Saturday, September 05, 2009

Gancho Friday Sepember 4th. Fresa is Naca, Naca is Fres, but What’s Under Anastasia’s Dress?

Alternate title: What really happened with the Octogenarians in Monterrey?

In tonight’s episode, we have a number of people pretending to be others. We get to see Moni in a new outfit. And Anastasia – well, our buxom babe has revealed quite a bit to the viewers already, but tonight we learn her deepest secret. No, it’s not the name of her plastic surgeon. Let’s take a look at what happened.

We recap with Mau and Moni’s discussion after Beto decided not to spill the beans. Mau asks Moni if she remembers that special day they had on the set of the telenovela, when he rescued her on that big horse. Of course, that was the best day of Moni’s life, it was like a dream. Well, when you lie, Moni, that dream becomes a nightmare, says Mau, and the woman from that day seems like another woman. That woman was honest. He dismisses her, saying go with your brother, and we see Connie smiling, having listened in on at least part of the conversation.

Back in the vecindad, Ximena has finished giving her “testimony” to Cristian the Cop, feeling better now that she’s turned in her “hermanolfo” (a contraction of hermano and golfo, or lowlife brother). Estrella and Paula want to know what Ximmy said, so they ask Cris. He says it’s confidential, there’s NO WAY he can tell them that there’s a sinister plot to kill Mauricio and take all his money. And it’s confidential, so he can’t tell them that the principal suspects are Jeronimo Sermeño and Oscar Cardenas Villavicencio! For now, he has to report to his bosses, who’ll choose what to do next. Paula wants to choose to go to dinner, but Cris says another time, and Paula gets a little miffed when Estrella gives Cris one of her sexy sendoffs.

Mau-contented is at home, sitting on his bed, crying like a baby. Conniver Connie comes in to cuddle and comfort. In Mau’s weakened state, he can’t resist her kisses, she gently pushes him back onto the bed, and……it’s morning. Uh-oh!

In the office, Paula is wondering why Moni was quiet all the way in to work. Moni relates how Mau sort of broke up with her because of the lies. Pau isn’t surprised, saying if Moni were Pinocchio, she’d have killed Mau with her nose (si fueras Pinocho lo hubieras matado de un narizaso). Why don’t you tell him the truth? Moni doesn’t know where to begin, she’s just a fool. No, you’re a coward, corrects Pau. Go find him. You musn’t give up (no debes rendirte). She then gives Moni a dicho: No hay mal que por bien jamás su rama endereza (there’s no bad that can’t be fixed by good, literally there’s no bad that with the good never has it’s branches straightened out). And here’s her chance, as Gabi comes in with some papers for Mau to sign. He’s at the racetrack, and Moni takes the papers and leaves with a determined look.

At the track, Mauricio is upset to find he can’t race, because Rolando has gotten him barred from official competition with some phony doctor reports, saying Mau isn’t healthy enough to compete. But Tano tells him he didn’t come to the track in vain (en balde), he’s tense, and some driving will relax him. However, he has a question? How come Constanza asked to wear a racing outfit? Won’t that hurt Moni’s feelings? Mau says Moni’s no longer part of his life, now butt out. And heeeeeeeeeerrre’s …..Connie! She strides up in a blue racing outfit, with lots of white velcro fasteners, helmet under arm, hair blowing in the breeze, fashionable shades completing the look. Hola, guapo, she greets him, planting a big kiss on her big boy.

In the lobby of Grupo Sermeño, Oscar and Jerry are discussing plans gone wrong, when they’re detained by the police! They briefly attempt to flee, but officer Cris puts a stop to that. They’re cuffed and led away for questioning.

