Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fuego, Wed., Sep. 10: Mothers, please remember to leave your seven-year-olds with explicit instructions to complete upon your deaths.

Buenas noches a todos.

Since the nice people who regularly criticize my posts advised me not to talk about Republicans, sex, or underwear, I guess that only leaves one thing: Fuego en la Sangre…Yippy…

Wow, I don’t want to sound campy, but whoever is doing the Elizondo girls’s makeup is either blind or on some sort of ultra penny-saver, K-Mart budget.

Over in Puebla Juan and the gang present the public notary with the documents that corroborate their relationship to the Robles-Reyes. Yup, everything is in order, but you don’t have the Will. That’s not important say the boys. Of course it is! You don’t have anything without a Will. Juan doubts there was a Will, but Uncle says that there is one because his brother was a responsible and foreseeing guy.

The three girls go to visit Gramps, but it’s Eva who wants to talk. She tells them that she knew that the Reyes were Libia’s brothers, and furthermore, she knew their tactics for vengeance. Of course, the girls can’t understand why Eva would ever betray them so. She reasons that she hated the Elizondo family (Gabit mostly) so much for not letting her keep her biological daughter, so she reasonably hired the Reyes to build the Magic Cabaña. Eva acknowledges that the Reyes were committed to their promise of vengeance, but she knows that they love the girls. It’s too late say the girls. They tell her to leave, and that they never want to see her again. How dare she conceal secrets from them? Eva looks to Sofia, the noble one, for support, but Sofia doesn’t know what to say.

Gabi, watching like a hawk, tells Rosendo that Eva just got the boot, and she wants him to bring her to her by force, if necessary. Apparently they have a lot to talk about. Gabi wants to know why she let the Reyes enter her house. Eva tells her that Gabi has made her miserable for years, and accordingly, she wanted to get back at Gabi. Gabi suggests that Eva could identify with Libia because both were rejected by Bernie. Eva tells Gabi that Bernie never loved her. Gabi tells her that Eva never hurt her, and conversely, she hurt the girls, who will never forgive her, and hate her for the rest of their lives. Gabi tells her to leave and never come back. Gabi throws her head back, and smiles with relief.

Sofia is over at the bakery when Juan and the boys walk in. He is excited to see her, but she pulls away. She confronts him with the fact that he and his brothers came to her house with guns and the intention to kill them. He tries to explain that they were angry and reasonably needed to take it out on someone. She asks him if he thought about all that Sofia would suffer if he told her the truth. He, who doesn’t have that ability to do so, naturally says “no.” Sofia tells him that he killed their love. Talk about overly dramatic. Juan tells her that she is the fire that illuminates his path, he loves her, etc. Sofia is fighting against her feelings, and now her love is turning into hate. She says that she loves him, but she can’t forgive him. Juan apparently has no grasp whatsoever of what is going on, and tries to kiss Sofia. She walks away.

Sofia goes to see Padre Tadeo and tells him that she will never forget about Juan because he taught her what true love is, and how to love. But she can’t forgive him because he hurt her way too much. Padre advises her to forgive him if she loves him so much. What would Padre know about relationships and fake marriages, it’s not like he’s ever been in either, unless you count that weird fling he has with his donkey… Sofia also needs his help. Why is it that Sofia can never stick to one single topic, and always has three or four problems which all need to be addressed separately? So the girls have decided to open a handicraft shop because they want to be independent. That’s a swell idea, if you want to sleep in the gutter and get your meals from the local berry bush. Good luck with that, sweety. Padre, the middleman, is going to fine the best Mexican craft makers for her store in order to promote the best quality. May I ask why the hell Sofia would go to the local priest and ask him to line-up some workers for her new “independent establishment?” I get it that he never attends to his priestly duties and is pretty much the personal confidant and punching bag of the Elizondo household, but for God’s sake, could he at least try to feign an interest in feeding the poor, converting the local heathens, etc.?

