he doesn't feel caught, then why's he reacting this way? Mike pokes him in the chest. Vice cheers. (Arnold is holding Pina's shoulders protectively; either that or he's using her as a shield!) Pancho warns Mike that if he touches him again, he'll be sorry!

Part Two: Breaking up and getting together

Vice tells "Mickey" not to sink to Pancho's level. Pancho reveals that Vice has shares with both companies and probably even set this whole thing up. Vice says he isn't that kind of person. (Pina comes forward to scoff.) In fact, it's precisely because he has a lot of money at stake in both companies that he has every right to be involved.

Rebeca tells Pancho to calm down. He accuses her of being to "busy" with "other things" lately to realize that Mike's been making fools of them, or worse, of taking Mike's side. (People crowd around so they can hear their personal argument.) It turns out Pancho's peeps have done their homework on Belle Face. Beto confirms that he's analyzed each and every one of their transactions, and it's overvalued. Rebeca angrily tells Mike he hasn't changed - he's still trying to fly below the radar. Mike says it's just a matter of interpretation.

Enzo speaks up: there's nothing to misinterpret. The numbers are inflated. Angrily, Vice asks: who asked your opinion, little boy? Pancho reveals that he had several people go over it to make sure it wasn't only his opinion.

Pepe is thrilled that Moni might be pregnant. She is not. She doesn't understand how it happened - she's on the Pill! (I don't think she's taken a test yet, so all of this seems premature. You can miss a period when you're on the Pill.) She'd like to have kids with him someday, but not now - they had a hard time living together.

Pepe gets bitter and sarcastic with her. She replies in kind. "Sorry I complained when we were robbed. What a spoiled little girl I am!"

At Avon, the accusations continue to fly. Pancho wonders if Inés is really not in a coma, and is engineering this whole thing. Lidia looks stunned. "Is that true, Mike?" Rebeca asks. Naturally, he denies it. Pancho says they'll audit every single pencil and stapler until they get the real value of the company. He and Beto storm out, inviting Enzo to join them. Vice throws some insults after Enzo, including "potato-face." He assures Mike that he'll get his chance.

Fernanda's flustered after hearing Octavio's declaration of love. They talk about how great mature love is. He's been carrying a torch for her for years, long before she got cancer. On the day he had to give her that diagnosis, he cried for the rest of the day. Then he kept wanting to visit her in Germany. Fer says she would have loved having some company during her treatments. She's not sure if she feels the same way, but she feels fluttery all over. "Would you like to be my novia?" he asks.

The three Financeteers (Pancho, Beto, and Enzo) are recrunching the Belle Face numbers and still coming up with with a big gap. Rebeca marches in and complains about being excluded. She thinks he's being unfair. She says she didn't study Mike's report because she was too upset - over Pancho. Pancho says he's upset too, but the fact is that Mike was trying to trick them. Rebeca says she doesn't like being tricked either - in business nor in love. Pancho admits he's jealous and he loves her and he can't stand how she reacts to Mike. (Beto and Enzo shuffle around uncomfortably.) But as much as Mike upsets him, he has to be professional and not take this merger lightly.

Rebeca says the only thing he's taken more lightly is their relationship, and she storms out.

Lidia is surprised that Mike thought he'd trick Avon's president. Mike insists that inflating the numbers is just a common business tactic to strengthen one's position for negotiating. He admits he underestimated Pancho, but he doesn't get what Rebeca sees in him. Lidia thinks it's obvious. She puts her hand on Mike's leg - he is oblivious - and says it won't be as easy for him to get Rebe back as he thought. Mike agrees that Pancho is a greater foe than he expected.

It must be 6pm, because Pina and Vice are meeting with their lawyers. The papers are ready to be read and signed. Vice tells Pina that he was married to a great woman, and even helps her with her chair.

Candy and Violeta coincidentally show up to see Vice at the same time. Sandra won't let them in. (I thought they gave her a job in "Edecanes"?) Violeta says "Candy" is a cabaret girl's name. Other dumb insults follow. Vice comes out to shoo them away. Candy is offended to be given equal treatment with Violeta and again suspects he's seeing Violeta. Violeta says she'll meet with Vice some other time, and leaves. He gives Sandy some things to copy and she leaves too. He tells Candy they'll soon be together. They steal a kiss, and she leaves.

Lupita is teach the kids at the Casa Popular. Tomás sneaks up behind her and surprises her with a bracelet. He wants to talk about Elena.

