Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cuidado con el Angel, December 10, 2008

First off I would just like to tell you all that today was a wonderful day. My nephew Christopher came home from Iraq. He is a soldier in the Marines and our hero. His bravery and love for his country is much to be admired. My girls were so happy to see him and would not leave his side for a second. We get to have him until Sunday then he has to go back to California, but will come back home for Christmas. Okay on with the show...

We start off with PA pulling up and being greeted by Marichuy (who is holding that damn bird), Cande and Micaela. He brings tamales and candy from the neighbors back home. Marichuy questions PA if he has told anyone of there whereabouts.

Patricio gets onto Ceci about Marichuy. He tells Ceci that Marichuy will never accept her and Ceci tells him to desist. She accuses him of wanting Marichuy not to forgive her so that he does not have to accept her as his daughter.

PA again tries to talk to Marichuy about her mother and the real reason she gave her up. Marichuy does not want to hear about it.

Elsa is attempting to cook and gets burned. She lashes out on Nelson about how they have no money and he critizies her on her cooking (I guess the little bubble that she was living in has burst)

Ceci is sitting on the stairwell asking and waiting for Marichuy.

Marichuy yells to PA that she does not want to know the name of her parents. She does not care. PA finally relents but tells her that when she finally finds out who her parents are she will be very surprised.

Again Elsa is complaining and starts in about her hands and her hair to Nelson. They yell hurtful things to each other but sort of make-up afterwards.

PA, Cande, Marichuy and Micaela are having lunch when Nacho? comes in telling PA that El Leopard wants to speak with him. PA thanks El Leopard for letting the girls stay and wonders if the girls are behaving. He tells PA about the incident with Marichuy and Panera? at the river. He tells PA that she is in danger since Panera is still out loose.

Elsa mom visits and brings gifts. She informs Elsa that Beatrice is living with them since Eduardo brought her.

Eduardo asks JM if he is going out with Viv. JM tells him that he will meeting up with Ivette. Eduardo warns him that is how affairs start, but JM says that he has one great love and that is with Marichuy. He says that he would go crazy if she was with another.

PA is ready to leave and asks Marichuy if she still does not want to tell JM about the baby. Marichuy insists that is what she wants. He warns her about leaving the hacienda alone. Marichuy goes into the living room and runs into El Leopard. He asks her who put the flowers in the room and she confesses that she did for PA. He tells her that his mother use to put roses in the room. He thanks her and hands her a red rose.

Elsa's mom asks her if it bothers her that Beatrice is living with them. Elsa says that it doesn't and thought bubbles to Eduardo proposing to her. Her mom begs her to let her help financially. (that will so go well if Nelson finds out)

Marichuy asks why he (El Leopard) is the way he is. He tells her that it is regret. Something that keeps him up all night and makes him cry when no one is looking. "What is it?" asks Marichuy. He admits because of him 2 innocent people died. Marichuy is muy impactada.

Marichuy is sewing a doll in the stables and talking to herself about how El Leopard is really not so bad. In walks Cosme and she asks him about the woman that made El Leopard the way he is. He tells her that she was a sweet like sugar, crazy like a storm and cruel like the fires of hell. So he went crazy because he lost her asks Marichuy. No responds Cosme, because of the 2 innocents that died.

Isa walks into the living room with Estephania and are talking about the plans they have for Marichuy. Estephania says that Marichuy will not be able to use the baby to get JM back. (what the hell is the plan? have I missed it?) Isa says that it would help if they had an accompliance there in the house. Estephania tells Isa that Viv is faking her amnesia and that soon JM will figure it out. If not she will help him along. (what a witch)

JM is in the bar and Ivette walks up and says something which I cannot hear with all that crappy music playing in the background. He says that her beauty brought him there and something else which I cannot understand because again of that damn music.

Marichuy asks who's fault it was that the 2 innocents died. Hers or his? Cosme admits that he does not know although El Leopard has been punishing himself since. He asks if Marichuy is interested in saving him because the love of a good woman will get him away from the hell that he has put himself in.

