Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fuego, Wed., May 28: In which Thong Boy Has Indian Underwear: It's definitely creeping up the trail!

Buenas noches a todos. This telenovela really reminds me of the short play by Federico García Lorca called “Bodas de Sangre” and his other work called “La Casa de Bernarda Alba.” The producer and director must be huge Lorca fans.

And the intro is back…

So everyone of importance is standing around outside the hacienda watching the singing duo wrap-up their gig. Then the party-pooper, Gabby, comes out. She wants to know what’s going on, and who the girl (Rosario) is. Eva tells her that she invited her because they need to talk. “At these hours?” “Well, it’s the only time she could talk because of her job.” Gabby demands to know where this girl works. “I sing in a cantina” responds Rosario. Gabby doesn’t like the sound of that and tells Eva that she needs to talk to her. Gabby tells Rosario and the others to go away. Eva plans on finding Rosario later. Rosario then sees Franco and asks him why he is giving a serenade. Then Fernie gets territorial and starts throwing around some fightin’ words. Oscar intervenes and tells Franco that it’s time to go home.

Good ol’ Gramps comes in to see Sarita, who is holding some guy’s hat, crying, and writing a letter that she proceeds to crumple-up. He breaks something on his way in. Gramps tells Sarita that she should be happy that Franco made a move by singing to her. She says that it doesn’t matter because Rosario came looking for him. “You’re just like your mother, never happy until you find the black spot on a rose.” So true. He assures her that she must forget about what she saw and continue to love him; for all we know Gabby will run him and his brothers out of the hacienda tomorrow. She doesn’t say anything. Gee, if this girl were Rubí she’d be all over Gramps’ proposition!

“That loose woman had no right to come to my house” says Gabby to Eva in the study. “Yes she did. I believe that she is my daughter, and unless you tell me otherwise I will continue to get close to her.” Again, Gabby doesn’t like this idea.

Fernie snatches Sofia in the hallway. Sofia is tired and Fernie says that he has saved up a ton of energy. He tries to drag her into his bed, but she yells. Then Sarita and Gramps save her from being raped again. Fernie is mad that Gramps intervened and tells him to mind his own beeswax. Gramps says that Sofia is his granddaughter and he is going to protect her from Fernie; Fernie stomps out.

Gabby tells Eva that she can’t say anything because she promised Rosario’s family that she would never tell Eva anything. “Well, I’ll just have to keep getting close to her then. And soon I will leave this house. But before I do, I’m going to tell your daughters everything.” Gabby fakes another headache/diabetic stroke.
In walks Fernie, mad because he isn’t getting any. He’s mad because Gramps didn’t let him rape his granddaughter. “And not only is he bothering me, but he also put Jimena and Sarita against me! I’m leaving this joint.” “No no no no no! Don’t leave, we need you, we need you, who else will believe my lies and make me feel like I have all the control that I imagine having? Who?” Fernie will stay, but with conditions of course; Gramps has gotta go! Gabby thinks it over as if she had never thought of this idea before.
Sarita is worried about Sofia because she has never seen Fernie act up so much. She wants to know what Sofia did to him. Sofia tells her that she didn’t want to sleep with him. “But doesn’t he have a right to do so?” asks Sarita. “No, he doesn’t have any rights because I don’t love him.” I’m in love with Juan, blah, blah, we’ve heard this all before, blah, blah. “You’re in love with Franco, aren’t you?” Sarita sobs and the two hug.

So the boys are talking in their bedroom. Oscar has his usual get-up of the leather thong wardrobe and Franco and Juan are in their boxers (thank God two of them know how to dress the part). Can I make a cultural connection? Laborers everywhere in this world usually want to be comfortable, whether at work, in the bathroom with their two other brothers, or in bed at night. That said, it is by no means comfortable for any man to wear a tight thong on a hot night when all he wants to do is sleep in the presence of his two adult brothers. And, I know that traditional Mexican bread makers turned bricklayers and songwriters would never wear a thong. Anyway, thong boy and Franco are laughing about how mad Gabby got when she saw them there singing. They laugh. “HA HA HA HA!” says Juan 1 in a donkey-like voice. “How funny will it be when we don’t have work tomorrow?” says Juan 3. “Funnyboys.”

