Monday, January 14, 2008

Amar Sin Limites January 14: In which Gaspar gets dizzy from all the dramatic revelations and we can sympathize

This is my last Amar recap folks! We are in the home stretch with the gran final on Friday. I will be moving to Thursday to start recapping Pasion next week. I must say that I enjoyed Amar very much right up until the tacked on extenda-ending after Mo went to jail. If they had ended it there, I think it would have been one of my favorites. It had a lot of good characters, even some that I didn’t like that grew on me, like GSD and Emilia. I like a little more intrigue in my novelas and although this one had the potential to be pretty violent, I don’t think the body count will be anywhere near Duelo de Pasiones. Lets face it, the main couple in most novelas are very annoying!

On with the show!

Ceci and Mario sitting in a tree K.I.S.S… well not exactly sitting in a tree. Sitting among some trees at a little table near a waterfall. Mario has the moves and he’s made an unforgettable destination-wedding proposal for our girl Ceci. Romantic Music plays over the scene. Maybe you latin pop music mavens can tell us what the song is.

Switch to a big family dinner at a restaurant with Diego and Silvana presiding over a dismal grouping of Gloria, Chucho, Caty, Anibal and Clemi… Silvana remarks cuttingly that Emilia, her ex-sister-in-law, her therapist and (who she thought was her friend) doesn’t seem to have been able to make it. Diego responds that she ought to know that Emilia can’t leave the house because she’s on bed rest due to her pregnancy, "but she told me that she wishes us the best.” Clemi adds that Lidia is on her honeymoon in Acapulco and that’s why she’s not there. Just then Manuel staggers in drunk and LOUD. He immediately picks up a glass full of wine from the table to make a toast. Diego gets up and apologizes to the entire restaurant and gets Manuel to sit down. Silvana launches into a discussion about how she and her Mom went shopping today for a wedding dress. Manuel butts in to say "HOW FUNNY! I read in the paper that you were at a maternity shop. I didn’t know that they sold wedding dresses in a maternity shop!” Clemi tries to get him to shut up, as if he were trying to point out the breach of decorum in Silvana being a pregnant bride. (Of course Silvana is not pregnant and Manuel knows it, so we can only hope that he will let that slip too…) Manuel complains that he didn’t mean anything by the comment but Silvana cuts in to say that maternity shops weren’t the only places they went. But anyway, they didn’t have anything she wanted. She turns silkily to Diego and demands that he design her wedding dress. Diego gets a sick look on his face. Perhaps he’s recalling his various wedding dress designs—the one he made for Azul for her wedding with Mo, that ended up getting torn up and recycled as a beach sundress after he kidnapped her. Then the one he made for her when they actually got married. Yep, the whole wedding dress design thing has Azul stamped all over it.

Back to Ceci and Mario. Mario tells her that Azucena and LF have gone horseback riding. Ceci says it sounds like fun and that they should do that too. Suddenly, Azucena and LF appear around a corner, laughing and kissing. Ceci is thundering drums impactada. She chokes out “Azucena!” She runs up to them both and starts shrieking hysterically. “You can’t be with her! You can’t be with her!” directed at LF. Azucena turns snippy. “Who are you to tell me want I can’t do? LF loves me, and I love him!” Ceci shakes her head in disbelief. “You can’t be with him, Azul!” LF repeats “AZUL?” Azul asks her if she knows her. Ceci who is now crying says “Of course I know you. I am Ceci, your best friend. Ceci goes to hug her and Azul steps back and tells her not to touch her. Azul tells her if she was ever her friend, to forget her. Ceci tells her she can’t. She’s got to come back. Azul says she doesn’t want to know anything about her past and she’s not going back. She runs away and LF runs after her. Mario is incredulous. He says that he thought Azul was dead. Ceci says that she doesn’t know how it happened but Azul, her best friend, her sister is ALIVE!

