Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Destilando 11/19/07 "So Close and Yet So Far"

Didn’t record this so feel free to add anything.

A big welcome back to the epic Destilando. You have been missed.

Well one mystery was finally solved this evening. For those of you who have wondered about that big clog in Aaron’s throat that has plagued him for these past nine months, well he finally coughed it up. Yes it was Gavi & Rod. Aaron coughed them up and spit them out into the laps of the authorities. Aaron canonized Gavi and Rod as the Patron Saints of Illegal & Irregular Shipments.

Meanwhile Gavi & Rod arrive back at Clarita’s apartment. Clarita acts all surprised and standoffish. “Are you going to live in SIN?” For clarification readers, please note this is the english word SIN, meaning having great fun, not the Spanish word SIN meaning without. Nah Ma, once Rod gets his divorce & annulment from the Church, we are gonna do it up like an Ugly Girl would in Monterrey, if the whole town paid for the Wedding, threw in a big parade and a lot of plot dragging pointless storylines. Sorry readers I have my stories crossed. Anyway our teen twosome, plan to have an awesome life. Rod wants Ma & Gavi to head on over to Pilar’s for the evening, for a big announcement. Methinks Rod is planning to formally ask for Gavi’s hand. Clarita is muy thrilled.

Meanwhile for dramatic effect we are shown scenes of True Love, then scenes of Aaron betraying Gavi & Rod. Aaron explains he was in Miami during the period in question. He shows his passport to “Joselina’sNotDaddy from Mundo” sorry I don’t know the guy’s name. Anyway if this was Broadway, he’d of sung, he was in America and named his Amantes.

a little bit of Sandra in the sun
a little bit of Mary all night long
a little bit of Jessica here I am
a little bit of you makes me you're man

Aaron literally implicates Rod and Gavi in everything from the kidnapping of the Lindbergh Baby to missing votes in Florida back in 2000. Aaron is so evil; Gavi and Rod weren’t even doing the Horizontal Bop back then. The guy takes Aaron’s passport, the American translation would be “Don’t leave town”. Aaron and his toady lawyer leave. A summons is ordered for Rod & Gavi.

Rod calls home to get the dinner set up. Dani answers and says get home, Now. Rod tells Gavi and Clarita he will return for them later.

Rod arrives back at Pilar’s with a plastic bag. The family fortune isn’t even officially lost and already he is living like a bagman. Seriously was that spur of the moment luggage? Dani proceeds to tell Rod that Frankie sold the sulfate and the crops are dying. Videgaray arrives. Dani gets Pilar out of the room. Videgaray is like, calm down, the dying crops are actually the good news. Tequila has been suspended due to irregularities and by the by, you and MariAnna have been implicated. The face of muy impactedness.

Commercial break…where we get to see Rulli & Susan Gonzales crying. I have a sneaking suspicion that Susan is going to be crying each and every episode. Well, there goes my plan to give up Tequila.

Rod is on the phone with James. James tells him the Agave is infested, they are trying to save what they can. James takes the blame for not keeping a better eye on Frankie. Sofie snatches the phone away (while doing a fine imitation of Ellie May Clampett), she shrieks to the winds that it is all her fault, she takes full responsibility. She has brought this down on the family, James tried to keep an eye on Frankie, but alas she let Frankie run wild. Now Sofie as long as you are confessing, take the blame for those bad fashion choices.

Now let’s flip over to Frankie the Grifter. He is on the cell phone with Isa, earlier he told her he was going for a salary of $20,000 per month (I think that is dollars, cause pesos would only be $2,000 monthly and he spends more than that on loofahs in a month). He is telling her that things are going fine and ooooppps gotta go here comes his contact. His contact of course is the equally jaded and scheming Priscella. He orders a bottle of champagne (the best) from Nelson, the waiter. Question viewers, is Nelson Celso from LFMB?

Isa takes BigHeadNotRod’sBaby for a walk in his stroller. In the hall, Jose (Frankie’s mom), asks if Isa needs more towels. Jose sees the baby and makes over him. Jose thinks to herself, that BigHeadKid would be about the same age as Frankies spawn. OMG, do you realize the odds? The odds are like 20 million to one that they would run into each other.

