Thursday, May 15, 2008

La Traición, Wed., May 14- Hugo spends quality time with his brother and Aurora's blood doesn't have the good stuff

Hugo and Alcides in the treasure vault.
H: I feel a little dizzy. What place is this? Where did you bring me?
A: You are safe.
H: I was safe. Now with you, I’m not sure.
Alcides laughs. Don’t be ungrateful, little brother. I saved you from the investors who wanted to lynch you. What did you do that they all want to kill you?
H: Why ask if you already know the answer?
Alcides shrugs. Why do you say that?
H: Because I’m completely sure that you were watching me before your reappearance. You must have had a plan in mind.
A: You had fainted in Soledad’s room and the police told me that you had a catalepsy attack in jail.
H: Alcides, what is this place? Where is Soledad?

Manrique says that this must be the room where Soledad was hiding Hugo. After an awkward pause, Soledad asks the mob to search wherever they like. She doesn’t harbor fugitives. The men start searching. Antonia excuses herself. All of a sudden, Lucas has to assert his manhood. He orders everyone out of the house at gunpoint. Ester has a thought bubble that Hugo was just here. Where could he be? Omar suggests to Manrique that they leave. Antonia comes running in with the news that a judge is outside with a bunch of cops and they want to see Manrique. (I bet Alcides sent Hercu-Less for the police.) Lucas lowers his weapon.

At Rebeca’s, Paquito asks Rebeca and Eloisa to stop speculating and concentrate on what is important – Alcides. Rebeca won’t give up. She says that her husband was very astute. He probably had the perfect place for the treasure built. Paquito is exasperated. He asks what she wants – should they blow up every house to see if they contain this treasure? Eloisa laughs. Paquito tells Eloisa to talk to Alcides and try and get the information he wants. She says that she will try. Rebeca says that they can mock her all they want. She knew her dead husband very well.

At Dr. Max’s, Dr. Dan is knocking and demanding to be let in. Margot tells Dr. Max not to let him in. Arturo doesn’t want anyone to know about his accident. Dr. Max says that if he doesn’t let Dr. Dan in, he’ll break down the door. He tells her not to let him into the consultation room. Dr. Dan comes in and Max says to him that he didn’t want him around any more. Dr. Dan replies that he urgently needs to analyze a blood sample and wants to borrow Dr. Max’s equipment.

Hugo and Alcides:
H: Please answer me. How long has it been since you took me from Soledad’s house?
A: You had fainted when I found you.
H: Are we near her house?
A: (to himself) Not near, little brother. We’re under Soledad’s house! (aloud) Not that near. We’re in the middle of the forest. Well, not in the middle, in a place no one knows.
H: Alcides, why am I tied up? What are you going to do?
A: Don’t be afraid, Hugo. If I wanted to kill you, I would already have done it.
H: Then untie me.
A: I know your pride, Hugo. You’re capable of being an idiot and escaping. Then your friends the investors would string you up. How did you escape from jail? I’m sure Soledad must have told you how and who helped you?
Hugo doesn’t answer.
A: Soledad lied to me. She said she didn’t know where you were. Despite all you’ve done, she still cares about you. You’re one point ahead, brother.
H: No, I’m two points ahead. I saw the divorce papers and I found out that you renounced the paternity of my daughter. Now, she’ll officially be my daughter.

The judge tells Manrique that he has an army of police ready to shoot. Manrique says he’s been told about that but Hugo swindled him. He and his comrades are victims. The judge says that doesn’t give him the right to turn the city into a war zone. The judge goes on to say that they can file a denunciation in his office but let the law deal with Hugo de Medina. Manrique agrees and he and the mob leave. Soledad asks the judge how the charges filed by the investors would effect Hugo. The judge says that he will be charged with fraud. Lucas repeats the word, “Fraud?” The judge replies that an expert has confirmed that there is no gold in that mine. Lucas is impactado. He flashes back to giving all his money to Rebeca to invest in the mine. (Remember, Lucas, Hugo told you he didn’t want your money! You should have listened.) The judge asks the people assembled in Soledad’s house if any of them know where Hugo is hiding. No one answers.

