Tuesday, June 02, 2009

MEPS, June 2nd - Santiago Sees Dead People, Denia Rolls Snake Eyes, and Coming to a Theater Near You: "When Stable Hands Strike Back!-Part 1"

Capitulo 76 –

From last night: Babs gives Franco and Pow-where Meeelk the ol’ heeve ho. He doesn’t understand Babs attitude. She says since he has deposited the $3 million to Rebecca Sanchez’ account, like he said he would, the deal is off. He asks if she has a way of viewing the accounts.

Santiago and Fernanda arrive at the morgue to see if one of the unidentified bodies is Aurora. Santiago is inconsolable.

A waiter brings a laptop into the private suite at the race track for Fr/Ed and Babs to look up the accounts. Fr/Ed tells her to look in Rebecca Sanchez’ account. It shows the most recent deposit of $1.5 million dollars. Before she looks into Grupo Lactos Interolerance’s account, he tells her that if she finds the rest of the money they agreed upon in the other account, then what about their deal? Babs looks flustered.

Morgue lady tells Santiago and Fernanda they can’t take fingerprints to identify the bodies because they’ve been so badly burned. Off he goes to see dead people, Nanda stays behind.

OMG, Franco has deposited $10 million in Grupo Lactos’ account just this morning. BarBecky pours on the fake apologies and tears, begging forgiveness. She tells him she’s committed the worst mistake of her life, she lost hope. She’s had sooo much to deal with, she says. The business going down the tubes, Fernanda’s marriage falling apart, her own marriage in crisis, yada, yada, yada. All of a sudden the tears dry up and she asks if there’s anyone else in her family that knows he deposited the money. He tells her she’s the only one that knows, and that’s because he thought she’d want to be the one to give the family the news. Eddie looks almost like he’s having fun playing with Barbie this way! She asks if after all this and her stupidity if he’s going to cancel the deal. He says no, on the contrary, if she meets two of his conditions, he’s prepared to give Grupo L 3 times the amount they originally agreed on. Now she’s all ears. He says the first condition is to attend the fiesta at her house with her family and he hands her the invitation. Fine, she says, what’s the second condition? Franco wants a vote and a seat on the Board of Grupo Lactos. Babs no es Happy!

Santiago returns with the news that Aurora was not one of the dead bodies. He says he’s going to find her, she has to be alive.

The truck with the 2 goons and Gardenia is barreling down a dirt road.

Richie Cunningham aka Esteve Nor-Tone and Jass-into are in Fr/Ed’s office. Esteve is renting a car. J-Ass, who’s always a little late to catch on, wants to know why he’s in charge of Gonzo’s car. Esteve scolds him for calling him Senor Nor-Tone and boosts Jacinto’s ego by telling him he’s Ricardo’s bestest friend ever – practically like brothers. Esteve asks Jacinto if it’s true that he’s got really bad scars on his back that Cadmilho gave him and that he never hit Cad back because he was the bosses’ son. Esteve goes on to explain that now he’ll be able to pay Cadmilho back for all his mistreatment. Esteve gets a chuckle out of Jacinto’s response to his English. (Jacinto definitely is the straight man here – straight man as in comedy!)

Santi and Fern return to the exploded cantina. They see Aurora’s bolsa and in his best Dr. Frankenstein impression he begins screaming, “She’s Alive! She’s Alive!”

Now Jass-into is pretty mad, screaming at Esteve about all this being Cadmilho’s fault. Esteve has to talk Jacinto into the plan. Esteve explains they have to teach Cad a lesson, and they also have to find out what Cad was looking for at Las Animas. Jacinto will also be taking a copy of Gonzo’s car insurance found in the car to make his point with Cad about who’s really the boss now! But Jacinto has to be careful to leave Franco out of the whole thing.

AnyBalls, Barb and Gonzo are congratulating each other after seeing the $10 million account balance in the bank. AnyBalls is gushing over how great Franco is – I think if Franco wanted to have AnyBalls baby like Prisci did, at this point AnyBalls is so in love with Franco that he wouldn’t have to be taken to see the high class prostitutes! Babs tells them about the big party in honor of the business deal.

Fr/Ed goes to see Graciela Palafox.

AnyBalls is on the phone telling somebody they can go ahead with the construction of the Cheese Factory. Enter Vlad to tell AnyBalls he’s going out to eat. Vlad looks weirded out and Babs wants to know what Damian’s friend is doing working there. Babs says she doesn’t trust him. AnyBalls says he’s taken precautions.

