Friday, June 05, 2009

Las Tontas Thursday 6/4 - The truth hides in your nightmare

Redux: Ali calls Mario to discuss their destiny but he's busy lounging half-clad in Pau's bed. Candy and Santi have dinner Chez Santi to tell the family they are getting married. Lu loves it and the little ones loathe it. Rocio breaks out in her convenient rash. Santi insists they will all be happy. Rocio scratches her reply.

Mario, now with a t-shirt but still fetching, compliments Pau. He's amorous and she's tired. She rudely pushes him away and he threatens to leave. "Whatever you want," she mutters. After he leaves she happily calls Ali, their plan worked and Mario should be calling soon.

Lu tries to calm Rashio, I mean Rocio. Santi gives her her pill and makes her smile by telling her that of course Chava will live with them and Papi needs her help decorating Chava's new room. Papi scores a goal.

Meanwhile, in the colorful house Candy tells Chava she and Santi are making the best decision. He's worried she'll stop loving him. He says this twice. Candy tries to reassure him but after she leaves he tells Merengue "you love me, but my mama no."

Pato plays with Patito and is interrupted by the phone. It's Candy to ask a favor. She wants him to take Chava to school. Pato can tell she's crying. It's that Chava is mad at her because she and Santi set their wedding date instead of succumbing to the little tyrants (my words not hers). "'s so hard to be a mother and a woman," (like she's the only one). Pat says he will try to talk to Chava then he rubs his face and moons for Candy.

Mario meets Ali for drinks. They flirt shamelessly and he strokes her arm. He can't believe she lives with a man who won't give her the time of day. He comments she's good enough to eat from head to toe (tu estas como para comerte de pies a cabeza) and if she gives him they chance he'd love to demonstrate...they kiss.

Santi tosses and turns in bed. He dreams that Interpol brings his son to him but it turns out to be Patito. "What kind of sick joke is this?" Suddenly Pat comes to claim his son and takes him away while Santi yells for clarification. He awakens from his strange nightmare in a cold sweat.

Next a.m. at Candy's house of miracles Candy complains to Babs that Chava is sad living with her. Barb cheers her up, "the kids will come around, a happy house makes kids happy."

Santi is at office seeing some poor kid that broke his nose playing soccer. Santi tries to cheer the kid up by saying he can operate right away and give him the nose of Sebastian Rulli or Tom Cruise. The kid looks like he wants to cry. I don't know why this scene was included.

The three children talk at school. Beto is tired because Patito cried all night. Chava is sad because his mama doesn't love him. Rocio says she knows something that will cheer him up, however Chava is determined to be sad.

Santi tells Lalo about his weird nightmare. Lalo asks could Patito be Santi's son and Patricio stole him? Santi acts like he's coughing up a hairball then he mocks Lalo, what a crazy idea! He has a plan, he'll steal the kid because he'll be a lot happier with Santi than with Pat, ha ha...ha? Lalo coughs up his own hairball and tells Santi not to obsess about Patito. They both start to sing the theme song from Fuego en la Sangre, "Vale mas..."

Santi can't stand it so he pays a visit to Pat. He, uh, happened to pass by and thought he'd say Hi to his godson (ahijado). Passing by from the other side of town? Pato knows Santi's full of it.

Santi's dying to hold Patito and Pat complies. Santi never looks happier than when he's holding and bonding with Patito. Santi asks Pato's advice on how to decorate Chava's new room. Pato advises Santi that Chava loves animals. He likes Giraffes in particular.

Looks like Art and the judge are in bed together figuratively speaking. "I'm at your service," says the smarmy judge as he and Art shake hands.

Over at Santi's he, Don and Roc are getting Chava's new room ready for him. Rocio wields a mean paint roller. Many split scenes with Santi painting the walls a solid color and Roc painting pictures, then they are all painting and rolling over each others' graffiti. They lie on the floor and admire their work. The final's a complete mess and Roc pronounces it perfect. Suddenly she says "segunda mano?" and they jump up to start painting again. (This confused me because I thought segunda mano meant "second hand" so I'm not sure what the context is here.)