Hugo and Alcides:
A: Hugo, no one forced me to sign those documents. You didn’t win that point. I gave it to you. I already told you that we are going to fight for Soledad’s love in a good, clean war. I released Soledad so she could decide what she wants.
H: (trying a little oneupmanship here.) Soledad kissed me. She kissed me and she helped me escape from the prison. What other proof do you need of her decision?
A: Don’t tempt me. Don’t make me take you back to prison. Unless you want another catalepsy attack.
H: (to himself) He doesn’t know that I am cured. (aloud) I need to get out of here, Alcides. I have to see Soledad. Let me out of here.
A: (he approaches Hugo) Little brother, I need you to be asleep.
He uses the Vulcan nerve pinch and Hugo falls over unconscious.
He says that he will take advantage of the shadows to get Hugo out of the vault. Alcides uncovers some of the treasure, “You are the last person I want to discover my secret.”

Lucas casually asks the judge if the all the investors in the mine lost their money. The judge says yes and advises that anyone who knows where Hugo is should advise him to turn himself in immediately. Michelle asks what if someone paid back the investors’ money? The judge says that would help a lot. Hugo’s servant, Boris would be released immediately. Ursula says, “Boris has been arrested?” (she cares!) Michelle asks what the judge meant by “would help.” Is there something else? The judge tells them about Marina’s attempted murder charge. Everyone is impactados. If Hugo is convicted of that crime, he will hang. Once again the judge urges anyone knowing Hugo’s whereabouts to inform the authorities. The judge leaves. Ursula asks Soledad about the charge. Soledad says it must be a misunderstanding. Michelle says that she was there (that’s not really true). It was an accident. Ester has to say that Hugo is capable of anything. Lucas tells her to shut up. Michelle says that they have to find Hugo. Soledad says they should go before it gets dark. They all go out.

Dr. Max says that he will let Dr. Dan use his equipment on two conditions: that he let Dr. Max see what he is doing and that he finish in half an hour. Dr. Dan accepts and gets to work. Margot asks what if Arturo wakes up. Dr. Max says that he won’t wake up in less than half an hour. He tells her to keep watch by the door. Dr. Max watches Dr. Dan get to work.

Soledad, Michelle, Lucas and Andres are wandering around looking for Hugo. Michelle says that it is as if the earth swallowed him up. Soledad says that Hugo was very weak. He couldn’t have gotten far on his own. Michelle asks what if someone helped him? But who???

Boris is lying down on his jail cell cot. A guard says that he has a visitor. “Marina?” he says hopefully but it’s Ursula. They smile at each other.

Marina has come to see Eloisa. Eloisa advises her to keep lying about her fall. Marina is concerned that Boris will testify that it was an accident. Eloisa assures her that Boris will keep his mouth shut. Hugo and Boris are in big trouble and aren’t in a position to make accusations. Marina, on the other hand, has a powerful ally who will make sure that Hugo ends up on the gallows. Marina asks if the ally is Eloisa but Eloisa says the less she knows the better.

Dr. Max asks Dr. Dan whose blood he is studying. Dr. Dan replies that it is a friend with a bad infection. Dr. Max says that it doesn’t have anything to do with catalepsy, does it? Dr. Dan says of course not. Dr. Max wants to look at the sample. He does and says that the blood is clean, like that of a child, maybe a girl child? Dr. Dan pretends that he is surprised that he can’t find anything in the blood of his friend with the infection.

Soledad and Michelle come back to the house to find Alcides sitting there. Soledad asks what he is doing there. He says that he has brought news about Hugo. Soledad says that the investors were here but she doesn’t know where Hugo is. Michelle says that Alcides is very stubborn. Alcides replies that Michelle is a liar. Hugo was saved from the lynch mob because Alcides took him out of Soledad’s bedroom. Soledad tries to continue with the pretense but Alcides says that he knows that she and Michelle fooled him earlier with their picnic. Soledad gives up the pretense. She steps toward Alcides and asks where he has taken Hugo. Alcides says that is what he likes, “face to face and no lies. I told you that I have changed but you have to believe in me.” Michelle asks where Hugo is. Alcides says that he is in a safe place. He had to be saved from the mob. He tells Soledad that he is doing all this for her to win her heart fair and square. Soledad says that if what he is saying is true, he should tell her where Hugo is.

