Wednesday, May 06, 2009

MEPS - Wed. May 6 - Myth Busters Aren't Just on the History Channel

Myths Tightly Held:
Fernanda - I have husband who loves me and whom I love and we will get it on as soon as the honeymoon begins.
Damien - I choose wisely the $3 million over the love of a fine woman
Barbara - I can control everything and everyone, they are all idiots
Camilho - I can win Erika back with a simple apology given with a few crocodile tears
Franco - I can zoom around the country saving everyone and turning them all on all at once
Gonzolo - If I flash my silver hair and wear a good suit, no one will notice what a moron I am
Dr. Obregon - I can keep changing sides and still improve my golf stroke
CherylNewMex - The asshats will have their day of reckoning really, really soon, maybe tonight

Fernanda sees more evidence that Damian has taken his clothes, his passport and his papers. Her final vision is of him driving away with a satisfied smile on his lying lips. Over at Erika's, Camilho gets his 5 minutes to engage a disinterested Erika. He is going to give her the news of her life.

And in Villa Madero, old Silvestre's scars are forming quite properly according to Dr. Cuteguy. Silvestre swears that Franco is his guardian angel. Martina interrupts his reveries as she has Nurselike business that she and Franco need to take care of, but not before she gives a giggle and a grin to the young doctor who returns the favor. Even Silvestre gets a contact grin kind of like a contact high.

Franco calls Señora Palafox on his cell phone to tell her something. He advises her she needs to pay attention to what he is going to say.

Camilho asks how her engagement (noviazgo) is going, it's none of his business she snorts. He makes a pathetic plea for clemency, admitting he was a true swine (read ratbastard) (verdedero canalla.) I have lost you and can't repair the damage. With time I can gain/arrive at (lograr) your pardon, no? She shows tears too, but they seem like real ones unlike Camilho's. [not a good sign Errorika!]

in the Lacto offices Fernanda brushes off Flor as she storms into Damian's office ransacking the shelves which are already empty. She looks horrified and puzzled.

Gonzalo asks Flor for Fernanda to be contacted, but she has just arrived, Anibal wrings his hands and wonders what news she brings from the tak with Franco. Papa walks into Damian's office and she tells him, Damian has abandoned me.

Damian arrives in Vladimir's apartment fixes a stiff drink and tells him that all has gone awry, They owe him $3million. but he won't see any of it.
Barbara has promised to deposit it. And what of your marriage? Fernanda married me to get my money. Now those rascal Elizaldes are on the edge of bankruptcy (quiebra).

Fernanda tells Papa Gonzo and Anibal that Damian has abandoned herm he has taken everything and left. Flor enters to tell Anibal that his wife is on the phone. Anibal runs to catch it or to not catch the hell flying around Damian's ransacked office.

Damian tells Vladi that now Pris is another victim of the Elizaldes, She needs him more than ever. Her family's business (Prola? or Prozac with milk?) made half the investment that the Anibal and company are nabbing. Vladi thinks the Elizalde's are filthy rich (podridos de dinero). Damian wants to stay with Vladi for the night but Vladi cannot tell ANYONE he is there. But they will save Vladi's princess and his inheritance (patrimonio) for his son. Vladi wants only to give him love but he is willing to play along with Damian.

Pris on the phone demands the data again. Anibal snears that he has work to do and is solving problems with Fernanda and his father. Pris swears she will find out what he is hiding (está escondido).

Franco and Martina enter Nurse Adolfina's office and say he is aware that she has done them so many favors already and he will be thanking you for ever. Adolfina says he is such a fine person there is no need to thank her. Franco makes Adolfina feel part of his team, you know that they need to clean the atmosphere (ambiente) of this clinic and we need your support (apoyo)

Santiago arrives home Tomasa updates him and he wants to know who is home, only Barbara in the library Santi weighs his options.

At the Hotel Notell , Jairo arrives at Manzanares door with smart alecky Lucio in tow. We want to bring you a little drink. They want to know why he is looking for Franco. Lucio and Jairo let Manzi know that Franco Santoro is suspicious having arrived with lots of money from nowhere. Manzi shows his badge and says he is investigation drug trafficking. They quickly offer to help him and be on his side.

At Dr. Obregon's office, Martina and Franco barge in, Franco sends Martina to check on LIli's condition and He tells Dr. he is taking his responsibilities. He cites Palafox's family who will know that he did not die of an infarct but by his many broken bones which he sustained when he was trying to keep them from giving Lili electric shock. His wife will want to sue the clinic and the director. Dr. Mealymouth insists he was only obeying orders. Adolfina enters and says in good conscience I cannot support more. Please go, Doctor!

