Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gancho 9-9-09 Wed. Send in the clowns, those with and without makeup accepted....

OK so we start off where we left off with Mao crying to Mona that he lost his kids. She promises to get them back.

Sal seems to be on to Oski and accuses him of wanting Mau’s kids gone, and if he loses them, Sal personally make sure he loses his job and never practices law again. Gabi gets hot at his beastly admonitions.

Oski runs right in and takes out the agression on Jero ripping out the phone from him making “business deals” Os tells him to get off his high horse because Mau is out of jail and will come straight here to oust Jero. Jero thinks Mau is tainted now by having been arrested. Os says he’s stupid and Jero says he’ll fire him. Os tells him not to to step on an animal’s tail without looking at it well, one doesn’t know who one is messing with or something along those lines. He departs.

Estre busts in on Mona kissing and consoling Mau.

Sal calls Mau to tell him where the judge is at his grandson’s b-day party and what’s happening with Jero and Mau gives him full authority to do what is necessary. Not sure then why what happens later happens then.

Jero orders Gabi to get all HIS employees together, that he wants to talk to all of them.

Mau and Mona show up at the kids party to try and talk to the judge, but he wants nothing to do with them and makes his guards throw them away. Mona sees the clown trucks and gets an idea.

Sal tells Beto he’s no longer a fugitive. Jero comes out and makes some staffing decisions. Gabi goes to work under Pau, Xime is the new presidential secretary, and Beto is now the director, leaving Sal to take Beto‘s place. Oh, and Gabi and Sal have another option if they want, to present their resignations. I thought Sal got Mau’s support to do what ever was needed? Maybe he just wants to prove to Mau what an asshat Jero is. Anyway, of course Beto and Xime are the only ones excited, although Pau doesn’t seem to mind being in charge of Gab either.

At the party we are treated to M&M as clowns doeing pretty pathetic hat tricks. The kiddies seem ok with it though. Sebastian Rulli is doing really well, I must say.

Gabi complains about the itchy uniforms and Pau pulls rank. She reminds Gab of all the times she was dismissed when she complained about the same thing. Then Sal shows up and Gabi can’t believe he didn’t do something about this.

The clown show continues.

Beto and Jero have a chat about plans Beto has arranged. Beto wonders where Oski is and Jero says gone, the power went to his head (HA!) so he was dispensable just like any other employee. Beto wonders what it would take to be a partner and Jero gives him a few qualities, Beto says he’ll note that, thinking maybe he’s on his way up (or down depending how you look at it), but a sly look tells us Jero is playing him too.

Connie comes in and learns of all the staff shifting. She is especially impressed with the new director and his "born to conquer" shirt.

The judge compliments Mau for his great skills with children. Mau takes the opportunity to introduce his real self. This of course kind of pisses off the judge that he invaded his privacy.

Jero gives Xime a list of women he wants contacted and told of his new post as president. She thinks he’s nuts and calls him again her hermanolfo (see Hombre’s definition). Enter Gabi with coffee and Xime compliments how everything looks good on her, meaning the uniform. She leaves and Gab and Jero exchange insults, Jero enjoys now but Gab will enjoy when Mau dethrones him. She asks if he needs anything else and he responds mayo for his sandwich. She says oh you don’t need it I put rat poison on instead. For this he calls Xime to come back in to taste the sandwich for him.

The judge accuses Mau of being immature and tells him to get out and basically he’s not doing anything for him.

Estre shows up at school to see how Aldo is doing and of course he is glad to see her. She tells him M&M went to see the judge and to hang in there. He says he’s fine. She asks for a hug and he says what he really wants is this and he smacks one on her. She does not fight.

Back at the office another pair is smackin on each other, this time Coni and Beto in Beto’s new office. She’s sure Mau will kick them all out when he gets back, but Beto keep on with his agenda. Coni fights but not very hard until they are on the desk in missionary position. Just in time for Jero to burst in. Doh! Uh there went his chance at socio.

Coni says it’s not what he thinks and he doesn’t buy it, he calls Beto his ex-director, and Beto blames Coni. Jero kicks Beto out back to cleaning bathrooms and Coni offers Jero money not to talk. Guess what, he doesn’t want money, he wants her and he forces himself upon her.