Pat drives his two older sons home from school. Beto misses his mom and Chava is slightly crabby. Pat asks Chava why the long face? Chava thinks Candy will marry and abandon him like Sole did to Beto. Pat gives him a pep talk and sets him straight, Santi is not a mala onda and he'll prove it. Pat cheers them up by driving like a crazy man. Not very safe but my grandpa used to do that with my sis and me and we absolutely loved it.

Santi and Roc are exhausted and resting on Chava's new bed; Donato brings Chava up with his eyes covered. Rocio is excited for him to see his room. Uno, dos, tres..."It's incredible!" Chava pronounces. OMG Santi kept saying Clopp-err and he means The Clapper. The lights turn off and on with clapping, he's got lava lamps too! Cool! Chava is as impressed as I am. Donato is pretty excited too and Santi keeps calling him Niño Donato. Funny.

It's an intergalactic super electra-especial room with a big screen behind the bed. Chava tells Roc a secret, "but we don't want them to get married." Rocio asks her papa to help. Santi explains to Chava that he doesn't want to replace Chava's family, he wants them to have a family in addition to his other one, it will be a family full of unconditional love and understanding. Will Chava be cool with that? Chava tells her another secret. "Chava says yes!" shrieks Rocio.

Now it's Beto's turn; he asks Pat why the long face? Pat kind of explains about Candy and Beto says "don't be sad I love you a lot." They agree to cheer each other up whever one of them gets sad. Pat hits the gas again.

Over at the instituto Chayo and Candy are talking. They are interrupted by cacaphony in the halls. Candy can't believe her ears, Santi and Chava together? Santi, Luc, Roc and Chava want to tell her something. They've decided they are cool with the marriage. Chava says Santi can be his friend and his papa won't be mad. Santi does the happy dance. The guys buddy punch and all is OK because Chava wants to live in his new room.

Lalo intercepts Chayo on her way out. He wants to be with her but she has to go to class. He'll go with her! She tells him not to say stupidities, he's just jealous, outta the way, bye.

More noise in the halls and it seems all the ladies are wearing red outfits today. Meño is thrilled at the news, lots of fast talking and fun. Santi kisses Candy and makes the kids giggle.

Chayo walks with Osvaldo complaining about her husband while Lalo obviously stalks them. Chayo sees him right away. They duck behind a stairwell until Lalo scurries by.

Santi and Candy take Chava over to Pat's house. Chava explains to Pat that he wants his mama to be happy, isn't that what Pat wants too, verdad papa? "Uh...I think if you're happy I'm happy" hedges pat. Santi wants to visit his godson, Pat says he's sleeping, Santi tries to insist and Candy pulls him away, "you really like that kid don't you?"

At the restaurant Meño tells Sven and Ole that he has news that's finger licking good, he yells for Greg. Great news, Chava and Rocio are behind the wedding!!

Beto draws a super hero for his dad. His superhero has wings and people cannot tell lies in front of him. He and Pat design the superhero costume.

Lalo looks for Chayo and he tries to solicit the help of some students. They guys tell Lalo she's probably with the teacher, they always hang out together. Doh!!!

Chayo and Prof go to the library and catch Lalo peeping at them through the window. Chayo wants to confront him but the prof tells "Chayito" not to act like the hysteria they are studying, she should just calm down and try to forget about their peeping pal (cuate).

Santi and Candy are still making out. Oh, they're kissing goodbye. She asks if he's going straight home and he laughs, "No I'm going to a strip bar first ha ha ha." Candy forces a laugh and I'm wondering will she end up catching him with a stripper or something? This episode has been way too happy so we know the anvil of anger and misunderstanding is about to drop.

She calls her mom to say she wants to invite Santi to eat so they can celebrate. She puts a pic of her and Santi on the desk so it's official...official that the anvil will drop that is.

Santi advises Rocio that although he doesn't support mediocrity it's not the end of the world if she gets an 8 or 9 from time to time. She wants straights 10s. Santi comments sometimes she's a sangroncita, meaning she's a little full of herself, uptight, stuck up. The phone rings and of course it's mami dearest. ("Hola mami" Santi mocks behind her back. He's funny!) Rocio says her mami isn't feeling well and wants to see her. Papi says no, Rocio scratches while smiling impishly, Santi tells her to quit faking her rash, Papi knows he's being played but agrees anyway.