Barbara wants to know what Santi is there for. Santi rises to the occasion, he missed her so much he had to come to greet her. While she is on the phone with Gonzo who tells her they will delay Lili's transfer for a while. Barbara turns her back on Santi, he gloats, Gonzo proudly tells Fernanda he gave her her wish, kept his word. Anibal doesn't miss a beat and wants to know what the Franco business came to. Fernanda decides she will call Damian's cell. Anibal thinks they can expect anything of this imbecile.

Franco enters to see the lifeless Lili. Martina is sure she is half dead from being over drugged again. He tells Martina no one must know of his identity that the safety of Lili depends on it. Adolfina enters to say that not only is Dr Obregon refusing to leave, he has called Barbara Greco and asked her to come immediately. [And we had such hopes for him for a time] Franco says at all cost we have to prevent this encounter.

Franco, hears Adolfina say, you can count on me too. Martina and the nurse are in on TeamFranco.

Manzi needs proof of Franco's illegal activities, Lucio says he can find proofs, no sweat. and they thank him for the the collaboration as they click beers Jairo beams with revenge so near.

Barbara arrives at the clinic. to find Franco Santoro at the parking lot. What are you doing here.

Fernanda tells dad, she can't get Damian on the phone.

Ursula Gallardo, Damian's Mama arrives, she asks what happened. My son just called she sobs. He has left the country to never return.

How much time do you plan to stay here? Asks Vladi doubtfully as Damian unpacks. For the least time necessary, he is anxious to get far away from here. He says he is only waiting tonight while they deposit his money, his money. . He couldn't stay one more minute in the hacienda that is why he has asked to stay. He needs shelter (posada).

Franco in great sun glasses answers Barbara, he saw here driving and tried to call on her cell and she didn't answer so he pulled in after her. Adolfina shows up and says why are you here? very innocently. Barbara feigns concern, How is Lili? Oh she's perfect. And where is Dr. Obregon.

Dr. O wants Martina to get away from the door she is blocking. Well soon Dr. O is being strangled by Martina with his own golf club as she berates him and threatens his tongue.

Barbara decides to put off seeing Dr.Obregon tells Adolfina she will call him later and follows Franco to his house it will be most beneficial (provechosa) he promises with Cheshire cat grin.

Ursula turns on the hysteria, she doesn't know when he will return. She wants Fernanda to explain what happened with her baby. She slumps with grief but has just enough strength to grab the cut crystal carafe of brandy and a glass to blubber into. this woman can toss them back.

Said baby is asked by a worried Vladi, what if this money doesn't come as fast as you think. We are both interested in the Elizaldes. As he slams about with his cell phone securely turned off, Vladi warns don't blow up (no te sulfures.) Damian demands, You have to help me unconditionally. I will get my money deposited, I will aid you with Priscilla. and Vladi thinks this will be like touching Glory.

Priscilla calls her bank the Union Banks of Florida and finds out that she has a balance of $1225 dollars left. Oh this traitor swindled me (estafaste.)

Barbi is ushered into Franco's office while being thanked so much for coming. He offers her a drink and goes to get something after she tells him to choose. While he is gone, she wants to know what he has in mind.

Martina keeps the golf club up to Obi's throat until Adolfina comes to the door. Someone has come to see Doctor. Adofina ushers in the Palafoxes. Martina retires ever so demurely for an Amazon Queen. We came to reclaim what belongs to us. says Señora Palafox. [Who knows what she knows]

Señora Palafox says, a friend of her husband warned her to check on her defunct husbands affairs here. What did you do with his patents? Patents? questions Dr. O. breaking into falsetto. Idiot son, takes the helm, this guy is a brute. Bowtied son explains what a patent is, which makes Dr. O sputter, I know perfectly well what a patent is. Well, the papers are not in his room! But you have searched (han registrado) many times. We cannot find them and we are not going to leave here until we resolve this. Sra. Palafox is sure he is keeping the papers hidden so Dr. O can line his own pockets.

Ursula thought Nanda would be traveling with Damian. I don't understand anything. Papa Gonzo who really doesn't understand anything starts to call him but Nanda says , he was irritated because out honeymoon was delayed.

Ursula suddenly suggests, do you thinks he is involved with another woman? All the while she continues to pour brandy from decanter to glass to gullet with amazing speed. Fernanda cannot answer, says she doesn't know but thinks he won't come back. Ursula worries about what will happen to her baby where will he live. Fernanda shows a little gumption and leaves the room saying Damian must appear himself to give her his explanation.

Franco says to Barbara that since they met, he hasn't stopped observing her, She is obviously flattered but is this what is so urgent? He smiles, I want to ask you a question a very important for the two of us.

