Thursday, March 12, 2009

MEPS March 11, Wed. - Got Milk? Got Power? Got Power Milk?

Repeats: As the wedding looms in sleepless nights as we see Fernanda musing that Lili (se aferra) clings to (los bellos recuerdos) pleasant memories like she does.
Fernanda dwells on Liliana's words about seeing Eduardo and she splits her personality to talk to herself about what happened to Eduardo, what could have happened, she at least realizes that she and Eduardo were separated so they wouldn't continue their childhood romance. Now she tells herself that she tired of waiting for Eduardo and now she is about to marry a man who adores her. but does she love him? [Wow, does she have a pack of nasty little surprises coming]

Eduardo/ almost Franco wears chic two toned blue pajamas and says Fernanda's name as he looks at her card. relives his muddy face and her wide eyed grin. Fernanda is the only woman I have loved.

But the dry milk is being unloaded near a big, big hole while an even bigger semi approaches

Anibal and Pris, also in jammies, discuss that he is not going to have children with a traitor, that she has betrayed him by telling her family that his family is betraying them. She argues that her family was offered this milk too but they were decent and rejected the suspect milk. Her brother knew that Barbara was behind it all. What did Rolando say? She will (susurra en oido) whisper in his ear if he comes into the bed. Come.

in telenovela parallel, still in pj's, Eduardo remembers seeing the shopping Nanda and the big rock ring. He puts down the business card from Nanda and studies charts to bring himself back to the task at hand.

Speaking of the task at hand, Priscila gets some perfunctory sex out of Anibal but looks disgusted so we can assume it isn't a real dance of love. As the heartless Anibal rolls off to stare glumly at his side of the mattress, she says your (petulancia) petulance/irritability is like the (fracaso) failure/disappointment that you are, my love.

Ohhhhhhmygawd, he's in a towel and all wet. what a chest. Yes, finally we get a cleanup scene. Eduardo answers the phone and drips provocatively as he discusses with Esteve that he the paperwork set up and will now have a meeting with Anibal. Do you know him? asks Esteve. Perfectly says Adonis in white towel, uhuhuh, I mean Eduardo, in white towel. He's the older brother of Nanda. [Ed. Note: replay this scene 3 times and blog me in the morning]

Barbara is assuring Nanda, You have won the lottery with this man (Damian) who is all about hard work and responsible, and .... You are a prize too, intelligent, beautiful. [this part is harder for BOW to say, me thinks]. Nanda returns the favor but with unexpected, I've been thinking of Liliana when she was alone with me I realized she is in a (pozo sin fondo) bottomless well and it would be good for her if she was at my wedding. BOW is not smiling. Nanda urges, She should feel our love here in the family and I need my father's authorization to have her here my best wedding present for her to be here. Would you convince my papa? Barbara tries to argue but ends up promising, Oh I'll try.

The accounting report is presented to Flor at the Lacteos reception desk and she looks down at the cow hide rug on up and up to see TBLMOE with his 200 million peso smile as he arrives seeking an interview with Anibal and he is Franco Santoro, the Director of Operations of the Latin American Branch of (say it with me) "Power.....Milk...." butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. I need this break just to catch my breath, what a suit, what a shave what a hair cut. This boy dresses up or down with equal charisma, but of course the towel that might fall is the best costume. [Sorry guys, you got your turn last night at the mud fest, I will calm down shortly.]

Receptionist Flor breathlessly says there is a problem, there is no Santoro in the (agenda) schedule book, He smiles, perhaps there has been an error? She is sure she can get it fixed.

BOW tells her shill Damian that the real tragedy of this meaningless marriage is that the object is the total ruin of the family. Damian looks like this is the first time he has heard this little detail.

Anibal barks at Flor, at the desk and tells her he doesn't have time for this whoever. He is very busy so pretty boy will have to wait. Desk tells Franco he urges you to wait, actually she urges him to wait. He flashes the famous smile and says there is no hurry.

Barbara barks orders at Obregon about following her orders exactly as she is the one in charge.

Lili and Ciro talk about Eduardo being back as they play (ajedrez) chess. Ciro asks, was Eduardo important? She says he was accused of doing something he didn't do just like I was. Do you mean, that he could get you out of here. Could get you revenge? When the nurse appears to take Lili back to her room, they speak in code, Lilli says, the peón (pawn) is a threat to the black queen, but Ciro says the pawn needs to reinforce itself to come back at black queen.

Doctor is being threatened by BOW Barbara, he couldn't listen at teh door and says I don't care what method you use but I want to know what Lili said to her sister. As of today, I order you to double her medicine.

Ciro looks in "the box", hides it again in his room behind some books, then takes a white pawn from the board, takes it down the hall and hides it in Lili's hand. You have to move like the pawn, one step at a time. The drugged Lili, shrugs with eyes closed but clutches the pawn .

