Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Accoralada #66 Monday 4/16/07 - Bruna's shocking revelation

Opening scene: the pilot looks clueless as he frantically spins the steering wheel. I'm no pilot, but I don't think that the sheer force of a rotating steering wheel will cause an engine to restart. Pan out to a view of the clouds, and we see that the rotor is not spinning. All of the passengers assume the duck and cover position with their hands covering their heads. It's total chaos as all of them scream that they're not ready to die!

Emilio's shelter: Marfil is wondering aloud if her hermanita has arrived at the asylum, when Bruna walks in and says that she must stop them from taking her sister there. Marfil gives Bruna a little shove, and then we're treated to a view of Marfil's sheer top that barely covers a serious push up bra. Marfil tells her she's nothing more than a servant, and Bruna lets her know that she is more, much more - she's her real mother! Cue synthesizer of doom.

At psycho mansion, Caramelo is spilling the beans to Fedora about Paco's marriage to Octavia. Fedora is impactada.

Back to the good stuff - Bruna is telling Marfil the truth: that she's their real mother, which is why she hated it when they fought as children, and when they grew to hate each other as adults. Marfil is starting to twitch. Bruna tells her that she worked for the Mondragon family, and Sra Mondragon couldn't have children. She got pregnant by the family's gardener, who left her when he found out she was expecting. The family agreed to raise the twins as their own, and Bruna would stay and help care for them. Pobre de Bruna, she looks like she's expecting a heartfelt moment when Marfil spins around and goes into chihuahua on crack mode - she's kicking and punching Bruna, who's saying "don't hit me! I'm your mother"

Caramelo is still telling Fedora that Octavia is Paco's wife. How could Paco marry this viper! After all of the pain that she's caused Fedora! Caramelo doesn't understand how her father fell for Octavia's lies. For the second time, Octavia has destroyed Fedora's life.

Return to the Marfil vs. Bruna, where Marfil is about to smother Bruna with a pillow when Larry and Yolanda enter the room in coordinating salmon colored outfits - they look like they're dressed to sing in a cabaret. Bruna tells them that she's Marfil's mother. Yolanda is impactada!

Ignacio's apartment: Camila opens the door to find Max the borracho. He's drunk again to forget about Diana. Nothing new here. Except that Sylvia's broken out the afro wig again, this time she's even added a few feathers for interest.

Bruna is telling Yolanda that she's Marfil's mother, and it's taking all of Larry's strength to hold back the fiera. Yoland is trying to get the story from Bruna, but Marfil's having none of it. She tells Bruna to get out - she'll never accept Bruna as her mother! Bruna leaves the apartment.

Back at Ignacio's, Sylvia is upset because she was getting ready to go to a party, which is why she's wearing such a fabulous wig. This is much more interesting conversation than Max's ramblings about his lost love.

Fedora tells Caramelo that she's lost Paco, lost him forever. Caramelo wants her to fight, but Fedora doesn't have the strength. She must dedicate herself to finding Diana, and if she doesnt' find her, she will dedicate herself to caring for Max Jr. and Gaby. God is punishing her for her revenge plans! Paco has just left her life, forever.

Paco's apartment: Octavia is still wearing the pleather halter top that we all love as she tells Paco that Caramelo has left, and she doesn't know where she went. Octavia really pulls the wool over Paco's eyes - she's got him convinced that she's prepared to support sweet little Caramelo. Paco leaves to see Pancho and Octavia tells herself that she has him eating from her hands.

We return to Ignacio's apartment, where Camila is telling Sylvia about her latest plan (because all of the other plans have worked out so well). She's sure that Diana will never come back, and she's the only one who will tell Max that Diana's baby is his, so he will be so grateful to her for telling him that he'll divorce Marfil and marry Camila! But she has no plans to raise the baby - heck, she didn't even keep her own baby.

Gaby goes to check on Fedora after learning that Paco has married Octavia. Fedora is beside herself because there's been no news about Diana. Gaby says that all they can do is wait.

Sylvia and Camila are still scheming, and Sylvia convinces Camila that they should contact the estrella cosmica to make sure that Diana never returns.

Lala's house: Paola tells Lala that she's going out, but not to visit her family. When Lala asks what she should tell Pancho when he wakes, she says to tell him to multiply by zero. She opens the door to find Paco on the other side, who says she must be Pancho's new wife, a woman is totally worthless. Cut to commercial.

El borracho wakes up and has no idea how he arrived at Ignacio's. He was out on job interviews, but nobody would give him an answer, they all said to wait and see. After that he felt like getting drunk. Camila is all sweetness and sunshine as she convinces him to stay so that she can prepare him some soup.

Paco continues to insult Paola - won't it be fun when he learns that she's his step daughter? Lala tells him to stop yelling at Paola, she didnt' know that he was married. Paco is not satisfied with that answer - why would she marry someone she doesn't know. Paola storms out while Paco yells for her to go. Pancho comes out to see what all of the screaming is about and is treated to a punch in the mouth from big daddy Paco.

At Paco's bar, Caramelo and Jorge are talking about the whole Fedora / Paco / Octavia love triangle, and Caramelo's mess of a marriage. She says that she doesn't want to think about what would happen if Paco came face to face with Pancho. Cue the string quartet of doom - Caramelo doesn't know that it's happening as she speaks!

Meanwhile, Pancho seems genuinely surprised at Paco's attack, and Lala is terrified. She want to explain, but Paco's not going for it. Pancho agrees, they should talk, he can explain. (I wish that Paco would calm down long enough to listen - I'd love to hear Pancho try to talk himself out of this one). Paco tells him that a man who has respect for women doesn't do what Pancho has done, and that if it wasn't for Lala, he would kill Pancho. He better stay away from Caramelo or else he'll end up in jail.

