Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Teresa Tue 9/6/11 #132 Arturo stars in his own version of The Hangover

Fernando has refused to open an office for Teresa (gasp). She figures it’s because she doesn’t have Arturo’s prestige or experience. No, he says, it’s because of Arturo that he doesn’t want to offer this to Teresa. Arturo’s very proud and feels he’s lost it all. If Fernando turns his back on him now by offering this to Teresa, he’ll only feel worse. Teresa has also thought about that but she’s so worried that Arturo doesn’t seem to want to climb out of this hole and on top of that, his problem with alcohol. She’s so distraught but she say she shouldn’t talk to him about these things. Fernando begs her to tell him what’s going on. Oh, so many things, she says, she’s desperate!

ZACATECAS: Mariano is overjoyed to see Aurora. She explains Magda and Dario’s visit. She’s here to help him. They get serious and he moves in for a kiss but she steps back at the last second, saying she’s come to work. She says a quick hello to Doofusberto and then she and Mariano start talking business about the clinics and agree to get to work.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa thinks it’s best for Fernando to leave now. He’s not budging till she tells him what is happening between her and Arturo. She’s concerned he’ll tell Arturo and they’re in enough trouble as it is. He tells her he may not be able to have her handle his legal issues but he can buy Luna Turqueza. That would be wonderful but she reminds him Arturo refuses to sell. He suggests buying out the other shareholders, Genorubiiiiida. He knows it’s a great prospect and it can’t fail despite Ruben or Aida. She’s so grateful he’d consider doing that.

CASA CACERES: Arturo visits with Mayra. He’s looking for Aida, who isn’t there. He mentions Luna Turqueza but then changes his mind and starts to leave. She holds him back and tells him she knew of Aida’s interest in buying Martin’s shares despite her disapproval. She mentions Aida’s vengeful motive. Arturo tells her Ruben ended up buying the shares. Mayra’s in disbelief. Arturo tells her Ruben verified Aida doesn’t care if they lose money so long as Arturo and Teresa don’t earn a single peso.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa tells Fernando he is truly special and suggests he come back tomorrow so he and Arturo can discuss his plan. Before he can leave, she asks him how he’s doing with regards to the wedding, now that there are only 2 weeks left.

CASA BARRERA: Odiosa is looking at the invitations (with only 2 weeks left?) and gushing about the wedding. She’s so happy knowing he’s marrying Luisa.

PENTHOUSE: Fernando confirms everything is on schedule for the wedding. Teresa wishes him well and hopes he doesn’t experience what they did, meaning the problems they’ve had in such short a time. She chokes up as she says how incredible it is that you would think everything would be great once you’ve found the love of your life. But then you start noticing the differences. She asks if he’s sure about marrying Luisa, despite everything that’s happened. He says he loves Luisa and everything is ready for the wedding. He thought he’d never marry, but even so…….through crocodile tears, she tells him she knows they’ll be very happy. He again asks her what’s wrong. Oh, nothing, she says, it really wouldn’t be a good idea for her to work for him. It’s not a good idea for them to be together. He goes in for the kiss and they start smooching. Mala! Malo!

CASA BARRERA: Luisa tells Mommy Dearest that Fernando had to run off to the construction site/office about some problem or other. Odiosa finds this strange because she went by there and didn’t see him.

BACK AT THE CONTSTRUCTION SITE, AHEM, PENTHOUSE: Teresa breaks away saying they can’t do this. She’s married to Arturo and Fernando’s about to marry Luisa, whom he loves! They’d already agreed nothing could happen between them. He wants to know what she feels. She tells him that should be obvious. He responds by saying he’s fascinated by her. She stops him and tells him he should please leave and consider this good-bye. She can’t stop thinking that Luisa is her friend and Arturo is his friend. He begins walking to the door but she calls him back and then, no, never mind. He comes back to her and goes in for another kiss – she pushes him back and reminds him this is their secret. She once again asks him to leave, which he does – all hot and bothered. As soon as he leaves, she gets on the phone with Arturo (who is now at Geno’s) to apologize for her outburst. He’s glad to hear she’s realized he’s not at fault for what Aida and Ruben are prepared to do. She says this shouldn’t separate them and asks him to come home so they can talk.

Arturo is at Geno’s to reason with her. What they’re about to do makes no sense. She’s sorry, but maybe it’s best they are no longer partners. She’s never had a problem with him but now that he’s on Teresa side, well that’s a different matter. She brings up the fact that he wouldn’t help out Ruben when he was in jail. Arturo says Ruben knew he wasn’t in a position to help him because of Saenz and that ended up ruining him. Ruben walks in and tells him there is nothing to talk about. Arturo tells them he and Teresa are not about to give up their shares so easily and are not able to buy out Genorubiiiiida. Ruben tells him now he knows what it’s like not being able to count someone he thought of as a friend. Ouch!

CASA BARRERA: Fernando arrives and immediately runs into Mom who asks where he’s been because she didn’t see him at the construction office.

CHEZ GENO: Geno starts calling Teresa names (descarada) and Arturo shouts at her to stop. Ruben tells him not to speak to her that way. If he’s hurt, well too bad, he’s the one who believed Teresa was a saint. She plays a double sided game, using her youth and beauty and Arturo fell for it. It’s time he realized what Teresa’s really like. If he continues by her side, he’ll end up losing friends and much, much worse. Arturo feels Ruben is just trying to win back Aida. He repeats that they will not sell their shares.

CASA BARRERA: Fernando resents mama trying to tell him what to do. Oriana acts as though she was just wondering if everything was ok, why is he acting this way? He lashes out at her, saying he’s a grown man about to get married and no one controls him. Mama knows something’s awry. Fernando bursts into the den. Luisa’s concerned but he assures her everything is honky-dory. She shows him the invitations and he pretends he cares.

VECINDAD: Refugio always knew Juana loved Twitberto. Juana yammers on about her love for the idiot but also about how she hated to hurt Hector, she’s worried about losing Aurora’s affection yadda, yadda, yadda.

PENTHOUSE: Luisa delivers the invitation to Teresa who comments about it being customary for the novios to deliver them together. (I wanna know, do they always deliver these invitations in person? TN always show the couple personally delivering invitations – just curious). Teresa ponders on how things are: Fernando is so busy with his new businesses, plane, etc. while she and Arturo are on the brink of losing Luna Turqueza. Luisa sympathizes with her. Teresa tells her Arturo is doing what he can to save their Luna Turqueza shares. She’s doing her part by showing him she loves him and will stand by him with or without Luna Turqueza. Yeah, riiiiiiiight. After Luisa leaves, Teresa ponders out loud. Luisa will marry Fernando if Arturo accepts his help. If not, Teresa will have to step in as the bride. Wow!

CASA CACERESA: Mayra is giving Aiiiiiiida a dressing down about the whole Luna Turqueza mess. Aida assures her she’s not using Mayra’s money. Ruben was able to raise the money. She says she doesn’t know from where but she’s happy he’s stepping up. She’s happier still that he’s supporting her in her fight against Teresa.