Franco looks with hatred at Gonzalo's portrait. He thinks back to overhearing Soledad ask Gonzo why Eduardo has to be sent away. Gonzolo tells the unbelieving Soledad because the the children are growing, there will be trouble. He is grateful that Soledad has been a veritable mother for them, Yeah sneers, Franco, really grateful. Flor interrupts his thoughts with coffee and says not much has changed in 10 years. He jumps but she says Gonzo hasn't changed much since that was painted then. He rejects the coffee while she says your face, your face is so familiar.

Nanda, plans where the banquet and the dance floor will be placed near the pond with the wedding planner. I have a few details in the sanctuary, Have you talked to the Bishop, will he attend? Sure. [Nice to have enough money to get a bishop for the ceremony]

Flor says your face reminds me of someone, have you been practicing (equitacion) riding/horsemanship with Camilo. , you must be a friend of his. Franco smirks, amigo of Camilo Elizarde, yeah that must have been me.

Cleopatra is the beautiful (yegua) mare that Jacinto shows to Erika, which Camilo ordered special for the wedding as a gentle ride for his date, he adds, it must be for her. She leaves happy, oh so happy at this little surprise Camilo must have planned for her. Jacinto's wifey Margarita appears and is not at all happy, sneers that at least he is working and not at the mud bar. He tries to placate her, did you dress up so pretty to come see me? No! she's on her way to say goodbye to her students.

Anibal yells at Flor to get through to Damian Gallardo immediately as he sees the financial charts, and to Obregon he says he needs solutions. Flor calls Gallardo to have him show up when he gets this message. Franco asks if there are problems.... She says the whole place is all a twitter about wedding plans for Nanda and goes for water. Ed/Franco says she has forgotten about me. Somewhere here we see Damian relaxing on a massage table as the hardworking executive.

Jacinto tries to stop stupid wife again, saying the children will be so disappointed, she insists that Nanda must be told about Damian and Barbara's roll in the hay before things go further and she wants to get away from here as far as she can, she marches off resolute in her stupidity to make the wrong right. Jacinto gasps in exasperation.

Erika in the beauty shop and they try to put a tint on her hair that will make it more luminous. Tinte Fermodil, brandname dropping. Okay the very cute hair stylists convince her to take the tint. She yaps happily and a bit wistfully about the stress of so much detail in planning a wedding.

Flor is chatting Ed up about how the youngest daughter, Nanda runs Human Resources and has time to take on the artesan cheese guys, when BOW suddenly appears saying who is this. The icy stare down is a foot as we go to break.

Barbara stares with her evil eyes at Ed, she snaps her fingers almost in his face and says to Flor, bring me my (agenda) appointment book

Erika and Nanda discuss how thoughtful Damian is to cut the honeymoon short so she can attend the artisans' cheese fair. She babbles and all I can remember is that she says, don't take sweets from strangers. More interesting she tells Erika she has never told Damian the sad story of Eduardo

Barbara is questioning Flor about who is this guy. Anibal has kept him waiting since he is so busy. Out of the elevator from his breakfast meeting comes Gonzo. Power Milk Franco greets him and reaffirms who he is. I was trying to see your son Anibal. Damian shows up muttering that Anibal is an (energúmeno) madman. He raises his cell phone half way in the air as if to tease us because we know what he would like to do with his cell phone (can't tell but surely he has moved up to either a blackberry or an iphone.)

Erika and Nanda continue girlie bonding, she doesn't think he will ever see Ed again.

Anibal is aghast at the zero financial balances when Damian says, you haven't talked to Barbara? Anibal screams what does my MIL have to do with this .

Damian tries to calm Aniba l while in her office, BOW thinks the end is near.

Ed/Franco is wowing Gonzo with his intimate knowledge of the wonder history of Gonzo and his impressive empressa. Gonzo falls for it and wants to get Power Milk is in Brazil and Argentina ... but not in Mexico. Ed/Franco says not until now. Anibal is yelling that the accounts are all zeroed out. they are ruined! Ed smiles outside the door. This family must amuse the other staff.

Anibal asks why Damian decided to play (inversionista) investor you have ruined us. Damian your stupidity has ruined us. Ed listens with amusement. Gonzo is telling BOW how impressed he is with Ed's astounding knowledge of the company and is excited that PowerMilk is at his door, he knows as much as we do. Barbara sulkily asks, but what does he want? Gonzo doesn't have much to be excited about these days and now someone is making him feel important. I want you in the meeting with Anibal. Flor interrupts to tell BOW that Anibal urgently needs her. They are broke, How did this happen? Why wasn't I consulted ahead of time? Anibal shrugs, but Barbara steps in, our broker in Chicago offered an irresistible portfolio of investment opportunities that we had to hurry to buy.