Jimena has asked Benito for a huge favor. What? We don’t know.

Gabby is out at the construction site demanding an excuse that leaves no room for doubt or denial. Oh my God. It looks as if thong boy is either peeing on the brick wall like Adam Sandler, or, dare I say, touching himself as he thinks about Jimena. Either way Gabby wants to know who conducted the serenade for Sarita. Then in walks Benito. He interrupts Gabby and apologizes for having the boys sing to Sarita. Suddenly, Gabby goes from the fierce, angry dictator to the delighted and blushing gentile dame.
Captain Napoleon is in full uniform and spying on today’s construction activity. “No, Benito, not a problem! What a beautiful detail, and just for doing that I’m inviting you to eat with us. What a gentleman you are!” Jimena then asks Benito to go ride horses with her; he concedes.

Gabby goes inside and talks to her dad. He wants to know why Benito is eating with them. She responds that he is a gentleman (blah, blah, blah) and that she wants to marry Benito and Jimena. “You never think about what the girls actually want, and you simply act according to your wants.” She denies this and says that she loves her girls, and that they are her life. “Don’t talk to me about love; you never had love in your heart. Instead of a heart all you have is a stone.” “Don’t talk to me about love, you never loved my mother and you were always out with other women.” “But it is never too late to repent. I did, and you can do it with Eva.” “What does Eva have to do with any of this?” “She told me the truth, about how you gave her daughter away. I promised her that I would find her daughter and reunite the two, and that’s exactly what I’ll do! I will win this battle” he says as he wheels away. The dramatic music plays as Gabby has a worried face.

Eva comes up on Rosario and her assistant on some random road. She wants to talk to Rosario, but Rosario has too many problems and she is sure that nothing Eva has to say will interest her. “Ok? Bye” Eva smiles, kinda.
Juan tells Oscar and Franco that he is sure that Sarita saved Franco by having Benito tell Gabby it was he who sent Franco to sing. It’s sort of remarkable that Franco grasps this concept, but either way he likes it and starts to sing.

Sarita and Benito are riding together and she wants to know why he is so quite. She also wants to know if he would be willing to get married without loving someone. Then she asks him to marry her. He doesn’t know. He’s kinda shy, and not as strong as his brother. He doesn’t want to sacrifice real love either.

Jimena wakes up from her hang-over sleep thing she was in. Sofia tells her that mom is upset and then proceeds to fill her in on last night’s festivities, if you can call them that.

Rosario is taken by surprise as a raging Fernie comes into her changing room. “How dare you come to my house and disgrace me like that.” She screams and her assistant intervenes, only to smacked a good one by Fernie. He throws that woman out of the room and bends Rosario over the chair. He takes his belt off and proceeds to hit Rosario.

Gabby walks in on Sofia and Jimena. “Get out of here” says Gabby to Sofia. “But mom, she’s sick.” “Yeah, well she deserves this, and more!” “Now get out!” Jimena is curled up like an injured animal in a small corner as Gabby’s unyielding eyes look upon Jimena.

Fernie hates to punish Rosario, but he has to so that she will behave. Too bad his whiping sound effects have no real affect on Rosario.

Sofia is about to go out, probably to look for Juan, when Eva stops her. “Be careful, there are lots of eyes in this hacienda.”

Juan sees Sofia, pushes Franco aside, who wasn’t even in the way, and jumps the brick wall to go meet her.

“All the time you are disobeying me” says Gabby, “and it isn’t helping my health. Therefore you need an exemplary punishment. I will show you for once and for all that I am the one who rules in this house. Gabby is locking Jimena in her room, and she will only be allowed to come out when Octavio, who has no romantic interest in her, comes to visit. “But I need to get out, breathe, see people, walk around, etc.” “Well, you should have thought about that before all your little displays of rebel-ness.” Jimena begs at Gabby’s feet. “Hey, I said you could come out when Octavio comes by.” “But I can’t stand him, don’t make me, please.” “Fine, I will respect your decisions. You will stay locked up for life.” Jimena cries.