PENTHOUSE: Arturo arrives and tells Teresa that Geno and Ruben refuse to back down. Teresa wants to forget about all that for tonight and proposes a toast, promising to stand by him. He’s surprised she’s changed her attitude so quickly. She tells him it’s because she loves him, etc. etc.

HOSPITAL: Oh, poor Rodriguito is still in the incubator but he’s none too happy about it, flailing and wailing his little lungs out while Espe gives Hernan her opinion on the Juana/Hector/Jughead situation. Ruben walks in.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa and Arturo are having another drink! Wait a minute, I thought Arturo wasn’t supposed to imbibe? Anyway, he says Aida is seeking revenge because of Mariano. According to Aida, Mariano won’t come back to her because Teresa still has the hots for him. She asks how he can think that, as she pours him yet another drink so they can talk. She assures him she loves him. He says he wouldn’t put up with her cheating on him again. She assures him that won’t happen. Arturo downs his drink as she looks on gleefully. (How could I be so stupid, she’s getting him drunk on purpose!)

ZACATECAS, ZACATECAS: So nice, they named it twice! (sorry, couldn’t pass it up). Maurora enjoy a meal al fresco. He toasts to her being here with him and the next few days.

CASA BARRERA: Luisa tells Oriana Lucia will be helping out with the invitations and Oriana tells her they better get a move on. Fernando comes in and barks at his mother, telling her not to worry about it, it will get done. Uh-oh, someone’s getting a little testy. He even shouts at her, telling her to let him do things his way! Luisa attempts to be the peacemaker, telling Oriana they’ll take care of it once he’s talked to Arturo.

ZACATECAS: Now Maurora are strolling along as they talk of the work they need to do.

PENTHOUSE: SAY IT AN’T SO, ARTURO! My hunkasaurus is one big drunkasaurus, passed out on the living room floor. Doorbell rings and Teresa runs in from the bedroom. She makes sure Art is where she left him and then makes sure her robe has fallen open before she opens the door. She tells Fernando she forgot he was coming by after everything that happened last night. He’s come just in time to help her. She drags him in and leads him to Arturo. Fernando is disgusted. She’s so afraid, she hugs him of course.

HOSPITAL: Juana has the nerve to visit Hector. He tells her he’s destined to be alone. So many years passed before he even noticed another woman after what Aurora’s mother did to him. She doesn’t deserve to be referred to by name. Juana wonders if he’s going to feel the same bitterness toward her.

PENTHOUSE: As Teresa steps over an overturned platter, Fernando asks if this happens often. She prefers not to talk about that now. She asks Fer to help Arturo to the sofa while she gets dressed. Oh, Fer, you dog, you! He keeps an eye on Teresa as she undresses while he helps Arturo. With a friend like that,………

HOSPITAL: Juana tries to explain how things happened. She broke up with Jughead with no explanations and then Hector showed up. She really appreciates how wonderful he’s been with her. He understands but that doesn’t take away the hurt he feels. Her heart is breaking, (yeah, yeah, just get outta here, will ya?) She hopes he’ll forgive her one day. She leaves and Hector is left, broken……..waaaaaah. Ah, Juana can go back to her illiterate, talentless buffoon and live happily ever after on what she makes as a seamstress. Hector deserves better.

PENTHOUSE: Fernando says he’ll try to wake up Arturo and talk to him. Teres tells him Arturo is upset over the Luna Turqueza problem. He spoke with Ruben & Co yesterday. He needs to feel he can resolve this. She asks him to please help Arturo. Fer is astounded she can be worried about him in his state. She brings on the tears. Oh, woe is me!

ZACATECAS: Mariano, Aurora, and Jughead are together and true to form Jughead opens his big fat trap and says he’s here to forget about “his Juanita”. Aurora tells him Hector is asking Juana to set a date for the wedding. He blabs about losing her when he told her he wanted to have a slew of kids not knowing she was infertile. Aurora hadn’t heard this part of the story.

PENTHOUSE: Fernando asks Teresa to call him next time Arturo starts drinking but before it gets to this point. For now, Fer says he’s going to throw him in an ice-cold tub. Arturo starts to stir and Teresa begins to scold him about how much he drank last night. Arturo can’t remember a thing. She asks if he truly can’t remember anything he told her or what he did to her!

ZACATECAS: Aurora wasn’t aware that Juana had feelings for Jughead. He tells her of his ultimatum – that he’ll wait to marry her here in Zacatecas, although he doesn’t think that will happen. Aurora’s stunned.

PENTHOUSE: Arturo wants to know what happened. He becomes aware that Fer is here. She has a flashback of what happened last night: She gets him drunk til he passes out and sets the scene, rolls him onto the floor, empties the bottle into a potted plant, breaks the glass on their wedding photo, and tosses the contents of a platter onto the floor. She tells him she can’t believe he doesn’t remember anything. She leaves in a huff. Fer starts in on him, telling him he ended up on the floor! Doesn’t he realize what this is doing to Teresa? Door bell! No, it’s not the landshark, but it’s Refugio, who is surprised to see him so ill.

CASA BARRERA: Lucia and Luisa are addressing invitations. Luisa tells her about Arturo’s ongoing financial woes and how Fernando wants to help. She wonders how Lucia is doing on that favor of hers…..guess we’ll find out soon.

PENTHOUSE: Arturo talks to Refugio who ends up warning him that if this drunkenness continues, she and her husband will take Teresa back to their houses. Yeah? You and what army?

HOSPITAL: Hernan tries to console Hector who tells him how much he’d like to run after Juana. He truly loves her very much.

CASA BARRERA: Luisa tells Teresa of Oriana’s argument with Fernando. Teresa is on Fer’s side, of course. Teresa is frustrated that Luisa didn’t have the nerve to tell Oriana she preferred the favors they chose over the ones Oriana chose. Teresa warns her that if she doesn’t start standing up to her monster-in-law, Oriana will always be making the decisions. Juana arrives with Lucia’s dress and finds out she left when Arturo didn’t show up. Luisa leaves to take a call. Teresa tells Juana this is proof that Lucia is only here because of Arturo. Juana ignores this and tells her she’s chosen Jughead as her knight in not-so-shining armor. She loves him and can’t live without him. She knows he has no money but neither does she and she knows they’ll be very happy. Teresa is not happy, to say the least.

PENTHOUSE: Art tells Fer he all he remembers of the night before was that Teresa wanted to have dinner together so they could talk about how they could get out of this mess with Luna Turqueza. He tells him of Genrubiiiiida’s offer to either sell their shares or buy them out. Fer suggests Art accept his help. Art doesn’t want to be indebted to him because he will soon be married to his sister. Fer is going to tell him how they can avoid him feeling indebted.