Hugo wakes up in the Hacienda (where the mob didn’t take his bed, fortunately.) He looks around and wonders what happened. He calls Alcides and then Boris. No answer.

Boris is so happy when Ursula tells him that Hugo is cured of catalepsy. She says that he could hang though if convicted of the charges made by Marina. Boris wonders why Marina is continuing with this. It was an accident. Hugo didn’t push her. Ursula tells Boris how sorry she is that he lost his baby. He is a good man with a heart of gold and doesn’t deserve any of this. Ursula says that she has to go but she will ask Soledad to help get him out of this hell hole. Boris thanks Ursula very sweetly for coming. It meant so much to him. He was so lonely.

At Dr. Max’s, Arturo is waking up. Dr. Dan does not see good things in his microscope. He leaves.

Soledad asks Alcides again where Hugo is. Alcides asks Michelle to leave him alone with Soledad but Soledad refuses. Alcides tells her that he took Hugo to his house. Soledad says that she hopes that is true. Alcides says that from now on he hopes that Soledad will be honest with him. No more lies. He leaves. Soledad says that they have to go get Hugo. He needs them more than ever.

At the Hacienda, Hugo looks at his father’s portrait on the floor and says to himself that this is all his fault. His had his stupid Plan of Vengeance against Soledad and now he is paying for it. He wonders where Boris is. Behind him, Marina says, “Don Hugo.”

Soledad tells Michelle that they have to warn Hugo about what the judge said. She wants Michelle to come with her but she says that only Soledad can do this. Michelle says, “Who are you fooling, Soledad? You still love him. If he needs anyone in this moment, it’s you.” Soledad thanks Michelle and leaves. Alone, Michelle say that Hugo de Medina is not for her. He is yours, Soledad. He’s yours. Andres says that they haven’t found Hugo. He sees that she is crying and asks what is wrong. She says to prepare everything. They are leaving San Marino tomorrow.

Marina tells Hugo that nearly everyone is looking for him. How did he come back without anyone seeing? Hugo looks like he is going to pass out. He says that he can see that the mob was here. Marina says that they were looking for the money that Hugo stole from them in the mine. Hugo reaches out to Marina and asks her to help him. She refuses saying that she no longer works for him. He destroyed her life. Hugo says that she knows that isn’t true. He reaches out for her help again and says that he doesn’t feel well. She does nothing and Hugo falls to the floor. He says that he needs to go to his room. He doesn’t feel well. Marina says, “Boss, Boris isn’t here to help you. He’s in jail. And I don’t care if you die right now.” At this moment, Soledad arrives. She says that she is sorry for what happened to his house. Hugo says that things don’t matter if she is by his side. (Nobody’s concerned about what Marina is going to do?)

Alcides is meeting with Hercu-less (Alcides is eating again!) Herc says that he went to look for Arturo after he met Alcides in Hugo’s house but he couldn’t find him. Alcides says that Herc has a choice. He can work for him or be his enemy. Herc says that he takes orders from Arturo. Alcides says that Arturo is dead.

Arturo has come to. Dr. Max asks how he feels and tells him that his life was saved thanks to Margot. Otherwise he would have bled to death. Arturo flashes back to the gunpowder hut.

Michelle is in her hotel room. She flashes back to kissing Hugo and talking to Soledad. Dr. Dan asks what she is going to do. She replies that she is going to leave San Marino. She doesn’t what to hurt Soledad. Dr. Dan says that she can’t do that especially after the news he has.

Hugo’s back in his bed.
H: I feel a little dizzy. You’re here because you saw my brother Alcides? Did he tell you what he did?
S: Yes, he saved you from the investors. My God. What they did to your house. They’re savages.
H: Soledad, you claim that you don’t care about me. Then, why did you come? Why did you come here? Because you love me? Because you feel the same way I do. Because our lives are joined by love. That’s why you came. Because we can’t live without each other. Because we had a child together and no one can ever change that.

