Tuesday, April 07, 2009

MEPS Monday April 6

Erika brings in her mystery date, it’s Franco Santoro! Fernanda is most certainly NOT happy for her, but tries to put on a brave face. I guess Erika never knew that Franco/Ed is the ‘mystery galan’ so we can’t say she’s sticking it to her friend.

Doctor Obregon, who I have to say is VERY effeminate, runs off to the hospital to check on Ciro, who has gone into a coma. After he leaves, Ciro’s wife and son show up. Son is Orville Redenbacker, the dorky doctor from Heridas de Amor. I guess it’s in this actor’s contract that he has to wear a bow tie in all of his roles, because he is sporting one here. This particular character seems to be a Forrest Gump knockoff, slow talking and all that. In fact I’ll just call him Gump since I didn’t catch his name. Ciro’s wife and Gump want to know where Ciro is, they went to his room and he wasn’t there.

Ed/Franco and Erika sit down to talk with Fernanda and Damian. Ed puts on the charm, laying lots of compliments on the happy couple for how in love they look, etc. Meanwhile, he keeps exchanging looks with Fernanda.

Doctor Obregon is back somehow, or did he not actually leave before? My notes aren’t clear on that. Anyway he totally throws Adolfina under the bus and makes her come up with some lame excuse for Ciro not being there, she says he’s at the movies. As a self-committed patient, they allowed him to leave the property. Adolfina takes wife and Gump to Ciro’s room to wait for him. After they leave Doctor Obregon pulls out his hollow book again to find his whiskey flask.

In their room, Barbara asks Gonzalo if Eduardo ever arrived, Gonzalo says no. Damian comes in and says that Erika is here, with her date – Franco Santoro. And Franco wants the entire family here to talk business. Gonzalo gets on the phone right away to call Anibal, telling him to grab Camilo and get home ASAP.

Anibal’s phone rings again, he thinks Gonzalo wants something else, but it’s Priscilla reminding him that he has ‘homework’ that night. In typical Anibal fashion he gets all bent out of shape with her about it.

Ed and Damian are talking alone, while Fernanda has pulled Erika aside and is trying to talk her out of dating ‘Franco’. You just met him, you don’t know him, etc etc. Jealous much? Fern tells Erika to take more time so she can forget Camilo. Erika takes her shades off to show her bruises and says “as if I could ever forget.”

Camilo is in his office making out with some blond, Anibal barges in to tell him to come home right away. Camilo claims to be busy with some ‘business.’ This isn’t his woman Natasha, what happened to her?

At the mud wrestling bar, Jairo tells Martian to bring out Liliana. Martina resists. The bald guy with the mustache we saw before shows up, Jairo says that he’s the client that he wants to give Liliana to. Jairo walks away to greet the guy, Martina goes behind the counter and gets some keys out of Jairo’s jacket. She wants to take Liliana and make break for it. She talks to the other dancer, who tells her if she gets Liliana out of there she better stay gone too, she can’t come back after that!

Anibal tells a whining Camilo to come home NOW.

Barbara comes downstairs and greets Ed, to ominous music. The topic of Soledad comes up, Barbara tries to pass her off as a servant, Fernanda cuts her off and says no, she was like a mother to me. She goes on to say a lot of nice things about Soledad, making Eduardo look for a moment like he is having second thoughts about trying to ruin her life. He asks where to find a washroom and excuses himself. Fernanda immediately says she has to check on dinner.

Ciro is still in a coma.

Adolfina leaves Ciro’s wife and son in his room, as soon as she leaves they start tearing the place apart, looking for some documents. I guess they think he has some patents, or ideas good enough for patents, or something. They want to steal this stuff and get paid. Well, mom does, Gump just kind of goes along with it.

Martina tells Liliana who she is, the daughter of the blacksmith, her friend from childhood! They move to the back door, Martina tries to find the key to unlock the door. Someone walks in on them, busted!

Fernanda finds Ed out in the hall, she wants him to promise to not tell Damian that they have met before. He asks why all the secrecy about it, if it’s no big deal? Before she can answer, Erika shows up all suspicious and demanding to know what they were talking about. Ed says they were talking about HER, Fer says she’s like a sister to her! There is some general awkwardness from all of them here.

It’s the bald guy who has caught Martina and Liliana. He starts pawing at Liliana, Martina plays along like she’s a tough old whore and she’s all about this stuff. When she gets a chance, she smashes a bottle over the guy’s head, finally opens the lock, and she and Liliana escape.

Around here the captions started to act up again, showing either nothing or some text from a completely different scene. Ed/Franco asks Damian about his trip to New York, saying he hasn’t spoken to Esteve. He enjoys watching everyone twist in the wind. He starts talking, and talking, and talking about whatever.

Martina and Liliana, all boobs and short skirts (not a complaint) run down a dark street. Liliana keeps saying “Eduardo.” Martina says he has been gone forever, Liliana says he’s here.

Ciro’s wife and Gump keep tearing the room apart. Wife finds Soledad’s box, she opens it up and finds a birth certificate – with the name Artemio Bravo. When Adolfina shows up, she puts it in her pocket. So of course Eduardo will find out about the box in the next five minutes now that it doesn’t have the document any more.

Ed/Franco tells his own true story as Franco’s history, saying he was sent away at a young age when his family was being persecuted. Gonzalo says this is impossible, nobody would do that. Of course we all see right through this. Dinner is ready, the all get up to go to the table.

The captions from the mystery scene are repeated here AGAIN. Santiago and Aurora are having a lovey dovey time out, sweet talk and kissing. Tomorrow they will look for her mother.

Adolfina tells Dr. Obregon by phone about Ciro’s family tearing his room up.