CASA CACERES: Ruben tells Aiiiiiida that Mayra wants him to convince Aida not to pressure Arturo and Teresa about Luna Turquesa. Aida knows her mother is convinced that vengeance won’t solve anything but Aida’s convinced that no one can keep her from that satisfaction. Ruben tells her Mayra was furious and insulted him but he’s not changing his mind. He will support her in anything just as she’s supporting him with regards to his son, right? Only because it bothers Teresa, she replies. Ruben admits this is why he’s continuing in his fight for his paternal rights – because it will bother Teresa and Arturo who are the godparents. He is just as anxious as Aida to see Teresa fail.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa arrives just as Arturo and Fernando come to an agreement about Luna Turqueza. She’s pleased and hugs Arturo while she mouths “gracias” to Fernando and he nods back. Slimebags, both of them!

In the morning, Teresa tells Arturo she’s very happy about Luna Turqueza but warns him she will leave him if he continues to drink. She also wants him to get rid of Lucia. He can’t believe she’d be jealous when he only has eyes for her.

CASA CHAVEZ: Refugio and Armando talk about Art and Teresa. Refugio thinks it’s a good idea for him to find employment elsewhere in the event the Barreras are divorced. Armando doesn’t look so sure about that.

PENTHOUSE: Teresa invites Aida into her home. They trade insults and Aida gets to the point. She wants to know which notario to use to sign the papers re: the sale of their Luna Turqueza shares. Teresa thinks it’s a good idea they choose carefully lest they end up with a bamboozler like her father. She names an office but tells her the deal will be to buyout Genorubiiiida! Aiiiiiida is dumbfounded!!!

CASA BARRERA: Oriana confronts Fernando about wanting to buy Luna Turqueza and why he wanted to get involved. Fer feels the Genorubiiida offer was an injustice. He’s convinced Luna Turqueza is an excellent business opportunity provided of course it isn’t mishandled at the whim of certain shareholders. Oriana asks again why he stepped in. Is it to help Arturo? Or Teresa? He tells her she can think what she wants and walks out on her.

BACK AT THE PENTHOUSE, Aida can’t believe what she’s hearing. Oh believe it, Teresa tells her. Their plan backfired because they made their proposal in writing, signed by all three. She feels so sorry for Aida. She doesn’t have Paulo, she doesn’t have Mariano, and now she’s stupidly fighting with her mother over her father. How can she be so naïve as to forgive Ruben? Maybe it’s because she’s seen how much he loves his male child. Seriously, now that he has the judge’s ok, a day doesn’t pass that he doesn’t visit and coo over him, telling him he can’t wait for the day they can share everything man to man. Ouch!

ZACATECAS: More Chamber of Commerce visuals of the city and Maurora taking in the sights. She doesn’t want to talk about them. He tells her all the time she spent in Cuernavaca seemed like an eternity to him. He missed her voice and her smile. She feels the same and he says they should stop suffering like this and she should give them a chance. She figures this is where she should say she still wants to think about it. He says he’ll continue to……she interrupts him, saying they need to eat.

Yuk! I think I’m gonna be ill. Juana has arrived in Zacatecas. She and Jughead meet and she runs into his arms. He can’t believe she’s there and asks if she’s done with the Doctor. He asks if she’s here to marry him. She assures him she is. They kiss and Juana comes face to face with Aurora! AWKWARD!

CASA BARRERA: Lucia is in the den finishing up that sketch of Arturo. Teresa is on the balcony and gets a glimpse of it and rushes downstairs demanding to see it! Tear her eyes out Tere! They fight over it. Tere snatches it out of her hands and then WACKALA! She slaps Lucia! She snaps her fingers at her and tells her to clear on out of there, now!!!!


La Fuerza del Destino #23 Tue 09/06/11

We start off with David hired by Anthony. David asks if Ivan would have a problem with rumors flying around town that he's interested in Maripaz. Anthony clarifies that he's not interested in her and if he were they don't mix business with personal life.

Gerry and Camilo talk construction. Ivan walks in and takes over.

Judith and Maripaz go visit Anthony to make their "decorating" proposal. Maripaz makes herself at home. She makes the presentation as if she did all the work with Judith rolling her eyes.

Ivan takes the chance while speaking with Gerry that he and Lucia are novios. Gerry is very happy over the news.

Carlota tells Lucia that she forgot to tell her that Carolina called for her.

Carolina says she called to find out how she's doing since she hasn't heard from her in a while. Lucia gives her the good news that she and Ivan are now novios. Carolina is happy and Gerry walks in. She tells Gerry and he tells her that Ivan already spilled the beans.

Maripaz is home and starts yelling that the "old man" refused her decorating proposal after all the work she did. Lucrecia asks her what she's talking about. Anthony McGuire replies Maripaz. I offered to decorate his house and he didn't like my proposal. Lucrecia asks since when has she been a decorator? I'm not, but Judith is replies Maripaz. Lucrecia says it's best. I don't want you around the McGuire's anyway. Maripaz replies it was the only way for her to be close to Ivan and now that "old man" took it away from her. Lucrecia tells her to forgot about Ivan. Today he asked her to be "novios" with Lucia and she accepted. How could you yells Maripaz. You forbade me. I changed my opinion replies Lucrecia. So what? Where is she yells Maripaz as she walks away. Lucrecia follows.

Carlota asks Lucia how old Alex is. Suddenly Maripaz comes storming into Lucia's room and says "You finally found what you wanted, but you wouldn't be able to marry him since he's your cousin." Lucrecia tells her to be quiet, but Maripaz keeps talking. Cousins do not marry. Explain to her, Abuela. Carlota spills the beans to Lucia. She tells her that Alicia, Ivan's mother, was Teodoro's daughter. But Ivan is not your cousin. Lucrecia begs her mom to stay quiet. Carlota tells her that if we are going to air out the dirty laundry, then let's let it all out. There is no blood between you because your mother is not the daughter of Teodoro Curiel! Stunned faces from the girls. Lucrecia laughs it off saying her mother is loosing her mind. She is Teodoro's daughter. Carlota says it's not a lie. She married Teodoro pregnant with another man's baby. Lucrecia still says that her mother is crazy and when Lucia tries to defend her grandmother, Lucrecia says that what she says is the truth. Otherwise she will take back her permission that she and Ivan are novios. (What is Lucia 5?)

Ivan tells Camilo that he and Lucia are officially novios. Camilo can't believe that Lucrecia accepted it. He warns Ivan to watch out. She probably wants something. And wait til Maripaz finds out. She'll make a bad enemy. Ivan says what can she do? I'm not worried. (famous last words my friend)

Carolina and Gerry are talking about Ivan and Lucia. Carolina thinks that if they marry then they will have kids and Ivan will forget about is lost child. Gerry doesn't think so. Plus he's also feeling guilty every time he sees him. Carolina tells Gerry not to do anything foolish that he might regret later.

