Monday, August 17, 2009

ENDA; Friday 8/14/09 -"Another One Bites the Dust"

Iñaki collapses. Across town, Paloma slips off to sleep and dreams of a romantic time with Iñaki. She wakes up from her dream and goes to talk to her parents picture. She hopes for their blessing in her upcoming marriage. She hugs her wedding dress and apparently slips back to sleep.

The next day, Iñaki is convulsing on the floor, unable to call out when his mother nears his room to wake him. She decides to let him sleep a little longer and she heads out to the beauty salon.

Macarena wakes Paloma up. They talk about the wedding day and Pal decides she’d like to take some flowers to her parents’ graves/family vault (panteón). Mac likes the idea and Carlota overhears and invites herself along. Cruelota wants to spend the entire day with Pal. Pal is a little reluctant, but unwilling to mar the goodness of the day says the more the merrier. Mac is visibly bothered by it and Cruelota’s words. After this is settled, Cruelota takes a peek at her watch……the poison should have taken affect by now, when will she learn that she can add another kill to her resume.

Emiliano has a conversation with the maid…apparently his mother did not sleep in her bed the evening before (not something that you really want to be discussing with the hired help, IMHO). Before he can get too upset about it, both parents arrive home. Rafael tells his son that Diana came and found him at the hotel and they’ve reconciled. No wink, wink, nudge, nudge needed....E knows what this means and is happy to hear it.

Orlando bumps into Camila as she’s opening her shop. They discuss that they are both going to a wedding later in the day, come to find out it is la misma boda. Lando learns that Cami is Romina’s mother and Cami learns that Lando is E’s boss. She never put it together. Lando compliments her on her blouse and looks forward to seeing her at the wedding later in the day.

At the cemetery, Pal places the flowers on her parents’ grave. She wishes that they would be there to share her day. Mac thinks that Javier and Sagario helped guide Iñaki and Paloma to each other. Cruelota thinks that everything she’s done has been to keep Paloma at her side, just as Javier would have wanted it.

Germán asks Liliana to give them another chance. She’s suspicious and thinks he is only interested because Emiliano and Romy have gotten back together. Germie assures Lili it is because they were good together. She doesn’t want to be hurt again. He tells her he doesn’t want to be hurt either. He begs her for another chance.

La casa de los Espinoza de los Monteros is busy with wedding preparations. Cruelota worries that there hasn’t been any news about Iñaki’s untimely death, she's just itching to get her resume updated. Macarena admires Paloma’s dress and thinks about the wedding that she never had. Cruelota tells her that it didn’t happen and that it was for the best. Mac isn’t so sure. Pal walks in on this conversation and wonders who they are speaking about. Cruelota says they are talking about an acquaintance. The phone finally rings and Cruelota has a cruel smile on her face…finally some news (fingers crossed, fingers crossed). Nope, it is just Ines wondering about the time of the service. Cruelota informs her that it may be customary to start the wedding mass ½ hour later than what is stated on the invitation, but today’s wedding will be precisely at the time given. No exceptions.

Carmen discovers Iñaki on the floor of his room. He appears to be alive. She rubs his there an equivalent of 911 in Mexico? Surely there is some medical help she can call.

Mac and Pal have a little heart to heart as Pal gets into her dress. Mac says that most girls dream of the fancy wedding, living happily ever after, well Paloma is living the dream and it is a beautiful reality. Pal tells Mac that she thinks of her almost as a mother and Mac tells Pal she thinks of her as a daughter. The women hug and Mac puts on the finishing touch, her necklace.

Emiliano spots Pal leaving her house in her wedding dress when he's across the street picking up Romy. He is enthralled at the sight of her. She does look quite beautiful. Romy meets him out front and fishes for a compliment. He doesn't bite, so she fills in the blanks for him. She (Romy) looks guapa.