Papa then tells of the executive from PowerMilk just outside and they all hustle to meet with him, BOW resists but Gonzo has his mind made up Anibal says executive? of PowerMilk? I thought he was just a simple salesman.

Nanda get yet another message about wedding details. But says it just like what the mysterious (galan) handsome gentleman told me on the shopping mall. She thinks back at the Hombre de Misterio (sorry H de M, your name has been borrowed for the moment) She continues with the chatter, chatter about seeing him, trying to find out his name, trying to introduce him to Damian and then he mysteriously disappeared again. Erika teases her that she better get married quick. Why is she so interested in this galan?

The happy family meet Franco, BOW pretends she was busy with Fernanda's wedding detail so didn't notice him standing at the reception desk when he reminds her with a big smile that they just met. This woman has the best poker face to deny having noticed TBLMOE. I mean really....

Next: Liliana is about to receive an injection but this time not to sleep but to make her talk while Doc Matasanos says, What did you say to your sister?

And BOW is very busy, she has time to intimidate the Jacinto family and knows they (apodan) nickname her the hyena. She knows they plan to tell Nanda that Soledad is dead, does she also know what else they want to tell.


se aferra = clings to
los bellos recuerdos = pleasant memories.
susurra en oido = whisper in his ear
petulancia = petulance/irritability
fracaso = failure/disappointment
peón = pawn
equitacion = riding/horsemanship
yegua = mare
agenda = appointment book
energúmeno = madman.
inversionista = investor
galan = handsome gentleman/gallant
apodan = to nickname


Thanks, Cheryl. I had to stop reading the recap at this point: "Ohhhhhhmygawd, he's in a towel and all wet. what a chest. Yes, finally we get a cleanup scene. Eduardo answers the phone and drips provocatively..." Damn. No. Dy-aam! RAW GLISTENING MANHOOD!!!= Eddie/Franco

not = Anibal

Tapin' this one fuh sho'. Back to the recap.


Thanks so much for the recap, Cheryl, and especially the vocabulary. The actress playing Martina was also Lupita in La Madrastra, and the actor who played Hilario in DA was her brother (he loved Estrella, the rich family's daughter).

Linda T.

Thanks, Cheryl for that excellent recap. And....YOWSA...Ed/Franco fresh from the shower....what a work of art. I've seen Michangelo's statue of David in Florence, and let me just say...Fernando looks even better than David [although David is gigantic and on a big high pedestal.] But...que the hell...he wears jammies ????? [Ed, not David.] Anyhoo...I thought perhaps Anibal was unsuccessful in his efforts. He looked pretty dismal and disgusted after he rolled off Prissy . Gee, Dude, sorry if I inconvenienced you. Was it a fait accompli ?

And...I like Ciro's chess analogy concerning the pawn moving step by step against the black queen.

Thank you for the recap Cheryl. I can't believe I missed HIM half-naked! I'm all settled in my chair with one of the dogs waiting for the show to start and the next thing I know...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ out like a light. I've been waiting all this time.... Argh.....I will certainly have to watch the DVR and will probably fast forward to the half-naked part.

I'd like to give a special shout out to Molly for the wonderful YouTube link. It was the uncesored version of the naked brother swim. It got my morning off to a good start!

¡Dios mio! Fr/Ed just out of the shower ¡Que estupendo!, damn towel.

I don't think they can portray him as innocent, he knows the effect he has on women & uses it. Florecita from the floor up, shined shoes, creased pants, broad shoulders & what a smile, but his frowns are great too.

I saw a really good looking man in Guanajuato on the street, suit, tie, perfectly groomed, not what you usually see. He knew I was checking him out & looked at me, like I'm really hot huh?

Cheryl, what an excellent, hilarious recap. When Eddie/Frankie came out half-wrapped in a towel, I tried to imagine how you would portray it. you certainly lived up to my expectations. I have a feeling that we'll be seeing much more of the same. I just hope the mud wrestling is not neglected.

I find it interesting that Nanda is concerned for Lil's mental health all the while holding calm conversations with an hallucination of herself. Who of us doesn't do that from time to time?

I do hope that Eddie/Frankie gets a chance to frolic with Babs/Becky if only for old times sake(think Alborada).

I am amused by the facial expressions and body language of each woman as she encounters E/F for the first time. Even B/B seemed duly impressed. I guess some guys simply have it.

Carlos Alborada, Melinama dubbed Luis [Fernando] ''the Mystery Boinker of Santa Rita'' because he boinked Hippolita [Lucero] and she thought he was her hubby. In this novela, we might call Fred [Franco + Ed] ''The Mysterious Milkman.'' And, I agree that he can't be that innocent because he knows how to use his good looks to charm women .

