Friday, December 12, 2008

Cuidado Thursday, December 11, 2008: Cupid pulls a couple of arrows from his quiver

Leftovers: Cande is noticing that Mari seems to be coming to like El L. Mari says she can love only one man, and that’s JM. Cande says yeah, but he’s not available.

Fresh from the oven: Onelia calls Stef at the judge’s house and says Viviana wants Stef to come by tomorrow. Stef says sure, what’s up? Onelia says she thinks Viv wants to ask about JM’s history with Mari.

Mari is in her room holding up the tiny pants she’s sewn. She talks to her future baby, telling it that it will be somebody, not a nobody like her, and she’ll take good care of it because it’s all she has in this world. Mari dances around a little and tells the baby that she hopes it has a lot of JM, he’s so handsome. Then she wonders why she can’t get JM out of her mind and why she’s thinking about him all the time.

At castle San Roman, Viv is in a hallway talking to JM. She wonders why he’s leaving so early and he says he has some stuff to do, then he’s going to go by and see Rocio – they’re taking her bandages off today. Viv pretends not to know who Rocio is. JM asks if she wants to come along, but she says her nerves are too delicate still to see a sick person.

They start down the stairs and JM says the reason I asked is because you say I don’t take you out enough. Viv says think of something better than going to visit the sick. JM says he understands.

Balbina has let Stef in and she greets JM and Viv. Stef says she just came by to keep Viv company a bit. Viv says you’re Stef, right? Stef picks right up and says She’s getting so much better! JM says she’s not completely fixed, but with time! He leaves and the ladies (!) repair to the living room. Viv says I’ve been waiting for you, and Stef says what’s up?

Scene of the hacienda. Why do they keep their cows in the courtyard? No wonder there are always peons out there sweeping. El L. is petting his horse while Cosme attends to its hooves. El L. asks about Pirana, and Cosme says he’s run away, since he knows what El L. would do to him. El L. says it’s a good thing for the out-of-towner.

Cosme says it’s weird that nobody knows her name, and that Cande is careful not to say it in front of anyone. Cosme says you saved her from Pirana, right? Was she grateful? El L. says very. Cosme says excuse my mentioning it, but you’re kind of interested in her, huh?

Mari is sitting in the chicken coop (yuck) and is remembering what Cande said about her showing interest in El L. She picks up a few eggs and thinks to herself that a person could fall in love with El L., but her heart is taken. She thoughtbubbles about her wedding night kisses with JM. The theme song plays and she looks real pretty with the blurry sheep in the next pen as a backdrop.

Viv and Stef again. Viv says they have an enemy in common. She says Mari is the only one of them JM really loves. Viv wants to know about Mayita saying that Mari is coming back, bringing a baby with her. True? True, says Stef, Mari’s expecting JM’s baby. Viv is impactada.

Now the sheep seem to be in the with the horse in a grassy courtyard. Manly El L. is toting hay bales. He tells Cosme there will be no more women for him. Cosme says methinks the Leopard doth protest too much. He suggests a nice, pure love to perk El L. up.

El L. tells Cosme that Mari’s expecting, that she hid that like she hides her name. Her pregnancy is sacred, he would never put the moves on a madonna … er … expectant mother. He looks tortured, runs his hands through his hair and stares at the sheep.

Stef tells Viv that Mari is hiding out in a hacienda in the countryside, but don’t tell JM. Viv can’t get over that she’s pregnant. Stef says of course we have an (evil) plan

Mari, still in the coop, is chatting affectionately with a hen and her chicks. She goes to pet one and the hen pecks her. Ow! she says and El L., who was nearby, is immediately on alert. He comes in and tries to pick up a chick, and the hen pecks at him too, but finally he gets a chick and hands it to Mari, who gives it some lovin. She plays with the chicks and El L. actually laughs.

Stef tells Viv their plan would help her too. That baby is a threat to Viv’s marriage, so will she help? Viv warily asks how? Money, says Viv. My aunt and I don’t have any, and neither does Amador. (But Amador is a big-deal TV director!) Viv says money I’ve got. What’s in it for you? Stef says I want revenge – Mari cost me everything and I’ve been left in the street.

El L. and Mari are still laughing over then hen. Mari understands her, and El L. says you have the maternal instinct. Did you get it from your mother? Mari turns serious and says no, I didn’t even know her.

