Thursday, September 06, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #36, Wednesday 9-5: Duck, bombshells are being dropped!

Mom and Diego speculate about whether Papa and Isela have a thing going on. Sounds like Mama's convinced they do and that Isela hasn't said anything to Diego because she's his friend. Mama brings up Diego's flitting from woman to woman. She understands that chicks dig him, since he's the perfect guy what with the sewing and the cooking and so on, but she tells him to respect them because he doesn't want people talking bad about him like they've been about his sister (!). Mama asks who he really wants. Diego hedges that they'd be the perfect woman if you put all their good qualities together. He finally says he'd take the only one who's not free (Azul--yep, that would be his one imperfection right there).

Andres comes home to Leo asking where he slept last night. His reply is to show off his dimples and say that he didn't sleep. I had to pause my DVR here to laugh. I'm kind of liking this devil-may-care Andres…well, at least when he's not killing defenseless old men. He says he's sick of giving her explanations for everything. Leo wonders what's up with his attitude and blames Ceci. She calls him an ingrate and he tells her he's sick of her, the house, all the secrets, Mauricio (yep, Andres is mad as hell and he's not gonna take it anymore!). Leo says she's going to "take care of" Ceci, but Andres says it's not her, it's him, he's going to leave. He says he knows too much about Mauricio and neither Mauricio nor Leo can put "una pie encima" (put a foot on him; they can't step all over him, tell him what to do, etc.). Leo waits for him to leave and says "We'll see".

Mauricio wants to know why Azul was bothered by Silvana being there. She says she just didn't know who Silvana was. Mauricio tells her the story about Silvana being Nico's mom and Liliana's friend and how she was in a psych facility after Nico's death. Azul thinks it sounds sad. Mauricio tells her Silvana's better and is going to be coming to the house more often to visit Caty, so Azul will get a chance to know her.

At Julio's Boutique, Gaspar fills in his boss, Julio, about the arrest of his godfather's (alleged) murderer. He says the neighbor had always been unpleasant and really nasty when he got mad, but Gaspar never thought the guy would kill anybody. Julio pretty calmly asks what you can expect from a guy like that. Arnaldo walks in and asks what they're talking about and they fill him in. OK, so just to fill in the "family tree," yes, all three guys are gay, Julio is Gaspar's boss and Arnaldo's boyfriend, but Gaspar and Julio never dated (I know there's been some confusion about that). I think it's pretty progressive of this show to have three gay characters, none of whom are there as comic relief.

Come to think of it, this show doesn't have any of the traditional comic relief scenes or characters thrown in--could this deviation from what's expected be part of what's turning people off?

Back in Mauricio's office, Azul asks how much longer Eva is going to be there. Mauricio thinks it won't be long since she likes her European luxuries and has never been fond of Mexico. Azul's phone rings. It's Arnaldo passing on the info about the capture of Abuelo's killer. Azul then passes on this info to Mauricio. He does a really lousy job of looking surprised. Azul, for no apparent reason, says she's got to go to the bathroom. Mauricio picks up the phone and calls Eva to give her the news. Ooh, is it possible that Mauricio doesn't realize this is all a set-up on the part of the Security Ninja Squad? Would he look that happy if he suspected that Andres is still in danger?

Azul calls Diego to tell him she heard the news (say it with me "el culpable de la muerte de tu Abuelo"…how drunk would I be by now if I did a shot of tequila every time someone passed the news on to someone else?). He's crabby with her for asking if he's ok after her showing up at the boutique opening with Mauricio. Azul stares at the phone for a few seconds before she hangs up. Andres walks by in the background and Alfredo comes up and asks if Azul can give him a ride home since his car won't start. He asks her not to take long saying goodbye to Mauricio because he's dead tired and hasn't slept in three days. Really? I didn't think it made much of a change to his usual charming demeanor. Once she leaves, he plops down in a nearby chair.

