Friday, December 19, 2008

Tontas #14 Thurs 12/18 - Who's the ham in tonight's love sandwich?

Let's just dive right in!

Raul calls Candy and they plan to meet for a business dinner. When she gets off the phone she bitches at Meño for not telling her that her ma came around. "Because I didn't want to worry you" is the excuse. Well she is worried, for her son Chava not for herself. Patricio's got a lot of money and power and she doesn't want to lose her son.

Chayo complains to someone on the phone that she just found out about Lalo having a secret bank account. *Lalo comes home and tells his wife he loves her and how was her day, tell Papi Rico all about it while I mix us a drink. Oh whoops, that's in the alternate universe. **Lalo comes home, brushes past his beautiful wife (who we know is an awesome dancer ) and demands to know if dinner is ready.
**What really happened

Candy tells Meño that Patricio is indeed Beto's dad. Meño figures it out, Chava's best bud is also his half brother. Candi really thinks she should live somewhere else, a new country, new name, whatever. Meño talks her out of it, surely Pat will find her, it's a bad idea.

He teases her about being dressed up. Who did she make herself look so pretty for? She says she doesn't look pretty she IS pretty. All part of her inner beauty plan I guess but easy to say when you're totally hot.

Donato helps Santi get dressed for wherever he's going and advises him about the dangers of juggling two mujeres. He tells Santi he's the ham in a babe sandwich and he'd better hope they don't join up against him or he'll be driving alone, singing in the rain. (This show's heavy-handed foreshadowing is kind of spoiling the suspense, dontcha think?) Santi talks to himself in the mirror, he really likes Candy, it's got to be Candy but she declared war. And Marissa is crazy with a crazy face. He's going to settle his dilemma the way Mexicans do such things, intelligently, coherently, sanely. He pulls a peso out of his pocket, if it's the eagle it's Marissa and if it's the sun it's Candy. He flips the coin and smiles.

Alicia gives Pato a massage. (Another massage? he's way too spoiled.) He tells her he doesn't have any lovers, Soledad is only a person who used to work for his dad and over time she and Arturo became friends. Alicia notes that she saw a boy there. Pato protesteth too much, "Oh no no no I don't have any little brothers."

Candy's all dressed up for dinner. She answers the door and crazy face Marissa surprises her at the door, she wants to talk.

Alicia is still pressing Pato about the niño thing. "He looks a lot like you" she insists. He squirms and says "well you caught me, yes he's mine." Al climbs on top of Pato and scary giggles, "He's not your son, he's your little bro." She says Pato can confide in her, she doesn't like lies. More worried looks from Pato and they boink on the couch.

Marissa's quite nice to Chava and says she'll take him to the park with his "novia" Rocio. He thinks that's just super. Marissa tells Candi she looks very nice, why? "You're going to dinner with my novio, arent you?" she demands.

Meño phones Candi's mom Gregoria with some bullcrap story about wanting to give Alicia a present. Gregoria ends up giving him Alicia's address.

Marissa asks why does Candy deny she's having dinner with her (Mar's) boyfriend? She calls Santi to verify and Santi tells her he's going out with his friends, whazzup? Candy grabs Marissa, says let's make sure, how about dinner for three, and drags her out the door.

Mini random scene where short waiter (sorry, can't remember who's Sven and who's Ole) teases tall waiter for walking with a limp. Tall guy says he played a little futbol in the morning. Short guy says the problem is at his age futbol is for watching not for playing. They rip on each other for not doing their own work and basically stand there arguing while neither of them works. I'm not sure why this scene is in here but I added it just in case.

Poker night for the boys. They're all there except Raul who said he had an appointment. Santi thinks he's probably meeting a new girlfriend or something. Heh, if he only knew. Then the guys start flaming on women, how posessive they are, etc. Santi says for sure, you get married and your leg is tied to the foot of the bed (Pata de la cama also means to be on a shoestring, so I think Santi's saying once you get married you're on a shoestring and no more spending money on fun stuff). Stupid guy with hat is confused, "Lalo says women are posessive and Santi says they like to tie men to to the bed, right?" Right, mumbles Santi, no no wrong! He said women tie your leg to the foot of the bed (back to the shoestring). Cute smarmy guy says he doesn't like that S & M stuff. Stupid guy in hat suggests they solve their problems by becoming gay. Ha ha laughter all around. I think I spent too much time trying to translate this silly conversation.