Now I’ve heard of watching grass grow, and watching paint dry, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of watching bread rise and then listen to it for the voice of a lover. Essentially, Juan is imagining his bread as Sofia talking to him. Uh-oh! He let the bread burn, sorta’ like his fake marriage with Sofia… He tells his brothers how upset he is about this whole Sofia business.

Ok, I apologize for this in advance, but I have no clue what the following people’s names are. So the poor, but proud, heavyset sister of Quinti (the one in the market) is talking to her two sons. One of them, the less bald one, announces his marriage plans. Everyone is excited and we hear the Televisa wedding music, except the problem is that Eugenia, his girlfriend hasn’t said yes, nor has he asked her. That is a problem… Where the hell did that come from? That would be like me saying that I’ll be the Democratic candidate to the presidency, but I never registered to run, established a party line, campaigned, or secured a party nomination. I really have no idea why they include these silly subplots in this story. Sadly, they make more sense and have more entertainment value than the actual plot at hand.

Sarita and Rosario meet up on the street, and conveniently they wanted to talk to each other. Doesn’t anyone ever call someone and then decide to meet. If this is the case, I’ll just hang-out around the bottom of my driveway and wait for all my friends and teachers to walk on by. Anyway, Sarita acknowledges that she knows that Rosie renounced her love for Franco so that Sarita and he could be together. Sarita tells her that it was in vain because Franco lied to her, and then tried to kill them. Rosie doesn’t believe it, and tells her that the Reyes bros. could never lie or hurt someone. What about the time Juan beat-up Fernie? Rosie tries to convince Sarita to forgive Franco, and love him again.

Franco is really worried about Juan and tells his uncle about it. All he can say is to watch him closely. Silly Franco thinks that lovesick Juan needs a doctor. Uncle tells him that only time and tears can heal a broken heart, etc. After all, Juan has us, and we will never let him fall.

Juan pays a visit to Libia’s special, but albeit creepy grave. He cries about not having Sofia or Libia. He reminds Libia how Sofia swore to love him forever, but now that promise is broken, and she, he, and their unborn son will never be happy. No es para tanto, Juan.

Gabi is reproaching Sofia for defending Eva. Sofia brings up how happy Gabi must be now that the Reyes are gone, she is happy, Sofia blames Gabi for everything that is going on. Nothing new here. Except, where did that pool and fountain come from? And why the hell is Sofia not showing? I feel like it’s been months since Juan planted his little seed in Sofia’s depressed, dark, and overly-hormonal garden… I seriously can’t believe that they are having this conversation: Sofia, yet again, is blaming Gabi for Eva’s unhappiness. I think I might have this conversation memorized--and I only watch the damn show once a week.

So Sofia calls a sisterly meeting in her room. Yay!—just like when they were ten! Sofia wants to do something in the name of Bernie and themselves as a unit.

Gabi is venting to Fernie. She can’t believe that Sofia supports Eva. Fernie reminds Gabi that she is a good mother. As we know, he will say anything to get her to shut up. He reminds her that her daughters will be unhappy while they stay together and remain the happiest people in the world. Again, where have we heard this conversation before?

Oh my God, so many comments, so little time. So, the girls, who now act as a single unit headed by Sofia, pay a visit to Libia and her tomb. My biggest thing about this situation is its display of Spelling-Bee Acting. That is, every time these actresses are together, they are lined-up and repeat their lines while standing in a line. This scene is almost too pathetic for this show because of their outfits, the flowers they are holding, and their little speech about Libia being a victim of her own circumstances and being the only woman Bernie ever loved.

Eva is in the Tumbao dressing room and crying to her sort-of daughter. Nothing we haven’t heard, just how she betrayed the Reyes, and failed Rosario. That one woman who supposedly is a good performer gets jealous and comes out of a closet. Rosario isn’t your daughter! She, or the Televia people repeat that line three times. Then it must be true!