At the judge’s house, he is trying to persuade Ceci not to go, but she says the padre must have some news and Ceci wants to know how Mari is. The judge says you’ll probably get bad news that’ll make you cry. Ceci wants to know if Mari is thinking of them. She wants her to know that she loves her and that she repents that when was there they treated her horribly, not to mention that she had abandoned Mari when she was a baby.

The judge hopes she gets good news from the padre. Martirio, who has been preparing tea and listening, smiles a fake-empathy smile as Ceci leaves.

Mari and El L. are leaving the coop and she explains that Cande is not her real mother, but that she got to know her when she was already grown up. She tells him that she was brought up in an orphanage but that she’s not a real orphan. Her mother gave her up, but her parents are alive.

Stef is at the end of telling Viv her recent story – that she is not the real lost child of the Velardes and that she can stay in the house just until Mari reappears. She doesn’t know what will become of her when that happens. Viv wants to know about her and JM, but Stef says ask JM. Viv says I did and he wouldn’t answer. Stef says he will if you press him. Are you going to donate to our plan?

Count on me, says Viv. Stef says poor Marichuy! She’s not even going to have the opportunity to know her child because we’re going to disappear her.

Mari tells El L. that supposedly her mother gave her up because she was sick and thought she was going to die, but Mari thinks she just didn’t love her. El L. says doesn’t the padre know who her parents are and Mari says yes, but I didn’t want to know. Where were they when I needed them? Now they don’t owe me anything, not a smile, not even love. It was painful and it’s made it so I don’t believe in anyone.

El L. says life has been hard for you. Mari says that’s why I’m going to give my child so much love and warmth. El L. says maybe you could use their help when the baby comes. Mari says I’ll take care of everything. Funny, huh? My mother abandoned me and it taught me how to be a mother.

Ceci has arrived at the church and is grilling the padre. He says Mari is doing great. She wants to know if Mari asked after her. The padre says he told her how Ceci is suffering but Mari still didn’t want to have anything to do with them. Ceci anguishes.

In the hacienda kitchen, Mari thinks of El L. and what Cande said about her liking him.

In the paddock, El L. thinks of Mari and what Cosme said about a good love. The horse thinks about grass. El L. smiles to himself.

Viv is asking Stef why Mari left JM the morning after their wedding, and why she isn’t using the baby to get him back. Stef says it was something in their past. Viv says JM won’t tell her and now Stef won’t either. Stef says well, JM…

He walks in and says so it’s you telling her all these stories! What are you saying about me? Stef thinks fast and then says Viv was asking me why Mari left you. She has the right to know. Come on, tell Viv what happened in the past between you and Mari.

Poor Mari is out on the lawn, scrubbing clothes on a washboard. Poor clothes that are going to wear out in no time. She is remembering a man telling her to think it over and to save her love if she can. I don’t know whose voice that was - the padre’s?

El L. walks up and says he was looking for her. He hands her some red tiger lilies and looks a bit awkward.

Stef says to JM aren’t you going to tell her? JM says do me the favor of shutting up. Stef fakes being kind and says please, she’s your wife. I can tell her unimportant things, but the important things – you have to tell her. Con permiso. (Stef really played her hand well!)

Viv says well? Why did you abandon her? What happened between you? What? WHAT? JM just looks at her.

Now we’re at Nelson and Elsa’s. He’s holding up a copy of his poetry book, My Naked Soul. He’s pretty pleased. Elsa says don’t you want to know where the money to publish it came from? Nelson says naw, you know I’m not into money stuff. Elsa says my mama gave it to me. Nelson says great. Elsa says that’s not important to you? Nelson says they have so much, it’s great that they are willing to share.

Elsa says we don’t live in this dream world that you’ve got going in your mind. Try to support yourself, make an effort to get what you want. Nelson says here’s this poetry book! Elsa is exasperated. Nelson says you wanted it published. Elsa says well I guess you’re happy. Yes, says Nelson, who starts reading aloud from it while Elsa shakes her head.

The padre and Ceci covering the same ground. She wants to know if there’s some way she can get closer to Mari and he says not right now, she’s too wounded by her past. But he tells her to give it time, and with her prayers and her love, God will help out. Give it a couple of months.