Back at the dinner, Silvana is prattling on about what kind of wedding dress she wants Diego to design. Something simple…that he would like. She doesn’t seem to have noticed that Diego is very unexcited by the prospect. Everybody is pretty morose looking at the table, even little Caty. Diego finally agrees to make the dress just to shut her up. She then says that they should arrange to get together TO TALK ABOUT THE DRESS SOME MORE and Diego cuts her off, saying that he prefers to work alone, and that she should trust in his good taste. Finally, Silvana gets the hint and quiets down. She switches topics to announce to the family that Madre Maria over at the Orphanage has gotten a priest for their wedding and, Diego adds, reserved the chapel there for the wedding. (Oooh, more bad taste on the part of Silvana, his wife’s funeral was there only 2 months ago, creepy). Clemi comments “How nice. It will be intimate and discreet.” Manuel decides to butt in again to announce how there is no way that the ceremony will be discreet, what with Diego being a famous designer and Silvana being a famous model and all. (He said some other stuff but his drunken slurring of words made it a little hard to understand and probably not all that worthwhile anyway). Diego raises his voice to insist that NOBODY FROM THE PRESS will be allowed in. He turns to Silvana to say “is that clear?!” Silvana tries to backpedal to try to get Bruno in but Diego is firm and refuses to budge on this point. Manuel who has been stealing wine from other people’s glasses barely gets out that he thinks it will be hard to keep the reporters away. Anibal says not if they don’t know the date. Gloria tries to help her daughter out by saying that the paparazzi follow her everywhere, how are they going to hide from them? Diego says that if everyone is discreet, they won’t have a problem. Silvana says lets do it soon then, in 15 days. Diego says no, the chapel will be ready the day after tomorrow. Clemi is surprised. Diego says that Madre Maria advised him to get married soon, due to the baby on board. Silvana says great, the sooner the better.

Back to tearful Ceci, still outside talking to Mario. She apologizes for losing it but …in any event, Azul is MARRIED TO DIEGO! Mario says LF has got to know that.

Meanwhile, Azul and LF are inside the house. They are both freaked out by this latest revelation but Azul is adamant that she will not talk to Ceci and she doesn’t want LF’s mom to know either. LF says OK, he’ll talk to Cecilia. LF’s mom comes out in her bathrobe, it looks like she just got out of the shower. She said she heard a commotion. Azul shakes her head. Mama is suspicious.

Mario tells LF that Ceci has something important to say to him. LF says he has something important to say too. LF starts out by asking why she called her “Azul.” Ceci shoots back that “that’s because that’s who she is. She’s the daughter of Dr. Alfredo Toscano.” LF cries that Dr. Toscano told him that his daughter DIED in an accident. DIED! Ceci says that’s what everybody thought. EXCEPT DIEGO. He thought she could still be alive because her body was never found. And it turned out HE WAS RIGHT. LF says he doesn’t believe it. Ceci shoots back that it’s the truth. Azul is her best friend, the mother of Caty and the WIFE of Diego. Ceci says she has to tell Azul everything. LF says no, she’s not going to tell AZUCENA anything. Mario looks grim. His plans for the evening are shot.

Mario tries to reason with LF. He says that he’s already explained to Ceci that Azucena has to learn the truth little by little. She can’t have it dumped on her—it could harm her and the baby. LF says that Azucena already knows about her past. She knows and she doesn’t want to go back. She wants to be with him, to start a family with THEIR baby. Ceci says WHAT? LF goes on a tirade saying that Diego lost his rights over Azul when he got jiggy with Silvana and put her in his house. Ceci tries to butt in that Diego is only marrying Silvana because she’s pregnant. LF says that it just shows how sad Diego was that he couldn’t even mourn his wife before he was making a baby with another woman. LF says that Azul is the injured party here. It’s pretty obvious that Diego didn’t care at all about her disappearance. Ceci says it’s a pack of lies and she asks if he knew this whole time who she was and hid it from everybody. Mario butts in to say that that’s not true. It was Azul who found out and didn’t tell him—she only said that she wanted to leave the past behind her. LF says that “It’s what she wants and I’m going to support her.” Ceci complains that he may be able to keep her away “But not her Family.” She leaves abruptly. Mario follows her in, promising LF, he’ll try to calm her down.

Back at Clemi and Anibal’s, Diego is with Clemi and Caty. Caty is babbling about how excited she is to be sleeping over at Grampa and Gramma’s in Aunt Lidia’s room. Diego is going to the workshop to work all night on a dress for Silvana. Clemi offers to go with him, to help. Diego says Chucho offered too but he doesn’t want any help. He wants to be alone. Clemi says she’s worried about him but Diego says that he’s thinking of his child. His child will give him a reason to live, to move forward.