At least someone around here is having a good time. Juan and Sofia have taken the afternoon off and decide to frolic and play in the beautiful Mexican countryside. They kiss a lot, lie around a lot, and kiss some more, all the time surrounded by lush forests and beautiful waterfalls. ¡Qué bien!
Gabby is in the office thinking. In walks Fernie. “Everything’s ready to take him away immediately.” “Perfect. Sofia and Sarita are out of the house, and Jimena is locked up.” Fernie leaves smiling and Gabby smiles too.” Uh oh!

Gramps comes into the house, throws around a few flirtatious remarks with the maid, and asks Fernie why it’s taking him so long to take him into town. Fernie feeds him some line of bull about how much fun they are going to have, and poor Gramps gets excited. Fernie remarks that they may come back late…
Gabby is standing by and says “Go and enjoy your stay in the old folks’ home because you will stay there for the rest of your life. I finally got rid of you.”

Juan and Sofia are kissing. Juan says that her kisses make him drunk and how much he loves her. She loves him too and has never been so happy. “Please don’t ever leave me” pleads Sofia. “Don’t be stupid” he says, except in an offensive way and she reproaches him for it. He then words the same remark in a nicer way. She laughs and says ‘I love you,’ he asks her to say it louder, she does, then he roars ‘I love you,’ just like in his Rodrigo days. They are certainly hopeless romantics.

So the men load Gramps into the truck. What a shame that Gramps is so excited. They are so mean…

Juan and Sofia are sitting together on a rock over a waterfall. Maybe Libia will float on by. Oh, wait, they found her. I’m so bad. It doesn’t really matter what they are saying because we have heard the same story from either them, or some other by-standard in nearly every episode. But, the new thing would be Juan insinuating that Gabby is lying about her *cough* illness. Sofia is so naïve and disregards his remark because she knows that her mother is pure in soul and would never lie or commit such an injustice.

Back at the hacienda Gabby feigns another diabetic stroke. She tells the maid that she’s going to lie down and she doesn’t want anyone to bother her.

Jimena, on the other hand, is full of energy and roaring to break out. She wonders why no one has come to rescue her in the two hours she has been locked up. Would that be because no one knows, or no one cares? Jimena grabs the poster board that conveniently rests on her armoire and takes a lip-stick in her hand. I bet that she is going to make an S.O.S. sign…

Fernie is driving Gramps as Gramps talks about all the things that he is excited to buy. Gramps makes the statement that he ran out of supplies for his maps and the Bernardo Elizondo death investigation, which reminds him that he still needs to collect details from Fernie. “And by the way, why is this taking so long?” asks a discursive Gramps. “Don’t worry Gramps, where we’re going, you’ll have plenty of time to investigate. PLENTY!”

Rosario’s assistant is rubbing alcohol on her wounds. Rosario can’t stand the pain but she mutters that she will get back at Fernie one day.

Sarita and Benito end their riding day right in front of the construction site. Then plays the song “Estos Celos” by Vicente Fernández. Did I mention that I have his “Para Siempre” CD and that I love it, and listen to it practically every day in my car? Anyway, “celos” is definitely what Franco is feeling as he watches this new couple. Frankly I don’t see why he’s so affected if he’s the one who likes to get fresh with Rosario. Franco sends the wheel barrow rolling into the brick wall. Wow, it actually didn’t fall down. I guess when you build the same brick wall two times it gets sturdier.

Eva goes to look for Gramps in his, might I say, old room. Fatima (the maid) tells Eva that Gramps went into town. Eva smells a rat and wants to talk to Gabby, the big rat (not to be confused with Mickey Mouse), but discovers that she can’t because she explicitly left instructions that no one was to disturb her. She’s probably painting, and you know how she is when they interrupt her painting time…

Gramps is still in the car with Fernie. He says he doesn’t have anything to pay Fernie with, so he gives him his watch. Uh oh, Gramps realizes that they aren’t going into town. He asks where they are going and Fenie laughs…

I’m not even going to bother typing the conversation between Oscar and Franco. Just know that they are saying the same thing as always, and in doesn’t even really make sense.

