Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tontas Friday Dec 12

Patricio tells Alicia he got a DNA test, then asks, “what if I had a son?” She looks impactada, so he says “heh heh just joking!”

Santiago’s maid and butler play word games, she acts rude to him, she still thinks he was getting busy with the boss’s girlfriend. He is apparently incapable of defending himself.

Santiago’s mom overhears Lucia making her plans to get some money, then get some boobies. Mom act like she didn’t hear, but she hear it all. She asks the butler what she should do – say something to Lucia, or to Santiago?

Charly asks Meno if he can stay here in Guadalajara with him. Meno says sure, great idea, but his face says “oh crap please no.”

Chava and Rocio talk about her missing mom, which makes her sad. Chava has an idea.

Charly has his radio up too loud and doesn’t hear the phone ringing, Meno answers, it’s
Charly’s mom, she wants to know if Meno told Charly yet that he is gay. Meno is impactado, so obviously not, but we already knew that.

Chava and Rocio are with Santiago and Candy now, Chava’s great idea is for them to all be a family! Santiago loves the idea of course, Candy not so much. They have witty repartee for a while about it. Santiago tells Chava to work on his mom for him. Rocio wants to know why Santiago is here, it’s mom’s day! Candy says again that she doesn’t want a family with Santiago, which Marissa arrives just in time to overhear. Isn’t it amazing how often that happens? Santiago immediately tries to act innocent, but his own daughter rats him out, she heard what he said before! They all run inside.

Meno tells Charly’s mom that she better not say anything to Charly about it, and furthermore, he’s not here, good bye! Charly FINALLY realizes the phone rang and asks who it was, Meno says ‘a ghost!’

Rocio keeps ratting Santiago out to Marissa, he did say he wanted a family with Candy! Santiago somehow manages to change the subject, what is she doing here? She came to be with Rocio on Mom’s day! She runs off with Rocio, leaving Santiago behind. Candy and Marissa start making 7th grade girl smarmy faces at each other. They start talking to some other hot moms, so Santiago runs in and passes out his business card.

Santiago’s mom talks to the butler some more in the kitchen, the maid keeps using noisy appliances, I guess this is supposed to be part of the comedy of the scene, but in reality it’s just annoying. Donato – that’s the butler’s name. The maid is rude to Donato some more. Does she like him? She keeps on about him and Marissa.

Candy, Marissa, and three others have made the finals of the mom’s day games. They keep making snotty faces at each other that in real life would lead to a fistfight. A guest judge is introduced, Santiago! He runs a game where each kid has a donut on a string and the mom has to eat it with no hands, then the mom gets a donut and the situation is reversed. Basically everybody cheats, using their hands, including Santiago. He cheats in Candy’s favor, not his own daughter’s! The adults eat the donuts ok, the poor kids look like they’ll puke from stuffing that donut in their faces so fast. Candy wins and she and Santiago hug and jump up and down. They finally realize they are on stage and Marissa is RIGHT THERE so they break apart and Santiago goes right to hugging Marissa, who won second place. Marissa sure is dumb. He is flaunting his attraction to Candy right in her face and she just takes it. She even knows the truth, that Santiago wants to dump her. I guess there are women like this in real life, but I can’t think of a good reason why she hasn’t just disappeared from his life after that treatment. I guess then we’d have no show. Rocio is sad after only getting second place, Candy is the one who ends up comforting her. Chava is proud of his first place trophy. Santiago gives some good love to his daughter.

Patricio finds out from the doctor that his father will be able to go home from the hospital tomorrow. He remembers back to them playing when he was a kid, but also how at night dad would get drunk.

Rocio shows her grandma that she won the second place trophy. Grandma is surprised that Marissa showed up, Rocio has a mom already! Rocio says that today Marissa was her mom and she (Rocio) liked it! Santiago says after she leaves, “what a mess.”

Eduardo’s wife asks him to do something, he says he’s too busy reading the paper and watching TV. Great – we’ll begin the whole “men are so lazy” bit now. In Eduardo’s case, I agree, he is being very sexist in not allowing his wife to work. He acts like an ass. But – I’m sick of the whole “men are lazy pigs” crap. I work hard. Then I have to come home and work hard some more. I don’t get to go back to bed after the kids go to school for another hour, I don’t get a TV break in the middle of the day. Working a desk job is not as easy as it sounds, I am exhausted every day when I get home, but I still have to spend the next 4-5 hours helping around the house and with the kid(s). How is that lazy? I hate how men are portrayed on TV sometimes. Ugh.