Videgaray fills Rod in that Rod and Gavi have been implicated, Videgaray recalls that there were rumors of Aaron’s odd money transactions at the time. Videgaray proceeds to tell Rod that MariAnne Franco and Rod signatures were all on the paperwork. Who could have done this betrayal? Ummmmm we travel into the past via RodVision, he remembers Onate..Lorenzo Onate..We get a flashback to Rod with longer, much more run your hands through hair, sorry I digress and Gavi & Rod making taboo “I wanna do ya on the desk eyes”, while signing anything and everything Onate slipped under their yearning fingertips.

Back at Gavi’s, Clarita asks if Gavi would like some Coffee. For the love of Gawd Clarita get with the program. Coffee was so four days ago, Gavi has moved on, from now on it is Tequila morning, noon and night. This conversation was about how happy Gavi is, mostly Clarita just talked in her baby voice about how Gavi went off into the skies three days ago and came back all happy.
Readers we must remember here that Clarita is quite the stranger to romantic love. Based on the information given in this saga, Clarita had one encounter, got pregnant, was abandoned and followed an old rich guy around for the next two to three decades. This may explain why she sounds like the ugly twelve-year-old sister listening to her Prom Queen sister telling tales. Or in other words Sofie talking to Isa and Minnie.
Gavi says Rod really misses NotRod’sBaby. Clarita brightens up at the words and wonders if Gavi could be pregnant from Rod.
I totally heard the torn screen door slam on the singlewide when those words were uttered.
Gavi is like “Oh Ma” & dismisses the idea.

Now then Rod and Videgaray stop by to visit Aaron, Fedra, Minnie, Patricio & the always-ineffectual Bruno. Aaron had been laughing and talking about what an idiot Rod is while sucking down a drink.
-My husband says, Aaron is so coked up that he has to drink to be able to even sit still-
Bruno looks uncomfortable and Patrick looks a bit green at the news, of Aaron’s implication. When Aaron sees Rod, he is like welcome back LOSER. He calls Rod an imbecile and proceeds to gloat and bait Rod. Then he says Gavi is going to jail. Rod can take no more and punches Aaron squarely in the mouth. You Go Rod. Aaron’s mouth bleeds, I laugh. Harsh words are exchanged. Aaron blames Rod for the failed Agave. Rod says if he hadn’t had to babysit the company, Rod would have been on the ranch. Aaron says MariAnne stole the money and Rod says of course that Aaron is the culprit. Bruno tries to get them to calm down. You can see Rod’s words have an impact on Bruno. Rod tells Aaron if he does anything to Gavi, Rod will kill him. Time for mucho muy impacted looks. Rod storms out and Bruno calls him back, but Rod continues Videgaray says family time is over, it is time for the lawyers.

Aaron gloats, Bruno laments over the son of his brother and chastises Aaron for gloating and taunting Rod. Fedra (her relationship with Aaron totally creeps me out, Fedra just needs Aaron to slay Bruno (in the modern sense another heart attack would suffice and she’d be all Jocasta on Oedipus Aaron’s Ass)), anyhow she chides Bruno for always taking Rod’s side over Aaron.

Another moment in the lives of Clarita & Gavi, while going through Clarita’s suitcase, Gavi discovers Clarita has stowed kitchen objects. Like a rolling pin (I’m not sure if that is the word, I’m a buy it in a box person myself), and other things, plus the big mortar thing. The mortar thing is really heavy it is for grinding things up in and making salsa and stuff like that. We have one, but I say that is why God made blenders so mine does not get used. Yes Clarita plans to sneak this into Merry Ole England. Gavi teases her. Clarita talks like a six year old.

Out in the plague infested netherlands Sofie (sporting one of her trademark Rancho Denim skirts) and her sidekick James are kind of making an informal confession to the good Padre. At first the Padre mistakes Sofie for an Amish girl and thinks he may have a convert. He soon realizes it is one of the erring Montalvo’s and he must listen to yet another tale of rich, but stupid decisions. Oh Sofie laments, her bad choices have led to family ruin, she is not only responsible for the downfall of her family and it’s loss of fortune, but the losses of the poor folk who work there. I know Sofie feels really, really bad for this as she was so kind to them and had concern for their poor families. The Padre speaks kindly to them and gives them generic religious words of encouragement. James then seizes the opportunity inquire after a dispensation to allow Sofie and James to have passionless sex, while he is still married to the crazy girl and not married to Sofie. The Padre in the spirit of healing grants this. Okay Okay I made that part up.