Candy, all dressed up and ready to surprise Santi, arrives at his place by taxi just as he leaves. She laughingly follows his car. This will end badly.

Meanwhile Lalo goes to a bar to drink and complain about his wife. He tries to call Chayo, cries into the phone, and vows he won't let his woman treat him like that. He straightens his tie, spies a hottie and starts to wink at her.

Pau pretends to be sick so Santi will touch her tender head. Of course Candy arrives just then and instead of jumping out of the taxi, jumps to conclusions. Why is Santi fondling his ex-wife? When Candy finally gets out of the taxi it's too late, they have already gone inside and Candy sees their silhouette. She thinks she sees Santi and Pau kissing. Kerplunk! The anvil has fallen.


hee, I didn't record tonight so the only thing I saw was the kerplunk of the anvil and I'm thinking, que the heck? How did we get here? For Pete's sakes, just when we thought we were done with all the silliness. It's back. I can't wait to see the room and the happy dance. I'm sure you tube won't do it justice.

Funny recap....:)

Thank you, Sylvia, for the recap. It was such a feel-good episode that I sustained a feel-good grin through the whole thing (except of course the anvil). And reading your recap, the grin came back. Thank you for the pleasure.

Good morning. Yes it was a pretty joyful episode until kerplunk, just another silly telenovela misunderstanding that makes you laugh. If Candy had been paying attention she would know Santi doesn't even like Pau. A lot can happen in two weeks...

Chava's new room was awesome. For once a Tontas miracle cure made sense. The only real miracle was how they were able to transform the room so quickly without a team of painters.

Very funny, excellent recap, Sylvia. You got me laughing early with,"Rocio scratches her reply." Urticaria can be a real problem and very frustrating for both pt. and Dr. One of my pts. spent a fortune on her urticaria, even getting her husband to take her to the Mayo Clinic. Several thousand dollars later, I received a report from a Dr. at the M.C. diagnosing her as having urticaria of undetermined etiology and wishing me luck in taking care of her. Thanks guys.

Speaking of frustration, that last scene of silhouettes on the shade (there's a catchy song title for you) sent my spirits plunging. To the writers, thanks guys.


Thanks for the recap Sylvia, getting close to the end. Gran final 2 weeks from today on the 19th. Patito is calling to Santi, they may put 2 and 2 together very soon, maybe that dream isn't quite so crazy?

Lalo getting ready to jump off the Chayo bandwagon again...darn.

Santi scoring some goools! tonight with the kids.

Somewhat surprised to see that Mario was in bed with Pau. So much for getting rid of him? Not sure how that plan will work for her either.

The other day with Pau offering to help Candy with the wedding, I was thinking there would be one time where Pau would grab Santi and plant one on him right when Candy shows up and try for a replay of Candy's wedding with Pato. Looks like that misunderstanding started last night. Not sure who was in that window. Didn't seem like Candy ran off right away, so maybe misunderstanding ends first minute or so tonight.


Hi Sylvia...Baby Jack's down for a nap, Kate's at morning camp and my daughter Julie who's down here helping me (my hubby went back home...too stressful)is down sick with a sinus infection. Hey, it's just like the old days. Feeling like a "single grandmom" but we're doing okay.

Jack is bearing up but keeps looking at the family picture on the wall and whimpering as if to say "where's mom and dad"...but then he moves on.

Wonderful to be able to read the recaps (figured out how to work laptop they left behind yesterday evening) and will look forward to maybe watching some episodes when I get back if Andy recorded them.

Good title and I too loved "Rocio scratches her reply". You always come up with something memorable, amiga.

Thank you Sylvia!
I love Meno's colorful house but know there is no way I could get away with it here.

I'm guessing that was Mario kissing Pau in the window? Now Candy thinks it's Santi and will she cancel the wedding?

Just when things are settling down and happiness is around the corner, another anvil drops. It's getting tiresome.

Chava's room was terrific. It's amazing what they could do all by themselves in one short afternoon. No matter, it's a room my sons would have dreamed of.

Nice to hear from you Judy!

Carrie L.

Thanks, Sylvia, for a very fun and funny recap.