She doesn't know under what name he registered his patents, and she wants to know. [I'm wondering if this is where Señor Newton will make an appearance] Dr. O. has no idea What were his inventions? Idiot Savant son says one was a celuloid collector for electricity (celulosa almacenar). Dr. Obregon's face brightens, he says more hopefully, so are we talking a lot of dollars here. A lot, a lot , enough says the idiot son. Dr. O picks the receiver up off the floor and calls for Adolfina.

Camila entertains Anibal, with his private joke of breaking Erikas' heart with news that Franco came here looking for a rich girl to marry story Camilho proudly says, he took away the soul of her happiness, laughing hyena style.

Fernanda comes in and demands they review the reports.

Ursula is soaking in her tears mixed with cognac, Gonzo calls Barbara on the edge of desperation, but Barb decides to have more wine with Franco. A stupendous harvest (cosecha) she compliments him. Gonzo calls again. Let's avoid interruptions, she turns off the phone. And he adds that is a very good idea, as he closes the door.

Ursula cries like she is downing brandy, oops she is downing brandy. Gonzo again calls Tomasa asking in panicky voice if Barbara has reached home and wants to be notified immediately.

Adolfina says she has never seen the papers, and no one else only the Doctor was in the room. Adolfina says well Lili was there, Dr. O says she is very mentally ill and she wouldn't know what any of this means. Sra. Palafox wants to see her anyway.

Fernanda finally gets through to Santi to tell him her marriage is over. And worse it looks like Damian took the company's money.

Franco wants to propose a business deal, and he isn't talking about Grupo Lactos . He wants a business exclusively with her. and she says something private, He says are you interested?

Last scenes - Embezzle (desfalco) from the company?. asks Santi. I don't have a basis to think something distinct, offers Fernanda. Santi tells her they will confitm her suspicions and she is not alone.
Franco lets his hand touch the wine and Barb. She wants to know why he has made her this business offer, because she is intelligent , she pries coyly, why not ask Anibal? Because she is intelligent is is only answer. So what kind (clase) of business are you proposing?

Next - Barbi and Franco shake hands sensuously, the Elizaldes all get hysterical, Fernanda sees Damian's name come up on Barbi's cell phone, It's Damian she says accusingly. Barbi must think, drat those big screen cell phones are too easy to read from across the room...


Wonderful beginning....loved those "ghostbusters"....and clever you...maybe Señor Palafox DID register his patents under the name of Newton. I also loved Dr. Cuteguy. My español brain was reading "kyutuhgay" until I realized it was English!

Can't wait to watch this (too bad work and dentist appt. come first) and see Eduardo put the moves on Barbara. And welcome back Santi!

Thanks for the recap Cheryl. I was thinking the same thing about the patents! Who could Isaac Newton be?

Do these people ever change their clothes?

Errorika is too old to be that stupid. I don't really feel sorry for her. I'm dying to know what Santi wants to talk to Barb about.

Great recap Cheryl. So how far along is Fr/Ed going to take Barb. Did he have a plan? You can see Barb licking her chops when she is looking at him. She is going to be soooo disappointed. I'm wondering if perhaps she'll tell AB that she has Fr/Ed well in hand and tell him to call off the PI?

So, Anibal has been sneaking the money away from Pris. I guess she may be better off with Vlad.

Dr O has his little mind spinning now. Wondering whether he can get some of that Ciro money.


Thank you Cheryl for the fantastic recap.

The Elizaldes are totally clueless when it comes to Barbie's business activities (ehem, the embezzlement) and everything else she does.

IMHO, it's obvious Errorika has been hanging out at the Elizalde pad way too much - I think she's caught the cluelessness bug that they have.

Dr. Cuteguy and Martina really like each other - we can all tell.

Jody :)

Cheryl - thank you for the excellent recap! I won't get a chance to see this episode.

I love your title and the MythBusters are The Best! You have outdone yourself. Too funny! (not to mention the snark)

Why on earth would Damian think Fernanda married him for his money? Her family owns GL. (Qué the ???)

Connie - they do change their clothes but the time frame here is more like "24." That's my story and I'm sticking with it. ;-)

I wonder if Ciro's patent papers are to be found via some of the clues he gave Liliana all along.

So instead of the perpetual full moon we know it is a different day by their clothes!

When Martina was taunting Dr. O about the door and when he made a dash for it she should have whopped him with the golf club and taken out a knee or something. Then given him some sleepytime shot to see how it feels.

Very good, very funny recap Cheryl. Poor Dr.O, all he wants is an uncomplicated life, good booze, good golf, and gainful employment with minimal effort or stress; and what does he get? He gets to be everyone's favorite punching bag. I realize that there's not a lot of sympathy out there for him, but for 15 yrs. he had a sweet gig keeping Lili in a stupor, sipping from his trusty flask, and enjoying the occasional relaxing game of carpet putting. And now? I'm sure this is not what he signed on for. Even Ciro's disgusting offspring is taking sots at him.