Ceci is now pissed and she’s taking it out on Mario. She accuses him of taking his friend’s side. Mario says no, but he’s lived this whole history of LF and Azucena’s and all the trouble they’ve had. Ceci corrects him AZUL! Mario tries to calm her down some more, explaining that LF tried to find out who she was, took her to Doctors to try to help her recover her memory. Ceci interrupts to ask how, now that he knows, he can continue with this crazy state of affairs. Mario says that he loves her. He fought with his mom, with the MS, and even with him to keep her near him. Mario adds that they were together until…SILVANA…Ceci interrupts again. Now she sees what happened. Silvana knew. Mario says that Silvana met her at the orphanage and that she became friendly with Azucena and then later she disappeared with her. Ceci figures that Silvana took Azul away to keep her separated from Diego so she could have him. Mario starts to say…I don’t know…what happened …” "AZUL!” Ceci screams at him again. (Poor Mario. Monkey in the middle. I wonder how much money he spent on this romantic getaway. ) Mario quietly tells her that he doesn’t know what happened but when Azul and LF got back together, Azul only wanted to start her life with LF. Ceci is sure that Silvana spun a web of lies to Azul to make her think she wanted nothing to do with any of them. Mario remarks that “maybe all she told her was that she was marrying Diego. That might have been enough.” Ceci isn’t so sure. And anyway, “what she did is a crime.” Silvana saw that Diego was in pain for having lost Azul and “all along she knew that Azul was alive.” Mario counters that Diego can’t have been that upset since he took up with Silvana immediately. Ceci says that, “if anybody knows how much Diego loved Azul, it’s me.”

Over at the boutique workshop, Diego is working on designs for the wedding dress. Judging from the crumpled paper. It’s not going well. He looks at pictures. He crumples some more paper. He looks at a naked toro—I mean mannequin. He drapes some cloth on it. He remembers taking measurements of Azul and making the other dress. We get a reprise of “Vuelve.” He kisses a ghostly Azul wearing the wedding dress. He returns to the drawing table and punches the paper with his pen. I think Silvana is going to be wearing a bed sheet.

Back to Mario and Ceci. Mario has driven Ceci all the way back to the city. He drops her in front of a hotel. That was quick! He asks if she wants him to come with her. She says no. She wants to confront Silvana herself. Mario looks forlorn. We get a shot of Silvana in her hotel room trying on pillows in front of a mirror. There’s knock at the door. When Silvana goes to open it, Ceci rushes at her and slaps her hard in the face. “Stupid! [Imbecile] You knew that Azul was alive and you didn’t tell us.” Silvana replies that she did it to save Diego from pain. That she’s in love with someone else.” Ceci says, yes. she knows. Silvana is surprised to hear this. “YES SHOUTS CECI. I’ve seen my friend and SHE’S ALIVE.” She cries. Silvana is impactada. Ceci accuses her of telling Azul that she was helping her, when all she did was fill her head with lies. Silvana denies this and she says she did it so that Diego wouldn’t die of grief. Silvana further lies that Azul is pregnant with LF’s child and this would have hurt Diego. Ceci complains that all these lies were for Silvana’s benefit. Silvana agrees that that might be so, but she saw nothing wrong since Diego couldn’t have Azul back. Ceci exclaims that Silvana didn’t have the right to decide that. Silvana tries the LF argument again. “If you’ve seen them together, you’ve seen the love that exists between them.” Silvana feigns that she was on the point of telling Diego but she just couldn’t break his heart like that. She starts to make the case to Ceci to help her cover this up but Ceci will have none of it. She has not the smallest doubt she says that she should tell Diego. Silvana tries to guilt trip her that “she’ll leave 2 kids without a father.” Ceci is still having none of it. She says she already knows that Diego was going to help with her kid. Silvana decides to threaten Ceci instead. She says she won’t permit Ceci to separate her from Diego. Ceci calls her crazy and says that she’s not crazy like her. She’s going directly to tell Diego that his wife, the woman he really loves is alive. She turns around and runs out the door, slamming it. (And here I was wondering if we were going to get another murder.) Silvana turns around and looks all squirrelly. She starts talking to herself about how this is going to screw up her wedding with Diego. (Yah Think?)

Ceci is getting ferried all over town by the good sport Mario. She’s at Diego’s house and Chonita is at the door in her nightgown. No Sr. Diego isn’t here. Why doesn’t she try his cell phone? Ceci says she did but he’s turned it off. Chonita says that he’s probably not coming home tonight. He even left Caty with the grandparents. Ceci is beside herself. Where do I look she asks Mario who is more at sea than she is.