Ok, so Uncle (I don’t know his name) takes the boys to a random creek and shows them some cross that belongs to their parents’ grave. I’m too busy watching and thinking about the fact that every time they go some place they have to be suited up in a hideous “charro” suit and they dramatically jump and leap to their destination in slow motion. Now, why the hell would anybody burry two people in the middle of some muddy hillside near a creek? Juan dramatically wipes the mud away from the tombstone to reveal Libia’s grave along with that of his parents. I know I’m saying this a lot, but how the hell did Libia end up buried there? And don’t tell me she dug her own grave and crawled in. Oh my god, this is too much. Juan starts to laugh, but then breaks down sobbing and clenches the tomb for dear life as he is smothered with mud and rain. Everyone cries and holds on to each other. This is one of the rare moments in my life in which I can truly say I want to throw up.

So after all this time they found the parents’ grave. Everyone continues to cry and miss their parents. The uncle tells the dad that his sons are here: wow, I didn’t know that. So everyone says the “Our Father” prayer and cries. Oh look! Even the magical Disney flower on Libia’s grave sheds a tear.
Story time: Juan relates that “mom” always told him stories, and tells his bros. and uncle the one about mom giving him instructions to complete upon her death. She told him not to cry for her, but for his brothers, to give her belongings to children, to look for her among the people they knew and met, and more Pollyanna shit. Now, my question is why is Juan remembering this, if he said he originally only had one solitary memory of his mother being killed; two, what kind of mother gives her seven-year-old instructions to complete among her death?; and three, how does Juan possess any sort of skill to retell this story accurately? He’s not what I would call a reliable narrator.

So, as always, the boys were taking a group shower and, with their bare chests exposed, they go to thank Uncle for giving them a convenient place to go and pray for their parents. You only have to cross a series of mountain ranges, fallen trees, and stony brooks to reach the muddy hillside on which they eternally reside… Other than that it’s a little piece o’ paradise. So Juan introduces Quinti to Vicente, the uncle. She blows him kisses, but Juan tells her to back off because he’s part of the family. Quinti is just another example of the disastrous effects of a low-budget makeup department.

Pedro has gone to pray, and asks what to do about his father.

Juan has gone to visit Alejandro Reyes, Juan’s uncle. And he even has the picture to prove it! By-the-bye, we know him as El Jefe, or better yet, Unibrow. You know, now that I think about it, I am confident that I could write a better script for this show, cast it with local fourth-graders, produce it in my backyard with my kitchen utensils, and it would be far better than this excuse of a novela. Why are random family members always showing up, people are suddenly remembering things they never knew, and everything is blown out of proportion?

Anyway, in case you care, I present you with…

Tomorrow: The tomb the Reyes bros. found has given them strength and hope. But the Reyes have decided to play the roles of creepers, and magically appear on the girls’s balconies. Was it me, or did it look like Jimena was grabbing and rubbing herself instead of that questionably-shaped pillow?


Nic...once again you never let me down...
Alas Libia is buried in the tomb of the eternal flame. The one that goes through enormus propane tanks each month, by the little stream, river whatever, now the Reyes parents are buried on a muddy hillside by the Aqua de ojo, or fine natural spring. Ummm bottle that water Slogan, "Aqua with the Taste of Kings & Robles too. There's a little bit of Reyes in every bottle"

I can indeed see where the confusion comes from as Juan tends to throw down on any handy gravesite..Gawd what a tool, does he is like a PSA for Mental Health..I swear the guy who plays Oscar was trying not to laugh.

More piled on hatred for the Sisters, the three are so dead to me & damn Sofie has a bit of a bitchy side. Her make-up consists of a pink sharpie marker, Ximena, I thought cover girl quite making that shade of orange fake bronzer & the spinster Sarita, unflavored chapstick.

About the phony trumped up Will husband call BullShit on that one, yes he said that in heavily accented English. He said if there is no will the land goes to the children. Remember how Fer whacked Libs to keep her from having a claim cause she was pregnant.

*Remember you can put lipstick on Gabi, but she is still judgemental, hypocritical, and got her nose up in everyone elses business.
*In no way should the cable news networks be called and 24 hour news given to this statement..let me make this clear, you could put lipstick on Fer and he'd still be a psycho. I know this cause they did put lipstick on Fer in "La Madestra" and he was still psycho.

