We begin tonight with a replay of Moni's more or less triumphant return from her brief odyssey with Mao which was skillfully and artfully described by Hombre de Misterio. Therefore we begin tonight's adventure with our Hombre's words:
"Beto and Nieves go into their apartment and proceed to argue about Moni. Nieves thinks he should have more trust in Moni, no one’s stealing his girlfriend. Maybe not stealing, more like borrowing, but he won’t stand for it. Nieves convinces him to calm down, be happy for Moni, and when she returns, he can ask her whatever he wants.
And here she is. The whole crowd screams as Cinderella returns to the barrio. Estrella can’t believe it, she’s so happy she has to pinch (pellizcar) Moni. They ask if she found her mother, but the answer is no, and Moni doesn’t even want to search anymore. Beto comes up, gives her a big hug, saying Monita, my heart, my life, my little cutie, and Nieves hugs her, too. Beto says he was so worried. Yeah, so worried that you got drunk, adds Estrella. Moni apologizes for not calling, but the lines were down. No matter, says Beto, I just have one question for you. It’s very important. Between you and Mauricio, is there something? That is, did you sleep together last night? Well, Moni HAS promised to tell the truth, and it looks as if she’ll answer this one………..on Monday."
Well, it's Monday so let's see what our girl has to say. Now for our formerly creative Moni this would have been a pan comido (piece of cake); for the new improved version, this presents a challenge. Not accustomed to telling the truth even if it's as effective as a lie, Moni reverts to her boxing skills and deflects the question countering with a jab, "How can you say such a thing?" Well said. Unfazed he presses his case. Careful Beto, don't ask about things that you really don't want to know. Exasperated, she recounts her adventure up to and including passing the night in Mao's embrace. Now Nieves becomes the inquisitor. She wants to know what Moni has learned about her mom. We're stating to sense that hay un gato encerrado (we smell a rat) over what Nieves knows of Isabel Lopez. She seems relieved when Moni says that she knows no more than she did before. She is rescued by Pau and Estre. As they saunter off, Estrella turns and hurls a silent taunt toward a steaming Beto who acknowledges it with a gestured threat of his own. Nieves turns to Beto and asks if he noticed. Yes, he notices the horns sprouting from his forehead, but no, it's that Moni is now being truthful with him while he's still deceiving and betraying her with Mao's novia. Nonetheless, Beto vows vengeance on his ex-brother and for emphasis assumes the trademark stance of el Fantasma Vengador. He's off to the gym to rally the troops.
Teresa is relieved to see Mao safe and sound, as is Connie who embraces him warmly and then informs him of her valiant rescue of the kiddies from the evil clutches of Jero who was going to evict them from the castle. Teresa confirms this though she seems puzzled by Connie's motherly concern. Mao begins to tell her of his ordeal, but when he mentions Moni, Connie tells him that she doesn't care about the details, she is just happy that he is safe and sound. Hey, I could get used to this new improved Constanza. Mauricio is wondering who abducted Connie and replaced her with this pleasant android.
A pensive Aldo is at school remembering his shock at finding Estrella with Tono. His ruminations are invaded by the appearance of a bubbling Katia, freshly back from Italy, flashing all manner of silent signals that she is available. The wedding is back on and it looks like they'll be getting to see each other every day. Neato, huh? A little less thrilled than she he turns to walk away but she informs him that Mao is back s they stroll off together to tell Luisa and Dani.
In the office, Sal, flanked by Gabi, is bemoaning recent events and attempting damage control by phone when Mao appears. They are delighted that he is OK, but Sal urgently needs to speak with him, so off they go to Jero's office. There they find Jerónimo seated comfortably behind his desk. In Mao's absence Jero has taken advantage of a precipitous drop in the value of Groupo Sermeño, owing to speculation about Mao's demise, to acquire an equal position in the company to Mao's, 45%. Now he has equal say in the operation of the company and is thinking about queering the deal between Groupo Seremeño and Fabrimex. A proposition very important that Mao has put together. Jero then shoos them from his office. This latest maneuver by Jero is pretty impressive. Looks to me like Ximena gains a bit of power since she holds the other 10% of the stock.
