Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Amar sin Limites Tuesday Nov. 7

Hi all,
My first recap! Feel free to add or correct anything. I have just finished my minimarathon of last week's episodes while I was on vacation and finally got to Tuesday's show. So here goes!

A few scenes from Monday's: A brief revisit to the Love Shack; GSD and Emilia visit Cocoyoco; Azul tries to climb the palm tree; Lidia visits Efrain where she meets Gustavo (perhaps a future love interest?)

Arny chats with Julio who is still in bed sleeping. They are both hoping for a better day than yesterday.

GSD chats with a still-drinking Mo who is dwelling on the fact that Azul and Diego are together. The thought of what they may be doing is festering like an infected wound! Meanwhile Emilia is trying to get a little info from Chonita on the previous Mrs. Mo and tells her that she would like to talk to her later. GSD comes out and tells Emilia that Mo is tormented by jealousy. GSD tells Emilia that he is worried that Azul could die since neither she nor Diego knows that she is so sick (and who's fault is THAT?) And lo and behold, Arny appears from the shadows, having overheard that his sister might die.

Back at Efrain's, Gustavo is turning on the charm for Lidia and talking mechanics to Efrain. Lidia checks him out a bit and flounces a little hair flip on the way out, leaving Gustavo gasping for air.

Arny confronts GSD about Azul's illness and Emilia takes his side, urging GSD to tell all. GSD tells Arny about the virus.

Back at S,I and G's, Gloria is whining (what a shock) that she is the messenger and the dishwasher, blah, blah, blah... Silvana says she's busy with Ivan, Isela is working so just do this little favor. Silvana is looking for something to close Ivan's wound (but I don't know what - a "reflexiono"?) because he doesn't want a doctor. Gloria rolls her eyes.

GSD, Arny and Emilia are lamenting the soon-to-be late Azul but still hold onto hope that GSD will find the cure. GSD blames her infection on EvilEva and their plot to monopolize the cure for the world.

Back to the Love Shack - Diego is caring for Azul who is moaning in bed, not in a good way. She is faint, tired and hot. Oh, and naked because Diego took off her dress. His story-she told him to since she was too hot and he was just cooperating. She's not very happy about this so he offers her the shirt off his back. Literally. He puts the moves on her, saying he doesn't get tired of looking at her body, and he dreamed of taking off her wedding dress. She orders him out of the shack, leave the shirt. She clutches it to her face, smelling it like it was just washed with Hot Man scent Downy.

Silvana has found the biggest needle she could to stitch up Ivan. At least she disinfected everything. Ivan is the nicest bad guy. They have a heart-to-heart talk about Silvana bieng hurt by what Diego did. Ivan can't forgive him for what he did to Eva. Silvana defends Diego and Ivan can't understand how so many women could love Diego so much. (I'm with you there, Ivan.)

A knock at the door of the Love Shack. "Who is it?" answers Azul. "It's me, Diego" comes from outside. Very funny, ha ha. Diego comes in and says he needs her - something. Headband or scarf. I couldn't understand why. He takes it from her hair and immediately puts it in his mouth, to carry it out like a puppy?

Lidia is primping outside Efrain's shop while peeking in. Who should drive by but Gustavo in a beat up old car. He offers her a ride which she rudely turns down, insults his car by calling it scrap and says she'd rather take public transportation. Lidia's playing hard to get (we know better than that!). He calls her "tan alzada" (is that stuck up?), says at least he has a car and drives away, leaving her thinking he's kind of cute.

GSD is spreading the rumor to Arny that EvilEva was responsible for infecting Azul, making Mo do it by threatening Katy, and that Diego was her accomplice.

At the Love Shack, Diego is making clothes for Azul out of her wedding dress' skirt, using her as a mannequin. This, of course, gives him the opportunity to get up close and personal, where they come close to - but not quite- a kiss.

Silvana has something very important to do and leaves Ivan in Gloria's reluctant care.

Arny is crying on Julio's shoulder, telling him about Azul's impending death. Who should walk in at this touching moment but GSD. Julio leaves father and son together and Arny cries on GSD's shoulder - and GSD lets him!!

Back on the beach, Azul stands and stares out to sea, dressed in Diego's shirt, while Diego makes her skimpy lingerie. She doesn't look too happy.

Ines and Katy are taking a walk in the garden, chatting about their problems. Emilia joins them while Katy is talking about her mami's accident.

GSD, Arny and Mo are discussing a cure for the virus and Mo says he is putting in a lab.

Ines, Katy and Emilia are talking about comas, dreams and nightmares. Silvana walks up and Katy asks if she knows Emilia, the best friend of her mami Azul. (Did Silvana not know that?)

GSD, Arny and Mo talk about the explosion at the old lab that killed Eva. GSD wants to inform the health department now that Eva is dead so that the cure can be found sooner.

Silvana, Emilia, Katy and Ines get all the relationships straightened out but Silvana does not look happy that Emilia knew Azul but never told her.

The three stooges, Efrain, Gaspar and Chucho, are talking about the heist and who but Lurking Lidia hears and amazingly quickly puts two and two together. She accuses them of helping Diego kidnap Azul.