Carlos:"I guess some guys simply have it." And do they ever! Whew, thanks Cheryl for a fabulous description of a fabulous moment. Notice how the editing is very tight in this novela. The timing was perfect. I was expecting something great, but this almost knocked me out of my chair. My cranky old TV won't let me record, so I just have to "live in the moment"

I also adored the long slow pan up from the shoes to his handsome face. It's amazing, he & Lucero had fabulous chemistry in Alborada. What a difference, the icy stare.

May I recommend Ladron que roba a ladron to anyone who hasn't seen it. I rented it when it was new and then Univision recently broadcast it. A funny Mexican take on Ocean's Eleven. FC is really great in it. No beefcake, but it doesn't disappoint.

Oh, and Cheryl. Please tell us about the picture you posted. It's beautiful!

Thank you CherylNM and I see from your recap that I didn't miss Barb's buenas dias to Franco, she didn't say hello! What's wrong with the chile! Well, we know what's wrong with her but WHAT ELSe is wrong with her!

Thanks, Cheryl, for the great recap, especially the vocab, very helpful.
Could someone please clarify whether Damian has been in on BOW's plan, or is just now becoming aware of it. It's been my impression that he hasn' been till now, just a unwittingly going along with her plans, and not a part of it. I was really hoping for a phone smash last night. Sendel MUST be toying with us.
Bab's ability to move huge chunks of pesos into her own off-shore account is a mystery to me. She's not in charge of finances, isn't that Damian's realm? And wouldn't clueless Gonzo want to know where the zeroing-out money went, wouldn't he talk to the people in Chicago? Wouldn't the withdrwl show up on the financial report as bogus? They are really asking us to swallow a chunk here. Oh well, beanie slippage, I guess.
I think that Anibal was having problems in the male performance dept. Prisila is going to be looking for another stud soon.
The llegua Cleopatra looked anything BUT mansa to me. What a gorgeous mare, really tall, but I'm no horse expert. If either Erika or what's her neam mount that on, they will have their hands full.
Wondering if Marg is going to be really stupid and do all she says she's going to do, or have a moment of lucidity. To throw everything away on an angry reaction. Of course, the little chat that Hiena is going to have with them is going to appen.
Tonight's episode is going to be interesting...
dorado dave

Suasnlynn, Fred the Mysterious Milkman? I like it. I'm having a great time trying to spot all the dairy-themed chucherias; they abound. My favorite so far was a photo of a pitcher of milk pouring into a glass on the wall of the Lactos waiting room. Simple yet effective. I wonder if they keep a supply of Oreos around?


One comment from on yesterday's theme- cow deco. My last live-in girlfriend decorated the kitchen with that holstein klitsch, about 15 years ago. It reached the point where I had to tell her no more,or else I'd get rid of the furniture and bring in hay bales. It really was to much, as she as...
don't know what the problem is, but could not log in thru my blogger account, depite a dozen trys...

that was me, as anon 10:52

dorado dave

Susanlynn and Variopinta, there was a scene in Pasion when Ricardo kisses Camila's hand and as he peals his lips away slowly he looks up at her and I SWEAR he makes his eyes glitter!
Yes he knows the effect, knows how to use it, and what a master craftsman to do no harm with that charm.

Thanks for the recap and vocab Cheryl. What a great episode!! There are some things that never get old -- seeing Eduardo answer the phone in his towel is one of them. I was talking with my sister on the phone and (shocking) managed to stay calm. I did go back and watch the scene and will probably do so a few more times as well.

I also got a good chuckle at how the other women reacted to Eduardo. Once they saw he face it was as if they forgot what they were saying or thinking. It must have been a fun scene to do.

So, I'm confused..did Anibal do the deed or was he a dud ? This guy and Cam-ILLO and Dumian are like the Anti-Eds. Ed seems all the more magnificent when placed next to any of these duds/dudes. A combination that I cannot resist is handsome + kind + polite + sweet + humble + smart. Add dripping wet out of the shower, and Ed's irresistible. I liked the scenes of Ed eavesdropping outside the office and gaining important information.

Thanks, Cheryl, you certainly did justice to the most important scene in this novela this far...F C wrapped in a towel right out of the shower... great description. E Y move over.

Lol, Carlos. Nanda is worried about Lili's mental health all the while having a nice conversation with hallucination of herself. Too funny. GinCA

CheryNewMex - thank for your wonderfully funny recap. I got towatch last night and loved the apres bain scene! WooHoooo... next best thing to a shower scene.

Okay. I don't like Eduardo's new hairstyle. Will I get kicked off the boards? IMO, he looks better with fluffy hair that hides his ears. That slicked down (metrosexual?) look made his ears look like an ewok, or yoda. Verrrry verrrry distracting for me. I had to mentally blip back to the towel scene in my mind. ;-)

doris (still not logged in....)

