Friday, March 09, 2007

Mundo de Fieras, Thursday March 8

Cande is spilling the beans to Mayeya that Miriam is Leo’s real mom and he hears it all and starts to hyperventilate. He goes to church to have a mini-breakdown. He prays to la virgencita about having such a crappy mom, “What’s a boy to do?” He tells the priest, who already knew but whose lips were sealed vis a vis the confession defense. Leo whines that he was much happier without knowing the truth and now has tons of questions.

Dolores goes to D’s house to get some stuff for Tiberio, but D is in a grand funk. She tries to talk him out of it, to no avail.

Gabriel is missing MA and feeling sorry for himself and how lonely he is.

MA is remembering happier moments that didn’t involve bondage by duct tape and old smelly bandanas. What a great opportunity for a flashback! She starts praying, and even the kidnapper is impressed with her strength of character.

Leo goes to confront Miriam and looks none too happy about it. Miriam’s not too pleased either, but finally blurts out the truth, she’s his mom. Wondering why she never said anything or didn’t look for him, she says that when Cande started working there, she didn’t know for awhile that he was her son and she never looked for him because she wanted to leave the past in the past. She tells him that she was too poor when she had him, and that if she kept him, she never would have gotten to where she is today. He calls her on it, saying that she traded her son for money. She tells him to stuff it, hasn’t he been happy with Cande in that neighborhood. He says, yes, I have been happy, because in that neighborhood we have something better than money, something that she will never have (since you can’t buy it in a store), values, feelings and heart. Leo’s not done yet though, then he tells Miriam that Thanks be to God, that she abandoned him, so that he could find out what a real mother acts like. Then he compares himself with Joselyn and how much better his life turned out. As he leaves, he asks who his father is…but she doesn’t tell him. He leaves and she cries.

Otilia visits Cande to see how Leo is doing, and (oops!) ends up spilling the beans about Elsa not working for her anymore. Cande goes to ask Elsa about it. Elsa has a little fit that Cande prefers everyone else to her and doesn’t support her, her real daughter. Wah wah wah.

Pau tells JC that she wants to find out who her real mom is.

Gabe is flashing back again (apparently he doesn’t believe in Miriam’s philosophy of leaving the past in the past) and whining how much he loves MA, and how much he misses her.

Safari Prey Joselyn (kind of like Malibu Barbie) comes in to find out how Miriam is, but really just wants to make sure she doesn’t anything stupid…like share anything with Leo. Jossie tells her mom that she doesn’t have any feelings, so this shouldn’t be a problem.

Cande’s worried about Leo, who arrives and tells her that he knows the truth about Miriam. He tells her all about it and they cry and hold each other. He tells her that she’s his real, only mom and that Miriam is just an old selfish bitch. (well okay, he didn’t say that, but he wanted to.)

Gabe, JC & Pau are chatting about the recent arson that affected Leo. JC thinks it was probably his dad. JC visits Leo (who is now limping around like House) and Leo tells him all about his mommy and how confused he is. JC offers his help & support and they give each other a big ole hug.

Delores and Tiberio are having coffee. Tiberio forgot to take his medication that morning and is acting very paranoid. Dude, maybe coffee’s not such a good idea.

Cande goes to confront Miriam. Actually she just went to pour some salt into Miriam’s wounds, telling her that Leo loves her more. It kind of sounded like a playground fight there for awhile (nyah nyah nyah nyah nahhhhh), Miriam probably just wanted to stick her tongue out at Cande as she walked out the door.

Continuing in the family reunion theme, Leo goes to chat with sissy, who doesn’t really know what to do or say. He offers to be her big brother and she opens the door for him to get the heck out. My tivo ended there.


Very funny review...Nice ummmm
family time...Leo, dude get a tool tattoo. Isn't it run to write about such mockable people?

My reception went out about 20 minutes into this episode, so I'm especially grateful for the recap.

Never mind getting a tattoo... I wish Leo would get a jacket that didn't lose a fight with a Bedazzler.

Julie, you are a riot. I love your comment about Leo's jacket.

Dear Mundo recappers and readers: I believe the telenovela that follows Mundo is Destilando Amor, and Jody Renee very kindly introduced us to the cast and plot. Forgive me if you have already discussed this exact topic, but I just read the following on the Telenovela World main forum, posted by a woman named Alta who has done some translations on that site in the past and whose opinion many readers respect:

"I am watching Destilando Amor and I love it, even my family and friends say it's the best thing they've seen in a long time...I love this novela."

She must live in Mexico if she is already watching DA. Additionally, she mentions that the Carla Estrada pirate novela will follow DA. Hoorah for the swashbucklers and mayhem on the high seas!!!

That's good news about Destilando, because unless you count LFMB which isn't a typical novela, I have yet to see one that's really good.

I couldn't get into Duelo at all, and my main interest in Mundo is only the general fascination of watching apparently talented people working through a laughably bad plot. (And his Royal Hotness, JC.)

At least with Heridas we had some interesting villains. Jos, Miriam, and Demian are all plenty evil, but I find their evil to be shallow and mechanical compared to Bertha's psychotic streak.

Even the rat was better in Heridas.

Sylvia---YAY!!!! ''Destilando Amor'' with Cesar, Felipe, Ana Martin, cactus, AND the big, dark, hot guy....followed by PIRATES !!!! I am doing the happy dance. Julie : Have you not seen ''Alborada'' and ''Amor Real''???? They were super telenovelas. They are the reason I am here in the swirling whirlpool of telenovelaland. ~~~Susanlynn, getting way too excited about a TV show I am waiting for the new novela to begin, I feel like a 10 year old in the backseat of the station wagon on a family road trip : ''Are we there yet???''~~~Susanlynn, needing to lie down for a little while now

Heh heh, Susanlynn I knew you would go ballistic over that news, I know I did! I was very excited to read it. Now I have something to dream about. I wonder how you say "Arrrrr ye lubbers" in Spanish?

I have loved pirates since my first meeting with Peter Pan, Tinkerbelle, and Captain Hook. I'm still sulking about a pirate novela without Fernando in command, but I trust Carla to make another excellent show all the same. Besides, beggars are not chosers, si y no ???~~~Susanlynn, trying to be a good sport about the whole thing...yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

Nope, haven't seen Alborada or Amor Real. LMFB was my first, though I did attempt to watch Betty La Fea years ago when I had Telemundo. Unfortunately, Betty had already had her makeover by the time I started watching it, so I didn't see the point.

A few years ago, I tried to watch some Portuguese or Brazilian thing (I have my choice of three Portuguese-language channels here, but only one Spanish), but it was absolutely horrible, so I didn't stick with that either.

LFMB is my first, and I got semi-hooked on Heridas and Mundo along the way, but if Destilando turns out to be really good, then I will be able to set my standards a little higher. :-)

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