Sunday, August 09, 2009


Melanama suggested that to see if I'm capable of posting tomorrow's recap of Gancho, (thanks to Sylvia last week's got posted) that I do an introductory post. I'm a seasoned family physician who graduated from med school 40 yrs. ago when we were still using leeches, bleeding our pts, and surgery was done using whisky and a bullet to bite on for surgical anesthesia. I began learning Spanish when we acquired a Pitbull and moved from the burbs to escape the pitchfork and torch wielding neighbors. This resulted in a 45 min. commute that I decided to take advantage of to accomplish a dream, that is, to learn Spanish. I ordered Spanish I of the Pimslear Method from Sharper Image. It proved effective and about a year and 1/2 later I had completed the 3 basic courses and a shorter supplemental course. By then I had watched my first TN, the unforgettable Ramona (sans CCs mind you, lots of rewinding and dictionary searching).

Wanting more I found the perfect tutor, thanks to a pt. who is a high school Spanish teacher. She referred me to a beautiful (I'd probably hit on her if I weren't such a gentleman and didn't need a tutor so badly ) Latina, originally from Guadalajara who is a retired Spanish professora. We've studied together for at least 6 yrs. She asked me at the beginning what I wanted to learn and I told her that I wanted to master the Spanish she's locked in until I exit stage left.

We've read and discussed, I say with pride, fairly extensively and diversely including poetry of Pablo Neruda, Novelas of Gabriel Garcia Marquéz, including of course Cien Años de Soledad, writings of Jorge Borges and Sor Juana de la Cruz, plays of Federico Garcia Lorca, a precious little Novelita by Pedro Antonio de Alarcon, el Sombrero de Tres Picos, as well as more contemporary works, el Sombra del Viento by Carlos Ruiz Zafón and Detectives Salvages by Roberto Bolaño. At the moment we are a bit less than halfway through 2666 also by Roberto Bolaño.

I've watched way too many TNs, even for someone learning Spanish to justify. My name is Carlos and I'm a TN addict. I discovered Caray Caray while looking to order some Cocolbosh (a mythic TN chocolate product). I lurked, eventually I commented and here I am. I absolutely adore un Gancho al Corazón, and hope that you'll join me here in reliving what happens each Mon. night.

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Carlos, you sly dog! You snuck one in on me! I would be remiss if I didn't tell you how much I loved your first attempt at crossing the rocky shoals of recapping. (You had me giggling and I don't even watch Gancho.) All that and you treat patients, too! My belated congrats, Sr. Médico.

Hello Carlos,

What a fun post. I too must admit my addiction to novelas and our community here makes the addiction that much more fun! Can't wait to read you again on Monday.

All the best,

Ay Carlos, you know I get busy a lot on Mon and Tues and I often forget to comment on those days, so I didn't realize I missed your FIRST RECAP!!!!! Shame on me! So I went back to read it and I commented (a week late, ok, but it's there). You are a natural. You are so funny, and a good writer too, you even use punctuation, something I have a hard time with! :)

Welcome to the troupe, we are so lucky to have you. Thanks for reminding me of what I miss when I get busy and that I need to make sure I go back, I usually do, sometime later, but by then I don't comment - so forgive my failure to timely welcome you, all I can say, is you rock!!!

PS I did go back and comment, and I recopied it here just for ease of reference, Can't wait for tomorrow's!


Ok, i'm way late, but I have to post here since this is your first....I'll copy over too.

Your wit is wonderful. Some of the gems I loved...:

she answers only to that wee little voice in her head.

The angelic little monkey is supplanted by the mopey mummy.

anemic but effective.

Wonderful entertaining and detailed job Carlos! Hurray!!! You did a fabulous job!!!

Oh and I hope you'll forgive my hijacking of your into to mention this, but I wanted to say that I also read Judy's and well, each of her recaps are true works of art. One can tell she has those professional skills.

I also wanted to wish Stephe the best with all of her issues. I've got stuff going on too, but nothing quite as are very brave. Thanks for sharing your time with us.

A terrific introduction, if I do say so myself. It's great to know you, Carlos!