Nic --funny recap. You were confused about Libia being buried with the parents, because to add to all the other confusion in this show, the "boys"' mother was called "Maria Libia." Also I think the "explicit instructions" you referred to was actually a poem Juan's mother had taught him rather than a conversation they. We have to give credit where credit is due --especially in something as implausible as this show.

Boy what is Eva's problem? She will accept the blame for anything anyone throws out. That poor actress must be so sick and tired of crying. And the "girls" were so unbelievably horried to her --Gabi clones. No matter how disappointed you are in someone,it seems hard to believe that you would totally reject them for one infringement after they had been a loving, surrogate mother to you for over 20years -or in reality closer to 40 if we take Sofia/AN's real age into consideration.

How ridiculous can this show get??Now I see why I only tune in intermittently. NJ Sue

Libia Reyes is the sister of the Reyes Brothers and youngest in the family.

Maria Libia Reyes de Robles is the Mother of the Reyes Brothers. Libia ie essentially named for her mother.


Thanks Nico, nice snarky bits tonight. I was amazed at the profoundly bad editing at the grave. Juan smears the mud around on the stone, later we see it on his face after he lies down on the stone, then the stone looks clear, later still it is back to muddy and Juan's muddy face is strangely clean again. It wasn't raining hard enough to do this it really was something you could have done better in your back yard with the fourth graders on your block and a few scrapers from the kitchen. Maybe even a glass of water at the appropriate place. I definitely detected both Juan and Oscar laughing through their teary scene. The whole thing was kind of surreal and bothered me more than the tacky makeup bothers Beckster. And why did they have to take all those beautiful white roses and toss them down in a tight little bunch. I know flowers are cheaper in Mexico but holy chapstick this episode is tacky. I am just watching the Ave Marie scene with simultaneous prayers from brothers and sisters.
I am glad I am going to Spain so I can forget about this silliness for a few weeks.

Thanks for the funny and exasperated recap, Nicolas. Did anyone notice that Juan had on the same shirt when he visited Tio Unibrow Jeff that he wore and smothered with mud at his ma and pa's grave. Guess he is able to wash and dry and iron a shirt in 5 minutes. G in CA

Nice one Nicolas. Don't feel too bad about criticism of your subject matter. Last night on Querida Enemiga a child who announced she peepeed in her bed got bleeped, along with the closed caption. Ha, apparently wetting the bed is right up there with vile and censorable subject matter. As Beckster once so aptly observed, we're not translating the bard here. Keep the faith bro.

Nicolas, I feel your pain. We all feel your pain, and yet we keep watching. Just another layer of misery of the onion that is FELS.
Anyway, thanks!
I did notice the miracle of the immaculate blue shirt, C in GA. Unfortunately, all my attention was riveted on that pastry crumb on Uncle Reyes mustache. Someone must have been flagging him to wipe it off, 'cause he swiped at it a few times and kept missing. Hopefully I didn't miss any important dialogue.

Oops, sorry G in CA. I transposed you!

Okay Nic, I will mention underwear, because I was ready to pee mine reading your recap! Holy cow! I had a rotten day, came home to a depressing FELS episode where they couldn't even throw me a bone with an actual shower scene, and then I got to read your recap! Brilliant!

And Beckster, the PSA thought set me off all over again!

Hee hee Nicolas -- "Spelling Bee Acting" where all the girls stand in a line and repeat the same lines over again!!

That was pretty funny and sooo true!

Oh and the Tio's name is Tio Vicente (the little Tio, not the Unibrow Tio)
They used his real first name.

And NJSue, I kind of like the idea of Juan's mother's explicit instructions being a poem she taught the little Juanito. Kind of like the directions Peter Pan gave for how to get to NeverNeverLand (2nd Star to the Right & Straight on til Morning).


Thanks for the recap Nic. As always it was very entertaining.

When the boys went to the grave I was hoping they were all going swimming but alas I was sorely disappointed.

If people don't stop bagging on Eva she's going to commit suicide or something. What a doormat.