Outside the church a crowd is gathering. Paloma’s car arrives and everyone wonders why Iñaki hasn’t arrived yet. Emiliano must be a speed racer, because he is there and opens the car door for Pal. Everyone urges Pal to go to the back of the church, to await Iñaki’s arrival. Here in the front of the church, the couples mingle. Romy clings to E to send a message to Germie. Germie is all lovey-dovey with Lili. Cami introduces Lando to Mac and the good doctor. Emiliano decides that someone should call Iñaki. Natalia is in another part of the crowd and she’s thinking the same thing. She gets a busy signal. That’s because E has gotten through and finds out from Carmen that Iñaki is in a grave state.

Mac goes to find Pal. She assures her that she’s not worried about Iñaki not being there, yet. Everything will be okay. Mac leaves Pal and E comes from the other direction. He tells Pal that Iñaki won’t be able to come to the church today.

The next scene we see is Paloma running out of the front of the church, with Emiliano chasing after her. The guests are stunned, but E doesn’t stop to give an explanation, he’s too busy giving chase. Romy is upset to see her boyfriend going after her best friend. Cruelota “wonders” what could be going on. Natalia has finally gotten through to Carmen and she shares the news with Mac and Cruelota. Cruelota asks Cami to tell the guests the wedding is a no go. Mac and Cruelota are heading to Iñaki’s with Natalia. Germie and Romy decide they should head to Iñaki’s house, too.

E catches Paloma, who is hysterical. He tells her they should go to Iñaki’s.

When they arrive, the doctor is already there. Iñaki is laying in his bed. No one has thought to take him to a hospital? Paloma rushes into the room and falls on top of Iñaki. She begs him to wake up. He does. He looks at her, says her name, and says “te amo”. She tells him she loves him too and he smiles….and then he dies. Paloma goes into hysterics again. She begs him to not die. Emiliano and Carmen both are crying. Paloma tells Iñaki that soon she’ll be with him again.

Natalia and the aunts arrive. The doctor tells them it is too late, Iñaki is gone, he died of cardiac arrest (paro cardiaco). Apparently there are no defibrillators in this part of the country. That’s right, the doctors make house calls, but have no emergency equipment. The doctor wonders if Iñaki has been under any great stress lately? Natalia says he has and that seems to solve the whole mystery of why such a young man died. Mac says she needs to be with Paloma. She leaves. The doctor talks to Cruelota and tells her that there will be an autopsy. Cruelota is disturbed to hear this.

Paloma runs to Mac and tells her that Iñaki is gone. Mac comforts her niece. Pal wonders why everyone she loves leaves her.

Natalia calls her hubby. After Alfonso scolds Natalia for being at the wedding, he is upset to learn that his son has upset he bites the phone.

Cruelota places a call. She wants someone to help her family. They’ve suffered so much and to have Iñaki’s body undergo an autopsy would be just too much for them. The licenciado agrees to help her out.

Mac and Carmen decide they need to get Pal out of Iñaki’s room, because they'll need to prepare the body for removal. Pal doesn’t want to go and E helps to get her out. Pal faints and they take her to another room. They are able to revive Pal. She questions Mac, was it all some terrible nightmare? Mac tells her, unfortunately, it is real. Back to the hysterics.

Germie, Emiliano and Romy are downstairs. They discuss the untimely demise of Iñaki. It is hard to lose a friend. Natalia tells them that Alfie is on his way, once he gets there they can begin discussing what to do as far as funeral arrangements.

Rufi is at Iñaki’s house, she’s trying to comfort Carmen. Cruelota shoes Rufi away. She plays all sympathetic to the grieving mother. She urges Carmen to get Iñaki back to Spain, this means no autopsy and a quick cremation. Carmen thinks she should consult Alfie. Cruelota presses a bit more and seems to speak the magic words (Jedi mind tricks, I wonder?). Carmen thinks it would be best to get Iñaki back to Spain, Alfie’s wishes be damned. Carmen goes and tells Natalia she’s made her mind up and since Alfie wasn’t much of a father, no need to consult him. END OF EPISODE.


good recap i loved how allisson lozz(paloma) acted in this episode something not all 16 year old girls can do

Thank you, Cathy, for a recap of a sad sad episode. I cried a bucket of tears during the entire episode. Poor Inaki is gone and we didn't even know him for very long. But the actor playing Inaki is something special. He made him so appealing that I was truly invested in him. I agree, Allison Lozz's acting was heartbreaking. She was excellent. All this time I was sobbing and Carlota was eating crackers. Mission accomplished for her.