It was funny yesterday too when the two waitresses at the muddy bar were doing those -pass, twirl around and pass again- second looks at Edwardo! LOL

Okay Doris...want me to kiss his ears and make em better? Lets try that.

Yes! Payoff for viewerville, as Eduardo presents his fine bronzed body in a towel. And again, all smooth and polished in that suit and haircut.
Thanks for the recap, Cheryl. (And for yesterday's one, Melissa.)
Julie, I hope your makeshift Univision connection is working.
I don't know why, but everytime Eduardo says "Powermilk", I want to laugh. At first, I thought it was powdered milk, but decided power milk was correct. Maybe it's the superhero vibe I get from POWERMILK.
Cleopatra was a beautiful horse, very nicely groomed with that braided mane.
The dairy industry/milk-related videos in the corporate lobby were impressive. The big cowhide rug, not so much... That homely little cow statuette seemed more of a kitchen item than business decor.
An uncle of mine had some dairy cows and a mudroom/utility room that smelled like milk with a faint undertone of manure-stained boots. That's the smell I'm getting from the Grupos Lactos lobby. Or if not that, some highly odorous artisan cheese.
La Paloma

I agree. I think the Grupos Lactos lobby needs one those huge almost lifesize black and white resin cows not that wimpy little comical cow on the shelf. GinCA

I like FC's hair longer. I saw a picture of him somewhere and he had long hair it was a thing of beauty! You can tell he really hates BOW Barb. So if there was a tussle between FC and Damian who would win? Ok, Damian would win hands down if it was a phone smashing contest but I'm thing a regular smackdown type of thing. Or maybe some mud wrestling....Hmmmmm.

I like his hair better fluffy too. But it's perfectly acceptable short and slicked down, too. :-)

Speaking of slick, it must be awfully dangerous to "shower" with baby oil. He looked pretty shiny in that towel scene! (Not to mention just plain pretty!)

I couldn't tell whether Anibal finished the deed or not. At first I thought he did, but then with Pris's withering comments I wasn't so sure. But I think he really did and she was just being mean. Which I'm sure only contributes to his dread!

I'm also not sure how much Damian knows. At the beginning I had assumed that he was in on Barb's plan, but he did seem slightly taken aback last night when she started talking about ruining them.

And anyway, if he's not in on the plan, then why does he keep following all of her instructions - both work and personal - so faithfully and unquestioningly? Surely it's not just about getting laid??

What a capitulo! Thanks Cheryl for the fantastic recap and vocabulary words.

Oh my oh my, Eddie in the towel - there are no words. I wasn't expecting that and I shouted OMG! at the television - my husband just shook his head and laughed at me!

Thank goodness for the towel scene, because the PJ's were ruining it for me. I'm okay with the pants part of the pajamas, but the shirt was ridiculous. It made him look like an old man. A tight t-shirt in a matching color would have been better with the baggy pj pants.

The look on Dumian's face while he was thinking how a massage is just the thing he needs to deal with the Elizalde family was weird. I didn't watch DA, so this is my first time seeing Sergio Sendel in a novela. He reminds of someone - or something - I can't put my finger on it. It's more of a "something" than a "someone", though!

Thankfully we had no Camil-ho scenes. But I think Jacinto might have to pay the price for telling Erika about Camilo's orders to prepare the horse for his date. I hate those humiliation scenes, and the violence makes it that much worse.

Cheryl, the pic at the top is Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent, right? I bought a clay one while in Mexico to hang on the wall. He was the only one of the Aztec gods that didn't require blood sacrifices, and his "myth" played a big part in the conquest (in the mindso of the Aztecs) as well.

I like Fr/ed with more hair too, but he could shave his head & still be yummy.

Lacteos probably thinks an investment was made in Enron or AIG, but I sure don't know how Babs is going to explain this & who Rebeca Sanchez is. One of those TN loose end things.

I had a problem with getting recognized by my blog name yesterday. I'm not sure if this is what fixed it but I signed on to gmail & I think that's what did it.

Don't forget, you can ck out Fr/ed on you-tube & just pause.

When Erika & Fer were in the beauty parlor one of them said
"porfis, porfis, porfis" finally tracked it down to meaning something like "pretty please".

I prefer Ed/Fred all spiffed up with his short hair and the ears are okay, too. That's my vote if there is a poll. GinCA

Cheryl, OMG! is right. Holy cow that was a jaw dropper! No more sweaty bread scenes for me, that man is stunning!

If his character went to college in the states, he has had his share of women! Nanda may be the only one he loved, but not the only one. None of the girls I went to college with would let that man pass unnoticed.

So is Anabil gay or just suffering ED? That was just a sad, yucky, disappointing scene. Blech.