Looks like Vlad washed his hair. For a moment there it looked like he was the sane one.


On another note, isn't Ursula (Damian's mama) the wife of Ricardo on Tontas?

Damian probably thinks Nanda is marrying him for his money because he knows what the actual finances of GrupoLactos are and hey... he hasn't been getting anything... Who can resist any of this! :)

Speaking of the perpetual day, is this still the same day that PI visited the Padre or a different day?

Did Cad tell Errorika about the note? I don't remember seeing that. Seems like it was just to say how much she means to him, blah. If she goes back to Cad, that'll make things easier for Fr/Ed.


Thanks, Cheryl, for the great recap and the terrific "ghostbusters"!

I hope this isn't considered a spoiler--if it is, let me know and I'll remove the comment. I just wanted to say that I was poking around on Wikipedia to see their cast listing (it's fuller than I could find elsewhere), and I noticed that they actually list someone who plays Isaac Newton! Hmmm....

Great recap & vocab, Tks.

I noticed Vladimir got a haircut & wash, looks better.

I's amazing how few clothes TN people have, everything you own fits in one suitcase.

Erika's face softened after Canalla Camilo's apology, oh no Erika, not again. And true to his colors, he laughs telling the story to Anibal. I am still thinking Erika knows something about this ruse.

There really is an Isaac Newton, according to the cast of characters, but he probably knows sth of Ciro's patents. The note says "para entregar a Isaac Newton", deliver to IN, so still don't get it.

I noticed our hombre bonito can have some cold eyes. Love the scenes between him & La Hiena.

Eduardo Yañéz is going to be on a mothers day show Sat night. He has an almost skinhead haircut & looks like he has put on a few lbs. I've noticed his weight goes up & down even in the same TN.

Someone said at one time FC was a little beefy, I say one picture where his face was very round & full, but he was much younger. He is one that improves with age, like fine wine.


"So instead of the perpetual full moon we know it is a different day by their clothes!"

That's how I know when it's a new day. :-D

My telenovela beanie hat is placed firmly on my head, with chin strap fastened.

Mine too Doris! What's up with Vlad's hair? I wasn't even sure it was the same guy. I don't like that look either. Anyone that goes back to someone who punched them in the face is a moron.

Camilo didn't mention the note to Erika. She asked how he knows & he said someone at Grupo Lactos told him.

Cheryl, thanks for excellent recap and vocabulary. With this forum novellas are entertaining as well as informative.

I do believe that Santi got a haircut, okay hair trim, on his way home.

I am beginning to think that Dam is the one that stole Pricilla's money. I very much doubt that Anyball would share that kind of information with Dam or anyone for that matter. Dam is up to his mustache in this plot. And what is the deal with his mother, what a hag. Is she somehow involved in bring down "The Family"? There must be a reason to making us endure an episode with her.

Poor Ericka need to join a support group for abused girlfriends!

The question about piracy yesterday. Piracy is the reproduction, rebroadcast or retransmission of a program without the express written permission of the owner of the copyright. In other words, they want to paid a license fee. My inhouse IP counsel said that is why we cannot watch film clips on esmas - they do not have a license agreement for the US.


Maybe the cryptic quote(lion, fox, wolves...)will point Issac Newton to the hidden patent, and it did look to me that Erika may not be over Camilo.


Thanks for the recap, Cheryl, loved the myth list.
Babs seems to think that the way to greet a person is, "what are you doing here", no good morning or pleasantries.She did it to both Franco and Santi.
I'm not exactly sure what Cadmil-ho thinks how this momentous info about Franco is supposed to affect Errorika. Seems that it could easily tie her to Franco, and away from Asshatcad. Doesn't make sense.

Interesting that two traps are being set with greed- Matamentes from the Palafox clan; greed and lust, Babs from Franco.

I think that these patants ARE in the name of Isak Newton, los Palafox don't know of the name, but our Eddy does.
Finally! Someone has asked for a comprehensive review of Lactose finaces! Is heartbroken Fernanda the only member of this family with gray matter? (Can't count Pris, she only married into this outfit.)
Odd meeting between Franco and Babs. Toward the end, she poured wine into his glass, hers empty, then held onto the bottle when he tried to take it from her. The "sealed" the deal with a left-hand shake, very srtange.

dorado dave

I think that the hair style changes, like Vlad and shampoo, Santi with a trim, might signify a change in their situation, attitude, or intentions. These guys are both intransition.

Regarding the clothes...

I'm only making an educated guess here. When the production gets ready to shoot, they may only get to rent, say, the Elizalde house for 2 months. For this reason, and one of efficiency in setting stuff up for shooting, they shoot all of the house scenes over a period of time. Then, all of the scenes at the Jacinto/Marg house, etc, etc.