Maripaz and Lucia are still arguing about being related to Ivan. Maripaz says you can't marry your cousin, Lucia says you can with permission and tests. Plus you had a child with him and he came out alright. Anyway I believe my grandmother. Maripaz asks if her mother lied. Carlota says that their mother always loved being a "Curiel" and Teodoro was a well known and liked man throughout the world. Maripaz asks Carlota who the heck did she "kick it" with then? Lucia tells Maripaz to respect their grandmother. Maripaz says when I got pregnant everyone looked down on me. They same thing happened to her, but I didn't have the opportunity to marry a rich man to over up the scandal like she did. Lucia calls her garbage. Maripaz starts yelling at Lucia and getting in her face. Carlota has to get in the middle and then throws Maripaz out. Carlota says perhaps I said too much. Lucia tells her it's best to get everything out. It's not good to hold it all in. I love you.

Anthony goes to visit JJ and tells him that he gave David a job. JJ says he's a good for nothing, but Anthony says I think he is. He received good grades in school and managed your affairs rather well. Well yes, replies JJ. But I had to tell him how and what to do all the time. He also has a timid character. Anthony tells JJ that he doesn't care about personal things. David gave him a good impression and he needed the job. Well, it's on you says JJ. But if he fails, don't get angry with me. Anthony assures him he doesn't think David will fail him.

Lucrecia is in her room and Carlota comes in to give her apologizes. Lucrecia always wanted her daughters to be proud that they come from a good, respectable family. Not ordinary like Ivan. Carlota says nothing has to leave this house. It can still be our secret. What if one of the girls spills the beans asks Lucrecia. Once Ivan gets word, he'll come for his inheritance. Carlota says Ivan won't do that. He has no need for it. Lucrecia says he would. He hates us. Now leave me alone!

Camilo asks Ivan if he really is in love with Lucia. They talk about their sufferings. Their lives.

David tells Edith that he found a job with Mr. McGuire. Edith tells him that once his dad finds out, he's going to be upset. Both Maripaz and Lucia are seeing Ivan. That's why Lucia broke it off with Saul.

The boys (Ivan and Camilo) get an ice cream. Ivan talks about his lost son. They toss around ideas and theories. Camilo says Gerry has a son the same age your own son would be. Ivan wants to know when Gerry got married and where.

Maripaz complains to her friends that Lucia stole her novio from her.

Celia makes lunch for Camilo. They sit down to eat and Camilo asks her if she remembers their conversation the other night regarding Gerry and his little boy. Well I got to thinking today and what if that little boy was really Ivan's? Camilo explains his theory. Celia says I hope you didn't tell Ivan. Camilo says he did. Did Alicia ever tell you that Gerry was kicking it with another? Celia says she never did. And I don't want you getting involved in all this.

Anthony tells Ivan that Maripaz came to present her "decorating" ideas, but he didn't like it. So he contracted someone else. So how did she take it asks Ivan? She held on to her anger. Also I hired David and went to visit JJ to tell him. And how did JJ take it asks Ivan? He also held on to his anger replies Anthony. They both share a laugh.

JJ is home whining and complaining about Anthony hiring David. He says it appears he's really not such a friend after all. What did he do to you asks Edith. Because of him, all my friends will be laughing at me replies JJ. All because of David. What did our son do asks Edith? Our idiot son asked him for a job and the old man gave it to him replies JJ. Well he left the house and he needed a job says Edith. So he had to go to him and ask for a job asks JJ? Put me to shame? He did it on purpose! Saul walks in and JJ says did you know that David asked Anthony for a job and that your ex-girlfriend is now going with Ivan? And what do you want me to do asks Saul? Nothing replies JJ. Even I can't do nothing, but stand around with my arms crossed. My children just want me to look bad. Saul gets angry and says he wanted to get some guys to beat up Ivan, but he said no. Because you idiot, then all eyes would have been on you replies JJ. So what do I do asks Saul? JJ looks at him in frustration and walks away. Edith and Judith run up to Saul and beg him not to do anything stupid. Saul gets mad and walks off. Judith tells Edith that Saul won't do anything.

Lucia tells David that she and Ivan are novios. David warns her that he had a thing with Maripaz. Lucia says that is all clarified now. David tells her that he found a job with Anthony. She congratulated him. Suddenly Maripaz walks in and takes the phone away from her. She hangs up the phone and asks Maripaz if she was talking to her boyfriend? Lucia says I was talking to David. Maripaz asks what do you have with him? None of your business replies Lucia. The phone rings again and it's David, but Maripaz won't let her answer. Maripaz tells Lucia that when she was younger she was in love with Ivan. But of course he was a man and he couldn't become involved with someone as young as you were back then. He needed a woman and that woman was me. Lucia says yes, but you made him feel unappreciated and beneath you. Well we now that story. It's that we loved each other with a passion replies Maripaz. I had his son. We have a bond that is really hard to break. You broke it when you wanted to get rid of the child says Lucia. But I didn't do it replies Maripaz. The child disappeared. Ivan returned and we renewed our relationship. We even made love. Ivan says that didn't happened says Lucia. He lied replies Maripaz. I believe him says Lucia. Of course replies Maripaz. Woman in love become dumb. But I don't care who you believe. He continues to be my man. Perhaps for you, but not for him says Lucia. He would still be if you hadn't interfered replies Maripaz. I didn't interfere says Lucia. Of course you did replies Maripaz. What he wants to do is hurt me. Because he cares for me. So Ivan isn't for me, then he won't be for you. So how are you going to do that asks Lucia. Very easy replies Maripaz. You are very much for my grandmother right? If you don't break your commitment with Ivan, the whole town will know about her past. And our mother is a bastard. I have nothing to lose. Everyone says I'm a drunk. Another thing added to my rep is no big deal. So break it off or I tell everything! Lucia runs after Maripaz and tries to reason with her. If she breaks if off with Ivan, he won't return to her. Why not asks Maripaz? Because of the child replies Lucia. If you haven't opened your big mouth and told him that the child wasn't dead he wouldn't have left me says Maripaz. We couldn't let him believe that the child was dead says Lucia. What did you accomplish by telling him the truth asks Maripaz? Did he find him? You only did it to make me look bad. You did it to look good to him. You know what to do and Maripaz storms off.

Ivan is in a flower shop and picks out a purple orchid. Then he's at a jewelers picking out a ring.

Clayto tells Gloria that the girls were fighting about a child that was not dead. He tells her that Maripaz when she was a young girl would sneek into Ivan's room. They put 2 and 2 together and come up with 4. Then Gloria tells Clayto that Gerry was really attentive and nice to Alicia. They put 2 and 2 together and come up with 4. Smart. Not ususal in novelas.

