Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Tontas Tuesday June 9, 09 Could Things Get Any Worse? They Can And They Will...It's Ultimos Días!

Oh boy, there are so many anvils falling, pie carts arriving, storm clouds brewing, ill winds blowing and s**t hitting the fan..... I hardly know where to start. Let's just trudge through from the beginning.

Patricio arrives late to the meeting of potential film investors ( who are already looking cranky and impatient) with baby in tow, à la Mr. Mom. All goes well for about a nanosecond, and then the baby starts to wail, darned near drowning out Patricio's frantic presentation.

We're biologically programmed to be VERY DISTURBED by a baby's cry so that we'll desperately try all kinds of things (eventually the right one) to meet the little Majesty's needs. However, the programming isn't working for the investors. They're impactados but not in a good way. And no one tries to help.

Patricio finally hands Patito off to a horrified macho type near him, sticks a baby bottle in his hand and tells him to feed the little mite. Meeting the needs of hungry children is important, he adds. As well as making this wonderful film he has in mind with a superhero and also a villain (Nemesis). It's a great project, you won't regret investing in it, Patricio adds hopefully. The potential investors look less than convinced. But at least the baby has stopped crying.

And of course, a baby segué...Santiago is on the phone with that sketchy Ambrosini who's asking for additional money and sounding more like a con artist every minute. Santiago's money is tied up in investments (even if he wanted to throw good money after bad...and that's what this looks like) so he needs time...to sell property or whatever to finance the deal. Ambrosini keeps insisting he needs the money now. Very suspicious.

Alright then...on to our AIDS theme. Charlie's about to give his presentation (which Candy, in her current stress situation has forgotten). He wonders if she's going to wish him luck. She replies that when work is done with "amor y fuerzo" (love and strength) no luck is needed. Big smiles all 'round. Lucia arrives and she and Charlie agree that they won't fight every time they meet and Charlie promises not to let Fede push his buttons. That promise is about to be put to a very big test.

Next is what the French call "un dialogue de sourds" (literally a dialogue of the deaf...but refers to two people talking and neither one actually listening to the other) Lalo's lamenting his marital situation and Santiago's trying to figure out how he's going to pay for more detecting. They're both talking but not hearing each other. Sound familiar? The upshot though is Santiago is considering selling part of the clinic.

Back at the office, Candy is phoning the Institute's lawyer, this time for herself....she wants help getting back custody of Chava. Out in the main room, Charlie's video presentation is going well. A couple of young men are "sharing their hope and experience" and stressing that if you value yourself, you'll take care of yourself. Prevent AIDS by using condoms, or live with AIDS by taking medication, living a healthy lifestyle, and going after your goals. You can LIVE with AIDS, but it's better to live without it...so use those condoms! is the ultimate message. And people with AIDS have a right to health care and respect from others....also part of the message.

Now back to our Mr. Mom. The deflated organizer is telling Patricio he must have "nervios de acero" (nerves of steel) but clearly the message did not go over with the cranky audience. Patricio is undeterred. Who needs these hypocrites?...I'm looking for people who really like kids to invest in this project. Gotta say, our boy is pretty unflappable.

Charlie's presentation went over much better than Patricio's but then our snake-in-the-grass Fede jumps to his feet shouting "It's all lies. He found people in the street and paid them to make those videos!" At this pseudo dramatic moment, we break for an ad and those annoying bee-beeps signalling "ultimos capitulos" starts blasting. Ugh. Getting on my last nerve.

When we come back Lucia is reaming out Fede. (at last!) Telling him "no es manera" (that's no way to act) but the little vermin nevertheless persuades her to come out to eat with him and gives Charlie a snotty victory sign to indicate he's winning the skirt war. Ugh and double ugh.

Santiago has popped down from his clinic to talk with Candy about his financial dilemma. As usual, she doesn't really listen to him but wants to talk about HER problem...getting Chava back. She's leading up to giving him the news that she's decided to help Patricio out by going to the house and taking care of Patito, Chava and Beto. She actually brings up the idea of a nanny and dismisses it, saying no nanny can match the care of a mother. (Just an aside, one of my daughter's acquaintances in Charlotte, a stay-at-home mom has THREE nannies, one for each of her children. Good God!) Anyway, Miss Candy wants none of that. She tells Santiago her plan and then makes a big" whoops-I Love Lucy" face. (Have you noticed she does have a wide mouth like Lucille Ball? Just sayin')

Santiago is horrified by the idea. Naturally. She ripostes by saying, We're only been engaged a short time and you're already telling me what I can and cannot do!? Uh no...uh yes! he stammers. Poor guy. Wish he'd just ditch her and find someone else. But their discussion continues. He's worried, yes, he admits to being a little macho and possessive. Sure. Plus "donde hubo fuego cenizas quedan" and he's worried she'll get involved again. No way! "No lo quiero ver ni en pintura" (I can't stand him!) but I do want to be there for Chava and yada yada yada. He proposes a little Red Riding Hood visit with baskets of food and then vamoose but of course our sweet Candy has something more sustained in mind.