El L. says he found the lilies down by the river in a steep area. Mari says isn’t it dangerous to go there? He says a little. She says you went there just to get them for me? He says yes.

JM tells Viv it was something way in the past and besides Mari has disappeared from his life. Viv says I want to know when you’re going to be my full-service husband. JM says not until you’re cured. I want to try hypnosis. I want to know what happened in all that time you are missing. Viv says that’s in the past too. JM says I need to know.

Viv says I don’t need to remember. I love Mayita as my own daughter and you as my own husband. Everything can be like before. She goes to kiss him, but Nanny Blanca walks in just then. Viv goes ballistic and screams why do you always interrupt? What do you want? Blanca looks cowed and JM stares at Viv.

Elsa says to Nelson don’t you realize you’re destroying me too? He says don’t reproach me, don’t criticize me. Elsa says maybe I’m not cut out to be the wife of a poet. Nelson says you’re disappointed in me, aren’t you? Elsa says I don’t want to be disappointed – help me to love you like I did before.

Nelson says nothing is permanent, everything changes like the clouds do. Even love. He walks out and Elsa looks sad.

Mari says don’t go taking risks to get flowers again. El L. says do you like them and she says a lot, they’re beautiful. El L. says the most beautiful creation in the world is the human being. He touches her chin and says you for example, you’re lovely. She looks doubtful and he looks shy.

Blanca says Mayita wanted to show you a picture she drew. She really wants to see you. Viv asks impatiently where Mayita is and Blanca says in the garden. Viv says I’ll go see her, but don’t take advantage while I’m gone. She leaves.

Blanca apologizes to JM and he says no need, and that she actually saved him from a difficult situation. Viv is getting unbearable, and he feels he should apologize to Blanca. Blanca says no need – sometimes when a person is upset, it’s best to talk to someone who understands. JM says you understand me? Blanca says I just know sometimes how that feels.

JM’s psych-guy antennae shoot up. You have problems? he asks. Blanca says I’ll tell you one day when you’re not all stressed. I just have some things within me that I don’t understand. JM says best to get some help. Blanca says your help! JM says what’s the problem, your shyness? Blanca says that’s part of it, but there’s other things.

Wow, El L. is waxing poetic! He tells Mari that there is a light in her eyes, her skin, her breath. Mari looks doubtful. El L. says I don’t even know your name. Lala (that would be Cande) calls you my daughter, Micaela calls you Chamaca. Since you’ve been here I’ve never heard your name. What is it? Mari looks around nervously.

JM says he will help and Blanca says in the meantime, you can think of me as your confidant – I’ll help in any way I can. JM looks puzzled.

Mari fudges and says her name is the same as the flowers. El L. is thrilled that he picked just the right ones, lirios. He says that makes them mean all the more to him. He grasps the stems, but also her hand holding the stems. He realizes his mistake and steps back.

Weeping: Ceci tells the judge no dice with Mari. He says how can that damned girl make you suffer so much? He hugs her.

More weeping: Elsa is sitting alone in their apartment, sorrowful. A popsicle appears in front of her face, with Nelson attached to it. He says forgive me what needs forgiving. That thing about love dying, that was just a saying. I don’t think our love will die. Elsa sadly says I’m leaving you.

Dr Handsome shows up to take off Rocio’s bandages. JM walks in. (That’s a lot of male pulchritude to cram into one lens - I’m going blind here.) The doctor is charming and gallantly flirty. Time to take the bandages off! Rocio is excited.

Viv is lying on the bed with her head in Onelia’s lap. Onelia fiddles with Viv’s hair and asks why she wanted to see Stef so bad and Viv says to ask about JM. Onelia says why do you think she’d know more than I would? Viv says actually you’re wrong. Onelia says really? Viv tells her that Mari is going to have JM’s child.

The bandages are being unrolled. (I’m channeling a certain old Twilight Zone episode - anybody remember it?) The doctor studies Rocio’s face, which we can’t see. She says why are you looking at me like that? She reaches up to her face, but the doctor says don’t touch! Rocio says why won’t you let me see? Give me a mirror! JM is smiling. The doctor says first we have to clean you up a little.

