Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tontas Thursday Dec. 11, '08 Where Did All The Kisses Go?

Hmmm...I've started this recap three times. The first two times disappeared. Is the universe trying to tell me something? Okay, let's get right down to it. One. More. Time.

First the obligatory rehash: Patricio, while saying he's married, nevertheless is willing to give his "name" to Beto if DNA tests show he's actually his son. And when he meets Beto, he lights up like a Christmas tree. Clearly here's a man who wants to have a family of his own and hopes to do a better job than his alcoholic dad. A more likable side of last. And Candi is giving macho lessons to her uncle (why didn't he ask a guy for Pete's sake?) and says "Cuidadito con ese dedito" (Careful with that little finger) Tio Meño has a habit of sticking it out ever so delicately and stroking his eyebrow. Won't do....won't do at all. And finally, my favorite scene, Santiago snuggled up in bed (be still my heart) remembering tender times with Candi, especially those kisses,and thinking that he might be falling in love. Absolutely!

All onto the new stuff, which unfortunately is a lot like the old stuff, minus the sweet kisses. Santiago has made an early morning visit to Candi's place and waylaid Chava outside the house. He's delighted to see him practicing soccer. Atta boy. Gotta train day and night to get good. Sacrifice. Sacrifice. (My cat is now walking around the keyboard. It will be a miracle if this thing gets written and posted.) Santiago explains that he needed to go to the office but stopped by to see Chava first. Yes, Chava. Candi is hiding nearby trying to listen as big guy and little guy talk. Chava's okay about them being potential novios because he'd like a papa like Santiago. He listens to the doc's heart again, and yep, our Santi proves to be a good person. And hey, Santi would like to have a son like Chava. Sure he has two lovely daughters, but a guy needs someone to play soccer with. And who wants to worry about makeup and stuff like that? But this is our little secret. Don't tell mom, don't tell anybody. Chava promises. And Santiago leaves looking very satisfied and whoops....gets doused by some mysterious fountains that suddenly spring up. This is telenovela foreshadowing. Just when our galan thinks he's got it made, something happens to douse his dreams. Yeah, you know where this is going don't you?...down the tubes.

And another romance going down the tubes? Well , yes......Patricio and Alicia. He's asking her if she wants to have children...'cause he'd like a whole bunch. She hedges until he leaves and then mutters Children! What a horror!

Brief scenes of our respective households dealing with adolescents. Charley is plugged into his headphones, singing along so loudly that Candi is having trouble grilling Chava about his conversation with Santiago. She learns nothing. Little guy knows how to keep a secret. The mirror scene is at Santiago's mansion where the niece is trying to talk Granny and Uncle into a big monetary present for her 15th birthday to pay for those breast enhancements. (I'm sure there's some PSA associated with this storyline but it makes me totally queasy). Uncle's thinking cake and party and princess dress; niece is thinking money for silicone. She disguises it as a request for money to travel to Europe. Also quashed. Granny and Uncle decide to open an account and add to it very slowly so in a few years, when she's OLDER and more MATURE, she can go to Europe. Curses, foiled again!

And one more mirror scene, an older uncle, Tio Meño,is trying to talk some sense into his foolish niece as well. Candi is fretting about yesterday's kisses and whether or not it was wrong. And how many kisses have you had in the last seven years? asks Tio. Wouldn't you like to have a boyfriend who likes you, who loves you? Candi chews her lip, a typical gesture when she's thinking.

The monetary negotiations at Santiago's are interrupted by the majordomo telling him Marissa has called and wants him to come over for a surprise. Santiago pleads work but Mom steps in and says After what happened the other night, the least you could do is go! Doc checks in with secretary Hortensia, learns there's only one patient waiting, tells her to delay and he'll get there later.

Another queasy making scene. Eduardo and his devoted wife Chayo who wants to know what's up with the pink cigarette lighter she found in his pocket. Is he cheating on her? Eduardo panics, stammers, makes up wild stories about it being Rosita's, no, Santiago's, no, don't say anything, he's a secret smoker, doesn't want anyone to know, but how could you suspect me!!!??? aren't you sorry you doubted me!!!?? no good-bye kiss for you! and off he runs, leaving his poor bewildered wife feeling guilty and sad. As Ferro would say, what a tool!!!!

Marissa meanwhile is seducing Santiago. Never mind that he just decided he's in love with Candi. "La carne es debil" (the flesh is weak) especially when sexy black underwear is being tossed around.

I guess the writers love irony because the very next scene is a beautiful church with bells pealing melodiously and Patricio coming to talk to his old friend the priest (and yikes! it's Omar, the unfaithful husband from both Querida Enemiga and Guapos. He looks quite distinguished as a priest, I must say.) Patricio is clearly troubled and in a bad place but gets a talking to about moving on from the past and Candi. However, the priest adds that Love doesn't die. Only bodies. And yet, Patricio can't explain it...but he feels that somehow Candi is nearby. He can "feel" her. (If he only knew! And from the previews, it seems he's about to.)

