Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Heridas de Amor, Tuesday Sept. 26

Yesterday Gonzalo told Berta that she is just an employee of SLI, nothing more. Then he told her about Miranda and Alejandro. Berta was stunned and agitated at the news that Alejandro and Miranda are engaged.

Meanwhile Alejandro and Miranda are discussing their wedding. He asks her doesn't she want the wedding of her dreams? She says that now is not the best time for her nor her father, it's better to have a simple wedding. "But I want to put the world at your feet," he says, kissy kissy, "let me?" More kissing.

Sanson has broken into somebody's house. He's multi-tasking because he's also on his cell phone telling somebody not to be such a "guey", a jerk. He's next to where that stupid Raul lives, the guy who exposed them so now he's going to get rid of him. He says he's at the Doctora's apartment. I didn't get all that he was saying. Something about him not being recognized, only the others, Rafia, Romero and Chaquiras. But don't worry because they're not going to crack. Suddenly he has to hide because somebody is trying to unlock the door.

Juan tells Squeaky that all he can afford after the wedding is a small luncheon. She says it's not important. Of course she'd LOVE the wedding of the year but the important thing is they are together. Juan says Dr. Cohen gave him a raise but he still can't afford a honeymoon. Squeaky tells him not to worry. Kiss Kiss and shared "Te amos."

Sanson is still hiding in the Doctora's apartment while Amparo asks how Fernanda feels about Squeaky marrying Juan. Fern is glad that somebody as wonderful and with such a good future as Juan is interested in Her Daughter Renata. But Her Daughter Renata is so petulant and impulsive she's afraid Juan will be hurt. He can't afford to give her the life she's used to. Sanson listens as Amparo reassures Fern about her daughters. Fern agrees, this may be her opportunity to win back Her Daughter Renata. Sanson smirks as he realizes that Squeaky is Fern's daughter.

Berta has recovered from being stunned and agitated. She's talking to herself because Lucas the dog isn't around. She says Miranda and Gonzalo are going to pay big time. Not only is she nobody's employee but Miranda isn't going to marry Alejandro. Over her cadaver!! Luis Alberto enters and Berta informs him that she wants to buy some company shares.

Leonardo has brought Andrea to a well-lit mausoleum. Nevertheless, even under the harsh lights she is spooked and asks to leave but faux Leo wants to show her something. She's frightened, probably of the bright lights and clean, white marble, and begs to leave. They leave before Leo can show her what he wanted to even though it's only about five feet away. After they leave the camera pans to a tombstone reading "Leonardo Altamirano." Cymbals crash.

Fern says her biggest worry is that Miranda will find out that Alejandro came to seek revenge on Gonzo. She hopes that Alejandro has forgotten his vendetta but she's not sure. Both Alejandro and Gonzo are temperamental and neither wants to lose. She and Amparo leave so Sanson can talk to himself...He congratulates himself on finding out the important information that Alejandro came to town to seek revenge on Gonzalo. This will cost them money and a lot of it. All of a sudden his cell phone rings. The lucky dumbass forgot to turn it off. He's glad to hear that "they" were taken to the police, probably the guys who stole Al's car. He's going to lie low in Morelia for a couple of days. Sanson thinks he's hit the jackpot with all his new information.

Miranda tells Pamela that she's going to sell her jewels because she needs to replace some expensive tools that were stolen, probably during the lethargic uprising of recent history. Al arrives with a pizza and receives a call that his car was found intact. He takes off and Cesar the slimeball slithers in, ostensibly to offer condolences about Tomasa. Pamela gets a call from Luciano. "Who the hell is Luciano?" asks Cesar. "Pam's new boyfriend, Luciano Sartori, owner of the reserved stocks of SLI," she answers. Cesar scowls.

Berta gets a mysterious call from Fermin Padilla. She doesn't remember him but he refreshes her memory. Some years ago she opened an account with him, a lot of money, under the name of Santiago Buenaventura. Recently two men have been investigating that account. One is named Alejandro Luque Buenaventura. Berta says they need to meet (Why? So they can be seen together???) and he agrees.

Luis Alberto enters and tells her he found some company stock that she can buy. She calls him cariño. After she leaves Luis rifles through the papers on her desk.

Miranda wants to know why Cesar is surprised to hear about Luciano. He says it's too coincidental that her friend is the new novia of Luciano, they should be careful of "his type." Pamela enters the room on cloud 9, Luciano is sweet, he wants to accompany her family to Tabasco. Cesar wants to know why. Pamela says he just purchased some property in Comalco. Huh?!?!? Miranda says that's where their hacienda and Cesar's quinta are! She can't believe that the Arriagos or the Duartes would sell their land, hmmm... Cesar says she can put the matter into his hands and he will investigate.

Gonzo's smoking in a restaurant. He wonders what happened to him, he can't manage his affairs like he used to. Alejandro's hiding something and he's going to find out what. He has a green flashback where he's telling Al his business isn't destroyed, one call to any bank and he can open an unlimited line of credit. Back to reality and Vicente joins him. He tells Gonzo that some of his contacts informed him that the smear campaign against him began some days ago in the banker's club. Gonzo recalls a conversation he had with Al and says that only two people would do this to him, Alejandro or Cesar. Julio arrives to sign the documents for the dissolution of their partnership.

Pamela doesn't see why Cesar and Miranda are persecuting Luciano just because he owns those SLI stocks. Cesar says he's concerned for their security. Miranda agrees and says they should investigate him a little more. Pamela says she'll agree to it but she doesn't like it. Cesar tells her to be careful because he's heard some things from a girl who actually went out with him (Yeah, at your house!). Ask him about Malenia or Gisel (Who were at your house!). After Pamela leaves Cesar wheedles to Miranda that he was bothered to see Alejandro in her room being such an opportunist. She says she really wants him to get along with Alejandro because they're both special to her. Also, by his actions Cesar has shown her that she was terribly wrong about him (Cesar) before. He says "Seriously? You're not going to reject me like always?"

At the restaurant Julio signs the documents. Gonzo says even though he's been waiting for this for a while it doesn't make him happy. He asks Julio if it's true he's going into business with Cesar. Julia says yes. Gonzo sincerely wishes him luck, adding he's going to need it with Cesar next to him. Julio says Gonzo is a harsh man, a tyrant, but he knows that all he's done in life has been to protect his daughters. When he (Julio) sold the reserved shares he was only thinking of his sons. Julio apologized for selling the reserved shares.

Cesar lies, promising to get along with Alejandro as Miranda requests. He lies some more, telling her that the pregnant Nuria has been abandoned by the father but he, Cesar, has volunteered to help her out by giving her money to buy all the little baby things that women love. Miranda the sap says "Verdaaaaad???" She tells him how noble he is. He smiles and shrugs. She falls for it, estupida!! He leaves the house with a spring in his step and plans to attack Alejandro's weak points via Miranda, Lasagna, and Luciano.

Back at the hacienda Pamela is trying to get Charo to tell her more about the night Tomasa died. Charo said Tomasa knew she was going to die. Ever since she returned from the property she felt doubts in her chest, said she should go before something happened. Also, mean old Sra. Berta told her to throw Tomasa's things in the trash. Pamela told Charo to give Tomasa's things to her and she'll give them to those who need them. Miranda arrives singing Cesar's praises and it's sickening so let's move on.

Nuria is packing up her desk telling Luis Alberto she doesn't want to go but it's best for the baby. He's very sympathetic and she tells him how nice he is. He hems and haws, doesn't know how to say it but...he loves her. "But you are a friend of Cesar," she says," and I...I..." "Cesar doesn't have friends, he has interests," answers Luis, "that's why I'll always be there for you." She cries, just then Cesar walks in and spoils everything. He feigns compassion then grabs her head, gives her an oddly robotic kiss and kicks Luis Alberto out of the room.

Juan is with Francisco, Raul and Carola. He's got Alejandro on the phone and says he needs to talk to him, but Al just wants to say his car was found intact. He was able to identify only Chaquiras, Romeo and Rafias. Carola is bummed that Sanson wasn't identified. Juan says he'll get caught one of these days. Juan adds that for his crimes Raul will get off with a fine and community service. Carola tells Juan she's given up the whoring biz. He hugs her.

Daira is at Miranda's when Al returns and tells them his car was found before the thieves could damage it. Daira observes that Al and Miranda look happy together, like they are illuminated by a great light. Pamela hopes that she and Luciano can look like that; they are going to Tabasco together. Al doesn't look pleased about this news. Daira whips out her tarot cards and is going to read everybody's fortunes.

Huh? I thought Cesar was comforting Nuria and now all of a sudden she's mad. Must have been that crappy kiss. She's jealous of the time Cesar spends with Miranda, he has no intention of marrying her (Nuria) and she knows he won't recognize his child. She says "You always convince me to your way but not this time!" Quoth the doormat. Cesar sweet talks her, says he told Miranda of her pregnancy and that he was helping her. One second she believes him, the second she pushes him. This editing sucks. As Luis eavesdrops Cesar gets angry and starts yelling, telling Nuria she'd better not reveal the baby is his. Now Nuria is apologizing, saying she'll do anything he wants. Behind the door Luis loosens his tie as if preparing for a fight, but he's a doormat too and does nothing. Cesar threatens to leave her and she shamelessly begs him to stay. He tells her to convince him and taps his lips. She kisses him. I gag. Luis Alberto rolls his eyes.

Berta meets Fermin in a public bar. She wants to know what HE'S going to do about what's happened. He wants to know what THEY are going to do about the two guys. She'll deny everything, no proof she was involved. He says some of the records are in her handwriting. "Oh, so it's money you want," she says. No no no no, he doesn't want money. He has a good job, a wife, children and he doesn't want to lose it all. "Where do you think this nephew got my
data?" he asks. Berta shrugs.

Faux Leonardo has taken Andrea to dinner. He keeps calling her "amor" so he must want something. He asks how she knew he wasn't the real Leo. She says the real Leo only smiled when he was about to hit her. Faux Leo tells her no more hits, only love and protection. Three guys with violins have arrived and are leaning over them trying to get their camera time so we can't hear the dialogue very well. After buttering her up faux Leo whips out the booklet he lifted from her box of memories, opens it and asks her if she can decipher the code. She mumbles that to translate it one needs the keys. Because of that notebook they had to run away. She tells him to get rid of it, he shouldn't have it near him, it's very dangerous.