Candy drags Marissa to her dinner date and voila, it's Raul! Ha ha ha ha! Marissa is mollified and mortified and wants to leave but Candy says no way, it's a business dinner and she should be there.

Back to the poker game and the guys are still gossiping about women. Lalo worries if he divorces Chayo she'll get half of what he earns. Other guy says women should let their husbands have a lover. Bitter guy says why not two? (Manly chortle). They complain that women these days want the same liberties that men have. They want a husband then take lovers. (I guess that's what bitter man's wife did) Sorry, but I didn't get the end of this conversation.

Raul asks Candy about this new institute she's going to start. "You're going to have a spa?" asks Marissa. Not quite a spa or a gym she says, then Candy gives Meester Raul and Marissa a short tutorial on inner beauty. She claims natural beauty is much better than artificial beauty. Raul is mesmerized.

Next morning Raul surprises sis with a visit and a box of coffee. He's got a great idea, she should unite with her enemy. Mari doesn't understand these things before 9:00 a.m. Raul makes her listen, he says there is something between Candy and her boyfriend, Candy 's institute needs money, she and Candy should become partners!

Candy shows Meño all her fan mail from women who are in crummy situations, whose husbands and sons only need them for cleaning and cooking. She gets letters from women who are beaten and then ask her for advice; she doesn't know what to say to them. Meño gives her a pep talk, she's a woman who knows what to say, who is authentic. Candy pipes up that's what she heard last night. "From the Plastic Doctor?" asks Meño. Candy reveals she had dinner with their boss Raul. Meño is impactado, "No puede..." He's never even invited Meño for a cup of coffee and one look at Candy and he's got the eyes of a cow in love. Candy teases Meño about his gay-looking shirt and the way he walks, then she cackles about it. Whatever.

Candy trots down to the table, pours a cup of tea and forces Charly to have a conversation with her. Does he like his papa? Charly thinks his dad is a little weird but basically good people. Weird how, aks Candy? Charly waves his hand and says dad's mannerisms are a bit delicate. Whatever, he can't stand gays, he had a friend in the DF who came out and Charly wouldn't see him anymore. Candy wonders why this sudden talk of gays. Charly asks Candy if dad has a girlfriend, has he ever had a girlfriend? Oops, Candi's a bit tongue-tied.

Meño visits Alicia and asks to see Gregoria. She's not too happy to see Meño but he's saccharin sweet to her, gives her a hug, says she looks great, did she have a face lift? Alicia says in fact she already suggested it but ma doesn't want to. Nice.

Lucia's happily chatting on the phone with Charly who just got a new job. She still feels guilty about him not being a hamburger anymore. Sounds like he's invited her to visit him at his new gig, I wonder what kind of fast food he'll be this time?

Marissa visits her bro at work, she's warming up to the idea of being Candy's partner but what benefits would she get from it? Bro says 1) your boyfriend won't be able to be with her if she's always with her partner, 2) if you're her partner Candy won't be able to betray you. Marissa adds and 3) you like her; finally after all these years you're interested in someone. Maybe he says. She leaves and Raul looks pensive.

Beto asks Soledad has dad called him? He says dad is never going to come back is he? Poor little guy.

Raul asks his dead wife's picture "Is it bad that I like Candy? She reminds me a lot of you."

Arturo's back on his feet and he wants to go into biz with his son. He has a friend in California and they can export Pato's crafts there. California is full of Mexicans! Pato says that's because we're recovering it, California once belonged to Mexico. Aturo doesn't want a history class, he wants to make money. Pato says he has something important to tell his dad, "You have a lover." Dad is confused, what the?..

Lucia and Eva look for Charly in the mall. A big chicken follows them and gooses them (hee hee, sorry I couldn't resist). Big chicken grabs Lucia and she finally figures out it's Charly. It's his new work and he'd better get back to it before he gets fired. Lucia asks Eva isn't he awesome? Eva's not too impressed, Lucia's boyfriend is just a big chicken, what's up with that? Lucia must be in love because she sighs he's not any pollo, he's a very tasty one.

Marissa visits Candi and tells her she's been thinking since last night. Candy throws out a curve ball, "your nose and boobies were operated on, right?" Marissa almost blows her tea out her nose. She admits yes her body parts are "operadas". Candi wonders why Marissa would do it, she's already so beautiful, not just her looks but she's a beautiful soul.