And that nasty MaybeMom of Rosario is driving me crazy. What a freakin'_______ (fill in the blank.)

We can only hope for more underwear scenes.

Does anyone have a word for the day? My e-mail word today was anfitrion (accent over the o) which means host.

Nic: You always surpass yourself. This recap is a classic.

Well, if Juan didn't know what the h--l Sofia was doing in the bakery, neither did I. She had already read him that same riot act at least a couple of times before. OK, maybe once, but even that was too much.

I keep expecting tio Vicente to break out into song. He looks like he sings mariachi or ranchero. It's definitely the outfit.

Yes, with or without a will the children of the deceased would be first in line to inherit. (I'll admit a secret - I'm licensed to practice law in Louisiana (civil law) and Alabama (common law). Maybe the Uribe's have bought every licenciado and notario in the territory. Who knows, but it goes beyond poetic license

Now, what will be the consequences of Margarits's busting in on Eva and Rosario? Yikes - how much does Eva have to take from this community of ingrates.

From lower Ala

Nic: too many priceless comments to repeat! You will never hear a single complaint from me--I love your style, your humor, and your snark. You are one terrific writer!

Again, kudos to the team of recappers! FELs should be so lucky as to have all of you on their staff.

Eva needs to pack a bag (or pillowcase), hope on a burro & get the heck out of this place. What a bunch of whining, sniveling pity queens! Actually, we have a few pity kings too. The list of folks I care about on this show is dwindling fast (& most of the list consists of animals so that says a lot).

But, as someone pointed out, we continue to poke ourselves in the eye by watching this garbage. I'm down to about 1-2 nights a week...I just can't take too much more.

If I had no Caray, Caray, I wouldn't even bother!

Fuego Maggie

I only caught the last half last night, and will watch the first half on my VCR tape. BUT ... I did catch the scene where Juan is gatoring on the gravestone and it the look on Oscar's face was, like, "OMG, Juan is crying-- yet again!--- God help us all" and I was LOLing so hard I almost fell out of the chair.

Loved the Libia flower's teardrop. Totally cheesy.

And we got cheated out of a shower scene. aprés duche scenes just is not the same.

I'm with you, Fuego Maggie. If not for Caray Caray, I'd have given up on this a long time ago. But misery loves company and all that. Sheesh, CherylNewMex had to leave the country to escape this tontería.


I think little Pablito should get a pistol and shoot everyone once in the foot.

1) The tres Elizondo women for, rather than bedding down at the convent (where they'd be safer) and contemplating their next move, going back the The House That Time Forgot, The Physically Violent Mother From Hell, and Mean Mad Fernando instead. As if those two hellions are any better than the Reyes.

2) The tres Reyes men for coming up with the stupid murder/revenge plot in the first place, even though NONE of them is murder material or could actually shoot a woman.

3) Abuelo, for being such an ass to Quintina, when she wasn't even there at the beginning of the whole plot. Like Quinti and the Reyes never saved his butt. Meh.

4) Quintina's sister, for running her stupid mouth in the house of the enemy. That woman always acts like her brain stem has been removed.

5) FUEGO's director and continuity department, for various and sundry. Not keeping the Reyes-Robles grave wiped off after Juan WIPED IT OFF. For Snofia still not showing after nine months. For not keeping Juan's shirt muddy. NOT NEAR ENOUGH NAKED REYES SHOWERS AND DIPS IN THE POND. And on and on. Et cetera, ad nauseam, and amen.

6) Eva, for continuing to come to Crabby whenever the old crow feels like getting in her face. Crabby is not going to tell her where her lost daughter is, and Eva is no longer beholden to or working for that heffer. She could summon me all she wanted; I'd flip that cow off and keep walking.

I don't think Pablito should shoot Crabby or Feo in the foot, however. Crabby should get it in both kneecaps. Feo should get it in the balls. Case closed.

Too bad Paddy Tad is a priest. He really needs to request getting rid of his collar for 24 hours, so he can go house to house and just cuss everybody out.