A shapely rear protrudes from Mau’s racecar. Moni must not have my horndog instincts, as she arrives with the papers and thinks it’s her boss’s butt. She informs “Mau” about the documents, and is a little surprised when Connie removes helmet, whips off the fire protective cowl, and flips her auburn tresses in triumph. She then stuns Moni with the news that Mau and she spent last night together. Did you sleep together, asks Moni? Well, we didn’t exactly SLEEP, you understand, right? She then sees Mau walk up, and lays another big fat kiss on him right in front of Moni. She says to Mau how nice it is to be novios again, and Mau, just says “Constanza, please”, instead of denying it. Moni gives him the papers to sign, starts to walk away in tears. And guess who’s right there to dry those tears? Randy Rolando!

At first, Moni wants nothing to do with the bum, but when Mauricio asks if Rolu’s bothering her, she changes strategy, and cozies up to Rolu, driving Mau nuts. She says Rolu invited her to ride in the racecar, and since he’s champion, and soooo handsome, she just can’t say no. Steam is coming out of Mau’s ears, as apparently Moni’s going to ride with Rolu and Connie will ride with Mau at the same time.

Oscar and Jerry are defending themselves. What do you mean, they were going to kill Mau? Oscar knows the law, there has to be proof. Meanwhile, Salvador is yelling that they’re guilty. Cris says that Ximena said that Anastasia said they were guilty (yeah, that’ll hold up in court). But Oscar says Anastasia can’t be trusted (why not, she seems so sweet). Meanwhile, Jerry wants them to arrest Salvador.

Ximania’s tripping out on the stains on the ceiling of Estrella’s apartment. One of them looks like a car. Ximmy and Estre are both hoping Moni and Mau will get together. Ximmy pictures them kissing right on top of the office desk! Yeah, but you know what? says Estre. They’ve already kissed. Who already kissed? demands Beto, entering on cue. Today his shirt says “boy toy with batteries”.

Oscar again demands proof. An officer enters, hands Cris an envelope. Is this the proof? Jerry looks nervous. Cris says they’re free to go. Huh? Seems Anastasia’s real name is Pedro!! Oscar and Salvador both look as if they’re going to barf. Cris adds that the suspect was defrauding octogenarians in Monterrey!

Meanwhile, Anastasia/Pedro is combing her/his hair in the break room with Paula. Paula’s mad, because Ana makes substandard cappuccino. Cris bursts in, gun pointed at Ana, he’s discovered her secret! Cris must have Crisco on his hands, because Ana snatches the gun away with ease, and points it at poor Pau. Pau pleads with her not to shoot, adding that really, her cappuccinos were quite delicious.

In response to Beto’s question, “who already kissed?”, Estrella puts Beto’s fears to rest, they were talking about Moni and Beto kissing when they reconcile. Right, adds Ximmy, she pictures them kissing in the woods under the light of the moon. The kisses will be much better than Beto’s kisses with….With whom? (con quien) inquires Estrella. (Remember, the word for with is “con”). Ximmy says, con, con, Con….and almost lets it slip, but Beto says con La Monita, and Ximmy nervously confirms this. Estrella doesn’t believe this, but Beto isn’t talking, and when Estre tells Ximmy to come clean (desembuchar), Ximmy lies back on the sofa looking at the ceiling stains again. An airplane? A strawberry daiquiri? Ah, well, Estrella’s not getting any answers today.

Beto runs into Costeño in the street, who says Don Cesar has a fight for Moni tomorrow, and it pays a lot. The two go off to discuss it with Don Cesar.

Ana/Pedro has Pau’s arm behind her back, gun to the head, as she/he leads her out into the main office. Even as two other officers and Cris train guns on her/him (where did Cris get another gun?), Ana's not deterred. (She’s like a caged Ana-mal, if you ask me). She’s getting out of here, or Paula dies. Gabi pleads, kill me instead. Salvador approaches, tells Paula to stay calm. Cris suddenly yells out “Pedro”, and Salvador grabs the gun, and saves the day! Gabi’s impressed. Paula has to go the bathroom.