Mauricio tells Andres that he won't have any problems because they already caught the "chivo expiatorio" (scapegoat) for Abuelo's murder. I'm not sure I agree with Mauricio about Andres being off the hook. Andres wants to know if he can leave the house, but Mauricio tells him now is when he needs to stick close to the house, where Mauricio can protect him. Nope, still not sure what Mauricio thinks is going on here…whether he believes Andres is really off the hook or not…and what difference would it make whether Andres is in the house or not? The Security Ninjas can get him anywhere, can't they? Andres doesn't want protection, though, he wants to live his own life away from Mauricio and Leonarda. He declares that he's going and Mauricio loses it and slams Andres' head into the table. Andres says he's no longer needed since Mauricio has Azul, Diego, and Leonarda and tells Mauricio if he doesn't let Andres leave, his secrets are at risk. Mauricio says those secrets belong to all three of them-him, Leonarda, and Andres-and if he leaves the house, Eva will have him killed and Mauricio won't lift a finger to stop it. We see Azul come up to the office door through the mirror in the hallway and overhear Mauricio saying that Andres better not get involved with Ceci. Andres takes advantage of Azul coming into the room to leave. Azul gets affronted on behalf of Ceci, like what's wrong with her that Andres shouldn't date her. Mauricio comes up with some lame excuse that Azul's best friend shouldn't be dating his employee. Azul thinks that sounds like a load of crap and Mauricio loses it with her (although, he doesn't slam her head into the table) and says he just doesn't want it. Azul gets pissed and starts to leave, but Mauricio tries to sweet talk her, saying not to get mad and why don't they stay in and watch a movie and have popcorn. Azul's having none of it. She says she stayed last night and now she wants to go home. Mauricio asks her not to tell Ceci what he said (yeah, right). Azul asks if that's an order, since he's been going around using a dictatorial tone lately, which he knows she doesn't like. He says he just doesn't want this gossip to get between them. Azul says she's not in the mood to argue and she leaves. The moral of the story, according to my husband: Never tell your girlfriend that her best friend isn't good enough for your...whatever-he-is. Now Leo comes running in to report that Andres has left. Mauricio freaks her out by saying he'll call Ivan himself and tell him Andres is a threat. Leo begs for Andres' life, but Mauricio says Andres is a psychopath, he doesn't just kill on orders, he killed Diego's grandfather. And then we get a conversation so trippy that I must give it to you verbatim…hang on to your tequila and please insert the appropriate gasps from the audience and exclamations of "Que the hell?!"

Mauricio: He also killed your husband, have you already forgotten?
Leo: No. [pause] I also haven't forgotten that you killed your wife and Silvana's son.
Mauricio: *grinning manically* Ah, are you also going to threaten me with revealing my secrets?
Leo: No, no, never. They're OUR secrets. I just came to beg you, to ask you, that you not let Andres leave, please.
Mauricio: *laughing, still manically* What do you want me to do? Tie him to a tree? I already told him-- if he goes, Eva Santoro will kill him. [pause] Leonarda, don't suffer, use your power like before. You controlled him. He obeyed you like a dog. He's yours, Leonarda, yours. Your docile, obedient, adoring Andres. Are you going to let some stupid girl like Cecilia take him away from you?
Leo: *chin up, eyes blazing* Never that. I'd die first. [exit Leo]

That was one bizarre conversation. I don't know what I need more, a stiff drink or a shower.

Azul's driving GSD while he complains that she hasn't said a word and she complains that he's been asleep the whole ride. He asks her to drop him off "right here" which happens to be in front of Emilia's place. He tells Azul he's got a therapy appointment with her in 20, which is news to Azul. She seems really pleased at the thought of her dad getting together with Emilia and unconcerned that he's ditched Inés (yeah, she did ask "What about Inés?"). They have this whole joking exchange about "new paths" in life and Emilia's "curves" and GSD liking "dangerous roads". Azul wants details, which, EWWW! Boundaries, woman! Thankfully GSD isn't the type to do whatever and tell.