More annoying beeping and flashing lights for ultimos días.

Time for a little Lalo-Chayo action. He comes looking for her at the Institute and Lulu brushes him off. So he nuzzles her ear and whispers his request and bingo, she tells him where Chayo is. But to no avail. Chayo wants a divorce "y punto". He won't give her one "y punto". And that's it for our lovebirds.

Icky stuff going on meanwhile at the restaurant. Fede and his degenerate groups of friends are slugging down tequilas and he literally pours one down Lucia's throat. Scary music throbs in the background and all I could think of was date-rape drugs. Although tequila on an empty stomach is probably the equivalent. Let's just compress these scenes...Lucia keeps trying to phone home but Fede keeps the phone away from her. Granny and Santiago are fretting because she hasn't shown up for dinner and hasn't phoned. Santiago finally phones Charlie and asks him to go look for Lucia and tell her to come home. . Charlie does. Fede punches him out. Blood is shed. Fede's friends are worried he's contracted AIDS by getting Charlie's blood on him. The punks continue to insult Charlie in the bathroom, where they're all trying to clean up, calling him a "mariquita" (fairy..as in "gay") Lucia tries to help him but he doesn't want her to touch his blood. Finally they get home, Granny and Lucia both put latex gloves on and tenderly clean him up, while castigating Fede as a "salvaje" (savage). Indeed. Okay, thank God that's over.

Back to our other simmering dramas. Gogo is asking Candy why she's going over to help Patricio.... Is she still hesitating between her two suitors? No way, Candy replies. She's definitely in love with Santiago and feels nothing for Patricio...but she MUST be with her son.

Meanwhile, a smirking Arturo (Think he might be related to Fede? They're both repulsive.) is greeting Beto and Chava and asking for a hug. Demanding a hug rather... that's more his style. When he crows over the custody decision, the dime drops for Patricio and he realizes his dad was behind the fateful court decision. Dad thinks it's great and it will bring Candy back. Patricio thinks it stinks and now Candy hates him big-time. They start to get into a battle royale but first Pato sends the boys off to change out of their school uniforms.

Father and son are still disputing whether having custody of Chava will bring Candy back when....voilà, our heroine appears. She looks at them both like they're roadkill and flounces off to be with the children.

Chava and Beto are in their bedrooms having a mini heart-to-heart. Chava misses his mom because she makes yummy breakfasts and sings him little songs to go to sleep. Beto decides he misses his mom too....even though life with Patricio is super-fun.

Candy is still acting like the Snow Queen. Refusing to sit down with Patricio and the boys for lunch, claiming she's already eaten. (Which we KNOW isn't true. Not with that figure). And then more flouncing as she leaves the room with Patito. (Man, I'd put in a call to a nanny agency right then and there!)

Now our favorite father figure, Arturo, has brought his charm to the restaurant, looking for Gregoria. Meño's not having any. Gregoria's working. No one to take over for her. She'll get off when she's finished. Not saying when that is. And who is Arturo to order him around!? This is HIS restaurant. We don't like dictators in Mexico. Goodbye! Arturo backs down a little (not much) and asks him to tell Gogo he'd like to see her.)

Back to the boys. They're slurping down ice cream parfaits. (Did they have an actual lunch or is this it?) Anyway, Candy flounces IN this time, tells them to park the parfaits in the fridge 'cause it's time to study for their geography test. They can eat the ice cream later. (Wow. It's great to have mom here.)

The study session is rather cute. The baby looks fascinated. The boys less so, but they more or less answer all the questions. (We have a twin scene with Rocio going over her geography with Paulina and our little senorita knows ALL the answers without any prodding. Definitely a better student than our little rascals.) But Chava has a question for his mom. Is she going to keep on treating Dad so badly? Candy hems and haws and says she's angry but.....Anyway, the fellas persuade her to stay and tell them bedtime stories. And HERE COMES THE ANVIL. Get ready folks.

Santiago, having completed his afternoon surgery, calls to invite Candy to dinner. Can't go. Has to wait for Patricio to get home. He's at work. Santiago goes into a little riff about how they're like husband and wife and just what is going on.....Excuse me? asks Candy. Er, no, the lines just got crossed, Santiago stammers. But you see where this is going don't you? His fiancée is too busy bailing our her former husband to have dinner with her current novio. Not good. Not good at all. Ill winds blowing for sure.

Meanwhile, Patricio is at the office wheeling and dealing and taking a break to glance at Candy's picture and sigh that "even angry, she looks beautiful". Meddling Arturo arrives at this moment (What a shame he's retired. Now he's free to be a full-time "metiche".) Patricio keeps trying to explain that Candy won't believe he didn't betray her and ask for custody. Arturo wants to tell her himself but Patricio tells him to stay out of it. We'll work it out, he adds. (Now that's Patricio to a "t". He really is quite an optimist and incredibly persistent. These can be good qualities or crazy-making ones. Just depends.)

