Monday, January 22, 2007

Mundo de Fieras 01/22/07 Grey's Anatomy only without McDreamy, McSteamy, but with McClueless

Well this episode was full of drama, angst and medical problems... It was kinda like Grey's Anatomy only non of the medical staff was hawt and I did not see a single one groping either a patient or another medical personal.

Now on with our story....we begin with a refresher on Regina whining to Gabe, who then barges in to Demian's office right in the middle of a Turf War between Demian and Joselyn. Gabe starts yelling at Demian (yeah like that is gonna work), about how Gabe just can't allow Demian to abuse (I guess verbally) Regina over Demian's insane jealousy of his somewhat more physically fit, but mentally stunted twin brother. Joselyn has retired to a chair and looks like she could use some popcorn and a coke, she is all into the drama. Demain punches Gabe who counters with a body blow...nearly knocking Demian off his remaining good leg....Regina comes rushing in, she will divorce Demian if this crazy jealousy doesn't stop. Gabe declares he loves only one woman and that of course is sweet lil MA. Regina wants to talk to Demian, so Gabe excuses himself (of course there is more male posturing and chest puffing) and Regina tells Joselyn to hit the road.

Time for tears and cue up Percy "Whennnnnn a man", you know the rest. What about the happy times they have built? Demian is destroying this, Regina only loves Gabe as a brother.
Tears.....Demian has to get a grip....Regina leaves..

Like five seconds later, Gabe is all chuckles in MA's office. He's like Babe we need to talk...She's like I got nothin to say to you. He is all into discussing the groping kiss of the last episode. She tells him she does not love him. Ahhhhhh your "Boca" is saying no....but your "Ojos" are saying yes yes yes. He loves her and only her. MA wants him to just leave her in Peace....Personally I am having a little problem with have a guy's kid, you believe he was also boinking his crazy wife, you want everyone to believe he's not the let me see, you move back into his wife's house and work at his company....Ahhhhh this plan is so subtle it's flawless.

Meanwhile Paulina & JC are in his office, getting their daily exercise patting themselves and each other on the back over what fine architects or whatever they are. Now JC has this special evening planned for them...and only them at their favorite eatery...Hugs, kisses, mi amors everywhere.

I forgot, but at the beginning Nic was telling MA about Dolores, it seems he is enamored with Dolores, yet has not acted on his feeling because of Tiberto. ****Yes Nic I've seen this many times on Dr. Phil, you just have to bide your time until Tiberto finishes school....Wait a minute Tibero is like 57 years old, he's is seriously like seventeen years older than his mother****
Anyhow, MA thinks Dolores is a swell Mom and all round great gal.

Now on to Dolores and Nic, he is re-enforcing good karma and telling Dolores that Tiberto will come around.

Later Dolores is just hanging around the dark mansion when Tiberto comes home. "How was school today Son?" "Grrrrr," Tiberto counters. "Well hows bout some good healthy food?" Dolores queries "We could have dinner together, like we could of over the past 20 years, if you would of ever come to see me in the Big House." Okay Okay she didn't mention the Big House. In a true Hallmark moment Tiberto has a change of heart and agrees to eat with Dolores.

Okay now we see Leo is babysitting the kid, MA's kid. "Oh you are not my son by blood, but I am your father in ever other way." ****I swear I want to patent this guy and sell him****, would a Leo not just be the perfect introductory gift for joining the Otilla man-eaters club? Just think he babysits, he cleans, he bedazzels... Fast forward to Leo conked out on the couch and one of those kid's talking books droning on and on....I guess he feel asleep while reading it himself cause the kid is off sleeping in the bedroom. MA comes by to pick up the kid and Leo makes subtle remarks about their relationship, which MA getting free babysitting chooses to ignore.

Cut to Candleabra & Leo doing runway walks thru the living room...Elsa slips in just before Leo goes into a full "Queer Eye for the Straight Mom" routine. Elsa is disheartened she could find no work. So Leo pulls out this paper and alcoholic gave is the "Lord help me change" thing.
There isn't a dry eye in the apartment. Candy asks for a copy.

Now we go to the eatery, Paulina & JC are the only customers, a man is playing a violin, ****they are so happy, it makes me realize how grey and dismal my own violin free life is****Now they are into some deep kissing, while the band plays on...I gotta insert here that I admire those guys for being about to play while some Chatty Cathy's are sitting there rambling on and on and still on about all this personal stuff and making out like the violin guy isn't even there...Personally I couldn't do it there is just way too much mockability there. Now we cut to the happy couple in bed, candles, blah, blah, blah...their annoying theme song sounding...apparently this is like a freaking marathon..and the band plays on.

Cut to Gabe sitting alone in his apartment...he is all depressed having lost the endorpins from playing tonsil hockey earlier with MA...he rethinks the whole I love you, that's my kid thing, Gabe decides to leave and gathers up his coat and keys and takes off.