Diego goes to Eva's hotel. The Security Ninjas tell Ivan he's there and he tells Eva so she can go change out of her bathrobe and flip-flops. Can you imagine, Eva wearing flip-flops? They're probably $300 Italian leather flip-flops. Ivan opens the door for Diego and they talk about Diego's security. Diego's a bit weirded out that (a) they're following him around and (b) he's never seen them. Ivan assures him that they're watching him all the time and lists the places Diego has been since he last left Eva's clutches…digo, Eva's room. Ivan assures Diego that if they'd known Abuelo was in danger, nothing would have happened to him. Diego asks Ivan to call off the Security Ninjas, but Ivan says that can only be done on Eva's order. Diego wants to know if Eva is Ivan's friend or employer. Ivan replies that she's both, but he lists "boss" first. Eva comes in and greets Diego and he immediately says he wants the Security Ninjas called off. Eva says they'll leave him alone once she leaves, but he can't be unprotected while she's there. Diego asks Ivan to let him speak to Eva alone for a moment before they see Mauricio. Diego asks if he's just her chauffer. Eva says she wants to take him to Europe and give him a big, important job. She asks if working for a woman bothers him and Diego says it doesn't. Eva says, to clear things up for him, she doesn't sleep with her chauffer. Diego's like "um, ok." So what does that mean? He's not just her chauffer? He only thinks he slept with her, but he really didn’t?

Lidia and Piero scene, which means once again we get: sex, Piero wanting Lidia to come back to work with him, Lidia wanting him to divorce his wife, Lidia wanting her job description to include something more than sex, Piero saying he's not going to leave his wife, and of course, more sex. Like bunnies, these two, except for the actual reproducing.

Ceci's frosting the most beat-up chocolate cake ever and waxing poetic about Andres. Azul warns her that Mauricio told Andres not to date Ceci. Ceci gets pissed off and very angrily frosts the cake to within an inch of its sad, pathetic little life, telling Azul to tell Mauricio she'll date whoever she wants. Azul says to never mind and asks for details, but Ceci says "caballeras" (playing on "caballeros," gentlemen) like her never remember (i.e., don't kiss and tell) and continues decorating the cake with raspberries as Azul whines and begs for details. Sad that Azul's love life is so lacking that she wants the details of everyone else's. Oh, did I type that out loud?

Leonarda catches up to Eva at Mansión Malicia to beg for Andres' life. Leo asks Eva to order Andres not to leave the house so he won't do some other stupid thing. Eva catches on that it's really about keeping Andres away from Ceci. Leo says Ceci just wants to use Andres and that Andres has never been with another woman besides Leo (EWWWWWWWW!!!!! And also, he has now!) and he's innocent and naïve, etc. Eva calls BS on that description. She confirms that Andres is Leo's nephew by marriage. Leo says she's grateful Eva got the other guy framed for Abuelo's murder and that Andres realizes he made a mistake. Wrong thing to say! Eva says that doesn't undo the hurt Diego suffered. She agrees she'll keep Ceci away from Andres (oh, no! What does that mean?! ) in exchange for a favor she'll tell Leo about later. As she leaves the room, Eva says Leo's terrible, but she likes her, she's a strong woman. Leo smiles to herself as if she's pulled one over on Evil Eva. My question: Which of these two is scarier? Leo or Eva? Personally, my money's on Eva. What with the Security Ninjas I don't think there's really anything Leo can do to her and Eva doesn't seem like one to be taken in by Leo's string-pulling.

Eva comes into Mauricio's office. He tells her GSD has gone home. Eva says Mauricio needs to let him rest for a few days. Mauricio balks that it will slow them down, but Eva says he needs rest so he can do his job properly. She asks where Azul is (she left already) and if she had a meeting/date ("cita" can mean both and Eva's playing with that) with someone. Mauricio wonders who she would have had a meeting/date with. He's either that dense or he's playing his cards really close to the vest. Eva ignores the question and says she doesn't want Ceci around. Mauricio says he's already given orders to that effect. Eva asks if Andres and Leo know what's going on, business-wise. Mauricio says they know some of it, but they can be trusted. Eva says Leo can, but Andres can't and she's watching him. She tells Mauricio she's going to New York for a few days and taking Diego with her. She says that will keep Diego away from temptation. Mauricio is still clueless. Eva asks how much GSD's research is going to cost her and Mauricio says it won't cost her anything, that's his contribution to the project.