Meanwhile, back at the office, Alicia is sucking up to her in-laws. She has invited them without Patricio's knowledge (which infuriates papa) and the mood darkens as dad, an "alcoholico regenerado" (recovered alcoholic) says he can now drink moderately with no problem (that ain't what the 12-step programs say, good buddy.)

We jump now to the offices that Candi and her uncle are painting and discussions over whether or not she'll start an "institute for the soul". Women's souls, of course. Not sure if Candi would even admit men have them! The phone rings and it's Raul, wanting to know when in the H...he's going to meet Meño niece, as promised. "Se me fue el avion" (I forgot) apologizes Tio and passes Candi the phone. Raul is being very peremptory and directive, telling her she HAS to come in tomorrow and meet him. After she hangs up, she mutters that he doesn't know who he's dealing with.

I'm going to compress some scenes now. Drives me crazy sometimes the way these episodes jump around. So first, the Candi/Santiago meeting. They run into each other in the office building, he offers "to take her to Paradise" but it just turns out to be his office. Then he tells her he's done nothing but think of her all day but whoops....there's that big hickey on his neck. He dismisses it as a "moretón (bruise) caused by tsi-tsi flies no less. There's the usual back and forth, he protests he never meant to hurt her, he would never "delatar" (betray) her but of course that hickey keeps telling a different story. She wants him to stay away from her, from her son and assures him that the Candi who'd believe men and fall in love died 7 years ago. He reminds her that her heart is still alive, but she isn't listening. Santiago's mom walks in at this point, wonders what Candi's doing there if she isn't a patient or a friend (Candi denies both those titles) and the scene ends. (Some of the editing in this baby seems a little choppy, don't you think?)

The family scene at Patricio's office is going from bad to worse. Patricio arrives all huffy, protesting that he's very busy. Too busy to give your father a hug??!!yells Dad. You never had time for me, retorts Patricio. A major paternal tantrum ensues with Dad sweeping everything off the desk, claiming everything is his, Patricio's "success" would never have come about without his financial backing (probably true, come to think of it) but then pow! he drops to the floor with a heart attack.

We have a complete 180. Patricio is desperate, yells at Alicia to call an ambulance, follows dad on stretcher pleading with him to be strong. Don't die on me Dad. I NEED you!

Meanwhile, Beto's mom is explaining to him that he needs to go to a lab tomorrow and have a blood test. Does it hurt? Only a little. Why do I have to have it? Because I say so. Tickle tickle tickle, end of discussion.

More brief interspersed scenes. Marissa's explaining to Santiago's mom how important he is to her. Chava's explaining to his mom about coming to school the next day for games and such. Rocio's crying to her granny because HER mom can't come to school. She's the only one without a mom, and Granny is no substitute for this one. Painful looks all around. I suppose the sexy but loathsome Marissa will try to insert herself into this scenario. Yuck.

We break for an ad and when we come back, lo and behold! it's Sven and Ole (thanks Paula, now I will NEVER get their real names straight) sitting at the restaurant table like they're clients instead of paid (off-key) Mariachi singers cum waiters. Tio Meño pops his cork and yells at them big-time. Also tells Charley brusquely to start working. (Is this part of Tio's macho pose?). Charley notes to Sven and Ole that Dad seems rather strange. They roll their eyes at each other and say nothing.

Santiago is gamely trying to console Rocio for her lack of a mother. He pulls out the letter he wrote and says it's from mom....and here's how it goes. I know I haven't called but that's because I'm so busy with work. But I love you very much. Mom. Nice dad/daughter hug.

More family matters back at the restaurant kitchen. Candi is counseling Tio to be honest with Charley about his gayness. Tio can't face it. After the tragic rejection when he told his wife, his family!! No, he just can't do it. Your son needs to know that you love him, insists Candi, but also that you're "different". No no, protests Meño, it's crazy!

More father/son troubles. Patricio's mom coldly tells him that things went downhill after he married Candi. All right but now I'm married to Alicia. Just as bad. The medical news is good however. Papa had a stent inserted and will recover. Patricio is clearly moved...and relieved that his father is going to live.

Santiago shows up at the restaurant, undeterred by the brushoff at his office and sits down at a table, requesting a song from Candi, rather than the badly off-key waiters. Nope. She only sings in the shower. Great! Let's head for the bathroom. She tips a floral vase of water over his head...There's your shower! And we have another ad. Oh, these crazy kids.

Santiago's protesting the inflexibility of the school, insisting that only moms can show up for the fun and games day. Rocio's closed up in her room crying and Granny's meditating on how she'd like to kill Paulina for letting Rocio down like that. (I must say, I'd feel exactly the same way if my daughter-in-law had abandoned my son and granddaughter. Grrrrr!) Later, Santiago comforts Rocio again, saying how helpless he feels when she cries for her mother. I want her here with me, weeps Rocio. Yes, but she's working, explains Santi, adding that he has a couple of quick surgeries to do (don't think I'd want to be his patient today) but then he'll meet her at school.

