Thursday, July 19, 2007

Duelo (mostly) vocabulary words and phrases

Hi all, here is the final list of vocabulary words from Duelo de Pasiones (plus a few I picked up from browsing through other recaps). There are some choice phrases mixed in amongst the words. Enjoy...

Ahueque el ala! = Beat it!
alimaña = pest
alimañas panzonas = potbellied bloodsuckers
amor malsano = unhealthy love
anochezca = dusk, nightfall, get dark
ansioso/a = anxious, eager
apartar = to separate
Aqui el problema es quien le pone primero el cascabel al gato? = The problem here is who’s going first to put the bell on the cat?
aturdita = dazed
bomberos = firemen
burdel = brothel
cabeza de huevo desgraciado = disgraceful egghead
cacatúa = old bag, cockatoo
cachorro/a = next generation, cub
cachorrito/a = little cub
calaña = ilk, a type
cazarrecompensas = bounty hunters
¡Chango bananero! = You banana monkey!
chapucero/a = slapdash, botched
chisme = gossip
cicatriz = scar
cínico/a = shameless person, a cynic in the sense of being motivated purely by self-interest
cloaca = sewer, the outlet of a bird's digestive system
cocujos = fireflies
Con dinero baila el perro. = With money even the dog dances. (Everybodyhas their price.)
contudente = convincing
cordura = good sense, sanity
cura = parish priest
darse por vencido = to give up
defraudar = to disappoint
delicadeza = gentleness
deshacerse de = get rid of
descabezado = headless
desgracio/a = loser
embrujar = to bewitch
escoba = broom
escuincle/a = little nipper, brate
sforzarse = to make an effort
espejismo = mirage
estar conchabado/a con = to be in cahoots with
estar al acecho de - to lie in wait for
fuga = escape, flight
golfa = tart, floozy
gruta = grotto, cave
guacamayo/a = old gossip, macaw
guiñapo = rag
helado = frozen, but also speechless, dumbfounded
inmundicia = filth, rubbish
(Esa telenovela es una inmundicia. = That telenovela is utter rubbish.)
insalubres = unhealthy
jalar el gatillo = to pull the trigger
juanete = bunion
majadero/a = fool, idiot
mala hierba nunca muere = bad weeds never die (evil grows quickly)
(ser) mala hierba = to be a nasty piece of work
maldad = wickedness
manos amarradas = tied hands
maloro/a = naughty
mareado/a = sick, dizzy
mastuerzo = nasturtium, also oaf and oafish
(Piensas darle mastuerzo? Are you thinking about giving her nasturtiums? = Are you going to kill her?)
mazmorra = dungeon
Me importa un rábano. - I couldn't care less.
migajas = breadcrumbs
palabras vanas = hot air
paliza = beating
parto – childbirth
pata flaca = skinny foot (anyone know what this slang term means?)
patán = uncouth boor
pócima = potion
por si las moscas = just in case
profugo/a = fugitive
puente = bridge
Que Dios nos agarre confesados. = May God take us after we've been to confession (We’ve gone too far for God to forgive us.)
rechoncha - chubby
restos = remains
salir con la tuya = get away with it, get your own way
sombrero de culo = asshat
sonso/a = fool, idiot
surcos = trenches
tesoro - treasure
tarugo - blockhead, lump of wood
tirado/a = worn out, miserable
tlaconete = pimply one
tomar el pelo a alguien = to pull somebody’s leg
trastorno = upheaval
tullida = cripple
Va a pagar muy caro. = She/he will pay dearly.
veneno = poison
vinagrillo/a = sourpuss
Vivito y coleando=alive and kicking


I adores this, I'm so glad you collected them. My favorite (other than potbellied bloodsuckers) is "are you gonna give her nasturtiums?" like our "pushing up daisies."

Wow, Sylvia, this is awesome! I'm going to save it to a Word doc for my LFMB folder! THANKS! (I left you a thank you for the recap, too).


Thanks y'all. We are here, after all, "to mock and to learn Spanish".

Schoolmarm, glad you enjoyed the final recap and the picture of Intocable. I had a gas with this episode even though it was oddly edited.

On to Juan Querendon...

Thanks, Sylvia~~~I am lazy and really must work to build my Spanish vocabulary. This may help. Are you going to join us at ''Destilando'' [a hoot] and ''Amar sin Limites''? [jury is still out on this one, but some cute Alborado alumni are in it -Marcos and Martin]?

Susanlynn, I left a message for you on the Juan Q. vocab list post.

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