Then, the video/electronic file go back to an editor to put all together. But when they were shooting, they didn't know exactly which scenes would get put together into various one hour episodes - that is the editor's/director's doing after all of the scenes have been shot.

Therefore, they need the actors to keep the same clothes through scenes that might be edited to show in the same hour-episode or "episode-day".

Otherwise, the editor might want to put together two scenes into a one hour episode, but can't because the actors were all wearing different clothes.

I'm pretty sure that's why we see them wearing the same clothes in scene after scene.

The Silverfox...

That's usually true with women DD. I hadn't thought about it applying to men. You could be right. Santi's hair is a mess no matter what. I kind of liked the ponytail.

Thanks Gang, I tried to sleep in but Cisco is a guest here again which means he and Willa were barking me awake early followed by silly dog grins and kisses, no rest for the wicked.

Judy, I am hoping the dear old Ciro left something for Lili to live on with this mystery man if Newton is going to be a real character as Juanita, Connie, Carlos and a few others have suggested.

Connie, this abuse sequence is almost too much to watch, I think I might FF through these scenes if Camil-ho gets her attention seriously

Dorado Dave, the men in transition theory works for me, they certainly do that with women characters. So I have hope for Fernanda getting less collegiate.

The speculations on clothes being the same -vs- perpetual full moon: what fun. It may be something as practical as shooting schedules at these lovely homes that need to be done out of sequence.

I will post this then head for the river with Cisco and Willa before the lovely morning air heats up.

Damian doesn't really think Fenanda married him for his money. He doesn't have any. I believe he was just trying to get Vlad to see him as a victim of the Elizaldes, just like Vlad's beloved Priscila. But where is Damian going with this plot? And how will it tie into Barbara's master plan?

Wonderful recap, Cheryl and the mythbusters was great fun to read.

Vlad looks worse to me.. all he had to do was shampoo and rinse and with no grease or putty afterwards.

Martina's nurses uniform is made from space age material as it looks as fresh and clean as when she first put in on even after her Benny Hill chase. Maybe she has had it on for one time is on a different scale in MEPS. As someone said before, does she have just one uniform which she sleeps in too? Beanie time. GinCA

I'm with you Cheryl. The abuse really gets to me and it doesn't matter if it's an abusive man or an abusive woman. It's just like that show Bridezilla--My daughter got me watching it and it was unbelievable. It made me sick at my stomach so I stopped watching it. And what is it with riding whips being the weapon of choice? I'd like to snatch it from the little rat bastard and shove it donde el sol no brilla!

Thanks for a really kool recap as usual laden with vocabulary. Can't believe that 56 capitulos went so quickly. About halfway there if it's the usual length. However, since we all seem to be enjoying this so much, at this point I wouldn't mind an extention. Sergio Sendel is currently on another novela and he's not wearing glasses. I was beginning to believe they were for real and that he couldn't see without them. He wore them throughout Destilando Amor and now in MEPS he wears them even while making out. Bottom line, I guess that's the mark of a good actor/actress when it's difficult to distinguish between what's real and what's acting. (Kinda like "ser versus estar"). Fr/Ed's seductive behavior towards Babs is like a FELS action. (FELS:The Reyes Bros planned to first seduce the sisters and then seek revenge for their sisters death).

Anon 10:58- that's what I was alluding to, you said it much better.
Cheryl, here is a great rejoinder, used by an ancient old lady who passed me on a sidewalk where I was working, sweating. I said, "No rest for the wicked." She turned and said, " And the righteous don't deserve it!" I nearly died lauging...

Thanks, Cheryl~~~My very favorite scene was the one in which Nanda [smart girl] left her drunken, sobbing m-i-l with her spacey, clueless father. Ursula seemed to be channeling Sofia from FELS ...''Donde es mi hijo...mi bebe '' Pleeeaasse. I loved it. It was like hooking up the annoying relatives at a family reunion and then leaving and letting them have to endure each other. FC really is pretty good at playing a cad. He'd probably make a great villain, but I prefer him as the romantic lead. In Amor Real , he played a very jealous, vengeful, angry , rough husband. He was pretty scary. I like seeing him string Babs along. Come and get it, Babs....then...oh noes you don't. And what is up with Ciro's widow's face ??? Did she get too many botox injections? Her face seems very bloated. And what purpose will it serve Cad to try to get Error back?

Thanks for the great recap, Cheryl. With everyone else, I loved the Mythbusters.

My husband wanted to know what the show was about last night, so I gave everyone descriptive names so he could keep them striaght - old stooge, mud wrestler, sweet innocent, etc. As for Vladimir, with his new doo, I dubbed him "Bobby Sherman Hair."