Cathy: You did a masterful job of recapping this dreadful episode. I'm not sure how you were able to capture all of the details so well. "itching to get her resume updated" and "Emiliano must be a speed racer" were nice touches - gracias.

Inaki even died like a true galan. No anger, no complaining, he died telling Paloma he loved her. As terrible as I felt for Paloma, my heart ached for Carmen who lost her only child.

Anon and GinCA, yes Allison Lozz was a revelation. She is my favorite actress. She had many wonderful scenes in Guapos but this was heart wrenching Gin, Inaki was simply wonderful too. I'd love to see his as the lead soon.

I loved all the comments posted on Friday. I know we were all hoping for a last minute miracle...

I kept yelling one word at the screen Friday night "Autopsy". How unfortunate, Carlota was able to set aside her "grief" and manipulate Carmen into a quick cremation.

Inaki, we hardly knew you...

Diana in MA

Cathy...nice touch of humor in the title and I reminder that Carlota is racking up quite a few notches on her belt....and not of the romantic kind.

Whoever dreamed up this novela (this is a "refrito", right?) certainly had a cruel imagination.

And to make Iñaki so appealing, so a young Latino Tom Hanks...and then have him die this agonizing death! Simply unendurable.

Let's storm the writers' homes and string 'em up. Whaddya say?

Great recap of such a heartbreaking episode. I cried dang near the whole episode. Poor Paloma, and Iñaki , I was really hoping for the best for them.

I cannot believe how easliy Carmen agreed to just go back to spain and not have her son autopsied. I know its a touchy subject but as a mother I want answers. How could my son be the picture perfect of Health yesterday and die this morning, then second I would've been suspicious of Cruelota the whole time, like a couple of days ago you hated my son he was trash to you, and you tried to put my son in jail, then out of the blue every thing is peachy keen and boom he dies? Oh and not to mention that she doesn't want him to have and autopsy...hmmmmm....hello suspect.....Are we serious?

Did you guys see the scenes for the next episode (tonight)? That funeral came kind of quick.....Cruelota must've really REALLY put in some smooth words to get the ball rolling.


Now seeing that she went from puppy killing to human killing I am so scared for Mac, she's been slowly trying to kill her for a while....

Judy: A young Tom Hanks! Yes, perfect comparison. I totally agree, Inaki was loveable and deserved a life time of happiness.

kynyetta, it was amazing at how easily Carmen capitulated to Carlota's request. But, Carlota IS a master manipulator. She knew exactly what buttons to push. She knew Alonso didn't support the marriage and urged Carmen to take control, taking advantage of the most vulnerable position a mother could ever be in.

There have been masterful villans -Gabriela in FELS, Sara in QE...However, I think I loathe Carlota the most. We saw glimmers of her wanting to love, so know she had the capacity. Instead, she chose revenge and evil. I wish her nothing but the worst.

Diana in MA

Cathy, I'm joing in the standing ovation for your pefectly-pitched recap of this heartbreaking episode. I too cried from the beginning to the end, it was so well-acted and emotional. I really lost it when Mac enters the bedroom where Iñaki had just died, and grief-stricken Paloma tells her that Iñaki "se fue". It was so realistic. Where does a 16-year old girl pull these emotions from?

Not only was this the saddest novela episode I've ever seen, but the most disorienting. We can usually count on the main galans and heroines to pull through and be together, no matter their perils and to most of us Iñakie was the main galan. It's going to take a lot for me to switch my loyalties to Emiliano. But if Paloma can do it, I guess I can. However, if they are going to keep showing that charming shot of Iñaki with his open and endearing smile, Emiliano will continue to be second fiddle to me.

Judy, I'll join you in storming the writers' homes, and on the way let's make a stop at Televisa to campaign for a lead role for the actor playing Iñaki.