On "What Not To Do As A Therapist": GSD is blowing smoke (both literally and figuratively--so much for not letting him smoke in your office, Emilia!) about the end of his relationship with Inés. Emilia thinks the loss of the clandestine nature of the relationship is really what did it. GSD tries to say they'd gotten into a routine, blah, blah, blah, he's interested in other things…like a friendship with Emilia. He wants to know if they can see each other in another context. No. No, you cannot. The correct answer is, NO. So what does Emilia say? They can try it. And don't give me the whole "friends" scam, either, she knows darn well what he's after. As the piano music swells, GSD promises he'll make time for her, even though he's in the middle of this research thing. As Mr. 5ft (who is not 5', but 6'2") says, "Why is she buying this?" Good question.

Azul's talking to Ceci about her dad and Emilia. She seems less enthusiastic about it now, saying it's kind of weird, like it would be weird if her dad dated Ceci. Ah, but Ceci belongs to another. They giggle a bit about this until the phone rings. Azul answers it and is less than thrilled that it's Mauricio on the other end. Mauricio tells her Ceci can't come to the house anymore. This goes over about as well as you'd expect and they have a fight about it. Azul says if Ceci can't come to the house, she'll work from home since she can do everything she does in the office at home (except for ogle Diego and get spied on by Leo, of course). She hangs up on him. She tells Ceci she's been banned from Mansión Malicia. They both agree they don't care. Ceci says it won't keep her away from Andres and Azul says it's strange, all this interest in keeping them apart. Ceci makes a joke about how she had no idea she was such a dangerous woman (which I found hilarious--it was all in the delivery).

IHoP: It looks like Isela and Flavio are going over the evening's receipts when Diego comes in. Isela wants to know if he's still mad at her. He says he wants to know if she was with his dad. She says it was a long time ago, but she won't say how long. He wants to know why Anibal and his Dad fought. Isela says she dated Manuel before he got married and then she dated Anibal after. Diego wants to know why they were hugging at the funeral home and tells her his mom saw. Isela's upset about his mom seeing. Anibal shows up. He's worried about Paco and says he's gone to report him missing.

Mauricio's office: Leo comes in and offers Mauricio and Eva drinks. She leaves and Eva says Leo's an intelligent woman with one flaw: she's in love. Eva fills in Mauricio about the conversation she had with Leo earlier--except for their deal. Eva says Andres isn't brilliant and he needs to come back to the house where Eva will be watching him. As she goes to leave, Mauricio asks if Diego's waiting for her. She says no, but remember, he's going with me to New York. Mauricio sits at his desk with his forehead in his hand.

IHoP: Anibal says he and Paco fought a lot, but he never wanted anything bad to happen to Paco. He asks if Lidia knows anything and Diego says they had a fight. Isela doesn’t think that's enough reason for Paco to have taken off without saying anything. Isela goes to wait on some customers. Anibal tells Diego the cops have been looking for Paco for a week. Diego asks why Anibal fought with his dad. Anibal says it was over something stupid. Diego calls BS on that. Anibal tells him that he and Manuel dated Isela at the same time: eight years ago, after Anibal's wife (Paco's mom) died. Diego does the math and the numbers don't look good for Manuel. Anibal says he and Isela had a big fight and then Manuel asked her out. Anibal confirms that yes, this all happened while Diego's parents were married. Diego asks Anibal not to call his dad a "desgraciado", but then he agrees, his dad is a "desgraciado." Don't believe your dictionary, he doesn't mean "a disgrace" he means "a cheating bastard." Dramatic music plays as the frame freezes on Diego's disgusted face.