Michelle says that nothing Dr. Dan can tell her will change her mind. Dr. Dan asks why. Michelle says that she is in love with Hugo and she doesn’t want to hurt Soledad. He should have seen Soledad when Hugo disappeared from the house. Dr. Dan is confused. Michelle explains about the mob and what Alcides did to win Soledad’s trust. Then she asks where he has been. Dr. Dan says that Hugo authorized him to take a blood sample from Aurora. He went to Dr. Max’s lab to analyze it. Michelle begs him to tell her that Aurora has the good blood stuff for a cure. Dr. Dan has to report that she doesn’t have it. Aurora can’t be cured of catalepsy. There’s no point in looking for the flower. Since the baby doesn’t have the right blood stuff, she will die if they inject with the flower stuff. Michelle says that this is terrible news. Soledad won’t be able to take it. She asks if he is sure that there is nothing to be done. Dr. Dan says that no one would have liked to give Soledad the good news more than he would that they could save the life of her daughter. Michelle says all the more reason to leave if they can’t save her daughter.

Michelle tells Dr. Dan that she thought Soledad had stopped loving Hugo and was giving her an opportunity but it was a lie. Soledad still loves Hugo. Dr. Dan says no. Soledad told Michelle this because she needs her help to forget Hugo after what he did to her. They have to fight – she for Hugo and he for Soledad. He will devote every second of the rest of his life to finding a cure for Aurora. Dr. Dan says that Michelle is a courageous woman. She shouldn’t give up without a fight for what she wants. He says that when she looks back on this after several years how will she feel about giving up? “Like a coward,” answers Michelle, “who gave up the chance for love with a man who makes her tremble in every corner of her body when she sees him.

S: You and I will always be joined by the daughter we have. That is true but that doesn’t mean…
H: Before leaving your house, I saw the divorce papers from Alcides. I want to recognize Aurora officially as my daughter. Please.
S: Of course, you can do that. Aurora is your daughter. She is the product of the love that once existed between us. A passionate and profound love that we believed could conquer everything.
H: Do you remember the night we escaped from your birthday party? The night we made love for the first time?
S: (flashing back to that night) That was the most marvelous night in my entire life. You know why? Because that was the night our daughter was conceived.
H: Soledad, forgive me.
S: Hugo please, don’t make my suffering any worse.
H: Give me an opportunity to earn your forgiveness. I would give my life, my whole life to go back in time. Forgive me.
S: I’m sorry but I can’t. I can’t love you because my heart doesn’t have love in it anymore.

Alcides says to Hercu-Less that if he works for him, his life will be protected. Alcides asks if Herc agrees to work for him. Herc agrees. Alcides tells him that he wants him to be his ally and messenger. His first job is to find out about a flower called the Orchid Vivantes and the relation between that flower and catalepsy.

Arturo tells Margot that because Hercu-Less was with her in the river (I guess it wasn’t a pond. It looked like a pond, though, no current. If they go back there, I’m still calling it a pond. Pond sex is much better than river sex.) Arturo says to Dr. Max that he supposes that he knows who did this to Arturo. Without thinking whether Arturo wants to tell Margot, Dr. Max pipes right up and says that he feels guilty about telling Arturo that Alcides de Medina murdered his sister. Arturo tells Margot that he saved her life. He thanks her and says that he doesn’t want anyone to know he is alive so he wants to live in her house (presumably while he tries to take revenge on someone as dangerous as Alcides.) Stars in her eyes, Margot says, of course.

Eloisa tells Rebeca that she thinks Alcides will need her very soon. Has Rebeca heard that some men almost looted Soledad’s house? Rebeca hopes with all her heart that they find Hugo and get the investors’ money back. In comes Marina to report that Hugo is at the Hacienda. (Neither Hugo or Soledad were in any condition to stop Marina from leaving the Hacienda but Soledad might have warned Hugo that Marina would likely betray him)