Vlad goes to get Florecita for lunch. She calls him “Vladi”, and asks if the lunch invitation is sincere. Vlad says it’s not an invitation, he’s begging. Florecita practically keels over with joy hearing this.

Franco is speaking with Simple Simon, Son of Ciro (say that 5 times fast!). He explains he’s a friend of dear old dads.

The goons are out in the middle of nowhere with Gardenia and they call Artemio Bravo for further instructions. He tells them to find out what she knows about what Manzanares found out about Franco Santoro and if she doesn’t want to talk, make her talk. She asks if Lucio sent them. Lucio quien? The Goon with the Brains tells her their friends of Rene Manzanares to make her feel more comfortable, and they only thing they want to know is what Manzanarez found in Fr/Ed’s house.

Enter Des-Graciela Palafox. Fr/Ed says he’s there because of the box Lili has. He explains that it was his families box. Franco asks if there were any papers in the box. Des-Graciela denies knowing anything about what he’s talking about. Simple Simon whispers in Mommy’s ear and she says now that her son refreshed her memory, she remembers there was a paper in the box but she can’t give it to him.

The Goon has a painful hold on Gardenia’s face, but she tells him she doesn’t know anything about what Manzanares found out. They don’t believe her. Karma’s a bitch Denia!

Vlad and Florecita chat at lunch about Grupo Lactos and the Elizalde Family. Vlad asks why AnyBalls is so happy today. Flor tells him it’s because of the deal the family made with a company from the United States and they received a lot of money today.

Desgraciela says the person whose name is on the paper knows where Ciro’s fortune is and it’s probably worth millions of dollars, and nobody but she and her son are entitled to this money. They think Ciro left all his money to Liliana. Graciela says if she doesn’t have the papers to Ciro’s fortune then she must know who does. She says she’ll give Franco his paper once he gets all the info on Ciro’s fortune out of Lili.

Goon #2 goes back to the truck to try to get more info out of Denia. The goons are playing good cop-bad cop with her now. She insists she knows nothing. Goon #2 leaves the truck.

Jassinto goes to see Cadmilho. Jass wants Cad to get off the horse to talk, but Cad’s not moving. Jassinto shows Cad the paper and if he wants to know what it is he’s got to get down off the horse.

The Goons put a bag with a big rattlesnake in the truck and lock Denia in.

Cad gets down off the horse and tells Jassinto that if this isn’t important he’s going to “marcar la cara” – mark up his face (with the whip I’m sure). Cad takes the paper out of Cinto’s hand. He sees what it is and wants to know where Jacinto got and why he has it. Cad yells at Jacinto that this has nothing to do with him and Jacinto threatens to take the rest of the papers to Franco Santoro.

Flor and Vladi return from lunch. He says he hopes they go again soon and kisses her hand. Florecita is plotzing at her desk.

At the Gym, Prisci is taking a Pilates class, when Vladi calls her. He wants to know how she and his baby are. He tells her Grupo Lactos isn’t broke anymore.

Cadmilho wants to know why Jacinto hasn’t told Franco Santoro. He says he didn’t want to lose his opportunity to do business directly with Cad. AnyBalls pulls up and gives the news to Cad about the $10 million from Franco. Cad eyeballs Jacinto suspiciously. After they leave, Jacinto thinks to himself, “I’m The Man, Man!”

Goons are back to see if Denia’s ready to talk and threaten to leave her alone with the snke again if she doesn’t. She’s ready to spill the frijoles now. She tells them that Manzanares found out that Franco Santoro is not his real name, his real name is . . . . Stay Tuned for tomorrow’s capitulo!!!


Great snarky recap, Melissa! LOVED your title.

The money being deposited, while it was fun watching Babs' face, was sort of abrupt. They left out the whole part where he proved his identity and GOT the money. I was quite surprised Babs told the Elizaldes about it. When she asked if she was the only one who knew, I was wondering if she'd send it to Rebeca Sanchez instead. But, that would have blown her cover pretty quickly.

I thought when Jacinto was talking with Camilo he threatened him with taking the rest of the papers to Gonzalo Elizalde, instead of Franco Santoro.

Frankly, I was thinking OK, let's let the snake bite Denia and be done with her. Her overacting in the kidnapping scenes isn't doing it for me. FF>> And, I'm sure they've got some clever plot maneuver to keep her from spilling the frijoles tomorrow. But I'm sick to death of her, even sicker than Ferro is of Abora.