Santiago talks to his mom, he doesn’t know what to do about Marissa and he’s disturbed by the Lucia/boobies thing. He asks his mom to find out who the other doctor is that would operate on a 15 year old!

Patricio looks through some old photos of Candy.

Lots of scenes back and forth between a group of men and a group of women. This was horrible to watch, the men all act like pigs and run down women, the women act like harpies and run down men. I’m going to skip forward to the next part of actual story. In the middle we see Meno failing to keep Charly, Beto, and Chava under control as he tries to babysit them.

Candy finally goes to Raul’s office to meet him, he has been desperately trying to meet the woman who writes that great column for him. He sees her as his dead wife first, to remind us of his pain, but then they talk. Candy starts off by saying “I say what I want, and I don’t just agree with everything you tell me.” Raul doesn’t mind.

Patricio in his hot sports car shows up at some store with a photo of Candy, he gives it to the guy at the store and asks him to do something with it.

Raul dumps out a huge bag of mail on his desk, it’s Candy’s fan mail. He is very happy with her and her column.

Lucia tries to reach the unscrupulous doctor by phone again, I guess he’s dodging her calls. She hides her diary, that has the doctor’s name in it, in her nightstand.

Alicia calls Patricio, he says he’ll be around later, he has business first. She remembers what he said about having a son. She calls her mom, who is suspicious about her calling him.

Santiago and Candy are walking in the park before the kids’ soccer game. They meet a guy named Bracamontes who is a famous soccer coach. Is he related to Jackie in real life? And while we’re at it – how come when Candy professes to not want Santiago in her life, they are constantly together and she isn’t complaining about it? Here they are hanging out in the park! Anyway, she asks him about his wife again, he says he won’t talk about it. I imagine at some point she will compare her abandoning her family with him being abandoned and see how it is for the other person. Maybe.

Alicia tells her mom that she needs to get pregnant, but she isn’t excited about it. Mom says she never wanted any kids either and look, she got three! Wow don’t forget to send her flowers on Mother’s Day after that kind sentiment!

Candy walks away from the kids on the soccer field, not noticing that Patricio is coming from the other direction. He is with Beto’s mom (I’m so sorry for forgetting so many names, I hope you know who I’m talking about) who wants to introduce him to the lady coach. He acts like a tool and says coaches HAVE to be men. Whatever. Candy is busy trying to find a place to hide, she jumps into a dumpster. This dumpster happens to be the only dumpster in the entire world that has a clean, dry bottom for her to sit down in, rather than the usual sludge of rotting whatever. Meanwhile Santiago is getting the game started, Candy calls him on his cell, from the dumpster. She directs him to come over to her right away! He goes over to some comically small garbage cans and kicks them, trying to find her. She yells at him until he sees her in the dumpster. He asks why she’s in there, she says it’s aromatherapy!

Patricio and Beto’s mom argue more about male/female coaches. Ok we get it men are pigs, thank you very much, let’s move on. Beto’s mom has had enough and she walks away.

Donato and Santiago’s mom search Lucia’s room and find the diary with the doctor’s card in it and are almost busted by Lucia coming in, but they manage to get out with some incredibly lame excuse about the room being humid.

Beto’s mom is back, she tells Patricio that HE should coach the team today since the coach is missing and he is such a bleeping expert.

Santiago says he won’t help Candy until she uses ‘tu’ with him instead of ‘usted.’ She finally agrees and says that Patricio is her husband. He doesn’t quite get it and is interrupted by Beto’s mom. He playes a good game of pretending to be on his cell phone, then makes a comment about America being a better team than Chivas, which makes Candy kick the dumpster. Funny scene. Santiago walks back to the game.

Donato and Santiago’s mom make good their escape from Lucia’s room.

The kids want Bracamontes to keep being their coach, when he says he can’t, they want Santiago to coach. I’m sure he’ll agree to be co-coach with Candy.