Who would bury two people out in some muddy hillside by a creek? Rural, poor country people who live near the woods, away from city folk and cemeteries, I guess. Hell, I don't know, 'cause that was a nice marble stone on that grave. I kind of liked that scene (except for the stupid mistakes by the director and crew) because it advanced this plodding-along-slow-as-molasses story and got one more mystery behind us so we can move on.

I swear those torches around Libia's cave-grave were burning so high, I don't know how the whole place didn't catch on fire and spread all the way to the town.

Gosh, I'm glad to be able to participate again. Had a crazy month where it was all I could do just to DVR like a maniac and catch up with the episodes and recaps when I could. I really appreciate our recappers keeping those recaps going! Thanks, all of you. Feels so good to be FUEGO current again. For all its nuclear waste activities, I enjoy watching the show. That's right, you two commenters who think you're the only ones. I like the show too. Three! Three commenters! *imagine Mighty Joe Juan bellowing Three Reyes! here* LOL

Have an awesome trip, Cheryl!

LOL @ Creemelo and Uncle Rey's "crumby" mustache. Hilarious.

Thanks, Nic. I'm on for tonight but the captions were dead last night, hope they get them back on today or I'll be giving my own version of what happens.

I love the show and I don't take it seriously. I love the recaps even more. However, I thought the grave crawling scene went on a little too long. I thought Oscar was going to start laughing there for a minute. Juan did look kind of silly sloshing around on top of the grave.

Somebody needs to beam those girls up to the mother ship and give them an attitude adjustment. What a bunch of snots! We love you, we love you, oh wait, no we don't... They need to get over it and move on. The Reyes brothers did.

Funny you should mention the makeup thing. I was wondering last night if the three sisters were all sharing one lipstick. I find it hard to believe that THAT was the color all three of them would have settled on. Especially Sofi. "I know I dress very plain most of the time, but I just gotta have the neon pink lipstick!"

Now that you all mention it, it does look kind of neon on my TV. I thought it was just my TV. Jimena's lipstick always glows for some reason.

great snark, Nic, for a sometimes painful-to-watch episode. That graveside scene went on way too long. I guess that they had to get their pesos worth of the production costs of getting that tombstone made and lugged up the hillside to shoot the scene. Jorge was definitely trying to not laugh, and Pablo's face was even less credibly expressive than usual. EY was just over the top overly dramatic...And the three brothers/three sisters split screen simulcast of the "our father" was excruciating, thankfully, they didn't recite the prayer in entirety. That was borderline sacrilege. The only good thing was that nobody physically slapped Eva, tho the sisters, Crabi, and Rosario's soon-to-be new-mommy all took emotional swpies at her. Like others before me have said, why doesn't she pack her suitcase again, and hop on a bus to anywhere, what does she have going for her in the toxic waste dump, except for the soon to be lost daughter. We need to move the plot along- where's Ruth?!? and Ricky Uribe?

I'd like to know when Ruth will appear too. I don't want to get too far ahead and read any spoilers, but come on. I thought Ricky was sending a "friend" or someone that was going to help Raquel.

"I think little Pablito should get a pistol and shoot everyone once in the foot." Best suggestion I've read so far!

Surely this show is supposed to be a comedy? ack. In which type of Golden Victors category can we nominate this thing?

FELS for worst Telerisa production?

Mariachi is definitely in for best animal role/actor.


I vote for Capricho.

Melinama, your own version of things would probably make more sense.

Nic, Nic!!!! (and you other great recappers) Yes, we all vote for you .... Write your version every day and we'll stop watching the show :o) It would spare us the pain.

"You know, now that I think about it, I am confident that I could write a better script for this show, cast it with local fourth-graders, produce it in my backyard with my kitchen utensils, and it would be far better than this excuse of a novela."

Cheryl! You're going to Spain! Good for you. Details, details, details...please!

So if uncle Vincente knows where the parents are buried, why didn't anyone know where the heck the kids were all these years??? WTF? Didn't anyone think to take the children and raise them?