Pato explains to his dad about the charade, not only does Arturo have a kid but also a lover. "And a lover? Yaaaaay!" cheers Arturo. This may be the first time he's ever been happy about anything Pato's done. What a weird family.

After Marissa recovers from Candi's kind words she gets down to the purpose of her visit. Candy needs money and is looking for a partner, right?

Rocio's on cloud 9. She can't wait to show her papa her latest email from mom. Papa reads it aloud, "My dear daughter, I feel very close to you, blah blah blah, write and tell me all about school the house, because I want to know all about you. Love your only mother." Nice try Santiago, will she fall for it? (The little girl is truly adorable, what a beauty.) Rocio is overcome with emotion and wants to write mom right away. She tells her dad she loves him, and mama too...and also Marissa! Santi falls backward on the bed, foiled again.

Isabel visits Jaime at the restaurant and asks him if he knows any tunes from the 60s. Sure, he knows Joan Baez, The Beatles (so far so good piano man), and "Eddie Gorme" as the subtitles say. Isabel's delighted and so is he, he'll teach her right now. She says how about at my house? Even better!

Santi walks into the office followed by the two buns to his ham sandwich. He's confounded, they're not friends, why are they talking about the office rent? Candi introduces Santi to her new partner. The girls beam and Santi is speechless. Uh...uh...uh...uh...

Alicia thinks partnering with Arturo is a great idea and she wants to be involved. She tells her pop-in-law now that they are business associates he doesn't need to pretend with her. She met his lover and his son. Uh oh, Pato's mom Margarita walks in just as Al is flapping her jaw and is muy, pero muy impactada. "What, you have a lover and a son? I want a divorce immediately!" This part is great, both Pato and Arturo wag their fingers and shake their heads in unison, then they look at each other with the same baffled expressions on their faces, mirror images. Nice bit of acting there.

Santi and Candy fight over Marissa. He says Mari is his partner. Candi pulls her back, Marissa is HER partner, more back and forth. Santi says Mari's betraying him, she's his future wife. Doesn't matter retorts Candy, Mari's not the slave of the Plastic Doctor. He says if she doesn't shut up he'll tell the whole world she's not dead! Marissa's confused, what does he mean dead? Santi back pedals but remains on fire, he tells Candi first he'll deal with his girlfriend and then with her. He and Marissa argue some more.

Margarita asks why is Arturo laughing, what's so funny? Alicia says he's laughing because it's just a joke, they saw her listening at the door. Lots of stupid nervous laughter but Ma's not amused.

Santi talks really fast to Marissa, she can do whatever she wants and he doesn't want to get in her way, but blah blah blah he switches to complaining about her partnership with Candy. Candy is his enemy. Marissa's already a partner in his clinic, she edits the column and now she's a partner in another business? He accuses that she wants to be Candy's partner so she can control Candy and also control him. She retorts he's in charge of the clinic and her bro's in charge of the paper, she wants another business. He says it's going to be a disaster. More fast talking about bubis. Santi gets pouty and says he feels betrayed. Marissa fixes his emotional boo-boos with a kiss, then another, then another. Santi warns Hortensia, no interruptions. Office boinkage ensues. Candy who?

The odd foursome of Arturo, Pato, Alicia and Margarita leave the offices. Ma complains to Alicia that it was a stupid joke. Pop tells Pato he'll help him but not at the risk of his marriage, however the old dog's pretty darn happy that he has a grandson. "Even by a woman I only spent one night with?" asks Pato. Dad says the woman's not important, he wants to give the kid his name and meet him. Pato doesn't think that's a good idea at all. Dad says he's not asking, he's ordering. (Grrrr...)

Candy follows Meño around the restaurant and tells him he has to get a girlfriend because of Charly. She says ask Zamora (Sven?), he knows a lot of women. Meño says being gay isn't an illness. (Do we have to go throught his conversation again?) Fine, says Candy, it's not an illness but if he wants Charly to stop asking so many questions he'd better get a woman, and stop it with the little finger! Meno tries to walk like John Wayne and pounds his hand on the bar except it hurts his hand. (Sigh.)