Diego is asleep on his desk. Someone comes in behind him in the boutique and rubs his back. It’s Silvana. He wakes up. She remarks that the dress is lovely…but she can’t marry him. Diego is surprised. Silvana says she needs to show him something.

Back in the village, LF takes Azucena back to her room, which is filled with candles, true romance style. He starts to leave but Azucena tells him that she still wants to sleep with him. He comes back into the room and they start to make out on the bed. All of the sudden, LF jumps up and says he can’t. Now that he knows. Azucena insists that it’s OK, that she is more decided than ever to leave the past behind her. And it’s even better now that he knows the truth because now there are no secrets between them either. When LF mentions the rest of her family, Azucena says bitterly that she’s going to pay them back for not looking for her by forgetting them. She knows that they are out there but she doesn’t want to see them. She starts crying. LF hugs her.

Now we see what Silvana has brought Diego. Azul’s diary. She gives it to him to read and stands behind him smiling and crying.

Ceci and Mario are still outside Diego’s house. Ceci is still wondering what to do. It’s almost dawn. She doesn’t know who to call because she wants to tell Diego first and she doesn’t want to wake anybody else with the surprising news. It could give someone a heart attack. Ceci says she’ll wait at Diego’s house.

At the Boutique, Diego has read enough. Silvana says “So now you know, Azul is alive and in love with someone else.” Diego can’t believe it at first. Then he goes through the elation of realizing that Azul is alive…that he was right. He demands to know where she is. Silvana says “with her lover.” She explains that this lover is none other than Dr. Luis Felipe Pena. Yes, that guy he knows from the orphanage. Diego staggers around the room. At first he says that Azul would be incapable of doing such a thing to him. Then he gets crazy and puts his hands around Silvana’s neck and screams at her to tell him where she is. Silvana throws the diary at him and tells him that it’s all in there. Diego throws the diary back at her.

It’s the next morning and Diego has arrived at the village where LF lives. He bursts into the house with Silvana in tow and asks LF’s mom where Azul is. She looks at him like he’s nuts. He explains that he knows her as Azucena and that she’s his wife. He says he needs to see her right away. LF’s mom says she’s not there, she went to the spring. She’ll get her. Diego won’t wait, he follows her out, leaving Silvana there, a little nervous. Diego sneaks up to where she is sitting. At first he is excited to see Azul alive but then LF enters the picture, putting his hands around her eyes in a gesture of tenderness and playfulness and Diego freaks. Just then, LF’s mom comes up and says let her go first and warn them. Meanwhile, more happychat between LF and Azulcena. I had a really hard time hearing this because they were standing right next to the waterfall. She expresses more resentment of her past and wants to forget it. LF assures her of a bright future with him. They kiss. Just then, mom runs up and tells LF to let her go. Her HUSBAND’s here. Azucena’s eyes get big and she says that she doesn’t want to see him. She runs off. Diego sees her and tries to run after her. LF gets in front of him to tell him that she doesn’t want to see him. Diego is crazed and starts to fight with LF, Mom and Silvana who has finally followed them up here, try to pry the two men apart.

It’s morning in the city too and Ceci and poor, longsuffering Mario have spent the night in his car in front of Diego’s house. They are still sleeping when Clemi and Anibal arrive with Caty. Ceci wakes up and sees him. She gets up and runs to them. Clemi says that she thought Diego would be home by now so that’s why she brought Caty. Ceci says no but she can’t spill the beans in front of Caty. Clemi tells Anibal to take Caty inside. As soon as he does, Ceci tells her that she needs to see Diego right away. She has to tell him that Azul is alive.

Back to the fight between Diego and LF, which is a full on knock down drag out brawl. The women are still trying to drag them apart. They get in eachothers’ faces, Diego screaming that LF stole a married woman from her husband. LF screams back that Diego didn’t deserve her if as soon as she disappeared he took up with another woman and got her pregnant. LF wants to know what Diego wants to do, have two pregnant wives at his house? (Good point, LF. This sure ain’t gonna be Big Love). More trash talk in front of the waterfall that’s hard to hear. Silvana clambers on the rocks in her high heels. Silvana yells at Diego that Azul is pregnant with LF’s baby. Diego is frozen in mid punch. Ceferino, the family friend or whatever runs up and tries to stop the fight too. He’s just come back from the house and says that Azucena is there and says she doesn’t want to see any Diego guy. LF has a look of triumph. “That’s the last word, from Azucena.” He marches off toward the house. Ceferino says something about leaving marriage forms in his car. Diego is completely stunned by all of this and sits down on the ground. Silvana nearby. He tells himself that Azul is expecting that guy’s baby and that she’s going to marry him! Back at the house Ceferino says he can see that things are a bit complicated and that they probably have a lot to talk about so he’d better go. LF starts to go into the house. Mama grabs him by the arm. She tells LF that he should have let Diego speak to her. He had a right to try to fix things with his wife. LF says that Azucena said she didn’t want to talk to him. She said so. He points out that there is no way that he came here to fix his relationship with Azucena, when he brought his lover who is pregnant with his child and with them about to get married tomorrow. Mama looks doubtful but has nothing to say to that.