Alicia visits Patricio’s dad in the hospital, she has a proposal. She will smooth things over between father and son, and she will give him a grandson. He likes the idea enough to make his heart have a little pain again.

Patricio is at a book store looking for a book on coaching futbol. The lady clerk says ‘futbol?’ which he takes to mean she doesn’t know what it is, so he patronizingly explains to her “you know a ball, four corners, etc etc” and she says she knows what futbol is but since he’s so bleeping rude, he can look for the book himself. Ha good one. He manages to find the book he wants.

Santiago finally catches up with Candy and she tells him the rest of her story about Patricio. She is sure that he tracked her down and is going to take away her son, Santiago says it’s just coincidence and teases her about her plan to dye her hair and run away.

Meno talks to Lulu about something trivial, Candy runs in smelling like garbage to tell him that she saw Patricio!

Santiago’s mom asks Donato for investment advice, he says she should ask her son instead. Somehow from that she thinks he called her old. I have no idea where that came from.

Santiago is asking a fellow doctor about the guy who said he’d operate on Lucia, the other guy doesn’t know who he is. They also briefly discuss the medical opinions on the dangers of fake boobies, for public service I guess. Santiago vows to make this other doctor listen to him.

Alicia comes to Patricio’s office, he is making some soccer coaching plans. She thinks soccer is too common, why not something more unique, like golf? He says YOU play golf.

Candy tries to pack to run away, Meno keeps unpacking what she packed. He convinces her to calm down.

Tomorrow – Patricio and Alicia fight about his pictures of Candy that he keeps staring at.


The visiting coach is Jesus Bracamontes, Jacque's father. He was the coach of Chivas in the 1990s, and now he is a Univision soccer announcer. I think, after Mr B walked away, Santiago told Candy that she looks like him.

It looks to me like Papa Bracamontes is a better actor than Papa Camil (who usually has a cameo in Jr's shows).

are you ok Chris? is impending new fatherhood getting you down? we don't all think men are pigs! you sound like a really nice husband and daddy to me! thanx for the recap.

Yep, color me worried as well. Sounds like you're carrying a big load, Chris. Ditto for my son-in-law. He puts in long hard days at Wachovia, then with the kids, the yard, and on the weekend he cooks. I don't know where one finds marvelous guys like you two but I'm all admiration. Hang in there.

By the way, my granddaughter's first words were "Home Depot?" because every Saturday morning while my daughter was out doin' her thing , Jeff would take Kate to the do-it-yourself store and then work on a project. Gotta tell ya' I think he's the best!

I laughed at your quip about Candi finding the only hygienic dumpster in the universe. Well, we wouldn't want to get that well-fitted warmup suit covered with sludge, now would we?

Thanks, Ferro ~~~~ I missed this episode. I'm anxious for Pat's first encounter with the ghost of Cande. And I'll add my support. This show does have a war - of - the - sexes thing going on, but not everyone feels that way. My hub is a big sweetie . He's always helped around the house and cooked and taken care of the kids...just like you. Real men are great husbands and fathers. Then, there's the other type of guys that give all men a bad rap. Keep on being a good guy...they win in the novelas and in real life.

I guess that did come out a little worse than I thought! Maybe I was having a Cindybin moment, blaming things out of my control for my own issues. I watched the episode once before writing, the recap was on my second pass, so I was really overwhelmed by the harsh treatment the men and women were giving each other, combined with a 'see how you men are?' look once or twice from my wife, I guess it put me over the edge a bit. Maybe I'm also feeling some of that 'left out' feeling that new/about to be fathers get. I'll be fine, but thank you all for caring.
I talked to my wife about it too, so I'm not just venting here impotently. I've had a rough couple weeks at work, etc., and not enough play time. I guess it boiled over.

Yes,'s way too easy to get into that man-bashing thing, but just know you're among friends here, and I'm sure, regardless of any "looks"...that your wife knows she's darned lucky to have a caring, hard-working husband and father for both her children. Consider yourself cherished. Because you are.

Thanks Chris! Even in the midst of your super busy life (which is about to get busier) you still manage to squeeze in a recap a week. Nice job and believe me we appreciate it!! I know you will let us know if you need for us to pick up the slack.