Well, that is a lot of action. I did not watch this episode, so once again I am confused.

It seems stupid for Azul to have informed Mauricio about the arrest of Abuelo's alleged killer. Wouldn't Mo have become suspicious?

And I still don't understand about Manuel's job. Who did he work for, and did he lose/quit his job? Does it have something to do with Anibal?

And why did Andres kill Abuelo in the first place? He and Leo were angry about Diego and Azul usurping their places in the mansion, so he has the dim-bulb idea to get back at them by killing Abuelo?

Aswers to the burning questions...

Mo wouldn't be suspicious because Azul took the call from Arnaldo right in front of him. As far as he's concerned, she's just passing on gossip about one of their coworkers.

Anibal was Manuel's boss. They never did get along, but how they managed to work together for all those years until the day the happened to be in the pool hall together is beyond me. Manuel didn't say the actual words "I quit", Anibal threatened to dock his pay for the afternoon and Manuel told him he could dock his pay for good--then they got into a fight and if getting into a fistfight with your boss doesn't mean you're no longer employed, I don't know what does.

Andres killed Abuelo to get even with Diego. And because he's nuts after all those year of living with Mauricio and sleeping with his aunt. So very Norman Bates. And you're right, he's not the brightest bulb in the box...'cept when he smiles. *sigh*

It's so dim-bulb, because it served to make Mo/Eva angrier at him and draw Diego closer. The better thing would have been to eliminate Diego.

What kind of job did Manuel do? (not that it really matters, I guess.)

Thanks for your answers, 5Ft.

Whatever job Manuel did, he wore a suit to do it. He almost always is shown wearing a suit. There is something wrong with a show when my favorite character is a murderer who slept with his tia....but the guy does look good in a suit and tie and is a goiod kisser. Does Ceci have a job? If not, how can she afford that apartment? Is Azul paying the rent ?

I regret that Ceci has traded in good judgement for good sex, but who hasn't been there at some point and holy cats that smile, that smile! The Leo/Andres/Mo triangle glows with weird neon green, doesn't it. EEEWWWW UGGGHHHH. I am so hooked on this novela with all its otra mundo character developments and death for practically no reason adds salsa. Momma always said I had a fascination for evil......

I don't think Andres killed Abuelo to get even with Diego. I think he did it simply to hurt Diego and perhaps, make Diego look weak in Mauricio's eyes. I mean, look at all the weepy sob-sob stuff that went on with him at the funeral site.

It was also the act of a coward, someone who knew that a direct attack on Diego would immediately result in his elimination. Even now he probably thinks he got away with it because of his knowledge of the activities of Mauricio, Eva and company.

What baffles me is how he can be so secure about his future knowing what he knows. The easiest way to eliminate the threat of exposure is to make the person capable of exposing the truth simply disappear (i.e. Paco in the flowerbed)! Even Andres should know that much.

I have a feeling that Andres is trying to get close to Ceci in order to get info on Azul-Diego or perhaps to get at Azul in a manner similar to how he attacked Diego. If he just wanted to get laid he could have offered Lidia a job.

Muchas Gracias!! Such an informative recap with your wonderful insights and humor. Oh, the tangled webs that were finally revealed: EEEWWW is an understatement. Oh Andres, mi amor, you are so handsome and deadly at the same time. Love this character, Marcelo Córdoba is doing an excellent and believable job. He is definitely eye candy as well: he caught my attention as Marcos on Alborado.

I don't think that his interest in Ceci is sincere at all. He is after information about Azul and Diego. I wonder if Ceci is the next one to be eliminated? I hope not but I fear for her safety now that Eva is on the hunt. Evil Eva and Lustful Leo are quite the pair.

Manuel is or was an auto insurance claims adjuster. The first time we see him, he is out at the scene of an accident talking to the owner of a damaged car. Also his fib to Clemencia for getting beat up by Anibal is that he got beaten up by a client who didn't like his verdict on a claim.