More sweet talk and kissing with Santiago and Aurora.

Anibal arrives home and goes to his room, Priscilla is in her bedroom clothes and says no way to dinner, then takes off her robe to reveal some nice (though very simple) lingerie, then tells him to come over and do her or she’s calling her family and telling them whatever will ruin the Elizalde family.

Ed/Franco says he would like to stay in Mexico forever, but if the business deal doesn’t work out he’ll have to go back to New York.

Camilo enters and tries to be fake nice to Erika, who is having none of it. She gleefully tells Camilo that she and Franco are now novios. Camilo looks somewhat upset at this, but I don’t know why he should care. It’s not like she was his great love, he’s the one who was mean to her.

Anibal is putting his shirt back on, it appears he could not get his soldier to salute. He complains about all the pressure. Priscilla says fine, we’ll go to the dinner but afterwards ‘nos vamos’. Anibal asks where, but she doesn’t answer.

Dr. Obregon gets to the hospital, he tells a nurse that he’s taking Ciro back to the clinic.

Anibal arrives to dinner with Priscilla, Anibal then says hello to Erika, telling her that he didn’t recognize her with her shades on. She stands up and says she was run over by an ANIMAL.

Jairo comes into the back room and finds bald guy on the floor, the meow music is playing. I never noticed it until Friday, but it really does sound like ‘meow.’

Martina knocks on the door of Jacinto’s house and Margarita answers. She is suspicious, mostly because she thought Jacinto was cheating and here at the door is some hot girl all dressed up like a hoochie. She fetches Jacinto, who tells her NO he’s not having an affair, como crees? At the door Martina tells Jacinto that Liliana has returned, then pushes Liliana into the house.

Tomorrow – Jacinto calls Ed during the dinner to tell him about Liliana.


Well, so far the dinner has been anticlimactic.

I guess the biggest question for me is whether the birth certificate is one showing the birth (and parents of) Artemio - or if the certificate is a child where Artemio was shown as father - then who is the mother, as well as the child??

This is the answer for some of you sharp people that mentioned there was a second piece of paper in the box. I guess we know now that Soledad did have some details of Artemio's past - if she had the birth certificate with Artemio's name on it.

I guess we now have new villains - the bald guy and the bar owner. Sigh.

It appears that Erika might actually have gone past acting in her role as Franco's novia... from her sincerity in talking to Fernanda, she just might be serious about their relationship.

I hope the Aurora storyline picks up. Santiago's and Aurora's conversations are getting a bit old and don't move the plot along.

One gets the impression that Babs is picking up on every little nuance going on in the room, huh...


Ferro~~~Thanks for the speedy recap. Here's a case of life imitating art [or at least my life imitating the novelas]. Yesterday , I heard some of my Spanishspeaking students talking about another student , Stephen from Ecuador,,,Guess what they called him ...Esteve. Weird. This novela is moving along. Martina rocks. You do not want to mess with that chick...she will hurt you. I say turn her lose on the villains. I'm glad Lili found a protector. Marge was not happy about Martina knocking on her door and asking for Jacinto. Freduardo seemed to enjoy his game of cat and mice, verdad ? Monstro seems clueless.

Thanks Ferro. Short and to the point.

"the meow music is playing" --I never really noticed it and now have to pay special attention. Of course, if it does sound like yeowling cats then I guess it's most appropriate for a place that is part cat-house.....

I'm getting pretty bored with the Santi/Rory chatter also, except that they said the next day they're off to the courthouse? to check documents about her mother? That was when the captions kept getting stuck on 3 lines of the dialogue that was finally given 5 scenes later! Muy distracting!! --Anyway, what does Rory really know about her name and background if she was given away at such a young age? Did the nuns educate her or did she just do the laundry and chores for them out of Dominga's hovel?

"Gump" is a keeper. As brilliant as Ciro is, this guy turns out to have close to a double digit IQ. I thought I heard his wife was looking for actual cash/dollar bills and kept thinking they were hidden behind a false bottom of his chess set and after the explosion I wondered if that got blown to bits. Seems for purposes of the storyline everything was salvaged and painted over in like 24 hrs. or less!

Guess I wasn't putting two and two together during Fr/Ed's personal story at Gonzo's. Didn't help not having CC's there, either, so thanks for capturing that also, Ferro.

Ferro thanks for the recap. Don't you think Gump and the wife would notice that the room was all blown to hell? Surely they couldn't get the smoke smell out of the room that quickly. Although I'm always a little sketchy on how much time has passed. We don't have the perpetual full moon to let us know.

I think Martina is going to be helpful to Fr/Ed in some way.

If I was Erika I would take off the glasses and emphasize the bruise just so with some makeup. Then someone should hold Cadmil-ho so she can smack him upside his head with a cast iron skillet.

Thanks, Ferro. Really appreciate the recap since, for the first time I didn't watch live but went to look at my recording afterwards, video perfect, sound totally absent! Sheesh! Those were quite some looks between Fernanda y Franco, I don't blame Erika for being a little suspicious. Liliana's freedom is a surprise and she is an innocent danger to Eduardo's plan being the only one with enough sense to recognize him. Here is where my beanie is really needed: people's voices may change, their weight, etc., but the eyes. . .the eyes have it! All that gazing into one another's eyes they did and she can't recognize him? My daughter is a student at Harvard, I'm glad she comes home for breaks or I wouldn't know who she was!!

The birth certificate mystery es muy interesante, Silverfox and I am sure Erika is going to fall head over heels for 'Franco', she was attached to him like a leech. And I agree, Babs is taking silent notes (and looking like she wouldn't mind, um, corrupting Franco).