Our final scene was downright delicious. I love it when Isabella confronts Paulina and this scene definitely seemed to go Chabelli's way. You'll soon be able to stop pretending to be a "good mother" she sneers, after Paulina's little geography study session with Rocio. And why? Because Santiago is going to have to sell this house and all his properties in order to finance the search for his baby son. He'll no doubt be left without a penny. Still interested in getting him back?

Impactado look from Paulina. And that's it for tonight folks. The one thing I like about ultimos capitulos is that there are no previews. You get what you get. No teasers. But look what we got!...one yucky scene after another. And more to come, no doubt. Still the end is in sight. Hang on for those few minutes of happy ending we all are awaiting.


y punto = and that's it
cruzar palabras = (lit. to cross words. but meaning to talk, to chat...what Lalo wanted to do with Chayo...but it degenerated into a slanging match)
no es manera = that's no way to go about it
donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan = where there was fire (passion) ashes remain. "where there's smoke, there's fire" is a similar, though not exactly equivalent saying in English.
no lo quiero ver ni en pintura = I want nothing to do with him, I can't stand him
nervios de acero = nerves of steel
estan bien atendidas? Is everything alright? Are you being well taken care of? Meño asking some of his diners at a table
tocar una regañiza a alguien = ream somebody out, give somebody a good scolding. (What Rocio was afraid Lucia would get from Santiago)
se va a armar = there's going to be a fight (what Isabella predicted would happen if Santiago sent Charlie to check on Lucia and Fede)
la jalas de los pelos = drag her out by her hair (what Santiago wanted Charlie to do if necessary)
mariquita = derogatory word for a gay man

Dicho of the Day

Con dinero baila el perro. (lit. with money you can even make a dog dance) Money makes the world go round.

Well, it worked for Arturo. He bribed the judge. And it was motivating Paulina to try and get Santiago back. We shall see.


Thanks for the recap Judy. I missed the 2nd half, but reading the recap and it was just like being there.

Does this mean Pau is going to take off like Alicia and neither get punished? I do hope that is it for Fede. Pato is going to have to kick Art out of the house the next time. Glad to see Meno kept him apart from Greg. I guess his plan is working to some degree. Candy is over there.


Jacqueline Bracamontes has always reminded me of Lucille Ball. I agree that there are similarities, especially when she makes her "whoops" face.

I loved Meno's smack-down on Arturo. You go Meno!! I think it was my favorite scene of the night.

I hope Lu has dumped Fede for good. He's no catch and she was very close to trouble until Charly showed up. I'm surprised that the owners/managers of the restaurant would let a guy carry a girl back to a table against her will. Ah well, it's a telenovela.

I also liked the last scene with Isa and Paulina. I can't see Pau sticking around if Santi is a pauper.

Thanks Judy! It's good to have you back from your trip. I'm glad you weren't too exhausted to recap tonight.

Good morning cuates. Jeff, I have no idea whether Paulina will get punished or not....but actually failing to score a re-marriage with her wealthy husband may be punishment enough. She'll end up slinking back to NYC with her tail between her legs, no beau, no money and will have to spend the rest of her life working for a paycheck....like all of us!

Sylvia...as soon as the parents returned and I knew the responsibility for the little ones was back in their hands...BINGO!...my energy returned. I appreciate my interesting and fulfilling life, but never so much as during those long days cleaning peas and carrots off the floor, calming tantrums, wiping noses and bottoms pushing strollers in the hot humid weather or standing around with a 30-pound baby on my hip. In comparison, my Columbus life is pure bliss!

I adore my grandchildren and love taking care of them when the parents are in the same city and just out for a day or night of fun. However, being in charge for a week was (temporarily) exhausting. (didn't sleep well on the couch either).

Susanlynn...you get kudos from me for your daily stint with your granddaughter. Happy to know your husband helps out too.

Judyb~~~A quick ''hi'' while hub is giving Jane her breakfast. [Talk about Mr. Mom...Pat should take lessons from hub.] That was a great recap. I only catch bits and pieces of this show, but your recap was excellent and caught me up with all the action. You don't think that they'd pull a switcheroo like they did in Querida and have Candy [what-a-mouth] end up with Pat , do you??? Does nasty Paulina know that Pat's baby is really Santi's ? Would she tell Santi now that Isabelle has told her that he will spend all his money to find his son ?

Hmmmm....good question Susanlynn. Last week is just a blur to me so if Paulina found out last week that Patito was Santiago's I missed it. But that would be a great motivator...tell him the truth and save the money she wants to get her clutches on. I like the way you think!

Judy, I'm glad to see you back and in top form again. As you know, Paula leaped to the rescue last week with a very entertaining recap, nevertheless, I missed your prickly warmth and am happy with your return. Wednesday=a dose of Dr. Judy.

As a matter of fact, one day last week, I believe it was at their last meeting of the disgusting, dangerous duo, Alicia did confide in Pau that Patito is actually Santi's little offspring. It was almost one of those "oh, by the way" revelations. I've no doubt that Pau will use this morsel of information to put a halt to the out of control meter running on Santi's quest for his son.


Glad you caught that, Carlos. I knew Alicia and Paulina had their heads together but didn't realize Alicia parted with that little tidbit. Guess things will get interesting now. Who knew Pau would be the one to save Santi?

