Monday, January 29, 2007

Anybody up for recapping "Accoralada" ??

One of our readers wrote: "Speaking of hunks, I am recommending that you all might want to try a new novela that just started on Jan 15--Acorralada. You haven't missed much yet. Perhaps we will want to start a new recap section. However, it is on in the afternoon, so you will have to record it if you're not home.

"I was casting about for a new novela to watch, and I didn't like the other nighttime shows. I am recording this one in the afternoon. This show is not as dark and violent as some of the others. I am new to novela land, as I just started watching LFMB on a whim last summer because I heard about the American version and I am studying Spanish. I enjoy the comic tone, but it appears that such style is not the usual."

If you're interested, drop me a line. We'll take anything you care to send - one a week, a periodic summary, whatever. Ferro started La Fea that way - he just took it on himself, and wrote up as much of it as he wanted and put it up.

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that was a really stupid kind of show

Who was the idiot that said it was stupid? Accoralada is a pretty decent show. I also watch LFMB and LDCDA. All 3 great telenovelas! find me at: or find me on:
YAHOO! as thejellybean66,
MSN as thejellybean66,
AIM/AOL as a66jellybean

We can talk if u like about the shows!

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