Estre breaks free from the lip lock with Aldo and says this can’t happen, we can’t be, blah blah…he says he only did what he felt, and he knows she likes it too, and he’s not a kid etc. Luisa walks up and cuts the conversation short.

Gabi and Beto lament their demotions and how everything is unfair. Pau has no sympathy, business is like this, she continues to direct. Gabi scratches Beto’s itch from the uniforms she thinks was made from cat fur.

M&M argue about talking more to the judge. The argue just log enough to rescue the grandson from a speeding car that comes out of nowhere. The judge thanks him profusely, Mona wants to tell him a few things but Mau says let's go. Judge says he owes Mau, so how to pay, Mau says five minutes of your time. He listens.

The cleaning staff continues to lament the situation except for Pau, Beto says he’ll take care of that tyrant once and for all. Sal comes in and Gabi of course exalts Beto for being a man.

Jero is still molesting Coni. She fights and then pow she knees him in the nuts, then smacks him with a ball of some sort. That’s the end of Jero. He falls to the ground unconscious and she worries about him not responding. Beto shows up and calls her a murderer.

The kids return to the house and want to surprise Mau later since he’s not there yet.

Coni and Beto fight about what to do. She inculpates him, if he didn’t horndog on her they wouldn’t be in this. Beto thinks he’s going to jail.

Xime drops calls and screws up. Coni tells her a check is waiting in the safe for her and to go get it. When she does, the duo drag out the corpse across the floor.

M&M clean off their make up and think how cute each looks. They kiss and we are back to the phone rings again. It’s the kids and they want them to come over together.

Gabi runs out and wonders why no one is there answering the phones and she worries that the company is over. Sal follows and tells her to leave it be and let Jero screw up, that is the best strategy. Gabi has no patience for this and decides to resign. She runs around looking for Jero and they don’t find him. They see the blood and Pau faints. Sal tells her to call the police.

In the garage Beto and Coni put Jero in the back of the car. Beto wants to hurl. She wants to go and have him take care of throwing him somewhere, but he’s not letting her off the hook.

He smothers her into submission.

Mau and Mona discuss what the judge said. Turns out he put a few conditions on the return of his kids. He has to marry. Mona says she understands marrying the mummy is for his kids and she’ll be fine. He says he’s not marrying for that reason, he’s found the girl of his life. She realizes he’s not talking about the momia. He says the girl he wants is Valentina Lopez, la Monita and he asks her if she’ll marry him. She turns away and cries and he begs her to say something, well it’s yes. And they kiss.

And why do they show us the previews because we were only happy for about 2.5 seconds because something will destroy this. Sheesh.


Hi Kris...Was out last night but sounds like another jam-packed with action episode. Thanks especially for showing that nice kiss because for sure it won't last. Alas, Jerry's "demise" probably won't last either!

Verrrry clever title amiga, incorporating both a song (one of my favorites) and several layers of meaning! Thinking of you....Judy

Great pictures! Hard to pick a favorite. I almost said my fave was Jero getting his huevos cracked but I thought I sounded too vindictive.

Funny how they only gave us a few seconds of joy before reminding us M&M will be torn asunder. Nothing lasts too long in this show, does it?

Rulli was a pretty good clown, clearly the guy doesn't mind goofing on himself. Not a surprise that Danna Garcia was an excellent clown, she looked a lot like Lucille Ball again.

I liked how Gabi and Sal got demoted and instantly became "one of the gang" with Pau and Beto. I wonder if the blurring of class lines will remain after Sal and Gabi get promoted back to their regular jobs?

Thanks for the super recap Kris. Love your wisecracks, title and cute pics.

Kris, great job. Great pictures.

I especially don't like clowns, but even so, I thought that was another fun episode. Surely they won't bump Jerónimo off. He brings a lot of texture and humor to the show.

I really enjoy how Beto accepts and deals with the twists and turns of fortune. Whatever happens to him, he remains philosophical about it, always comfortable in his own skin.


Thanks for the recap Kris. I was telling Conste knee him, knee him. Wow, then she did it. For sure, Jerry is gone yet. He has to be back. I was just wondering how they got him out of the office without others seeing them? Beto and Conste are quite the pair.

It looks like this show will end soon, Monita and Mau are getting married... NOT... yet.