Back at the bar Ivette smiles and says that JM sure wants to know alot about her. JM says he likes to know the terrain that he is stepping into. She side steps his questions about her and instead asks him to tell her about his life. Why is he so sad? He responds by saying that he is unlucky in love. Probably because you did not know me first says Ivette. JM says that she is very generous and knows how to occupy any man's time. She responds "And what if I also want his heart". JM tells her that his is too hard to fill. She says that she will make him love her. (help me out with this conversation. some of it i did not quite understand which is really sad since i am fluent. but this puerto rican is having problems tonight)

Rocio is on the phone with Vicente and asks why he is not painting. Vicente is depressed and says that he will not be getting better but she will. Rocio insists that both of them must do all that they can so that they can get better. Her surgeon interrupts and she lets Vicente go. The surgeon tells her that tomorrow the bandages will be coming off.

JM and Blanca are discussing Mayita and her process on her writing. Mayita goes to visit Abuela in fantasyland. Mayita complains to Abuela about Viv denying seeing her at school. JM asks Blanca to sit down and she asks him if he is unhappy. He says you are getting to know me well that I cannot deny it. It is my fault for wanting a wife and family and not putting enough emphasis on love. He hints about his past with Marichuy and that he can not forget her.

Marichuy is walking down the road by herself talking to the dam bird again about JM. She admits that she loves him with all of her heart. At the exact moment JM is thinking about her and wants to know why he cannot forget her. He swears that he would move heaven and earth to find her.

Rocio and the surgeon are talking and he cannot wait to take off the bandages. She asks why? He recovers and says because I am your doctor. (he totally has a crush on her)

Amador pulls up and Cande spots him. She is muy impactada.

Viv is walking down the stairs and asks Blanca if JM has left yet. Why are you asking me responds Blanca. Viv says since you are so involved with everything in this house who better to inform me. Blanca tells her that JM is in the library. Viv goes and asks him about Marichuy.

Amador tells Cande to get Marichuy so that he can talk to her. She tells him to go.

JM asks Viv how she heard about Marichuy. She ignores him and says that I know that she came to be your wife but most importantly what role did she have in your past?

Ceci goes to Patricio and asks him to forgive her rudeness the day before regarding Marichuy. She tells him that if Marichuy will not forgive her then she will respect that and leave her alone, but she first has to explain what happened.

Amador and Cande are arguing. He insists that he will not leave until he speaks with Marichuy. El Leopard comes up on them and asks him who he is. The father of her baby?

JM is upset thinking that Onelia told her about Marichuy and how this will slow the process for Viv's recovery. Viv says that her mother did not know that she was revealing this information. Why did you marry her? Did you love her? JM does not want to talk about it. Viv insists that he answer her since she is his wife and has a right to know. JM says well if you insist, yes I loved her. Viv asks him if he still loves her.

El Leopard again asks why he is looking for Marichuy. Are you the father?

Viv is waiting for JM's response. Yes he admits that he still loves her. Does she still love you asks Viv. No, I don't think she does anymore says JM. So she abandoned you and right after the wedding. Wow, responds JM, you know everything. No says Viv I still do not know why she left you. Tell me she insists.

Marichuy is in her room remembering what Cosme asked her about her feelings for El Leopard.

El Leopard again asks if Amador is the father. Amador says no, I just want to talk to her. El Leopard tells him to leave. He informs Cande that he will be back.

Back in the library Viv is still pressing JM about the past that he has with Marichuy. Eduardo walks in and greets Viv. She pretends that she does not know him. JM introduces her to him and when Viv leaves JM tells Eduardo that someone has been telling her about Marichuy.

Marichuy walks up to El Leopard and says that she has many things to thank him for and also asks him to forgive her. He asks her what she has to thank him for. Well first she says for letting me stay here. Second for having the patience to put up with me and third for saving me from Panana. You are a good man that suffers, that feels, and that cries. I owe so for saving my baby's life.

Amador is at the bar looking for an accompliance. Someone to spy for him.

Marichuy tells Cande about her conversation with El Leopard and his response to forget about thanking him. She tells Cande about El Leopard's attitude towards her when he found out she was pregnant. How kind he has been. Cande asks her if she is falling in love with El Leopard. Marichuy denies it and says that she only loves JM.

Tomorrow: Viv and Estephania are planning to get rid of Marichuy.


Good morning Gloria. So happy to hear the news about your nephew Christopher. And I hope he will be surrounded by much prayer and love when he has to return.

Didn't see last nights episode but so glad to know native speakers of Spanish sometimes have trouble understanding the dialogue. In these telenovelas, the music and also the waterfall sounds etc. sometimes totally drown out the words. I'm especially amused when even the closed captions say "unintelligible".

Since I didn't see it, the only thing I can tell you is the bad guy is called Piraña. But I enjoyed your straightforward, conversational way of telling the hearing it from a friend.

