Sunday, November 25, 2007

Amar Friday 11/23 - New and Improved Ivan v2.0

Mo tells Azul that she is infected with the deadly virus as well, she fails to look sufficiently impactada for hearing that she is going to die. She looks more like “oh no you didn’t.” She calls him a liar. She thinks he is trying to manipulate her. She’s right, but not about the not being infected part. He tells her to talk to her father about it, he’ll confirm it. Maybe, or maybe GSD is too busy celebrating that Arny slept with a woman. Mo calls GSD on his cell phone, GSD just about swerves off the road as he pulls over to take the call. Mo acts all serious and tells GSD that Azul knows that she is also infected. GSD is pissed, Mo just hands the phone to Azul. He won’t tell her yes or no, he says he’ll come over and explain. Finally he says yes it’s true, Azul (whose cleavage is admirable today, I know it may not be appropriate to be checking that out as she is about to die, but finally they sexed her up a bit. The new hair, more cleavage, the whole package still has a ‘good girl trying to look hot’ vibe, but a definite improvement) drops the phone and falls to the floor, now she is dramatically impactada to make up for not reacting when Mo first told her she was infected.

Andres is nagging Ceci. He is trying to get info about the whole Diego/Azul situation from her. He tells her that there was a conflict between Mo and Azul earlier that day, Ceci goes to call Azul to see how she is, over Andres’s objections.

Diego bangs on the gate of Mo’s new estate, Frack (I can’t ever remember his real name) opens the door and tells him that’s not how to knock. Diego pushes him aside and says he needs to see Azul and Mo. Frack tries to threaten Diego by flashing his gun, but Diego just says whatever, go get them for me!

Azul is in a room with Mo, she is on the phone talking to Ceci, she tells her she’s ok. Yes, I like this new Azul better. She has a tight button-down shirt on, with very few buttons actually being used for their intended purpose. She tells Ceci she’ll talk to her later and hangs up, in time for the maid to come in and say Diego is there to see the both of them. Jacinto, that’s Frack’s real name. Mo says to tell Jacinto that Azul will be leaving with Diego and he should let them go. He tells Azul she can go die by Diego’s side and he won’t stop her.

First they are seeing a doctor I guess, who is waiting in the other room. Ah, this is Katy’s doctor. He said he drugged her up to put her to sleep. She had an anxiety attack. He says if they are having trouble with their marriage, they can’t discuss it in front of the child. Azul promises.

Manuel asks Lidia how Clemencia is doing. Lidia says she’s doing bad and tells him what happened that day. Manuel storms upstairs to tell her she can’t work anymore, to find her passed out on the bed.

GSD shows up at Mo’s house to find Diego waiting, they start bickering at each other. GSD grabs Diego by the collar and chews him out for the trip to the beach. Diego says he won’t offer GSD any explanation. He says he won’t leave Azul and he loves her. Mo and Azul show up in time to break up the fight before it happens. Diego yells at Mo to explain whatever he told Clemencia. Azul gets between Diego and Mo. She begs Diego to leave and says she’ll come find him later. He doesn’t want to, she says it can all wait until later, she promises to come find him. Diego puffs his chest out at Mo as he leaves.

Pasion ad. This better live up to our expectations or we will be one sad bunch of viewers.

Asi es la Vida ad – I love those ads. The show should be called ‘Asi es la Ropa Interior.’

Lidia is on the phone to 911 (or whatever they call in Mexico) then she hangs up and begs Clemi to live.

Gloria is sneaking around her apartment in the dark, she starts to set Isela’s flowers on fire but just then the door opens, she grabs a spray bottle and sprays the flowers with water instead, jabbering away to try and look innocent. I guess she insulted the quality of flowers as well, because Isela says she prefers flowers that aren’t so fancy but are at least from a REAL admirer. Burn! Hmmm – looks like Silvana has gotten a bit sexed up as well. She isn’t wearing old lady clothes like she usually does, tight dress works better for her. The doorbell rings, it’s Ivan. Gloria greets him a little too warmly, making him uncomfortable. He wants to talk to Silvana, Gloria continues to fawn over him.

GSD, Azul, and Mo go into Mo’s office. GSD wants to know what Diego was referring to, about Mo being at his house. Mo says never mind, now we need to talk about Azul being sick. Azul asks to be alone with GSD, Mo leaves. Azul starts crying and gets all over GSD for not telling her. She’s very pissed, obviously. GSD says he didn’t want her to suffer. She wants to know how long he has known. GSD says it doesn’t matter, she says it does.