Isabel, Lucia and the maid are in the mercado and Lucia asks Isabel what it feels like to fall in love. Like butterflies in the stomach answers granny. The maid pipes up it's like having gas in the stomach. Lucia asks is it like butterflies or gas? Isabel explains further, it's like tickling. Maid pipes up again, it's like tickling in your armpits. Que??? Yes, her first boyfriend sold deoderant and everytime she lifted her arms he applied deoderant and it tickled her. Weird. Isabel's curious, why does Lucia ask all these questions about love? She's asking for a friend of course. Oh Really??? asks Abuela. Isabel brags to the maid that she only had one love and she married him, maid laughs at Isabel for only having one boyfriend in her life.

I guess the office lovemaking didn't last long, Santi's already buttoning his ugly coat and calling Candy. He tells her she's not going to win the war. She says his girlfriend is her partner and one man can't win against two women. Blah blah blah idle threats back and forth with Santi concluding that he will not allow her to open her Soul Institue on top of his business, he means it, no kidding!

Lucia and Charly eat ice cream and talk about old-fashioned parents. Lucia says her uncle wouldn't be happy if he knew she had a boyfriend. Charly points out he's not exactly her boyfriend. Duh, she wasn't saying he is, just that uncle doesn't want her to have A boyfriend. Charly asks and what if I wanted to be your boyfriend? She jumps up and skips off. Charly makes a deal with himself, if she turns within ten seconds and waves goodbye then she loves him. Ten, nine, eight, seven...she turns around and with a big smile waves goodbye.

Candi and Marissa are plotting and having lunch at Meño's restaurant. Well, they're trying to talk but Sven and Ole are drooling over them which always puts a damper on dining. Candi's plan is to have the prestigious Doctor Plastico help them with the promotion of their institute. No way says Marissa, he declared war against them and is furious, Plastico will never help them. Candi vows he'll help promote them and furthermore she'll make him strip in the marketplace. (Great idea!!) "Fahgeddaboutit," sez Marissa, "You're nuts!" Candi looks smug.

Mañana de impacatados: Beto tells Candi that her mom's friend Patricio is inside the house giving Chava a futbol shirt. Candi is impactada. Inside the house Pato's putting his little shirt on Chava when he see's a pic of Candi. Pato is impactado. "It's my mom" Chava exclaims proudly. Pato is mas impactado. Candi discovers that Patricio is married to her sister. Candi is muy pero muy impactada.


I'm very happy with this show right now because I like Candy AND I like Marissa, and I like Raul AND I like Santiago, though I think the latter is obviously destined for some life-changing problems. So I don't care who ends up with who, I just enjoy them all. AND I don't like Patricio OR Alicia so I don't care what happens to them. Perfect! The only extreme distress is, how can a living mother be as cold as Rocio's mother? And how could Beto's dad desert him so completely? So odd. You were good to try to translate Boys' Night Out, they talked so so fast.

Hey Sylvia...I knew I could count on you. Got THREE PHONE CALLS...LONG ONES...during last night's show. Missed a ton of stuff but you cleared it up for me.

Loved the "two buns of the ham sandwich" description of the gals.

As an Amor Sin Limites recapper...have you noticed a big change in the actress who plays Marissa? I think she really did have surgery 'cause her chest and her rear end look beaucoup bigger and sexier. As I recall she was quite slender and elfin in that other one. But I could be wrong.

For some reason, I don't dislike Patricio. And I thought I was going to hate Marissa, but she has some vulnerabilities that make me soften. I felt sorry for her in one of the earlier episodes where she was trying to be friendly to Santi's little girl but was awkward about it. That touched my heart. Awkwardness always does, for some reason.

Sylvia: Stellar recap (as always). Thanks for providing the link. I was really impressed at what a beautiful, graceful dancer she is! She is truly wasted on Lalo the Louse.

There were some fun moments in the show:"...This part is great, both Pato and Arturo wag their fingers and shake their heads in unison, then they look at each other with the same baffled expressions on their faces, mirror images. Nice bit of acting there." :)

Looks like life in "Candyland" is going to change quickly according to the previews. I like the fact the story is certainly moving along and we're not having to wait months (years) for truths to be revealed. Yes, and I do mean FELS :) Diana in MA

PS 1) Thanks for the link. I enjoyed it.

2) Can you still cover Tuesday 23re for me and I'll do Thursday 25th for you?