Juan tells his dad, Raul and Carola that he wants to invite them to a little "do" tomorrow because, (long pause), because he's getting married! Carola is impactada as the cruel word "MARRIED...MARRIED...MARRIED" ricochets throughout her head.


La Fea Más Bella #111 9/26/06 Lovin' Interrupted

Random question of the day. Ever notice how much Irmita resembles Julieta in the face? Anyways, on to the summary:
Julieta, Matilde, Erasmo and Tomas

Julieta pulls Erasmo away from Matilde. Matilde asks if Julieta is his secretary. She asks Matilde if her house looks like an office. Erasmo bounces back and forth between the two – not willingly. Matilde says no. Julieta says this is my house and my husband! “Your husband?” Matilde didn’t realize and she apologizes. Julieta says “Then it’s your fault!” to Erasmo. He grunts and yells about how he’s sorry (sarcastically) that he didn’t announce his whole life to Matilde like his full name, his wife’s name and that he owns a house. Matilde says she only felt something for Erasmo after Tomas said he’s marrying Lety. Julieta tells Matilde that is a lie. They’re not getting married! Matilde is upset because Tomas deceived her. Tomas goes running out the door, to go to his mom. (yeah, right!) Matilde chases him. He hides behind a brick wall. Matilde calls for him. He doesn’t know what to do. She finds him! He screams and runs off.
Julieta and Erasmo argue some more about Matilde. Julieta says she’s mad because of the lying. Erasmo says that Matilde was following. He accuses Julieta of being jealous. “Of course I am!” she tells him. “I came in and saw some woman kissing my husband.” Erasmo asks her if she honestly believes that he would change woman for a crazy chick like that. Julieta pouts and Erasmo signals for a hug. Erasmo tells Julieta that she enchants him. He loves only her.
Tomas continues to run from Matilde. He thinks that he’s escaped but we see Matilde pull him through some curtains.
Erasmo tells Julieta that he is incapable of being with anyone else. Julieta says she blindly believes in him. He asks her to forget all about Matilde. “Who?” Julieta asks. They kiss and Julieta caresses Erasmo’s face.
In two minutes, Julieta has cooked enough food for an army. Julieta states that she could do this for money. Erasmo says she doesn’t need a salary, that’s why she has a husband. It would be very helpful, Julieta tells him. Erasmo says that everything Julieta does for the family in the house is very important. Julieta agrees and says she loves to be in her home. The door bell rings. Tomas falls through the door, his hair looking worse than usual, and collapses on the couch. He’s covered in lipstick and his clothes are ripped. Erasmo and Julieta tease him while Tomas recounts his experience with Matilde.
Tomas helps Julieta unpack some more bags. She says they’re almost done. She thanks them both. Erasmo asks when Lety is coming home. Julieta says soon. Besides, she’s with Don Fernando. Erasmo says he’s going to have a talk with her when she gets home.
Tomas and Erasmo debate Lety’s ethics. Erasmo tells Tomas not to tell him how to educate (meaning manner-wise) his niña. Tomas jumps at the word niña. He doesn’t think that Erasmo realizes that Lety is not a little girl. Erasmo says she’ll always be a niña to him.
Tomas sleeps on the couch. Erasmo wants Julieta to sleep; she’s very tired. He doesn’t like her suffering stress like this. He walks over to Tomas and tells him to go home. Tomas says he needs to talk to Lety about some personal stuff. Erasmo says if Lety doesn’t come home in five minutes he’s going to get her.

Lety and Fernando

Lety and Fernando have moved on to wine in the front room. Lety says that everything is very romantic. Fernando says it’s strange, he’s never felt so content in his life. He’s in his house, listening to good music and desiring the woman who is here with me. They kiss, but the phone rings. It’s Marcia. Fernando pulls away from Lety and asks why Marcia is up so late. Marcia says she wanted to confirm that he is in his house and alone. Fernando insists that no one is there. Marcia says that he hasn’t called her once since she’s gone to Germany. He says he’s been very busy with work. Marcia says she understands, but still…
Fernando hangs up the phone. Fernando asks Lety what is wrong. Lety says “What did I tell you? Marcia’s always present.” Fernando says its five in the morning over there and he wasn’t expecting her to call. Fernando said he didn’t like denying that she was there. She’s very important to him. They kiss. We see Pilar outside Fernando’s house trying to open the window. Inside, Lety opens her eyes to see someone running by the window. Lety tells Fernando that someone is out there. He doesn’t get it at first, and asks if she’s sure. They do rock, paper, scissors (or some variation on the game) to decide who should look. Lety loses and goes to the window first. Fernando looks out the window and sees no one. Lety calls the police and tells them that someone is outside the house and she doesn’t know what they are doing out there.
Fernando comes downstairs with some golf clubs. He wants to know if she called the police. The each hold a golf club. The sit on the couch back against back to watch all the windows. Lety asks if it would be better if they leave. Fernando says no. Lety asks where they’ll go if the intruder comes in. Fernando says fine, go ahead. It takes him a moment, but he says he’ll go outside. He takes some tools from the fireplace and walks outside. Lety says she can’t leave him outside alone and runs out after him. She quietly creeps up behind him and almost gets smacked with his golf club when she says his name. Pilar is on the other side of the bush. Fernando tries whacking the bush with his golf club. Lety falls over and as Pilar peers out she falls into the yard. Pilar calls Fernando “Pavel” and Lety gets upset and tries to attack Pilar with her golf club. Fernando holds her back. He asks what she is doing there, but she doesn’t answer. He tells Pilar that he is outside practicing his golf swing. Lety asks Pilar what she’s doing outside Fernando’s house. Pilar turns the tables and asks if they’re really working this late. The police pull up to the house. Fernando tells Lety to take care of it. He goes inside and puts the tools away. He cleans up the wine and wine glasses. Lety tells the police that the call was out of confusion. They don’t seem to believe her. She tells them that she was working with her boss in the house. She points out that she’s standing next to famous model. Good night! They tell them to be careful, very careful. Pilar gets looked over and Lety just grunts out a giggle. Pilar wants to go into the house; she’s investigating Fernando’s double life. She tells Lety that she thinks Fernando is Pavel and that he changed his identity. Lety wants to know why she is always attached to crazy people.
Fernando has his laptop on the table. Pilar asks what burned. Lety says it was some papers they threw in the fireplace. Fernando and Lety pretend to talk shop. Fernando tells Pilar that she can see that he and Lety have a lot of work. Pilar looks on with a vacant face. Fernando tells her that she has to be up early for the commercial and should be resting. Don’t you guys have to be there early too? Fernando says yes, but we don’t have to look fresh and beautiful like you. Pilar moves over next to Fernando and gives her best sexy move. Lety tries to duplicate it and you can tell he prefers her, but he has to humor the model. Fernando says he’s going to the kitchen and gets up. Lety follows him. Pilar walks around the front room and looks at Marcia’s picture. She wonders who she is.
Fernando and Lety are in the kitchen and he’s mad because she won’t leave. He doesn’t understand why she’s so obsessed with him. Lety says she wants to tell him something, but he’ll get mad. She did something. She messed up. I may have told her something that made her a little curious. She grabs the knife and moves it to the counter. “By my fault, Pilar thinks that you are Pavel.” Fernando wants to know how. “I told her that you have a double life, Don Fernando.” Fernando puts his head in his hands.
Pilar goes into Fernando’s bedroom and searches his drawers for evidence of his double life.
Fernando wants to know why Lety told Pilar this. She says that Pilar was going on about him being Pavel and it was the first thing that occurred to her to say to Pilar. Fernando asks what they should do. Lety says she doesn’t know and points out that Pilar and Alicia were in the supermarket. They try to figure out what that means and what they should do. Fernando does something strange with his eyebrows while dramatic music plays in the background. Sorry, guys, I’m drawing a blank on why this one… Maybe he’s insinuating that he wants to have sex in the kitchen??
Fernando and Lety complain about their lost night. They hug, and Pilar calls for them. They quickly separate. She wants some wine.
Lety and Fernando sleep while Pilar talks about her relationship with Pavel. It was love at first site; he was like a beast. Blah, blah, blah. Lety tells Fernando they’re not going to be able to their “work” tonight. Pilar continues to talk about Pavel. Lety says she is going to leave. Fernando says that it is Pilar who will leave. Pilar says she’s not going anywhere. Lety says she’ll get a taxi, but Fernando tells her he’ll take her home. Pilar points out that this is weird. It’s a shame too, because she wanted to spend sometime with Fernando. Fernando makes a not so graceful escape. Lety tells Pilar that she’s going to tell her the truth. She picks up Marcia’s picture and tells Pilar that Fernando is going to marry her. She goes on about Marcia and the wedding. Pilar says she understands and finally walks out the door. Lety gives her directions. (She would have made a decent stewardess.) When Lety comes back there is an obvious chill in the air. Lety can’t escape the fact that Fernando is engaged to Marcia.
Outside of the house, Lety says it was better that she showed Pilar Marcia’s photo because to compete with her (Lety) would not be that difficult for Pilar. They get into Fernando’s car. Pilar honks and runs up to his car. She says again that it’s a shame that Fernando has to take Lety home. Fernando says she should be home resting. She is insulted and says she’s a professional. They should be too. Fernando is nervous about tomorrow. Lety says she needs to go home. Erasmo will be upset. Fernando and Lety make fun of Pilar’s voice some more.
Fernando opens Lety’s door in front of her house. Lety says thanks for the marvelous evening. Fernando says, no, it was a disaster. Lety says no, we were in your house together. It was great. They joke about all the things that went wrong over the course of the evening. Fernando asks Lety if she’s ever noticed how things go so well whenever they’re together. They kiss, right in front of Lety’s house. Fernando promises that next time he’ll have all the right stuff for fondue. Lety giggles. Fernando says her head can’t possibly be full of ways to cook because its full of numbers. She tells him that its actually full of thoughts of him. He looks to see if anyone is watching and gives her a kiss. They don’t really want to separate. She goes to her door, but not before stealing another kiss. I can only hope this is not the end of the romance for the next two weeks (as the show so likes to do)!
Lety walks into the house. Erasmo complains about her late entrance and about preparing food all night long. Lety wants to know why Tomas is still there. She asks if she can help Julieta with something. Erasmo checks the food and stares at Tomas. Julieta tells Lety that Tomas and Erasmo helped her a whole lot. Erasmo says he did more than Tomas including the most important part – washing the beans! Erasmo says he’ll be on location all day tomorrow helping out. Lety isn’t thrilled. Lety is worried that he’ll be bored. He says there will be too much work to be bored. Julieta and Lety tease him a little. Erasmo goes over to Tomas to wake him up. Tomas cuddles. Lety tickles his foot to wake him up. Tomas runs over to the table. He tells Lety that he brought over the serving table. He tells her that he needs to talk to her. He tells Erasmo that the door to Lety’s room will be open. Julieta asks Erasmo for more help.
Lety tells Tomas that her father’s presence is going to make the whole thing tomorrow a disaster. Lety wants to leave Tomas at the house to take care of things tomorrow. Tomas does not want to stay. This is his opportunity to be close to Alicia! She says that Alicia won’t be around. He wants to know why. “Is she sick?” Lety dramatically says that Alicia’s condition is really grave… in her brain! Really, she has to stay at Conceptos to answer the telephone. She doesn’t really want him mixing for her friends at Conceptos. “Because I’m supposed to be your boyfriend?” Ummm… yup, that’s the reason. He gives her a couple other possible reasons and then says he won’t say anything about the embargo; she gets annoyed and hits him with the teddy bear. He sits on the bed (just like Erasmo told him not to). Lety says she doesn’t want him to meet Fernando. Lety looks sad. He tells Lety that he didn’t get the kisses that he wants. She says he continues to dream; sometimes even dreams come true. Tomas smiles and says he’ll won’t go. He walks out the door. Lety stays and grabs her diary. She talks about how she can’t believe that she was at Fernando’s house. She touched heaven. The house was so beautiful, but the most beautiful thing was that she was in Fernando’s private space.