Luis Hacha obviously did a good job of bringing Iñaki to life as we've all be so affected by his performance, but I did want to mention the actor by his real name if we're going to be looking out for him in his future roles.

Also, Kynyetta and Diana I'm glad you mentioned how easily Cruelota was able to get Carmen to dispense with an autopsy on this perfectly healthy-seeming young man, especially as Carlota is the last person you'd think Carmen would listen to. I couldn't believe it. However, Carmen would still be in deep shock and away from any real close friends or famiy so it's reasonable that she'd be especially vulnerable to that type of manipulation. I can't believe Carlota would have gambled that there wouldn't have been one though, especially as she was the one plying Iñaki with beverages during the party. This would be a perfect case for Columbo; I'd love to see him duel with Carlota.

Thanks for the recap Cathy. Yes, going to miss Inaki. RIP Inaki.
I looked up Luis Hacha in the beginning and I was very surprised to see he is actually 35 years old! Much older than Allisson. He didn't seem that old to me.
I worry what Paloma is going to try to do, as she said she would see Inaki soon!?
Was this the first person Cruel finished off? Has just been the dog and the birds so far? I have to think Arcadia will go down soon. She'll figure it out and confront Cruel to try and get some money and meet an anvil.
On my TV, when Paloma got to Inaki, I saw his lips and they looked very purple, ala Carlota. Aha, a clue, you can tell who did him in, the purple person! :) and :(


Jackie: Thanks for providing the actor's name. I've been told that this blog is viewed by a number of people, let's hope that our wishes for a leading role for Luis will come to fruition soon.

Jeff, good to hear from you. I think this is the first human victim of Carlota's. She made the transition from poor, helpless animals quite quickly.

Diana in MA

Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Not my darling Iñaki! Emiliano has a heck of an uphill battle ahead of him to convince me that he's the galán here. I agree with everyone else, Luis Hacha needs a lead role in which he survives to the end.

Alonso is such a jerk. His wife calls him obviously very upset and he says it serves her right for going to the wedding against his will...QTH? It takes learning his son is dead for him to stop abusing her? Gah.

Can't the doctor see symptoms of poisoning? Does cardiac arrest usually take hours and hours to kill? Iñaki was quite obviously still in his clothes from the night before. Think, people!

Sorry, Cathy, I was so upset about Iñaki that I forgot to thank you for the terrific recap. Great job, and you managed to keep it a bit lighter than the episode, so it was pleasant to read.

Okay, now I'm ready to discuss the side characters:

Romina...what a self-centered twit. Did she ever try to offer any sympathy or assistance to Paloma? Or did she just snit about Emiliano's running off?

Why in heck did Liliana take Germy back? I thought she was done with him.

Did Emiliano actually tackle Paloma in the street? It looked like he knocked her down so that he could then help her the rest of the way. I must say, though, he's not much of an athlete if it took him that long to catch her when she was in a heavy long dress and fancy shoes.

Cathy – good job with a tough episode.

I’m with all of you who think Inaki would be a better lead galan that Emiliano. Emiliano’s a good guy, but Inaki shines. JudyB – what a wonderful comparison to Tom Hanks!

I think I understand Carmen’s not wanting an autopsy. I think she said something like she didn’t want people messing with her son’s body. I can imagine the thought of having your son cut up would be pretty horrifying. The actress did a good job of looking stunned with grief while Carlota worked her over.

It seemed to me that Inaki’s dying was all about Paloma, which yes, was sad. But she’s only known Inaki a few months whereas Carmen has lost her only child, the light of her life. You’d think Carmen would be the one throwing herself on his body.

When everyone was gathered discussing Inaki’s death, did anybody catch the comment that Romina made that made Emiliano look appalled? She was being very sympathetic to Paloma’s plight, then she said something that I didn’t understand.

It was amazing how fast Paloma must’ve been running, encumbered by her wedding gown. Emiliano was really bookin’ it, arms pumping (he looks like a great runner) yet it took him quite a while to catch up to her.

