Monday, February 12, 2007

Mundo de Fieras....02/12/2007 Sucked into the Black Hole of Conceptos

I will not be getting Mundo de Fieras apparently Univison has decided that the LaFea saga of the "The Day the Earth Stood Still", is way more important...Damn you another day JC must linger with no new marrow...Jos & Demian remain lip-locked & with the eyeless socket exposed...Poor Elsa must spend an extra day of her unfun honeymoon with Sylvester...

Oh the injustice of it all....Demian should just go to Conceptos & blow up all those Ugly Folk.


I think I'm going to have to assume there was a typo or something, because "Demian should just go to Conceptos & blow all those Ugly Folk." sounds like something from an ENTIRELY different kind of blog. (In all fairness, I had about 10 typos/goofs to fix in my post today.)


No it's not a typo....Demian in all his manly glory will not be seen tonite...due to LaFea taking the Mundo time spot....Demian should just straighten this out.

okay, I finally caught it & fixed it....

I thought it was funnier the way it was...glad we have some male humor around!!

What's up with Mundo? The TV sites all say it's supposed to be on tonight but La Fea is on instead. What did I miss along with the online T.V. listing services???

Boy, La Fea tonight was a double portion of a whole lot of nuttin.' I'd have preferred to read your recap of Mundo.

In case anybody cares, I DVR'd "Zorro" last night and checked it this morning to make sure it worked cuz I'm new to DVR. It worked and Telemundo lets you put on English subtitles, if you want to.

I don't have Telemundo and am impactada that I will not get to see ''Zorro.'' ~~~Susanlynn

Heck Becky, you even managed to make this non-recap halarious!

I think they cancelled Mundo tonight to make sure they have enough material to last them through the date they want the finale on. Or maybe they had too many advertisers who only want to be played during Fea...

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