Could it be possible, is Fernando really Pavel?
Will Lety and Fernando ever get to be alone while Marcia is away?
How long until we hear Fernando say "I love you"?


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Barrera de Amor recap: September 26

  • The grand party at Las Barricas doesn't work out so well...

    Amid the assembled multitudes, todo el mundo all crowded together to fit in the picture, Jacinta and Unibrow trade insults while Manola and Cayetano insinuate Maite is a whore like her mother.

    This brings Jose Maldonado out of his stupor. "Enough lies, Cayetano - you know Eloisa wasn't a bad woman - it was your husband's fault she was stigmatized. [Turning to MT:] I'm your father! I loved Eloisa profundly and never forgot her. I came back to see her but encountered Nicolas, who told me she was gone, run off with another man. [To the whole Linares family:] YOU started the rumors, a chain of lies that hurt Eloisa, Maite, Luis Antonio, and now their children!"

    Nicolas, in indignant self-justification: "Well, I wanted Eloisa but she was rejecting me!"

    Jacinta: "I don't believe Eloisa and Maite were innocent - where you hear a river, there's water."

    Manola: "It's MAITE's fault Adolfo and I didn't marry." Unibrow recites the whole tiresome (rape, forced marriage) story again.

    Jacinta: "Calumny!" (I love that word.)

    Maite: impactada, of course. She slaps Nicolas and everybody is sent away. The poor guests may not have gotten any hors d'oeuvres or booze but they got a satisfying earful of juicy gossip.

    Maite rejects Jose at first but embraces him after they meet over Eloisa's grave. "We'll be family now, papa, and make up for the lost years."

  • It's kind of fun watching Nicolas shuffle around, eyes buggin' out, hands trembling as he falls apart, muttering, "You don't know how the dead torment me! They are pursuing me." Remedios gets to say ominously: "You reap what you sow."

  • Victor doggedly pursues Veronica, trying to get her to listen to reason. Since Vera la Perra is in control of V3 (as they call her on telenovela-world), he makes no headway. She shouts and snarls, showing 156 teeth. "I should always have been here at the hacienda, living a better life than you could give me! All this is MINE! You two are a pair of egotists!"

  • Jacinta tells Victor (Oh, Perfidy!) that it was GUILLERMO who sold her the letter proving Veronica was Adolfo's bastard, and that's why Guillermo left Victor. Victor protests weakly but, like everybody else, believes Jacinta rather than trusting in his self-sacrificing sweetie (who's currently working a desk job in some unidentified location, sweetly and sadly dreaming that all has gone well for Victor and that Veronica has come back home). Nobody can figure out how else Jacinta got hold of the letter...

  • Veronica dons one of Jacinta's black dresses, combs her hair into a severe up-do, pins a tasteful cameo at her throat, and lowers her voice, endearing herself to serial-killer granny, who bubbles: "Sit at my side! You're perfect!" Federico is not amused.

  • Federico is feeling insecure, poor lamb. The always loving and supportive Manola soothes him: "Why, with those two Valladolid grand-daughters around, you could get thrown out on the street!"

    This makes Federico somewhat receptive when Luis Antonio (dare I call him Shrek?) proposes a business deal. "Jacinta knows no loyalty. I'm making this offer because you're close to her and can help me wreak revenge." "I never expected such bitter words from you." "Rancor and wounds change us. I'll win with you or without you. A rough river profits fishermen. [I think.]"

    Significantly, we later see Jacinta busily signing papers. Young Jacintita, sitting nearby, hands folded in lap, asks: "You sign those without reading them?" "Federico prepared them. He grew up in my shadow, I trust him implicitly."

  • Federico whispers to Veronica: "Though you're dressed like a little Jacinta, somewhere inside you is that sensual blond, Vera, whom I knew at the casino." She admits it - Victor overhears this and now knows it's Vera who's in charge...

  • Jacinta bubbles to her demure young clone: "You'll be my reflection! Say, let's go to mass, and after that we'll go to the convent and give away all those old clothes you won't be wearing any more."

    The nuns obsequiously thank Jacinta for generously giving them -- Veronica's used clothes. "Oh, I always give what I can, and more!" While Jacinta is chewing the fat with the Mother Superior, Maite and Victor sneak in and have an unsatisfying shouting match with Vera.

  • Thanks to Artemio's fifth column activities, Andres is able to find Valeria - and Pedrito - at the convent in Oaxaca. With Pedrito in his arms and a tear in his eye, Andres starts the difficult job of getting Valeria to forgive him. Will she forgive him? Gee, what do you think?


We got linked at

I just discovered our blog has been linked by the English-language forums at, so I'll return the favor:
I reviewed the threads on Barrera. You think I'M mean? They call Unibrow Shrek (right) and Fred Flintstone (left).

They call the BonBon Fishlips and Pigsnout.

CORRECTION: amrs27 of the telenovela-world crew dropped in to say: "We're not that mean! and 'pigsnout' is actually Michelle Vieth."

Here's what forum poster Alexis said about the whole show: The only good ending to this fiasco: 'And so they send Veronica to a psychologist in the city..... and without anyone realizing, a giant meteor came out of nowhere and hit Aguas Calientes, and killed off the whole cast.'

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Monday, September 25, 2006

HERIDAS DE AMOR - Monday, 9/25/06

Sanson walks in on Alejandro and Francisco, who’ve been discussing the car theft with with Amparo, Carola and Raul. Sanson goes straight to Raul and tells him he wants him to come with him immediately. Raul refuses saying he is no servant and he’ll come by later as they’d agreed. Sanson doesn’t like it one bit and grabs for Carola’s arm and pulls her along, telling her she’s needed back at the club. She tries to resist and Alejandro pulls Sanson off her and pushes him down. He reminds Sanson he is not to talk to a young lady this way. Sanson figures she’s now taken on Alejandro as a john and smirks about it so Alejandro slugs him and Sanson swings and gets a right hook in. Alejandro is hit and returns a punch to Sanson’s nose and then throws him to the ground. Sanson gets up and threatens the whole lot of them, then goes out the door screaming and yelling at them.

Charo is packing up Tomasa’s things when Bertha comes in an notices the envelope Charo has left on the top of the dresser. She wants Charo to tell her what’s in the envelope; the housemaid lies, saying its a birth certificate and some personal photos of hers. This doesn’t interest Bertha in the least, and she “sweetly” reminds Charo that she’ll take care of Charo as long as she remains loyal to her. After Bertha leaves Charo grumbles that the old biddy won’t be pulling anything over on her. Charo then determines to give the envelope to Father Buenaventura to have him take a look at it.

Pamela and Miranda are upstairs discussing Tomasa’s earlier premonitions of some impending doom. Miranda decides that since Tomasa couldn’t stand to wear black she won’t continue to wear any mourning clothes. Then she tells Pamela that she wonders if Tomasa was pushed, or --murdered; Lucas might have frightened her into falling backwards (doing the dirty deed for Bertha?). Pamela, incredulously, finds this hard to believe. “Oh well,” Miranda says. She’s full up with worrying about what caused it all and now will concentrate on getting the notary to return ownership of the company to her father and later she has an appointment to sign a second mortgage on the hacienda. They go off to meet up with Alejandro.

Raul and Carola tell Francisco and Amparo they’re leaving for her apartment and Francisco and Amparo are left to worry. Alejandro tells Amparo and her brother that the police have located his stolen Porsche and its now just a matter of waiting. In the meantime they simply need to keep their doors locked till this is over. Amparo is afraid Raul will end up in prison, but Francisco insists he’ll get out on bail and then do community service and be fine. Alejandro says good bye and leaves. Juan arrives a bit later and after taking responsibility for the problems with Sanson’s gang, he surprises them by telling them that he is going to get married.

Over at the house in Mexico City Cesar is whining to his mother that Alejandro won’t let him even come near Miranda. Alejandro never separates himself from her not even for an instant. Rebeca says well, they love each other, so it’s to be expected. Cesar is insistent and tells his mother that Miranda loves Rebeca and will pay attention to whatever she has to say. Can’t she put in a good word for him? Who better to make her happy than him? (He’s on his knees, mewling in front of her. “Hazlo por mi, mami/Do it for me, mommy.”) Rebeca doesn’t think it will matter since Miranda is a very determined female, but says she’ll think of something and will ask Miranda to give Cesar a final opportunity, then hugs and kisses him as if he were still in short-pants.........

Juan’s aunt and dad figure he’s crazy since the girl is used to living in such luxury. He can’t be serious about bringing her home there to live. Juan defends himself and his honorable upbringing. Besides, he’s entering into a medical specialty and will be rich in a few years. His family gives in finally.

Miranda and Pamela are sitting in the lobby of the bank when the loan officer’s secretary rushes in to warn them (on pain of being fired) that there’s been a bulletin sent out stating that no one should lend credit to the San Llorentes. Miranda is dumbfounded.

Bertha shows up at the business and speaks with her goddaughter about Tomasa’s death. Nuria informs her that the doctor told her she has high blood pressure, so Bertha tells her she’ll go to stay with Miranda at the hacienda. The climate will be good for her and she can help Miranda with whatever she’s needing to get done.