Hee Hee. Lili is like she's been dropped into this novela from a silent movie with her hairdo and body language. Tonight I'm watching live.


Thanks for the recap. My Spanish is such that I could NEVER have managed without it! The one thing I think I did catch is that Ciro's son's name is Simon, but frankly I prefer your choice!

I just couldn't wait to say, talkabout two faces. Fern was coming on to FrEd! Getting into his personal physical space and talking in secretive tones!! At the same time she's cuddling up with her new hubby. And claiming to want the best for her BFF while making eyes at BFF's novio! Now admittedly Franco is a drop dead hunk vibrating with aire of mystery. EVEN if she's subconciously attracted because it is Edwardo, come on.
She's a married lady still shopping. Candidate for assignations, no?

Thank you for the recap Ferro. Love your first line --- reminded me of the old board game Mystery Date. ;-)

Camilo is ticked about Erika because batterers are all about power & control and low self esteem. He has - for the moment - lost control of Erika physically & emotionally, so he's not a happy camper.

Ciro's wife is a piece of work, isn't she? No wonder the poor guy checked himself into the manicomio.

Ferro: Thanks for the recap. I think a word about Priscilla is due. Mostly, I like her character and understand her circumstances. But, she does seem to trap Anibal (definitely unsympathetic character) at the oddest times. She knows the clock is ticking against her, but she plays Anibal all wrong. She needs talk therapy.

My captions went out exactly like yours. In fact, I thought they were moving faster than the dialog in some places.

Hi Chris, I haven't had a chance to watch this episode yet (in fact I'm days behind, gah!) but I enjoyed your recap. Especially the part where Martina beans the lecherous bald guy. I'm with Susanlynn, looks like Lili's found the perfect bodyguard.

Thanks for the nifty recap Ferro, it's good to have you back. We spent the day taking the pooch for her post surgical checkup. She's all healed up and has lost 13#s. The ladies in the office want to go on her wt. loss program. Of course it means being caged and fed 2 cups of dry dogfood per day. Bonnie B.'s glad this is over.Of course she will stay on the diet, but at least she's free again.

Last night was fun. The nuthouse must have some speedy carpenters(the Reyes-Robles bros.?). Ciro's lovely wife said his room smelled like fresh paint.

Pris said if Anibal couldn't do his homework they would have to bring in a professional. I thought she had already consulted a talented amateur.


Carlos, glad to hear about BB. I bet she was going crazy. Mine go crazy when they are in the cage over night!

For just a brief moment Aurora and Santiago looked like two teens sharing a soda at the malt shop. Except they probably think 'malt shop' is another name for microbrewery.

Same problem with the captions. LLBeanie has tried to get me to upgrade novela 3.0 because it has a caption fixing feature. If it works as well as the chipmunk descrambler, no thanks! I did try the DOR feature (Dose of Reality)that links to google and looked up 'hacienda'. There was a lot of info on the hacienda system and how it kept people as serfs, bound to the land. Haciendas were self supporting so if you were dismissed there was no place to go. Even though the hacienda system was largely eliminated in Mexico, the info said 'that rich people in the rural areas like to act as if it never ended'. Not to put too fine a point on it, but it helps me understand why the worker types are so prone to keeping information to themselves for fear of losing their jobs. In retrospect it helps with explaining some situations in FELS. On second thought, nothing could help explain FELS.

Abuelo P

Thanks for the recap Ferro.
Carlos: " The nuthouse must have some speedy carpenters(the Reyes-Robles bros.?)." I would have to say they had the anti-Reyes-Robles bros. The R-R boys wouldn't be close to being done. Yes, didn't take long to get it fixed up.
I wonder if some Ciro-wife and simple Simon were looking for is in the chess set? People have suggested important stuff in Ciro's chess set, perhaps it is his stuff hidden there?
Question for me is why would Soledad have a birth certificate for Artemio Bravo? Strange.
I guess we didn't get a chance to hear Lili sing her rendition of "Girls just want to have fun". Sounds like there where other non-mud plans for her. Not sure what Martina is going to do now. She's lost her job. Glad she helped out Lili. I think the casa of Fr/Ed is going to grow in leaps and bounds. He's going to have a harem there as they will have to find some place to stash Lili and Martina. I think this is where Martina's dad is going to find out about there. They'll probably come to house looking for Martina and do some damage.
For you beanie lovers, a couple of links.
This first one:

Points to this:


I think it's Artemio's birth cert, showing that he and Gonzo are half bros. So we are in for another twist. And it puts Ciro's wife in mucho trouble. No wonder Ciro entered himself into casa loca with those two at home.

It's easy to see how worried Camilo is about Natasha, is she even alive?
I had a friend, hace muchos años that always made a play for everyone's boyfriend. It's an ego thing. There is something odd about Camilo's face, is it too much botox?
I don't see any lines. Now Fr/Ed has a perfect face with just the right amount of wear & tear.

I think Fr/ed is going to have quite a staff, Gardenia, Jacinto, Martina, & protector of Liliana. How can he keep Gardenia quiet?

Thank you Ferro. I got the part of the sentence about ANIMAL but missed the first part so didn't understand Erroicka's best line! (Run over by an animal) I don't remember Cad apologizing as yet. But the family dinner continues. I hope the tension for EdFr being notified the lost has been found, doesn't distract him from turning the knife in Barb. Yes, I thought Barb looked like she "wouldn't mind corrupting Franco".

Didn't Gonzo demand that ALL the family be at THE dinner? Anibal and Cad certainly were taking their own sweet time in getting there (if they were going at all). Santiago is not part of the family? Arora was excused but I assume Pris would be there and could at least "wait" til after dinner. Guess Gonzo's brave stand was just a joke to the family. The table was mighty empty at 8:00 when dinner was announced.