Someone mentioned suitcase capacity. It's one of the magical things about telenovela-land. Suitcases of infinite holding. I'm sure several of you have seen parts of Destinios. There is Raquel, traveling the globe and living out of a suitcase, with a different outfit every single day. And not little shorty-shorts you could fit into a 35mm film cannister, nor flimsy silky smocks you could fit into a teacup, nor mix-n-match combos with infinite variations. No, no, no. Full suits with knee-length skirt, heavy fabric, and shoulder pads the size of Cincinnati. At least twenty of them all fit into one suitcase, plus color-coordinated purses.

Sometimes i think Ed/fr ideas and plots make no sense...Unless he is trying to get Barbie to confide and trust him.... then let her have it?.....Vlad does look better to me...a lot neater and does Santi..much better....looks ready to be taken serious....i love Dr.O...his expressions are priceless and his voice changes too...Thanks for the recap...If grupo lactos is going bankrupt, and Dam knows this...where does he think barbie is getting the money to pay him? knucklehead...
Ed/Fr 3 million contribution? I don't think he will get any money... from where? then what....he better take that long trip how ever he can.....BN in CA

Cheryl, thanks for the delightful recap and gallery visit (not necessarily in that order)! The recap left me chortling and hubby wondered what was up, so he just smiled indulgently and rolled his eyes when I told him I was reading Cheryl’s recap. You really nailed the action and especially Damian’s Mami and her little vice. We got back from dinner early enough (even after running all over town dropping people off) so I could see both Cuidado and Mañana. Oh, and one more thing—I’m going to have withdrawal from “Angel Twins” when I put it into FedEx later today until I get it back when it arrives at home. Have had it on display in our room here! (Mom ‘fessed up that she would have gotten it but realized it was already being taken off the stand and she was too late. She has promised to come and visit often so she can see it).

Since I don’t get to read and respond to any of the novelas much now, you all may have thought about this already, so I apologize if I’m a day late—but I am fairly convinced that Ciro probably registered all his patents to Lili to ensure her well-being forever. Just a thought. Wouldn’t that cook Sra. Palafox’s goose?

Susanlynn -- “And what is up with Ciro's widow's face ??? Did she get too many botox injections? Her face seems very bloated.” LOL! I think it might be more directly related to the way the liquor in the crystal bottle is disappearing…..

Clever mythbusters, Cheryl!! Give Willa and Cisco hugs and pets for Auntie Jeanne.


I think it is interesting in these show how changes in appearance relect changes in the characters attitude. Vlad and Santi have hair cuts. And I thought Sanit looked so much better. Vlad still, nope!

Fernanda was been wearing black since her wedding.

I think that we will see the chess board again. It had that false bottom and it seems like much might be hidden there.

Thank you CherylNM, you are too much! Luved your 'myth list' especially laughed over the last two myths.
And that 'Spainish immersion' moment of Judy's with Kyutuhgar is hilarious!!

Even when the night does pass - and I'm enjoying this sense of 24hrs - and they do change their clothes, Fern dresses from her college wardrobe; and obviously she had no social life then either.

my word verification when I scrolled down is prooppi - close to poopie huh?

Thank you CherylNM, you are too much! Luved your 'myth list' especially laughed over the last two myths.
And that 'Spainish immersion' moment of Judy's with Kyutuhgar is hilarious!!

Even when the night does pass - and I'm enjoying this sense of 24hrs - and they do change their clothes, Fern dresses from her college wardrobe; and obviously she had no social life then either.

my word verification when I scrolled down was prooppi - close to poopie huh?

Cheryl: Terrific title and the myths tightly held list was great, particulary Babs' "I can control everything and everyone, they are all idiots". Which of course she really does belive.

I wish we knew the reasons Damian agreed to participate in the ruination of the Elizaldes. We know he wanted the money but did he realize murder (Babs) and torture (Lili) were part of the plan? I agree that he's lying to Vlad about Fer marrying him for his money. Fernanda is only now starting to realize she and the family are no longer wealthy. His job was to romance and marry her. He is just trying to pull Vlad in although I think he might have been able to find a more cohent, capable cohort. Guess Vlad's new look is supposed to mean we should take him more seriously....Not working...

Diana in MA

I think Vlad's hair makes him look like a sheepdog and I still think he's slimy.

Yes I thought next to Vlad that Damian looked like he was going to explode with crazy anger. I'm thinking he might just have a temper.

Damian does not have any money and his mother, at the wedding was inferring that this step was great because of his bride's wealth. Just disguising his purpose to Vlad for why he's skipping out on the marriage.

My question is, why is Barb confident that a con-man, Damian, is going to get lost with just a promise that the money is on the way?