General meeting of Baddies, Inc. Stef and Isa are listening while Amador tells them he’s found just the person to spy on Mari, a nobody from the area. He tells about going to the hacienda, how Cande gave him hell and how El L. threw him out, but he’s going back. He’s sure Mari didn’t know he was there.

Mari is in her room putting her flowers in a vase and Cande is really enjoying the story of where they came from. She dances Mari around. Mari says don’t read too much into it, I think he was just sorry to be so cranky with me before and he’s trying to make it up to me. Cande says yeah, right. Mari says there’s nobody for me but JM, father of my child.

Cut to JM in Rocio’s room. The doctor is satisfied and Rocio gets her mirror. We see her and there are just very faint scars on her cheeks. She’s thrilled and says she’s like she was before. JM congratulates the doctor. Rocio grasps his hands and thanks him he says you’re welcome, muñequita. Rocio admires herself some more. Amazingly, her hair is shiny and clean.

Elsa tells Nelson that he’s not interested in their marriage, or even their love. What am I doing married to you? He says listen… She says Don’t touch me! Leave me alone! I don’t want to listen, I don’t want to even see you! It’s all over between us. She runs out.

JM is coming down the stairs of at castle San Roman. Viv confronts him about why he’s going out alone at night, can she come? He says she’d get bored. She probes some more and he says he’s going to a bar to unwind. She says hmmm.

Balbina comes down the stairs saying something is wrong with Blanca. She knocked at her room and nobody answered. Viv says go on in, she’s an employee. JM runs up to see. Viv rolls her eyes and follows.

Mari is in the hacienda living room sewing. El L. says I thought you’d gone to bed. She says she ate too much and needs to digest a bit. He tells her she should say “tu” to him, he’s not that old. She says but you’re the lord of the manor here, though you look young. She says she wants to tell him something.

JM is knocking at Blanca’s door. We see inside, and she’s not there. But they are outside the door and can’t see in like we did, and Balbina says maybe she’s dead! Viv says don’t be so dramatic, she’s not there. JM says go get the duplicate key.

Mari is all excited and stumbles over her words, but she finally spits out that she wants El L. to deliver her baby. He turns serious and so does the music. Forget it! he says. Get another doctor.

JM and the others go in Blanca’s room. She’s not there. Balbina says she’s searched the house. Viv says she’s probably out walking the streets – some woman you’ve brought into our house, JM!

Mari says I thought we were friends and you get all cranky with me again. Too bad, says El L. Mari says who could I get? Who could I trust more than you? You know what? A while ago Micaela told me you are a doctor and you could deliver the baby and I was scared – my hair practically stood on end. And now you’re scaring me again. El L. says you should be scared.

Mari says you’re not fierce. You can be sweet, tender. Don’t be a jerk.

Balbina says I think it’s very odd that Blanca would leave without telling me. Viv says maybe she went for some romantic encounter, though it’s hard to imagine that pathetic little thing having a romance.

Balbina says I’ll go tell Mayita that Blanca can’t come, and she leaves. JM says to Viv why don’t you go to Mayita? Viv says so you can leave? JM says it’s shameful that Mayita called for her nanny, not for her mama. Viv says is it my fault Mayita doesn’t love me, and that you don’t either? (Hint: yes.)

Mari says look, I want to put my life in your hands. El L. says don’t do it. Mari says and even more, the life of my child. El L. says don’t do that either. I’ll find you a good doctor who will guarantee that you both will be safe. Mari says but they say you’re a very good doctor. El L. says I can’t practice – I’ve forbidden myself. Mari says tell me why. He says I can’t tell you or anybody else.

Viv says to JM I don’t know why you brought me back into you life if you don’t love me - you’ve probably never loved me. JM gets snotty and says don’t throw a scene. Viv calls him cold, a man of ice. She asks if he was like that with Mari. JM says good night and leaves. She runs after him.

El L. says something I didn’t get, then says he can’t harm others, nor himself. Mari wants to know if that has to do with the two dead innocents. He says he quit medicine two years and fled back here and became an uncivilized man. Never will the life of others depend on these hands, he snarls. Closeup of his hands. This is a doctor who takes the “do no harm” thing very seriously.

Viv is lying on her bed and says to herself I never thought my own husband wouldn’t want to be with me. And it bugs me he’s so worried about the nanny. She sits up: could there be something between JM and the nanny? She’s so mousy… but there’s something mysterious happening with her. She must be hiding something, and I’m going to find out what it is.