Frankie and Priscella talk about going somewhere (we see a scene of an uber big hawt tub surrounding a house on a cliff), I am not sure what is going on..other than they are conning each other and will no doubt be disappointed when they realize they are both penniless. Priscella takes off for the bathroom and Frankie gives another series of lies to Isa on the phone. Isa is realizing that Frankie is worthless and she must by this time must have serious leg cramps from trying to kick herself in the ass for not choosing the “Turkey Baster” rather that Frankie.

Clara and Gavi are dressed up and ready to roll waiting for Rod to come and get them. Gavi is watching out the window as anvils are dropping right outside. Clarita questions why Gavi is so nervous. Gavi says she isn’t. Nothing can go wrong. At long last love. We here the shriek as a passerby dies from an anvil to the head.

Rod arrives at home with Videgaray. He calls Gavi and tells her he has been busy with Videgaray and dinner with the family is cancelled. He will come by and pick them up and the three of them will go to dinner. Gavi plays this news off to Clarita, she acts unconcerned. Clarita is clutching two religious statues.

Rod and Videgaray discuss the dilemma, Videgaray tells Rod that neither Rod nor Gavi can leave the country with this summons. Likely they maybe held after the summons. Rod can’t screw Gavi over again. He decides he will cop to the whole thing and say Gavi was innocent. That way Gavi can go to London and continue her career.

Stay tuned: No previews as we are in the final episodes.

So I guess Gavi really will live in SIN only the Spanish version without.


Thanks for the new meaning of living in sin, Beckster. Also, the shriek of the passerby being struck by the falling anvils--funny visual I'll laugh about all day...

Did you notice I added your anvil to our sidebar? Great recap, I will skip this episode because it makes me squirm even reading about it!!

Beckster: Great recap. I just find it hard to grasp how this case of confusion will be resolved in less than two weeks. Anyway - re your reference to the screen door - the behavior of the Montalvo clan and spouses prove that you don't have to live in a trailer to be trash.

From lower Ala

I missed almost all of this last night except for Frankie and Priscilla's chat about the imaginary properties they own. I liked the little twinkling effect as they imagined their luxurious fantasy mansion.

Thank you, Beckster for yet another delicious recap. I loved the description of ''How Gavi Got Her Groove Back.'' Also, the anvil striking the innocent passerby provided me with an interesting visual . Uno correction... about midway through the recap : ''Vidergray feels Rod''...I don't remember seeing that, but...I may have dozed and... Rod is super attractive ..probably even to hombres....but I don't think V. likes him in that way. Anyhoo, I enjoyed your thought of padre mistaking Sophie for an Amish girl. There are a lot of Amish around here and you are so right that Sophie could, in fact, pass for Amish...I think it's the braids...She would have to give up the denim for a nice floral cotton dress. And Rod punching arrogant AAron...that just never gets old for me. One question: ''like an ugly girl in Monterrey'' ...Was that a Mexican expression or a Becksterism??? Thanks so much for my morning laughs.

I thought Sofie looked better in her Amish Ellie Mae getup than she has ever looked before. I'd keep the look if I were she.

I especially enjoyed your version of confession. Oh if only...

Fantastic recap Beckster, thanks for the laughs and the unique insight.

When is Patricio gonna clear this up? He, of course is the key witness. One question about him- what is his actual staus here? something tells me that he's not really full-blood brother of the evil Aron- is that correct? How are Minnie and the vile-spewing Fedra gonna pay? I loved the impactado scene when Rod threatens hiz cuz's life, they all know he'd do it. One huge bear hug to pop out those blue reptile eyes.....dorado dave
p.s.- love the anvil sidebar

Great recap, Beckster! I can't wait to see what becomes of Frankie and Pricilla. As for Aaron, he deserves what he's gonna get!!

Susanlynn, you are so right about coining "Becksterisms". Ther are so many on them!!!

Bwahhhaaa I corrected feels to fills. No I wasn't trying to out anyone, just bad spelling.

The Ugly Girl comment was a shout out to the big finale, making fun of LFMB..where the viewers were taunted with a mega production of a huge Wedding, but not knowing who the groom would be. It had parades, a huge concert and really bad plot conclusions.

Melinama..I saw my hero Wiley E. & the anvil..Hee Hee Hee

Thanks for the great recap, beckster! Rod was truly impressive last night! He was so like, "mess with my woman, and I'll drink your blood from a tequila bottle after I rip your throat out!" Aaron really does deserve a backwoods A-- Kicking!!! Go Rod...even though we know you are going....straight to prison.....