Wake up call for Dam~~~The check is NOT in the mail, Bud. Wake up call for Babs~~~Franco used some of that antibacterial cleaner on his hands after you left , so do not invest in any lacy lingerie with this dude in mind and forget any plans for making out with him in the back of your Chevy van.

When Fernanda was in the stable flashing back to a scene with Eduardo, she said something that I think is the counterpart to Jinete Justiciero, I couldn't catch the first word, but the 2nd is something like falorero. Anyone have any idea what this could be, I can't find it in the dictionary.

Great recap, Cheryl. Very funny and snarky.

This show is getting into FELS territory for me, I'm starting to laugh at all the "evil schemes". They're repeating lines (such as Ursula with the donde esta mi hijo), and having tease after tease with Fr/Ed's meeting with Barb. In short, I'm finding it more funny than dramatic, but enjoying the fact.

I personally think Vlad's new hairstyle makes him look far dumber than before.

Didn't someone throw down a cellphone yesterday, onto a bed(Fernanda?). Maybe I dreamed it, or it was on Tontas, which I also watch.

Thanks Cheryl, loved your take on things. Susan Lynn, re: "so do not invest in any lacy lingerie with this dude in mind and forget any plans for making out with him in the back of your Chevy van". Babs looks pretty composed to me. And so far she's been pretty good at capturing her prey. Franco is the one portraying the bedroom eyes and other sensual behavior. GHE in GA

Yes Hombre, Pris stossed her phone on the bed when she found out the balance in her account.

GHE, I'm not a bit worried about Franco falling to Barb's "charms." He wouldn't touch her, not even with a full-body condom. (Sorry, I've been watching too much Tontas.)

I agree Paula~~Fr/ed is all ''Come into my parlor , Little Fly.'' But we all know he is biting the inside of his mouth and trying not to hurl as he throws his best ''Come hither'' looks to the Coldhearted Ice Princessa. About Babs's mad skillz...Could she , perhaps, have been a working girl at one time in the past???? Maybe that's how she met Art. Maybe he got her started as a ramera.

Bonnie C. I think you might have heard farolero which is boastful, BS'er, mostly now. Originally meant the person who lit the street lamps, faroles.They can also be headlights. In New Mexico we have the Christmas lights being little candles in paper bags full of sand and they are called farolitos.

Paula you are too too funny, full body condom indeed! HA!

I think I see Barb drooling. She also looked a bit confused at how the conversation suggests come hither and then the spider moves to another corner of another room.

You can tell she's getting mixed signals and doesn't know what to do.

Someone mentioned something like "" a while back as being a better site for TN videos than Youtube. But, I tried it and that's not the right url. Any suggestions?


I want to send a huge thank you to whoever changed Santiago's wig. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. Now I can maybe finally take him seriously as a character.

Thanks Cheryl for this excellent recap, I loved your list of myths.

While we're at it, Vladimir looks only 25% as creepy as before with his new hairstyle. Now he looks like he knows what shampoo is. WTF with everyone suddenly getting new hairdos?

Great recap, Cheryl. Your sense of humor slays me! Damián's mamí is doing her best to edge out Gardenia as most annoying. I really enjoy Silvia Navarro when she gets totally fed up with everyone and asserts herself. How refreshing not to have a masochistic heroine!

There's been a definite switch in Damián's character. In the beginning he sort of seemed a bit like Babs' pawn. There were even hints he cared about Nanda and might turn away from the dark side. Of course, that would have made it tough for the right couple to end up together. Now his whole demeanor with Vlad is very different. He's manipulating Vlad and bad mouthing the Elizaldes right and left. He doesn't seem to care a rats patootie about Fernanda.

I think Cad couldn't stand the idea that Erika would have a handsome, rich guy and be completely over him. So he was delighted to discover that Freduardo might be a fortune hunter. But I didn't think he was trying to get back together with Erika. He just gave a false apology for his behavior and asked for her pardon. It was unclear if she is prepared to do that. I don't think she's going to fall back into his arms, because that would remove the element of she and Nanda both being in love with our hero.

Ok ladies how many of us would believe a guy like Cadmil-Ho who came over and apologized with his big tears would you believe him? NOT!

Novelera - Damian's mom is WAY more annoying than Gardenia, she gets the prize. Gardenia's annoyingness (is that a word?) is almost completely offset by her hotness and bouncing around while complaining, etc. Well for us guy viewers at least.

Novelera I totally agree about Fernanda, she is like a breath of fresh air. Love having a girl with a spine and some fire!

For us women who remember ourselves or our daughters at that age, Gardenia is a precious treasure. She delights me with her oh-so sense of right and fairness and justice and vitality. Yes she annoys people who surround her currently but I bet if she had Edwardo's mom around that her take on Gardenia would be totally opposite.