El L. is alone in his room thinking to himself that he can’t help Mari, she’s pulling at his heart, that’s why. Too bad JM San Ramon took up psychiatry – he’d be the perfect doctor for her. (Wouldn’t an ob-gyn be a better choice?) Yes! I’ll go into the city and see him.

Avances: JM meets dolled-up Blanca in the bar. Stef and Viv shake on a pact. Looks like Amador is coming to the hacienda again or maybe that was the old shot. Mari says something to El L. that I didn’t understand.


Maggie: Good morning and thank you for the recap. I think you've covered just about everything.

I'm sure enjoying El Leopardo and Mari together. It all seems so sweet and natural.

But, I'm going to scream the next time I hear Vivi say "..contestame, Juan Miguel..." I can't stand it. She greats on my last nerve. If I were here husband I'd be skipping out day and night just to get away from her.

What an unholy evil alliance: Vivi, Estefi, Isabela and Amador.

Hi Maggie...great recap, lots of clever comments. Really loved that you "were going blind" with two gorgeous men on your screen.

I need to do a cranky rant here. I hate the side stories. I find Rocio and Vicente boring. Ditto for Nelson and that useless sulky twit he married. (during her sermonette on getting a job, I kept wondering why she didn't look for work also. How much time can you spend washing dishes for two?)

The villans are effective and I'm enjoying the addition of El Leopardo but oh no, the thought of Piraña spiriting away Marichuy's baby makes me crazy. I HATE BABY KIDNAPPING STORIES.

In that dreadful FELS, Sofia's baby was stolen, and missing for a whole year. Didn't watch much before but absolutely had to stop then. I can't bear the thought, even though I tell myself it's fiction.

Okay. Sigh. Feeling better now. Sorry. Loved the recap. Oh and the Blanca/Ivette thing is interesting too. Now on with my day, wanting to live in a world where babies are never taken from their mothers....and are always, always loved.

Thanks for the great recap, Maggie. You did a thorough job and I didn't even get watching the show. Thanks again.

Poor Marichuy! So many people are after her for one reason or another. I keep saying LEAVE HER ALONE.

I am glad that El Leopard is there to protect Marichuy. She need someone to protect her from the vultures.

Just want to say theank you and keep up the good work, Maggie.

Thanks enormously, Maggie, for your archly flavorful recap.

I especially appreciate your capturing key details of the characters' expressions, e.g., Viviana's telling her husband he's made of hielo--a nice irony, given her cold blooded nature. I concur in pasofino's response to her demanding "contestame" refrain--it's gratingly invasive. (Miss Norvind conveys barely suppressed hysteria and malevolence SO well. I've found her frightening since the first episodes.)

I'm wondering whether Viviana understands Stefi's plan to "disappear" Marichuy as involving kidnapping and/or murder....

Maggie, what a great recap! All the detail so clearly described, muchas gracias. I'm with you on the blindness too. Never much a fan of Rene until now. Wow, El Leo. is muy simpatico! And of course, JM is the biggest eye-candy on the screen these days!!

I must say that Nelson sure got his book published quickly. And he didn't even seem to know how it happened? Is this guy loopy or what? I mean, I know about dysfunctional artists and all, being married to one. And the struggle to go out and get money when you would rather be doing your life's work, etc. but how did he end up with a printed copy with dust jacket and everything all in one week? Unless they went to a vanity publisher.

JudyB did I miss a detail about Amador's hired help being Piraña? Or are you just guessing? How utterly evil that would be.

I thought Amador said something about his contact knowing "just the guy"...someone who'd already been skulking around the estate and knew who Marichuy was...and I immediately assumed it was Piraña. Maybe it wasn't explicit. And maybe I'm wrong. (won't be the first time)
Anyway, that part of the story upsets me so much, Agnes, that I don't know what's said flat out and what my fevered brain intuits. Don't know why I'm so vulnerable emotionally to stories of children being taken from their mothers, but it absolutely horrifies me.

JudyB. I understand. And the acting is fairly good in this (as in convincing) and the characters get you involved so it's not like FELS where I could barely get myself to care about any of them except how ridiculous they all are.