H: Forgive me. You are a great woman. You are familiar with forgiveness. It’s ok. I won’t pressure you. Let time help us.
S: Time won’t help. Time heals a sick heart. But my heart is already dead
H: No, don’t say that.
S: Tell me. How can I forget the hell you put me through when you were pretending to be Alcides? All the harm you did to me?
H: Think of the happy times we had together, Soledad. Think of when we met, when we fell in love.
S: That’s part of my past. How can I forget all the nights I spent in the room next to yours, terrified, thinking that you would come and harm me because I believed that you were Alcides. How could you make me suffer for so long thinking that you were dead and that you had been buried alive?
H: I was selfish.
S: Selfish isn’t the word. You were my torturer. You saw me crying for months for you and it didn’t move you.
H: Forgive me. I beg you. Forgive me. I wanted vengeance. I wanted you to pay for the betrayal for which I believed you were responsible.
S: Hugo, don’t go on.
H: Soledad, now we know it was all a misunderstanding and I’ve been cured. I have a future. Very soon our daughter will be cured. (He kisses her hand.) We can be a family together, happy. Now, nothing can separate us. My future would be meaningless if I didn’t have your love. My life has no meaning if I can’t be with you, Soledad.
He kisses her.
S: This can’t happen.
H: Since you kissed me in your bedroom, I felt the need for another kiss.
S: I didn’t kiss you, Hugo. It was Michelle.

Speak of angels, in comes Michelle and Dr. Dan. Michelle says that Dr. Dan needs to speak to her. Michelle is alone with Hugo. She asks how he is feeling. He says that he is better. “Is it true what Soledad just told him?” he asks, “that we kissed?”

Dr. Dan takes a really long time to tell Soledad that Aurora doesn’t have the good blood stuff and her catalepsy can’t be cured. She is destrozada and embraces him.

Dr. Max is giving wound care instructions to Arturo. He’s already getting better because he snaps at Margot when she offers to help him walk. Dr. Max says that he won’t say a word to anyone about Arturo being alive. Oops, somebody left the door open. In comes Alcides. He obviously doesn’t have much faith in what Hercu-less can find out about the orchid so he come to see Dr. Max about it. He and Arturo are impactados. The credits roll.

Oh no! Ultimas semanas! Tomorrow- Hugo’s in jail but at least he won’t have a catalepsy attack!


Michell and Dan are about to luchar for their love. I wonder if they'll go to the dark side in the process. It's interesting to me, that in telenovelas people try to 'conquer' their love interest. The idea that you can make someone love you, strikes me as manipulative. The few telenovelas that I've seen all have incorporated that belief in at least some of the characters. They say they want an opportunity to prove their love so that the other person will then love them. Is this weak writers, culture, show biz?

I'm sure there are those of you out there who are far wiser and have much more experience and wisdom in this. I hope you will give some input...

I enjoyed yesterday's episode; left a comment under that post. Haven't seen this one yet, but looks like things will be interesting. How the heck can we be in Ultimas Semanas already?!?!?!

Hi Jb- I only have input from the novelas I've watched. Most of the main characters fall in love at first sight. But in LT we saw Hugo luchar for Soledad and make her fall in love with him as Alcides. Now, of course, it wasn't really fair since it was Hugo all the time but she didn't want to fall in love with Alcides. She didn't want to betray Hugo's memory but she had decided to do it when the real Alcides came back.

I could see Dani having a chance with enough time to convince Soledad that he loved her and he would respect her and they could be happy together. It wouldn't be her grand passion for Hugo but she could learn to love Dani.

Unless this kiss Hugo had with Michelle when he was nearly unconscious is going to have some big effect on him, which would be stupid but possible, I just don't see how Michelle can make any inroads on Hugo who is so desperately in love with Soledad and hasn't given up on her yet.

Ultimas semanas - I hoping but not optimistic that we would have a little longer but so it goes.

Kathy: Nice picture site. I don't think that is Soledad in her wedding dress. First, they probably haven't filmed that yet but it looks like the dress she has on in the scene in the credits where she runs up the stairs of the Hacienda to find Hugo and Eloisa together. They've just put some pearls in her hair. Most of the pictures on that site look like publicity stills for the novela. She will certainly have a veil when she gets married.

More later.

How much longer does "ultimas semanas" mean--about 4 weeks?

Re: Arturo vs. Alcides--it looks like the writers are setting it up for Arturo to get rid of Alcides, so that our hero Hugo doesn't have to get his hands dirty and will therefore be able to live happily ever after.

