Translated from
Marichuy - Sweetheart of the barrio (neighborhood), sweet and noble, but with a strong, rebellious character. She has moments of authentic seriousness and others of being seriously amusing. She had a childhood and adolescence full of sadness, but she overcomes her problems and almost always her attitude toward life is totally positive, agile and light.
Juan Miguel - He is attractive, cultivated, of a good family, very serious. He lives tormented by a grand secret in his past. He is an important psychologist with a tremendous desire to help those who need a guide in life. His character is strong, but weak with Marichuy, towards whom he has a strong affection which becomes love. When very young he married Viviana, who made his life intolerable. He has a five-year-old daughter, Mayita.
Estefanía - A sexy, vain, egotistical, ambitious woman, capable of doing anything which will propel her out of the middle class. Her character is strong, she doesn't have a conscience. With the help of her aunt Isabel, she is passing as the lost daughter of Cecilia and Patricio, and has successfully gotten herself into their house. She wants to destroy Marichuy because she gained the love of Juan Miguel, the man Estafanía wants for herself, and afterwards because she discovers Marichuy to be the real daughter of Cecilia and Patricio.
Candelaria - A humble, ignorant and sympathetic woman, she lives in a tenement and works at whatever comes her way in order to survive. Her poverty has not made her bitter. She is an optimist, talks easily, is simple and honest. She adores Marichuy, to whom she gave shelter after finding her sitting in a doorway. For her, Marichuy is the daughter she never had. She has a heart too big to fit in her chest.
Cecilia - She is good, sweet and very pretty, an elegant but discreet (??) woman. She is tormented by the memory of the daughter she had to abandon. Her husband Patricio had gone far away leaving her alone and she, thinking herself at death's door, left her daughter in the hands of a priest who had come to give her the last rites. It will take Cecilia a long time to realize her daughter is a girl who she has so near to her.
Onelia - An elegant upper-class woman, mother to Viviana, Juan Miguel's wife. She lives with them and helps her daughter in every way and through her commits all sorts of villainy. She is venomous, arrogant, and manipulative. She despises Marichuy for being humble and considers her a danger when Juan Miguel brings her to his house. When her daughter disappears and is given up for dead, Onelia notices something more than simple friendship is developing between Marichuy and her son-in-law; her hatred for the girl grows stronger.
Viviana - Juan Miguel's wife, she is sexy, elegant and sensual; proud of her social position, egotistical and capricious. She loves Juan Miguel, but not to the point of renouncing her diversions and infidelities. Furthermore, she fights with him often. When she's given up for dead in an accident, she decides to live the life that pleases her. She returns destroyed, a ruin, but even though she soon recovers and wants to regain her position at Juan Miguel's side, her past catches up with her.
Patricio - A distinguished upperclass man of strong character. With his wife Cecilia and with Estefanía, whom he believes to be his daughter, he is affectionate but firm, even though at times Estefania manipulates him with her evil powers
(malas artes). He is stubborn but of good sentiments, a very honest judge who is sometimes unjust. He doesn't know he is Marichuy's father, he disapproves of her way of life and she, in his opinion, ought to be in reform school.
Isabella - Estefanía's aunt, a perverse woman who dominates her niece. She uses people, she'll do anything for money because she's always been in a precarious situation. She is a venomous liar. On occasion she has brushed up against high society and wants to gain this world at all costs. She is the brains behind Estefania's ill deeds until Estefania rebels.
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