I'm not looking forward to Marichuy being separated from her baby for one minute, but it sure seems they are setting us up for it. You're probably right about Piraña being "just the right guy".

Oh, I just had a thought. As painful as it may be, perhaps it would be the only way Mari could feel the pain that Ceci feels and then see her way clear to forgiveness. It's emotionally brutal though. I hope you stay with us; I always enjoy your comments

Maggie: Thanks for the great detailed, recap. My favorite: "Dr Handsome shows up to take off Rocio’s bandages. JM walks in. (That’s a lot of male pulchritude to cram into one lens"...And so it was!

I remember the Twilight Epiode you are referring to. Another beautiful face was revealed, however, in that case, not in the eyes of the beholder!

I know I'm going out on a limb here but I'm on Team Leo. I know that the chances of another telenova bucking the trend for the lead galan not to get the heroine are slim but..

Love JM but I think Marichuy would be happier in her present life, and I think she's a better match with Leo. She'd be in an idyllic setting, away from all those who wanted to hurt her (and still do). She and Leo already seemed to have shared more meaningful conversations than she ever did with JM. Last but not least, JM does have a wife and another who will stop at nothing to be his wife!

It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out. Diana in MA

Agnes...I thought the same thing. This painful separation for "nothing will separate me from my baby" Marichuy will be the great life lesson. But it reminds me too much of "serves you right" that I heard during so much of my growing up days. But yes, that is probably the way it will play out.'re right, Marichuy and El Leopardo do have deeper conversations and the setting suits her beautifully.....but c'mon....besides, who needs to talk when you can just cuddle with JM on the beach? Just sayin'

Yes, JM appears dumb as a rock (maybe he copied El Leopardo's notes in med school) but since he's the father of her baby, I'm pretty sure it's a done deal.

Thanks for this excellent recap, Maggie. I have been finding these shows a little tedious lately, so I have not been watching, and I'm relying on the recaps to keep up. I'll probably return soon.

I remember the Twilight Zone episode also. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder . . . doo dee doo dee . . doo dee doo dee. (That, friend, is supposed to be my rendition of the Twilight Zone theme.)

"JM’s psych-guy antennae shoot up. " Maggie, you caught this moment perfectly. Our beautiful but dumb curalocos sure seems to bring out the nuttiness in all his gals.

Poor JM seems to have no clue why he has all these women going loca around him. He's overwhelmed, then he asks for more by hanging out with SkankyBarWench. He needs to grow a spine or whatever other parts are necessary and throw them all out.

At this point I think Marichuy could happily end up with either JM or Leo, although if this were the real world I think she would be much happier with Leo. She's very teenagerish in her relationship with JM, with the whole "I can never fall in love with anyone else again!" refrain. Her relationship with Leo is more mature, despite his issues. Also he was looking muy sexy last night. However, it is novelaland, and the baby is JM's...also, someone else would have to enter the picture for JM, because none of the vile vixens currently after him are at all suitable.

Maggie, excellent recap. I love your elegantly arch phrasing.

What great comments! It never occurred to me that Stef and crew would separate Mari from her baby. I was thinking they wanted to off her, fetus and all. But it would indeed make a good lesson if she had to be separated from her child. I’d hate to see that happen, though, because then we would lose you, JudyB!

I to am really liking the idea of a romance between Mari and El L. because they are getting to know one another bit by bit by spending time together and talking. Mari and JM fell for one another at first sight, which fits the telenovela convention of the one, destined, true love, but it’s not very convincing to watch.

JudyB – Now you’ve got me thinking about whether the side stories are boring. I hadn’t really given that any thought, I’m so glad when we’re out of those huge, lonesome mansions. I spend a lot of those side scenes checking out the décor. I like Elsa and Nelson’s little flat. I’d rather be in Isa’s crummy little place than in the sterile Casa Velarde. Even the tiny hospital “room” is better, plus the actors playing Vicente and Rocio are so good. I’m really liking the hacienda – there are lots of people around and, best of all, lots of animals. Oh, and those wonderful colors!

I like the scenes with Elsa, though, because I think she’s a wonderful actress who conveys a vulnerable, tender sorrow instead of some screeching over-the-top agony. I think she’s got what it takes to have a lead in some future show, including the requisite beauty.