Erika goes with Veronica to get her HIV test.

Gonzalo instructs Vicente to locate all the customer files that Cesar and Julio worked on because he’s going to look through them all. He is certain there is something there that will point to Cesar’s criminal activities. Just then Bertha enters the office.

At Pamela’s house Miranda finally meets Leonardo. Pamela asks him to use his contacts to assist Miranda and her father to find credit. He tells them that he is aware that someone is trying to discredit Gonzalo and his ability to handle accounts. Miranda goes on about how she'd love to escape this all by becoming a totally different person. Leonardo prophetically tells her she doesn't know how rough it can be trying to live as somebody else. It is not as easy nor appealing as it might seem.

At the bank Luciano and Alejandro are meeting with the loan officer. They hand him a file with his uncle’s supposed bank account and ask him if it didnt’ seem strange back then that a priest would open and maintain an account that huge? The banker says not really, because back then he used to open as many as ten accounts every day. He gets up to attend to waiting clients and Alejandro offers him a bribe to “remember” more clearly what might have happened back then. The banker acts embarrassed and angrily leaves.

Alejandro tells Luciano he’s sure the guy is hiding something. The banker goes straight to his secretary’s computer screen and they dig out the priest’s account info. He orders her to contact Bertha de Aragon immediately.

Miranda and Pamela leave Andrea’s house. She turns to Leonardo and tells him she knows he is not her real husband, but an imposter. He eventually admits this and offers to take her to find him immediately.

At the San Llorente offices, Bertha informs Luis Alberto that she will be joining the company and taking over Cesar’s office. Luis will be her personal assistant and will teach her everything he knows. Then she smiles at him knowingly and asks him if he’s in love with Nuria. This knocks him off balance a bit and she laughs and invites him out for some coffee.

Juan goes to see Renata at the mansion and tells her that his family is supportive of their getting married. She doesn’t like the idea of it happening so soon and knows her father simply won’t ever allow it. He asks her to marry him in secret; she balks and he asks her to make up her mind quickly. He wants them to marry secretly and they’ll need to take their tests that day. She agrees and while she runs off for her purse and asks Charo to be her witness and not to tell a soul, Juan asks Veronica and Erika who have just come from the testing site to be their witnesses. Renata tells Erika before leaving that they aren’t to tell anybody about this wedding and that she doesn’t plan to take Veronica’s car from her, either.

Alejandro arrives at the company’s offices and he tells Gonzalo that he came to help him out and to ask formally for Miranda’s hand in marriage. Gonzalo angrily tells him “Never!” Miranda has overheard this exchange and she asks her father why he refuses to allow them to marry. He tells her to leave so he can talk to Alejandro alone. She leaves and Gonzalo swears he’ll find out the true reason Alejandro appeared at his business. Alejandro admits that he wanted to finish him off along with everything that was his, but not any longer. He’d had time to think about it and had changed his mind. This isn’t enough explanation for Gonzalo. Alejandro warns him that he’s mistaken if he thinks he can stop him from marrying Miranda.

In the reception area Bertha tells Miranda that she’s going to be working there now like it or not. Miranda gets Bertha’s goat by telling her that Bertha will never be more than an employee because she is not a true San Llorente.

Gonzalo is invited to the wedding and Alejandro’s personally bringing him the invitation as it would make Miranda happy to have him there. Gonzalo refuses still. Alejandro says whatever his reasons were before they’re no longer important. Only Miranda’s happiness is now important to him and the offer to back the business is still standing. Gonzalo tells him to go to hell so Alejandro leaves his office in disgust.

Bertha sees him and turns into the pitiable victim and whines to Miranda she simply cannot put up with Miranda’s continual insults any longer. Alejandro asks what’s the matter and Miranda answers that Bertha’s only putting on one of her dramatic acts and having a childish temper tantrum. Bertha whines and pleads with Alejandro to give her a minute because she really needs to discuss something with him. He apologizes but says Gonzalo needs someone to talk to and who better for him than her? He really needs to get going with Miranda and Miranda and Pamela smirk at Bertha as the three of them leave together. Bertha heads for Gonzalo’s office.

Inside she complains about Miranda and the way he’s treated her and taken advantage of her (Bertha) over the years: as a free nanny and housekeeper. She wants him to love her and to desire her, etcetera.......after all she’s earned his respect. She kept his name clean from the scandal. She dirtied her hands for him and even was his accomplice to a murder. She demands that Gonzalo bring her into the business as a shareholder as she wants to invest her money in his business. He refuses but eventually tells her she can come to work there however, only as a regular employee. That should be enough for her, but forget it if she is thinking to buy into a partnership with him. Also, she is never ever to bring up the scandal of their past to him again.

Back at the mansion Alejandro explains that Gonzalo won’t listen to reason. Miranda says what is left then that they can do? He suggests they marry right away otherwise, something will happen to separate them and he doesn’t want that. Anyway, as her husband Gonzalo should be more likely to accept from him the capital and financial backing the banks will no longer give him. Miranda accepts and tells him she is definite about this.

Bertha asks Gonzalo what Alejandro was there for. Eventually Gonzalo tells her that he came to tell him he and Miranda were getting married. Bertha is stunned and becomes noticeably agitated at this news.


Barrera de Amor recap: September 25

  • Victor and Guillermo's mommy make a pact to stick together and find Guillermo, but have no luck today.

    Victor goes to the insane asylum and Doctor Monica tells him: "Veronica's grandmother Jacinta came with proofs of kinship and certificates from doctors, and Veronica wanted to go, so I had to let her."

    Since Maite and Victor never legally adoped Veronica, they have no rights. Victor is consternated - or as they say in the esmas recaps, está impactado. Everybody's always impactados in these shows.


  • Veronica (these days, Vera la Perra) is pleased to be installed at the hacienda as a Valladolid. In fact, Jacinta gives her Valeria's room! "Valeria is on a spiritual retreat, she won't be back soon." Veronica is pleased that she now has all that Valeria once had. Jacinta tells her: Valeria is in Oaxaca. Cleo overhears and tells Artemio, so we can assume the news will trickle back to the Good Guys, who are gnashing their teeth about Valeria's disappearance.

    Jacinta is impactada to realize Veronica actually remembers Adolfo's famed visit to the House of Ill Repute and his argument there with Maite, after which he supposedly was killed in a car crash which Jacinta blames on Maite. Actually, Federico bashed Adolfo's head in.

    All suddenly realize: it's just as well the marriage between Veronica and Federico didn't happen, as it would have been incest. Federico is impactado to hear that Jacinta has, for years and years, had in her possession a birth certificate proving he is Adolfo's son - which she never told him about. He asks to see it, but since Nicolas stole it out of her safe somehow, she now "can't find" the certificate. Federico thinks she's making the whole thing up. He has to figure out some way to inherit the Valladolid fortune even though there are now TWO inconvenient young heiresses.

    Veronica says Victor and Maite are now only part of her past. The Valladolids are her future.

  • Jacaranda continues needling Nicolas: "Don't you feel a malevolent presence here?" She knows a witch who is good at calming the dead, but Nicolas will have to pay well. He says everything is Manola's fault - but he's willing to spend any amount that will silence Gustavo's ghost.

    Lunching with Rafael, Jacaranda fields a call from Gustavo himself and says all is going well. She is concealing Gustavo's failure to be dead from Rafael, as she is somehow planning to collect money from him and many other people by playing her cards right.

    Jacaranda has the famous tripartite mirror which belonged to Veronica as a little girl (remember when her alternate personalities appeared in the side mirrors?). She tells Manola: "When Veronica broke it, it was only partly broken, I had it put back together and maybe I'll give it back some day or maybe not."

  • The Maldonados and the ancient retinue prepare to go to the mysterious party in Las Barricas. They may or may not be going by private jet.

  • Rodrigo is tender and sweet with Juanita's baby and there is a spark of chemistry. He muses to a servant that he always liked Juanita, but Valeria was constantly thrust in front of him as his future. He thinks he might like to get to know Juanita better and show her he has changed. (I am wholeheartedly in favor of this union.) Unbeknownst to him, Jacinta has now decided he is a worthy match for her new grand-daughter Veronica.

  • Jacinta flagellates herself, muttering "Forgive my sins, father, but especially forgive the sensual sins of those around me, particularly Valeria, who has fallen to the devil - now only fire will purify her ..." As she mutters, Federico tries to talk to her but she doesn't hear. He says: "Now I know where Veronica gets her loca streak from." I guess we can also suppose there will be FIRE in the near future.

  • All get ready for the party. For instance, Unibrow fishes out a ring he tried to give Maite long ago when I wasn't watching the show - he's been saving it all these years - he proposes and she accepts. She's wearing an amazing tight red floorlength dress with a high collar. We will not discuss the kiss which clinches this deal - if you saw it, you know what I mean.

    It's decided that Veronica will not go to the party - she doesn't have nice enough clothes, and people might gossip about her. Better she should stay home. Victor finds her and tries to talk to her through the gate. She says: "Don't you call me daughter."

    The guests arrive - Jacinta is displeased to see the party is less exclusive than she had expected - and Bruno says welcome to all, and then Unibrow and Maite (her chin held very high) arrive and all guests are muy impactados.


La Fea Más Bella #110 9/25/06 Fondue! or maybe not...

Erasmo, Julieta, Tomas and Matilde
Erasmo complains to Tomas about Matilde. Tomas says he’s only bothering Erasmo because Tomas told her that he’s marrying Lety. Erasmo thinks that Matilde is crazy. Tomas says he understands Matilde. He’s crazy for Alicia in the same way. Erasmo says that Tomas is stupid for wanting Alicia.

Matilde is getting a manicure when the other realtor (Dora) comes in and wants to know how the sale went and how things went with Tomas. Matilde tells her that Tomas is getting married, but that’s okay because she met Erasmo. He obviously has a lot of money like Tomas. The Dora or asks if they’re going to purchase the property for 15,000,000 dollars.

Julieta and Erasmo continue to argue about her cooking for so many people. He’s upset because she keeps spending more money. Erasmo answers the phone when Matilde calls. He hangs up on her. The phone rings again, Erasmo tells Julieta not to worry about the phone. Julieta leaves to buy some pots and pans. Erasmo lets the phone ring and says he won’t answer. He tries to hand it to Tomas and they argue about who should answer. Erasmo decides to let it ring until the person calling tires out.