Carlota tells Lucia that she worries about word getting out and affecting Lucrecia. Lucia asks about Lucrecia's father. Carlota says it was a man that came on a construction job. She fell in love and when he found out she was pregnant, he left. She thinks he was married. Lucia asks if she remembers his name. Felipe Delmonte replies Carlota. Gloria brings a flower arrangement to Lucia. She opens the letter, it reads: My love, they say that orchids last for a long time. But I hope our love lasts forever. Lucia gets emotional and Carlota asks her what's wrong? Lucia blames it on her emotions. Carlota says there are 2 things that make happiness more complete. The love of a good man and the light in a child's eyes. You have the first and I hope soon you will have the second. Ivan calls and asks if she received the flower. Yes and thank you she replies. I have another gift for you says Ivan. Can I come by later and give it to you? Lucia tells him that she's not feeling well. Of course he gets all concerned. She tells him that she just wants to rest. Ivan says he's going to visit her anyway. She begs off and says she'll see him tomorrow. Carlota asks her what the heck is going on? Lucia says she doesn't feel like seeing anyone today. Carlota says but he's your boyfriend. I just want to be alone. Carlota says she's going to find out what's wrong with her but leaves for now.

Ivan picks up his phone then throws it down. Changes his mind and leaves his hotel room to drive to Lucia's house. Clayto greets him and Ivan says he wants to see Lucia. Carlota tells Clayto that she will get Lucia. Carlota finds Lucia crying. What's wrong she asks? I can't believe what I told you about myself and your mom has put you this way. Just the shock replies Lucia. Carlota tells her that Ivan is here to see her. Lucia tells her that she doesn't want to see him. Tell him I'm already asleep.

Carlota tells Ivan that's she's asleep. Ivan isn't buying it. Carlota doesn't know why she doesn't want to see him. Did you guys fight? No, nothing replies Ivan. Did something happen? Did Saul come and bother her? Carlota says a family problem. Just give her time replies Carlota. I'm sure tomorrow she will be okay. Ivan agrees and tells Carlota that he will be back tomorrow to see Lucia.

Ivan asks Clayto if he would answer a question for him. Clayto asks if it's regarding the fight the girls had today? Fight questions Ivan? Wasn't that what you were going to ask says Clayto. No, but I'm interested in the fight says Ivan. Well, I didn't hear anything replies Clayto. Maripaz took her car and left and Lucia was sad. He tries to ask more questions but Clayto ain't budging. Then Ivan asks about Alicia. Did she have a boyfriend? Clayto says she didn't but Ivan isn't believing him.

Tomorrow: Lucia tells Ivan she wants to break it off with him.


Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Alborada, 9/6/2011. Cap. 69.

Sorry so late today, folks. Every day, my boss wants me to finish my work. Imagine that!

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #26, Tuesday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 69 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's very interesting picture.

Julie's caption: "I can't believe he got a butterfly tattoo!"


Teresa Mon 9/5/11 #131 RRRRRRrrrrata-Trapped By The RRRRRRRrrrrrata Pack

The two-minute rewind: Lucia is introduced to Juana by Luisa as her maid of honor; Juana agrees to make her a dress.  (We wonder when word will leak out and Juana will finally strike it rich by becoming couturier to The Rich and Famous of D.F.); Teresa and Arturo arrive at the Casota to begin the workday as Fernando comes in from his morning jog.  He warns Tere that Art’s still testing her loyalty and love and is having her watched.   Bummer!

In Cuernevaca at the Retreat House, Aurora is delighted to receive the jillionth and one bouquet from Mariono.  (Just looking at the pile of pots on her table makes me sneeze and my nose runny!) “I am sick from love, Doctor. When will you be able to take care of me?”  She begins to call him on the preprogrammed phone (we assume) he gave her early on, but then decides it would be better to talk to him in person instead.

Back at the Casota de La de la Barrera, Tere whimpers she doesn’t know what else she can do to convince the hunky hubster that she loves him.  Nando says just to be patient.  He tried talking some sense into him but Art just wouldn’t listen.  She walks off in tears; Nando’s hard to read but it could be that he’s had enough of Arturo and his whining wife.

At Elegant Acres, Genoveva is giving her maid the third degree about her niece who just had a baby.  Genovenom has a proposition for her and wants to meet with her.

Tere stops back at the ‘Hood to make a quick visit to Juana’s.  Lucia and Lu are still there.  Juana explains about the dress job.  Tere knows a true threat when she sees one and plants a frozen smile on her face as she greets the buxom Bubbles and says “Hey” to Lu.  While Juana and Lu go to the back room to check on something, Bubbles smiles brightly and tells Teresa she heard about Art’s financial setback and is certain things will right themselves in no time at all!  Tere raises a well-groomed  eyebrow.   “--How can you be so sure?”  Well he had nothing once before after his parents died but he alone managed to turn things around and his request for the inheritance was finally granted!  (Bubbles may be gawd-awful bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for 8 AM, but common sense doesn’t seem to be her forte.)  This is not exactly what Tere wanted to hear from an employee, especially after the nasty news from Nando earlier.   Her voice is icy and patronizing.  Yes, she’s sure of it and she’ll stand by him during the whole process—and a.l.w.a.y.s. (Ala shark-byte chica-speak: so get your bodacious boob job, your big butt and that bucktooth grin of yours outta my face, B!tch!  I’ve been around this block before!  I been there, done that, got the tee-shirt!)  Boobalicious Bubbles’s blindingly bright smile dims ju-u-u-u-s-s-st a bit.

On the other side of Elegant Acres, Aurora stops in for an unexpected visit home and tells Daddy about her plans to help Mariano with their award-winning project after all.  Hector the Director is dead set against it.  The last thing he wants is for his little girl to get a big booboo from bad-boy Mariano.  Hec doesn’t thing Mariano’s totally over Teresa and will end up hurting her like he did Aida.  Aurora says Aida asked for it and anyway, Mariano was up front with her about things. She’s sure that Tere still loves Mar and is only with Art for his money. Besides, Aurora’s decided she’s a big girl now and can handle anything—even a confrontation with Teresa.  The blinders are off where Tere’s now concerned.

Back in the bilge of the barrio, Bubbles tries to make nice by asking why she feels like Tere doesn’t much care for her.  What is she worried about?  Teresa guffaws and asks why she’d be worried about the likes of her?  Oh, says the luscious Lucia with an irritating, Jane Seymour signature crook of a smile, that I’m working for your husband.  “—Excuuuuuuuuse me!  You’re working for both of us!  Got it?  We are a pair—partners!”  Just then Juana and Lu return.  Lu and Lu leave for work.  Juana starts describing the type of dress she’s making for Lucia (I think?) but Teresa shuts her up ASAPP!  She doesn’t want to hear a thing about that…female.  “--Why?”  “--Because she’s flirting and going after my husband and she doesn’t make any bones about the fact he likes her!”  Tere says she loves Art, but if he keeps screwing up, she’s going to divorce him and head out on her own!