Judy: I'm so glad you said you don't dislike Patricio! I kind of like him (except for the obvious reasons) but was hesitant to say it. I don't like it when parents are blamed for their children's faults and shortcomings but I think his father did (and still does) do a number on him. I'm hoping for redemption. Diana in AM

Yes, Diana...I don't see him as an evil character. Impulsive and given to making major mistakes under the influence of booze or drugs, yes. Self-centered, yes. But who isn't and who couldn't commit grievous errors under the influence....

He's in flip-flop mode right now but hey, he's still only in his 20's. And clearly he did really love Candy and clearly he does want to change and be a better person. At least that's how I see it.

And I know people find his nose scrunch annoying and his ears unattractive but hey...have you noticed Candy's ears? They're not cauliflower ears but they're big. And so what? I dunno...I realize there are people who loathe his character but he's not hitting me that way. I don't even find Candy's mother loathsome. To me she's a sad character, too concerned with social position and "what will people say?" to have any happiness or joy in life. She's a very lonely unhappy woman. I can't hate someone like that....only feel sorry for them.

I haven't finished reading the recap yet, but for clarification, here are the Abandonados, from the character list posted 11/18:
Carlo – (Celso from LFMB)
Miguel – the skinny raggedy guy
Hector – the more professional guy who is bitter about his divorce.

As for Sven and Ole, Sven is the taller one (not tall, just taller) and Ole is the short one. If anyone missed why we call them Sven and Ole, see this link.

I'm liking these characters more for exactly the reasons you all state. Valentino Lanus is a babe even though he's a nose scruncher. Thanks Paula for your character list, I still need to use it as you can probably tell. Thanks for the comments everyone, more later...

Yes Judy, I'm doing the recap on the 23rd but you're off the hook for the 25th because no telenovela! It's about time you get a break, don't you think?

Wow...yes, a vacation would be great. We'll just be getting back from Charlotte that evening and I'm always exhausted. Thank you Univision Gods and thank you even more Sylvia for bailing me out on Tuesday. You are "buena gente".

I even like Alicia! Of course she ruined Candi's life, but she sure looked great in that black dress last night. And when she was doing stretching or yoga a few days ago. Oh, sorry, besides the physical side, even though Pat continues to mope about Candi, and even made Alicia go into that dumpster to retrieve the pictures, she keeps fighting for his love (or maybe his money), and often has a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

And Marissa doesn't seem bad at all. Santiago definitely has problems at this point. Not only the Candi-Marissa choice, but the Paulina-Rocio problem, and now Raul is going to make a play for Candi! Good luck, Santi.

Judy, estoy de acuerdo contigo about Pato. He's no saint, but look at his parents. His dad has no morals at all, plus he is emotionally abusive. His mother tolerated it all these years. To say that Pat is not as upright as someone raised in a solid family, is like saying a two-legged dog runs slower than the other kind.

Just how bad is he?
A. When he was 22 and engaged, when he was drunk, he slept with two other women. A man who is irresponsible at 22? No puede ser! Is he sleeping around now?

B. He was harsh to Soledad when she shocked him with news of a son. But now he's trying to do the right thing - give his name, give child support, and help with the soccer team. He is weak and so he falls. But he desires to do right, so when he falls he gets up, resolves himself, and does the right thing. Will he fall again? You betcha - he was born with no backbone. But he will get up and try again.

C. He can't get over Candy, and he won't bond with his wife emotionally. Well, in his mind he killed the only person he ever loved. Survivor guilt is hard enough to recover from, but that he killed her? And that he loved her that much? That's mighty tough to "get over." As for Ali, he was a fool to marry her. But now her guilt is closely linked to Candy's death. He blames himself and he blames Ali too, and she denies all blame. The fact that he didn't ditch her years ago is quite a feat.

Pat's obsession, where he can't let go of Candy? Well his burden is FAR bigger than Candy's (murderer vs one betrayed), and she's not even trying to shake her bitterness.

Let's contrast Pat's andanzas at 22, to Santiago's at perhaps 34. He was chasing anything in a skirt while Mar was his novia, and he was sleeping with any patient who opened her top button. Doctor-patient relationships? WAY bad!

And now he says he's in love with Candy, yet he lets Mar coerce him into being engaged, and every time she shakes her tassels, he takes the bait. Santiago is not 22 anymore, and he had the benefit of a healthy childhood.

First off...gotta say I agree with Hombre...Alicia looked wonderful doing those yoga back bends and such. I was really impressed with her flexibility. I imagine Patricio is never bored in that department...she looks like she could whip any Kama Sutra position easy.