Connie, you are so welcome. That is one of the best FELS moments!

So, I wonder if FRED is a Milkman that delivers? Hmmmm???

"Porfa" is short for "por favor." "Porfis" is "multiple por favors"!

Melissa, does Sendel by any chance remind you of a lizard? He reminds me of a lizard. (It's okay - I like lizards.) Or maybe a gator. Or some kind of animal that eats small animals in one gulp.

Cheryl: Thanks for another great recap.

What does Barb/Becky have on Damian to keep him held so tightly on her leash?

As to Pris and Anibal- even thought she's got a body worthy of any Body Shop, she could wither any rose off the vine with her cold and callous comments. At first, I felt sorry for her, but it now looks like she and Anibal deserve each other. I thought he did accomplish the deed - much to Pris' disgust and his own self-loathing. He's the heir apparent as titular head of this most dysfunctional family.

Ed/Franco in a towel? Tan divino.

I vote for Eduardo in longer hair. I remember being disappointed when he cut his hair in Pasion. And it was really long then. I don't usually like that much hair, but more than he has now would be sexier. Of course, I wouldn't run from him in any condition. But, wet and half-clothed---mmmm!


I like the longer not slicked down hair to. Makes him much more roguish but also gives him some boyish charm. But the buttoned down slick back business look is pretty hot too.

Thanks for all the postings and appreciation. I am late checking the blog, it is only 11:20 here and I just on my first cuppa. Major dreams featured last night after this episode. Oh that Fernando! I was so proud to get to recap the first towel scene. Gee. And yes, he definitely knows his effect on people.

Doris, my guess is that you didn't find his ears distracting when his hair was plastered to his head and dripping wet in that towel-phone scene even though one ear was behind the phone, I don't remember the other ear at all, do you?

I loved the icy looks from the first scene with Barbara and Franco. I think it is a tribute to Lucero's acting ability that she didn't just climb him and say camera's off!! They certainly have CHEMISTRY even though not of the attraction kind they had in Alborada.

Julie - "small animals in one gulp". LOL It's not a lizard, I just can't think of it yet, but it'll come to me. He doesn't strike me as very evil in this novela, it sorta seems like he's just going along on Bab's ride (figuratively and literally).

Julie: "does Sendel by any chance remind you of a lizard? He reminds me of a lizard. (It's okay - I like lizards.) Or maybe a gator. Or some kind of animal that eats small animals in one gulp."

That's a great image. Despite his lizard-like qualities, I think he's cute and I get the feeling he's holding back in this show. But there's little smirk that says "You just wait." After DA when he was blowing smoke out of his ears and the vein on his forehead was ready to pop, not to mention the cellphone carnage, I prefer the low-key approach.

Quezacoatl is indeed the picture, Toltec then Aztec god in the image of the plumed serpent. I look for images of him everywhere in Mexico but this one is a photo I took in the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico, DF which I make a pilgrimage too every time I go near it. Here is a bit more on his story. I love that he is also the god of knowledge and learning. Check out:

Great recap, Cheryl! I especially liked how you mentioned Nanda thinking about the Hombre de Misterio from the mall. Yes, a little known secret is that Fernando Colunga and I look exactly alike (I wish!).

I also don't understand Damian's motivation, or why he has to follow BOW's orders. At this point he's just about married to Fernanda, so his money train is all hooked up. Certainly, if they do get married, he wouldn't have to keep listening to Barb (I don't think it's just for the sex with her). Unless she holds some deep dark secret of his, which could ruin him. So far he's been pretty unflappable, but hopefully at some point, he'll get really mad, and start those cell phones a-flyin!

Julie, I love the lizard image too, wow, small animals in one gulp, vivid. I am liking Sendel's subtlety here rather than the vein popping. He is a pretty boy too as we can see from peeking into the convertible but more from Destilando I remember thinking, this boy works out too...

On the money scheme and what did Damian know and when did he know it. I don't think we know the story of why he is so beholden to Barbara but she does give him great nookie and got him the job as head of Finance. He seems to be part shy accountant but of the buyable type and must be expecting greater financial gains. I think he was shocked that the real aim was to destroy the family in the phone in the ear in the convertible scene but just says okay to whatever. Funny how I look for how they will stage phones around him. He seems to find Fernanda charming and I think does have some feelings for her but Barbara monitors that very, very closely. She seems to have orchestrated every minute of this romance leading to marriage.

Julie- I think that Barbie intimidates everyone, including Damian into obeying her. I'm still thinking that he is being pulled into this mess without even realizing it. Not that he is an angel, or anything. Also, thanks for the "porfis" clarification. I've heard the "porfa" amny times, and this makes perfect sense, especially, considering the hairdressers that were using it. I can't see your Fernando Colunga saying using such a term...

dorado dave, not even trying to log on...