Glad you're home in one piece, Judy. As much as we want grandchildren, I'm pretty sure a week with babies would put us both on bedrest - or in the looney bin!! Great recap, by the way! We missed you. gotta have our weekly dose of Judy, or as Carlos so aptly puts it, 'Dr. Judy.'

Carlos, I sure didn't remember, so Alicia did tell Pau about Patito. Then another reason she might tell Santi is she thinks she will get on his good side by saving the day.


Carlos~~~You have a way with the words ''prickly warmth'' = Judyb !!!! I think that I'll have to tune in for these last episodes even though I haven't been a faithful viewer. So, in this novela, Meester James got married, and last night on MEPS he got lucky. Things are looking up for this hombre.

It's a leetle weird to see Meester James doing two gigs a night, and he's always got this wide-eyed "I'm so gaga for you" look on his face in both roles. He's kinda cute and kinda creepy.

Wow, I don't even remember Al telling Pau that Pat's little escuincle is really Santi's kid. I can't imagine that Pau will sit on this info for long, especially if it has to do with Santi's bank account.

Whew...thank God for Carlos' good memory (we want our doctors to have good memories don't we!) so now I can relax and watch how this plays out. Muchas gracias my man, and hmmmm...I 'll have to think about that "prickly warmth" comment. Sounds...stimulating...like some of those products they advertise on the womens' channels.

You cracked my up by the way with your Aurora/Santa caballos riff on the MEPS line. What a way with words!

Emilia...you and Mike would be alright holding down the fort with grandkids if BOTH of you were there...trust me. But it's not a one-person job...not at our age (oh, I know you guys are a lot younger but you know what I'm saying)....in fact I had a whole new respect and empathy for the legion of single mothers out there in the world. I really DON'T KNOW how they do it.

Sylvia...glad you noticed the Lucille Ball resemblance also...funny how we pick up on the same things. I was shocked with Doris (on MEPS) said she didn't like the Mana song. I LOVED it and it was the only part about that looooong endless love scene that I enjoyed.

Hi Jeff...If Paulina is going to get on Santi's good side, she will have to pretend she JUST found out about the true identity of Patito. But I'm sure she'll find a way. This should be interesting.

Thanks so much Judy!
The scene with Fede was really uncomfortable. I was so hoping Santi would come to the restaurant and clobber him.
It seems as if everything is falling apart.
Good for Isa standing up to Pau. Double good for Meno standing up to Art.
It looks like Art gets off with no punishment? Where's justice for that sleeze ball?
It was very sweet the way the baby was looking at Candy when she was holding him and testing the kids.
I wonder if she looks similar to his real mother?

The buzzing and beeping drove me absolutely crazy!!!

Carrie L.

Judy, you are so right about the buzzing.I certainly this is not going to be a new trend for the TNs. It's not like we did anything to deserve this. Maybe it's a belated punishment for our complaints over the CCs.


Thanks for the recap Judy. Glad you are back home safely and hope you had a grand time with the grandkids. I'll post more later.

Y'know, Carrie, she may look like "Patito's" mom or he may just like pretty ladies. The French (who else?) did a study some years ago, showing young children different pictures of "moms" and asking who they'd like. They picked the glamourous women getting ready to go out, looking at themselves in the mirror! rather than the cozy looking ladies with aprons and cookie trays. How unfair is that!?

And Carrie and Carlos....glad you found the beeping "ultimos días" bits as annoying as I did. Wasn't sure if it was post-babysitting crankiness or if it was truly annoying. I now know I'm in good company!

Karen, thanks for the welcome back...my own bed and reasonably quiet home never looked so good! I can tell you.

Judy, it seems like more and more these days, The cozy-looking ladies with aprons and cookies are looking better and better. That's not to say that the painted ladies don't still have a certain appeal.


A sincere and appreciative thank you to everyone for the fine recaps and comments over the past week.

A warm welcome back Judy. I'll echo everyone who's already commented that you were missed...You didn't miss a beat, your recap, vocabulary and dicho were superb!

Queen Candy. Sigh. I agree Judy, it would have been nice for Santi to end up with someone else and for Pat to have gotten over her. Loved your "She looks at them both like they're roadkill". She did, didn't she?

Fede is beyond reprehensible.

Ali and Mario? A match made in heaven (or Hades, take your pick).

Diana in MA

Hi Diana...Good to have YOU back as well. You are always missed when you take a break from the blog....just not the same without you.

Carlos, those "painted ladies" are like handsome men, great to look at (and okay...fantasize about) but the "keepers" are the ordinary, maybe-a-little-bit-nerdy looking guys who come home at night and whom you can count on.

And if I were a guy, coming home to a cookie tray and an apron would certainly appeal at my age!
(Actually aprons can be very sexy, depending on how they're worn. Back in my Total Woman days....oh well, NOT going into that story.

PS Diana...Ali and Mario "a match made in Hades". Good one. Those two deserve each other, and it also keeps them out of innocent people's lives....for a while, at least.