Luisa is thrilled that Mao is safe. She hurries off, leaving Aldo at the mercy of a sweetly predatory Katia. She confirms that Aldo is a free agent and coincidently so is she, sooo... Catching Aldo off guard she moves in for a kiss. He resists at first, but, what the heck. ¡Beso! Rather tame, but then these are kids.
In Sal's office Mao is admitting that it's not as though Sal hasn't warned him on numerous occasions of Jero's perfidy, Now they must wrest control of the company from his greedy hands. The door opens and Ximena, nudging Connie aside, bursts in, joyful that her primuchi (Ximenese for cousin) is safe. Connie catches up, pulls her back, and marks her territory with a kiss on the mouth. Mao endures. He instructs her to let him know immediately if Jerónimo attempts to molest her again. he leaves and she makes herself at home, collapsing comfortably into his chair. Ximena mirrors the satisfied collapse with similarly outstretched arms. How nice that her cousin was so disturbed finding out about her and Jero, Connie beams, and the Fantasma Vengador too, Connie scowls.
Katia and Aldo are still kissing, warmly but chastely. Ivan interrupts and is informed that they are novios by Aldo. "Yes for an hour, fifteen minutes, and thirty seconds," adds Katia. Uh oh, she's one of those. He is underwhelmed and leaves. They pick up where they left off. Well OK, since he seems willing.
Oscar is conferring with Jero in his new office. Now that he is on top he'll need Oscar as his loyal assistant (fiel perro) a position that Oscar rejects. Jero still needs his help. Jero, like a cat, thinks that he is self-sufficient, but actually he is Oscar's pet, a kitten, "Say meow." Jero seems awed. Connie replaces Oscar, "Here is my kitten," boasts Jero as Oscar leaves. She messes with his mind by pointing out that he can never replace Mao. She has been in bed with both, and well...Jero just doesn't measure up. Ouch.
Ivan is studying in the kitchen. Aldo comes in for a glass of milk, "You'll go blind with so much reading." He is greeted with a cold shoulder. Ivan is miffed by Aldo's apparent dumping of of Estrella. I understand, but Ivan doesn't know the whole story, does he?
In the coffee room Moni and Pau confer. Moni whines about Mao, but this time it's not all about her. Pao faces a dilemma. Cristian has asked her to come live with him up north. She's tempted, but doesn't want to move away from her friends. No problema. Moni will help her convince him to stay.
Connie has come seeking assistance from a rather chilly Nieves, who cautions her about tuteando so quickly with her. Now, actually this has the potential of being a formidable team. She is wanting to marry Mauricio and wants Nieves to push Beto to marry Moni. She is offered coffee but prefers green tea which Nieves doesn't have but offers to go to a neighbor's to get some. "No,thanks." She offers Nieves money. Nieves is offended but does agree to cooperate.
In the coffee room, an emboldened Pau makes progress with Cristian, she loves his exciting police stories and especially enjoyed him showing her the morgue. She brings up marriage, he chokes briefly, but then agrees to marry her. After all he is afraid of nothing, but he certainly looks worried.
Estrella see's Connie taking her leave of Nieves, and doesn't like for a minute this unholy alliance. She makes a call...to Aldo?
Moni bring Mao his capuchino and lingers to offer encouragement and support as he whines about his problems with Jero, "...a rock in my shoe." They embrace and kiss just as el Fantasma Vengador, looking like a dissipated Power Ranger, pops in, without knocking, surrounded by his wrestling buds from the gym, who make an interesting menagerie themselves. Surprisingly, we aren't really surprised by their presence. He is angry and confronts Mao with the circumstances. Mao tries to say something but Beto , without asking permission orders, "¡Tú callate la boca! ¡Sí, te tuteó, tú cállate la boca!" ¡Bravo,Beto! Clearly annoyed Mao claims, "We were simply talking." "Yes, cheek to cheek (ccahete a cachete)." Mao fires Beto and threatens to call security which evokes a mocking, unison "Oooh," from Beto and his goon squad. He then vents his disappointment in his former hero and gestures the implied threat of future reprisal as he ushers out the support group.