Enjoying all these crazy comments (can you believe I typed "condoms" first! yowsa...I blame you, Paula) and now I'm off to enjoy a cup of té de tila. It just arrived today, Cheryl...thank you...I have a feeling I'm going to need a lot of it in the next few weeks.

Mil gracias, amiga.

I'll attest to that, too, Chris...

Hey guys, If you think Gardenia is hot with all her self-righteous body movements, tune in to the Jerry Springer show and you'll see a lot of hot babes who have the same moves down pat. Well, I'll admit the ladies aren't as pretty as Denia and perhaps they are a tad more ghetto but the highly emotional way that they verbalize, along with dramatic body movements make them just as entertaining and can make ones imagination go wild (AKA hot).

Heh, heh, Judy said condoms! Carlos

Damian is on his downward spiral as he has ramped up his temper, is manipulating and lying to Vlad and imbibing a lot of Vlad's alcohol (like mother like son.) His fate is questionable: will he be offed, find revenge on Barbi or find redemption? He's a fairly big star so he's gonna be around for awhile. And by the way, I want Vlad's job since he never seems to work and is at home a lot during the day .GinCA

Carlos, Shhhh!!!! Don't let my 18-year-old son hear you. Wanna' guess what show he just discovered on YouTube? Wanna' guess how sick I am of "heh, heh, heh"? Hasta el tope!

Cheryl, that was a super-dooper recap. The myth list was wonderful.

Martina holding Dr. O by force deserves some kind of award. That girl is creative and versatile in finding weapons and ways to use them.

Damian's madre was a trip and won the comic relief of the night award. Scary looking, too.

Fascinating to see Fr/Ed playing Barbara in the final scenes. I've always been picky about details, so I'll say, IMO, the final handshake was one-sided sensuous. Fr/Ed reached for a normal handshake and Barbi started rubbing her thumb along his hand.

Susanlynn and GinCA, from yesterday: Gilles, on DWTS, is indeed hot. Possibly of a hotness right up there with our favorite TN galans. He and Cheryl are my favorite for a win. I also enjoy seeing Melissa and her partner perform. I give Ty props for his work ethic, but the guy can't loosen up enough. Li'l Kim was fun to watch.
La Paloma

I'm sure it was Damian himself who took Priscilla's money, and he's getting Vlad involved in the mess just to make Anibal's life more miserable. Unfortunately, I don't think this can end well for Vlad.

Did Fr/Ed ever touch Barb's wine glass with his bare hands? I noticed that he was holding it with a napkin or towel when he gave it to her.

It's probably nothing, but is it possible that he wanted to get a clean copy of her fingerprints?

If Damián took Priscilla's money, why does Anibal look so stricken when she asks for her account balances? I think Anibal used the money for Grupo Lactos. They've been staring doom in the face since the beginning. Maybe it had something to do with having to dump all that expired powdered milk.

Wonderful myth busters, comadre Cheryl!

IMO Ed/Fr is flying by the seat of his pants. Not a bad way to go and it seems to be working for the moment.

For being such a loser, Dr O doesn't give up. He's like one of those flexible gumby figures that bend with pressure...

I thought they used Pris's family money to fund the purchase of the toxic expired milk since they had bid against them in an attempt to bring her family into the deal to keep peace but also for Barbara to spread the doom. Does anyone else think this is right? It seems that or Pris's pesrsonal money then did she already have it or did she get it from her family?

Oh, Julie, I love this towel and fingerprint theory of yours. Oh, he could find all kinds of things out if he could trace her prints.

Judy, I am still laughing about kyutuhgay and I am so glad the tila arrived already. Sounds like you can use it. I like that it is natually sweet so doesn't require additional sugar to be pleasing.

Schoolmarm, I am so glad to think about the angel twins living in your space. Wasn't it fun to come off the pages of the blog and have some real live fun.

Carlos, forgot to mention how much I like your analysis of Dr. Obregon, such a guy. I actually get such a kick out of him.

I wonder if the movements on Gardenia and being compared with women on Jerry Springer, are non other than manic behavior of BP. The rapid speech, the seductive clothing, the energy the sudden agitated states.

Oh, is that what happened to Pris's money? I totally missed that! I thought Anibal was just stonewalling her because he couldn't be bothered to talk to her!

OK then... this makes a little more sense to me now.

Heh heh, Anibal's in big trouble!

And if, as we saw in the preview for tonight's episode, Damian calls Babs, I guess that means his phone wasn't rigged to explode. Bummer. (I was thinking maybe he'd misplace it and some hapless fool would pick it up and get blowed up.)

Oh, oh, oh, hey... Damian will be making a phone call. Maybe we'll get a little phone tossing tonight??


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