Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Cultural Holiday Turns Into A Novela Excursion

El Angel Soler

I was in Mexico City last week to see a great exhibit on Frida Kahlo. We also took a side trip to visit her home-turned-museum in Coyoacan. You can imagine the flash of nostalgia that hit me when, on the way there, I saw this from the tour guide's van window!

It's a billboard ad for the national lottery; it reads "You too can be an angel."

More than anything, I was happy to see Juan/Aldo's hair had been cut back to a pleasant and managable length.

More Angels

From our hotel we also had the best view of the Angel de la Independencia, which was just a block away. The brace-face is my daughter, the giggling one is my niece. The golden Angel is in the background.

In addtion to appreciating it for its cultural and historic significance, I was excited to recognize the angel from the novelas, which usually show it to indicate that the story is taking place in el D.F.

Money doesn't grow on trees, but sometimes creepy dolls do.
On another side trip, we visited Xochimilco, where we got a close up view of the Isla de las Muñecas Perdidas (Island of Lost Dolls). Die-hard novela fans will of course remember this from Heridas de Amor, where one of the villians was taken to meet her end.

While resting between outings at the hotel one day, I caught a very nice TV talk show interview of Angelica Maria, along with a cool montage of her in her many novelas through the years. She was in them way back when they were still in back-and-white, and she looked gorgeous.

Another interesting surprise came when we went out to dinner. The restaurant was classy, despite the TV on near the bar. The program playing? None other that that day's episode of Destilando Amor. I tried to look away, as they are several months ahead of us here in the U.S., but I couldn't help it; I just had to watch! I tried to be discrete for the sake of my fellow travelers, who hopefully did not notice that I was not paying attention to them at all. While I couldn't hear what was going on, I did get to watch almost the whole episode, which was filled with many scenes of characters in varying degrees of impacto.

As you can see, I got double my money's worth on this trip... and I thought of you all at Caray, Caray! often!

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Hi there,
Thanks a lot for sharing. I loved all the scenes. My long range goal is a similiar trip. I held my breath when you mentioned seeing an episode of Amor that's 2 months ahead of us. I prayed that you wouldn't give any hints or reveal any information. You didn't. Thanks. I'm still recovering from a comment about an actors private life that slipped through the other day. It said, "I recall a few months back of a video I saw on YouTube of Martha Julie (Isadora) standing in a line at an airport in Mexico..With all the bleach hair extensions,skirt up past modesty,she stood out like a sore thumb. All around her were the real Mexicans staring at her".

I'm a fan of Isa's and realize she is playing a controversial role that is going to generate negative comments. I don't care to know how this role compares to her private life. Nor do I want to know what's in store 2 months from now. Anyway, glad you had a good trip and thanks again for sharing.

Thanks, Alma! I'm soooo glad Aldo was hawking the lottery, and not sanitary napkins this time!

The influence of novelas seems to be everywhere, even in U.S - I find it very amusing. Of course, I've only noticed since I started watching last year.

How fun for you to watch Destilando in a restaurant in Mexico City! I hope to do that soon, too.

When my wife stayed in Mexico for a month earlier this summer, she started watching Destilando Amor there with her sister. Now she's watching here to catch up. I guess seeing what happens later doesn't diminish her enjoyment of the show, for me it definitely would.
Thanks for the post, very cool and interesting!

Hey Alma, thanks for sharing! I loved the pictures, especially the one from the Isla de las Munecas Perdidas, because I do remember it from Heridas de Amor.

Looks like you had a cool trip. The angel de la independencia statue was cool too; I've always wanted to see it. But your pics took me back to dreamland for a moment :) Thanks!

Thanks for sharing your trip with us. That was kind of you. ^^^Susanlynn

Thanks Alma, I love the pictures and your comments. I especially like your picture of the Island of the Lost Dolls. That was one of my favorite scenes from Heridas...it creeped me out something awful!

Thanks for sharing Alma! It's nice to hear from you again around these parts! We sure miss you! Glad you had a great time!

It sure is fun to see the places in person that we see on the air! The angel is too funny!

I always have my own twisted agenda for seeing things too. Never mind the beautiful Teatro de Belles Artes...I wanted to see the creepy munecas!! He...he...

I'll be there soon thinking of you all too! Thanks again!

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