Elena complains to Cristian that he's been distant. He says he can't afford to lose his job or lose his family. She says no one has to know. If he gives her some money, she can buy some things that she'll only show to him that will drive him crazy. He says he's already crazy. That's why they have to stop! She says she won't stop; they'll just have to be discreet. Unless he's going to fire her. He says he can't do that, so Elena says they'll get their freak on tonight.

Tom tells Lupita about Elena's fling with her married boss. She wouldn't listen to Tom. He's considering talking to Pancho but then the guy could get fired or Pancho will break his neck. He's already bought her a diamond earring - probably two, but Tom only found one - and knowing Elena, she'll probably ask for more and it will escalate until his marriage is wrecked.

Vice and Pina agree that their marriage had its bad moments, but they chose one another to be the parents of their son. The lawyers say it'll be two more months before everything's finalized, and there will be a couple of hearings and such. Pina and Vice sign all the papers.

Chela's excited because she's passed all her courses and now she'll be able to take her final exam. She'll be a high school graduate, and then she can go to college. Temo needs help with his English homework, but Chela can't help him - so he borrows her phone to call Rebeca. Chela's not crazy about the idea, but can't come up with a good excuse fast enough to prevent the call.

Rebeca is surprised to hear from Temo, but agrees to come over tonight to help him with his English. Chela tries to be cheerful, but she looks like she just swallowed a bug.

Rebeca goes to Arnold. He warns her about Chela. That's the last thing she wants to think about! She admits she's being unbearable - lately she can't even stand herself. Arnold starts to make a crack about women and hormones.

Mike apologizes to Pancho and says Pancho was right - Inés isn't in a coma. She's the one who's been sending Mike instructions, and she has a hidden agenda. Pancho says that at the moment Inés had her stroke, she was trying to kill Fernanda with her walking-stick. (This seems to be news to Mike.) He's fond of Fer and he'll defend her from anything. And he's good at catching people in tricks, so if they're going to do deal, it'll have to be like this - face-to-face and no funny business. Mike promises.

Vice and Pina finish signing the papers. They hug goodbye, and there's a montage of their happy moments. It's very brief.

Mike tells Pancho that it was Inés who told him inflate the company's numbers, but they're not going to do it that way any more. Mike goes to tell Lidia. Pancho says we're not done talking - we still need to discuss Rebeca.

Arnold apologizes to Rebeca for his crack about women and hormones. He doesn't know how to help her. She thinks Pancho doesn't love her enough, or he'd try to understand her. Arnold pretty much takes Pancho's side. After all, she's the one with doubts.

Mike tells Pancho that Rebe was the love of his life, and since they're being frank with one another, he's sure she feels something for him and he's going to try to get her back. Pancho says they're having some trouble now because of Mike's sudden appearance, but that doesn't mean they'll split up. "Good, then you have nothing to worry about," Mike teases. He asks Pancho to give him the rest of the day to "fix" his numbers.

Ana calls Freddy and asks what time his parents usually come home. She invites herself over for a visit.

Lupita pays a visit to Cristian's office to talk to Elena. She introduces herself as Pancho's daughter. Elena rolls her eyes. Cristian excuses himself. The meeting doesn't go well. Lupita asks if Elena doesn't care about Cristian's kids. Elena says it's just sex; she's not planning to marry the guy. Lupita is surprised Elena is saying "it's just sex" so lightly, considering how she was after going to Brazil. Elena says the Brazil trip liberated her. No man will ever take advantage of her again. She'll use sex to her own benefit. She wants Lupita and Tomás to stay out of her life.

Tom and Pepe are working at the garage, talking about Mónica, when their boss comes by and tells them to hurry up. Pepe's tired from studying for that test. He injures his hand and it bleeds and bleeds.

Elena repeats her old complaint of not having things, living in the 'hood, buying cheap clothes from street markets, etc. "Well, you're practically a prostitute," Lupita says. "So?" replies Elena. Lupita is aghast that her friend would sleep with a married man just for money to buy clothes. Money's not everything.

Elena says that's easy for Lupita to say, when the money just fell out of the sky for her. Sarcastically, Lupita retorts that sure, everything fell from the sky until Alex died. "How swell that you have so many reasons to envy me."

Pepe wraps his hand in a greasy towel and insists on continuing to work. Tom says he'll finish the car himself and while Pepe goes to the doctor. If Pepe doesn't agree, Tom will tell Pancho.

Ana and Fred play racing video games in his room. Then they have a pillow fight and she accidentally finds his stash of condoms. "It's not what you think - I love you!" She loves him too. She says she's a virgin. He says they don't have to do anything she doesn't want to do. They start kissing. He looks at the condom and she asks, smiling hopefully, "are you going to use it?"

Next time:
Pina comes home slightly earlier than expected.


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