Judyb~~~You rascal...Are you referring to those articles encouraging women to wear aprons...............just aprons !

I regret I need to disagree with our esteemed Carlos. Alicia told Paulina that Rocio was Marios, but she never told her that Patito was Santiago's. She has been afraid of prosecution from the beginning, so she has not told a soul about the baby swap, and she hushed all of Marissa's flirts with danger as well.

Carlos, if you can give me chapter and verse, I'll check it on YouTube. I'm willing to be corrected.

Susanlynn, apron and nothing else? Hmm, depends (verb, not product).


Hah Susanlynn...I KNEW you'd understand. I was sure my distracted hyper-intellectual husband wouldn't go for any of those Total Woman ploys (like greeting him in nothing but saran wrap and knee-high boots) but guess what?....

But that sort of thing only works when the kids are super young and you can get them to bed early. When they're surly teenagers and you REALLY need some fun in your life, there's no time or money.

I am reading you loud and clear as you are preaching to the choir, Judyb. About those days of pinching pennies...2 words = birthdays + bows....enough said. I should have written my own book.

ohgawd..".depends...verb not product"...I should never have started this discussion. Carlos, I'm beginning to understand why your mama made you cut some switches. I bet you could drive her crazy with your backtalk when you were a lad. In fact, you remind me a lot of my kid brother (6 years younger) who had an answer for everything, and a pretty funny one too.
* * *
Paula, dang, Ali didn't spill the beans to Paulina? I thought I could put my complete, but complete trust in Carlos. Dang, dang, dang....Well, the writers will have to come up with some other ploy to lift the veil from Santi's eyes.

Hey Susanlynn...you can still write your own book. In fact, I predict a bestseller. Marriages still need sure-fire battery charges along the way and you are one funny lady in prose...so take some time off from teaching and babysitting, find a rep and go for it.

Or hey, in this digital age, you can self-publish pretty economically. I know I'd buy a copy! ('course I'd give it to my married daughter. At least she'd have a use for it.)

Paula, I suppose I could be mistaken, but I remember being stunned that Pau didn't seem stunned. Also, last night when Izzy told Pau that Santi was spending all the money it looked to me that the wheels were turning in her evil little mind as how to handle that. If I'm right, I'm sure that she will act on it tonight. Sorry if I've started a false rumor.


Great recap, Judy. I'm especially grateful for all the vocab and sayings. Your encapsulation of the Lucia-Fed-Charly scene was perfectly done.

As much as the producers try to entice us with pretty pictures of Guadalajara, do I really want to visit a place where 1) 16 year olds are freely served drinks in a bar, 2) a judge can grant custody contrary to both parents' wishes, and both parents are good, upstanding citizens, 3) there's apparently a sky-high rate of scamming. Lulu was being scammed by that restaurant guy, Chayo by a woman who pretended to be Ed's amante, Meno by a guy who pretended to be gay, Candy by a woman who pretended to be a victim of Santi, Santi by a woman who tried to claim rape to get free surgery (and now maybe by a detective). I know it just makes for a good story, though, and really has nothing to do with the location.

I liked when Arturo said to Pat, just wait, I bet Candy will show up soon. And two minutes later, she did!

I happen to agree with Paula in that I don't think Alicia told Pau that Patito was Santi's, I think Pau told Alicia that Rocio wasn't Santi's. But as Carlos said, we'll find out soon.

I have to agree with Paula. Pau told Ali that Mario was Rocio's papa. It was during Soledad's wedding, they were upstairs sitting on the beds. I don't remember a conversation about Santi being the baby's father though.

Welcome back Judy and Diana. Your comments are the best and I enjoy reading them (along with everyone else's, of course) each day!

Oh no! What are we to do. We can't trust Carlos any more! :) Ah, I'll give Carlos a break. :) Agree Hombre, we'll find out what Pau has up her sleeve tonight... Maybe... Soon anyway.

As for aprons, there are the proverbial french maids... Somewhat on the.. er.. sexy side, so I have been told. :)


No sweat, Carlos. As I said, I'm willing to be corrected. We should find out pretty quickly. If Pau DOES know, I'm sure she'll use it to maximum advantage, playing the role of Santiago's savior and showing what a great mama she can be when it serves her schemes.

I'm hating the whole Candy-goes-to-Pat's scenario. She's in the room, and suddenly babies don't cry anymore and young boys love studying?

Regarding preferences, glamourous vs. cozy women, en mi pueblo they say, "Kissing wears out, cooking don't." The shoes I want under my bed are those of a good man. As for the hot men.. well, do you think I only watch novelas for the Spanish?

Jeff, I'm glad you've become a regular here on Tontas. Our "club" is small but close.

I wonder why we have such a high ratio of men here in the Tontas club. Aside from the five recappers who are more-or-less obligated to be here, I think we're running close to 50% male among the frequent posters. Any ideas why?

Judy, somehow your recaps always draw so much great discussion. Why is that?