On the beach, Azul is collecting firewood, Diego is still making clothes. Diego says he and Efrain bought matches and gasoline. (Couldn't they have brought some clothes for Azul?!)

Efrain tells Lidia he only lent Diego a car. Lidia tells them her mother is sick about the whole thing and that the police have questioned them like criminals. Gaspar looks horrified (one of his favorite expressions) and tells his father to give Lidia info on the car. Efrain writes something and gives it to Lidia. Turns out though, Efrain gave her bad info and admits he doesn't know the real info.

Silvana and Katy are alone and little tidbits of the accident are shown in fashback.

Mo is telling Andres that GSD wants to go public with the virus info and Boris is not going to like that. They need to convince GSD that someone has taken Eva's place, and that it is not Mo. Andres then tells Mo that someone saw Diego buying things that belong on a beach. A clue to their whereabouts.

Diego, still sewing, and Azul, putting on sunscreen, are sitting at the bonfire. She is pawing through his backpack, pulling out canned food. She then breaks the news - he forgot the can opener! (I've never done that!)

GSD and Emilia are discussing going public about the virus. Emilia wants to stay and have a talk with Silvana.

Back on the beach, Diego - still sewing- and Azul are bonding. She seems to have forgotten that he kidnapped her and stranded them on this beach. She's cooking over the open fire. He asks her to feed him because his hands are busy. Oh please. He wants her to have his babies, and they would all live happily ever after. She looks like whe wants to give in but then at the last minute remembers - oh yeah, I'm married.

Emilia finds Silvana to explain why she didn't tell Silvana that she was friends with Azul. NOW she cites professional ethics? Silvana tells Emilia that she is not her friend.

Lidia goes to Casa Moran to tell mom and dad that Efrain helped Diego.

Arny takes Ines home to her house, nice and clean. She is so happy, grateful but sad about her current state of health. Arny spills the beans to her about Azul's illness.

Ceci is collaborating with Chucho and Gaspar about Diego. Julio comes in and chews Ceci out about her work ethics. Then adds Gaspar and Chucho to his list of poor employees. Burgay arrives to tell Julio that Eva is dead and he doesn't have to give Diego anymore work. Julio is impactado (I have to use that word at least once!)

Back at the beach, Azul is admiring Diego's line of beachwear. It's made with love, he says. She says it isn't as beautiful as the wedding dress Julio designed for her. Azul breaks it to Diego that the only reason Julio hired him was because Eva paid him to. Diego is impactado.

Stay tuned....


"She clutches it to her face, smelling it like it was just washed with Hot Man scent Downy."

Ha Ha! Great first recap. I happened to catch this scene while channel surfing. I guess Azul still loves her Keebler Elf.

Excellent recap Sally, thanks! I also loved the Hot Man Scent Downey (where can I buy some?), and agree with you an Ivan. Que the hell do women see in Diego? They must all really be into nose-wrinkling. Looking forward to more of your great recaps!
Kim P.

"Hot Man scent Downy" is now my second favorite phrase, right behind "tialoving abuelokiller". Excellent recap! What a way to start.

Is it just me, or do Azul's rings look too big? Like not only do they not fit her, but the bands are so wide they look more like men's rings. I didn't remember her engagement ring being that big.

OK, I'm fourth in line but I too laughed at Hot Man Scent Downy. That's definitely a keeper. Only one recap and you've already coined a classic.

I wonder how long they'll drag out this dreary kidnapping/falling in love stuff?

Excellent recap, hard to believe it's your first. Are you going to be recapping regularly?

Thanks Sally!!

Sally, Congratulations on your first recap. Isn't it fun!! I just finished my second one on Tuesday, Yo Amo a Juan Querendon, so I am glad there are some other newbies. I am only doing guest recapping as a fill in for the time being. But it is a great study aid as you will find out, it accelerates your learning by necessity.
I too want some of that special Downy.

I have had hopes for Ivan and Silvana to get closer and they are both such taciturn, sulky types they may just negate each other right out... Well, if it keeps her from prostrating herself at the feet of Diego, I will be relieved.
You did a great job. Thanks for the hard work.

I thought Azul knew that Diego really designed the dress - I'm guessing that he'll save that information for when it can be delivered for maximum impact, and maximum panty-dropping.
Who is Gustavo that was at Efrain's house? I missed that part on Monday and today suddenly he was here. I haven't been watching this week, just reading.
Great first recap, glad to have you!

Ride , Sally, Ride !!! Great job ! I, too, enjoyed the special Downy comment. I, also, liked the reference somneone made to Diego as the Keebler Elf. Some girls have their wedding gowns preserved for their daughters to wear some day...others have their kidnappers cut up their gowns and make them into hot beach fashions. Wouldn't it be handy to have a novio who sews???? I wonder how long the Keebler Elf and Patty Hearst will be down the shore ?????

Welcome Sally and thanks for the noseual (visual with smell) This novela is a riot to me. Actually, Diego in stills is really hot. Put him in motion and he evokes a whole 'nuther thing altogether.

Hi all,
Thanks for the welcome. I'll be doing Tuesday's episodes. Hopefully the closed captioning will never go away because otherwise I will be lost! Right now it is slightly challenging because there are random letters missing in it. Not sure why!

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