What was with Ceci going on a junk food binge? First the under baked boxed chocolate cake and bad frosting job then it looks like she's putting ketchup on popcorn. Does she get food cravings after sex, or what?

Leo as the black widow who seduces young Andres into killing her husband. I can buy that!

So do we add Andres' uncle/Leo's husband to the body count? And are we considering that conversation as confirmation that Mauricio did, in fact, kill Nico and his wife?

"If he just wanted to get laid he could have offered Lidia a job." -Pricless, oldman54, priceless!

Thanks for this recap 5ft. Yes believe Leo and Mo when they were confessing pasts murders. I am really concerned that Ceci won't make it. I know Andres is handsome but he's crazy. I just don't want him to snap on her.

Great recap, thanks! I didn't watch this episode, but whatever Ceci was putting on her popcorn was probably hot sauce. My Mexican wife puts hot sauce or salsa on EVERYTHING. Popcorn to me used to be put the bag in the microwave, cook, eat. Now it is a process - cook it, put it in a bowl, pour Valentina hot sauce all over it, toss it like a salad, then squeeze some lime on it and toss it again. Then and only then is it ready to eat. Meanwhile, whatever we are watching is already half over.

Yummm..that popcorn recipe sounds great Chris. I love hot salsa on everything too. Only these days, I go for the mild variation. So is that salsa that I see them putting on their pieces of pizza as well?

Either salsa or hot sauce, yes. I admit that I have been converted to putting a little hot sauce on pizza. The first time I ate pizza in Mexico and saw someone put ketchup on it I almost had a heart attack, I was muy impactado at such an offense. I'm ok with the hot sauce though. We go through bottles of Valentina about once a month at my house. My name is Chris Ferro and I endorse this product -

Since I am the self-appointed arbiter of the ASL death count, I say Leo's husband/Andres' uncle should probably wait until and if we get it flashbacked. After all, lots of people are said to have died previously on novelas. Women start out as widows, kids as orphans, it adds to the pathos. We wouldn't want to create any novela bodycount inflation. LOL That said, we are still a long way off from the magic number of 35 for Duelo.

to Margaret - Thanks for catching the bit about verifying the real killer as Andres but putting the police off the scent around Mo's house. I don't tape ASL so did not completely comprehend that moment or was looking for popcorn at that instant.

I think we need to rename this TN = "Matar Sin Limites"

and to Kris - Thanks for the popcorn lesson, I will definitely try the salsa and lime dressing!

Cheryl - I use the 'CH' spelling (short for Christopher), rather than Kris. Give the hot sauce on popcorn thing a try, it's actually good, though messy. As far as I can tell (based on what my wife does), in Mexico, anything that isn't dessert gets sauce and lime added, and often extra salt. My son likes to put salt and lime in a can of coke. It has gotten out of control.

Oh, one more burning question - back when everyone was meeting up at the boutique the other day, Arnaldo saw Diego and greeted him "oh hey Diego! How are you?" and I kept waiting form Mo to get suspicious and wonder how they knew each other, but it never came up. Was that just glossed over, or was there some plausible prior meeting that threw Mo off the scent?

Chris, that's the same reason I thought it was dangerous for Arnaldo to be calling Azul about the Abuelo-"killer" arrest and talking about it in front of and reporting to Mo. Too close for comfort.

I think that Diego and Arnaldo met at Azul and Mo's engagement party way back when Paco was still alive. Remember how Arnaldo and Ceci were both "eyeing" Andres in that classic slow motion scene as Andres walked by them? I thought for a moment that Andres may be Arnaldo's love interest as the scene kinda implied that. Fooled again.
Thanks for the endorsement and web address, Chris.

I'm with CherylNM, this show should be renamed Matar Sin Limites.

Thanks, Margaret, for volunteering to keep track of the body count for us. I hope you're making hatch marks; we're less than 40 episodes into this thing and the body count is piling up. Thanks also, for filling in some of the blanks for me. I just haven't been able to follow this as closely yet. Perhaps that will change soon.

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