And we’re back. At the track. Moni’s about to go on the attack. She’s now sporting a black version of the girl racer outfit, zipping up, asking if Mau likes it. He says she’s never looked better. But she wants him to swear he didn’t sleep with Connie. Ever slow on the uptake, our galán tries to process the question through his limited brain cells.

Ana is screaming that Oscar and Jerónimo hired her to get Mau’s fortune, but Cris isn’t listening, and hustles our handcuffed hussy into the elevator. She gives the crowd a final air kiss.

So, did Mauricio tell Moni he didn’t sleep with Connie? (I actually think he didn’t). Nope, he just asks Moni, who told you, Constanza? Moni gets indignant, and Mau can barely get another word in. He resorts to ordering Moni back to work, as her boss. Bad move.

In the oficina, Gabi’s ribbing the guys. Tell me Oscar, tell me Sal, how WAS it kissing Pedro? After they leave, Gabi’s feeling pretty good about herself, as Ana’s gone, and she’s still standing.

It’s time for the race, as both Mau and Rolu help their respective ladies get their helmets and gloves on, and boost them into the cars through the windows. Connie tells Mau to leave ‘em in the dust (hazlos morder el polvo, which really means to make them bite the dust). Moni’s nervous, wants to get out of Rolu’s car, but he won’t hear of it. Tano waves the green flag, and they’re off. (But what is the point of this? I thought the girls just wanted to go for a ride. Does driving faster really prove someone’s more macho? Isn’t this a little juvenile?) As usual, the camera angles make it completely impossible to figure out what’s going on, but once again, Mau’s car spins out, and I guess he’s going to say Rolu caused it. At least he didn’t crash this time.

After the commercial, the guys jump out and start pushing each other, Mau accusing Rolu, Rolu smirking, as Moni gravitates to Mau, causing Connie to tell her to let go of her boyfriend. This enrages Moni, who starts to attack Connie. Mau restrains her.

Over at the private school, the three Heathers surprise Luisa by being nice to her. They even want to hang out with her in the coffee shop in the park later. We can’t tell if they’re sincere or not.

Rolu has walked Monita back to her neighborhood, and she’s grateful for that, but really wants nothing further to do with him. He wants more, of course, asks her out, after all, she’s his co-pilot, but she refuses, even gets in a boxing stance to make her point. He tells her she doesn’t know what she’s missing, blows her a kiss, as Ximena observes in the background.

In the office, Mauricio is a little short with Connie, but she calms him down, starts massaging his shoulders, tells him she doesn’t love him because he’s a handsome millionaire, but because he’s a sensitive guy, and beneath it all, still a little boy. He agrees, he’s a little boy that anyone can fool. She continues to be nice, won’t bother him at work, wants to check on the kids. She leaves with a smile, her strategy is finally working!

Moni’s feeling guilty, telling Estrella how she treated Mau horribly. She’s lost him forever, might as well return to work. In bursts Ximmy, still wearing the glasses, who do you think you lost forever, taradupidita! (Ximmy speak for stupid moron). She thinks Moni’s actually after Rolu. Moni says sure, him, the butcher and the mechanic around the corner, and leaves. Ximmy tells Estre she’s in favor of sexual freedom, and that corner mechanic is cute, but not her Rolu! Estre tells her to forget Rolu and let’s read some fashion mags. Ximmy’s cool with that.

But now Nieves was eavesdropping, mad as hell that Moni would go after so many men, Rolando, even the mechanic! This has to end.

Bad boy Beto picks up a coin, it’s his lucky day. No, actually two boys were playing rayuela (sort of like hopscotch, or pitch and toss), it’s their coin. He claims finders keepers, but after a bit of kicking, he grudgingly tosses it back to them (over their heads). His mom rushes out, what are you doing fighting with boys, when La Monita is putting the horns on you with Rolando? Beto gets mad, and our Raging Bull marches off to obtain justice. He’ll question Moni, and if it’s true, he’ll kill her! Nieves worries about her little darling, it’s more likely Moni would kill him.