Bonney: Yes, I don't think I have heard Camilo's apology yet either. I guess when Anibal found Camilo earlier, Camilo was with Not-tasha. Easy for him to get confused.

Bonnie, Fernanda was definitely in Franco's space, I think my sound being out emphasized that even more. And I'm with Pasofino about Prissy needing therapy or at least have a talk with Fernanda about how to get a man in the mood even while your clothes are on, in broad daylight and at a family dinner: she threatens the poor guy every time they're in the bedroom> I don't care how cute your skivvies are, that's gotta take the wind outta a guy's sails!


Khalilah,your comment reminded me of one of the first Viagra prescriptions I wrote. His wife called the next day to say it didn't work. She said he took the pill and they sat there and watched "it" for half the night and absolutely nothing happened.


Thanks, Ferro. Since I have zero CCs and speak/understand at a high school Spanish 2 level on a good day, your recap was very helpful.

If Franco was relating his life story using his own life story of being persecuted and sent away, I wonder if Barb is sharp enough to see the similarities between her actions against poor little Eddie and Franco's childhood. Obviously Gonzo doesn't have a clue, as usual.

Since by a miracle the chess set seems to remains intact despite the huge blast (beanie time) I remember Ciro had a stash of cash in the bottom of the chess set. Did Ciro's nasty wife say she was looking for hidden millions? Maybe the chess set has a magical bottom like that chest the Robles/Reyes bros had.


This dinner is never going to end! Gads! I loved the expressions on Fr/Eds face as Nanda talked about Soledad, he might have to think about that somemore.

I was so glad Martina had the forethought to take Lili to Jacinto and not home! But if she sees Fr/Ed she will spills the beans, so does that mean Fr/Ed has to let Gardenia in on it and have her help care for Lili? Or does he have Martina take her home and he helps them with expenses? Hmmmm

And Nanda still has to weasle out of her wedding night! Anibal is nothing to get excited over, but Priss really needs to find a new tact. Those scenes are just uncomfortable. At least this time we didn't have to see him try.

Errorika is setting herself up to be hurt all over again. Girl needs some serious self esteem boost!

Carlos - I spit coffee all over my keyboard! Thanks a lot! :) That's hilarious!

I didn't catch Ciro's wifes name, I think we'll see more of her, at least 'til Artemio finishes her off.
Just cked the cast of characters, her name is Graciela & the dopey son is Símon.

Has anyone seen Dr. Obregón (Ricardo Silva) in anything else? I missed the commercial that was on. That guy is a scream, if he's not un maricón, he deserves a latin grammy, he does it so well.

Carlos, that is really freak'n funny! Poor guy!

I'm thinking back on earlier conversations Prissy had with Adamant. They have been married several years and he has not been romantic, always was too busy with the business. So didn't she start this approach where he was to recognize this have a baby as a business contract? Because he is business driven?
If Adamant had any feelings for anything other than the business, he has failed to express those too. Disappointed in his inablility to perform? I think he's just annoyed she is demanding his attention.

thanks for the recap....my thoughts are that the BC is that of either Fr/Ed or lili, and that Artemio is the father.....remember last week when cigarman is looking at a picture.... a young women with braids.... i'll bet its soledad....oh my i can hardly wait to find out...even my husband was excited about last nights chapter......Lili is free...BN

Great recap, Ferro, and lots of astute observations.

Now that Martina doesn't have a job, maybe she could be a nurse (or nurse's aide). I mean, she already has the uniform, and I don't think these novelas let things like actual training or degrees get in the way.

I can't believe Dr. Obregon could just transfer Ciro, who seems to be in intensive care, out of the regular hospital to Obregon's asylum, just because he's HIS patient. Aren't any other doctors in the hospital involved? (of course I'm contradicting what I just said above, so I guess I shouldn't question it).

I'm hoping Liliana will gradually become more and more sane. The actress playing her is doing a great job of portraying her confused state, but I want to see her recover some of the defiant but fun attitude she had as a teenager.

Thanks for your comments everyone.
One thing mentioned here that I thought about but then forgot to write - I too thought Barbara of all people would put together a little bit of Franco/Ed's story about being sent away young, etc, since she was the one who did it. The others are all dumb patsys, but Barbara has evil thoughts all the time and would put it together.

Hombre you and I were typing at the same time I guess, didn't see your comment until after I posted.
I totally agree about Liliana, it's not as bad as amnesia, but the whole wandering around dumbfounded thing gets old after a while. She was obviously very smart once and I hope it comes out again. Martina's boobs can't take care of everything forever.

I really thought Martina would take Lili right to the house. Don't know why she took her to Jacinto's instead, but thank goodness she did.

Ditto for Jacinto calling Eduardo in the avances. You'd think he'd just call the Elizaldes and say "hey, your daughter's here." But then Lili would be back in the hospital before the dessert course.

Mmmm, dessert.

Mrs. Ciro is quite the character. She has no idea who Artie Bravo is, but she takes the birth certificate anyway. I wonder if she's going to look him up in the phone book and try to get him to buy it back?



Chris, thoroughly enjoyed your recap. Laughed through the Orville Redenbacker and Gump lines. Your sense of humor is as sharp as ever...

I liked Santi and Aurora's scenes. In the midst of all the turmoil, it was nice to see the quiet interplay.

Martina was Wonder Woman for sure last night! A force to be reckoned with!

Also, the actress playing Lili is perfect and totally believable in the role. Let's hope Jacinto and Ed provide the safe shelter she deserves.