Maria Celeste: your post in yesterday's comments about the San Marino salon secret were hilarious. The idea of Alcides as John Paul Mitchell de Medina in Beverly Hills had me laughing out loud!

And, I agree that it might be cool to have a blog for Pasion de Gavilanes after LT is over--or maybe even now? I'm wondering about this Oscar/Jimena thing and have no where to discuss it (I guess I should try the Telenovela-World forum?). But like you said, it is hard when it's 2 hours a day...right now I only watch an hour a day and then the rest on the weekend.

I don't know for sure but I expect that the Ultimas Semanas thing is six to eight weeks. It seems like Victoria has been in Ultimas something for ages and it's still on. It can't be a coincidence that last night was episode 75. I think they would do at least 100, which would be 5 more weeks.

We don't have to recap Pasión de Gavilanes to blog it here. We could just have discussions. I can ask Melinama to set it up now if you want. I originally was just going to have discussion on LT but I got more and more into it and some people depend on the recaps because they don't get CC3 or are watching it online. I wouldn't mind having the opportunity to chat about PdG. I read the TW forum too but I like this blog format better.

Love the John Paul Mitchell de Medina product line. I'm sure it's the same water that enabled amnesiac Alcides to have perfectly combed and shiny long hair after being in a cave for four months after the explosion in the mine.

Somehow I don't believe Arturo will kill Alcides. I don't know what Alcides is going to do about finding Arturo alive in Dr. Max's lab.

How come Dr. Dan got to give the bad news about Aurora's catalepsy to Soledad in private? Doesn't Hugo have a right to know, too? Of course, if they are alone, he can comfort her and leave Michelle alone to discuss kissing with Hugo.

Where are Los Burque? It's been a couple of days since they were left with no prospects. I hope they haven't been written out of the novela.

I don't like Michell. I just don't like Michell. Dan might be O.k. but how could he possibly be falling in love with someone he's only seen a handful of times? Also, I didn't hear him say anything about divorcing his wife just that he left. Hmm...

I'm really disappointed in the writers here.For the longest time I've wanted Hugo and Soledad to get back together but now I do have to admit seeing Soledad's point. Hugo destroyed the magic of their love, it would never be the same. She might as well start talking to Dr. Dan. This might not offer the "grand passion" she shared with Hugo but at least it would be untarnished.

Has Boris finally gotten his head out of his bottom? I just couldn't fathom what he saw in Marina when the perfect and pure Ursula was right there! Please, let him divorce Marina and get with Ursula!

I thought there were supposed to be 129 episodes?
Is this going to end sooner than expected? Maybe that's not so bad as the writers seem to be really stretching things.

Jean: I think I like this format better too. I just looked at the TW forum (where I found the answer to my Oscar/Jimena question--does he really love her or what?--as someone had already posted comments about it), and it's kind of a hassle to have to click on each message to see what people are saying. This blog is nice in that it's all one one page.

I forgot to mention this in my previous post, but does it make anyone else laugh to see Alcides eating nuts all the time? Especially when it looks like he's digging around in the dish for his favorite kind.

The number of 130 episodes came from a Wikipedia entry and anyone can post those. These period novelas are expensive to film. Zorro only had 112 episodes so I wouldn't be surprised if LT was similar.

Yes, we've remarked on Alcides eating. It seems like an expression of his confidence. We recall that Hugo was eating grapes while he planned his PofV - or maybe Mario is just hungry on the set!

I really like the way Mario plays the brothers so differently. It even appears to me that Alcides is heavier and has darker and thicker hair. And Hugo seems like he's the innocent little brother that always keeps one eye on his brother, because he's used to his cheating.

I also agree that they casted the perfect person to play little Aurorita. I sure hope they can find a cure, it will destroy Hugo to know that there is no cure for his daughter.

Final comment: I'm glad that we're in Ultimas semanas. I saw how they ruined "La fea mas bella", because people wanted to see the show longer. It ruined the plot, and made one of the main charactures almost get married to another characture. I'm for a speedy reconciliation for Hugo, and Sola dad.

It’s a good thing that I didn’t know what “Ultimas semanas” meant when I was watching last night or you would have heard me screaming NOOOO! I don’t want the party to be over yet.