Poor Florcita. 16 years working for the arrogant Elizaldes and smarmy Vlad is going to ease her on out of there because of his obsession with a woman who wishes he'd drop dead.

I Think this is Capitulo #76.

Good for Jacinto in gradually getting one up on Camilo.

I like Gardenia and she must be saved.


Thanks, Melissa. Great title. So, Franco is throwing more money at Beckybabs. Loved Esteve's outfit...Que ??? I appreciated the Richie Cunningham comparison. Now what name will Gardy supply for Fr/ed ? Esteve Norton ? I don't think she's a quick thinker. I feel sorry for poor Floe getting dragged into this messy mess. While the world crumbles, Pris is busy with her Pilates, and what's Dam doing with all his free time ...rearranging Vladi's furniture...watching novelas ...working on those biceps ?

Thanks for the recap Melissa. I missed quite a bit because my dog was barking at me for half an hour because she wanted to eat. If I don't put her in her kennel before the show comes on she drives me crazy.

I hate snakes. I had my feet scrunched up in the chair just like Gardenia. Yuck!

I thought Jacinto was going to pop a blood vessel when he was talking to Cadmil-ho. I hope someday Jacinto gets to smack him with a whip.

Raining and 57 here today. Sunday it was in the 90's. Makes my head hurt.

Melissa, the snarkiest one yet! Thank you.
Hasn't this been the absolutely oddest business negotiation/transaction ever? Franco dealing with Babs, then Fer, then Babs, then Fer, never with the owner, never a real agreement, never a piece of paper signed, and suddenly a pile of money deposited in the accounts. And what was with the balance in R.S.'s account- $5M, with Franco's $1.5M having been deposited. Wasn't there , like $167M that she put there earlier? And bothe the balances are in such perfect numbers $10,500,000 in intolerance's; $5,000,000 in RS's, no odd amounts, no interest payments. Oh well. Babs is in kind of a tough spot now. What's she gonna tell Ciggy? He is not going to be pleased with the Powhere Meelk deal having been done. What's the deal with this cheese factory? It thought that the work being done was the repair to the pastuerization plant for the damage done by Damian.
Ya think Jacinto hates Cad? I'm wondering how he will get his final revenge on him. I doubt that it will be violent, but it will be satisfying. I, too thought that Jacinto threatened to echar los frijoles a Gonzo about the car. At least, for once, he's in the driver's seat.
All you Denia haters- does she really deserve this? I really wonder what they are going to do with her after they get their info.

Great recap Melissa. Very funny. A couple of things were a bit confusing to me. Camilla seemed to just abandon his horse in the corral, still bridled and saddled, and drove away in the car with Anibal. Did he expect Jacy to take care of it for him?

Santiago seemed to be reassured by Aurora's purse that she is alive and safe. What?

Jacy said he doesn't smoke to Esteve, but I don't think that Esteve mentioned anything about smoking. May I'm not paying close attention.

It looked to me like there were 2 snakes. A genuine rattler and a stunt snake. I hope the don't get them mixed up.


I think Denia will give a fake name to those goons. I think she'll get away, but how? Maybe the Calvery will ride up the horizon.


Carlos- I wondered about the "no fumo", too. I watched it twice, and all I could figure was that Jacinto was supposed to be confused by something that Esteve had said in english, but I didn't get it.
Maybe Cad's horse will follow Jacinto back to las Animas, and Cad will be w/o hooves as well as wheels...

Fr/Ed started the business dealings with Anibal before Babs took over. I was trying to catch how much money Rebeca Sánchez had in her acct. but I couldn't catch it.

Some business dealings, no papers signed, no repayment plan. I would think that Fr/Ed would have made the agreement to be on the board before parting with $11,500,000. Oh well, we know he's going to come out on top.

Those board meetings s/b fun, Fer & Fr/Ed vibes, Foggy Gonzo, bitchy Babs, conniving Anibal, gilipolla Camilo, not sure what to call Vladimir at this point.

Hi guys. I original thought Jacinto said he was going to tell Gonzo also, but after thinking about it, he said he was going to tell his Patron - well his Patron is now Fr/Ed. Also, Esteve told Jacinto to make sure that Cad thought Franco didn't know anything about it, so it sorta ties in with Jacinto says he's going to tell Santoro. They want Cad to be afraid that if Franco finds out he'll back out of the business deal, leaving the Elizalde's broke. But maybe I'm wrong.

Ibarramedia - thanks for the reminder on the Cap #. I changed it.