I wonder why German went back to Liliana? And why would she take him back?

Julia – I see we were posting at the same time. Funny that we both zeroed in on Emiliano’s running and German & Liliana.

I couldn't understand what Romina said either. I even replayed it a few times, but couldn't make it out, and I was too lazy to get up and fetch the other remote control to turn on the captions. Emiliano sure looked disgusted, though, which led me to assume she was making everything about her.

I can understand Carmen not being the one to throw herself on his body. She was certainly grieving as much or more, but she's less of a drama queen type...I think she just kind of imploded rather than directing her emotions outward.

I hope Alonso will arrive in time and redeem himself ever so slightly by demanding answers in the form of an autopsy and investigation.

Oh my gosh, this has to be the saddest & darkest episoode of the enitire novela. I was just crying and crying during the whole episode. Wow, i'm really going to miss my lovable inaki with his uplifting smile; that i will never forget. Paloma & Inaki were truly a great couple. This is one of the most beautiful love stories I have ever seen. Inaki will always be remembered and missed. <3

Great recap, Cathy. Gosh, what sadness. I concur that Allyson Loss did a great job. But, as the mother of a son, I really felt sort of bad that Paloma's grief dominated. But, on the other hand, maybe Carmen already had her private moment with Iñaki before Paloma arrived. I think she acquiesced to Carlota about no autopsy because of shock. And I don't think Alonso will get there to prevent the cremation. This novela's barely started, and Carlota won't be found out until the last week.

One thing that really caught my attention was when Carlota thought bubbled at the grave site that she was keeping Paloma close and that's what her brother would have wished. I thought she was a bit more self aware than that. Her real motives are jealousy and spite for trying to keep Paloma chained to her. I also feel that this whole thing feels like a flashback to her, when she lost Cristobal to Macarena. So she's determined that Paloma won't be happy.

Of course, there's also greed. Iñaki's fate was sealed when she overheard that he would tell Paloma about her inheritance.

Thanks for the recap Cathy. As others have noted it was extremely heart wrenching. I know one of the reasons I can't watch this novela (or at least not the parts with Carlota) is its too painful to watch Carlota manipulate and torment others. Thanks recappers and hang in there you all.

My grandmother, who was very strict and reserved and formal told me that when my grandfather died, she threw herself on his body. After that, she didn’t cry another tear for years, but she never got over losing him. In her diary we found the entry for that day. It said “My beloved! My beloved!” Heart-rending.

I think Carlota thoughtbubbled, when they were all praying at Paloma’s folks’ grave, that she wanted to keep Paloma by her side to protect her. I guess in her mind she thinks she protected Paloma from the bohemian, money-grubbing Inaki. Like she would imagine “She’ll thank me later.”

I have to admit, it was a hard episode to recap and I wondered what tone to take.....I tried to be a bit more matter of fact, but then my snarky personality slipped in a time or two.

I, too, noticed that Romina said something that seemed to tick Emiliano off, but I replayed it a few times and couldn't figure it out. I wondered if it was some idiomatic expression, but failed in writing it down as well.

Yes, Allisson's "se fue" was packed with emotion. She is a terrific actress. This part lets her shine more than Milagros from Diablo. And, I can understand her sooo much better without the slang. She's definitely easier to recap in this role.

Liliana is a fool. I think the only reason Germie wants back with her is to make Romy jealous.

I will miss Iñaki and I also think that Emiliano has a big pair of shoes to fill.

Cruelota eating the crackers, I think I need to go add that into the recap. I noticed it on my first viewing of the show, but didn't jot a note about it when I watched the second time. She's evil and she needs to have a truly awful ending, the writers better be really creative with that one.

I think Carmen had some time with Inaki before Paloma arrived. She knew it was Paloma's and Inaki's wedding day and that Paloma needed to be with Inaki as he was so close to death. However, Paloma and Carmen sharing their grief together at the head of the bed would have been a fitting scene for us to see.

Getting my tissues ready for tonight...I expect more water works. I won't be over Inaki for a long time.



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