Teresa explains that because Art still doubts her love for him, he refuses to accept a loan from Fernando which would allow them to return to their earlier economic level.  Juana agrees with Art for not wanting to accept a loan, much less from his future brother-in-law!!  It would only cause trouble.  Well, says Tere, he’ll have trouble for real if he doesn’t change his ways and fast!  Juana wants an explanation.  Tere viers into a safer direction and suggests that since Fer doesn’t like the way Art’s treating her, he and Luisa (her BFF) will start to have problems for sure whenever it’s brought up.  Juana suggests that Tere discuss things with Art if she’s worried that this Lucia babe is throwing herself at him like that.  Nope, says Tere, not in a million years would she let him know she’s dying of jealousy!  So, if the jerk doesn’t get his act together and soon, she’s ditching him!

Juana wonders if she’d go looking for Mariano if she gets divorced.  No, says Tere, though it wouldn’t be a bad idea.  He says he’s over her, but she knows he still has it bad for her.  However, she’s got bigger fish in mind than either Mariano or Art if that happens.  Juana corrects her and says don’t be so sure about Mar.  He is now deeply in love with Aurora. Who in their right mind could fall in love with a spoiled, tantrum-throwing and reckless [lanzada] girl like Aeeeeeda. But Teresa’s sure it’s just like when Mar dated Aida.  No, don’t think so, says Juana.  “Well, good for Aurora then,” says Tere decidedly.  Juan gives her one last bit of advice.  “--Instead of daydreaming about things that will never happen, you should put your mind to working along side your husband if you’re so worried about what Lucia might do.”

Aurora tells Daddy Director she’s a big girl now and she’s got to grow up some time, so like it or not, she’s decided to go to Zacatecas and take whatever comes, period.

Back at Oficinita de los dos de la Barrera, the buxom Bubbles finishes a bit of dictation and begins to pout.  She mentions to Art that something’s bothering her about Teresa.  Seems she might be jealous of Bubbles because of their working together.  Art chuckles and says it is flattering to have someone consider a woman as beautiful as she a reason for jealousy, and she could be correct.  Anyway, their relationship started because the two of them used to work together.  If she would like, he’ll have a chat with his wife about it.  No, says Bubbles.  She doesn’t have a problem with anything.  Sure he’s handsome, but she’s not interested in him sexually, and she understands her boundaries. (Suuuuuuuure.)   He smiles and says ditto.  (Riiiiggghhht.)  The whole time she’s been doodling.

Meanwhile, Juana opens another final letter from functionally illiterate Cutberto.  (Viewerville wonders if he had either Mariano or his uncle help him write it.)  She tearfully reads  Buttberto’s grammatically challenged missive of love and devotion asking her to let her heart choose for her, and to know that he’s perfectly willing to adopt an orphan since she’s now barren.  FF>>

In Zacatecas,  Buttberto and his uncle discuss making wedding arrangements in case Juana gives him a yes.  Unk says well, even if she gives him the heave ho, there are plenty of beautiful babes around these parts who’d jump at the chance to hook up and tie the knot with him!  FF>>

Tere returns from a short visit with mama.  Juana gives her the bad news: she’s decided to marry Buttberto.  (I say cut the apron strings now and stop wasting your time!)  Tere warns her that that way lies poverty and problems!  So what, says Juana.  All marriages have problems.  Look at your marriage!  I’d say it’s better when that happens that you're with someone you really love, wouldn’t you agree?  Tere stops in her tracks and gives her the oops-a-daisy once over. 

Back to Elegant Acres at Casa de las Caceras, Aeeeda is giving Mayra grief for being such a wet blanket now when it comes to getting even with the bane of her daughter’s existence: Teresa de la Barerra Chavez.  Doesn’t she get that the broad is at the root of all their trial and tribulation?  Mayra tho’, is totally transformed and is staying true to her New Age persona: forgive and forget and then be reborn again; bitterness is bad for one’s self-image and revenge fills life with totally negative energies; only when you recognize this will you be truly free!  Just then Genoveva arrives with her newly “adopted” baby boy who is actually her maid’s grand-nephew.  She passes him off as hers.  Aeeeda and Mayra are thrilled and decide to take pictures of the little one for their photo album.  Gen is in one heck of a bind.

Juana asks Johnny where Buttberto’s gone since she went to visit and found his door was padlocked shut.  Johnny tells her he’s returned to Zacatecas.  He thought she knew he left since he only did it because she’d given him the bum’s rush.

Juana returns to her apartment in tears.  Teresa tries to comfort her.  No use, says Juana.  She didn’t know until Buttberto left this time how much she really loves him.  (Viewerville gags and throws up a little in their mouth.  So does Teresa.)  FF>>

At the same time, Buttberto wanders around aimlessly (as he’s aparrently jobless) and thinks back to his bedroom antics with Juana.  FF>>FF>>

That night Teresa’s walking the halls of TOHIMC (the only hospital in Mexico City) and runs into Aeeeeda again.  “—Well if it ain’t the biggest gutter rat in all of Mexico!”  Tere greets her and asks what her problem is now.  Aeeeda yells at her for persuading Amadeo, Daddy’s accountant, to cheat him and then to turn him into the authorities so he ende up in prison!  Tere chuckles and says naw, her daddy knows how to lie very well by himself.  Any fraud committed was his doing and his alone!  Although, she has to admit (with a big sh!t-eating grin) that she advised him to turn him in.  Aeeeda tries to haul off and slap Teresa, but this time she’s ready for the blonde barker in heat and grabs her arm.   “—I told you once upon a time that if you continued to upset me I’d destroy your family and I’ve done it!”  (Viewerville gets a glimpse of Art’s driver and his extra-large ears flapping in the hallway breeze about 10 feet back.)  Aeeeda accuses Tere of stabbing people in the back but Tere says no, she was warned and that’s not going behind somebody’s back, now is it?  Not only have I destroyed your family, but you’ve lost both Paulo and Mariano.  Tsk.  So now you’re all alone  You are a solitary female [mujer sola]. Tsk. Tsk.   Aeeeda makes a play on Teresa’s words.  Yes, she’s may be a mujer sola, but Teresa is a mujerzuela [a whore]! 

On another side of the hospital, Esperanza is chatting with Mariano about Mayra’s making nice and wondering if one day she can do the same with Aeeeda.  Nothing would make him happier, since of course, Aeeeda is Rodriguito’s older sister.  What about him and Tere, she asks?  Not much of a chance, he feels.