As I was watching this show I was struck by how frenetic the scenes seemed, jumping back and forth between plot lines and conversations...whew! Thank you for making sense of it all. Frankly my head was spinning. That was a cute plot device, throwing Jaqueline Bracamontes' dad in there.

I agree that this show's portrayal of the battle of the sexes is a bit much. Neither side is portrayed very well. I like to feel some sort of sympathy toward the characters but so far it's difficult. I hope the characters are developed a bit better in the very near future. So far I only feel it for the kids.

I've always had the feeling that Rosie is a man hater. Every show of hers I've seen features the same kind of rotten, skirt chasing, alcoholic men. Many of us know from something we saw in Guapos that the theme of rotten men and poor abused women will continue until Candi get her head on straight.

Loved the Chivas Americas bit. That is a gigantic rivalry in Guadalajara. And interesting to know that Jackie's dad had been a Chivas coach. Speaking of papa Camil I wonder when we can expect him to show up.

So true about finding the only clean dumpster in the Universe. She could simply have hidden behind the thing.

I could never figure out why Candi had to play dead. Running off to Guadalajara, a big city, should have been enough. Her character is tad over the top for me. Let's see we've had what 8 -10 years of bitterness over a faithless pig. It's time for her to get over it. I can't see how she can be writing an advice column when she has so little control over herself.

I must say I really love all these kids and they seem to be doing a good job and avoiding all the mugging that usually goes on with kid actors.

I can't wait to see what happens when Alicia finds out she is in a bigamist marriage and wonder why Santi hasn't bothered to divorce his run away wife. It isn't as if he still loves her.

Ferro~~~My daughter is a risk manager for a big company and her hubby is an investment banker. Like you, they work terribly long hours. [He often works until late at night and some weekends.] She calls me a lot to vent , so I am constantly ''talking her down'' via the phone and ewmails. Here for YOU is my classic pep talk to her : Today, you either have a job that two people SHOULD be doing, have NO job. Try to put things in perspective. You can only do what you can do. Remember to eat, drink, and walk around a little during the work day no matter how crazy the day is. Remember that you are working to live and not living to work. Do what you must do, and when you get home, close the door on all the work problems and enjoy your family and your home. Sleep knits up the raveled sleeve of care, so make sure you get as close to 8 hours as possible. Tomorrow is another day . Focus on the positive and keep moving forward. Also, my other daughter and son-in-law are teachers who just had a baby recently. GET READY . [Hub and I watch the baby 5 days a week. He picks her up at 6 am , and her mommy retreives her between 4 and 5. We are all pooped....except for Jane who has lots of energy. ].Sleep when you can, and try to help your wife as much as you can. That first year is....interesting, but so worth it. Hang in there, Ferro. And don't forget that this is a good place to escape for awhile.

Judyb~~~I will be emailing you very soon.

Thanks, Ferro, for a great recap. This show bounces around so much, I usually have only the vaguest notion what is going on until you wonderful recappers provide the answers.

Sylvia, I'm also having trouble feeling much sympathy for any of the characters other than the kidlets. Rather than 'boxes of lies', the adults seem to have Charlie Brown style 'clouds of lies' over their heads. When those clouds get too heavy with lies and burst, this show could get very interesting. One can only hope!

JudyB and Susanlynn, you all certainly have some amazing birth stories. As one who is built to birth (8 lb. 1 oz, 9 lb. 5 oz. and 10 lb 4 oz - I had that one in 3 hours start to finish, with no drugs!) labor is no fun but it never reached the level that all the new mothers assured me was coming. This year I've had a root canal, oral surgery and foot surgery, plus the joy of a sliced tendon, and I'd rather have labor any day. Plus, at the end of labor they give you a wonderful prize. With a root canal, you just end up with a hole in your head!

Ferro, you just vent any time you want. You already are, and will continue to be the genuine article, not the t-shirt and coffee mug type of World's Best Dad.

JudyB, et al, recovery is going well - I'm just not all that graceful on the crutches. Mike could probably sell tickets! We drove a couple of hours north yesterday to help our 'baby' celebrate his 26th birthday, so many lucky (??) people got to witness me hobbling into and out of the restaurant. One man even asked me how much I had had to drink!