Diego is back near the waterfall overturning furniture now, in a rage. He yells at Silvana for hiding the truth from him. Silvana says she did it for love and so that he wouldn’t be hurt. “WITH WHAT DAMN RIGHT?” he asks. Silvana says that she decided after she became pregnant and Azul was also pregnant, reverting to the “I did it for the children” argument. And she says she wanted to avoid THIS. After repeating the “by what right…” thing again, Diego responds that Azul will have to face him and tell him that she doesn’t love him anymore. Silvana repeats that LF just asked her to marry him and that she is carrying LF’s baby. (Remember that this is a lie, but I guess Silvana figures it’s the last one she’s got so she might as well use it).
We are suddenly swept back to the boutique where Gaspar is looking at Diego’s wedding dress designs. Julio comes in and asks Gaspar if he’s seen Diego. Ceci and the others are all looking for him desperately. Gaspar says no, and he remarks that Diego doesn’t seem to have gotten very far with the dress. After Julio leaves, Gaspar recalls the dress that Diego made for Azul and how beautiful it was. “What love creates!” he sighs. He does a turn around the room and spies the diary on the floor. He pages through it. He rushes out with it and shows it to Ceci, Clemi and Julio. Ceci figures out that Silvana must have stopped by and shown it to Diego. They have to find him!

Back at the waterfall, Silvana is begging Diego to leave this place with her and marry her tomorrow as planned. If he wants, they can divorce later. (I’m sorry, but isn’t that bigamy? He at least has to divorce Azul now that he knows that she’s alive. It would make divorcing Silvana unnecessary in any event since the marriage wouldn’t be legally or ecclesiastically valid.)

Inside the house, Azulcena is crying some more and LF is trying to comfort her some more. Mama proffers tea and tells her to calm down for her baby’s sake. LF tells her that he will do everything he can to keep Diego away from her. Azulcena repeats the lie that Silvana told her about Diego causing the accident that left her in this state and says what a jerk he is for bringing his lover with him to try to see her. LF says that Diego and Silvana deserve each other but her father is a good man, she should at least see him. Azulcena rejects this and brings up the newspaper article that showed that he travelled out of the country right after she went missing.

At the boutique, Julio and Gaspar are wondering what to do. Julio says he knows what HE’s going to do. Now that he’s seen the full horror of Silvana, he’s going to tell Diego the truth about her. In fact, he’s going to tell the whole world how she got to be the famous model she is. Gaspar wants to know, he’s dying to know the dark secret of Silvana. Julio says that she slept her way to the top. She slept with anybody who would help her, the head of the modeling agency, photographers, and reporters. Even Bruno! Gaspar shrieks that he can’t take so many revelations in one day and feigns a dizzy spell. Julio doesn’t buy it which makes Gaspar over-act even more.

Diego has arrive home, looking terrible from the fight and moving like Frankenstein's monster. Silvana tries to speak for him saying that he saw Azul and she’s happy where she is. Clemi tells her to shut up. Ceci tries to ask Diego what happened, if Azul recognized him. Diego tells her that Azul didn’t want to see him. Ceci says “she did the same thing to me.” Diego interrupts her and repeats what we’ve heard a million times now, that Azul is in love with LF, that she’s pregnant with his baby, blah blah. Clemi argues that Diego is her husband. “Officially,” says Diego, I am her widower. She was declared dead.” “Yes, says Clemi, but when you show that she’s alive…” Diego says that he will do no such thing. If Azul is happy as Azucena, he will not ask for his rights to claim her as his wife. Diego stares straight ahead. Silvana looks relieved. Everybody else is left open mouthed.