Looking at avances, perhaps Mon's big lie of who Beto actually is will finally come out. Assuming Mau's impactado look matches up with the Beto/Mon beso.

Carlos... "...comfortable in his own skin. " Others, except Const, aren't too comfortable with his skin. :) Beto and Gab aren't too comfortable with their uniforms either. Gab scratching Beto's itch was good.


Great recap Gancho. I always enjoy you take on the show as well as your pictures. Especially the one of Betp. I love him.

My favorite convo from last night was between Beto and Coni:

Beto: "¿Estás conmigo o sinmigo?"
Coni(pointing at herself): "Conmigo"
Beto: "¡Por eso!"
(Starts kissing her)

Of course our main couple will still have to deal with more stuff before getting together, but it seems like this is the last secret between, then everything about Moni's life will be out in the open for Mau.


Great recap, Kris, and I love all your comments, as well as the terrific pictures.

The clowning reminded me a little of Candy and Patricio in clown suits on Tontas. Wonder if they reused the same outfits.

But you're right, Kris. Jeronimo, Beto and Ximena are pretty much clowns without makeup.

I think they should have more crosswalks. Haven't we had a number of speeding cars crash into, or barely miss, our characters?

Just about all our characters have been knocked out, too. Beto, Connie, Rolu, Mau, Jerry, Moni and I'm sure there were more I can't remember.

I especially liked Connie's slinky sweater and pants outfit. I can see why Beto and Jerry found her hard to resist.

Thanks , Gancho. Beto isn't exactly typical galan material, but there is something about him that is very appealing. I think I could go for him...except for his odor problemo. Sebastion Rulli has certainly improved. I like him in this role, and his kissing skilz just keep on improving. Sylvia~~~I just read your post from the other day. Youtube has a clip of Ed Yanez on ''Hoy'' being interviewed by the guy who plays Beto . Ed is wearing a scarf around his head, so I think that they are discussing Corzon Salvaje. I also found some other clips about the new TN. They have started filming in Vera Cruz.

kris: Your recap and pictures were great.

I know I'm in the minority but I love clowns! As a kid, I always wondered how they crammed into those tiny cars? Actually, I still wonder :) I enjoyed the non-tricks, smiling all the way. I'm impressed with and thoroughly enjoying Rulli. He's extremely appealing.

Good point Carlos - Beto rolls with the punches, whatever it takes. He has to be him, even if it's picking his nose almost non-stop through Jerry's management personnel change speech. I've said it before - repulsion and attraction - he's an enigma.

I wondered if the hearts on Ximena's computer were messages? Although a "While You Were Out" note may be more effective, it's certainly not as much fun. Thought she looked like she was in her glory. It would certainly be a happier workplace with her there.

Diana in MA

Susalyn I just looked for the interview you were talking about and watch it. Yañez was SO nervous, he even let out a word that is not allowed on national television before 10 pm. It seemed to me that all the hosts of "HOY" tried to make him feel more comfortable the whole time, Raúl at the end especially.


I was waiting for Beto to ask if he could tutear Jero, but alas I didn't hear it. I too thought the sin/conmigo thing was hysterical, as was the comment Beto made to Sal screwing up profugo. I thought he said porfugo but the captions said prosfugo, so I'm not sure what was going on but it was another word gag.
Speaking of gag I thought it was funny that Beto was teh one to hurl, not ice vains Conni, and how she walked him through keeping the "monster" down. If he takes her rap, I'll lose respect for him!!

Hi Kris and all...just got to watch it and yes, there was certainly a word play with "profugo" but was trying to figure out what the joke could be. Maybe he said "prociutto" (the ham) instead? Well, whatever...always a good show even if our favorite couple is going to be splitsville pronto.

Jarocho~~I couldn't understand what they were saying on ''Hoy''., but Eduardo did look nervous. He's prpbably aware of all the negative comments being made on the net about the new version of Corazon Salvaje. I'm looking forward to it. If you're reading this , you and don't listen to the naysayers.

Jarocho~~I couldn't understand what they were saying on ''Hoy''., but Eduardo did look nervous. He's prpbably aware of all the negative comments being made on the net about the new version of Corazon Salvaje. I'm looking forward to it. If you're reading this , you and don't listen to the naysayers.

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