Lisa from Alpena

Great recap, hilarious as always Beckster! The torn screen door on the single wide slamming made me laugh out loud! I'm allowed - there were a few of those in my family when I was a child!

GREAT recap!
I like Sophie in the braids - it's a good look for her.
I thought the waiter was Celso from LFMB too, but his part is so humble that he has to look down all the time and we can't get a good look at him. What a career comedown for him.

Well Beckster, you are at your wittiest pinnacle yet. I can hardly wait for the great finale in two weeks. And it seems to be bringing out the finest humor in everyone. I laughed until I had tears reading all the fabulous comments. You are all too fun!

Dorado Dave - Aaron and Patricio are only cousins on Fedra's side.

Yep the waiter is Celso. The voice is always the key for me.

Laugh out loud funny recap. Up until last night I've always liked Bruno. He always seemed the sanest most rational of the looney Montalvo's but last night's wuss performance put me off him for good. He isn't a nice guy at all just a p***y whipped sap married to that G'awful harpy Fedra. Aron is going to get what is coming to him and I hope it is Pammie who will ride to rescue and save our teen lovers.

As for Fedra I wish Bruno would turn into Don Loco and give her a good couple of smacks. I'm no fan of violence against women but if ever anyone needed a slap it is Fedra.

What ever has happened to Hil and SJ and crazy Acacia. I guess we forget all about them until the end or maybe they have been abducted by aliens.

Thanks for the recap. I've always thought Aron was into the white stuff (or had allergies and a huge hairball in his throat); I agree with your husband.

I counted 7 anvils falling in the one scene - did I miss any? Gave me a headache.

Gawd - James & Sophie and passionless sex - that ranks up there with the Aldo d.humping in LFMB. Ewwww.

Loved your comments about Aron blaming R & G for the the Lindbergh kidnapping, et al. LOL.
And he's so good at it - not one blink.

Those lucky Montalvos don't have to worry about getting together for Thanksgiving. !Imagínate!

Thanks for the oh so funny recap! Plenty of good laughs throughout. That's why I enjoy this blog site. You know, everytime I see little Ricky, I just can't seem to get past the size of his head. Is his head truly unusually large, or is it true about TV making everything bigger? I work daily with kids from 2mos-4yrs, and that boy definitely has the biggest head I've seen to date. Thankfully, and hopefully in most cases, the body does eventually catch up!!

Lynn S.

Well, they do say the camera adds a few pounds. That's an awful lot on a little baby. ;-)

This is getting so finally exciting even though I know they are going to drag everything out ad nauseum. Call me cold hearted, but I'm glad that Acacia is out of the picture. Those rape scenes over and over and her pitiful demenor (sp) is not the type entertainment I look forward to spending my evenings with. So, it looks like her role ended when she was committed to the psych hospital. It is annoying though that they didn't say what happened to the peanut farm and did they discover her uncle's body? I would have liked to see closure on that, but not at this late date when there's so many other anvils suspended and ready to fall.

Beckster – thanks for the great recap!

I usually can’t sit through a full hour of this novela anymore (I end up changing the channel or catching up on my tapes of “Hasta Que La Plata” instead), but I always look forward to your Monday recaps, along with the laughs. I loved how you described our romantic couple: “Anyway, our teen twosome plan to have an awesome life” – like, ohmigawd! But I guess I shouldn’t be so hard on Gavi, given her mama seems to suffer from a severe case of arrested development.

Oh – and I think I did catch that scene where Sofie seemed to be all swept up in rich person’s guilt and giving some speech about the nobleza de los trabajadores. Now if Sofie was serious about going all Norma Rae on us, you’d think she’d get Rod to turn over the hacienda to the workers, and they have some sort of co-op agave farm…Heck, Sofie’s wardrobe already looks very “Socialist Workers’ Party” chic… But now that I think about it, if I were a jimadora, I’d say thanks, but no thanks – "NOW you offer me a piece of the hacienda after your brother’s mortgaged it to the hilt, and the whole place is infested with agave bichitos?”

I guess I’ll still get sucked into watching the gran final, and really look forward to your gran recap!


thnx, Julie. i was thinking that half brothers, or something like that. I hope that he didn't get any evil genes from the bloodline...Actually, the info that Pammie has should do Aron and Onate in, forgot about that.
Decie Girl- i think that SJ, Hil and Acacia just might BE the aliens.
Acme is adding a shift at the anvil foundry
dorado dave

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