Perhaps Barbara isn't quite as brillant as we anticipated. She's acquired the vast majority of her knowledge through eavesdropping, something she can't do with Franco/Ed. Her powers of deduction may not be as sharp if she has to interpret and process plainspoken information.

Diana in MA

One thing Anibal doesn't know is that Pris is now pregnant, so just one more time and Pris probably won't be bothering him any more. :-)
Julie: I think that will be Mrs. Ciro's downfall. Try to get some money from Artie and that'll be all she wrote for her.
I didn't think Jacinto would call the Elizaldes. With everything they have already figured out, they know Lili is a key and they can't let her go to the Elizaldes. Question would be why Martina did not take her there. She must have too much goodness in her heart. Good thing to do would be to take her to the Elizaldes and try to get some money from them.
Ferro: Maybe Martina's boobs can't take care of everything, but throw in those hands and fists and she comes close. :-)

Gawd, I love this board. Anon at 01:03:00, eres muy lista! very smart, that makes sense to me but I can figure out how that would fit in novela logic to explain all the eee-vil from Babs and Cigarman. I know spoilers are prohibited, but has anyone ever figured out one of these stories before it was a month old? (Not that I'd want that to happen!)


Ferro, thanks for the wonderful recap. Hace mucho tiempo que no veo en este blog.
Anon 01:03 BN. You said "my thoughts are that the BC is that of either Fr/Ed or lili, and that Artemio is the father.....". My question is, what does "BC" stand for? Thanks.

oops, anon 1:03 immediately after I sent that inquiry it dawned on me that BC meant birth certificate. For some reason I had birth control on my mind. (Don't ask me why, no one uses it in these telenovelas. heh, heh.

It's nice, after all the helpless/clueless characters in FELS, to see some people who can think on their feet, fight back when being abused, escape from bad situations, etc.

But Gonzo's just as oblivious as they come. Maybe you can't have a telenovela without one totally clueless idiot. :)

Ciro's chess set has a secure secret compartment that contaions the money. Of course, it seems like a bulky and heavier chess set than normal. :)

I'm the only one that like Lil in make up. I like the look. Even if she was not really crazy, she need a halfway house to transition her back into society. The whole stay and abuse at the manicomo sanitarium took its toll on her.

Martina and Venus seem pretty tall. I wonder what their heights are. I like tall women. ;)

Maybe everyone else will make it to the dinner table and Camilo will apologize by Friday. I think this whole dinner thing may take the entire week.


I thought that Martina has somewhat put Lili in disguise with that makeup job, even though that was unintentional. Or was it? After all she didn't take her to the family estate.

Thanks for the recap Ferro. I vote we keep your new name for Ciro's son Simon; Gump is so much more appropriate.

The birth certificate is an interesting new mystery to unravel... why did Soledad have it? And was it Artemio's or one of his kids?

Abuela P - your comments always make me laugh...there was no explaining FELS.

My thoughts are that Martina may have to get a new job as "nurse" [good one Hombre about degrees or skill sets not getting in the way of reasons for employment] for Lil. I guess we are to believe that Martina knew enough about Lil to know that she should not been institutionalized and its a convenient plot devise. But how Fr/Ed will keep this from Gardenia is going to be something.

Speaking of Lili and disguises, how did Martina even recognize Lili in the first place? She doesn't look like the younger Lili to me. :-)

You're not alone, Ibarramedia. At first I thought that Lili's makeup was extreme (I have never liked heavy blue eye shadow), but then I was just relieved that she found an ally so soon and that Martina did such an excellent job disguising her. No one from the manicomio would recognize her! Martina is one heck of a guardaespaldas. The eye makeup appeared to be less extreme when Lili entered Jacinto's house--perhaps all the running and sweating toned it down!
Ferro—Thank you for an incredible and much appreciated recap. I missed some important dialogue when the subtitles were waxing and waning.

JeffMN, I believe Martina asked Lili who she was. She didn't know her right off.

I don't think Fr/Ed will turn out to be Artemio Cruz's son. If that were the case, since Artemio is Gonzalo's half brother (revealed in the synopsis long ago) that would make Fr/Ed and Fernanda related. Incest is often hinted and then disproved in TN's

"JeffMN, I believe Martina asked Lili who she was. She didn't know her right off."

Molly is correct. Martina did indeed what her name was. She was as you guys are wont to say Muy Impactada when Lil said Soy Liliana Elizalde.....

After all this time and all that Lil went through, Martina was still kind enough to address her with respect by calling her Senorita Liliana.


Jeff, I figured by now the Robles-Reyes Bros. are general contractors, and besides wouldn't have the Elizondo girls sashaying around the job site to distract them. They had a motive to drag their first construction job out.

I was hoping to get to see Lil develop a ring career. She has certainly demonstrated that she has the tools. She could wrestle under the name of LocoLil the Mad Spidermonkey(nod to Molly).


Ai.yyyy.hehe.eeeee, "a ring career" !
LOL not caring my co-workers know this is not work related.

. . .meant to say I can not figure out how Artemio being Fred or Lilli's dad would figure into the eee-vil of Babs and Cigarman. . .Ok. Artermio is Cigarman, right? Is it too simple that it's Artemio's birth certificate showing he (Artemio)is a bastard with no rights to the Elizalde fortune so he has to get rid of the legitimate heir. . .muwhaahaaahaaaa?


I've thought from early on(well when Soledad died and Lil recognized Eddie) that Soledad was Eddie's and Lil's mom and that Artemio and Gonzolo are the dads. I think Artemio is likely Eddie's dad. The only thing I have trouble reconciling is an apparent hate for Eddie by Artemio, but then again I think it was likely that it was Artemio's idea that Eddie be punished by being sent away to get a good education. Then again, however, I thought that Camilo would be a favorite of the Ladies here.