Another scene with Meño and Charley is thrown in here. Evidently it hasn't taken long for adolescent behavior to get on dad's nerves. Meño protests the ear-splitting volume of the rock music Charley's playing. But I thought you liked music! They disagree on whether "el rock" is music and Meño gives serious thought to getting ear plugs. (For several years we had two adult children living at home and it was like a dorm. Music playing, lights on and toilets flushing 24 hours a day. I feel for poor Meño.)

Beto's at the clinic, waiting for his blood test and sees Patricio come out. Patricio assures him it doesn't hurt, but Beto's suspicious about why Mom's "friend" is showing up in his life again. And in another part of the city, Candi is getting ready for her appointment with Raul. Don't forget your column, cautions Tio. What's it about? Extremists. Politics, you?! No, no, it's about women who are extremists about falling in love...who reject the idea....and end up alone and very sad. So are you falling in love, asks Meño hopefully. "Dios me libre!" (God forbid!)

And that's where this episode ends, but there are some interesting previews. One has Santi showing up at Mom's Day at school. Candi calls Rocio a princess. Well, that makes me a king then, smirks our doc.

And Patricio comes home late, explaining to the ever suspicious Alicia that he had to get a DNA study done. And what would you say if I told you I had a son? Impactado look from Alicia.

And lastly, Patricio shows up at the soccer game and ohmigosh...does he see Candi? Tune in tomorrow to find out if our gal's past is about to catch up with her.

Vocabulary, such as it is, is embedded.


Thanks for the recap, Judy. OMG ... Sven and Ole. ROFLOL Great memories . . . Did you hear the one about the potatoes and the swim suit? (Buahahahahaaaaa)

I'm afraid to get hooked on this one, as I bailed out of LFMB halfway through. I'm liking this novela more, though. Candi and Santi's current state of the relationship sort of reminds me, in an abstract way, of the old Doris Day/Rock Hudson movies.


Thanks for the lightning recap JudyB ;)

I don't know if the theme is all men don't love the one they're with (although so far that applies to all our men). Alicia says she loves Pato, but I always wondered if it was the money or the revenge on her kid sis that really drove her to him. And then there's Paulina, although at least she was honest and left, rather than stay and lie to him. Then there's the fact that Santi once loved Paulina, and Pato still loves Candi (even if he doesn't have a monogamous bone in his body).

Hey JudyB I'm still catching on viewing this one but am on board. I've just finished last Friday. Thanks for your recap.

And to answer your question from QE, yes I had to find out who Lorena would end up with. I was having bad flashbacks from a US show I watched and the wrong couple (to me) got together. I could not get over that and didn't want to have that happen to me on QE. In general I don't do spoilers but this time I did and don't regret it.

Hi Judy, I didn't get to watch tonight, but with your recap, I could picture it all. And so fast! Good work!

Yeah, we could call the waiters Zamora and Toño, but they just seem so darned much like Sven and Ole to me. Doris, I'm glad to find a compañera in that regard. And yes, the potato joke is a funny one. See the link, and please let me know if you know any others with the one-two punch. Those are my favorites.

Awesome recap Miss Judy! Thanks again for swapping nights with me (evening at the theatre and all that).

Doris, bless you for clearing up the thing that was driving me crazy, when you mentioned Doris Day I realized Santiago and Candi's theme song is Secret Love from Calamity Jane. Am I the last one to figure that out? I hope not.

The kids seem much more astute than the adults in this show.

Thanks again Judy!

Judy, excellent recap (as always). Thanks for including the vocabulary, I can tell "Dios me libre!" (God forbid!)" will be one of my favorite new expressions.

Patricio may have redeemed himself somewhat as he seems to have a soft spot for children: "And when he meets Beto, he lights up like a Christmas tree. Clearly here's a man who wants to have a family of his own and hopes to do a better job than his alcoholic dad."

On the flip side, seeing children crying for absent parents really tugs at the heartstrings. Chava, Beto and Rocio are all clearly missing their fathers and mother. I can't imagine being Rocio trying to deal with being told her mother is alive but too busy to see her. Diana in MA glad you're watching this. I've always enjoyed your comments on the FELS show. Kicking myself that I didn't look at the link to your needlework, but I know you're good with a typewriter.

Margarita (everytime I read your name I'm hungry for chilaquiles)....yeah, the theme seems a little amorphous so far. One is that there are people who yearn for children but they're married to those who don't. But when at last they find each other, we have this wonderful family love (cue Querida Enemiga theme song) and everyone will live happily ever after. If that's the case, Pato will have to end up with Beto's mom, no? And no, I haven't looked ahead.

Okay...why haven't I looked ahead. Because YES KAREN, I CONFESS, I was so stresed over that darned Alonso thing in Querida, I looked ahead too. And while it was a relief, it also took the fun out of it. Plus I had to keep pretending I didn't know and I HATE PRETENDING OR FIBBING IN ANY WAY. Whew, glad I got that off my chest.