And Paula, besides agreeing with your analysis, you are too funny!...."every time she shakes her TASSELS!". Yikes. I'm going to stop calling you the Linkmeister and forthwith dub you the Wordmeister.

I like that when Isabel lip-synched her Joan Baez song, they made it clear that it wasn't her. Isabel stopped singing and started laughing, while Joan (or whoever) was still singing. Almost all Mex TV lip-synchs; how refreshing when they fess up to it.

Trivia. The ham sandwich scene between Santiago and Donato: did you notice? Don tells him he'll be left Singing in the Rain, and Santi calls Don "Fred Astaire." Shouldn't that be "Gene Kelly"?

Yikes, I can't believe I missed "Don Fred Astaire"! That is so unlike me. Thanks Paula for pointing that out.

Back to Alicia...I have been a fan of Fabiola Campomanes (sp?) ever since Duelo. She really puts her all into whatever role she's in andn I look forward to her scenes.

I'm trying to get interested in this show because I am a Jaime Camil fan and love seeing some of the old LeFea actors once again.
I find it very confusing but do enjoy the Santi/Candy relationship, and Candy's uncle. He does a great job.
I think I recognize Santi's mom as the actress who ended up on doll island?
Anyway, I'm having fun reading the reviews and comments. My last show was Pasion so I'll be looking forward to the next Colunga show also.
Thanks to everyone,
Carrie L.

I rather like Fabiola as well and for once she isn't playing the cold bitch who will never be redeemed. She really does seem to love Pat and if I remember she left town when he originally took up with Candi.

I'm not liking Pat and the comparison of his actions at 22 with Santi's at 34 isn't fair. At 22 Pat was supposedly commited to Candi having dated her for 3 years before the wedding. During that time he cheated on her twice that we know of.

Santi was a happily married man not out like some of his friends getting a little on the side. Then his wife leaves him. I don't know if he has ever bothered to divorce her, a word that hasn't seem to come up in this show at all until Pat's mom's threat. Santi is a free agent. As far as I know he has never promised poor Marissa anything. I'm not thrilled with his skirt chasing ways but he isn't running around declaring undying love for anyone like Pat was. In any event what I think doesn't matter because this story will roll on to its inevitable conclusion. LOL

Hee hee hee, Syl. Didn't see this one either (stuffing 1000 gift bags for homeless folks instead) but your cap kept me in the loop.

My favorite line is the proclamation that California has so many Mexicans it is slowly being returned to Mexico. That cracks me up as I always like to mention this to folks who unilaterally say we speak and should only speak English in this country. Umm, yes, but not always. Aside from multiple native languages, two big ones are that we also spoke French first (Louisiana) and Spanish (California). :)

Deciegirl, take heart. I'm not saying Pat is morally superior to Santiago, de ninguna manera. I just think that Pat is not as bad as he may seem, and Santi is not as good. They both fall a little closer to the middle.

As a character who struggles between falling and standing, I think Pat has the potential to be the most complex character in this show. The others have less dimensions so far.

Thanks , Sylvia. Well, I loved the link to Jackie and Josue dancing. [Remember they won out over Susana Gonzalos and Liz Vega.] Then , I had to click on Liz's dance , and then ...I had to force myself away from the computer and back to Xmas preparations . I knew that if I did not leave that site , I would spend the rest of the afternoon watching all the episodes of Bailando. What a spectacular show. By the way, I haven't been watching the new Sunday night Bailando because there was more singing than dancing whenever I tuned in, but this Sunday night is the finale and lots of dancing, so I will watch. As for the characters that I like and dislike...what can I say ??? I like Meno, Isabel, the kids, and Isabel's new piano playing friend. I like Pat's office. That is a great the display of the pottery. Pat himself , on the other hand, is a spoiled, selfcentered rich boy . Santi is a little too silly for me plus he's got a wife and a novia and is still pursuing Candy. When does he have time to do any surgery ??? The whole thing is odd. Fabiola has a great sneer, doesn't she ? She always looks like she's smelling something bad. Also, her sense of fashion is not mine. It must be a challenge to wiggle into those skin tight frocks with her Marilyn Monroe curves. Cande and Alicia's mother is dreadful. The Charly and Lucia storyline is sweet. Ok...I'm going out to shovel snow before getting back to the Xmas preps. Maybe if I get some stuff accomplished I'll allow myself to watch some more Bailando clips on Youtube. Thanks, Sylvia.