Yes, Damien does remind me of a lizaed, but not in a bad way. He also reminds me of my cousin Skip . BeckyBarb must have something on him. I don't think it's just the sex because sex with BeckyBarb looks a little a wresting match. Did anyone notice that in one scene while driving his car Damien had on one those earphone things. One of my students used to wear one of those in class. I found it very distracting. I was always wondering if she was listening to me or someone else. For those of you who prefer Fernando with long hair [as I do...I like guys with long hair], check him out on Youtube in Alborada.

Cherl - I also love that Nezahualcoyotl, the poet king of Texcoco, was a big fan of Queztalcoatl's also. Texcoco was known as the learning, knowledge and arts center of the Aztec triple alliance. But I especially like it because my husband is from Texcoco.

I visited the site of Nezahualcoyotl's summer palace with the ruins king's baths on the Hill of Tetzcotzingo when I was in Mexico in February. Quite a hike up the mountain, but really interesting. I got some great pics of the ruins and the surrounding area. Neza's face (or I suppose what they think he looked like) is on the $100 peso bill - I think he's handsome! I'm such a dork.

Susanlynn, I have been watching snipettes of Alborada on youtube during lunch. Have no clue what is going on, but yes, he is lovely!

Melissa, If you're a dork, so am I . I always had a sort of "long-distance historical" crush on Nezahualcoyotl, partly because of the poetry.

Molly~~If you want a quick explanation of the basic sroryline of Alborada, I'll be glad to give it to you. Also, Melinama recapped it all by herself [a mammoth task] , and you can read her recaps online here. It's my first and my favorite telenovela...kind of like your first crush. Lucero was the sweet innocent and Fernando was the noble nobleman.

Susanlynn, that would be wonderful! I saw that it was on netflix so I might have to get it and watch. Of course if it has English subtitles it will be that much easier. Lucero is lovely with out all of the heavy black makeup, I almost didn't recognize her.

The kids were really hoping FELS was it, but I think I'm hooked! There is certainly nothing on regular TV that is half as exciting.

Excellent recap Cheryl. I can't believe I missed the towel scene with all his glistening glory. Drats. I even missed the whole icy stare down scene. Your recap helped me to envision it.

Was the FELS CD worth buying?

Thanks Cheryl for another great recap. I'm new to novelas and Spanish and would understand very little of what goes on if it were not explained via recaps. Wow, all the comments about the towel scene takes me back to my good old junior high school crush days. The man is definitely handsome but unfortunately young enough to be my son. In fact, he's a year or two younger than my middle daughter. Since this is entertainment, Damian is more my type. Handsome, sneaky, playboy. The good guys tend to be too predictable. You can always count on them to do the right thing. Een with all the crap that Eddie is taking, all the wrong Babs has done to him, we know that since he's the hero, he's not going to be allowed to do his own dirty work. Maybe that's why they tend to pick handsome men for these roles. A non handsome man would appear more of a coward if he let people walk all over him the way the good guys do. I'm referring to the scene where Eddie obeyed Babs wishes and watched his mother's burial from a hiding place. C'mon man, Be a man. Stop crying a kick some butt.

Agnes - I'm dying laughing! "Long Distance Historical Crush" - that pretty much sums it up! I hope somewhere in the heavens he knows he still has "admirers".

I've been DYING to try to trace my husband's family history back to pre-conquest times. His mother's side of the family has always been from Texcoco. It's really hard to get any info out of them though. Most Mexican are ashamed or try to deny their indigenous history - which I think is crazy. But I did hear once that the only "Spanish" blood in the family is back during the war of independence when a great, great, great, great . . . grandmother was supposedly raped by a Spanish soldier and got pregnant.

Connie, as what, a coaster? Bwahahahahahaha

P.S. Agnes - You've probably already read it, but if not, "Flute of the Smoking Mirror" - by Frances Gillmor is about Neza's life.

Before I knew anything about him, or Mexican history at all, I used to just call him "The Hot Guy on the Money"!