What if clueless Gonzo is a distant relative of the Reyes brothers? (ack!)

I’m thinking that Martina knows or heard that Lili was locked up unfairly, and she instinctively knew to NOT carry her back to Hacienda Hell-izalde.

What if Ed is Artemio’s son? Possibly illegitimate and Artemio may not even know? Do we know who is Ed’s dad?

I use the spanish CC and they're all messed up right now. So take that into consideration about my observations -->

Seems like Ciro's wife and son acknowledged the room smelled like fresh paint. The manager attributed it to the routine maintenace they do. Mrs Ciro said there had to be a patent for his work hidden somewhere and that would be valuable.

Seems to me that Lili took the lead at the end of the show when they were running away from the bar. She mentioned Eduardo and maybe she headed in the direction of Soledad's house, so then Martina thought to try and get help from Jacinto.

Also seems that Erika should fully expose that bruised face for all it's worth. I don't find the one eye make up attractive or helpful...

jb - ITA about Erika's one eye made up. That is just weird.

It would seem odd to me that Lili would know how to get from the bar to Hac.Eliz. Maybe she just ran in the right direction?

Carlos...ewwwww...Cad-ho is gross! What were you thinking?

So is Artemo is Fr/Eds dad, then maybe he is not really related to Gonzo (which always makes me think of the dirty little muppet!). If Fr/Ed and Nanda thought they were related for awhile, then that would be another thing to keep them apart until the whole story came out and they were somehow not really related.

If it is Artemo's BC, then it would show he is related to Gonzo and maybe getting rid of Fr/Ed was just a way to control Soledad, since she knows the truth? Maybe Lili's nuthouse home was just a good place to hide stuff. Soledad his her letter to Fr/Ed there, how did she ever expect him to find the little box with the letter, unless she left a clue somewhere else, maybe the house that no one has gone through yet?

Regardless of all of the specuation and however this story unfolds, it is so much better then hearing Juans lines, Sophias lines every single night!

I think Martina was told to ask her name. How old was Martina when Lili disappeared? The same as Nanda and Ed I would assume.

Thanks Molly and Ibarramedia: "JeffMN, I believe Martina asked Lili who she was. She didn't know her right off"
Duh! on my part, now adjusting beanie... Ahh, better reception, now I remember!! Last night when watching, I was wondering how she was going to figure out it was Lili, then Lili comes right out and tells her who she was. I said, well, so that's how she figured it out. How soon I forget. LOL

Molly, I love the new picture of your CKCS. It looks like a pup with an attitude. Nice color combo too.


Ferro, great recap, great observations, thanks once again.

Doris, early on in this novella Soledad had a photo of her wedding and talked about her husband/Ed's dad. I don't remember if it was when Ed was sent away or when he came home right before she died. It was a framed photo.


I second that Molly! Ewwww, gag! He's just plain nasty. One thing I like about this show is that everyone here seems really eager to comment and to watch. It moves so quickly that if you miss one day you might miss something important. It's nice to see new additions to our "cyber family." Speaking of cyber family--has anyone heard from our boy Nickster? Nickster, if you're out there give us a shout and let us know how school is going.

Doris, I'm sorry. It's your pup I was talking about.


Doris, he/she is a cutie, what a great pic! Mine are Lhasa's. Also very cute, I'm sure you would love them Carlos.

Connie: Last night, Martina did say to Lili that Lili used to let her play with her, I think it was, dolls. So, she was around, but quite a bit younger and Lili was good to her. I believe Martina was a few years younger than Ed. When Ed and Jacinto were talking about her, Ed remembered her as a little kid and she was a few years younger than Ed.

As to relations, I wonder if besides Art being a half brother of Gonzo, perhaps he was also a half brother to Soledad? That would be one reason she may have his birth certificate. I guess that would make Art Ed's tio then.

Oh, and from a synopsis, may or may not be true, about Ed's father:
"His father died when Eduardo was 6 years old, from him Eduardo inherited his love of animals and respect for nature. "


Connie, I'm going to meet Creemelo on the 18th. Comcast dumped Univision down her way. She has picked up Alborada to get her novella fix. My daughter has a volleyball tournament in her city that day so she and I are going to meet up!

JeffMN, if Fr/Eds dad died when he was six, then he is old enough to remember him. So maybe his being sent away was just a way to control Soledad.

Molly, that's great. Let me know how it goes. It's too bad we don't all live closer together.

Molly, I'm sure I would love your doggies. My hobby is dog training and I've yet to meet a pup I didn't like. I especially enjoy watching dogs play together. Until her surgery BB would have a few friends over to play each weekend and we get to resume that this weekend. I'm excited. Dog-O-Mania!


Carlos, I wish you could train my dogs! They got in a big fight this weekend.

Connie, I hope no one was injured. Two of BBs friends, Buster and Bald Eagle(father and son) have to remain separated, they've hated each other since BE's puberty. They both get along with everyone else but not each other. Good luck!


Connie, mine are naughty too. The young one thinks she is important and the oldest, her grandma, has to keep reminding her that indeed she is not! Sometimes other litter mates come to play then it is Lhasa craziness, I love it!

However Carlos, my girls do not like my friends boxers. Baxter and Roxie are very sweet, but just to big for my little gals.

Let's just say there was some blood.

Connie, Ouch!


RSK~~~Yes, I remember that Eduardo had a framed photo of his mother and dad on his desk at school. jb~~~Interesting theories. I don't know how you folks figure out all these odd plotlines. So , you think Artemio is Ed's dad ? But would the writers give the galan an evil father ? Why would you think Lili was Soledad's daughter ? I've seen no clues that would suggest that. I hope that no one is giving us spoilers.