Gabi is informing Mau and Sal that they have to hire another person, and maybe this time, they could check the criminal record, no? She knows Sal’s hormones got the better of his judgment. After Gabi leaves, Sal admits to Mau that it was true. Mau says he understands, when one is in love, one disregards the consequences. Sal protests, he wasn’t in love, but Mau knows, he wasn’t talking about Sal.

Ivan rented a dvd, a love story, and wants to watch it with Luisa. But she can’t, she has to study. And later she’s meeting her new girlfriends from school for an ice cream. Ivan offers to go with her, but she thinks her new friends are somewhat “selective”, and he immediately knows it’s the class thing again, he’s the cook’s grandson. She denies it, but he’s not so sure.

At work, Moni’s spritzing the door with cleaning solution, as Beto bumbles in, only to be spritzed in the face. This temporary blinding doesn’t stop him from accusing Moni of cheating on him. She was seen kissing Rolando. Of course Mauricio just happens to be listening at the door at this exact moment, hears this, and of course, leaves before anything further is said. Paula’s there, too. Inside the coffee room, Moni tells Beto he’s nuts if he thinks she has anything to do with Rolando, the next time he accuses her, she’ll punch him out. Beto hears her, but hold the punches for tomorrow, he’s lined up a fight for her. Moni thinks one day isn’t time enough to train, but Beto says it’ll be pan comida since she already beat the gal once – one Ana María Torre – La Guerrera. Moni’s not sure, as Paula enters to inform Beto that Gabi wants him. Think about it, Moni, he says, as he leaves.

Paula tells Moni that Mau heard some of the bit about Rolando. Moni decides to bring Mau some coffee and be nice to calm him down. He’s furious, and when she comes in, sweet as sugar, he angrily grabs a magazine and starts reading, can’t even look at her. She asks what he’s reading. Just an article. She says he might get more out of it, if he weren’t holding the magazine upside down! Anyway, she wants to clear up what he may have heard through the door. He doesn’t want to listen, but she continues, Rolando just took her home, she’d never hurt Mau, especially with his worst enemy, he has to believe her, believe in her, she says, leaning closer. Please leave, is his response, and she sadly does.

Mau calls Connie. Let’s have dinner tonight in the Blue Danube Restaurant. She’s delighted. She hangs up, and we see she’s having lunch with Oscar and Jerry. Oscar has an idea. Moni should also be at the Blue Danube. Connie’s initially appalled, but Oscar whispers his plan, and there are smiles all around.

Paula and Beto want to clear up a few things in front of Gabi, Sal and Cris. Paula says she broke up with Beto, but he says he broke up with HER. Why, she was fooling around with this mequetrefe (good for nothing), pointing to Cris. Cris gets mad, and they push Paula back and forth between them a few times until it’s time for a fight! The two roll around on the floor, as Gabi leaves, she’s not into watching lovers’quarrels.

And now it’s time for our funniest scene. Connie’s going to try to sound as “naca” as possible. She dials Rolu on her cell, and says What’s shakin’, Rolando, it’s Monita” in an overdone, sing-songy voice. He thinks her voice sounds different over the phone, but she continues, using all the street expressions (while cringing with the effort). She wants to eat dinner at the Blue Danube, and later, go to his house for dessert, sprinkling in “neta” (the truth), “sale” (okay), “órale” (okay, or right?), to enhance the effect. Rolu buys the act, is looking forward to his dessert, he’ll see her at the restaurant. Connie’s disgusted at having to talk like that, treats the phone as if it had cooties. Good job, says Oscar, now for the second part of the plan.

