Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gancho Wed 8-26- Decorum, Depravity, and Doubt

Forgive my curt recap, I have an issue tonight. I did manage some pics though. Feel free anyone to insert what I skipped.

We open with Beto agreeing they can't get married because he lost his voting card. maybe it looked like this

Mau invites Mona to go to a decoration ceremony where he's going to get a medal. She has difficulty with the concept of protocol.

She has to go home for a fine dress and begs Estre to help her.

Nieves blurts that Beto has no sis to Mau, but then realizes what and tries to cover that it's on the father's side only.

Nieves wonders if he isn't going to say hi to Estre and he is unsure, but Estre covers that of course he is here to see her and she leads him off.

At the event they are speaking Polish, but the lovebirds don’t care. Mau invites her to the garden, but they call him up for his medal. Mona is mad because the Pole kissed him multiple times and it took her forever to get one.

Coni shows up to Aldo’s room, he’s in his shorts, she in a hot red number, she propositions him with a more “profound” relationship.

Back at the party Mau thinks with the small head and blows off the Poles to go eat tacos with the naca. Eh romantic compliments pass but ultimately Mona shakes him off that he hasn’t spoken to Coni yet. Uh oh, Nieves saw through the crack the conversation and then sneaks in to join Estre asking who Mona was kissing. She and Estre make up a story.

Aldo tells Ivan about Coni's advances but Ivan thinks he’s taking his Abuela’s medicine. Ivan reminds him Coni hates him and is Mau’s gf. Aldo coming off of the hormone high says yeah, guess so.

Coni summons Aldo through Lu for a glass of water in Mau’s room and seduces him again in Mau’s beds and wants to chat

Sal and Gabi decide they will play like mice that Mau the cat is away. Pau walks in on them.

Coni keeps up with admiring Aldo’s strength for being on the street.

Xime walks in on them. Coni wants to explain what's happening and runs after Xime.

Pau is unsympathetic and wanders off, they continue their game.

Xime shows up at the apartments and Estre and she discuss what happed with Rolu. Xime then outs that all her beaus go with other girls because she saw Aldo with Consti at the point of a kiss. Estre doesn’t buy it.

Beto overhears and says they, the cheaters, don’t know who they are messing with in him. He bites a thong to prove it.

Beto shows up looking for his “envelope” Tere knows nothing of it. He thinks ok, well maybe his Ma messed up. Tere goes to check just in case. Beto sneaks into the bedroom to seduce and yell at Coni for trying to stup Aldo.

Gabi asks Pau if she wants to marry. Gabi alludes that she knows Beto isn’t really her prince. Pau fudges a response that doesn't really convince Gab.

Beto tells Con he’s her official lover so she shouldn’t be with a child. Eventually they get together and she screams. Lu knocks to see if she’s ok. Coni says she’s waxing!

Tano and Mau chat about him liking Mona, and how he should just marry her already and be done with the adoption. He doesn't want to rush things that are good right now.

Este and Mona discuss what Xime said about Aldo.

Estre tells her she better give up on all the lies or she’ll lose both of them.

Gabi and Sal go at it again, but Gabi discusses Pau and is convinced that things just don’t add up and she is hiding something. All was ok with Pau alone but once her friends showed up, something is fishy. She ends up thinking maybe they are the ones feeding info to the judge. Jero overhears this and congratulates the brilliace of something he didn’t think of!

Beto and Coni are going at it, Coni asks him to speak dirty when we hear Mau’s voice approaching. She stuffs Beto in the bano. Mau notices she’s all flush and bothered. She feigns that she’s sick, so he wants to call the doc. She tries to distract him from that and eventually gets caught up in wanting to seduce him off of her hormone rush from Beto!

Mona is pressed by Pau too, to tell the truth -Nieves shows up with the wedding dress.

Coni and Beto grope to the tune of adolescents fighting.

Mona says she’ll try the dress tomorrow.

Beto sneaks out and Tere wonders where the heck he’s been he can’t just wander the house. She spoke with Mau and he’s sure that Gabi was wrong.

We end with Mau showing up and wondering why Beto is there.


Wonderful title and fine recap, Kris....we don't need tons of detail every time. And you got the picture of Beto biting the thong which is amazing...I mean...this is 7 pm fare!?

Wrote you an e-mail, amiga. And will check in again later.

besos y abrazos,

Carlos and Susanlynn...found your additional smoking stories this morning when I got up (at 5:15 God knows why!)

Actually, in high school I was very contempuous of people who smoked because I thought they were just "trying to be cool". I had the inner arrogance of the hopeless nerd who wouldn't listen to Elvis Presley but had a crush on Leonard Bernstein and watched Omnibus on TV with my little heart thumping away a mile a minute. (Also loved Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke though.)

In college, I'd try an occasional cigarette but it tasted awful and when I'd look down at the ash in the ashtray I think WTF!...this is a stupid thing to do.

That being said, my mom was a lifelong smoker, older sister still is, kid brother quit a few years ago after his heart attack. It's a wicked addiction, easy to take up, hard to let go.

When I was stressed, I preferred to medicate with brownies and chocolate sodas! (and I've got the dental woes to prove it)

Hahaha! Where in the heck did you find that voting card? Too too funny. I wouldn't call your recap curt, I would call it succinct, and your title was also perfectly succinct. I watched last night but honestly, I can't remember a whole heck of a lot more that went on.