I was thinking it was Mario and Alicia in the window, but what would they be doing at Paulina's house?

It's funny how with everything Pat said about Chava liking animals, they went with the spaceship theme. Also, amazing how they got all the electronics set up so fast. Telenovela magic!

That Arturo is terrible. Even after he's retired, he can't stop doing illegal things, like paying off a judge. And the judge - shame on him!

The Ed-Chayo thing is frustrating, but I think they just want to give Ed lots of payback before he and Chayo finally reconcile for good (I think).

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I think the reason Pau invited Mario to her apt was to warm him up for Alicia. He had easily picked up Ali in the bar the night before, but would he call her back for a second date? After Pau warmed him up and then cut him off, she knew he'd go straight to Alicia.

As for the silhouettes on the shade, Ali couldn't pass for Paulina - their proportions are far too different. But Mario and Santiago are close enough in height and build.

If it is Mario, he's such a fool. She's playing him like a yoyo and he keeps coming back every time she gives a yank. She's hot then cold.
* Cold: Get lost or I'll tell Gabino you killed Rocky.
* Hot: Come meet me.
* Cold: At the grave, she's screaming "Kill him! Kill him!"
* Hot: After Santi ordered him off the property, Pau calls him to meet her for drinks
* Cold: She stands him up, and he meets Ali instead.
* Hot: She calls him over to her house and they wind up in the bedroom.
* Cold: She kicks him out, yelling, "Don't touch me!"

And now, assuming the silhouette is Mario, it means she has called him again, and he has come running again. Should he be dubbed "oMario the Imbecile"? I can understand being persistant and pursuing your goals, but he should have taken the clue when she was yelling, "Kill him! Kill him!"

For sure Paula, that's what I've been thinking all the time, too. Mario, she wanted him to kill you!!! She really did. Mario mentioned yesterday that she saved him from Gabino, but she really wanted that trigger pulled before that.

Yesterday you mentioned perhaps two hours on the last night, would you happen to know if that is 2 new hours or like many have been, reshow the Thursday show and then 1 new hour?


Final episodes count. I'll refer to the Mex cap #s (#126 Mex = #128 US). If we start the count on Monday:
Monday is #128.
The finale is #139.
So they have to fit 12 cap's into 10 air days. And I'm not counting #140, the four alternate endings.

My best guess (it's only a guess) is that they'll condense something next week so they'll fit six cap's into five air days. That will buy them one extra day. And they'll put #138 and 139 on finale Friday. That will buy the other air day.

Or, Plan B, they could condense three shows into one next week (trust me, they could), and then Finale Friday would be #139 and #140, which are the actual finale, and the four alternate endings.

The boy with the broken nose. Santi said he could give him a nose like S. Rulli or Tom Cruise. I think he should get a nose like Fernando Colunga since he'll need it for his next role. (The actor played the child-version of Colunga in MEPS which started in Mex after Tontas finished.)

Hombre, I'm thinking that the judge may be setting Artie up for a little surprise. After all he didn't accomplish what Artie wanted. Of course I could be wrong, but the judge seemed just a bit too calm and confident last night. I hope, in fact that you get to chronicle Artie's downfall tonight.


That's right Paula, forgot about that. I did see that boy was young Eduardo (MEPS).
Carlos, you think Art may go down? Seems like tonight would be too early. I guess I am confused at what could be accomplished now anyway. The divorce was completed, right? About all that could happen is that the judge could say Chava has to be with Pato, but... Seems to me, Pato and Candy can say, doesn't matter what you say judge. We'll keep things the way they are. If both parties agree, I don't see how anything the judge would say could matter?
Perhaps the judge was confident because the divorce completed, but he still got his money. :)


Hi everyone! Wow, I didn't even recognize futbol boy as young Eduardo from MEPS. Duh...

I assumed that the silhouette was Santi innocently feeling Pau's lymph glands or something. I guess we'll find out tonight, I have yet to see the episode.

Judy, great to hear from you!

I like Jeff's theory about why the judge is happy. Art needs a smack down. Where is Gregoria's girlhod sweetheart? Is this yet another story line that fizzles out?

Oops, looks like I was wrong.

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