The whole strange exchange between Esteve and Jacinto about the smoking was supposed to be comedy. Jacinto does "get" anything Esteve says in English.

Dorado - I noticed that about Rebecca Sanchez' account also. She was supposed to have had over $100 million in there?

Thanks for the recap, Melissa. I have a hard time understanding some of the dialogue when they don't pronounce their words clearly, and this really helps.

I had to hit the mute when Gardenia was screaming over the snake. I would have wet my pants. I hate snakes.

I’m confused on a few levels:

--I thought Santiago went to see if Dominga was dead. Is she, or isn’t she?

--Why on earth did FrEd give $10Mil to Babs? I must have missed an episode.

Doris I think it was some kind of "finders fee" type thing. You hooked us up so we're going to give you a little something, something for your trouble.

Doris- Dominga is definitely toast, at least they are leading us to believe that, as well as Jairo.
Eddy gave Lactos $10M, he gave Babs $1.5M (right amt?) as a sweetener (mordida/bribe) to suck her in to the deal. He offered her that when he started dealing with her some time ago, just now paid up.

Thanks everyone for helping me out with the $10mil. I missed that somewhere. My brain is still a half pear floating in red jello, from FELS. This is a typical South American telenovela, lots of dialogue, and I have a hard time keeping up and understanding. FELS was one of the easiest. Their dialog consisted of Juan lines, Sofi lines, and repetition ad nauseum. (ack)

Doris, Santi went to the morgue to look at three bodies that still remained unidentified. He thought one of them could be Aurora. They weren't. I also don't know how Aurora's purse being left behind further convinced them that Aurora was alive, but it did. Barbara

Thanks for the recap, Melissa.

I think Cigarman told Carpio that if Gardenia doesn't talk "liquidate" her. So I'm a little worried for her. But not too much. She's an important character, and they have to have her around for the letters, the rivalry with Fernanda, the tendency to talk too much, etc. Can't wait to see how she gets out of it. Remember, she almost told Lucio the secret, but was saved at the last minute by Jacinto's shovel. Could he save her again?

I guess Santiago's thinking was that if Aurora's bag was not burned, neither was she (not perfect logic, since the other day she left her bag in another room long enough for Babs to take the handkerchief, which BTW, she never noticed it to be missing).

Thanks Melissa for your very enjoyable recap. I hate to sound like a broken record to you Santiago fans, but he drives me crazy with his idiotic expressions. Like I said yesterday, as far as he knows Aurora loves someone else. Yet, he's persueing her like nothing happened to their relationship. Nanda has enough problems without Santiago dumping his problem with Aurora on her. Too bad he doesn't have a running buddy to confide in.

Thought you might find this site interesting on Mexican food, mainly Yucatán. I had never heard of castacán, so did a search & found this.


Alice I sooooooooo agree with you. I couldn't stand Meester James and I can't stand Santiago. His exaggerated acting(?) is irritating to say the least. And I'm sure Fernanda is thinking, "if this bozo sobs on my shoulder one more time, I'm going to deck him."

Count me in on the Santiago-Not-A-Fan Club. The guy drives me insane. I didn't see Meester James, but he bugs me on Las Tontas also. He does make weird faces and expressions. His eyes bug out and he totally overdoes it. Yuck.

Hombre, yes, Ciggy did tell them to liquidate her if she doesn't talk, but didn't say what to do if she did sing. She is too important to eliminate from the cast, so, she either talks and they spare her, or gets rescued. These guys are tough, ruthless pros, so my guess is she talks, than walks.

Count me among those that are irritated by Santi and his overacting, etc. he would be so much better if he throttled back on the expressions. I'll bet that Sylvia would appreciate it if Carlos would do the same, tho he does make her acting look good in comparison in these scenes.

Melissa- be thankful that you didn't see him as meester james. He has "matured" since DA.

Just one question: If the bodies in the mudbar are so charred that they can't even get fingerprints, how is Santiago able to know who they are or who they are not?

Perhaps Dominga's black socks somehow weren't burned, and that's how Santiago identified her!

Estoy de acuerdo on Santiago. His expressions of joy or pain are WAY overacted. He might have been good in silent movies.

Suspended disbelief or beanies...take your pick, but you must choose one if you plan to stay with this show. So many things just do not make sense. The Bad Love Bar and Grill goes up in a blaze of glory and is gone forever and everything has turned to cinders , but Santi could tell that Aurora was not one of those bodies. I don't think so. I couldn't stand Meester James and Elmo [Santi] is equally annoying. I think that this actor is always cast as the comic relief. Whaever happened to the 43 mil that was always being talked about ? Fr/ed decided to up the sum to $10 mil...Why ? Also, I, too, am wondering what happened to that much larger amount that was in Rebecca Sanchez's account. I am confused.