And after the commercial, we have another voice transformation. Luisa is now trying to sound superfresa, telling her amiguita Mayra they’ll meet in the cóle (short for colegio or school). She doesn’t have a “celu” (short for cellular), maybe she’ll buy one. Aldo comes in, shocked to hear her Valley Girl voice, grabs the phone and hangs up. They start arguing, Mauricio comes in, she tells him she needs a cell phone, all her friends have them. Mauricio asks her to calm down, go to her room, they’ll talk in a minute, and she leaves, pushing Aldo, calling him “naco”. Aldo’s so mad he wants to kill Luisa, but Mau, as usual, says violence never solves anything, and he’ll talk to the kids, but for now, he has to get ready to go out. With Moni? asks Aldo. No, and he doesn’t want to hear that name again (yeah, right).

Said Moni is weeping on her cama, Estrella providing tissues from a roll of toilet paper, saying they could power the entire vecindad with all her waterworks. Mauricio doesn’t love me anymore! The phone rings, though, and Estrella says to answer it. And it is Mau, saying Monita, I need you. You need me? We switch to the other end of the conversation, and Oscar’s holding a little tape recorder! He taped Mau (earlier and apparently just now when he asked Connie out to dinner), and is using the tape to pretend to have Mau ask Moni out to the same restaurant. And it works! Oscar and Jerry have Cheshire Cat grins, and so do we, the audience, as another funny episode comes to a close.

Previews: Paula tells Gabi that Moni’s a boxer, with Jerry listening in, and Beto confronts Rolando, how come my future wife is going around with you? Mauricio’s standing right there. Your future WHAT?!


Un narizaso – hitting with your nose. You can add azo (or aso) to lots of words to mean a hit with the object. For example, a punch is a puñetazo (puño means fist)
Desembuchar – to come clean about something, let out the truth
Rayuela – Mexican street game, like pitch and toss, or hopscotch
Mequetrefe – a good for nothing

No hay mal que por bien jamás su rama endereza – the good drives out the bad, literally there’s nothing so bad that can’t have its branches straightened out by the good. I didn't realize it, but Paula actually combined the following two dichos:
No hay mal que por bien no venga - There's no bad from which good can't come, and
Árbol torcido, jamás su rama endereza - A twisted tree never straightens its branch


Hey Hombre, great job! I missed bits and pieces last night so extra thanks for filling in the gaps.

Not much forward movement on this one, though the Anastasia as drag queen is a very interesting twist.

Hope everyone's enjoying the long weekend!

Excellent job, Hombre. Anastasia/ Pedro certainly had a surprise for us. I guess Oscar didn't know her as well as we, or he for that matter, thought. What fun. Connie's phone call to Rolando was indeed the funniest scene for me too. Her Moni imitation was quit on target and the way she looked at the phone after Rolu's response was hilarious. Looks like Christian may be a regular character.


I love the way Paula conbines two different dichose and comes up with something unique to her! This is the second time she's done that.

Loved your puns and verbal humor, Hombre and thanks for noting those little words that went right past me like the term for "hopscotch" or
pitch 'n toss.

Carlos, I remember you saying Anastacia was a bit we know why! Always some fun surprises.

Thanks Hombre. Reading this was much more pleasant than biting my nails during the Navy-Ohio State game. Gave us quite a scare did the Midshipmen!

Judy, just shows that first impressions can often be cautionary. Nonetheless, I was stunned by the revelation. It almost seems that this show just gets better and better as well as increasingly more outrageous. By TN tradition, shouldn't it be starting to drag a bit?


Hmmm...a little double endtendre with that "drag" quip, Carlos?

I will say, for me, the Mau -Monita kiss kiss breakup breakup daily routine is beginning to pall a bit. We have many more months of misunderstandings between these two to go....but the peripheral characters are all great. Funny, well-played, very entertaining. I'm still enjoying the ride and hope everyone else is too.

whoops entendre....didn't proofread.

Great recap Hombre! I enjoyed it greatly, especially the nicknames "Conniver Connie" and "Randy Rolando".

I think Connie was great imitating Moni, and I like Paula mixing the dichos because I do that all the time, although not with those as different and known as the ones she uses.

Carlos now that we lost the UnGancho page I can't remember in wich episode we are, my guess is fifty something, so we should still have around 160 episodes to go. Lets hope everybody keeps being entertained until the end.