Then Oscar sees Jimena and she holds up her sign which says “they have me locked up, help!” He motions to her a plan, which no one really understands, and she smiles.

Sarita thanks Benito for helping her out with the serenade and wants to know if they can be friends. Gee, she hardly knows the guy and asks him for marriage, and now that she kinda knows him, she just wants to be friends. What a confused girl.
Eva asks Sarita if she knew that Gramps left. Sarita is shocked by this news and they know that it can’t be good.

Gramps now realizes where Fernie is taking him. He struggles with Fernie at the wheel, who says that the whole thing was Gabby’s idea, and that he just follows orders (yeah, right). Gramps demands to turn back, but Fernie refuses. Gramps then unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the door. He is about to jump!!! Fernie convinces him to shut the door and he does it. That was almost a really cool scene…

Juan and Sofia are kissing in the hacienda stables. It’s a really long kiss…

Benito’s brother shows up and wants everyone to go into town. Sarita goes to get Jimena and discovers that mother locked her up. The girls yell and Gabby gets mad because she can’t sleep. Eva fills her in that Benito and Octavio want to take the girls into town. Gabby gets all giddy and is delighted to let the girls go.
Sofia is talking to one of the stable hands about how much they love Don Bernardo. They both miss him. He asks where they took Gramps. Sofia doesn’t know about this and looks worried.
Fernie has Gramps all unloaded and the asylum men take Gramps into custody. He sees the doctor that lied for Gabby and everything makes sense to him.

The three Reyes bros. see the double -daters go off to town and they all are jealous.

Eva and Sofia are worried that Gramps never told anyone where he was going, and it seems pretty weird that he went voluntarily with Fernie. Sofia goes to talk to her mom.

Gramps is talking with the asylum boss, or more politically correct, the activities coordinator, about life in the ‘slammer.’ The ‘doctor’ tries to tell him how much fun it will be, what with the nuns, and the other ‘guests.’ He also tells Gramps that Gabby ordered Gramps to be there, and there is nothing he can do about it. Gramps starts to cry.

Gabby tells Sofia that she put Gramps in the asylum. Sofia asks why she did it without consulting anyone else. What a silly question; didn’t she know that Gabby is the one who makes all of the binding decisions? Sofia says that she is going to find her Gramps. Gabby says that she won’t allow him to live in her house. Sofia counters that she won’t come back. “You are so much like your father. Every time you can, you find a way to defy me. If you get your grandfather and come back, you will be dead to me, so don’t come back if you leave.” Gabby walks up the stairs as if she just won the argument, but Sofia walks defiantly out the door. Gabby walks down the stairs and says that Sofia is dead to her, and closes the doors.

Sofia runs to Juan and asks him to take her with him. He says that they will go far away. Does this mean that they won’t be looking for Gramps?

Tomorrow: Gabby announces to the family that Sofia left the hacienda. Fernie says that she will pay for this. We see Juan and another guy fighting in the pouring-down rain as Fernie fires a gunshot and Juan falls into the lake. Sofia goes in after Juan. Melinama, looks like you have a good night tomorrow!

Also, did anyone know about the BBC drama called “Wire in the Blood?” It looks interesting, much more interesting than “Fire in the Blood!” Maybe not… Check it out:


Nicolás, thanks for the recap, and so quick, too.

I believe you about the underwear, but I think Jorge is enjoying it. He's starred in that musical, "Solo para Mujeres," which is Mexican kin to "The Full Monty."

I was pretty surprised when Sofía attributed so many sterling qualities to her mother in front of Juan. I guess she's in denial, despite her often decent instinct.

As for the previews, I can't stand the thought of Fernando shooting Juan. Oh, no; that is going to put Juan out of business and separate them for a long time. I hope Sofía and Juan do the deed ahead of that and get pregnant.

Poor gramps; maybe Sofía can rescue him.