Joselyn is trying to get her "son" to knock it off and get some sleep, she mentions it is the 5th nite in a row. What are they paying that chubby chick for? I say get better help, the kid starts in with what appears to be a long night of whining and crying.

MA awakens startled from a sound sleep, she approaches the crib, OH NO....the baby is Blue.....She picks the kid up.

MA is carrying the kid and running down the street, she stops a car...OMG it's Gabe NO, Yes I am not kidding, what are the odds, why something like one in 20 million.
They take off for the hospital.

MA & Gabe hit the hospital, MA is in hysterics, the doctor takes the baby and MA & Gabe go off to pray to the Virgen Mary to help lil Luis David out.

Joselyn now appears in MA room, hmmmmm no one is home, she picks up the baby blanket and takes a deep sniff...subtle, yeah we get it, the blanket belongs to her genetic kid and that other brat won't shut-up and go to sleep.

Meanwhile back at the hospital, it seems there is something wrong with the circulation in the baby's heart and he will always have to struggle to survive.
MA & Gabe go back and watch over the baby who is in a crib with an oxygen tent over it...Kudos, to lil Luis David cause he gave a huge hacking cough at this point...fine acting son.
Gabe keeps talking about how it is their kid.

JC wakes up in a sweat, he is weak...Paulina Paulina...JC is muy mal.

Next morning the baby is better...MA thanks Gabe for supporting her during this crisis, but affirms yet again, it is not his son.

Joselyn comes in and she and Demian plan a scheme, she then gives Demian a kiss....
She leaves and Demian laughs saying, "Ah Joselyn you are very dangerous, but I am more dangerous." ***anvil***

JC is leaving for work and Paulina is floating around in the afterglow of their marvelous night of lovemaking, perhaps they made a baby....JC must leave and Paulina pouts no no no...once he is gone she places her hands on her abdomen, dreaming of a baby.

Oh No JC hasn't gone to work, he has gone to the hospital, where ever Leo is running a serious of tests...this can't be good...***anvil***

This episode ends with Joselyn mentioning to Gabe that MA & the baby were not at the house...knowing fully well they were in the hospital. Gabe tells her the baby was critical and was in the hospital and he spent the night there. Joselyn berates him and tells him once again...."You are so not the Daddy." "You have a perfectly good kid with me"

Poor Gabe....the look of confusion.
Ahhhh McClueless





Your recap is hilarious! My daughter came into the room when Dolores and Tiberio were on and said the same thing about their age difference. Thanks and keep it coming. This show is so ridiculo it's funny.

Great recap Beckster..My mom walked in during Delores and Tiberio scene and started asking about the characters and also mentioned the age difference. It's so ridiculous you can't help but crack up. Two Questions: 1. Is Jocelyn's kid Gabe's? I mean she keeps insisting that MA's kid isn't Gabe's (and since they were switched) I am wondering if a DNA test would show whether it is or isn't. 2. What happened to Demian's eye? Was that ever explained so I can read it (my mom asked and it got me curious?)

P.S. Of course MA would probably start saying that the kid is Gabe's and she can't understand why DNA says otherwise.

Okay, I think I have figured out what's wrong with JC. He sees his reflection on a well-polished tabletop, or whatever, and swoons from the hotness.

That's the theory I'm going to work from until there's an official diagnosis.

Julie, it would be funny if that is what it is causing JC's headaches. But I have a feeling as to what it can be but I don't want to spoil it for anybody...I have seen enough of these novelas to get an idea where they are going...My question is why are they doing that to JC?

No Gabe is the father of both lil spawns...Joselyn did the drug thing that seems to be quite the rage lately...Desperate Housewives did the same thing this week. You just give em...sleeping pills combined with apparently just totally does the trick. She had a paternity test done invitro and has had literally 1000's of copies made and hands them out to anyone willing to take one.
I do like the theory of JC catching his own reflection...

Oh well...then the other alternate scenario is a DNA result gets switched but that might be too much switching for one novela oh well...we'll just have to see how long MA keeps up the your not the father line.

Julie--good theory..kind of the whole Narcissis myth thing. I like JC, and I don't want the writers doing something terrible to him. There are scores of people the writers can use their creativity on , but please spare the one character I can tolerate. What's not to like in this guy--tall, hot, goodlooking, good kisser, devoted to one mujere, good son, not a perv, a crook, a bedazzler, a tabledance club owner, or a wuss. Please take aim at Tiberio and Rogelio---now those guys could use some bad stuff falling on them. I rest my case with the phrase I heard Matilde use overandoverandover again in ''AmorReal'' from the verb suplicar ''I beg youuuu!!~~~Susanlynn, going down the slippery slope of telenovelaland

I was laughing so hard at this recap that I thought pee was going to come out.

Those mi amors really seem to flow don't they just? Like some of these guys I've been meeting on espanol - mi reina, mi vida, mi amor, blah blah blah.

And your descrption of Leo - perfecto. what a shmuck. Sandy

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