Impressed and frightened Sal and Gabi look on as Beto, whom Jero identifies by scent, seizes the opportunity to avenge Connie. He places him in a headlock, gouges his eyes a bit, then releases him to the violent ministries of his entourage. Appalled, Gabi insists that Sal call up security. The wrestlers pause and look to Sal. After a moment to consider, he signals for them to continue the pummeling. Anyone who is playing the gancho drinking game, that is, a drink for every blow struck, should consider suspending play at this point. Moni sees the action through the window and steps through the door, holding it shut to prevent Mao's exit. Finally Paula and Cristian arrive. He attempts to quell the riot, ordering everyone, "Up against the wall!" (ya gotta like his spunk) but is met with the derisive "¡Oooh!" from the wrestlers, this time a little less in tune. Gab offers to call for backup. Once again,"¡Oooh!" Beto relieves Cristian of his batón and as more security personnel arrive a melee ensues. Sal is drawn into the fray as Beto orders Moni to release Mao. Mao however tosses a heavy jug through the glass and steps out to face Beto. "Maurica (marica= girly-man), tú y yo, masca contra la cabellera de pelo de muñeca vieja (you and I, mask against the hairdo from the hair of an old doll) and he assumes his stance. (Now the CCs said something a bit different that didn't make a lot of sense to me. This is what I actually heard. Please feel free to jump in.)
Estrella finds Aldo outside the movie theater, and tries to make up with him and explain about Tano, but surprise, surprise, Aldo really doesn't have time. He has a date. With Katia who has just scurried up. They kiss. Estrella wilts.
Beto and Mao are shouting at each other but an idea has struck Casteño. Haw about a real match between the two? The idea catches on. Mauricio will need two weeks to train. Mauricio extends his hand to shake with Beto but withdraws it just as Beto reaches for it, grabbing and holding...Moni's right bubi. (This scene was on You Tube but was cut out for our viewing on Univision, but I put it in the recap anyway.)

"What's happening?" she asks no one in particular as she removes Beto's hand. Cristian, disheveled but game, offers to press charges, but no need, they will settle matters in the ring in two weeks. Beto gathers his troops and they back into the elevator. As the doors close, Beto farts.
Moni fusses at Mao for agreeing to such a thing, Beto will puree him, but he wants to hear no more. Moni storms out vowing to give Beto an earful. Sal is wheeled into Maos office by Gabi. Poor Jero is the last to recover, vainly calling for help, he struggles, unaided, to his feet.
Outside the theater, Aldo presents Katia as his novia to a rather unenthusiastic Estre. I had been feeling bad for Aldo but now my heart goes out to Estrella. When she leaves, Katia presses Aldo about his relationship with Estrella but he is worried that they will miss the movie so he rushes her inside. Good thinking, my boy.
In the office, Gabi and Sal are warning Mao of the danger and stupidity of this agreement to face Beto in the ring, Gabi wonders about testosterone in the brain, but he is adamant. Oh yes, we want to see this genetic line preserved.
As they head down the stairs Beto thanks his gang for their support. He tells them goodbye and urges Costeño to bathe...with champu. Moni catches up with him and without warning, starts throwing punches, promptly knocking him down. She calls him a collón (coward). He can't just stand by and let blondie steal the future mother of his eight children, he points out. She is not happy with any of what just occurred and warns our reeking wrestler that if she got back with him it was because she thought he had changed, "If you get into the ring with Mauricio, you lose me, forever." Oooh!
Labels: gancho
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