Back to Yolanda and Larry in the matching salmon outfits... they're discussing the shocking news that Bruna is Marfil''s real mother.

Return to Ignacio's love shack where Camila is feeding Max some Campbell's chicken noodle and convincing him that he should stay for a while. Max tries to muster a smile, and we're saved by the commercial break.

Paco returns home and Octavia wants to know why he slammed the door. The door? I just broke the face of Caramelo's shameless husband! Octavia is surprised to hear that Pancho didn't fight back, and Paco tells her that Pancho wouldn't lay a finger on him. Enter Caramelo, who asks him not to fight for her. Paco refuses to stay out of it. Step Mommie Dearest tells him not to get involved in Caramelo's life, and Caramelo lets her know that she needs to keep her fat mouth shut. After Caramelo leaves the room, Octavia says that maybe it's better if Caramelo leaves. Paco's not going for it - Caramelo nees him, and she's staying.

Jump to psycho mansion, where Diego is updating Lala on the Diana situation. He hangs up as Fedora enters the room. Diego says that he's heard about Paco - how long has Paco known Octavia? Fedora doesn't know, but Diana must be her top priority, she says as she pours herself a glass of something the color of red bull and grimaces as she throws it back.

Back at Paco's apartment, Octavia tells Caramelo that she should move out. Since she's so tight with Fedora, perhaps she can go live at the mansion. Caramelo resists, but Octavia tells her that Paco is so in love with her, so crazy about her, that he'll do whatever she asks of him. She will destroy Caramelo if she doesn't leave.

At Ignacio's, Camila is still working on Max. He says that she's right - he doesn't want to be around Marfil right now. He needs to get a job, and find Diana! But Camila loves him, but he can only think of Diana. I've watched this same scene 1,000 times - the only thing that changes are Max's ugly sweaters and Camila's trashy halter tops. Cut to commercial.

Paco is surprised to see that Caramelo is moving out. She promises that she's not going to live with Pancho, not because she doesn't want to, but because Paola lives there. But she can't stay with big daddy Paco anymore either. He asks if she's leaving because of Octavia, and she tells him that she is. She's sure that he's made the biggest mistake of his life by marrying her - how could he marry the woman who destroyed Gaviota? Enter Octavia, who looks like a kid on Christmas morning when she sees Caramelo's bags - she asks if their luggage has arrived from the beach. Paco tells her that the luggage belongs to Caramelo - she's moving out. Octavia puts on her best "no puede ser" face, too bad she can't actually move her face! Caramelo calls her a hypocrite and walks out. Octavia tries to console Paco by telling him that she's just upset about her Pancho, and she'll be back in a few days.

We're transported to Fedora's bedroom, where she's telling herself that they must find Diana, and oh, how she wishes that she had Paco by her side!

Broken record time - Max is telling Camila that he doesn't want to live if Diana doesn't return. Camila says she'll be there for him, she loves him. She wants to see him strong, happy, the Max of always! She scene ends with a sloppy kiss.

FINALLY - what we've all been waiting for, kids! The scene of the plane crash! The plane has crashed and is burning. All of the passengers are scattered on the ground around the plane, including Andres, who seems to have lost his shirt in the impact. Diana is still fully clothed and bleeding from the head. Credits roll.


Well, we finally got to see the big reveal of Bruna's situation. So the father was just the gardener. I guess he won't turn up. It's not surprising that Debora didn't react well to the news that she was the daughter of a mere sirvienta.

The most surprising part was that Bruna's story made sense. It wasn't some crazy "how did that happen" kind of story, like the rest of this crazy show. I must have missed something in translation!

Awesome recap, Amy. Debora’s reaction to Bruna’s “shocking” revelation was as entertaining as it was extreme. Come on, she’s a career criminal who married another career criminal, and she’s got pretensions of class? Ay, Dios mío. Well, these people are all delusional to one extent or another. Poor Bruna, where will she go now? Maybe she’ll move in with Isabel. Or maybe we’ll next see her leading an expedition through the jungles of Venezuela, in search of Marfil. (If the jungle is in fact in Venezuela, they’d better stay away from Caracas, where phantom ducks, homicidal snake worshippers, and deranged monks currently hang out.)

Anyone want to bet that the first "civilized" place Our Heroine reaches is the manicomio? They were almost there when the plane crashed.

All of the passengers are scattered on the ground around the plane, including Andres, who seems to have lost his shirt in the impact.

That was funny. "Dude, where's my shirt!"

Thanks all the First Team coverage.

All of the passengers are scattered on the ground around the plane, including Andres, who seems to have lost his shirt in the impact.

That was funny. "Dude, where's my shirt!"

And that gardener must have been one good lookin' guy cuz I can't see Bruno producing F&M.

Thanks all the First Team coverage.

All of the passengers are scattered on the ground around the plane, including Andres, who seems to have lost his shirt in the impact.

That was funny. "Dude, where's my shirt!"

And that gardener must have been one good lookin' guy cuz I can't see Bruno producing F&M.

Thanks for all the First Team coverage!

Please excuse my restarded post-post-post. Doh!

Well, Robert, it's nice to know someone else is reading besides our four-member team and the mysterious "fan of the show."

Thanks for the recap! =)

thank you so much. you guys are the best recappers!!! i love iti have a question. why is it that deborah, and now marfil's spanish is a weird accent that i have never heard before. where does it come from. its annoying but i like it. instead of saying debora she says debor-aaaaaaaaaaa.

Hi Ara,

The actress who plays Debora/Marfil is from Colombia, so maybe it's a regional thing. I've noticed that the actor who plays Andres has a tendency to drop the "s" at the end of a syllable, which is something they do in Venezuela (also Cuba and Puerto Rico).

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