Nicolás, Thanks for another enjoyable recap. We had high winds again in New Mexico tonight so I missed the whole middle of the show, but no matter, not too much happened and it came back on just in time for me to see Gramps trying to jump out of the car. I loved that bit too.

I looked at the Wire in the Blood site but didn't see much of a connection but I hope you saw or will see the Youtube reference I put in the other day. Look for Parodia's Fuego en la Sangre part I. It is so hysterically funny and has a guy playing the Juan role that looks hauntingly like John Belushi.

Thanks for the Lorca comparisons too.

Nicolas: Great recap. Thanks.

Nicolas thanks for the quick and witty way you managed last night's recap. --Well, dare we imagine Sofia's impression of El Castillito Robles Reyes? I suppose they'll move her into Libia's cotted closet.....

Poor gramps!
Sofia standing in the door when she was walking out looked like a moment from the sound of music.
Things are starting to become clear for me,
I saw clips on Hoy awhile back for whats to come in tonights episode and so on for..... well i dont know how many episodes I guess i'll have to wait.
great recap

Cheryl New Mex: OMG...the parody is hysterical!!! Thanks for the link.

Cheryl: that video is hilarious. It says/depicts everything I think about this telenovela perfectly! Too funny!

The show La Parodia is a regular show in Mexico. The actress who played Letty was a regular.The guy who does the part of Juan is probably the best one on there now.Angelica Vale did a great Veronica Castro impression.Caray posters should always check for their fav telanovella.I think that Oscar favors the little speedo type briefs that have been a staple in Mexico forever.

When Crabi mentioned the circo last night, it hit me. To work on the show one must have attended clown school not writing school.

G in CA

Ha ha! I switched with Melinama this week, so the pleasure of tonight will be MINE, all mine!! Bwahahahaha!!!!


So. Once again, thank you for a recap that confirmed that I really did see what I think I saw; a grown woman getting whipped by someone who isn't even her boyfriend. Ay yi freakin' yi.

So did anyone else think, thanks to the snappy-camera clicky noises and frame-pauses, that someone was spying on Juan and Sofia and taking pictures as they frolicked?

My fault for thinking that the (apparently) randomly-chosen visual and audio effects were actually supposed to mean something. Feh.

Thank you for the very funny recap, Nicolas.

G in CA

My flippant comment about the boyfriend-whipping was meant in terms of, er, recreational whipping, not domestic abuse. Sorry if that wasn't clear. :-(

I think Oscar romping around in his skivvies (spelling?)is hilarious. Sort of payback for all the times we women have had to sit through scenes showing women cavorting in less. That never made sense to me. Payback can be a b****. LOL.

Nice recap Nico. BTW I heard Para Siempre on the radio yesterday for the first time. Naturally it reminded me of Oscar and his unmentionables.

Thanks so much for the recap, Nicolás. I missed the last few minutes so I really appreciated the update. Poor gramps. I do hope Sofia does rescue him.

Regarding "Wire in the Blood," I remember the series being OK but I like Robison Green in "Touching Evil" better. He's a great actor! But both series are serious dramas almost a completely different world from our novela.

Yeah, I know that "Wire in the Blood" is nothing like FELS, but I think it's funny that the titles are similar, sorta...

And Julie, you are so funny! But don't worry, I won't be reporting you to the battered women's shelter!

Nicolás - hilarious title!

Thanks Nick. I missed all but the last 5 minutes. Loved your title and the references to Lorca too.
The grand exit by opening both doors as she ran away from home would have more impact if she made up her mind about why she's finally leaving home, to find abused elder and be with the man she loves OR because moma is crazy alba-tross.

Julie, I knew what you meant! But I'm also glad you made it clear.

Now if the writers will move into murder attempts mano a mano as the previews suggest, they can give up the victimization of Rosario.