Tomas and Erasmo are back with the beans. They have different theories about how to clean them. The phone rings again. Erasmo decides to answer in case it’s Lety. Luckily, it is. Lety asks why he didn’t answer the phone earlier. He says that someone else keeps calling. He asks when Lety is coming home. They talk about Julieta cooking for the shoot tomorrow. Lety tells her father that she’s going to be very late because she’s working with late with Fernando (so that’s what she calls it!). Erasmo, surprisingly, doesn’t protest. After Erasmo hangs up with Lety, Tomas runs over to the phone outlet and pulls out the cord.

More bean counting. Erasmo is talking about how women are always jealous. Julieta enters with some very large pots. Erasmo tells Julieta that Lety is with Fernando working. Julieta says that Lety is supposed to call again to talk with her. Julieta decides to call Lety herself. She can’t find the phone under the grocery. Erasmo says Lety is out with Fernando, how is she going to call Lety? Julieta says she’ll call Conceptos and gets Fernando’s cell phone number. Julieta picks up the phone to call, but its dead. She really wants to talk to Lety.

Julieta can not decide what would be best for breakfast. She picks up the phone to call Lety, but the phone is still dead. She walks over to the cradle to figure out what is wrong. Tomas’s phone rings. He answers thinking it is Lety. It’s Matilde so Tomas hangs up. Julieta finds the telephone cord, disconnected. She puts it in the outlet. The phone rings and it’s Matilde. She wants to know what happened with the phone; she’s desperately looking for Erasmo. Julieta tries to explain what happened but Matilde rudely interrupts and demands Erasmo. Julieta yells that he’s not there and hangs up on her. Julieta walks over and angrily asks Erasmo what is going on with Matilde.

Erasmo tells Julieta that Matilde thinks they’re going to buy a house because of Tomas’s lies. Julieta asks why she called Erasmo and not Tomas. Tomas tries to explain, but Julieta doesn’t want to hear it. Erasmo says that Julieta has a lot to do, and she shouldn’t be thinking about anything other than her cooking. She stalks off upstairs. Erasmo and Tomas lament about they’re weird day.

Matilde decides to go to Erasmo’s office since he’s not answering the phone. She ends up running into an accident and can’t get around them.

The food is burning; Erasmo and Tomas don’t know what to do. Julieta is up in her bedroom talking to Celso. She asks him for Fernando’s cell phone number, but Celso says he doesn’t have it. The doorbell rings and everyone thinks it’s Lety. Matilde comes in and lays a kiss on Erasmo. Julieta sees this and does the eye twitch.

Fernando, Lety, Alicia and Pilar

Lety and Fernando go into the supermarket. They randomly grab some vegetables while Pilar watches. I get the idea that Fernando has absolutely no idea how to shop, or cook. (Just a hunch.) Fernando gives Lety his cellular to call her father. Nobody is answering. Lety has to open the bag for him. She comments that he’s buying enough food to feed the whole cuartel. They talk about broccoli and then put it back. The scene cuts to show Alicia walking through the supermarket. She runs (literally) into Pilar. Alicia asks what Pilar is doing in the supermarket. Alicia tries to play down why she is shopping for herself. Pilar isn’t buying it and walks away.

Lety and Fernando continue shopping. Fernando picks up whatever looks good to him. Lety attempts to hold him in check. They hug in the middle of the supermarket (I do believe this is the first public display of affection). They picked a bad time to do this. Pilar and Alicia are walking up the aisle at the same time as the hug. Luckily, they run into each other. Pilar walks away from her cart right in front of Alicia’s. Alicia thinks that Pilar is acting very suspicious.

Lety tells Fernando that she never learned how to cook. Fernando says that’s strange considering how well her mom cooks. Lety says she never learned. We’re treated to a flashback with Lety’s mom trying to teach her how to cook. Erasmo interrupts and says that Lety should be focusing on her university studies, not learning how to cook. Erasmo reminds Lety that he bought her three books for her Economic classes. Lety smiles and agrees. Back in reality Fernando says its funny how her dad has so much influence in all the parts of her life. Lety asks Fernando if it bothers him that she doesn’t know how to cook. He says no, he loves her sensibility. He kisses her on the head and they walk off right before Alicia walks behind them. They finally find something with instructions, in Portuguese. Fernando grabs a whole bunch of the same packages (for fondue). Lety convinces him to put them back. Fernando says they should go buy some wine. Lety tells him that he has to pick it out because she doesn’t know anything about wine. Fernando says he’ll pick an exquisite one just for her.

Fernando picks out a nice white wine, but says he’s hungry and is ready to go home. They almost kiss in the middle of the store but they overhear Alicia and Pilar arguing in another aisle. Fernando thinks that Alicia is spying on him. They run off, with Fernando in the cart.

Pilar and Alicia argue at the checkout. Alicia’s credit card is denied. Pilar laughs at her and walks off. Alicia plots to get back at Pilar tomorrow. Alicia tells the checkout boy that she only has 200 pesos. She has to decide what she needs and what she doesn’t need.

Lety and Fernando pull up to his house and he helps her out of the car. Lety tells Fernando that she can’t believe that she’s at his house. Fernando says she’s there because he wants to be there with her. She tells him that this is like a dream. He tells her no, this is their reality. Lety wants to remember the moment; she’s so happy. Fernando says he’s happy too. He calls her his Lety (a couple of times) and kisses her hands. They walk into the house. Uh-oh! Pilar is still following. She gets on her phone and calls her friend and says she thinks she’s at Fernando’s house. She tells her friend that destiny has united her and Fernando. She thinks that the assistant is involved in Fernando’s double life.

Lety goes on about how beautiful Fernando’s house is. She gives Fernando a hug. He goes to the kitchen to put the groceries away. Lety looks at the pictures on Fernando’s mantle. She’s happy until she sees a picture of Marcia. Lety imagines Marcia running into the house and yelling at her that she will win Fernando back. She’s fought for Fernando her entire life from many, many women. He always comes back. Lety is no rival for her. This is Marcia’s territory. Lety walks off and heads…straight for the bedroom. ( I guess she didn’t feel all that bad). She goes over to the bed, sniffs a pillow and jumps on the bed. She can’t believe she’s in Fernando’s space. Fernando comes in while she’s dreamily looking off. Fernando teases her for being on his bed. He throws her on the bed and gives her kisses on her check. (Okay, so this scene was just way to cute!) He wants to eat first, so they head out together toward the kitchen.

Lety is back looking at Marcia’s picture. Fernando hugs her and pushes the photo away. He asks what’s wrong with her. She says that Marcia is here. Fernando doesn’t realize that she’s talking figuratively. She tells him that she feels bad deceiving Marcia. Fernando says Lety should be happy because they’re alone in his house. Marcia is far away. Lety freaks; Fernando tells her to call down. Lety tells Fernando that she loves him.

Pilar gets out of her car. Lety and Fernando are inside kissing. Fernando remembers Omar’s call. Lety thinks that he’s thinking about Marcia. He says no. She wants to know what is bothering him. He starts talking about the office, but she says they’re not going to talk about work. She’s dying of hunger and they’re going to prepare a fondue. They dance off to the kitchen.

Fernando starts to cut the lettuce but Lety stops him and tells him that he has to clean it first. Didn’t they clean it at the Supermarket? Lety says she’ll make the fondue while Fernando gets the bread ready. Lety asks him how many times he’s been in the kitchen. Three times, he tells her. Fernando isn’t very good at cutting bread either. Lety says it will be tomorrow before they can eat. She starts to cut the bread and he puts his arm around her to help her cut the bread. They smell something burning. It’s the fondue. Lety tells Fernando to get some water, but manages to blow out the fire herself. Fernando says they can eat bread for super.

Will Julieta finish the food with all the drama in her life?
Are Lety and Fernando about to be found out?
What in the world is Pilar's issue?

Sorry if this is a little's my husband's birthday! Yaaay!!! Have a great night everyone!


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Heridas, Friday Sep 22

About the scene when Miranda is in her room crying about Tomasa – hello Pamela! Somewhere between last week and now she got 10 times hotter. Wow. On with the story.

Carola is getting the news from Bertha about Tomasa dying, surely the story fits Bertha’s point of view. Julio is all dressed up to go see Gonzalo about dissolving their partnership. She tells him that Gonz surely isn’t in the office, due to Tomasa dying and all. She wants to go to the funeral, Julio doesn’t want to. He sends his regards to Miranda.

Bertha is talking to the dog and Renata enters. They have some small talk about Tomasa and Bertha tells her that she’s “as pretty as me.” ha ha ha. Renata drops the bomb – “are you going to tell me why you were in Germany?” She explains it away by claiming to be looking at properties to give to Renata as a gift! Renata the greedy eats it up and thinks Bertha is so great again.

Juan is talking to Amparito, he tells her that it’s Raul’s own problem to fix what he got into. Francisco shouldn’t have to worry about it. They start talking about Renata, apparently Juan is convinced that they are going to get married and live in the poor house! Amparito of course can’t believe it but Juan thinks it is all decided.

Cesar is totally not paying attention to the funeral service, very disrespectful. Gonz, Miranda, and Al are sitting next to each other, I thought Gonz was mad at both of them. Superslut is sitting with Bertha across the aisle, they whisper about evil plans. Apparently they don’t care if anyone discovers that they know each other. Fern whispers to Rebeca to never tell anyone that Gonz is not Flor’s father. Gaaaahhh Erika and her layered bowl cut are sitting with Renata.

When they all get back to the house, they see Charo and ask why she didn’t come to the service? She says she couldn’t, she REALLY couldn’t. Bertha smirks. What a bitch. The dog comes out the door and barks at them all, Bertha smirks some more. They stand on the stairs discussing Tomasa’s fall down those very stairs. Miranda asks when Bertha is getting rid of the dog. Never! She says, the dog takes care of her and everyone else too. Gonz agrees with her that the dog is helpful. Gee thanks dad. Miranda gets suspicious and says “well then, where was the dog when Tomasa fell?” Bertha remembers what happened but says “he was in the kitchen with me and Charo. Go ahead, just ask her!” Charo has no choice but to agree.

I’m going to leave out any details of people discussing Tomasa’s death, it’s the same thing over and over. If you see people talking and crying in this episode, that’s what they are talking about.

Fern is worried that without Tomasa or Nati, there won’t be any way to find out exactly what happened that fateful night way back when. Fern says Bertha is the evil mastermind, dumbass Alejandro tries to convince her that Bertha doesn’t seem the type and she for some stupid reason decides el tiene razon. Everyone is so stupid.