Thank you all for slogging through this ultra-long recap. There was a ton of dialog which I felt I couldn’t leave out, since those who missed the show would want to know what’s up.

Maggie...yes, the actress playing Elsa is beautiful and has those sensuous full lips just like Adele Noriega. (As you know, I'm a lip parity person. Mouth-wise Elsa and Juan Miguel should be together)

However, I find her part, as written, absolutely puke-worthy. She was annoying, spoiled and selfish with Eduardo and now is likewise with goopy little Nelson (NEVER liked any sense).

God, I sound cranky don't I? And too old to use the hormonal excuse. Dang! Will Seasonal affective disorder work?

JudyB, I love your lip-matching theories but unfortunately Elsa and Juan Miguel are cousins. I did think JM and Marichuy matched up pretty well and now I will have to look closely to see how O/L and Mari would fit. The writers could help me out there with a smooching scene between them.

Elsa is a spoiled brat, and so is Nelson.

Maggie, I didn't get a chance to see this episode and I so much appreciated your full and vivid recap. Thank you.

Much as I could sit all day and gaze at JM's beautiful, dreamy eyes and full, sensual lips, I am joining Diana, et al, on team Leo. He just shows so much more depth and strength of character than JM. I too like the way the growing concern, trust and affection between Mari and Leo is portrayed. I can actually see them as a couple. Mari is growing up out there in the country, and she seems so at home and peaceful in that buccolic setting. I just can't see her back in JM's cold castle that is teeming with evil snakes of the human variety.

Doña Ximena, I don't know if Viv knows the details of the plot against Mari, but I don't think she'd raise a hair. We've seen her execute a guy in cold blood out of revenge and attempt to kill her good friend just to steal her husband. She hasn't shown genuine feelings for anyone, including her own little girl.

Awesome recap Maggie ;) The voice was Cosme telling Mari that true love could save O/L

Agnes and JudyB – Amador met with a different guy, but I think he said that guy was going to get him the one that would do the deed and that he’d already gotten in trouble with Mari. Piraña’s name wasn’t mentioned, but there’s every reason to assume it’s him (but off course, we could ALL be wrong).

Now JudyB, SAD makes you, well sad, not cranky, but you can blame it on the weather of you want ;)

I gotta say, Mari has obviously inherited Pat's rush to judgment along with his stubbornness. PA has already told her mom was sick and thought she was going to die, but Mari is convinced it was just an excuse to get rid of her and actually said if it'd been her, she would have fought death. Romantic as that sounds, when our time comes, there's little if anything any of us can do. Ceci was lucky to survive, and Mari is more or less holding it against her. I do hope Leo can thwart the kidnapping (I too hate the stolen baby plot line), and perhaps that trauma alone will be enough for Mari to realize that sometimes things are out of your control. It occurs to me that PA could mention that her parents are very powerful and could protect her if JM tried to take the baby away, but I don't think he realizes this is one of Mari's fears.

I may have misheard this, but I think O/L was thought bubbling that JM could help with HIS problem (his fear of falling in love and of practicing medicine). Either that or he figured JM could help Mari with her resentment towards her mom and perhaps this would make her get the help she needs and he alone cannot provide. What I am pretty sure of, is that he wants to ask JM to come and visit for a few days at the hacienda. Hope this doesn't set Mari over the edge if he pulls it off.

I've been wondering if Ivette/Blanca is supposed to know who JM is, given that she has some link to Leo. Maybe her showing up at JM's was not just another novelaland "coincidence".

Well,'s what my worry wart mind came up with on that. At first I'm oh great! Juan Miguel will come, learn that Marichuy is pregnant with his baby, protect her and they'll live happily ever after.

Then I realized that the way these things are set up...IF he does come, he will assume the baby is El Leopardo's (through some silly lack of communication) and will be even more cold and distant and "she doesn't love me or want me" with Marichuy than ever. Further breaking her heart and exposing her to danger.


JJ, I too wondered about that. Maybe Blanca decided to take the job because she was hoping JM could help her figure out what was wrong with her. I don't think JM is particularly renowned, but his picture did appear on the paper during the conference he went to and they probably included the fact that he was psych doctor.