And thanks so much for recapping and being such a help to us all. You and I haven't watched very many novelas together (maybe one?), so I'm glad we get to share this time with Gancho.

(Oh, hugs for your kind words, Rosca de Reyes. Keep on keeping on!)

Hurrah, you did it! And I'm so glad you did. I wish all the recappers would post bios.

Do you have a picture for the sidebar?

Welcome, welcome!

Carlos: Accomplished, intelligent, witty and fun. So happy you decided to recap - am so enjoying your humor and wonderful, unique style. Please add my name to those who are addicted to TN's - a habit I hope never to break. I'll echo Karen's thought that the community makes everything even more enjoyable!

Diana in MA

Hi Carlos! I'm starting to think I'm an addict too. Just maybe.

I didn't get a chance to comment on your first recap, but I was very impressed. You're a natural!

Hello Carlos!
I too am a big fan of Gancho, because it's fun, fast paced and I like all the characters. I enjoy reading your comments and sense of humor. Add my name to the list of those addicted to Telenovela's . I'm looking forward to your Monday review.
Liena, FL

"My name is Carlos and I'm a TN addict."

Hi Carlos! You're in the right place! Keep coming back! (ggggrin)

Great post and bio. :o)

Hi, Carlos. You had me at ''Hello, my name is Carlos , and I'm a TN addict.''~~Susanlynn, having just survived a weekend family reunion and heading off to teach

Wow, thanks to all of you. I really hope I don't disappoint.. Looks like the test post is successful.


Oh My...I would have missed this if GinCa hadn't (or was it Bonney Churros?)....commented.

Hmm...maybe I should say "Hi I'm Judy and I have short-term memory loss".

Anyway, wonderful bio Carlos, but then everything you write is wonderful, witty and has that good-natured teasing quality which I love in you and in my younger brother. Which I'm sure you could be. We do have some Rayburns in Texas starting with the deceased Sam so I dunno...we could be related. Check out your family tree.

Hi, Judyb~~~I don't think we're related , but Carlos's teasing tone always eminds me of the teasing I grew up with from my cousins, uncles, and dad. So many people here at caraycaray including you and Carlos are starting to feel like family to me.

Hi, Carlos

I've been reading your comments on MEPS and before that on FELS. They are smart and entertaining, and your knowledge of Spanish seems very broad. It's interesting that as I've lurked and commented, I feel I've gotten to know some of you, as little pieces of personal information come out in the course of a comment. I love having your back story now, and what an interesting one it is! I hope we'll still see you in the MEPS comments, and I'll check in with Gancho, especially on Mondays. Congrats!


Sombra del Viento is one of my favorites :) We had to get it in both languages since my husband knows no Spanish at all.

We also simultaneously read Reina del Sur and I got to razz him about the things he was missing because they just didn't translate well.

Kat, if you enjoyed la Sombra del Viento, I think that you would enjoy both Detectives Salvages and 2666. Neither is very traditional , but the descriptive writing as well as variations in style is intoxicating. Both are available in English and in fact, for a while it was almost impossible to find 2666 in Spanish.


Carlos, so you weren't trained on cupping, trepanning and using the Four Humors for diagnosis..? And you call yourself old.

Very enjoyable test post and we're all looking forward to your recaps - particularly in light of last weeks!

Is there a twelve step program for TN addiction?

Carlos, congratulations, I am delighted to see you take up the gauntlet. I hope we are not enabling you with your addiction with these comments. Just kidding, we all are addicts.

I loved your bio but you forgot to add that you were a gentleman farmer and possessed a terrific corn casserole recipe that you willingly share.


My name is Sandy and I am a telenovela addict too!! For some crazy, unexplainable reason, I have found enrichment and a lot of laughs in the telenovela world and love the online Caray friendships that have developed. Carlos, congratulations to you on gaining the skills to be a recapper. While my time card is full with MEPS, from time to time I plan to check in on Gancho to see how you are doing.

PS..I hate admit this but your girl Gardenia looked wonderful with her hair up the other night and her advice to Franco was well reasoned. Maybe she will be the one to stop the silly, stupid, senseless wedding of Erika and Franco.