Back in the hallway, Tere reminds Aeeeda that she’s a married woman, a Sra., if you please.  Ah, yes, a Sra. who sleeps with other men before her wedding day and who will certainly leave hubby once he loses the last little bit of wealth he has left.  Tere says she knows he’ll soon be back to his former level and BTW, do you know where we’re living now?  Yeah, says Aeeeda.  Of course, it’s a loaner.  Nope, RENTED, and soon it will be mine!  And, guess what else?  I’m Mariano’s neighbor now!  Oh, says Aeeeda, will you try to get him back once Arturo’s pesoless?  FYI, says Teresa, he’s not going to be pesoless, much less me!  Aeeeda hates her and she’s going to hurt her where it hurts her the most—in her wallet!  And she’s going to do all in her power to prove to everyone what a hypocrite she is!  If Aeeed tries it, well, she and everyone else will learn that they cannot get the better of her, so Aeeeda might as well give it up.  Nothin’ doin’, says Aeeeda.  She’ll come after her if it’s the last thing she ever does!  Till she’s breathed her last.  Well, then die tryin’ cuz nobody can beat me.  Between existance and non-existence, I am, she smiles matter-of-factly.  Aeeeda is bleeding out the eye-balls by now she’s so angry.

Back at Oficinita de los de la Barerra, Bubbles and Art finish the workday.  He’s off to TOHIMC to catch up with Tere and check on Rodriguito’s progress.  They air kiss.  She waits till he’s out the door and sighs over the pencilled portrait she’s made of him while doodling instead of taking dictation.  (Oh, that’s right, she’s got a proposal of some sort still to give to him.  Dunno what about, tho’.)

At the hospital, Rubigote shows up with a copy of the judge’s order and the DNA test showing that he is the baby-daddy and has full paternity rights over the kid. Steam starts curling out around and from all Hernan the Galan’s cranial aperatures.   

Arturo arrives and finds Tere in Rodriguito’s little room.  She kisses him hello and says she’s got Jacinot near to avoid Art worrying she’s just there to see Mariano all the time.  He says ahhem and BTW if this is your way of trying to calm me down and to persuade me to accept Fernando’s offer, then forget it.  I’m not going to.  Teresa is drop-jawed and speechless impactada.  
======================== (part 2)

Arturo arrives and finds Tere in Rodriguito’s little room.  She kisses him hello and says she’s got Jacinot near to avoid Art worrying she’s just there to see Mariano all the time.  He says ahhem and BTW if this is your way of trying to calm me down and to persuade me to accept Fernando’s offer, then forget it.  I’m not going to.  Teresa is saucer-eyed and temporarily speechless impactada.  “--Wh-wh-what do you mean?”  He knows, he says, that she and his sis have been discussing it is all.  “--Well, it’s not right, what you’re doing!”  Finally she threatens that if he doesn’t get moving and talk about setting up an office with Fernando, then she will herself!  Art stares down his nose at her and is shocked, shocked that Tere would threaten him this way! 

Down the hall a ways, Hernan, Espe, and El Bigote continue arguing over Roddy.  Espe is nearly in tears as she listens.  Hernan says it’s a shame that Ruben has to turn this into some sort of a contest and doesn’t give a rap about what’s best for Rodrigo in any of this.  El Bigote sniffs and says tuff turnips.  He’s not giving up his rights and will win the court case.  Espe figures being in jail was a wasted learning experience for the brute.  He sniffs and his fur lip vibrates and undulates even more.   He tells them he’s not there for them to judge him, only to see after his son!  He’s heads down the hall and they trail after him.

In their godson’s sickroom, Tere and Art continue quibbling over Art’s not accepting Nando’s offer.  She made the tactical error of telling him honestly what she intended: to set up the office and take care of his business empire’s legal needs herself if he’ll agree to it.  Arturo says he figured she didn’t want him to do so because of Oriana.    Tere thought that he’d do it instead and they’d have no problem then.  But he didn’t and it had nothing to do with Luisa and Fernando’s relationship, but rather because he still doesn’t trust her or think she loves him!  Word up, Arturito!  “—You might want to punish me, and it may not matter to you whether you recover financially!  But I am getting sick and tired of putting up with your little tests!”  And now Art’s nose is totally stuck out of joint and his mouth is puckered like he really should be in the can for a dump ‘n pump.

Aeeeda is now griping (aaaa-gain!) to Mariano about her latest claws ‘n paws with Teresa.  He tells her she needs to forget about Teresa and anything she might do.  Aeeeda says no way!  Doesn’t he realize that Teresa’s the one responsible for her mami throwing her papi in jail????  Mar just crinkles up his nose and frowns like doesn’t

Back in Roddy’s sickroom, Art goes after Teresa.  Sure it’s normal to have doubts and to get impatient about returning to the old lifestyle, but remember the offer he made was to me and NOT you, he says.  “--He needs somebody he can trust legally is all.”  Art gets his back up.  “—The days where I’d listen and agree to everything you say are long over!  Things are going to be done like I say and I’m not going to put up with your temper tantrums.  Perhaps I’m to blame also for the way things are and for not doing this from the start, but love for you blinded me and I bowed to everything you wanted.”  Tere glares at him.  “—You say it as if you’re some sort of saint!”  He tells her not to go back bringing up Paloma again because he’s not going to listen to it.  No, she yells back, it’s more like Lucia this time!  Don’t think I don’t notice how she interests you and how much you like working with her!”

Rubigote follows his mustache into the room and greets the two after hearing Art yelling about her being jealous.  He hands Tere the judge’s order.  She reads it over.

Aeeeda explains to Mariano how Tere knew her father’s accountant and the whole story behind his stealing from her mother, and how she advised him to turn her daddy into the cops.  Mar says he finds it hard to believe.  (Something doesn’t compute here.  What difference does it make if she did or didn’t.  The two were guilty and she told her “client” to turn himself in and turn state’s evidence, right?  So ol’ Amadeo got immunity is all.  Big fat deal.)  She’s out for vengeance!  Mariano shuts her up and tells her she should listen to herself.  The problem is the two of them are constantly one-upping one another and the sick cycle just continues.  Somebody’s got to put the brakes on already!   

Tere and Art are waiting for Rubigote to finish his “visit” with Roddy.  Art and she are talking about Ruben’s seeing his son as being harmful [dañino] just as said brute shows up.  He tells them he’d rather they stop interfering with his rights as Roddy’s daddy.  Tere reminds him neither his son nor Espe ever mattered a whit to him, otherwise he’d have divorced his wife right off the bat.  As it was, he was too busy stealing Mayra blind!  Rube says, well, I’d have been able to settle things and nothing would have gone wrong with Luna Turquesa but you didn’t give me time.  Why?  Because you were in cahoots with Amadeo and you were the one who advised him to turn me in!  He tells Arturo he has no idea of the type of viper he’s married to.  Art looks at Tere with new-found suspicion. 

Aeeeda is upset to hear Mariano defend Tere again.  No, just that he’s worried about her.  She takes it as his feeling something deeper.  He pulls her off him and tells her she’s got to learn to live and do by herself now.  He’s sorry about it, but he’s not going to be the one with her.