JudyB, yup, these things have a way of seeping into your brain and building all sorts of scenarios. I thought Mari would see that JM was coming and try to run away and get herself into more trouble, but your theory makes a lot of sense as well since I doubt these two will get back together until it's almost the end (much as I think Leo/Mari could work, I think this one will have her end up with the guy that heads the credits and Leo with a cured Blanca). I tell ya these things are addictive...

re Blanca/Ivette....a person with multiple personality disorder has no knowledge of the other personality/ies that emerge. It is interesting that when they measure the brain waves of the different personalities, they are not the same. There is a kind of amnesia one has when they are the other/s. Blanca knows that something strange is going on with her (probably when she finds things that belongs to Ivette), and might have been interested to take the job because JM is a psychiatrist (although I'm not sure how she would know that). But she really doesn't have any idea about Ivette, and vice-versa. I've been thinking that maybe eventually JM will find himself attracted to Blanca. Remember he said to Eduardo that she wasn't pretty, but she wasn't ugly either.And he seems to like her shy, serious personality and the way she is there for Mayita.

I too would like to see Marichuy with O/L.

I dont understand why marichuy doesn't want anyone to know her name at the hacienda.
NJ Sue

Oh, wow, thank you so much Margarita for clarifying what El L. said about JM! I think he said something like I wish JM hadn’t taken up psychiatry and I over-inferred from that. Or maybe I missed the mark there too. (As an Australian friend of mine once said “I got a hold of the wrong end of the stick and beat around the bush with it.”) Also, it looks like I got it backward, that he wants JM to come visit, rather than that he plans to go to the DF. This is why you’re such a great resource to us!

Also, JudyB, you’re not cranky! You are such a sweet presence on Caray Caray, and your comments are always fascinating.

NJ Sue: Cande and Mari fear that if people know their name, and others are looking for her, it will be easier to find her. This is particularly important since they assume (correctly in this case) that Leo knows JM. Off course, Amador already knows where she is, but I don't think Cande or Leo have bothered to tell Mari.

Maggie, maybe Leo wished he'd studied psych like JM and it wouldn't be an issue 'cause he could say baby deliveries weren't in his field, or maybe that if he was a psychiatrist he could help Mari with her other problems? I think I missed the beginning of that thought bubble myself, and can only be sure about the who would be visiting who part. Sorry =(

I was also pretty sure that L/O was talking about getting JM to help with his (L/O's) problems. Like, if he got over his issues, then maybe he would be able to help Marichuy.

JudyB, I think one of the reasons we watch these things (other than the language study, the eye candy, and the fun chats here) is that, after all the crap, everything works out happily in the end, which doesn't necessarily happen in real life, at least immediately. There's a certain satisfaction in knowing that people are going to get what's coming to them.

Yes, Julia, I'm sure part of the charm (in addition to those manly muscles and smokin' hot love scenes) are the just desserts and happy endings....but they take sooooo darn long to happen.

One thing I liked about Querida Enemiga was it was relatively short with no obvious fillers. And Sara, the villain, met with a wonderfully apt punishment.

I was tripped up when the new doctor called Rocio "munequita." un muneco is a puppet, but un muneco de neieve is a snowman, so I think it was a reference to her head swathed in white bandages.

Could Rocio's new doctor have meant "doll" by calling her munequita? Not sure tho since I do not know the language.

Thank you for the detailed recap, Maggie. I wonder if Mari & JM will ever find their way back to each other especially now that she seems to be falling for Leo and JM falling for Yvette?


"Munequita" is an endearing term in this case. He called her "munequita" meaning "pretty one" just like a doll.

Howdy =)

Re: Muñeca/o. It does indeed mean doll, and as Anon pointed out, muñeca and muñequita (little doll) are often used as a term of endearment toward little girls and pretty women. On of the most popular father/daughter dances at weddings and quinceañeras is "Muñequita Linda." Also, the working title for Guapos (and the name of the TN it was based on) was "Muñeca Brava." Brava/o is usually in reference to mean and vicious dogs, but can also refer to anyone who's angry. What the Americans call the Rio Grande is known as the Rio Bravo in Mexico due to the treacherous undercurrents that can drown anyone (though drought and pollution have lowered that risk). One last bit is that tall buxom women (think Rosario from FELS) are sometimes called "muñecota" (big doll).

Puppet = títere, though sometimes they'll call them muñeco or muñeco de ventrílocuo (vetriloquist dummy).

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