Thank you, Margaret. So, what is wrong with Luis Felipe. Isn't he a doctor, which means he's educated. He now knows Azucena-Azul is married to someone else - the famous Diego Moran, and he is still trying to keep her away from Diego. Azul can't remember her past, but she sure has locked onto the lies she's been told in the present.

And, are we going to have weddings without divorces? Ok - so what's a little bigamy. That isn't going to bother Silvana since her thoughts are not of this world and it's laws and order but from some other parallel universe she has created and convinced otherwise intelligent people that it exists.

The only sensible person is Ceci. Who'd a thought that? If I could only understand what she says!

From lower Ala

Just when i thought all was calm i nearly threw my remote threw the window! What is it gonna take to get Azul right in the head! And women expecting cant ride horses u think a docter would know that! I say drop Caty off at the ranch and leave her there! theres four hours left so im guessing the goodness will come probley after the next hour!
Wonderful recap!

Many thanks for another great recap, Margaret, and for sticking with this to the end. Like you, I mostly enjoyed Amar because it was not the same ol', same ol'. I liked the twists and the willingness to tackle more controversial themes. I think that in the end the writers just couldn't decide what kind of novela this was to be -- spy drama, murder mystery, edgy social commentary, not to mention, a dewy love story. It eventually just went off the track with endless characters coming and going and incomplete, innane plotlines. And I can't even find words for the lame post-ending.

Last night's episode was ridiculous. LuisFe was acting almost as nutty as Silvana. I'm also wondering how they're going to sweep the bigamy issue under the rug. And when is someone going to tell GSD and Arnie that Azul is, you know, not dead!

I thought about the LF position too. Yeah, he's a doctor, but he's smitten with Azul. We already know that he has put his ethics aside for her because even when she was more clearly a patient than a girlfriend, he succumbs to her charms. Legally, we would call her "a vulnerable adult" with her head injury and all. Mario was right, he could go to the slammer for this. When GSD finds out, he's not going to be happy and he would have standing to press charges.

On the other hand, Azul may appear to him to be a woman in a domestic abuse situation. She appears frightened of Diego and she believes that he tried to have her killed. If he assumes this, The RIGHT thing to do would be to get her a lawyer to handle a divorce and a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order), not urge her on to commit bigamy and live with a fraudulent ID. She doesn't even have a last name, for pete's sake, how are they going to fill out the marraige forms?

Margaret, thanks for the detailed recap--you certainly have the patience of a saint. This episode would try anyone's patience.

I personally got a big laugh when Diego was caught mooning over the dress form. Otherwise, complete torture.

Why do you suppose Sylvana said to Diego that he could divorce her later if he wanted? I knew she was insane, but what else am I missing? I haven't been watching this novela, so I'm not up on all the twists & turns. Does she just want Diego's name for the baby (what baby?)?

My guess is silvana said he can divorce her later, so he would not feel trapped into an unhappy marriage. He would marry her to save her rep and then divorce her. She would be more likely to get him t o do this, IF HE THINKS, he can divorce her right afterwards.

That was my thinking...on her raising the possibility of divorce. The scene was played with Diego in stony silence totally not paying attention to Silvana's babblings while Silvana seemed to be trying to negotiate.

As for the lack of baby, I don't think she's thought that far ahead. The plan was to kidnap Azul's baby. With LF back in the picture, it seems unlikely. Maybe Silvana figures that once they are man and wife she can guilt him or drug him into having sex with her and then pretending that the baby is overdue. It's a variation on a common telenovela theme.

Thank you so much for the recaps. It is awesome. I agree the novela had a different plot with the virus, research and spies, but then they had to kill it with the same old, lost memory and lost her mind. I actually cannot wait to see tomorrow's episode, but at the same I cannot wait till it ends.

Add me to the list of this has gone on way too long and fallen into clicheville. I've read that the novela following it is anywhere from 180 episodes to 258 with like 50 having been tacked on. One hopes it is good because lately these things are getting on my nerves.

Margaret, thanks for your great recap. I'm glad to know you'll be coming over to the Pasión team.

What is this drug that can cause a man to have sex without his knowing it. Viagra, not! I know Edith Gonzalez (what was her name) did it to Cesar Evora in Mundo de Fieras, but is this really (physically) possible? I'm thinking more along the lines of LSD (remember that stuff?)

And are we all hoping that if Azul catches sight of Caty, she will remember everything? Isn't the mysterious bond of true motherhood one of the principal tenets of the telenovela?--Agnes

Yay, Margaret, you stuck it out!