Paula~~~Ha...I grew up hearing that advice ''Kissin' don't last but cookin' do.'' I told my students that one last semester , and Soledad from Ecuador told me that in her country they say ''You can't eat kisses.'' It's always amazing to me when I do a lesson about proverbs that different cultures have maxims that say the same thing with different words and analogies. For example, we say ''Good things come in small packages.'' A student from Puerto Rico told me ''The best perfume comes in s

...small bottles.''----hmmm...I don't know what happened to my post.

Hola y'all....Took a break to record a tape for class and always delighted to come back and find some more names on the blog.

Well, on the one hand, I wanted Carlos to be right because then the end to Santiago's heartbreak over his lost child would be coming to an end (and I figure he could ALWAYS resist Paulina). And you notice, I'm not too worried about his current separation from Candy. I don't think she's the right woman for him anyway.

But on the other hand, now I don't feel so bad about my AC/DC memory. There are strange blanks. And sometimes I don't remember things....other times I evidently make up things. Memory (and I know it's not just mine) is not as reliable as we like to tell ourselves.

Now...on to French maids (Jeff! you rascal...I know where your mind is going...have to admit those outfits are great...)

and Paula..."kisses don't last but cookin' do". Absolutely but darn, wish they both lasted and that romance was as sizzling as our good casseroles up until the last breath. (On the other hand, after last week, I KNOW I sure don't ever want to be pregnant again).

Judy, let me add my welcome back to the list! Great recap, too. You didn't miss a thing.

- I wished that Patricio would have asserted his property rights and ordered Candy to leave when she barged in. Particularly irritating when the boys were enjoying their ice cream and La Reina Suprema decided they needed to study instead. Always with the little power games, eh?

- The beeping associated w/ Ultimos Dias getting on your "last nerve!" That's too perfect. Hey Paula, have you kept in touch w/ any diddybops? I'd be interested to know if that's actual Morse or just some random whacking on a key. (Does anyone remember the old post-nuclear-holocaust movie "On the Beach" with the random Morse transmission?)

- It is completely mystifying why Lucia gives Federico the time of day. Still young enough to find a "bad boy" to be hot, I guess.

Violet...good to hear from you. Hope your summer is relaxing. Isn't Cuidado just about driving you around the bend!? We rant and rave here over the annoyances of Tontas but it's nothing compared to what's going on there. If it weren't for the closeups of Juan Miguel's lips I wouldn't even look at the last 5 minutes!

Susanlynn...interesting note about that proverb..."good perfume comes in small bottles" eh? That would suit you well. I loved your stories about playground woes and being petite and having to handle those ruffians. Don't miss elementary school rec time at all, I must say. Or some of the things that went on in the school bus.

Hombre...yes, Guadalajara sounds like a muy peligroso place, given all the plot twists. Have you ever traveled to Mexico? I've never been south of the border but I must say I love all the shots of the city. Even if there was some wheeling and dealing to ensure the story was filmed there, I think I've enjoyed that aspect the most. A nice change from Mexico City.
* * *

Mike, wow...On the Beach. That was quite a movie. And I remember reading the book at a very young age when I was shocked by some of the scenes (but intrigued as well...is that what adult life is going to be like?). Will be interested to see what Paula thinks about the Morse code aspect of the tapping/beeping.

Y'know...Candy was annoying, marching the guys off from their parfaits but alas, that's typical mom behavior. Dad does the fun things. Mom makes 'em toe the line, brush their teeth and do their chores. But I agree, the fact that it all went so well for her just makes me want to gag. In real life, there would have been hell to pay!

Judy, I've been to Mexico twice, but both long before I was intereseted in Spanish. Once I crossed the border to Nuevo Laredo near Texas for the day, and once I spent a week in Cancun. But now that I'm learning Spanish, I'd love to go to a Spanish speaking country, although I may go to some other places before Mexico.

I also remember On the Beach, although since the movie came out in 1959 (I was 8), it's a little hazy. I think it totally freaked me out, and I probably had nightmares from it. I sort of remember reading the book, too, a few years later. Who knows if I even understood it?

Would it really have mattered so much if Candy had let them finish the ice cream first, before the studies????
I'm the one in our house to preach and direct the kids, but, I sure think ice cream tops studying any day!
Judy, I bet if the kids chose pictures of grandmas they would have picked warm and cozy with a plate of cookies instead of movie star glamor. I'm thinking of Mrs.Claus with lots of smiles and hugs.
I too prefer a husband who is faithful, supportative, kind and a hard worker. Looks are not very important in the day to day business of keeping a marriage and family together.
On the other hand, Jaime Camil is so adorable (as is Colunga), they are the stuff daydreams are made of!

Carrie L.

Good point Carrie...it's not like it was midnight. The kids would have had plenty of time to finish their parfaits and then get in lots of studying time.

Candy strikes me as one of those characters who's unhappy and therefore doesn't want anyone else to be happy either. She certainly does have a lot of self-defeating characteristics. And oh well, I just have to admit it...I DON'T LIKE HER. And I know Mike doesn't either. (Is this sounding like junior high?)

This comment has been removed by the author.

I still think Santi would be way happier with Chayo, if only that wouldn't mean the end of his friendship with Lalo. Actually, I'd like to see the two of them costar in a future telenovela. It could have lots of dancing and spunk.