Back to you, Doris...and Sylvia. I haven't picked up the "Once I Had a Secret Love" music. And I think I would. It was MY song in 1953 when I was madly in love with my neighbor Jack McGinty. (my whole life, whenever I see him...even now!..he says "gee, you have really long feet.". Ugh)

So no, I don't think that music is in there...but I agree...madcap Doris Day/Rock Hudson is probably a better match than the Hepburn/Tracy that I was thinking of.

I'm gradually getting into this one. First week, I'm always p***y about things, but I'm liking it better now.

Will have to research that joke a little. I called Paula the Linkmeister yesterday but she told me she's the Listmeister. Whatever, she's darned good with the computer!!

Diana in Maine, how are you doing? Did you all ever get a new TV with closed captions or are you picking up enough now as you listen more and more? You have a gift for caring and for making people feel appreciated...hope your friends and family do the same for you!

Happy dark and cold December day to everyone! (Trying not to envy you California folks)

Judy, no, no new TV! So, I'm still watching without captions.

I'm having a little more luck understanding the dialog in Fuego than with Tontas. The constant scene changing in Tontas makes it difficult. I'm still trying to process words with the current scene when we're quickly transported to the next. I may be picking up on the Fuego dialog quicker as much of it is repetition:)

So, without you and all the other wonderful recappers, I would have very little idea of what is going here. Thanks so much. I hope your husband is feeling better every day and that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. Diana in MA

Anonymous - "I may be picking up on the Fuego dialog quicker as much of it is repetition:)"
Now there's an understatment. LOL!


Hey Doris and're cracking me up. Yes, FELS seems to have one script that keeps getting recycled every episode. Plus people don't talk at warp speed like they do in this one.

Still, the rapid-fire Chilango slang in Juan Querendon and just about anything coming out of Marichuy's mouth in Cuidado is even worse in my opinion.

Occasionally I try listening to Cuidado with my eyes closed and find that the actress playing Blanca/Yvette is clear as a can understand every word she says. Will have to try that with Tontas to see who really enunciates. You can tell the well-trained actresses by the closed eye test, I find. that I've gone to your link, Paula, I understand the Sven/Ole thing so much better. My maternal grandfather (a crusty Irishman) was having his geneology done and was so horrified to find there was a Norwegian way back in the family tree, that he fired the geneologist for finding, as he put it, "a dumb Swede" in his background. Don't think he ever paid the poor fellow either.

Ha ha...that's a funny story Judy. I feel for your poor grandfather, I've got lots of "dumb Swedes" in my background and even more "dour Finns". Did he ever recover from the shock? (Tongue firmly in cheek.)

Back to quick-speaking shows, I tried that eye-closing thing once or twice during Juan Querendon and the actor who had the best diction in that one was Alirio.

Diana, I'm totally impressed that you're watching this without CCs. Kudos to you!

Wish I could chat some more but I've got to dash to work (and I'm darn glad I have work to dash to, this morning's news is depressing).

Oh're right about the news. My clock radio starts with an hour of NPR news and since it goes off at 5 am (don't ask) sometimes I'm ready to commit suicide by the time I crawl out from under the covers.

I am very grateful to still have a part-time job, and one that I love as well.

My grandfather was a piece of work. He died at age 50 because he refused to be operated on for appendicitis. Didn't think much of the young doc down in Forks of Elkhorn, KY. I guess. Not sure the good Lord was ready for him.

Admit it, JudyB, you're proud of your Bluegrass DNA and well you should be!

Of course I am, Mike. That side of the family tree is pretty darned colorful. Actually my dad's relatives are too...something about the South, I guess.

We've gotten a lot less interesting now that some of us have moved to Indiana and Ohio! Bland but grand.

We've heard from two people with Swedish in their line, and I'm peppered with a smidge too (the rest is German). So Sven & Ole are obviously Norwegian. Unless we have more Norw's pop up, in which case they're Swedes.

I found a link to the Ole and the potato joke. Uffda!

My problem with the CCs is that I'm so distractable that when they're on, I never look up at the faces. But when they're off, I miss much of the dialog. Pobremia. Of course, for the recaps I rely heavily on the CCs. But I TRY to watch the other nights w/o.

Thanks for the link, Paula. There was a weird guy (local contact for some skullduggery) on the Cuidado show last night who appeared to have a whole bag of potatoes stuffed in his pants. It was a very strange look. Definitely not sexy. More in the uncomfortable mode. Maybe there's a little Swede in his background.

Hee Hee! You all are tooo funny! Love the comments about Sven and Ole!!

So far I am sticking this one out because I really like the chemistry between Candi and Santi! Also, there aren't any really evil murderous characters in this novela.

Judy b. I can imagine your cat walking all over the keyboard. Had a cat named Fluffy we adopted who has since passed away but lived to be nineteen! She loved to step all over the newspaper back when I used to sit on the floor and read it.