Good question Molly. It's funny how that grave appeared out of nowhere. You think someone wandering around in Brigadoon would have noticed it by now.

Everyone was speculating that when they finally start to plant the corn crop, bodies with be found, well guess not. So, someone took the time to bury then, even mark the grave with a marble head stone. But no one in that little one donkey town knows who this family is or that they used to hacienda owners. This story is going to create a tear in the time/space continuum. Or if I try to think about and apply logic to it, blood will start to drip out of my ears from the fissure in my brain!

Okay, I need a swimming scene to keep me from thinking about how silly this has all just become!

Nic- This Spain trip will be concentrated in the north. So land in Madrid, take the Ave to Barcelona, rent a car and drive NW to Santillano del Mar, see Altimira or replicas of cave paintings, maybe drive through Picos de Europa, west to Santiago de Campostela then south to a parador in Oropesa for day trips to Avila, Talavera, Toledo, etc., back to Madrid. Drop friend off, then I don't know. Maybe hang in Madrid for 5 more days or skip down to Tarifa and boat over to Morocco for just a couple of days.

I'll read Esmas to see what fabulous plot developments I will miss for 3 wks. on FELS. I fear that catching up will be depressing but not too deep except for the BS I will have to slog through.

Cheryl that is awesome--it's practically everything I've always wanted/dreamed of doing. I can't wait for the pictures! I hope you have a blast!!!

Thanks, Nic. I fell asleep during this episode and missed most of it including the grave scene. I need a ray of sunshine in this dark drama, but I don't think there will be any sunshine in this sad tale for quite a while. Nobody's happy. Well, I'll keep watching [if I can stay awake]. I agree that this place seems to be lost somewhere in a wrinkle in time. Thanks recappers for continuing are a brave and dedicated group.

I would bet Juan's hijos life that this suckfest will sweep the telenovela awards.

Now I have another theory on the whole space time problem, maybe just maybe the Mexican Govt built a huge super collider under that city, which already had the radioactive dump, thus explain how no one ever noticed the construction. They have fired up protons and massive particle experiments happen constantly, small black holes are created and things pop in and out of them, such as dead rents, missing uncles wearing charro costumes from the 40's, missing babies, Ricardo Uribe is probably trapped in a different dimension.

You might be right Beckster. Maybe everything is cloaked and that's why we can't see it.

Did they ever plant the corn?

The lipsticks are radioactive - that's why they glow

I also vote for Capricho as best actor, with Mariachi as best supporting actor

Patience, patience everyone -- this show has a LOT of chapters to it -- you are all wanting to see Ruth and Ricardo Uribe !!!! -- patience, patience -- it's going to be awhile yet!!

In the meantime, the plot thickens,but more like glue, so that they cannot move forward -- and there are lots of repeating flashbacks -- and we'll be Stuck In Time here for awhile I fear!!

I believe Tio Vicente said that they buried the parent R-Rs out in the woods in secret. He also said that he looked for the kids, but they were long gone -- so nobody could find them because Juan had driven off in that wagon with them, remember -- and they went town to town until finding the kindly baker lady who took them all in and taught them the secret of fabulous concha baking -- remember ad nauseum?

But I do agree -- how come this R-R family was there originally & lived in that "one donkey town" -- but nobody remembers them or that they were murdered (which certainly must have been a sensational kind of event)and that all their children disappeared??


I miss donkey. I hope he comes back some day. Maybe Pad Tad traded him in for a newer model.

PanQue I think we are all just eager to move on. They just keep rehashing the same thing every night. I wish we could see more of Pedro. He's kind of a non-character really. He shows up, sweats in the bread, goes to see his UniDad and then disappears into the magic room with Pablito and Mariachi.

Connie, it seems like the whole corn field story has been dropped. And now the brilliant sisters are going to become famouse exporters for wonderful artisans. Lord save the people who deal with these women!

Nic seems to have some thoughts on the donkey. I'm not sure I really want to know more then what he already speculated however.

Good point Molly.