Okay, Molly...SPOILER alert ...stop reading here if you don't want to know the plot of ALBORADA. Here's a quick thumbnail sketch of Alborada. Fernando is Luis who is actually the count but whose aunt [who he thinks is his mother] has switched him with her own son Diego when they were babies after Luis's[in reality Diego's parents , the count and countess died in a fire] . Diego wants to kill Luis , so as the novela opens, Luis is in Panama with his faithful lawyer/companion/father figure Felipe on business. Diego has Luis framed for murder and imprisoned there , but he escapes and wanders into a hacienda where the crazy lady there promises to let him escape if he sleeps with her daughter-in-law Hippolita whose husband [her son] Antonio has never slept with her [He is supposedly effeminado....but not really's complicated.] . [A baby must be produced to inherit the rich uncle's money.] So being pragmatic, Luis pretends he's Antonio and deflowers the lovely flower. Then, he and Felipe dash to their ship and go back to Mexico [but he has fallen in love with Hippolita.] When Hip finds out that her horrible mother-in-law put a stranger in her bed and Antonio allowed it, she and her maid Adalgesia run away. Hip gives birth to a baby boy , and three years later, the three of them board a ship to Mexico to search for the Mystery Boinker. Meanwhile, Luis has been in Mexico with his crazy frigid wife Esperanza who hates sex but wants a child but is unable to carry a baby to term. He also has a mistress named Perla, a best friend who is a priest named Cristobal, an aunt Isabella who loves him muchomucho , a mother [Juana..actually his aunt] who doesn't, a hot bodyguard named Marcos ,and the cousin who is still trying to kill him. Luis sees Hip at an inn traveling with Felipe's son whom she met on the ship , and introduces himself to her with an alias. Juana is the guardian of Hip's mother and the one who made her give up Hip and send her to live with her grandmother in Panama. Anyhoo, the rest of the novela revolves around Hip falling for Luis..finding out he's actually the Mystery Boinker and of course them going back and forth between love and hate. Antonio tries to win her back. Meanwhile, she has a baby girl by Luis. It is great and Fernando is freaking H.O.T. as longhaired , bearded and mustachioed Luis. Any questions? There will be a pop quiz later in the week.

Molly~~~~If you go to the sidebar on the left <<< of this page and go all the way down to the very bottom, you can click on Alborada and read Melinama's excellent recaps from start to finish !!! I highly recommend reading them...Melinama did all the recaps herself...amazing !!!!

Susanlynn, awesome! Now I must watch it from beginning to end, it sounds great. Thank you! And I love mystery boinker. LOL!

I was trying to watch I some of, I think, Amore Real. A women is kidnapped and sold as a slave? The parts I saw on youtube were a little to violent and bothered me.

Susanlynn - thanks for the Alborada summary. I saw it from start to finish and it's still my favorite novela of all time. I can't wait until they repeat it one day. I don't like watching the condensed DVD versions too much.

Molly~~~Amor Real is my second favorite novela . I like Adela Noriego [Sofia from Fuego] teamed with Fernando , but I don't like Fernando's hairdo as Manuel and Manuel is a very violent guy who at points in the novela manhandles Matilde [Adela], her aunt, and his own mother. I found that very upsetting, but I loved the story...the costumes, scenery, etc.I found it hard to accept a hero who is violent towards women. The guy playing Esteve is in it and another guy I love Edgard LaGuardia.

Good question Molly!!! I'm not sure it would make even a good coaster! Ha!

Thanks Cheryl, lucky girl to get the towel scene recap! It took a while to get that shirt off, but well worth the wait.

Sendel is lizardlike, but his eyes are swinelike...

What was the one about the twin brothers? There was a good twin and of course an evil twin. I watched parts here and there but it looked like a good one.

Molly~~I just checked something out. If you go to the sidebar on the left and click on Alborada and find the first episode recap, you wil find photos and a synopsis of Alborada and also a link to Melinama's recap of Amor Real. I think you'll really get a kick out of both of these stories.

Susanlynn, thank you! I just went and read number 1, and the pictures are helpful to know who the characters are. I was thinking of taking some time off at spring break, now I think I know how I will spend it. Mystery boinker and all! Thanks

You're welcome, Molly. I think that in some circles I would be called an enabler. By the way, in my quick recap of Alborada , I forgot to tell you that the reason Dona Juana made Hip's mother send her to live with the abuela is because Hip is illegitimate, so in addition to looking for her mystery boinker [and father of her son] , she also wants to find her father. It's a great novela. I think I'll reread Melinama's recaps.

Ah, but the good kind of enabler. Its a harmless past time and so much fun!

Dona Juana is a really silly name. Reminds me of a baby doll my sister had that we called Dinah Whina.

Let's keep our fingers crossed that Eddie receives another important call tonight at bath time. GinCA

Or that he decideds it's to hot and ditches the jammies!

Connie, the one with the twins (if that was Caesar Evora) was Mundo de Fieras, which came from the same guy as FELS but fortunately did not last as long. It featured an evil twin with an eyepatch and a babyswap.

I like the way you think, GinCA. Anybody got his number? We should give him a call right now!

Oh who could forget the best mystery boinker of all time? Not me for sure. Alborada was my first telenovela and the most unforgettable of all so far.

Susanlynn, I just went back to read the responses from today and finally read your amazingly tight and well worded resume of Alborada. That was really impressive, absolutely it is all there and it took a few minutes instead of months and months. But I wouldn't mind going back to see the love scenes strung together and even silent although some sweet music would be welcome.

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