I had to go back and rewatch Ceci slapping Slvana a couple of times. That was the highlight of my evening, sadly. I was glad to see that LF finally stuck up for his new "friend" Dr. Toscano, but WHY, WHY, WHY did he never say "My dear little amnesiac, they thought you were DEAD." She's so stuck in her righteous indignation and he's just letting her stay there, believing things that he knows aren't true. He just seems like a bigger jerk every day--good thing Ceci ended up with Mario instead.

Thanks Margaret for hanging in there. I am getting dizzy. Enough already. Agnes, if you saw Alborada you probably remember that Hippolita had amnesia which disappeared the second that she saw her little boy, so maybe you're right about Caty being the key to Azul's memory. Then, she can go back to being a spoiled princess. Question: If Valentino [Diego]is galan material, when will Marcelo Cordoba [Annndresss] get his chance to be the galan...he definitely has the right stuff. I thought that Diego was going to kiss [or worse] the sewing manneqin.

Jay, home come yousaid you can't wait till tomorrow? Isn't Amar on tonight (tuesday)???

Also Caty isn't Azuls?? Is she. Someone is saying that being her mother and seeing her, could bring her out of amnesia???? Caty's father killed her mother, when he threw the car overboard with the mother and silvana's child????? That was what I thought and that Azul became the mom when she got married.

Also, when i started these novelas, it was because i was learning spanish and I was told they only last for 4-6 months each. Each one I watched ran longer (ie. la fea, destilando and now this one. I am not sure if Mundo de fieros was longer. Eventually they will be like the american soaps. They don't end.

I think the Caty idea is probably the route we are taking too. Remember the bracelet? Given that Azul has been shedding her past but not the bracelet that's the key I bet.

And yes, Caty isn't her natural child but her devotion to Caty has been very strong. She was willing to stick it out with Mo and deny Diego all because of Caty.

Unless Azul gets another bump on her head and comes back to "normal," seeing Caty is the only possibility to turn her around. The poor moppet- is she in for another trauma until Azul comes to herself?

It's just amazing how this is being drawn out.

Hola -I haven't watched too much of this show, but I like the novela endings because usually many things are happening.

I have this for you to ponder though, that it's sadly amusing when I see people from the US advocating reliance on the legal system in certain foreign lands. The US is pretty lucky in terms of options that everyday citizens have, and accesibility to legal representives (though still prohibitive for many).

Even as an educated doctor, given that they are in Mexico, in el campo, there's effectively no such thing as a TRO, and people really can "dissappear" much more easily in Mexico than the US, identity is relative. "Tia Consuelo, do you recognize this young man as the son of your sister's husband's cousin? So be it." Even people from the US "disappear" in Mexico easily. DIfferent, but still.

Even if they were somehow able to get something that puports to be the Mexican equivalent of a TRO in the US, in practicality there would be no way to enforce it. There barely is in the US!

So, from this persepctive I say Luis Felipe is probably doing what he thinks is best given the circumstances. The potential bigamy is the thing that will get to them somehow though, especially if there were or will be any church weddings because it is a sin to be unioned with two people in the eyes of God, even if one of them is supposedly bad to you.

This is something way more important here to the culture than any government convention. Oh, this and that Azul not sleep with another man while she's still Diego's wife. No way that's going to happen.

I have to weigh in on someone who was so happy to see Ceci slap Silvana. Way-to-go!! Of course I was immediately expecting Silvana to kidnap Ceci to keep her secret (ala typical novela fashion). I was completely surprised to see Silvana again slightly spill the beans. I just want to know how come everyone is dumb enough to continue to believe a portion of her lies. I just don't get it. If Silvana says it, it must be true? Anxiously awaiting the end....

I agree that TROs aren't enough for some domestic abuse victims to stay safe even in the US. There have been some spectacular cases of failure in the city where I live. But even if you don't believe that they will keep someone away from you, your best bet is to get one so that you can get a paper trail going against the abuser. Otherwise you have no documentation at all to use if you need it.

I suggested that this was the right approach for LF to take, to use the law to get Azulcena her rights, not to cooperate with her essentially becoming invisible. It puts her in a more precarious position, really, completely dependent upon LF. This is a key difference between the old Azul and the new Azucena. We had a spirited young career woman, not always the sharpest tool in the shed but fiercely independent nonetheless. After the knock on the head, she's this ditzy chick who gloms onto LF, then Silvana, then LF again and wants somebody to take care of her.

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