Awesome as always Capn’. Loved the asides as well. I think the tying to the foot of the bed was just that, keeping them on a short leash, but I could be wrong. As for the end of the boy’s night discussion, they mentioned that women now want to take lovers as well, and Santi suggested that they allow them to have one, as long as it’s a female and they can watch.

I know he’s a member of the club, but was Ed ever an “abandonado”? Santi and the other office guy went through tough divorces (I would imagine Santi has to be divorced for Marissa to think there will be marriage, and it’s the sort of thing Paulina could have delegated to her lawyer), and Raul was abandoned through death, not sure what the dumb guy’s issue is, but Ed is married to a lovely woman who’s biggest fault is that she falls for his BS. I really hope she catches him and makes him pay (regardless of whether or not she decides to keep him).

Who can forget Eddie Gourmet. My favorite Mexican chef. His Arroz con Pollo is to die for.

I had to see who Eydie Gormé was. Sylvia, if you're done sheveling snow, check out this bailando: Historia De Un Amor - Eydie Gorme, Trios Los Panchos

:) jelc

Wow, jelc that's an awesome link! Thanks so much for looking it up and sharing.

Susanlynn if you haven't checked out the link you simply have to. Do it now.

Carie L, the woman who ended up on doll island is Diana Bracho who is currently in Fuego en la Sangre, also recapped on this site. Santi's mom does look like her but she's a different person.

Wow~~~Thanks for the video , jelc and the heads up to watch it Sylvia and Judyb. The dance of loooove. ~~~~Susanlynn, dancing out the door

Whoops... I got Sylvia and Susanlynn mixed up. Been checking out Eydie's spanish songs. Muy bueno.

The team members here have excellent capping skills. So why not write a telenovela script. You would make a great scriptwriting group. Start with an outline script (sinopsis), a cast of characters with your favorite actors, etc. I propose "La Historia De Un Amor" as the the theme song.

Seriously, I think you could win a Premios TVyNovelas award.

La Historia De Un Amor

Ya no estás más a mi lado, corazón
En el alma solo tengo soledad
Y si ya no puedo verte
Porque Dios me hizo quererte
Para hacerme sufrir más

Siempre fuiste la razón de mi existir
Adorarte para mí fue religión
Y en tus besos yo encontraba
El calor que me brindaba
El amor, y la pasión

Es la historia de un amor
Como no hay otro igual
Que me hizo comprender
Todo el bien, todo el mal

Que le dio luz a mi vida
Apagándola después
Ay que vida tan obscura
Sin tu amor no viviré
Es la historia de un amor

The story of a love

You're not by my side now my love
in my soul I only have darkness
and if I can’t see you now
why did god make me love you
to make me suffer more

You were always the reason for my existence
adoring you, for me, was a religion
and in your kisses I found
the warmth that gave me
the love and the passion

Its the story of a love
like none that will ever again be
that made me understand
all the good and all the bad

That gave light to my life
turning it off again
oh what a life so dark
without your love I cannot live
its the story of a love

Susanlynn, I've got 14 inches of snow here, can I borrow your snow shovel?

:) jelc

Jecl * * * * Yikes...14 inches of snow. We only got a few inches yesterday , but the sleet made everything turn to ice. My driveway is like a skating rink, and the neighbor just came to plow it . Cha ching. More snow predicted for late tonight. Bah and meh. I hate snpw. Thanks for translating Edie's song lyrics. Wow...muy passionate.

Thanks for those kind words, jelc, but I know from experience it's a lot easier to "edit" or criticize scripts than it actually is to create them. Still, maybe with your help....we'd definitely want an outside guy to come up with the songs etc.

Actually I think a couple of the gals on the FELS blog line WERE working on a script and had it posted on a separate blog. They were so darned frustrated with FELS, they decided to do one of their own.

Fourteen inches is a lot. I hope you've been doing it in intervals. We had 10 inches here last year and that was enough. If it starts late at night, I love getting out there at 6 am and getting a start on it when all is still and the sun hasn't come up.

A second shot a few hours later.

A third shot when all the neighbors are out in the afternoon and you can socialize (and maybe get some snowblowing help).

Cheaper than skiing and gives you the same cold/fresh air boost. (plus workout for the shoulders and back muscles). I mean, what's not to love!

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