Wow, for a bit there I was starting to get a sense of how Carpio and Nestor must have felt the other night on MEPS faced with the Padre's assembling congregation. I'm feeling a little safer now. Maybe I was channeling Captain Picard; wishing it and then thinking ,"make it so!" I really don't have a great deal of faith in that detective. I still cling to a feeble hope that I am right, but clearly the prospects seem to be dimming.


Hombre...well, yes, the movie was very poignant. So sad as the people reached out for whatever pleasure or meaning they could find before the big mushroom cloud reached their part of the world. (at least that's how I remember it but I'm the Queen of Hazy when it comes to memories.)

I daydream about going to school for a while in a Spanish-speaking country but I don't think it would be the same adventuresome fun that I had in my 20's when I was studying French. But who knows?

By the way, I loved your defense of the Santiago/Aurora scene on MEPS. Very sensitive and spot on. I didn't enjoy the scene but you pointed out, very effectively, the value and beauty of it. Bien hecho, amigo.

Julia...yeeeeesssss...of course Santiago would be happier with Chayo. Patricio would be happier with Chayo too. Any man would be better off with our sassy little gal than that whinging narcissist Candy (oops, is my bias showing?)
* * *

Carlos, loved your Captain Picard reference. I only saw a few Star Trek episodes but that actor had such a wonderful voice, anything he said sounded portentous and wise.

Hi Judy and everyone-Summer's going good, working, reading a lot and watching my Sox, walking the dog, and enjoying life. Birthday is Monday and my daughter just told me she is taking me back to NY for the weekend, see a few plays and have fun. Can't get better than that!

Yes, Cuidado is just getting so utterly ridiculous, I can't watch it for long. I flip back and forth (thank God for the remote) see Ana Julia and Amador and then JM posing as some other doctor and I have to stop watching. I do love William's lips also. I hope his next show is better than this one, and it started out so promising too! Welcome back to your peaceful life in Ohio!

We read On the Beach in high school. It was beautifully written but one of the saddest, bleakest books I ever read. Sad thing was the premise was an all too real stark potential reality. Truly the stuff of nightmares. A couple of years later I saw Dr. Strangelove which is one of my all time favorite movies. Similar message, a lot more fun.


Oh, how I'd love to see Camil and the Chayo actress dance together. Actually I'd love to see him dance with anyone who can actually dance. We just get to see little glimpses here and there, nothing more. But you can tell there's a dynamo waiting to get out. I just found out, he's never had a single dance lesson. That surprised me. He said the dancing comes with the Brazilian blood.

Oh yes, Dr. Strangelove. Wonder if that is running on the Turner Classic Film channel. Worth a revisit. Thanks for reminding me, Carlos.

And see what your one comment spun off, Mike. You've really got us going down another rabbit trail.

* * *
Violet, your summer sounds fun and exciting. And yes, it's a blessing to be back to the peace and calm of an all adult household.

Paula, Having been to Rio at Carnaval time (another story for another day) I can confirm that yes! it IS in the blood. Lord have mercy, I've never seen such dancing. It's literally intoxicating to be at one of the Schools of Samba. You feel like your brain has been pithed like a frog. Whew!

Wish I didn't have to go to work now...I'll catch you all later.

Have you ever seen Jackie Gonzales [Chayo] dance? Cap'n Sylvia and I were big fans when she was on [and won] Bailando por la boda de los Suenos [sp]. I always looked forward to those 2 hour Sunday might shows. Susana Gonzalos [Camila -Pasion] was also very good and came in second, I think. However, I think Sylvia and I had the same favorite , LIz Vega who played a hoochiekoochie gogo dancer on Puela de Pasiones. I'll bet you could find stuff on Youtube of Jackie [Chayo] dancing on Bailando.

Does anyone have any idea what happened to those two little dogs? It's as though the ground opened up and swallowed them up. I notice that the mangy cat-puppet is still around, but no little puppies. They could have been very consoling to Chava and Rocio during these past trying times. At least we could have had a Rainbow Bridge PSA. I hate it when there's not proper closure.


Carlos, thanks for remembering those dear little pups. Yes, they just let those contracts expire, didn't they? I'd much rather see those little rascals than that mangy (and frankly, scary) hand puppet.

Have to admit (hanging my head in shame here) that I shed many a tear when someone first showed me the Rainbow Bridge.

And I've probably already told this story, but when I gave a talk on hospital visitation and finished it with some pet stories, that's all anyone talked about after the presentation. They ALL had wonderful tales about the consolation, empathy and comfort of loving pets.

Down with creepy puppets and up with real live animals!

And an interesting PS...the wedding I'm attending this weekend has requested "no gifts"...just a donation, if we wish, to an animal shelter or pet rescue operation.

What a great idea, no wedding gift, just help some animals. Love that couple's generosity!

Paula, "I think we're running close to 50% male among the frequent posters. Any ideas why? " I think it might be more that there are less female posters here than just the higher percentage of males. :) Tontas may be getting most of male posters?? Maybe.