Melissa: Perfect title and recap. Great to see Jacinto have the upper hand with Cad for once. I miss Lili and Martina...Hope they return shortly.

Diana in MA

I think he upped the ante to $10M to put pressure on La Hiena. It would be difficult to deny Franco Santoro's involvement in the company, including a seat on the board, if he ponied up that much.

I need to get a new beenie. this one is getting too small.

I feel like elaborating on my Denia comments. Those of you who like the character think those of us who don't are "haters". And my comment, really meant in jest, that she get bitten by the snake seemed harsh. Hyperbole, guys!

I am fully aware that standard TN structure has some "other woman" than the telenovia in hot pursuit of the galan. And she NEVER gives up, tries every dirty trick in the book, refuses to face reality that the guy is in love with the female protagonist, etc. So this poor actress got cast as that woman. And, admittedly she's not as rotten as some of these "other women". She does get on my nerves, but I really don't think she's going anywhere until close to the end of this TN, probably finally giving Freduardo the letters and falling in love with someone else, maybe a character who hasn't been introduced yet.

Great recap, great title Melissa. I'm wondering how in control Jacinto really is with Cad? If they report the car as stolen, Jacinto shows up with papers, seems like they can easily pin the car stealing on Jacinto. Just my thought. Didn't seem like a good idea to me. Seemed like Esteve was setting up Jacinto to take a fall? :)

Earlier in the show, I was liking Santiago better than other times I have seen him. Now, I am getting Meester James flashbacks as he is channeling Meester James more and more.

Will Denia spill the beans? Even if she does, she has to figure out they'll do her in anyway.
About Denia, if anyone is interested, she is on Mariana de la Noche at Noon CDT and she is... in... ah... er.. pre-Doctor Plastico form. :)


I second that DD! Meester James was awful and painful to watch. He has "matured" but is still annoying. But then again he's supposed to be the sensitive artist. Sometimes you want to smack him and say stop sniveling and man up!

I liked Carlos de la Mota in his brief role in LFMB. I thought he was tolerable in DA, and I'm kinda neutral on him in this too. The wide-eyed thing is sort of tiresome, but it doesn't bother me much.

I was a little confused by the "I don't smoke" thing either. I realized he had trouble understanding Steve, but wasn't sure exactly what Steve had said to prompt that remark. Oh well.

I wonder whose name Gardenia will blurt tonight. Now that she's admitted that he's not really Franco Santoro, I don't know if there's any name she can give them that won't be a problem, unless she happens to (accidentally) pick the name of someone those guys are afraid of.

By the way, whatever happened to that phone number she got off of the caller ID just a few weeks into this story? She wrote it down on a page from Barb's address book or planner - did we ever hear about that again? THat's a long time to keep a scrap of paper in your bra.

Sorry about that second paragraph - I was referring to Jacinto, not Santiago. The "either" was a cut-and-paste error. Alas, it's too late in the day for me to have coffee.

I had forgotten all about that Julie. It must not be as important as we think.

Santiago isn't looking for Dominga, she was on the body count list. He's looking for Aurora.

Later, when the boys called Artemio, he told them to let Gardenia, but if she told anyone about this, they would kill her.

More money is promised to GL, but Fr/Ed must be on the brd of directors. Seems like a reasonible

I was wondering about the car too, but the keys were in it & the night vision glasses & probably the glass cutter & Fr/Ed has a big round hole in his window. Besides the writers have complete control of the situation. Also Fr/Ed told Fernanda right away that the car was there & it was Camilo that broke into his house.

I had forgotten about the phone # that Gardenia has. I think it will still come up & tie Gardenias kidnapping to Babs & Artemio.

Santiago's going through a bit of a bad stretch right now. Remember how much fun he was at the tollbooth? Remember how he gets Bab's goat? Remember how kind and understanding he is with Nanda? Remember how much he annoys Camillo. Remember how cute he was toying with Dominga? The poor lad is in pain. Remember haw unpleasant it was to watch Eddie wail and moan? Seems everyone was willing to overlook that. And I kinda liked Meester James. Sort of reminded me how I speak Spanish.


Thanks for the recap, Melissa! I love the title.