Emilia~~~~All I can say is ''Woweewow.'' Those are some big babies. I have a frriend who is almost 6 feet tall. She carried both her sons 10 months !!!! Those boys are grown up now and are about 6' 5'' and weigh about 259 pounds. My little girls are grown up but still petite [about 5' 1'' [like me] and 5' 4'' ...the tall one].

oooh Emilia...would that we were all like you!!!! If I didn't love ya' already, I'd hate ya'...but too late, I can't be mad now. Especially since you're dealing with crutches (AND that rascal Mike).

Anyway, it's great that your labors went so well. Thanks to hypnosis, as I said, the last one was a breeze (although the next few years were rough as her heart problem contributed to her hyperactivity). Or as Susanlynn put it, the first year is...well, interesting.

Anyway, we're all wishing you and your beautiful wife and son every kind of blessing with this new your mother Judy helping out? I feel like I must know her...I've never met a Judy I didn't like.

Hey, Chris, being on the far side of the "daddying" curve, I'll tell ya, being a father is the hardest thing but also the best thing I've ever done.

Sylvia, the thought came to me that the only character on this show that I kind of admire would be Meño. He seems to work hard and is trying to do the best he can at everything and for everyone that comes his way. The rest of the characters - as our son says - meh... Lots of vanity and narcissism.

Still more enjoyable than Sara & Chalo's wastescape of evil at this point in QE.

Susanlynn, two of ours were 10 monthers and the other 9 1/2. At least there was less caterwauling (from the babies!) while they were still riding shotgun. The boys are 6'5 and 6'2. Our daughter is the little one at 5'6. (I'm 5'7 and Mike is 6'1) The younguns are all pretty slim, thank goodness. Sylvia will attest to the fact that Mike and I aren't! Someone once said that if God had wanted us to be thin he would have made Sara Lee a brick layer!!! so true...

great recap

Judyb~~~I just sent you an email. The heading is ''Hi, Cyberbuddy.'' [I'm telling you this because you won't recognize my email ...which is hubby's.] Speaking of Judys, my sister is Judy and one of my best friends in high school was Judy B. [Now she's married and is Judy R.] Small world.

Hey Mike and others...I agree that Meño is also likeable. Except for the fact that he is Candi's accomplice in her big lie he has been quite truthful, at least about himself. It looks like he's entering a fibbing stage, not wanting to reveal his sexuality to Charly, but I can't imagine the charade will last long.

I also like Santi's mom Isabel very much.

Great recap, Ferro. I also appreciate the fact that you watched the show twice, and took the time to do it, with all the responsibilities you have. My children are grown and living on their own, and I still am afraid to volunteer for recapping, due to the time issue.

And you're right, if Marissa just left Santiago, there'd be now show. But also, I notice that on these telenovelas, the bad characters or the unloved characters NEVER want to accept that they are losing the handsome (or beautiful) partner, and try every devious thing they can think of to either convince or force their partner to love them. In real life, I think we call these people stalkers :)

BTW, Beto' Mom is Soledad.

Thank you, Ferro for the recap! You sound like a great but somewhat tired dad. Twenty years from now you will say.....where did the time go? Yep, the older you get, the faster time flies. And I know it sounds silly, but children are grown before you know it.

At church today I was looking at young parents holding their babies and then I looked at my 22 year old daughter. She was such a cute baby! Man am I OLD! :)

All the stress will be forgotten and you will only remember all the fun times as your children grow up.

Am looking forward to being a grandma one day!

As for the WAS bouncing back and forth a lot! It gets rather confusing, what with the fast Spanish and all!

The kids are really cute! And pretty good actors, too!

I like that the two admirable figures in this novela are oldsters. They are not only kind and moral, they are also wise. Whereas the young adults are unkind, immoral, and unwise.

Meño's other fault - initially he tried to set Candy up with Santiago to get his free facelift. Of course now he sees that Santi is good for her. Isabela is just a saint (pan de dios), she adores her son, she adores her granddaughters, she is wise, and she is upright. And I will say again, the scenes between her and Santiago are magical. I like listening to her voice and language too.

Of course, two of the oldsters, Arturo (Pat's dad) and Gregoria (Candy's mom) are.. quite a piece of work.