Yeah Becky t. What IS that about sitting on newspaper!? She tries to sit on mine and also tries to sit on my notebook when I'm frantically scribbling notes about what's going on. (really wish I had learned shorthand. at least I can type though).

One of our other recappers has a cat that loves the keyboard and when we were doing a tagteam instant messaging run on the Juan Querendon recap, we were both dealing with the same challenge. The unconditional love is worth it though. I sure don't get it anywhere else. (suspect I don't give it either, so I'm not whining)

Thanks for the recaps for the last two days Judy and Sylvia, I haven't been able to watch but I'll be able to jump right into my recap tonight. I'm interested to see for myself how the Charly/Meno thing is going, the last I saw was the preview of Meno taking the (already cooked and mixed with sauce - no restaurant mixes in sauce before serving!) off the top shelf, which was completely ridiculous. Well in Novelaland they have quiet kitchens in restaurants too. I'm still enjoying this show, it hasn't gotten bogged down at all like La Fea did after a while and so far Candy being a man-hater hasn't been too much of a turn off. I hope it stays that way.

Glad we could help, Ferro. We always look forward to your recaps. Yeah, the spaghetti thing was as a mother who spent years wiping noses and bottoms and dabbing up peanut butter and jelly, I hate seeing any kind of mess!

On another note,'s Emilia doing? Okay, I know it's her foot, not her Emilia, how's it going?

Paula: For the same reason as you, I usually watch w/o the captions. I can enjoy the acting much more than when I'm frantically reading everything. And if I miss some details, well that's what the recaps are for!

And Becky T., the fact that there aren't any murderous characters is similar to LFMB, with the same producers as Tontas. I'm not sure I never want murderous characters, but after Querida Enemiga, and FELS (body count still rising), I can use a break.

Judy, I reckon she's as ornery as ever. Still limited to the 8" skillet because of the crutches, but she keeps me in line just the same.

But seriously, folks, I think she's doing great. We're visiting El Podiatro (sorry...) this afternoon.

We oughta have a group update, you know. I think there are two new family additions forthcoming, one wildfire survivor, your ol' man's been to Clinica Popular a couple of times, right and I know I'm missing a couple of otras cosas.

Oh, yeah, speaking of KY-OH, my great-great grandparents were, according to family lore, married by the captain of the Maysville-Aberdeen ferry on the Ohio River.

Wow...a riverboat captain...that's romantic, Mike.

And yes, Becky t. and Hombre, the lack of murderous villains is a relief after our equal opportunity sociopath of Querida, but I'm finding the FELS recaps more interesting now that wicked Ruth and her equally wicked adoptive pop have showed up. Not sure I'd want to watch on a regular basis though. Querida got very dark at times.

Oh, Mike, as far as group updates go, we haven't been to the Emergency Room this month!!!! Hooray. And as far as I know, Bob's taking his medication. Keep your fingers crossed for our Charlotte trip because these sometimes trigger the episodes. Long drive. Not good. Adorable grandchildren. Exhausting. But irresistible.

Whatcha' gonna do?

I'll contribute to the group update - baby girl on the way, C-section scheduled for the morning of 12/31!

Soooo - anyone want to volunteer now for the Friday Jan 2 recap? I'll be spending 4 days in the hospital with my wife while she recovers from surgery. Thankfully we'll be in one of the maternity suites that has a private bathroom and a pull out bed for me to sleep on.

Hombre, you're right about this providing a much needed respite from the murder and mayhem that was on QE and continues on Fuego. On Fuego, new villans continue to come out of the woodwork. Diana in MA.

Hey, Chris, congrats and I'm sure the tax implications of 12/31 birth are not lost on you!

Chris: Congratulations! A most welcome and joyous addition to the New Year. Wishing you and your family all the best. Diana in MA

Thanks, Judyb. Doris~~I love Doris Day and Rock Hudson movies...and Doris Day and James Garner movies. You're's that old 60s catch me, catch me theme...or keep chasing me until I catch you. Just like Gidget and Moondoggie, too !!! [Except Doris and Gidget never stripped down to their underwear. ]

p.s. Alborada fans ~~~In case you have not been watching Fuego, the new villain in town is none other than Gasca, henchman to Diego and Dona Juana. He wears a leather jacket with snakes on it in this novela.

Hi Ferro...glad you've got a date and that you will stay with your wife. That's a wonderful tradition. My son-in-law slept in a LazyBoy chair in the hospital when their first child was born. I was so impressed with his devotion (and willingness to go out at 11 pm to get my daughter a spinach salad if that's what she wanted.) Quite a guy. And so are you. Are your parents taking care of your older son while you all are in the hospital?

I can probably take the Friday recap for you. We should be in Columbus then and I'd be happy to help out.

Really? I love that guy, he creeps me out big time. I think I will have to watch an episode or two. I also notice that Ursula from Pasion is on the 8:00 show so I guess I'll have to watch one or two of those as well. She was awesome in Pasion.