Susanlynn, because at the moment of Soledad's death, Lil opened her eyes and cried out, "¡Nana!" And because she is the only one to recognize Eddie. Case closed.


Oh, forgot to add, la llamada de la sangre.


Makes sense to me Carlos.

Martina's padre is a victim of the Elizaldes also. They fired him, that's why Martina had to get a job at the cantina.

I don't question that Lil is Gongos & Montes hija. She is older than Fer, but not sure if she is older than Camilo. Not sure what that has to do with anything though.

It doesn't make much sense to me that Artemio is Fr/ed's dad. He had Babs send Ed away in order to make it easier to get rid of Soledad & therefore easier to plan his vengeance. He now wants Ed dead since Soledad might have told him the secreto.

I remember the photo of Ed's parents. Ed looked at it when he returned & visited his sick mom.
Ed would remember his dad & remember him dying.

At the dinner I gasped when Ed said he was sent away, that should have made Babs ears perk up.

This TN originally was about 200 episodes but it was so popular, they stretched it out to 300 or so. When they do that the writers come up with all sorts of weird stuff.

Carlos~~~Hmmm...I remember Lili crying out at the moment Soledad died , but I thought she just had that psychic hotline to Soledad because she was her nana and more like a mother to her than the cold, hypocritical ,creepy Monserrat. Hmmm....so Ed and Lil might be brother and sister....and the call of the blood is what made Lili recognize Ed. Maybe that's why Monserrat was so nasty to Lili.

I'm going ot have to be the sole dissenter her again. Imho there is no way that Artemio Bravo is Eduardo's dad if Artemio and Gonzalo Elizalde are related. That means that Fernanda and Eduardo can't hook up. It would be incestous to do so. Sorry, i'm not buying it... There has to be something else. i'm more accepting of the possibility that Aurora is Babs' Sister or daughter.

What is wrong with Anibal? Priscilla is looking mighty fine. How can he resist that? he must be a maricon or something.

OT: who do you think is the queen of chipmunk talk. Allison Lozz, Eiza Gonzales, Maite Perone or Silvia Navarro? They all talk super fast.... :) They should have cast Georgina Salgado here too. She's everywhere. I hope she gets her own series as the main protagonist. Maybe Jarocha can chime in here.


I like the idea that Lili is Fr/Eds sister. That would make sense why Monte was so unpleasant. That also means Soledad did Gonzo...ewwww....!

But it would mean Fr/Ed has a sister. I like him, he so often looks like a stray puppy I just want to take him home with me!

Carlos, I've gotta side with Susanlynn here. Lili cried out Nana, because, like Fernanda, she's one of the good kids who really appreciated Soledad's generous, kind-hearted mothering. And she recognized Eduardo because she's also the most intelligent of the pack.

Fernanda recognizes him too, but doesn't realize it. That's why, from the beginning, she feels herself so drawn to him.

Hey, me and Jeff are having a big baseball/basketball discussion over on Tontas. Where are you?

Variopinta, I think the birth order is as follows:


I called it first when I said that this was going to be 369 episodes...

Agreed with the fact that Soledad was like a mother To Liliana and Fernanda regarding the 'psychic connection'.


Ok. Artemio is a bastard (in more ways than one), he's not a real Elizalde and Soledad knows it y Aurora es hija de Babs. I agree that Fernanda knows without knowing it's Eduardo, she's pickin' up his grown man pheremones and it's callin' to her "nature", which is why Damian ain't never gonna get it and Babs definitely thinks somethin' is up! (No pun intended, really). And I think Erika knows too but is in gah gah zone over "Franco." Yeah. This is fun!


Variopinta: Say it ain't so! Stretched to 300 episodes!

I don't think Lili could be Soledad's daughter. I just don't think that Montserrat could put with having someone not her daughter living in the house.

Also, no to Artemio being Fr/Ed's dad. Just doesn't fee right. Fr/Ed apparently had someone that he knew as his dad, but in TNland, that doesn't mean that person was your actual dad.

What I think happened way in the past is that Soledad and Gonzo, when they were kids, were like the very young Nanda and Ed. They liked each other very much, but because of their stations in life, they kept themselves separated, because that is what you were supposed to do. They both did marry someone else and had kids. Gonzo continued to keep Soledad on because of that old love long ago. Hmmm, what that really has to do with anything going on right now, not really sure. :-) Other than, that is why Gonzo always kept Soledad around.


I think Lil is older than Santiago. Remember Lil was rockin & rollin & causing trouble, while little Santi had a crush on Erika, who is the same age as Fer & painting pictures & he was small.

Another excellent recap, Ferro. Thanks! I'm so pleased Martina has turned out to be a mud wrestler with a heart of gold and not an opportunistic skank. She is an excellent protector for Lili and another potential member of Team Eduardo.
Also glad Ciro is still alive, although I don't know if he can revive enough to fight his gold-digging beotch wife.
Carlos, it seemed to me that both Lili and Fernanda referred to Soledad as their nana. (Fer crying in grief, "Mi Nana!") Lili's psychic connections with Sol/Nana and Ed may come from her less-sophisticated mental state, her simple or childlike mind. At this point, I don't see either her or Eduardo as children of Artemio B.
But, as we know, stranger things have happened.
Love the snappy pace of the action here, even if it does take all week to complete the evening of the family dinner.
La Paloma

Khalilah, I can't even smell his pheramones and they are calling to me!

I thought Santiago and Nanda were the youngest with Santi being just a year or two older.