I have a question for you all, when Mau and Moni were discussing "protocolo" did Moni keep saying "protoCULO"? I thought maybe they were making a funny but I wasn't sure and my CC was kind of wobbly last night.

So far so good with Consti and Aldo. Coni was immediately busted by Xime and then distracted by Beto. Mata Hari she ain't.

Kris, I can't believe you got the shot of Beto snacking on the undies. I'll bet the actor ad-libbed that, what do y'all think? This is the first time I've ever seen him in a TN and I simply adore him. In fact I like the entire cast. Is there a dud among them? I don't think so.

Kris, you really went above and beyond in your recap in midst of all your busy-ness and other stuff. You are truly dedicated and your fans appreciate it. Gracias Amiga!

P.S. Hey Fuego, or should I say Gancho? When did you change your handle? I just noticed it.

Kris, I really enjoyed your distilled recap and like Sylvia, I can't think of anything you left out. I agree with you Sylvia, that Beto's biting of the panties was likely spontaneous. It was also hilarious. This show is delightfully naughty at times and yet seems to maintain a certain innocence.


Sylvia, I thought Monita was saying "proCtoculo" which to my filthy mind is funnier!

Tobacco: none since Dec 19, 1986, but who's counting. Don't miss cigs, do miss cigars once in a while. Two and a half packs a day at my worst. Twenty cents a pack in Vietnam.

Kris, much obliged! I frankly like the "Reader's Digest" version.

Kris: Thank you for the wonderful recap.

The pictures continue to be amazing. Ana Martin looked lovely and the one of Beto was absolutely hysterical! I think the actor improvised too Sylvia (agree, he is great).

Rather than being bewitched, Aldo seemed befuddled by Connie. Glad that didn't go anywhere although I wasn't clear at all what her game plan was.

Very impressed with the writers managing to keep things fresh and fun.

Diana in MA

Yes, Sylvia and Mike...I heard a "proctolu" and then a "proCULO" and it was naughty and funny and part of why I love this show.

Kris, thanks for a superb recap. You picked just the right pictures to illustrate the fun.

Beto's has a lot of chutzpah, being jealous of anyone messing with either Moni OR Connie. And Nieves is funny as the pushy Mom, protecting her little darling, and "helping" Moni get ready for the wedding, even going so far as to provide a dress!

So it also looks as if Paula and Beto could get in trouble for supposedly calling the judge, but that doesn't make any sense (what would the motive be?), so it'll probably be disposed of quickly. Yes Jerry, don't get your hopes up.

Connie is lucky Mau has such a big house. Each time she sent Mau to get water or food, she had plenty of time to fool around with Beto before hiding him again.

Thanks Kris. Very concise, to the point, didn't miss a thing. You always capture the best pictures. We noticed Beto trying not to laugh when he bit the, ummm, laundry! These actors are having way too much fun!

Kris thanks for your recap. Carlos and Judy thanks for yours as well. I miss you all but I'm striving for a deadline.

I'm sure I'm not the only one hoping Aldo would say:

"Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me, aren't you?"

or maybe the Spanish equivalent.

As I've mentioned before, Connie looks just like someone I knew a long time ago. I thought she looked great in red. I think that she, Ximena, and Gabriela are some of the best dressed women I've seen in a TN. Not only are the outfits fashionable (actually, I'm guessing here, but I know what I like) but seem to be well-chosen and flattering to each. Now I wonder whose undies Beto took a bite out of. Let's hope not Nieves'.


Aldo's probably never seen The Graduate, but it would be funny if he said it. Seems like he'd report this to Mauricio as a tactic to get rid of Connie, though...or will his hormones get the better of him?

Speaking of Connie, was that chupetón gone? She must be really good with makeup.

Thanks all! My issue resolved, sort of. As always I figured the best way to save my dedos is to use pics to convey what my words can not. Beto is just a damn riot!!!

Judy, now I do know who Arthur Schnitzler is. I read some of his play, der Reigen, both from an English translation, as well as an attempt to read it in the original German (I minored in German a zillion years ago at Baylor). I love his way with words. Apparently, he was an ENT guy. He is also pretty racy and rather popular. Apparently la Ronde was a movie adaptation of der Reigen, and the more recent movie, Eyes Wide Shut was based on one of his works. The great thing about this is that I discovered that I still read German fairly well. Maybe I'll branch off a bit and refresh my German skills. I actually speak Spanish fairly well, but never could speak German well enough. I had to rely on memorized conversations to survive. Surprisingly I easily learned German songs, which I sill remember, but I have a devil of a time memorizing Spanish songs. I wonder why that is.

Susanlynn, I can tell that you had a great affection for your brother-in-law. He sounds like someone I would have loved to know. I also am certain that your mom and I would have hit it off. Your story about her reminds me about a pt. telling me about cigarettes killing her dad. "How old was he when he died?" I inquired. "88," was the perfectly serious answer.


Carlos~~My brother-in-law was a honeybunch. He taught high school English, and his students all came to his funeral. I miss him everyday, as does hub. Bill was 10 years older than we are. He and my sister got married the year before hub and I started dating so we both grew up with him as our older brother. He was the son my parents never had and a great dad. He had polio as a young boy , and he helped raise his youmger brother after his dad died ay age 42.

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