Renata tells Gonz and Miranda that maybe Tomasa fell and died because she was fat. She thinks she deserved it. Renata doesn’t care about Tomasa because Tomas only cared about Miranda. She’s bitter. Miranda storms out. Gonz tells Renata that he needs to talk to her. He gives her a hug and she thinks he must not feel well. She says don’t act all nice now, you treated me like some thing and now you want to be the caring father. He sticks his jaw out but says nothing.

Charo cries at Bertha about having to lie, Bertha tells her to keep lying if she knows what’s good for her. To the police, to everyone. Bertha says she’ll accuse Charo of being Tomasa’s killer if she doesn’t cooperate. Char sniffles some more.

Miranda is crying, surprise surprise. Pamela comes in. If she keeps up this level of hotness, she’s going to replace Lasagna as my favorite. In fact, I think she did, after seeing Lasagna kiss Cesar she is dead to me. Viva Pamela. Anyway, she and Miranda sit on the bed remembering Tomasa. Miranda now is thinking that something doesn’t add up about how Tomasa died. I imagine we’ll be unraveling this mystery for weeks. Miranda says that it is strange that as soon as Bertha returns from her trip, Tomasa has a strange accident.

Alejandro tells Fern that he thinks the guys that jacked him are the same guys he saw in front of her house before. He even knows he names. They decide to talk to Amparo and Francisco about it. Juan enters. Al leaves. Juan tells Fern that he has something important to tell her urgently! Juan, que paso? Oh my god! What could he possibly be there to tell her! This is the biggest cliffhanger yet! I hate how they have to manufacture tension in these shows. If there is something dramatic, it will take care of itself. For Juan to tell Fern something we already all know isn’t dramatic. Telling your godmother you like some girl doesn’t deserve the dum dum dummm music.

Renata and Gonz hash over his treatment of her over all the years. He’s a crappy father, he loved the others more, yada yada yada. RRRRRRsi RenataRRRRtienes razonRRRRR. He wants to be friends with her. She is beside herself at the idea. More about how she had it so good, he was so distant. Snore. Wait – she gets too sassy and he slaps her. She says something nasty to him and then leaves.

Al discusses the situation with Amparo and Francisco. They are worried about Fern’s safety if the bad guys recognize Al as her friend. Al decides finally to go to the authorities. Francisco then shows off a new green soccer shirt he got along with some story about how he got it free, I didn’t quite understand.

Fern doesn’t know if Juan and Renata together is a good idea, Juan gives a bunch of reasons why it’s ok, he has a good job, etc etc etc.

Bertha comes into Renata’s room where she is crying. So much crying. Always everyone with the crying. Renata is sad about what happened with Gonz, Bertha pretends to be concerned. Bertha blames everthing on “tu madre.” Renata doesn’t know that Fern is her mother. So Bertha does her usual, blame everything on Fern. Bertha gives her a long lesson on how to properly hate someone. Then Bertha tells her that when Flor dies, all her time will be free for her! Great!

Miranda/Columbo is still on the case. Then they decide that soon they have to tell Renata the truth about Fern. Pamela then agrees that what Renata said, that Miranda should marry Alejandro, is the most practical solution to the monetary problems.

Raul and Carola are figuring out their plan I think, for some reason I’m not getting the details. Some talk about coincidences, I think that they need to tell Alejandro everything they are planning, it wasn’t a coincidence that he got involved with those same guys, by getting jacked the other day.

Miranda says that marrying Alejandro with even the slightest hint that it’s only for his money would forever damage their relationship.

Fern tells Juan that he’s like a son so he can count on her help. He says he’s not asking Gonz for permission, Fern tells him he better talk to Renata about that first, he can’t decide that for her. Good call. He says fine. She asks the typical “where will you live?” etc. He says here in the hood, Fern of course doesn’t like that answer.

Bertha continues hate class with Renata. “Do something that will hit him so hard.” Renata says, “like get married to a poor guy?” Bertha loves the idea! Poor Juan. He’s a good guy and he’s about to get royally screwed. And not in the good way. Bertha says where will you find one? Renata says she already has one. And he doesn’t have any suspicion about Renata’s true motives. Bertha asks if she loves him, Renata finally says yes she does, and he loves her. So they love each other, but she’s going to take advantage of him anyway. Bertha has the bright idea for them to get married in secret.

Miranda is packing to return to the hacienda, she says it’s better for everyone if she’s not at the house. Pamela is staying to get her family back together. Pamela asks how Miranda is going to get more money to maintain the hacienda, Miranda says she’s going to take a mortgage on the property.

Charo packs Tomasa’s things into a box and talks to herself. She finds an envelope. She hears Bertha coming and she puts the envelope on the dresser. Dummy. Hide it or something. Damn.

Francisco, Raul, Al, Carola, and Amparo all sit around the table discussing what to do about the crooks. Suddenly Sanson enters, “Raul! Just who I was looking for.”


La Fea Más Bella #109 9/22/06 Preparations

Thank you, Maricruz and Yass, for filling in the details of Thursday's episode!

As always, we open with a rerun of the previous night's ending, including some details I missed. First, Fern is on the phone with someone (a photographer, I believe) making arrangements for tomorrow's shoot. Next, Omar calls, and as Omar bugs Fern about the mysterious Red Bag, Fern is pulling handfuls of things out of his briefcase, including Ricardo's underwear samples and The Letter. Omar even TELLS him he put The Letter in a manila envelope, and Fern is waving that very envelope around angrily even as he denies having seen it. :-)

And now, the story of the food

Alicia (not punished for what she did to Yazmin?) is bragging to Pilar and the cuartel about her many years of riding lessons (I think). She also manages to work in a reference to her six semesters of finance. The feas all groan and then Sara strokes her hair and imitates Alicia's next probable brag: she was married to Mauricio Birmann. Alicia complains that wasn't a good joke.

Lety, Sara, and Irma discuss Pilar's obsession with Fernando, and Marcia's jealousy. They agree (Lety very enthusiastically) that they'll do what they can to keep Fern out of trouble.

PM, Juana, and Lola help Martha work out the details for food. (Ya gotta feed the cast and crew when you're on location.) Martha wants a sumptuous feast. Fresh-squeezed orange juice, fruit cocktail, eggs 'n' sausage, refried beans with "sus platanos machos" on top (I don't know what this is), sweet bread, and in case someone is REALLY hungry, quesadillas with ham and cheese. And that's just breakfast. For lunch, barbecue, meat, chicharron (pork rinds?), guacamole, salsas: green, red, pink, navy blue (??), and in case someone (I wonder who she could mean?) is REALLY hungry, 20 kilos of enchiladas.

Sadly, this would cost more than $25/person. That's actually pretty good for so much food, but it's twice what's in their budget. Alicia says what do you expect when you put someone like Martha in charge of food? PM tells Alicia to hurry up and marry a rich guy so they don't take her Mercedes away. Alicia once again brags that she could get someone like that whenever she wants (snapping her fingers) and doesn't have to go around with a messenger. She goes back to her desk and PM looks sad. Martha offers to call the caterer back and change the order, but PM suggests that Martha is dangerous with food. :-)

They can't seem to get anything affordable lined up on such short notice. Alicia pops into Fern's office to tattle on them, but he's on the phone with Luigi. Fern tells Luigi he's got Pilar Zaccarias for the commercial. After hearing Luigi's enthusiastic reaction, Fern says he's not sure how much to pay her, and asks if it won't be something as high as, say, 500,000. And Luigi answers, "more or less." Fern's eyes get big. So do Alicia's. "Just what I need," she says to herself. Fern waves her out of his office. He tells Luigi he doesn't have time to look for a different model.

The feas continue to try to get a caterer. Lety happens by them on the way to her office. She is in a panic, having just told Irma, Sara, Pilar, and the makeup ladies a whopping lie about Fernando (more on that later). The feas tell her their problem. This is another problem she doesn't need. She can't come up with a solution either, but tells them to ask it with Irma, maybe she'll have an idea, and Lety'll work on it in her office too.

Fern is on the phone with someone (possibly Omar since he asks if he's up yet), asking for a recipe that's easy to make. Lety comes in and he hurriedly ends the call and asks how Pilar is doing. Lety reports in a deep voice that she's "ethereal." She teases him about being Pavel and goes into her cubbyhole to answer the phone.

It's her mom. I am unable to parse the first part of their conversation with any accuracy. Something about a poblano mole, and needing exercise. Then Lety asks if it's enough to serve a lot of people. Mom says it's practically a banquet's worth. Lety says, like, 30 people? And mom says sure, easy. And thus the catering problem is solved. Lety tells the cuartel.

RoboPop is upset that she'll be feeding 30 people because it's expensive. She protests that the ingredients aren't that expensive. He reminds her she's used to cooking for three people... plus a scavenger, he says, meaning Tomas. He wants to know what's she going to serve all this food on. She says she'll get disposable plates. And how does she plan to heat the food, since they'll be outside? Tomas says his mother has a portable cart with three burners.

Mom flips out and really hollers at RoboPop for not being more supportive! (If you've ever seen Edith Bunker get angry, it was like that.) Tomas applauds discreetly. Pop says it will be a disaster, but Mom says if they all get organized, it'll all be solved soon.

Mom and Tomas make a shopping list. RoboPop counts some beans (literally). He wants to know how they're going to pay for it. Tomas says they could borrow a little money from Filmo Imagen.

When they come back from the store, RoboPop's still complaining and Mom is obviously overwhelmed. Mathilde, who is getting her hair done, calls on a cell phone (which she had previously denied owning) and asks for RoboPop. Mom thinks it's funny that a man is named Mathilde. Mat tells him he's captivating, and she wants them to get acquainted and maybe become intimate. He says "wrong number" and hangs up! Mom wants to know how can it be the wrong number if she asked for him? He says it was for Erasmo Navarez. Tomas giggles madly. Suddenly, Pop is all about the cooking!

Models and would-be models

Alicia calls her father, whining how it's not fair that she doesn't get to be in the commercial even though it pays just the right amount to prevent her car from being repossessed. (He really needs to get Caller ID.) She tells him she's going to go buy herself something to make her feel better. Yes, she knows she doesn't have any money...