By the way, my response was to Susanlynn's last post. Not that I don't love Ferro and JudyB's son in law, but they most certainly do NOT creep me out. I was talking about Gasca.

This is a fun show with some heart wrenching scenes with all those darling lonely kids. Those of us who saw Guapos know something of what will happen with Candi and some of the other females on this show and I know something about the repulsive Pat.

One striking thing, the other day we have someone actually talking about and then taking a DNA test. Must be a first in a novela. LOL Add to that last night when big bad daddy had his heart attack someone actually picked up a phone and called for an ambulance. None of the usual hand wringing and and dios mio commentary.

I thought the scene with Chavo and Santi was adorable. JC seems to be able to relate to children as well as he does to women.

One thing does puzzle me. Santi's mami seems to keep trying to keep peace between him and Marissa and yet we know that mami doesn't thing she is the right woman for her hijo. You'd think she be pleased to see things going south.

The spaghetti thing didn't bother me too much as I figured it was just for the family not the clients in the restaurant but that kitchen seems to be downstairs from the restaurant which does strike me as odd. But I must say I like those chairs, saw a lot of them during the time I spent in Guadalajara. They'd look great in my house. LOL

Hey Sylvia...not to worry. I KNEW you meant Gasca. He manages to project menace even though he's not very heftily built.

Decie Girl, I thought the same thing. Why is Mama promoting Marissa's agenda. Think it was just a convenient plot device. They had to get Santiago back in Marissa's Candi could see the the incipient romance could deflate again.

There'll be lots more of these crazy twists I'm sure while they keep priming the romantic pump.

And yes, hooray for DNA tests and ambulance calls early on when it
makes sense!

No Mike, the implications are not lost on me! Luckily the day fell that way.
Decie, great points! We always complain when someone doesn't get a DNA test in a situation that so obviously calls for one, we should give credit where credit is due! First Lorena marries the right guy, not the guy with his name first in the credits, now this! We must be entering the modern age of novelas. As long as you ignore shows like Duelo and Fuego. (in my opinion)
Thank you all for the well wishes, I appreciate them!

Judy - I'll remind again later about covering that recap, thanks for the offer. If something comes up, I understand and we'll see if someone else can help out.

Well, Ferro, I've already noted it on my calendar...IN INK!...the only thing that would change is if my husband or children had some health crisis....if so, I know one of our other team members would pick up the slack. They're great that way.

PS...I was born on the 30th. So if your wife goes into labor early I might have a birthday buddy!

Well happy birthday early Judy! Judy is my mom's name, by the way. She doesn't speak any Spanish though so I don't get you two confused.
My wife is terrified of the idea of going into labor - she didn't have labor with our son, the doctor took an x-ray before her due date and saw that he was tangled up in the umbilical cord, so she had a c-section the next morning. So, based on medical advice, we're going straight for the c-section this time too, but she's afraid of going into labor early because she hasn't ever experienced it and nothing about labor makes it seem pleasant!

Chris, tell her not to worry. If she went into labor, they'd do the C-section ASAP. Even if she had to wait a few hours until O.R. staff was ready, etc., she still wouldn't be hitting the nasty part of labor.

I find I do like these lighter novelas. They get silly, but I prefer silly to dark. Just my preference.

Regarding the language of Tontas, pay particular attention to Santiago's mom. I just adore her style of speech. Not just her voice and diction, but her word choice. I'm no expert, but she seems well-spoken.

For my third child I had hypnosis and it was marvelous. The doctor put me under at the 6 months pregnant date, and then my husband was to repeat the hypnotic instuctions to me every day until due date and also work with me during labor.

Well, he wasn't into it, so I just repeated the hypnotic instructions to myself twice a day for the next 3 months. Things went so quickly (and PAINLESSLY) that the doc didn't get there in time and the resident had to deliver her.

And have to also add, the hypnotic instruction was so fabulous, the cold I had during the session disappeared as well! With the right hypnotist, man, it's totally awesome.

Paula, thanks for the heads up on Santiago's mom...I'll close my eyes and focus when she's speaking. I'm so distractable, that's the best way for me to get it. (I also close my eyes when listening to music. It just gets clearer then.)

Congrats, Ferro, and your wife won't have to worry. It's best for her to have a c-section anyway since she had one the first time. I had no pain....the epidural was great that I had with both girls!!! Ate like no tomorrow afterwards, though.

Yep, I saw Gasca on FELS...he really creeps me out!

As for CC's , since we switched cable companies, no more cc on Univision. It's a bummer!

Judy B....I'm sure your trip will be fun and enjoyable! Are you taking your cat?

susanlynn - they just don't make movies like they used to, eh?


No, Kizzie the cat stays with our adult son while we're in Charlotte. The 8 hour trip would be hard for her (it's hard for us!) and my daughter wouldn't particularly like us hauling in a litter box and cat either. She wants absolute quiet when she gets her little ones down for naps or the night and our rambunctious cat would definitely make too much noise.