I went to Does anyone know if that is the website for the Mexican broadcast? They were ahead of us so I stopped reading.

Grandpa probably had to drop the corn deal because it's part of the Robles property. Raquel gave it in exchange for "something very valuable," but she didn't know that it wasn't hers to give.

Yes, Connie, esmas is a danger zone if you don't like spoilers!

Luckily it is in Spanish so I don't understand the whole thing but I get the main idea. I stopped reading so I wouldn't be ahead of everyone.

Butterbiscuit, very funny. How did you manage a FELS fest...a little nauseous afterwards? I hope Pablito has bad aim with that pistol...he could nick a few of the Reyes in the nether regions so no more Reyes spawn. G in CA

Hey this isn't a spoiler, but I just read an article that was so sappy, that I threw up a little in my mouth. The producer guy, is hinting that he may bring Cesar Evora in for a few episodes as he is like a good luck charm, being they have done 6 together.

I don't know if you ever read any of the crap Rosy O'Campo said during LaFea, the gushing the thanking the Mexican audience. this guy wants to create a treasure that will live in the heart forever...
Yes Juan is indeed the Forrest Gump of latin american.

Life is like a tray of Pans

This news thrills me to the bone..I will be recapping my favorite two overacting, cheesy, left side of the bell curve galans.

Beckster LOL! Hope you weren't eating anything to tasting at the time. Isn't that they guy who is in the Guappo one that airs right before FELS? I never watch it, but my video catches the end each night.

Cesar Evora? Will he play twins again? (Heh, you'd like that, wouldn't you, Beckster!)

I wonder exactly how they would insert Cesar into Fuego. Maybe he'll play the part of Rick Uribe or Rosario's longlost father or the new priest in town to help PadTad or maybe he'll be the new act at the Tumbao or Ruth's older beau [you know how they love those May/December romances in Mexidoon] or a new suitor for Crabby to give Ferd a run for the money. Help...I can't stop my imagination. Endless possibilities, no ????

Molly..yes that is him, he isn't too bad as a cheese-hound in Guapos, but good gawd I have seen 3 of the (what ever the hell this producers name is) and he gives Juan a run for his money when it comes to crying, stupidity and just never having an effing clue.
Except in Mundo when he played twins, I was hawt for his evil twin, he had an eyepatch, wooden leg and awesome bad 80's haircut. He was great, he giggled everytime he brought misery to someone. However the good twin, well I wanted to whack him and giggle while I did it.

Nic, that was a great recap. My cable system was missing Univision last night, possibly due to the weather. I thought I was sad to miss this episode, but decided it was no great loss after reading the 'cap and comments. I've always wondered why no one in all the town/Mexidoon area knew nothing of the Reyes brothers family history. That's not like most small towns, where everyone knows everything.
La Paloma

Beckster, I never watch Guappo, but see the last minute and it seems like he is always yelling at someone.

At first I just used to see the credits and the young girl walks around everyone and they act as though they don't see her, so I thought maybe she was a ghost. Now that would be a fun story!

I think that Cesar Evora is the best thing that ever happened to Televisa. Especially after Mundo de Fieras...who else could play two completely different characters--at the same time!? (That's not a reference to Juan Reyes, or any variation thereof...)

G in CA, LOL! You are right to be a little concerned, I think... if a bullet ricocheted off of a spur...!! In the words of Julie, "Oh noes!"

Heck yeah, Cesar Evora is tres cool. The first time I saw him, he was on MUNDO, Sir Evil Twin, cackling with delight as he watched his good twin's car blown to smithereens by a bomb as it came down the street. And I thought, "Who is THIS? Must watch!"

ROFL @ susanlynn--Cesar as the new act at Tumbao! Heh.

Butter Biscuit: the phrase of the week is in your comment--if Crabi summoned you (like she did Eva), you'd "flip that cow off and keep walking."
Woooo-hooo!!! Take notice, Elizondo girls!

Wow, I just saw these comments. If Cesar moves to Fuego, I may have to start watching every day! I'll be going through Cesar withdrawal when Guapos ends.

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