This comment has been removed by the author.

Judy, I wondered if anyone would notice. Actually it was unintentional, yet somehow, appropriate. Heh, heh.

Jarocha I believe that this is #55. I remember that my episode last wk. was #50.


Going way, way back... I knew guys who'd been stationed in Thailand during the late unpleasantness who spoke of being fooled by "Kathoeys" who were generally quite lovely. Search Wikipedia for the full run down.

Ah, Anastacia, you saucy thing. Perhaps you've visited Bangkok?

Judy and Jarocha: Silly me, I didn't even realize Paula was combining two dichos! I've now added a little explanation of the two well known dichos at the end of the recap. Thanks for pointing it out.

I'm also hoping Cristian will be a regular character. Finally, Paula can have a novio. We still need guys for Estrella and Ximena, though.

Great recap and title Hombre. It seems Jerry and Oscar aren't quite as on top of things as they thought (i.e. Anastasia).

Regarding the plot I'm of two minds. On the one hand ITA with Carlos: I'm having a blast with the characters and really enjoy this show. I'd love to see a blooper reel as you know these actors are having a grand time.

On the other hand, I watch novelas for romance so ITA with Judy regarding the make up/break up scenes with Mau and Moni. I guess this is the torment part of this novela which compared to EDNA is a picnic. It's odd Mau is still clueless about Connie's lies but magically grows a brain and can tell Moni's lying. I guess this is supposed to demonstrate how Mau truly loves Moni (hence hates her lying to him) and doesn't love Connie.

Does anyone know if the actress/actor playing Anastasia/ Pedro came of the production line with masculine original equipment or is an enhanced feminine model? I'm embarrassed as a physician to admit that I can't tell for certain. The bubis aren't convincing, but then neither are a lot of the after-market parts sported by a number of originally feminine models. Poor Sal was clearly shaken but I wasn't certain that perhaps Jerry and/or Oscar weren't stirred.


Karen, Mauricio should realize that if words are coming out of Monita's pretty little mouth...she's lying.


Ay yi yi...shaken and stirred...shade of Jody!

Dr. Judy thinks Anastacia is actually a woman. But I haven't seen her in high-def. Usually there's something in the complexion around the jaw line that indicates whether it's a man or a woman. Also the size of her feet though I wager none of us noticed her feet!

Oh alright...I'm just guessing. As in most things in life.

Judy, you can bet I'll start paying a bit more attention to feet. I wonder how Oscar met Anastasia in the first place. Too bad Beto didn't have an opportunity to meet herm.


Hi, everyone. Hombre, thanks for the recap. As for Anastasia, I think she/he looks like a woman. I didn't notice an Adams apple. Judyb~~~~So you use the feet as an indicator ...therefore, I guess I will never be mistaken for an hombre with my sizefives. However, some of those gorgeous Super models have reeeaaallly big feet. Anastasia's bubis look like they were bought and paid for [like our dear Gardenia's ]. JMHO

Susanlynn, you just had to mention Gardenia's bubis, didn't you? I thought that the jury was still out on that little matter. Of course there is not much doubt about Pedro's.


Carlos~~~Yes, that's right. Gardenia's bubis are still a source of debate and conjecture. I continue to maintain that I can tell the real [or unreal] when I see it....them. ~~~Susanlynn, surfing youtube for info on the new Corazon Salvaje and Big Ed.

Ahoy all. Just got back into town after a weekend off the grid.

Loved the recap and your title Hombre. The Pedro plot line is hilarious and serves everyone right. (If Anon#1 were watching he would most certainly have noticed her/his feet. He has a bit of a foot fetish as I recall.)

Connie rocked in this episode.

It's painful to see Luisa duped by the Heathers. I so do NOT miss adolescence.

Thanks Hombre!

Loved conniver and ana-mal...hysterical and so true!!

Also loved all the dicho info. Thanks for that!

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