Have a great day, enjoy Christopher and thanks for the recap.

Gloria, I wish you and your family a wonderful visit with Christopher. You must be absolutely thrilled he's home. Sending prayers for his continued safety and return for Christmas.

As you obviously have so many things going on, it was especially nice you took the time to write such an excellent recap.

I didn't know why Estephania, Isa and Amador were trying to track down Marichuy or what they planned to do now that they've found her. However your comment on the preview: "Viv and Estephania are planning to get rid of Marichuy" leaves no doubt as to what their intentions are. Blech.

Vincente's depression is going to worsen if Rocio's doctor continues to hold her hand and send her longing looks.

El Leopard's starting to fall under Marichuy's spell. Good to see Marichuy has such a strong advocate espcially now that all the vipers are coming for her. Diana in MA

Thanks for this excellent recap, Gloria, especially since I had to miss both my shows last night.

I still don't get the link between Stefi and Onelia, but I think Onelia may be using Stefi to keep Marichuy away.

Have a wonderful time with your nephew.

Thank you Gloria! What a treat to get up this morning and find your recap already.

I guess the damn dove (poor thing) is supposed to reinforce the angel wings motif. And am I right that this one has a broken wing right now? We'll see what happens when it finally flies off.

Also, El L's hair seems to be moving off his face as he opens up to Mari. It started out as a near full-frontal comb-over.

Gloria: Thanks for the great recap. The sound in this novela is particularly bad. I'm glad you mentioned it, because I thought it was just me. Surely with as much money as these programs make, the producers should be able to afford sound systems that block out noise that has nothing to do with the scene. Just a thought, but I've often wondered how to get a message to the powers that be.

Thanks for the thorough and speedy recap Gloria; especially since I’m sure you’d rather be hanging out with your nephew. We definitely appreciate this and are happy for you and your family. Best wishes for his stay at home now and his return later.

Alas, I was a little distracted and can’t contribute much about the JM/Ivette scene. It sounds like you got all the important stuff though. The central theme is: she wants to take him to bed (and make him fall in love with her), but he can’t imagine loving or bedding another woman that isn’t Mari (remember how he snubbed Viv?). Having said that, our shrink obviously needs someone to talk to and has found himself a totally impartial (except for the fact she wants to jump him) listener who’s also easy on the eyes. In the earlier scene where Ed mentioned that’s how affairs start, JM seemed pretty sure nothing would ever happen. I hope he means it ‘cause he’s been becoming even more likable lately and I’d hate to see that change. Wouldn’t it be nice if Mari and L/O could become friends and help heal each other (as friends) and if JM can cure Blanca/Ivette and she can help him become more assertive (seriously, the way he lets Viv, Onelia and Steffi walk all over him) and then they can all go back to their real partners and have a chance at happiness? Guess we won’t know for a few months.

Agnes – Love your theory on the wings of the dove representing angel wings. Some article said it was supposed to represent peace (probably the peace Mari wants so desperately to find outside the DF), but there’s no reason it can have more meanings. You’re probably right about it flying away once it’s healed, but maybe she’ll still visit Mari.

Pasofino – the weird thing is, I think the background noise is there on purpose, for ambiance. I remember how much we hated the fountain in Guapos (I think it was that one) ‘cause we’d always miss dialogue as a result. Someone’s falling asleep on the sound mixer.

Margarita: I'd hate to think that d**mn noise is inserted on purpose. I like the theory that the sound mixer fell asleep.

OK, for some useless trivia, most shoots tend to use two different types of microphones. Booms that hang over the area, and body ones that can't catch anything outside the voice that is next to it. They tend to record the voices on the body ones (unless they're on a quiet little soundstage and only need the boom) and use the booms both to catch the whole thing and after the shoot just to catch the room noise. Then they mix them and adjust the levels so the background noise is there, but very faint. As I said, the sound mixer must have fallen asleep on the job and kept them all the same volume or something equally silly.

Gloria, I am SO glad for the safe return of your family's Marine!

Thanks for your through recap.

My question to the tortured Juan Miguel would be: If you'd move heaven and earth to find Marichuy, shouldn't you start with a private detective? Heck, El Lobo has already found her!

i'm glad MC has L/O also, he's definitely a lot more sharp and tougher than JM (although of course i love him too) so he can defnitely protect her from all those sharks that are trying to get rid of her. but wow JM needs to get on the boat because for a psychoanalyst everyone but him seems to know something loll "hmmm i wonder who's telling viv about marichuy if it wasn't onelia??" uhh maybe the serpent steffi who slithers through ur house all day loll.

loved ur recap :) thanks a billion!