In the makeup chair, Pilar is dissatisfied. Lety claims that she looks "sophisticated and enigmatic," but Pilar undoes her hairdo and says her face looks too pointy. Whispering, Irma and Sara agree that this woman is even more of a diva than Luigi. Pilar insists that no one is acceptable except her own makeup guy. Unfortunately he's in NY (the recaps on the Esmas site said he was in Houston; I gotta stop looking at them). Lety is horrified - they're supposed to start shooting tomorrow. Pilar says no problem, I'll call him and he'll fly in overnight. Lety says that's way out of their budget and can't ask Fern to spend more money on this commercial.

Pilar grudgingly lets Luigi's ladies try again. She tells them, "something more glamorous." Otherwise, she goes, and then who will do the commercial?

This time she looks even better, but she complains she's too pale. She doesn't like it. Irma tries to placate her, but she's not paying attention... she admits she was thinking about Pavel Novak. The more she thinks about it, the more sure she is that Fern is Pavel. She asks, "have any of you ever loved someone to the point of madness?" Lety's eye twitches. Irma talks about her husband who abandoned her and her two children years ago. Sara says something about Germans and Luigi going to Munich. (??) Pilar says "what about you, Lety?" Sara brags about Tomas on Lety's behalf, and Lety repeats "Tomas Mora, Tomas Mora, Tomas" to remind herself not to say something else. :o) But Pilar wants to talk some more about Pavel and how much he was like Fernando in every way. Even the voice.

Lety tells Pilar to forget about Fern - he is not a good match for her. The women he goes with all suffer a great deal.

Irma tries to interrupt. She reminds them they have things to do, and should not be saying such personal things about Fernando. Pilar wants to hear more about Fern's bad side. Stalling, Lety says, "Fernando has a problem, yeah, a very grave problem." Pilar prods, "what?" "Don Fernando Mendiola... Don Fernando... has a double life!" She manages to say this with a straight face. Irma winces.

Pilar is intrigued. She wants to know every little thing. So does Sara - she had no idea! Lety is kinda stuck... she hedges and says she doesn't know any more, he doesn't tell her anything, he's very secretive, but sometimes he acts mysteriously. People call him who don't identify themselves. She gets all worked up, they're all fascinated, but then she says Fernando's probably looking for her right now and takes off. Pilar hurriedly follows. Lety tells her to please don't ask any more, but Pilar just wants to "freshen up" before talking to Fern.

In the bathroom, she calls a friend and says she is sure Fern is Pavel. She wonders what strange happening would have required him to change his identity, but she's going to find out the truth.

Alicia comes in and Pilar ends the call and excuses herself. As she's leaving, she hears Alicia mocking her. She turns around and Alicia mocks her some more. Pilar is merely amused and leaves Alicia, who privately gloats that the 500,000 pesos will be hers. (Yep, she thinks she's going to get paid the same as a supermodel on her very first job. Ha.)

Irma and Sara tell the rest of the cuartel Lety's story about Fern's "double life" and the crazy stuff about Pilar thinking Fern is Pavel.

Wrapping it all up

Lety tells the feas the good news about her Mom providing the food. They are glad, but express concern that she'll be unable to pull it off. It's going to be a big job. Lety looks worried. (I think Martha and Lola say they'll help.) Lety reminds them not to tell Fern about her mom making the food. They all remember what happened the last time he ate her cooking. :-) And something about having to listen to another of RoboPop's stories about his Uncle Lazaro.

Pilar is talking to Fern in his office. She's wearing one of Ricardo's bras over her dress and she calls him Pavel. He tells her she looks phenomenal. She says she'd like to get a good night's sleep, so he suggests a dream for her: There's this beautiful horse. He's her friend. She is feeding him peeled carrots, little apples... he drools on her a little, but he's her friend, and she rides him to freedom. Something like that.

She tells him, "I'd rather dream of the first time we made love... remember? We were in Cancun." He gets flustered and hides under his desk, claiming he's lost a contact lens. He swears his name is Fernando Mendiola, and that's the name he was born with. She says she's going to refresh his memory, make him remember everything he did with her.

She kisses her finger and puts it on her lip. (He is shocked.) Then she leaves. He whispers, "She kissed me. On the mouth. Pervert! Sickie!"

Lety is annoyed that she can't hear anything. Fern practically opens the door on her face and she claims she was just practicing on Ed's old drum. (Oh, Eduardo!) Fern complains that Pilar is crazy, she is convinced that he's a soccer player. He imitates her and says "I'm going to make you remember what you did." And what's all this about him having a double-life? She snuggles close and suggests that the two of them forget all about Pilar for a little while.

He says he has a little surprise. They're going to go to his house. And he's going to cook. He claims that he's a consumed chef... a consummate chef, he corrects himself. But they have to go shopping first. All he has in his fridge are three spoiled yogurts.

They hold hands and nearly leave Lety's office that way, but then they remember they're on the sly and let go. :)

Alicia is on the phone with Marcia. She is complaining that she's not in the mood to follow Fernando - she's going to go shopping and buy something to cheer herself up. Fern and Lety wait for her to leave.

She gives PM and Saimon a dirty look on her way out. She's mad at PM because she's the one who got (or reported news of) Pilar for the modeling job. They notice, but they don't care. They talk mushy and he wants her to tell her son about their relationship. She doesn't want to. He says something about her defending him like a lion protects her cubs. He suggests going someplace private.

The feas all get there and PM asks Lola if she'll watch her boy. She says sure. They are envious that she has a boyfriend to spend the evening with.

Fern and Lety leave. She's seriously excited to be grocery shopping with him. They are happy and relaxed, knowing that Alicia isn't following them and Marcia won't catch them.

Unfortunately, they don't realize that Pilar has followed them! She tells her friend (on the phone) that she wants to know everything he does. She's going to find out about this "double-life" of Pavel Novak! Er, that is, Fernando...

Will Fern and Lety run into someone they know at the supermarket?
Will Mom give everyone food poisoning?
Will we ever get to meet the real Pavel Novak?
Find out tomorrow night!


Friday, September 22, 2006

Barrera de Amor, what's happening: September 22

  • Manola fondles her father's pistol, saying: "Did you know Daniel, Unibrow's son, killed one of our stud bulls with this gun? He was a vet like his dad - his father was away, the bull got very sick and there was nothing to do but put him down. Rodrigo argued with him about it. And just think, you used this very gun to kill Omar." Nicolas: "Manola, you're a sadist. You know I don't like to talk about this."

  • Jacinta digests the news about Veronica being her grand-daughter. "Well, she's a Vallodolid, my blood. I took one daughter away from Maite, I can take the other." She asks about Victor, Veronica's "father," and Rafael insinuates but does not reveal anything.

  • Jacaranda comes to visit her former lover, Nicolas, and greets Cayetano, the betrayed wife, thus: "Why, you look mighty good for a cancer patient." Cayetano is mighty indignant and slaps her husband. He later tells her he made up the cancer story so he could tell Jacaranda: "I can't leave my dying wife." He expected to get praise for this?

    Jacaranda says she wants to stay with the Linares family for a while - "Just as a friend." The mom says no but Manola says ok, and it's her place. She asks Jacaranda, later, why she's here - Jacaranda provides insinuation without revelation.

    Later Manola discovers her dad babbling in his study - he has found a music box Gustavo once bought for Manola and thinks it proves Gustavo is back from Hades and planning to kill them both. Jacaranda reports by phone to Gustavo: "It worked perfectly! He's completely loco and thinks you are going to kill him." "I don't need to kill him, I'm not an assassin, but I'll see them both in jail."

  • Valeria sits with her baby, wincing when she touches her back, still bloody and sore no doubt from the scourging. Soon Jacinta and Federico decide to send her back to the nuns in Oaxaca and tell nobody where she is.

    Andres stomps into the hacienda leaning on a cane. He insists he must see Valeria, but she's in Oaxaca so is not to be found. Federico runs Andres off with a rifle.

    Andres complains to his dad who says, "Be patient, my plan is being set into motion." (This is at least the third episode in a row he's said that.)

    Maite is convinced that her friend at the hacienda, Artemio the chauffeur, will surely be able to tell her where Valeria was taken. Patience is required. They can't act until they have proof of Jacinta's dastardly acts. The drugs don't count because Maite stole them. There is a lot of false evidence out and about concerning Maite. The case must be built methodically.

  • Dandling little Daniel, Maite speaks a few words in Nuacatl to him, words she learned from Martina, little Daniel's dead grandma, when Valeria was a baby.

  • Victor breaks it to both of Maite's suitors at once that Unibrow has triumphed. They take it well. Guillermo drifts in looking like a ghost. He can't believe Veronica was so cruel, but after a few scenes of Victor suffering because Veronica refuses to see him, Guillermo packs a tiny suitcase, leaves notes for Mommy and Victor, and leaves "forever - and don't try to find me."

    Rafael sees him leave, and reports to Daddy. Daddy reports to Vera the Perra, who is pleased with her victory, but not completely satisfied. "Why did papi lie to me? Why didn't he tell me he's gay? He's just as bad as mami. He'll pay." So much for Guillermo's noble sacrifice.

  • Baldo gets tapped for some sports team. He and sister Juanita are celebrating on the field, speaking Nuacatl, when Rodrigo shows up. They aren't pleased to see him, but he makes a nice apology about what a jerk he used to be and they accept it.

  • All over town, invitations are being received by the "best families." Jacinta, Manola's family, the gossipy ladies... "Please attend a reception at Las Barricas, I would like to meet you and introduce you to my future wife." They are not signed, how mysterious! It's the event of the decade!


La Fea Más Bella #108 9/21/06 Mariacruz fills in!

Mariacruz wrote: "I saw the show, and it was more of the same, I think it can be summarized in the following points:
  • Yazmin is locked in the bathroom by Aicia, Lola sees when this happens.
  • Lola tells the cuartel that Yazmin is trapped and wants to leave her there, but Irmita says she is the only model left and they should rescue Yazmin for the greater good.

    While this is happening PM is all excited trying to tell el cuartel she got a supermodel for the commercial!! Since Irmita still believes that the supermodel won't agree to the commercial she goes and gets Yazmin out :(
  • Meanwhile el cheque is all upset because he can't communicate with Yazmin. He decides to go in person to find out what happened.
  • El cheque arrives in time to see Yazmin coming from the bathroom in her underclothes. She accuses Lola of locking her in the bathroom and tells everybody she is going to Fernando's office to accept the job for the commercial.
  • Alicia is in Fernando's office trying to convince him that she is the one he needs. Lety and Fernando tell her that she can't do it because she is an employee and that would provoke a "conflict of interest" ??? (I'm sure they are lying) Alicia starts crying.
  • Yazmin enters and makes fun of Alicia and in turn says she is the one for the Job.
  • Enters the top supermodel and Yazmin and Alicia are united once more critizing the model
  • The rest you already wrote about."