Tere tells Rubigote that he’s got his head up his anal orifice if he thinks she had anything to do with Amadeo turning him in.  And if he remembers, she and Art were in Europe then, so it must be something else ridiculous that Aeeeeda’s blaming her for.  Riiiiiight, says Rubigote.  He then turns to Art and warns him that Teresa will be his undoing if he stick with her.  “--Ok then, we’ll be seeing each other often since I’ll be very attentive to my son’s health.”  He walks out and Art asks Tere if she really had advised Amadeo to turn in his boss.  He remembers that she called the accountant numerous times while they were in Europe.  She admits it and says it was to discuss other things, but if he’d asked her whether to report him to the authorities or not she would have told him to definitely go ahead!  Art is not a happy camper.

The next morning at the Casota, Luisa and Tere discuss how she told Art that she’d handle setting up Fernando’s legal affairs office if her brother wouldn’t.  “--Who better than a dear friend whom he could trust completely, right?”  Tere knows that Luisa will race back to Fer with the argument and if she’s planned her strategy properly, he’ll be eating out of Tere’s hand and it’ll be Legal Affairs Office de España here I come!   Just then Teresa gets an unexpected call from Aeeeda asking for a Luna Turquesa board meeting that afternoon.  She races into Art’s office, snubbing Lustylicious Lucia over her proposals of something or other, to let him know that there’ll be a board meeting there at the Casota with the whole lot of the L.Q. group, if it’s all right with him. She has no idea what “decisions” it is they’re thinking of taking.  Yes?  Then she’ll let them know right away.

Over at Genovenom’s, Rubigote and Aeeeda yuck it up about how upset Teresa was that he’d gotten that judgment from the court allowing him visitation of her godson.  They’re all in agreement that Teresa needs to pay for all their problems, yada, yada, yada. 

That afternoon, Mariano arrives in Zacatecas.  He finds Buttberto who introduces him to his uncle.  They go sightseeing.  He tells Buttberto about his project.  FF>>

Back at the Casota, Gen, Aeeeda and Ruben show up together instead of Martin.  Aeeeda explains that Marti sold his shares to Rubigote, so now the three of them are majority shareholders.   Ruben says that they will refuse to accept any of their propositions and Aeeeda says that means that they have no choice but to either
buy up their shares from them--which would be difficult considering they’re short of funds now--or to sell the three of them their shares at a very low price.  The three of them don’t care if they lose money on the deal or not and they will do whatever necessary to slow down the construction just so the two of them lose what little Art and she have financially. Tere and Art’s stomach’s do flip-flops till after the commercial break.

Tere gets hold of herself and asks why they’d try something like this?  Oh, come on, says Aeeeeda, you’ve done much worse!  Daddy seconds it, blaming her for his being in jail.  Tere throws that back in his face.  “Get real!  You landed in jail because you stole and were caught red-handed!”  She turns to Aeeeda and asks how she could put up with him after that.  Art tries reasoning with Gen, but she plays innocent third party and says there is so much bad blood between his wife and Ruben and Aeeeda that she’s got no choice but to side with them.  (Well, if Teresa likes playing hard-ball, then she should really enjoy fighting her way out of this screw-job!)  They have been mouse-trapped  by the L.Q. RRRRRrrrrata Pack.

Across town, Hector stops by Juana’s only to find out she’s dumping him for Buttberto.  Cara de impactado de Hector the Director.  He leaves with his tail between his legs.  FF>>

Back at the oficinito, Art is pissed and thinks he can comb through the case and find some legal way to stop the L.Q. R.P.   Tere, tho’, has smelled blood in the water!  She wants her pound of rrrrrata pack flesh!  They’ll stall the project for years or force them to sell to them at a laughable price, she opinse aloud.  She turns and sneers at Art then, telling him it’s all his fault for not having accepted Fernando’s offer to buy the shares early on.  He looks guilty as charged. --Yeah, Tere not only knows where and when to grab hubby by the s and c’s but when and where to squeeze.-- Art gets up and says there was no way he could have guessed what they’d try.   He attempts to reassure her and suggests that they shouldn’t be arguing right now.  Instead, they should be pulling together and trying to figure a way out of this mess. 

Tere looks Art in the eyes and tells him that she’s enraged at what they’re trying to pull.  It’s the only thing of value the two of them have and there’s no way they can allow Ruben and Aeeeda to snatch it away from them like that, let alone to be mocked by those two that way!  “—You can’t understand me. No, nobody has ever mocked you like that because of your background [condición]!!  But me?  You see how happy she was to throw back in my face that I should be back in my rightful place: impoverished and begging for charity!”  She slams her fists on his desk and the heartfelt tears come rolling off her cheeks.  Art looks at the dirt on his shoes and wishes there were a crack to crawl into.  “—But I’m not going to allow her to, Arturo!  I’m going to find a way to fix this!”  Art hugs her and asks her to calm down.  They’ll try to fix it together, she’ll see.  No, her eyes are bugging out of her head at this point.  It’s sink or swim and if Art can’t help her float she’ll crawl on top of him for air whether he drowns in the process or not.

Back in Zacatecas, the sightseeing comes to a halt.  Aurora is waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs in the plaza of some famous land mark.  The two run to each other’s arms for a meaningful embrace.  She’s come to assist him with his project.  Happy, happy!  Joy, joy!

In Elegant Acres, La Odiosa Oriana and Aeeeda drink a toast to Teresa’s shock and dismay.  Odiana congratulates Aeeeda for giving Tere the coup de grace where it hurt most.   Aeeeda is certain Teresa will abandon Art now that they’re totally broke.  Perhaps, but for now Odiana will no doubt have to stomach her at Luisa’s wedding.  Hopefully she’ll set her sights on some other millionaire, says Aeeeda.  They toast again at that suggestion.

Tere’s gone home to the apartment they’re renting from Nando.  He walks in and she receives him sadly. He understands there were problems again between her and Art.  She says he obviously heard from Luisa that there was an argument and that she left in a huff.  Lu says she tried to get an explanation from her brother but he clammed up.  Tere tearfully explains why because he refused to take his offer to buy the shares of LQ from them, now they’re going to have to practically give them away to Ruben and Aeeeda.  She walks off weeping.  He grabs her shoulders from behind, puts his head onto hers and tells her to calm down.  She rolls her eyes, playing him for all he’s worth.  She’s desperate now, she tells him.  She faces him then and asks if she could open up the legal affairs office for him instead of Art like he’d suggested, would he  agree to her running it?  He frowns and shakes his head.  “No, Teresa.  No, not even for you would I do something like that.”  Cara de impactada de Teresa….. 


Monday, September 05, 2011

La Pola - September 5, 2011 - Behind the Scenes

La Pola fans, Aleta, as promised, sent me these behind the scenes shots taken during the filming of La Pola. As you can see it was the setting for the sad execution of Carbonel that we watched Friday night.

I've also added shots taken from the show itself for comparison.

and didn't Pola look great as Carbonel's wife?

She should dress up more.

And as a bonus watch and listen to this and this. Can we ever get enough of Pola and Alejo?

Thanks for sharing your photos with us Aleta, what a nice Labor Day treat.



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