Can someone tell me where the money for the big deposits is coming from? Is Esteve providing it? Surely Fr/Ed didn't earn that much before returning home, or did I miss something?

Also, Jacinto always used to be so afraid of crossing Camilo, and now he's suddenly grown a pair. Was that just because of Esteve's pep talk?


I believe the 'smokin' referrs to the cliche about being so ready you are hot/smokin. The joke is Jacey took it literally.

Me too now feeling Santiago's pain. I think its to be expected that his sincere love for Abora did not turn off like a faucet. He loves her deeply and will be concerned for her welfare even if she can not be his.

Thank you Melissa. Your title is great!

I'm through with Gardenia. What kind of 'Love of my life' is offered for sacrifice EVERYtime my life is threatened! I know the writers will not kill her off and I am not hopeing for that BUT she needs to be segregated. How about eSteve send her over to visit with Lili for awhile. She can cook for Martina and Lili...and Martina can 'take care of her'.

I'm just putting in my vote as a Santiago fan. He's supportive of the good guys and delights in messing with the bad guys. And I love this actor in Tontas. He looks alive.

Regarding Santiago: What Carlos and Julia said...Ditto. Diana

Jane - Ed inherited a ton of money from Ciro.

I think Jacinto's newfound bravery comes from the fact that he now has two rich supportive friends (and thus is no longer dependent on the Elizalde family), Fernanda now knows that Camilo's been abusing him, and he knows where Camilo's daddy's car is. Heh heh.

At least he's now in a position where he can defend himself without having to worry about losing his job.

Steve is only just now getting around to renting a car? I wonder if we'll be treated to a full-blown product placement ad, or perhaps just some lingering camera angles.

I see the Fernandamobile everywhere - that yellow Toyota thing. Yellow seems to be a really popular color for it.

About the smoking. Steve said, in English, "You got it, man?" but he slurred it together. Jacinto took his best guess. Since he doesn't know any English, his brain heard, not "You got it" but "Cigaro." So Jacinto answered, "No, thank you, I don't smoke."

The brain does that. It desperately tries to identify patterns. My son watches anime (Japanese animation) in Japanese with English subtitles. As I overhear the dialog, I'm continually recognizing Spanish words. They're not there, but since my brain doesn't know the Japanese word, it tries to match it with something it does know.

I had one of those "Jacinto" moments recently. A male Mexican friend recently asked me "no te llamo?" (imagine an accent mark over the o in llamo.) He was asking me if the phone call I was expecting had come through. I didn't pick up on the question and thought he was telling me "no te amo" I said "Esta bien, no te amo tampoco!" It took a few minutes to decipher what what was happening, but we finally had a good laugh over it. Little nuances like that can cause big problems, so be careful out there! :) Marianne

OH! and thanks for the fantastic recap Melissa!

Maybe Jacy thought Esteve said,"You got a match?" I know, Jacy doesn't speak English.


Melissa, thanks for the recap. The title alone made me snort out loud in the library. Had to leave before finishing the comments, but lots of laughs.
La Paloma

See, I wasn't even sure what Steve had said, so I didn't know what Jacinto was replying to. (I was momentarily distracted with a beet-related emergency. Do not drop beets!!)

I kind of liked Meester James, but got tired of the rivers of tears. He sure plays (overplay?)the part of a guy being brought to his knees by a woman who doesn't even have her own head on straight. I like Santi too, but maybe it's because he reminds me of a guy I know and love with the same awful hair. Makes me feel that much more sorry for him.

Julie~~~Thanks for the beet advice. I wrote it down. A few years ago, when I knew even less Spanish than I do now, I heard one of my students tell another ''I'm hungry '' in Spanish , but I thought that she was telling her ''I have a man.'' Those 2 words in Spanish [hungry and man] sound pretty close to me. When the PA. Dutch don't understand what someone is saying , they say ''I had one, too, but the wheels fell off''...It sounds better in Dutch.

Great recap Melissa. I admire the way you recappers can decifer that chipmonk talk and put it into words. I want to add my 2 cents about Gardenia. First of all, I don't care for Gardenia's character. If she left the show today or tomorrow I wouldn't miss her. But does that make me a Gardenia hater? No way. Hate is much too strong of a word to describe what I mean when I say I don't care for a character. Does she deserve the treatment she's getting? Sometimes the writers make "payback" over the top for shock effect. That's how they make their living. Knowing that this isn't real life, I feel free to say who appeals to me and who doesn't. There's never any hatred involved. Santiago is one of the few good guys in this tele, but he does nothing for me. He's way too emotional than what I like in a men.
RA in Minn.