Gloria, thanks so much for taking the time to do the recap on such an exciting day! I'm so glad your nephew has returned safe and sound.

The music during the bar scene was ridiculous..."sexy, sexy" can't fool me, sound people, that was NOT sexy.

I thought it was funny that ten minutes after everyone insisted that she not go out alone, Marichuy was again walking down the dirt road by herself. After having been drugged and netted by a guy who then pulled a knife on her rescuer, which is WAY FREAKIER than the forced kiss which gave her nightmares for years.

Agnes, good point about Omar's hair. Open Omar is better because I like seeing his eyes!

It's been a long time since I saw the cartoon, but the scene where Omar handed Marichuy the rose seemed very reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast. Did that scene happen in that movie?

Since I didn't watch the show in the beginning, I missed the storyline about Elsa and Eduardo. Did she leave him at the altar? Were you all upset about this or do you like Nelson?

I also do not understand the need to get rid of MC by Stef. She's gone, sweetie, away from JM. Isn't that good enough for you? AND, he's married, he doesn't want you anyway!! I have a good book for you, Stef, it's called "He's just not that into you." Read it!

If JM would give anything to find MC, why doesn't he now that he suspects/knows Viv is faking. Wasn't his reason for staying with her was because she was so ill and it was his duty as her husband?

Thank you Gloria – that was fun! Oh, and by the way, I love your photo in the sidebar!

JM almost looks like he’s seeking an affair, even if he says not. If he needs someone to talk to, he has Ed, after all.

I think that El L. said that the padre had been wonderful with his (Leopardo’s) parents, so he must’ve known the padre or known of him.

Thanks, Gloria. I hope that you have a wonderful time with your nephew. My son-in-law's brother [I call him my ''bonus son-in-law] is over in Iraq for the third time. I don't know when he's coming home. It's interesting the way the heroines in these novelas keep putting themselves in harm's way. They just never seem to learn a lesson the first time . I like Rene in this role. It really does seem to mirror Beauty and the Beast. I think I'd like MC to end up on the ranch with him. It seems like the place she should be. She loves the outdoors and all the animals. However, I'm sure she'll end up with Juanmi since he is the galan with top billing [although we did have a nice surprise ending in QE when Lorena ended up with Ernie].

Violet, Elsa did leave Eduardo at the altar...well, in the church courtyard anyway; she just never showed up at the church. It was hard to care much because their relationship was totally perfunctory and she had been having an affair with Nelson the whole time. Ed took it pretty well, though...he was upset and went to talk to her later, but he didn't go crazy or fight with Nelson or any of the other stupid things people do, and now they're on pretty good terms.

I assume you also missed the part where Stef first started hitting on JM. It was RIDICULOUS and amazing that he ever went for it. You should watch a few of those episodes or at least read the recaps to see just how much Stef will never understand "he's just not that into you."

Thank you Gloria!
I think I know why Estephania wanted to get rid of Marichuy....Ceci's husband (don't remember his name) is still considered Estephania as his daughter so if MC is gone forever then she will be the "only one".

I don't know why Ceci and JM can not find out where MC at (if Amador was able to find out where so can they). I guess they're not that smart after all....oh well.

I'm not sure it's a matter of not being that's not being that sneaky. They want to get the information in an aboveboard way. And although JM feels desperate to find Marichuy, he also feels that he SHOULD NOT find her, so he isn't really trying.

Thank you, Julia, for the recap of Ed/Elsa. I will try to go back to the beginning of the recaps this weekend to understand everything that has happened at the beginning of the show, especially about Stefi's quest of JM.

Anon 4:41: Thanks for the input on why Stef wants to get rid of Mari! That makes perfect sense

Thank you, Gloria for a great recap. 'Glad your nephew is back and for a while, I hope.

I think another reason JM is not really looking for MC is because he's still punishing himself and does not think he fully deserves happiness. Also I think he feels bad about virtually throwing her out of his house when she finally reached out to him (when she tried telling him about the baby and he ended up telling her that their marriage is invalid). So because of this he probably thinks even if he found Mari, she'll never go back to him. For being a rich, successful, handsome doctor, it seems like JM does not believe in himself much.


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