THANKS Mariacruz!


La Fea Más Bella #108 9/21/06 Umm... anybody see this one?

Good news: Susanlynn says there'll be some Fea guest stars on Cantando por un Sueño this Sunday.

Bad news: Thanks to the Latino Grammys, they ran yesterday's episode an hour early. That would have been fine if I had known ahead of time and set the VCR. Or if I had gotten home in time to find out. I didn't find out until after 11. I suck. I'm sorry. And very very sad. :....(

They did announce the previous day that they were going to do this, but since I usually leave the room or FF during commercial breaks, I missed that. Maybe a Heridas-watcher got it? Please please please?

All I got were the last five minutes, which I'll summarize to the best of my ability. I have only the vaguest idea of what happened before that. I know Alicia "auditioned" for the underwear modeling job in Fern's office, wearing a bikini and a long coat. And a famous model, whose name might be Pilar, showed up (I'm not sure how they got her), so Alicia didn't get the job, not that she was going to anyway.

Everything else is a mystery. What did Alicia tell Ariel? Is Yazmin still locked up, perhaps suffering a disfiguring accident during an escape attempt? Has Alicia's car been repossessed? Did Fern and Ariel somehow manage to swap their identical briefcases despite the fact that Lety was clutching Fern's to her chest most of the time? (And why can't Fern carry his own damn briefcase??) Is it the next day yet? Etc.

When the recording starts (I think it's still the same day), Fern has the famous model in his office with Lety and is on the phone with someone making arrangements for crew and equipment to shoot the commercial. Lety and the model leave his office.

Omar calls from a bar in Munich. It looks just like the swanky bars he and Fern go to in Mexico City, and nothing like the creepy bars where Sidney was always doing spy stuff in Alias. Omar mentions the red bag again. The ensuing conversation is rehash-o-rama. He describes the letter and its manila envelope. He asks if Lety has been acting weird or annoyed lately, or showing any signs of having read it. Fern says no, we spent a lot of time together and everything's fine. Omar asks if he found out where she was this morning, and Fern disgustedly says she was with Tomas. Omar freaks out. Fern says he plans to take Lety to his house tonight. Omar says oh, she insisted, huh? (Omar is awfully dense.) And Fern says no, I WANT her to come over.

Omar doesn't like this either. It really bugs him that Fernando doesn't share his contempt for Lety! They end their conversation, and Fernando gets a silly grin on his face.

In the preview for tonight's episode, Lety is jealous of this new model who might be named Pilar. She advises maybe-Pilar (and some of the feas) that Fern has a problem: he is leading a double-life!


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Heridas de Amor Sept. 20

Fab and Flor are no where to be seen in this episode. What a welcome relief.

Miranda tries to help Al by telling him to give everything he has to the thieves. She listens to what is happening during the robbery on her cell phone. Then she goes downstairs to where Bertha and Gonzalo are talking to tell them what is happening to Al. (Bertha has poured herself some cognac or some other amber liquid and seems to be enjoying confronting Gonzalo. ) Miranda interrupts them to tell them she is going to find Alejandro. Bertha tries to go to but Miranda won't let her. She quips to Gonzalo as she flounces out of the room "See what type of woman you have by your side?!" Gonzalo then tells Bertha that he realizes how things are with her. Bertha reminds Gonzalo that they are accomplices. They are in this together. It will either unify them or destroy them.

Andrea and her long lost husband Leonardo talk over old times. Pamela joins them and Leo tells them that he will be with them, that they are not alone anymore. Pamela brings out an old box that holds everything that survived the fire. She tells Leonardo that she doesn't remember him. Andrea also remarks that all their old wedding pictures did not survive. Leonardo leaves them for the night saying he wants to give them time to get used to him. But! Before he leaves he pockets something that was in the box. (Having not been that observant I didnt notice his sticky fingers but recapper Jean believes it might have been a checkbook. Hmmm. Thanks Jean!)

Miranda finds Alejandro walking down the street. (Its night.) Gonzalo followed her and they both run to Al scolding him for fighting the thieves. Gonzalo acts concerned. Al says he wants to talk with G tomorrow. G leaves and Miranda stays telling AL how she loves him. Kissy Kissy.

Bertha has gone to her room to freak about whether Alejandro is safe. She's mad that she didn't get to go help him. She starts talking to herself about not wanting to lose him too. Psycho. Later we see Bertha stretched on her bed while Charo unpacks for her. Bertha tells Charo to tell her everything that happened while she was gone. Charo doesn't say anything interesting and is sent out to get Lucas the dog. Tomasa comes in and sees Bertha with a soft leather briefcase and asks if that's the missing Luque portfolio. It is. Bertha wants Tomasa to tell her why Florencia's medicine has been sent to analyzed. Charo comes into the room with Lucas who promptly spooks Tomasa. Bertha lets him get up on her white bed while she coos to him. Later Tomasa brings Bertha and Lucas tea downstairs in the living room. Tomasa tells Bertha that she is a "Diablo en persona!" Bertha slaps her and starts in on her with a verbal attack. They both claim the other will regret whatever is being done. Tomasa raises the stakes by saying she knows it was Bertha who brought Alfredo Luque to the hacienda. Tomasa says Alfredo despised Bertha and Bertha couldn't stand it. Lucas barks and Tomasa gets scared. Bertha tells her that that's not all she did. She then cruelly teases Tomasa that she provoked the deaths of her kids and that Tomasa has known all her life her missing granddaughter. Tomasa has spoken to her a million times and hasn't known it! Its Nuria! Tomasa runs off looking terrified at these revelations and at Lucas, who looked sweet to me. Bertha tells Lucas to attack and away they go. Tomasa screaming no no no with Lucas following her and barking. This had to be the longest most un-frightening scene. Finally when we think we can't hear Tomasa say No again she manages to fall down backwards from the front steps of the house. Bertha looks on happily as we see Tomasa prostrate at the bottom of the stairs. (Sweet Lucas never touched Tomasa and his barks were not menacing. They tried real hard to make this dog look mean but I think he looked like he was worried that Tomasa had fallen.) Charo comes up to Bertha asking her what is going on. Bertha pretends to find Tomasa on the steps with Charo in tow just as Gonzalo is walking up the front path. Gonzalo cradles Tomasas head as she says her last words of "She also shot."(Ella tambien disparo.) Twice she says this and then she dies.

Juan talks to himself about Renata. He thanks Raul for having introduced them. Meanwhile Renata is thinking about Juan. They both have green memories of each other. Back to the present Renata thinks she can't be in love with him but she is! Then she makes fun of what her kids' names would be if she married Juan. She laughs at how ridiculous she thinks their names would sound. Later Juan comes into Renatas room (shirt unbuttoned) and tells Renata that they should marry. (Seems he's guilty about shagging his madrinas daughter.) Renata tells Juan that don't dont need to marry. Juan tells her she made him feel something. Renata argues how her father wont let her marry him and that they barely know each other. Juan tells her she isn't a child and married, they will learn together about each other. (Real mature argument there lover boy.) They end the scene kissing.

Raul tells the police detective that he believes the attack will happen tomorrow. He worries about Carola. Carola walks in and Raul hangs up the phone. As the phone hangs up we see that Miranda and AL are in front of the same detective who just hung up the phone with Raul. They are there to report the car heist. Al has a satellite locator on his car. They should find it soon. Al is sure he recognizes one of the robbers. Al and Miranda then call Fern to have Al checked out. Al remembers where he saw the robbers. In front of Ferns house! Fern knows the thieves! Al and Miranda go to Ferns hospital where Fern promptly declares Al OK. Daira and Lizania arrive to check on Al too. While there Charo phones Miranda to tell her that Tomasa has died.

Sanson yells at his guys about the car theft telling them they should have killed Al (they don't know its Al). They decide the car will be sent to South America in a few days.

Over at Cesar's pool hall, which seems to be quite the happening place, Cesar has gotten one of his girlfriends to call her friend to find out who Luciano was with. Cesar just so casually has his head between the girls breasts while she talks on the phone in her bikini. Looks like Cesar has a pool to go along with his pool table. After some snogging the girl lets Cesar know that Luciano was with Alejandro Luque. Cesar immediately asks Luciano about knowing Alejandro. The girls take off and Cesar gets mad at Luciano. Luciano has a memory of Alejandro telling him to pretend that they are enemies. Luciano wakes from his memory to weave a web of lies about how Alejandro made him loose capital in a business deal. Alejandro ended up with all the money from the project so Luciano dislikes him. Luciano asks to not talk of this anymore but to talk of the LADIES instead. Cesar buys the story and asks Luciano to join him in setting a trap for Al. Luciano wants to know why Cesar wants to do this. Cesar admits Al took his woman. Luciano asks if it is Miranda.

Flash to a doctor pronouncing Tomasa dead from her fall. A detective (is this the same one?) asks Gonzalo and Bertha questions about what happened and who was at home. They claim she was like family. The detective mentions he will wait for the autopsy and he wants to talk with the servant girl. Later in her room Bertha thinks to herself how stupid Gonzalo is for not knowing what Tomasa meant when she said "Ella Tambien Disparo." Bertha knows what she meant... oh no! Tomasa and Naty saw me! Charo goes to Bertha worried about the cops wanting to talk with her. Bertha tells Charo not to worry but to do exactly what she tells her to do. Later we see Charo crying in her room. Bertha comes in to tell her she doesn't want to see anymore tears. Especially not for someone (T) who didn't deserve them. Bertha scares Charo about Tomasas ghost coming to haunt her. She uses that as an excuse to throw all of Tomasa's stuff away. Bertha kindly tells Charo she can keep a few things but the rest goes in the trash!

The next day Alejandro is seen outside the church telling Miranda by phone that he has made arrangements for the funeral. She tells him how she loves him and they hang up as Luciano walks up. Alejandro tells Luciano to continue as planned, he wants to buy the "Mangler" ranch. Al wants Luci to put the ranch in Luci's name for now. He wants the ranch to be a gift to Flor and Faby but wants everything to continue as planned for now.
Renata somehow is back in Mexico at the house. Renata goes to Mirandas room where Miranda is telling Pamela that Tomasa was like a mother to her. Renata cries to Miranda about Tomasa and how sorry she is for Mirandas loss. She asks Miranda what are they going to tell Florencia?


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