Specifically, do not drop cooked beets. Especially buttered cooked beets. Messy!

Hambre vs. hombre... okay, that's funny... my ears have trouble with casarse vs. cansarse (get married vs. get tired).

A person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person.

Hating, the result of being a hater, is not exactly jealousy. The hater doesnt really want to be the person he or she hates, rather the hater wants to knock somelse down a notch.

Susan: You know, Kevin from accounting is doing very well. He just bought a house in a very nice part of town.

Jane (hater): If he is doing so well why does he drive that '89 Taurus?

Overused word that people like to use just because someone else expresses a dislike for a certain individual.
PERSON 1: I don't like Beyonce's new song.

PERSON 2: You're a hater!!!


I'm not exactly a young 21 year old. But I still feel young and use their vernacular. ;)


Eduardo inherited $187 mil from Ciro. He knows it's meant for Lili but this is used to bring down Babs.

Jacinto was under Camilo's thumb because he worked for the Elizalde's & didn't want to lose his job. Now he works for Fr/Ed & Esteve is getting him out of the servant mode, telling him he is Eduardos best friend & he must start calling
Esteve just plain Esteve, not don, señor etc. Jacinto's pair is growing & I love it.

Julie~~~Yes, the words for married and tired are also confusing to me...especially if a character is tired and married or tired of being married. Think of all the homonyms in English that drive ESL students crazy : blue/blew , new/knew, not/knot...I could go on and on. Oh, by the way, I closed my eyes during the ''Snakes in an SUV'' sequence. Yikes !!!

Vario- I'm w/you on Jacinto finally being in a psoition to grow. He isn't fully comfortable with his new role, he's been a peon his whole life. We know that he will be rewarded in the end.

About me Gardenia "haters" comment. Let's change it to "detractors".

Also, I understand the Santuago character, the pain he feels, what he's going thru. He thinks Abora mught be dead (are there no injured survivors?), and still loves her, but de la Mota is still overdoing it. He could back off a bit on his method.

I'm stil confused about some omney issues. Franco sent Lactos $10M, but someone said something about $43M. Is he still to pony up that much more? With that much csah, he should be CEO, and bump Gonzo out. Didn't he make a comment to Babs, something about sending her 3x more? Maybe I should rewatch the scene.

Ibarramedia, I use words like that too. My kids look at me funny but I don't care.

Dorado Dave, thanks for taking "haters" off the table!

The $10M is already the tripled amount. He was only supposed to deposit $3M. He's using more $ for leverage.

The confusing money thing to me is why Rebeca Sanchez' account did not show the $187M or whatever it was she had in the Cayman Islands account shown early on in the TN. If I remember correctly, Freduardo's deposit of $1.5M "finders fee" only brought the account shown on her screen to $5M.

I've noticed through the years, that people born to wealth are usually not abusive to servants or to others that are considered of a "lower class". It seems it's the newly wealthy that commit these abuses. In my opinion this is something called having "class" or being a snob.

I have no problem with the missing money in Rebecca's account. I would assume she may have more than one account and surely would not want anyone to see that she has an account with $187 million in it. That would really look suspicious to someone wanting to do business with you.

One thing that always puzzled me was that they would accuse Damian of taking all of that money and then hire his good bud Vlad. Didn't seem right and then it seemed like Anibal didn't really even know they were good buds. So... It was quite a surprise to me to find out that Gonzo is on the ball and knew that Vlad was Damian's amigo!! Wow, Gonzo knew. I may have to stop underestimating him. :)

Another thought... if Vlad doesn't do what Damian wants, will Damian have a "Vladi control problem."?


Melissa, I loved your recap and the title. What fun and snark. So it made me think of a couple of things as I read all the postings today.
I imagine that Santi is hopeful about Abora living because the little purse was not burned at all. Maybe it's owner escaped flames too.

Marianne, made me laugh the most of all to the point of stomach pain, with her "y yo no te amo tampoco" comedy of language errors. I think the smoking comment was like that but your story is priceless.

I can't wait to start my recap and find out what the idiot Gardenia is going to do to save her own hide. Much as I would like it, I agree that we can't kill her off yet, she has to annoy more people for many weeks.

Loved the recap, Melissa.