Ceci is laying in bed, Andres is next to her and tries to kiss up on her, she screams at him to stop, saying she’s not in the mood. Yeah right, she’s ALWAYS in the mood, even if you’re gay. She is obviously still unsure about Andres, what with his being a murderer and all. He gets grumpy about being shut down. She says she’s worried about Azul. Andres defends Mo, Ceci says she understands that he is his friend, but Azul is her friend. She asks him to leave, she’s tired. He grumpily agrees and leaves.

Ivan tells Silvana thanks for everything, but I’m going back to Prague. She says wait, weren’t you going to stay and help Diego find evidence against Mo? Speaking of evidence, they should get Gus Grissom and the CSI gang around here, they’d have everything sorted out in an hour.

GSD says Azul is fighting the illness ok now, but… He slowly explains how the illness works. He actually has the nerve to tell HER to not make it any more difficult. He paints an ugly picture of what awaits her. He finally says that eventually it could make her violent and insane. She wants to know how she could have contracted the disease. He begs her not to badger him, she demands an answer. GSD tells her that Burgay infected her, on orders of Eva Santoro. She says she did that so Diego and I couldn’t be together? (or something like that) GSD nods yes. She says that’s why Eva told her one time that her love with Diego won’t survive. GSD begs forgiveness. She says it isn’t his fault and hugs him. Now she wants to know how long Mo has known.

Ivan says that the reason he is going to Prague is to find evidence against Mo, since Boris has been put in jail. He says also that he is giving all his money to an orphanage. Ivan says he wants to make up for his past misdeeds by helping others and helping honorable people like Diego, thus proving our theory that Ivan will be rehabilitated. The way Silvana is looking at him, he’s going to get some ‘rehabilitation’ from her too, if you know what I’m saying, and I’m sure you do. She asks if it is dangerous for him to go to Prague, he says he can take care of himself. Of course he can. He shows her the briefcase full of money from Eva that Diego refused. Silvana said she would refuse as well. Ivan asks her to keep it, Diego needs resources to put Mo away. She says no. He says fine, then just keep it until all this is over, then give it to a worthy cause. I suggest the ‘pay Chris Ferro’s mortgage’ fund.

Mo tells Andres about his argument with Azul and that Azul now knows that she is infected.

Azul cries and whines about what it feels like to know she could die any minute. She is remembering moments in her life that she regrets. GSD says he would take her place if he could. She goes on and on about how awful it will all be for her. GSD swears tha the whole family, and Emilia too, will be with her. I notice he didn’t include Julio. Shouldn’t he be telling her about how he’s going to find a cure? Has he given up completely on that? Also, I haven’t seen him smoke today, what’s up with that? Oh wait finally he says something about finding a cure. She asks him why he hasn’t found a cure yet, he says he’s missing something or other, Azul doesn’t understand either and asks him what that means. He tries to explain, she doesn’t get it. Eventually she does, but I don’t. He explains that this case is more difficult than AIDS. She wants to know how long she’ll live if he doesn’t find a cure. He begs her not to think of that. Have faith. Um, dude, I’d want to know too. She says she needs to know so she knows what to do with her remaining time. He swears that he’ll find a cure and begs God for help. She asks him again, how long? He says her case is different than Mo, different blood type, he says she has about 6 months to live. Ah crap. That’s too long. That gives too much more time to drag this all out. It needs to be like three weeks or something so that this will move along.

Silvana wishes Ivan good luck. He looks forward to starting a new, clean life. He says that she is the reason he has turned over a new leaf. He says that he understands how Eva was so in love with Diego for being such a good person, because he now admires Silvana so much as well. She is his inspiration. Etc, etc. They compliment each other a bit more. Silvana says everyone deserves a second chance. He says he wants to thank Gloria and Isela as well, Silvana says she’ll go get them. Immediately Gloria, who was obviously eavesdropping, rushes in to say how upset she is that he is leaving. She flirts with Ivan, who just looks at Silvana, who says “ay, Dios!” I agree.

Azul and GSD have calmed down, Azul found a tissue somewhere to start cleaning up after the crying fit. I have to give it to Azul, she didn’t resort to the ugly crying like Alina back in Duelo. She can actually cry without looking like she is passing a bowling ball. She wants to know how long Mo has known. He says at the wedding GSD had to tell everyone, in regards for her health. And Emilia too of course. She says the victim is always the last to know. He gets on his knees and gets all whiny and begs forgiveness again. He says something about Mo wanting Azul to not know before the wedding as she might change her mind, she says of course! She says she only married him for Katy anyway. GSD tries to convince Azul that Mo’s main concern has always been for Azul’s health. Well, GSD has drunk the Mo kool-aid. He bought the whole thing hook, line, and sinker. Azul doesn’t want to believe him, but it looks like she does a bit. Great, now she’ll fight with Diego some more. GSD says she can’t doubt Mo’s love for her. She tells him whatever, change the subject. GSD wants to know if Diego has turned her against Mo, she won’t talk about it. GSD wants to tell Diego that she is dying so he’ll leave her alone, they argue and Azul says she will be the one to tell him.