The sad thing is, she really misses my husband terribly, gets stressed, loses hair and usually vomits the first day we're back. (of course I'm the only one who sees it and cleans it, I take that back..our son does too. Just not my husband.)

Anyway, it's reassuring that son will take care of house and cat but my husband misses her terribly too (and come to think of it, maybe THAT'S the reason for the Emergency Room visits when we get back. Oh well.....

Sylvia, I had completely missed “Secret Love,” but I never saw all of Calamity Jane.

Ah, kitties, mine likes to walk on the keyboard, so I have to be really careful to close the laptop when I step away. He’s already yanked two keys off (thankfully hubby was able to stick them back in). He also loves to lie on the laundry I’m folding, newspaper circulars I’m scanning, and my lap just as I need to get up to go to the bathroom. It’s a good thing they’re so cute ;) JudyB, mine sometimes decides not to eat his food, or to do it much later, or to drink less water when we’re not around. This is a problem as we know cats can’t digest their own fat, so they automatically starve. To add to this, our little guy now has digestive problems that require the medication we put in his food. Last time we went away we had to take him straight to the vet when we got back ‘cause he was blocked and dehydrated and the friend that was looking after him didn’t know what to do. This time we hired a professional cat sitter that knows exactly where the vet is! It’s pricey, but necessary now that he’s getting up there (15, 69 in cat years).

Congrats Ferro! On the baby and the tax write off ;) I guess one of the few perks of a second child after a C-section is that you know for sure you’ll need one and can plan ahead, instead of waiting for hours until you finally realize it’s the way to go. Mom waited for over 8 hours after her water broke before they decided they had to pull me out (little bro was pre-programmed for an early 8 am surgery with no complications), and I’ve had some friends who were in labor for hours until they the docs decided to take the surgery route. This way is a little less traumatic. Not saying surgery’s the way to go, but if you must have one, it’s good to be able to plan for it. In a way, your wife is lucky they were able to plan ahead both times.

Decie and JudyB, Isa might not like Marissa as a DIL, but that doesn’t mean she wants her son to treat her badly. She’d probably be happiest if Santi just came straight out and broke up with Marissa amicably, not as a result of something bad he did to her.

JudyB – thanks for the hypnosis tip! My ob was telling me their hospital doesn’t teach lamaze anymore (they have other birthing classes though) because people just go for the epidural. I’m not trying to be brave or anything, just the thought of someone sticking a needle in my spine terrifies me more than the pain (though I may change my mind once the time comes!).

Well, I'd look into those other classes as well but I found hypnosis to be beyond wonderful.

My first two labors were very long and very painful which was part of my motivation.

So when the doctor was talking to me before hypnosis and said something like "labor contractions are not painful...they're just pressure" I'm like, "yeah, you idiot, like you've ever had labor pains! Believe me, THEY'RE PAINFUL!!! Then when he said the exact same thing to me while under hypnosis, my mind is saying "Yes, Yes, Yes,Yes! they're just pressure, just pressure. Yes!"

I was completely on board with this guy. In fact it was a good thing my husband was there because I was soooo on board I might have jumped his old bones afterwards, I mean...we were UNITED. Interesting experience. Take your husband if you get hypnotized. Just sayin'

Thanks for the 411 JudyB. I'm pretty sure hubby would disapprove if I jumped someone else during hypnosis ;)

But if you're hypnotized is it your fault?
Sylvia, always looking for the angle

Okay now, seriously, I wouldn't have jumped his funny old bones...for one thing he had these weird old Sea Dog sideburns that came to the middle of his cheeks.

Second, I "was raised Presbyterian". That really put a crimp in my acting out (if not my fantasizing)....

BUT, I sure would have hugged him if my husband weren't there, because something about the hypnosis just put me in touch with the whole love of life/universe thing (I know...sounds creepy and New Age) but really, I was in a beautifully altered state.

Wish I could get back there!

It does sound very interesting. I wonder if I could be hypnotized? I can never seem to stop my mind from zooming along which is probably why I have a hard time sleeping.

Hey there. Ok, I'm somewhat stabilized now. HUGE THANKS TO ALL THE COMMENTERS WHO bailed me out yesterday, Decie girl (nice to see you around again by the WAY), and especially Paula for really going to town on a recap for me in a pinch.

I still have to see a bunch of these episodes because WTF, Pato is the possible father of Beto? How is it he had something to do with a friend of Candi? Weird.

Also I see Marg you have a digestively challenged kitty too. Mine who is also aroung 15 takes meds too and he was really sick this week, I had to take him to the vet on Tues, but thankfully he seems to be doing much better with some adjusted meds. He keeps on ticking and stepping on my keys... :)

Thanks again for all your well wishes. My flight was fine, landing was a little scary, but I'm at my destination just fine.

Great title!

I'm pretty sure you could be hypnotized Sylvia. People with good imaginations (the power to visualize) do very well.