Sandy in Tn

Carlos, How did I feel drawn to look at Caray Caray tonight while Gancho starts. My reward was this delightful confession. If we did need a 12 step program, this would be a good virtual meeting since a lot of us attend virtually every nigth. I do miss all my family of friends here. I think I urged you to become a recapper, or I certainly should have. Now I will go back to last week or whenever you posted your stellar first run. Hurray, you will be so great. I too love your intelligence and humor.

Susanlynn, I really miss you and your insightful comments and memories of a classic American girlhood lived with gusto and verve.

Judy, Jardinera, Stephe (sorry can't afford Spain this year so will miss our fabulous meeting in the airport), Fuego, Melinama, Mike, Karen, Diane, Julie,and Kat and RSK, you are all in my heart and I miss everyone. The devotion to the photography is beginning to render small results that I am looking for. And yesterday I turned 65 and celebrated with friends at an outdoor concert with Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp and Bob Dylan. What a lucky and fabulous life I feel so blessed.

I will have to check in on Carlos Mondays to enjoy the fun. Good luck.

Cheryl~~~Hi there !! I miss your presence here. Glad to hear that the photography is going well. [I looked up into the trees that canopy the yard at the farm this weekend as I sat talking to my cousins at our family reunion and snapped a picture of that lacy green cieling and thought of you. If I could figure out how to post it , I would.] Hope that you and Willa are both well and that you'll be able to stop in here now and then for a visit.

Forgot say ''Happy Birthday'' and wishes for many more happy ones.

Carlos, you are a treasure. I am so very very glad you took the plunge and joined in on the recapping.

Happy Birthday Cheryl! Wow, it sounds like your birthday really rocked.

Great test post Carlos. I'm afraid I'm a TN addict too. Look forward to reading more from you. :}

Carlos, you are a hoot! I too am a TN addict who justifies her addiction by reasoning that it's to improve my Spanish but we all know it's really just an excuse to ogle the galans & kibbitz with the Caray gang.

Feliz Compleanos, Cheryl!


Gee, I looked back this morning and saw all these added comments. Thanks so much you guys. I'm overwhelmed. Happy birthday Cheryl. That same group gave a concert here about a week or two ago.

This recapping really is a lot of fun even though it requires paying much closer attention than usualand it would help if I actually knew how to type.


Wow Carlos, you are a pro. It must be a good feeling to have such a talent. I have been studying Spanish for 4 years including taking community college classes. I even did Rosetta Stone (well most of it) when our library offered it for free. I understand that you don't have to be bilingual to do the recaps, but it's obvious that you have to understand what they're saying. Books or the classroom didn't help me in that area. Would you please elaborate on how you learned to understand the spoken word? Was that the most difficulat part for you? I would love to write so I would love to recap a tele in this lifetime. But I don't see that on the horizon at this time. Thanks for any feedback.

Alice, thanks for the complement. I've had no formal classes in Spanish so it's hard for me to estimate at what level that I might be, though I've not encountered any literature in quite a while that I can't read. The 2 things that helped me the most with speaking have been the Pimslear courses and of course my tutor with whom I meet for a lesson of an hour or so each Tue. The Pimslear method is basically all speaking and listening. I actually started feeling comfortable speaking with pts. and friends after the first course. I never even attempted to read anything until I started in with the tutor. I watched and understood my first TN during the third course at the urging of a pt. Basically the Pimslear method is hearing and repeating conversations. I had tried several types of lessons before but none held my interest nor could I see any progress. Maybe I was just ready. TNs have helped a lot. If you get an opportunity to try one of the Pimslear tapes or CDs do it and see what you think.

I always enjoy reading your comments. If you've not watched un Gancho al Corazón, give it a look. It is absolutely hilarious. Good luck with your studies. Oh,and by the way, one of the best and easiest books I've read is el Sombrero de Tres Picos. There are some archaic words as well as historical references but you can cope with most of those with a good dictionary. Mostly it's just an entertaining rollicking saucy romp.


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