From last week, another thought on the episodes, were some of the Mexican episodes only a 30 minutes instead of an hour, maybe the last week? That may be why there are more episodes left than days of the week?


Hi again Violet. Yes, the gal, and her mother actually, both take in rescue dogs as does another student of mine. Generous-hearted people for sure. And since the couple are both in their 40's they have everything they need.

Although that being said, a friend of mine who got remarried in her 40's registered for gifts because she wanted new china! That blew me away. Like the contribution to animal rescue idea much better.

Jeff, I hadn't really thought about the male/female distribution thing until Paula brought it up. But yes, the percentage is about 50-50 just because we're a small group, relatively speaking. The 9 pm slot has always had the highest number of blogger/commenters.

Cuidado right now doesn't have any regular male commenters although I think Riberajoe and Randy of Seattle watch it from time to time and say something.

And some of our guys come and go. Anonymous #1 was a faithful viewer when we had that gorgeous actress playing the lead in Juan Querendon. And Mark from the Cleveland area watched Querida Enemiga with us and had a lot to say. But we haven't heard from him on this show.

However, we treasure each and every one of our readers and the comments are what make it for me. I never know what you all are going to say, but it usually cracks me up...and is often quite informative. I've learned a lot on this line, and not just about Spanish.

And when a "regular" disappears from the line, I often find myself wondering how they are and what they're doing. And hoping all is well, of course.

Judy, what nifty friends you have. Sometime back my secretary and her husband received an invitation which specified,"Cash preferred". Carlos

Jeff, I think you're right - we just have fewer females here. There are more males on MEPS, but many more female regulars.

I propose that the reason is Candy. She really is annoying, and perhaps she is more annoying to the women than to the men, so we've lost several women posters who gave up on the show, but we kept the men. Kinda' the Gardenia factor on MEPS - the women perceived her as bad and the men perceived her as good.

As for episodes, no, the Mexico count was all hour-long cap's. If they condense two into one, it will be this week. Maybe there will be two double-headers next week. We'll see.

BTW, regarding men and women posters, there is always the possibility of closet males. On TNW I know there is one male who posts with a gender-neutral name and people assume he's a she (yes, he's straight). He allows the illusion to continue. I'm sure we don't have that in our Tontas club, but I suspect it's fairly common on TN boards in general.

Yes, maybe there will be some double-headers next week and pre-empt Cuidado to try and get Cuidado to end on a Friday?

Candy and the other women are sweet. :) We mainly watched Tontas to see Jaime in another role after we had seen him when we watched the end of LFMB. Also, like to see some more comic, less serious, TNs. Of course, sometimes you get both, like FELS. ;)


I'm with you, Jeff. I like the lighter TNs too. Carrie has said the same. Also, as I've said many times, I love Camil's exuberance. I could watch him paint a fence. With the sound turned off. And a bag over his head.

Susanlynn, thank you for mentioning Bailando again. That remains my favorite dancing reality TV show ever. Jacki was adorable and what a dancer! I wonder why they don't have her dancing at all on this show? I like Julia's idea of pairing her with Santi in some sort of dancing TN. It would be awesome!

And yes, Liz Vega was by far the best dancer of the lot, male and female, but I remember how the judges always marked her down for her athletic style, especially Miss Cranky Pants Emma Pulida. As Mike says...Ptah!

Paula, just read your comment. Can I add:
...and wearing an apron, just an apron.

Jeff, I agree, but would add that the ladies here make me feel welcome and Hombre de M gives us a certain representation as well as welcome. As I refer often to Susanlynn, "It's an opportunity to hang out with the cool kids." Carlos

As a physician I simply can't pass up the password that came up after I sent my last post into the ether: COLON. So I'll share a personal detail, yesterday was the 40th anniversary of my graduation from medical school...Cash preferred. Carlos

Carlos, Felicidades!! Um, would you settle for a congratulatory shot of good bourbon in lieu of cash?

Fortuitous password, amigo. Once many years ago, the daily radio call sign for my wing was "Anise." You can guess how we pronounced it. At least one female controller made it clear she took exception.

Paula, well, I'm a guy and I can find no redeeming social value in the Candy character.

Cute actress, yes, but not a fan of anyone - fictional or real - whose favorite musical note is found between "re" and "fa".

Paula, I pass, afterall, I watched Mujer de Madera as well as I (heart) Miami. Sylvia, as Connie and Doris( over at MEPS) would say, "Ewww!" Jesus Lopez! Did I just say that? Time for bed. Carlos

Mike, muchas gracias, cuate, yes and yes. Carlos

Congratulations Carlos on your anniversary from graduating from medical school! Nighty night now.

ON PURPOSE??? Actually, I confess, I watched I Love Miami as well. Pretty awful, no? Although I did enjoy listening to Jaime speak English. But I couldn't bring myself to watch MdM. Not after all I heard about it. Ya' gotta' draw the line somewhere.

Whoa...I headed to bed early last night (babysitting gig catching up with me) and look at all the fun comments I missed! Glad Susanlynn's comment made me check. Wow.

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