Marie Celeste, I also heartily enjoyed your fantasy of Alcides having a hair product line in Beverly Hills. Soledad (I mean Danna) tosses her tresses for Garnier so why shouldn’t there be a men’s line for Alcides.

Jean, you’re right, that’s the upper part of the dress from the balcony scene. When I saw this photo with just the lacy top and the pearls I immediately thought “wedding.” Of course, just look at what Soledad wears to paint a building! And she has to have a more impressive bridal gown than Marina did.

Obviously, my heart is still intent on Hugo and Soledad getting back together at the end. As much as Soledad has many reasons to feel betrayed, something will happen to make her realize that she still desperately loves Hugo. How could you not fall in love with those puppy dog eyes?

Marina will have to recant her statement against Hugo before she’s eliminated. Let me conjure up some ways for that to happen!!

Cashews: That must be what Alcides is rummaging for in that bowl attached to his hand. At the cabana or in the Treasure Room I could justify it, but in the middle of the bosque? That was just plain silly.

This takes place early on before the benefit of recaps, but did I misunderstand Hugo and Soledad’s tumble in the grass at the cemetery? I thought that was their “first time,” or did Hugo only get to third base, since he is now saying that the night of her birthday party was it. He’s in big trouble if he doesn’t remember the first time they made love.

Having Alcides walk in on Arturo at Dr. Max’s lab was the last thing that I thought would happen. I’m constantly surprised at all the plot twists. Maybe Los Burkes are going to make a surprise entrance. But who would they choose to save since everyone, except Margot, is an enemy!


Note to Anonymous May 15 5:54:00 PM
I agree, it’s fascinating to watch Mario play both brothers. I get caught up in the moment and forget that these really aren’t two people. I also noticed that Alcides seemed slightly bulkier (I wonder if they are padding his suits), but I hadn’t noticed the hair color. But I think it’s mostly the demeanor of each brother that carries this off so splendidly.


I'd LOVE to have a discussion blog here for PdG. I've tried to hang with the TW forum but I agree that the format here works so much better. Count me in, Jean, if melinama gives her blessing.

My recap will be late today. I had a class last night. I did some this morning and if I can finish it at lunch, I will. If not it will be after work.

Hi Nancy: (I'm at work, not wasting recapping time to answer comments!) The encounter in cemetery between Soledad and Hugo has engendered a lot of confusion. I guess they were just necking because they didn't take their clothes off and it has been made pretty clear that sex (and baby) only happened after the birthday party. In fact, Soledad has apparently only had sex with Hugo twice in the whole novela. They didn't appear to continue to have relations after they became engaged. Otherwise, of course, Soledad could't have been so sure about when Aurora was conceived and Hugo wouldn't have so easily accepted the idea that Alcides was banging her too.

Jean, by all means, recapping absolutely takes first priority! I forgot that you are busy on Thursday nights and that Friday’s recap might be delayed. I await it with bated breath, whenever you are able to get to it.

Thanks for explaining about the cemetery scene. I thought the camera was just shyly lowered while Hugo and Soledad undressed and then redressed. And I thought it was wishful thinking on her part that Aurora was conceived at her post-birthday-party celebration. It all becomes clear now!


JB, you asked the question of whether the concept used in telenovelas when characters fight for their love interest is the result of “weak writers, culture, show biz.” I have absolutely no credentials but these are my thoughts.

This vehicle is not used exclusively in television “soaps” but also appears in literature, opera, movies, or any medium where passion is depicted. I believe it’s a fiction that is ingrained in our culture. Writers feel they have to resort to such clichéd story lines and, thus it is perpetuated in show business. These tales indicate that it is imperative the person must exhibit to their object of desire that because they are so ardent they will “luchar” for their love, otherwise it is implied that they are not passionate enough. I’m guessing this may go back to the Middle Ages when chivalrous knights slew dragons to win the hand of fair maiden.

Manipulative, of course! Romantic in a fictional world, at times, yes! Realistic, no! But, since when is most romance based on realism? It’s the most delightful lunacy. Although, in the case of unwanted attention, this behavior can range anywhere from slightly annoying to full-blown stalking.


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