And as I said, in this situation, I was completely cynical and disbelieving about what the doctor was saying until I "went under" and then it was "yes, yes, yes!" In fact I was so in tune, that toward the end of the visualization he was leading me in, I knew what he was going to say before he said it. He was leading me through a tranquil countryside and I "knew" where we were really was quite an extraordinary experience to be curled up in another person's brain for a while.

So if you do it, choose a good person. It has been used so that people can be operated on without anesthetic. It certainly removed all pain from the labor process for me. And since my last child was born with a hole in her heart, it was really a blessing that her tiny body wasn't subjected to any maternal anesthetic before birth.

Ahoy Cap'n ! ~ You really should tune into Fuego. It has picked up some speed since the arrival of Richardo Uribe [aka Gasca] and his horny, ruthless daughter Ruth [or as the folks on this novela pronounce it ''Root'']. Everyone is wearing leather in this masterpiece. [Maybe it's some kind of product placement deal from the Mexican leather industry. Ricardo [Gasca] is menacing/romancing Gariella [aka Bertha from Heridas]. This chick has married her ex son-in-law and is getting more action than anyone else in this show with the notable exception of her evil flying monkey son-in-law/husband Fernando [aka Ferd, Feo,etc] On Cuidado , the spoiled princessa from Pasion plays a dual personality chica : 1]Blanca who wears Audrey Hepburn ballet slippers, a long black jumper, and a white blouse, and wears glasses and a long, straight hairdo and works as a babysitter for William Levy's daughter and 2]Ivette who meets William Levy [Camila's bro from Pasion] at a bar regularly dressed in a lowcut cocktail dress and sporting long, curly locks . Tune in.

Hi Susanlynn...I'm seeing snippets of Fuego and am very impressed with how sexy old long-in-the-tooth Ruth is in her midriff shirts and low-cut jeans. As Carlos says, makes him want a cigarette.

As for Ivette, she's sexy nibbling on a strawberry but her floofy dresses looke like old bridesmaid retreads to me. I wore a bouffanty one like that (well NOT so low-cut) at my sister's wedding in 1959.

Just read this whole interesting thread ...cats and labor. Judyb~~~I am convinced that there must be some cosmic connection between us. Whenever I read your posts, I feel like we are talking over coffee [or tea, if you like.] I don't have any pets, but I grew up on the farm with loads of farm cats. It was my job to feed them everyday and I was with them a lot. I've had 3 children, and my first child was a boy who died the day after he was born of a heart defect. It was a big surprise to everyone. He seemed fine at birth. He basically only had 3 chambers in his heart instead of 4. The doctors were amazed that he lived as long as he did. Six months later, I had a miscarriage, at which time I decided to just get back on my feet. Then, 2 years later, I had a daughter followed by another daughter 2 years after that. Hub and I took Lamaze classes, and he was with me and a good coach , but I remember getting pretty ticked at him because he used to watch the fetal monitor [which was very uncomfortably around my belly ] and he'd tell me the contraction was over while it was still very painfully happening. He'd also rub my back, but complain thatb his feet hurt. During my first delivery, he was so nervous that the doctor had to tell him that he was trying to put his hat on his foot. But I had pretty fast labors all 3 times and was never able to get the epidural I had planned on because things went so fast. All my babies were early [about 2 weeks] and they were all small babies [Stevie was a little over 6 pounds and the girls were a little under 6 ...they were about the size of bags of sugar someone told me]. During my second labor, the dreadful woman intern thought I was too early and gave me Demerol against my wishes, That was awful because I'd fall asleep and wasn't able to catch and ride out the wave of pain the way they teach you to in Lamaze. I think that Lamaze is a kind of self hypnosis. I've actually used it in other situations. I also have a tape where a guy talks to you and you visualize being in a peaceful, beautiful place, and during an 8-hour flight to Europe , I listened to a channel that did the same thing.

There are some eerie connections Susanlynn. I feel it too. When I was 8 to 9 yrs. old we lived out in "Three Mile Holler" ouside of Lawrenceburg, TN. One day, 5 little kittens came wandering up to our house Mom and Dad let us keep them in the garage, because in the woods, the tom cat might kill them. (No family values for feral cats evidently!) My favorite, Pam, was my constant companion and rode around on my arm. I was prissy and fussy as they come but when she pooped on my arm it didn't bother me a bit. That's when I knew I was meant for motherhood!

I had a miscarriage too, between the first and second child. Although I know it's not the same as losing a full-term or almost full-term baby like you and Schoolmarm did, it broke my heart. I was in such a hurry to get pregnant again (I was 35) and yet also fighting a lot with my husband (fear I guess) but we made it.

Third child was a complete surprise (hub not really enthusiastic about having any kids much less three!) but the hypnosis saved the day. Glad you've had good experiences with finding a "safe, peaceful place". It's a wonderful self-soothing technique to use when you're overcome with worry and fear. It can also be used in connection with a prayer ministry for people who are very troubled about their past.

Someday we'll meet Susanlynn and have that cup of tea! Or anytime you want to chat more, just email me at

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