As someone mentioned a few days ago, wouldn't a nice restful coma be great for Gardenia or maybe amnesia where she would forget to be so irritating. She could snap out of it in the gran final right after Fr/Ed and Nanda are hitched. Think of the wonderful silence we would all enjoy to the end. And throw in a sleeping beauty pose of Denia for the guys every night to keep them happy. GinCA

Dorado Dave```I am to blame for the ''43mil'' comment. I meant to type ''$3 mil'', but I hit the Cap key instead of the shift key, so I typed ''4'' instead of ''$'' Sorry for the confusion. I never learned to type because my high school principal insisted that I take creative writing and chemistry my senior year , so I was unable to take typing. Luckily, my boyfriend was a business major who typed pretty well, and he typed all my term papers.

Connie, your kids must get a kick out of you being a cool mom. Hater is just an ordinary everyday word. I'll betcha Lindsay Lohan and Kim Kardashian use that all the time. Same with Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift. Did you like the urban dictionary samples?

Back in the day we used to say 'Bad' meaning cool. Or even more recent;ly my femal cousins in the west coast used to emulate Cher from Clueless and utter Loser all the time with an 'L' to the forehead. Ah so much fun.

So any bets on who would swoop down to get Gardenia and save the day? We need more of the lovely but ditzy Gardenia... :)


I'm hoping that Gardenia won't need a rescue, and will be able to get away on her own.

JeffMN, let's not get too excited about Gonzo recognizing Vlad. That means the dude's been on-the-ball only ONCE in 76 episodes!

This is my understanding on the $$

$187 mil inheritance for Eduardo from Ciro

$1.5 mil finders fee for Babs from Fr/Ed

$10 mil to GL from Fr/Ed

$3 mil an amt that Damian supposedly stole

Don't remember the amt Babs stole & transferred from GL to the Rebeca Sánchez acct. But I doubt she has to pay a bank service chg.

Why hasn't anyone noticed the missing money from GL? Babs took more than $3 mil

Am I thinking too much?

"Vladi control problem."?

Okay, that was hilarious! I had people coming around the corner in the office asking what was so funny!

Gin, Gin, Gin, a nice restful coma? How thoughrful you are. Why hadn't I thought of that? Problem is, there's very little jiggle and bounce in a coma. And who will make Esteve's pozole? No, I'm afraid that will never do. Nice try. You did crack me up, however. Clearly you have a heart filled with love. Carlos

Thanks Melissa!

I too am annoyed by Gardenia, her constant yelling gives me a headache. At least Abora is quiet and you can ignore her more easily...

I don't know Julie. Seems like there were a couple of other (of course can't seem to recall them:) times where Gonzo woke up from his stupor and surprised me. :)

Also, we did not have any Aurora sightings last night, just Aurora pining by Santi. Oh what a relief it was. :)


One time Gonzo showed something was when he found out Camilo beat Erika.
He got up from the table & I thought he was going to give Camilo what he really deserved.
I really had some hope for him then.

Susanlyn, please tell. Just how do you say, "I had one, too, but the wheels fell off" in PA Dutch? I know several useful words (dopic, schushlich, etc., but the only phrase I know is "Kannst du mich a pfanne?"

Paula~~~In answer to your last question: ''Mit dein shoopkadich.[sp]'' = ''With a wheelbarrow''or ''Wansee hackabliva.[sp]''[When they sit still.'' ] In answer to your first question, I don't know the correct spelling , but I'll try to answer phonetically. ''I had one , too, but the wheels fell off'' = ''Ich hab un enicott de reder dehopdefalder''....or something like that. I had a friend in high school whose parents spoke Dutch , so he knew it and taught me all the bad words . He became a German teacher. You have to be careful because sometimes things you say in Dutch are impolite in German. [ex. ''Forshta stue.'' [''Do you understand'' ...but in German , it sounds rude.] The traditional Dutch curse is about thunder and lightning. I also learned ''goodlooking boy/girl'' and ''dumb cow/ox. Many of my friends understood Dutch because their paremts spoke it. Mine did not, but my mother's mother was from Germany , and they spoke German together . However, they never taught my sister or me German so they used it when they didn't want us to know what they were saying. My husband's mother's parents always spoke Dutch to each other. My mother-in-law used to say ''wasserdroof'' which means ''water on it'' but it refers to someone who looks like a poor soul.

The figure that comes to mind that Babs stole was $167M, similar to what Ciro left to Eddy. Even a tiny fraction of that would have been caught by the accounting folks, in the real world, but it's just a plot line that has been dropped/forgotten

Thanks, Variopinta - I did miss the part where Fr/Ed actually took possession of the inheritance. I thought that was still pending. That explains a lot.


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