Hombre d'M: Stalkers on a novela? No puede serrrrr! Agreed, the evil ones can't let go, like Santiago of Pasion - "I love her (or him) so much, I must have her." It becomes an obsession. You see it in Marissa. You saw it in Marcia of LFMB - she'd tolerate absolutely anything, all the while insisting on her self respect. But the stalking is not limited to the evil ones. Often the heroine rejects the galan repeatedly, and he just keeps getting in her face again and again. I'm reminded, in LFMB, when Fernando entered Lety's house (while she was rejecting him), no one was home, and he went up to her room to touch her things and feel her presence. If you tell some guy to get lost, and he sneaks into your room to sit on your bed, do you call that romantic? Or do you get a restraining order?

Also Hombre d'M, I encourage you, give recapping a try. Tell Melinama you're available as a substitute. It's a good way to get your feet wet without a 7-month commitment. If you watch Fuego, I KNOW the F-cappers would love a break now and then. Or give Ferro a break on Tontas when the baby comes. 19 months ago I discovered Fea and I NEEDED Caray - I could hardly understand any of the conversation. Here I am 19 months later, doing my first recap, and I understand most (not all) of it without CCs. I figure that since Caray helped me learn Spanish, it's my debt.

Becky, too true: "the older you get, the faster time flies." I once heard a 90yo say, "At my age, every fifteen minutes it's breakfast."

Chris, Missed the show so appreciated the detailed, fun recap. Thanks for taking the time from your more than busy life to do this.

You sound like a wonderful father and husband (with a lovely family). Agree with everyone who suggests you try to take a little time to relax, rejuvenate and enjoy your self a little. Diana in MA

Thanks for the quick and awesome recap Chris (this one was handful for sure!). Glad you’re feeling a little better after all that male bashing, and know that not all women think all men are bad. We know the good ones when we see them ;)

For what it’s worth, not all the men portrayed here are “bad husbands” like Ed. Prior to being abandoned, Santi was a good husband and continues to be a good father. Ditto for Soledad’s hubby (can’t remember his name). He would have stayed and loved his wife and child forever, but he left because he thought he’d been manipulated. As far as the rest, we have to remember that this is a comedy and contains broad stereotypes and some low brow humor (hits to the groin are supposed to be funny on a man and dramatic on a woman, not sure why, or that I agree, but most fight choreographers agree on that) and the same applies to scenes where we have men being womanizers and woman being whinny. They think it’s funny, and as long as enough people agree, it’s not going to change. Not that I have a leg to stand on when I watch and enjoy stuff like South Park ;)

And darn that Pato, not only does he put down a coach for being a woman (and then is proven right when the kids tell Santi and coach B that they always loose when Candi coaches), but he calls her lice ridden (piojosa) without even meeting her! Again, part of their comedy in stereotypes.

Interesting bit on Rosy Ocampo (the producer). I don’t think she’s a man hater. She’s done a couple of children TNs and currently on Telefutura they are airing one of her other Televisa productions called “Rayito de Luz.” I have seen only a few minutes of it as I can’t afford to get hooked on yet another TN, but this one is about a little boy that was abandoned on the steps of a monastery (and features the guy that played Braulio in Guapos as one of the kindly monks that help raise him). So far the only apparent villain is a woman.

Thanks everyone - I certainly didn't mean to start a 'poor me' club but thank you all the same.
I think what set me off, from just thinking that all the people on the show were ridiculous, was seeing Ed act so horribly to his wife and then telling my wife "I bet you're glad I'm not like that, huh?" to which she replied "no you're not that bad." The answer I was looking for was more in the "Yes I'm glad you're nothing like that" area, so it made me grumpy.
I shouldn't have let that bleed into the recap like it did, but I didn't have time to leave it and come back later, and there it was.
I may be the only man on earth to say this but I CAN'T WAIT until my in-laws arrive this weekend - they are great people and they really help keep me from going crazy, my wife and son have someone else to talk to, complain to, ask questions to, and it gives me such a break. And gives my wife a break too, which obviously in turn helps me.
So - sorry about my personal novela intruding here, I sure ended up with the wrong episode for the mood I was in!