Thanks, Nicolas. Oscar in his speedo is getting really old for me....Basta ! If they must show someone in a speedo, let it be Mighty Joe Juan. The previews showed Juan shot and falling into the water...YIKES !!! I didn't see the part where Sofia jumps in after him. And when Ferd was whipping Rosario , she was muy forte...very stoic...she barely flinched ..just sniffled a bit. Ferd needs to get a smackdown by someone his own Juan. And I'm hoping that Abuelo drives his keepers crazy....he could do it...even without his costumes. [I will miss seeing him in his devil costume, pointing his arrowlike tail at everyone.] By the way, I kind of like The Tall Tweedle who played the n'er-do-well son of the good twin on Mundo de Fieras[Benito?], but who was he kissing on Tuesday night's episode ??? And who was the other guy talking to Piglet ???....another Tweedle brother ??? Are these guys going to play a pivotal part in this story ???Well, let's hope that things start moving along now.

OT if I may? Since so many of you are travelers. Favorite web site for traveler supplies? Money belts, etc? Thanx. e-mail me off-list if you'd prefer;

Did anyone notice Sarita writing with a quill? They have SUB's but no pens? And where are all the phones?

Sorry I meant SUV's.

Great title, Nicolas, for a great recap. We appreciate you making sense of the senseless or confirming to us that it doesn't make sense.
I'm pulling for Gramps to make life miserable for his keepers in the "prison".
La Paloma

I noticed Sarita writing with the quill twice now. I hope it is because she is supposed to be "poetic." Oy --this show is ridiculous. But I keep watching --fascinated. It is like being at the scene of an accident...If Eduardo Yanez wins the prize as best actor in a telenovela next year --as he has for the past two--we will all know there is something rotten in the state of Univisaland. I cannot begin to understand why he agreed to do this part, unless he was not presented with a full script.

Sarita is going from her mother's automaton and family intellectual to a frisky, manipulative
female. That Franco --he certainly does have HIDDEN charms. NJ Sue

"If Eduardo Yanez wins the prize as best actor in a telenovela next year --as he has for the past two--we will all know there is something rotten in the state of Univisaland. I cannot begin to understand why he agreed to do this part, unless he was not presented with a full script."

Julie: I read you loud and clear. No misunderstanding.
I'm left wondering what Juan will think if that silly concha is sitting there a week later on Libia's grave???
I would not have frozen in front of Sophia and Gabi et al. I would have screamed the truth to anyone who would listen and dared them to find my son and bring him back to me and forced the seed of doubt to be planted and to sprout at least, but this is telenovela land where cardboard cut-out Sophia believes her mother is an angel who sits on the right hand of God and Rosario takes a belt-buckle beating with barely a whimper and submits without even wincing.

Mad buns/susanlynn: Tall Tweedle was kissing his one true love, the maid/servant at his uncle's estate there where he and Short Tweedle are visiting. Short Tweedle's gay and that was HIS one true love he was telling Crabiella's plans to. Don't let him see Oscar in his thong or all bets are off!

Thanks, Calamity Cakes, for the explanation of that scene from Tuesday's episode. ***That certainly puts a whole new spin on Crabiella's plans for the Tweedles, n'est-ce pas ???? And, I agree with you...Piglet seeing Oscar in his speedo could take this show down a different path.

Mad buns/susanlynn: It certainly would and I would be most thankful for anything to liven things up a bit. Methinks an Oscar-Small Tweedle-Small Tweedle Lover triangle would fit the bill!

Calamity Cakes: "I'm left wondering what Juan will think if that silly concha is sitting there a week later on Libia's grave???"

On the other hand... what will he think if it's gone??

I can't believe that Jimena let her Mother lock her in her room. What is she 15? Come on Jimena you are a grown woman and you can't tell your Mom that you are going out with a man.

If Sofia moves into Casa Reyes after she leaves the hacienda, she certainly doesn't want to run into Oscar in his skivvies at night. Hopefully, we'll be spared of any more thongs, speedos, whatever...can't believe I'm worried about skivvies instead of the plot.

Who left the lit candle on Livia's grave? Juan didn't seem a bit fazed when he brought her some bread.The theology of the show has me scratching my head.

Hoh boy. An episodio filled with nekkid non-sex and Juan wondering if Sofia minded his bad breath ¿o qué?

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