Molly~~~I think I can actually smell Ed's phermones right through the TV. He has some strong mojo. I'm still confused...is that Art's birth certificate, or is he listed on the bc as the daddy of someone? Maybe he and Babs are Aurora's parents...ewww...talk about getting a bad break, Aurora...That would be one muy mal gene pool. And , yes, I agree that Nanda is drawn to Freduardo because of their ancient, mystic, youthful, puppy lovelink. Have you ever been drawn inexplicably to someone that way?? I have. It could happen....especially if the guy looks like Ferduardo. So, how will Nanda avoid going to bed with Dam. How many days have passed since the wedding ? Most guys would not be so patient, verdad ?

Susanlynn, you are right, he is seriously strong on mojo! After Manana I go online and catch a few episodes of Alborada, I'm on FC overload lately!

Yes, I do agree you can have an unexplainable connection. I have had a 30 year crush. We have always been victims of bad timing. He dated someone else in high school, I went off to college and got married. I'm divorced but he lives with a very nice woman. We have always been connected. Even when I have gone a year without seeing him, as soon as we are in the same room, so is our elephant. I would be lost without him.

I know these are not spoilers, but I think all the speculation about parentage of characters to be not very helpful or interesting. Surely there are enough interesting real plot points to discuss without wild gene pool thinking.

I disagree anonymous - I think parentage speculation is one of our reasons for being here in the first place.

It could have been a wild gene pool party 20 years ago that we may be just now getting to hear the details about!

Hello gang! Just had to pop in & first, say THANKS to recappers one & all. I've been able to read the recaps at work but once again, the cyber cops won't let me comment...argh! But, at least I can keep up with the story & my MEPs buddies.

I'm enjoying this one so far but then again, with Fr/Ed as the main attraction, they could be selling manure & I'd watch. I'm so cheap!

Thanks again!!!!!!!


Variopinta, when you read that there would be 200 or 300 episodes, did you by any chance see that on Wikipedia?

Thanks Ferro, for an excellent job. Anon 07:06, "lighten up". These speculations is one of the things that makes this blog fun and adds to the excitement. So, with that I'll add my 2 cents to the speculation pool. If Aurora is the child Artemio then pairing up with Santiago aint gonna work because children of 2 brothers (Artemio and Gonzalo) would make them first cousins.

I'm confused as to how Lili could be Soledad's child. Seems to me that if that were the case, Gonzo would not allow the mother of his child to continue working as his servant.

Then again, he's an idiot, so there's no telling...

But somehow I think their relationship was more like the one between Don Amador and Gaviota's mother. (Except that Don Amador was evidently a lot smarter!)

Julie, the more I ponder it, I think Sole was just their nana, but more like a mom then that awful mom. Fr/Eds dad did die when he was young but he knew who he was. Sole does know who Artemo is and Fr/Ed was sent away to control Sole. The birth certificate is probably Arts and shows he is related to Gonzo (not the muppet, the old dumb dude).

Lets hope to heaven this did not get extented by 100s of episodes. It seems to me, if you have a story in mind and number of chapters in which to tell it, then by changing that path, you end up with unexplicable jungle sequences that have no point!

Ibarramedia, are you sure about the birth order? In the pool scene when the boys pushed Soledad they all looked about the same age. I think that Lil is the oldest, she seemed much older at Fernanda's First Communion and the boys were once again acting like jerks. I have thought from the beginning that Arti and Monti had a thing early on and that she chose Gonzo over Arti hence the revenge thing and Lil their offspring. This is not a spoiler but I read tons of mystery novels which is why I probably like the novellas, they are very much like my beloved mystery novels.


Maggarita, thank you for the belly laugh that keeps resurfacing. "With [Colunga] as the main attraction, they could be selling manure & I'd watch." Oh, that's rich.

I've always said I could watch Camil paint a fence. With the sound turned off. And a bag over his head. But I never had a good line for watching TBLMOE. Now I do. Thanks. Still laughing.

Is it possible that artemio is the man from Antes que te vayas, who got married in the end. He has that low gruff voice.

I think Anibal and Camilo are the oldest. I might have to review the first episode to see if Lil is older than Santiago. Fernanda is no doubt the hermana menor of everyone. The boys were bigger than Lil when they were younger.

Is it my imagination that there are more commnets here than at Fuego? we've gone over the century mark several times.


Hi Paula H! Wish I could check in more often...

Nothing better than watching a hawt man before you go to sleep at night. Sweeeeeeeeeet dreams!


p.s. I really miss letting off a little snark or throwing out a possible plot twist but I am SO grateful they haven't shut me off completely yet. I mean, c'mon!!

we definitely have more comments then fuego. We have more than La fea and that one had a lot all the time, but not near 100. Problem is, when the writer see that it i popular, they add capitulos and then it becomes boring.

AAAAGGGGHHH This is soooo good! I can't wait for tomorrow's blog!!!


I did read that on wiki, it says that it was to be 220 capítulos but since it was so popular it was alargada a 330 capítulos.

One more thing before i go to bed..... i am no spoiler....would never do that..... i read a lot of romance novels, Woodiweiss, Brown, deveraux and coulter.....and believe it or not these things happen....b4 the heroine and hero get together they have to go through hell....... and they never communicate.....til the end and how simple it was...... goodnight
I am just speculating...BN

One more thing before i go to bed..... i am no spoiler....would never do that..... i read a lot of romance novels, Woodiweiss, Brown, deveraux and coulter.....and believe it or not these things happen....b4 the heroine and hero get together they have to go through hell....... and they never communicate.....til the end and how simple it was...... goodnight
I am just speculating...BN

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