Chris, no problem dude. Better to vent with us than at home. And gosh, you're the first one of us to ever do that...NOT!

Margarita, you consistently seem to have an astute grasp and well-rounded viewpoint of physical humor. Do you teach or study theatre arts?

No worries Chris. We all take turns venting here and sometimes it's just your turn ;)

Sylvia, I'm an actress. Not that you would have seen me in anything as the bulk of my work is in-house industrials (training videos and such). I prefer theatre, but the Philly area is extra nepotistic and hard to get into when you arrive from out of town, so I occasionally do puppet theatre (not "puppet shows" for birthday parties, good plays with scripts and storylines and puppets our company custom-makes for each production; including a 2-hour musical. Sorry, now I sound snobbish!). I also study a lot of stage combat and am considered a "Basic Actor Combatant" with Fight Directors Canada (only Mexican in the group!) and an "Advanced Actor Combatant" with the Society of American Fight Directors (I have all the weapons except broadsword, which is weird 'cause I finally passed broadsword and shield). It's a great workout ;)

Woweee! Now it all comes together. I have intended to ask you in the past if you have some affiliation with theatre. When I enquired about physical humor little did I know how physical your experience really is! That's very cool, thanks for sharing.

Hey Margarita, and now you're getting qualified on the iron skillet, right?

Wow...thanks Margarita for sharing all that information. Fascinating. Thanks Sylvia for asking....and thanks to you, Ferro, for setting it all off with your venting.

Still, I've got to say, Chris, I wish with all my heart that your wife had said, "Oh honey, you're not at all like that. I think you're wonderful husband and father. The best!"

There's a proverb in the Bible that says that words well spoken are like apples of gold in a setting of silver....and yet we can give these great gifts to each other for free just by opening up our hearts.

Maybe if you lay some really lavish supportive compliments her way, it will come back to you. (Bread upon the waters)Here's hoping.

Thanks for the re-cap Chris!

This show is starting to grow on me...starting. It took me awhile to see that they were doing a screwball was just seeming kind of annoying.

This is my first time with Jaime Camil and I'm liking him, but it's hard to keep seeing him as kind of a punching bag being kicked, punched, doused with water etc.

I'm still finding Candi to be annoying, we may not have kids mugging but we have her. It'a a pretty mug to be sure, but all her expressions from happy to sad involve her mouth being opened really really wide. I agree that when she dials it down a bit, it's better.

My biggest reason for giving this one a chance is the Meno-Charly storyline, since it hits very close to home. (my kid is 16) I forgive some of the stereotyped stuff that's been covered well before in La Cage Aux Folles, Birdcage, or in Priscilla, as was mentioned by someone else, since this is a comedy.

And the response of the family completely banning Manuel and considering him dead is extreme, but it's also very real and I will be watching to see where this goes.

randy, sea.

a couple vocabulary questions:

I don't get Chava's name since Chava=girl, kid
Chavo=boy, kid

Is Chava short for something else?

I also don't get the name of the futbol team: Chivas since chivas are female goats?? It must be that Chivas is an apellido, like Chivas Whiskey??

Insight anyone?
randy, sea.

You are right about Chivas - it isn't a plural, just a name. I'm pretty sure.

Chava is a nickname for a longer full name, my wife told me, now I can't remember. Something like Javier. Not sure how that makes Chava, but that's the deal.

Margarita, thanks for filling us in--so interesting. Let us know if we can ever watch you in something.

Chava is the familiar form of Salvador.
Meño = Mañuel
Beto = Alberto
Lalo = Eduardo
Chayo (Ed's wife) = Rosario.

I know they don't make much sense. But we have:
Ted = Edward
Peggy = Margaret
Bob = Robert

I asked my friend about Chivas. It refers to young goats (kids). The team mascot is a goat. Maybe because goats kick so well?? One team member is Chivas, not a Chiva, but I think in that case they use the word as an adjective, not a noun. Why is it a female goat instead of a male goat? No idea.

Alas Mike, there is no iron skillet certification, but ya never know ;)

To add to the “Chivas” discussion, they are specifically stripped goats (chivas rayadas). They have also been dubbed “el rebaño sagrado” (the sacred herd). Kinda like the Pittsburg Pirates or the Miami Dolphins.

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