Diego shows up at Silvana’s place. He is looking for sympathy about his mom I guess, because he gets plenty from Silvana. Then Silvana lets her inner wet blanket out to say that she hopes nothing bad happens to Clemencia before she and Diego sort things out.

GSD and Azul have gone outside to meet with Mo again. They agree that it’s good that Eva never got around to infecting Katy. Mo swears that he and GSD are committed to finding a cure. Azul says he can experiment on her directly with whatever he cooks up, she’s going to die anyway and she can help save other lives. Not really, I guess she doesn’t realize, since she and Mo are the only ones who have this particular disease.

Diego curses Mo for making trouble with his mom, since he can’t be completely honest with her about everything. He tells her that Mo knows that he and Azul are sneaking around together. He says he has to get her out of that house, she agrees. She tells Diego that Ivan went to Prague, Diego had no idea.

Azul sweet talks to Katy while Katy sleeps. She asks forgiveness for what she is going to do.

GSD is smoking again, finally, yelling at Mo for telling Azul she was sick. He yells at him for a while about that. Then they argue about the beach, Mo says he knows that somehow Diego won her over, GSD still believes that ridiculous excuse that she let Diego off the hook because of his mom. GSD says whatever, you’re still an ass for telling Azul she was sick. Mo says she needs to know so she can take care of herself.

Shot of a hotel lobby. Whoa – we get a foot to head shot of Azul getting ready for something, she is wearing a tight red dress and wearing it very well. She must have gotten a room at the hotel. A knock on the door, I think we all know who that will be. Yes, it’s Diego. I guess Azul has decided that she needs to screw as much as possible in her short time she has left. Diego comes in and Azul attacks him, we get to hear the ‘Amar sin Limites’ song that has the exact same melody as “I can’t fight this feeling any more” by REO Speedwagon. Maybe they weren’t big in Mexico so nobody will notice. Diego says he was afraid Mo would do something to Azul, then they continue to make out. Azul says she doesn’t want to talk about any of that, she just wants to live this moment as if it were their last, and get busy and stay busy all night. She says if she could she would change everything so they had never been apart. She continues to yell about how much she loves him. They start making out some more. Since this is basic cable we won’t see them do the deed, but on cinemax they’d already be humping away.

Monday – Emilia is afraid GSD will do something stupid, Diego and Azul go to the hospital together to see his mom, Manuel and Lidia get snippy at them for it.


Ferro, Thanks for a wonderful recap. I watched the episode but had to recap Juan so I truly appreciate your reliving the scenes with your discerning details added. I am glad for you that the red dress was so sensational. Maybe you could get one like it for your beautiful wife...
And at last Azul isn't whining for a bit! Ceci looks really scared and somebody should have the sense to grab that cutey Ivan before he slips back behind the (used to be iron, what is it made of now??) curtain.

Thanks, Ferro. About ''the cure'' anyone even trying to find it???...certainly NOT GSD, the old chainsmoking busybody. . Que the hell? I remember that song ''I can't fight this feeling any''...a very smarmy guy I once knew wrote down ALL the lyrics...ewww//so tacky and unoriginal...what a player. Maybe a better song choice might have been ''Lady in Red''..shout out to Azul. I did see Azul and Diego making out the other day while she was wearing a really short dress and sitting on a bar stool in her apartment. Holy Moly. Azul used to wear a lot of perky little jogging suits, but now...short, tight, lowcut dresses. Have you been writing letters, Ferro ???? The writers must have been convinced somehow to turn up the heat. Here's my question: Why no hot love scenes for Annndresss, our favorite tialoving abuelokiller??? Is he dating one of the show's writers and she's jealous and keeping him for herself????

Fun recap! I'm glad you're starting to get some more eye candy :)

I wonder if we're now going to be treated to weeks of Hot!Azul sneaking around trying to get as much nookie as possibe before she dies.

No, Susanlynn, I wasn't writing any letters, just my recaps here. I was thinking maybe somebody saw that and responded, but then remembered that I'm not that powerful, and also, this novela was filmed last year, so my words would have had to go BACK IN TIME. I would like to think I had that power, but I guess I don't. Anyway I'm glad they did a little something for the men, even if we don't get to see Mayrin threatening to overflow her top every day like another show.
It does seem that you have all had your Andres moments taken away, sorry to hear that.

Great Job as usual, Chris.

Thanks for reminding me of the tune. I must have blocked it out because it sounded familiar but I couldn't place it.

Thanks too, 5ft, for giving us Hot!Azul along with Ivan 2.0. There's been a distinct deficit in funny nicknames on this show, LOL.

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