Friday, October 16, 2009

En Nombre del Amor, October 15, 2009--Rufi and Dr. B Star in "Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys and the Case of the Troubled Testamento"

Emiliano proposes to Paloma, but she’s not sure, she wasn’t expecting this. He knows it’s not the best time since she’s in mourning but that’s exactly why he’s proposing, to give her an illusion, a dream. Since he met her he’s known that she’s the woman for him. He wants to take care of her, make her happy. She says she loves him and hasn’t ever needed anyone like she needs him now. But she’s afraid that the same thing will happen with him as her other loved ones, everyone dies on her, and it happens to her more than it does to other people. Emiliano puts on his statistician hat and says for that reason, the likelihood of it happening again is minimal (he also says that what happened to her parents was an accident, Inaki had a heart problem, and Macarena was in bad health, and that’s why they died, it had nothing to do with her). Paloma breaks out the anvil bait by declaring that she doesn’t want him to ever leave her life, and Emiliano adds to it by assuring her that he arrived in her life to stay. He asks again if she’ll marry him, and she answers by kissing him, “sí, sí, sí!”

Back in her room, after blowing kisses out the window to Emiliano as he gets in his car, Paloma talks to her picture of Mac--she's sure that Mac would be happy with Emil’s proposal. But Pal is sad that Mac won’t be there on her wedding day, and won’t know her kids . . . you’re never going to be with me again, mama.

Carlota storms in and demands an explanation as to what’s up with Emiliano and why was he in the house. Paloma replies, because we love each other, we’re novios.

Mientras tanto (shout out to the amazing Gancho recappers), it appears that Emiliano has only managed to drive about a block before being so overcome with joy that he has to jump out of his car in the middle of the street and yell to the world, “Paloma, I love you!” over and over (while also standing on the hood of the car).

Carlota slaps Paloma and yells how dare you, a few months ago you were going to marry Inaki, you just started going out with Aron, and now you’re that guy’s girlfriend? Paloma yells back that she wants to be happy and loving Emiliano isn’t a sin. Carlota continues with her insults, saying that Pal goes from one man to another, just like her mother did. Where are your values? Pal tells Carlota that Mac supported her relationship with Emiliano and Carlota complains that Pal’s favorite pastime is hiding things from her. Pal points out that Carlota, Queen of the Hypocrites, is hardly one to talk about values when she’s the one who separated Pal’s parents (because Carlota was in love with Pal’s father). Pal knows that everything Carlota told her before was a lie, and she tells Carlota to butt out of her and Emiliano’s relationship--I don’t care if you like it or not.

Carlota stomps back to her room and vows that Paloma is going to remain at her side whether she likes it or not.

Rufi is in Paloma’s room (to bring her the money to buy back Mac’s necklace); Pal has told her everything about E’s proposal. Rufi is sure that Mac arranged all this from heaven. Pal reminds Rufi that her wedding with Emiliano is a secret.

But apparently it only needs to be a secret from hidden from Carlota, because Emiliano has already shared the news with German (who is pleased for Emil), but asks him not to tell anyone else.

The next day at the breakfast table Ines shows Angelica the letter from her secret admirer, but she doesn’t want to find out who it is. Ines doesn’t want to be disappointed--she wonders what if it’s a joke, or maybe the guy is ugly or married and that’s why he’s sending letters in secret. Angelica thinks maybe he could be shy. In any case, it makes Ines dream and look forward to going to the dispensario, and she wants this illusion to last a long time.

At a jewelry store (or pawn shop?) we see someone buying Mac’s necklace, but all we see is his hand.

Pal talks with the mother superior about Mac--she wants to come back to school because the house feels so empty without her. MS comments that it will be very difficult to not have Mac there but thankfully Carlota is there to care for her, which, from the look on Paloma’s face, makes her feel sick. MS then returns the tuition that Paloma paid when her scholarship was taken away. Pal tells her about the necklace Mac sold to pay for the tuition, and now she can buy it back and not be in debt. Pal lets it slip that it’s the only keepsake she has of her mother’s but covers up when MS asks whether the necklace belonged to Mac or to her mother.

Looks like Emiliano has made the next stop on his Blabbing about Town world tour, because now Cristobal (Padre Juan) is congratulating him on getting together with Paloma. Emil notes that Carlota isn’t going to support them and Cris offers to talk to that demon and soften her up. I think he was sort of joking, but that seems too weird because this show doesn’t have a sense of humor. Anyhoo, Emiliano then asks Cris to keep the secret and also to preside over the ceremony.

Carlota’s shady lawyer, Rojas, says he couldn’t believe it when he found out that Mac died. He feels bad that the last time he saw Mac she was mad at him. Carlota brushes it off, saying he was just putting a stop to Mac messing in things that she had no business in, but he reminds Carlota that in a way it did pertain to Mac since Pal is her niece. Carlota thinks he’s becoming too weak. He notes that he wouldn’t feel such self-assurance if his only sister had just died, but maybe she’s used to having lots of dead people around her. Are you trying to tell me something? No, but when the papers come from Mexico City (re: changing Pal’s pretend father’s will), our working relationship is finished for good.

Rufi visits Dr. Bermudez to return the engagement ring he gave to Mac. She also informs him that Mac had suspected that something wasn’t right regarding Paloma’s inheritance and that things aren’t the way Carlota claims, and that Inaki’s mom came to deliver some papers. She recounts how Mac lost the papers and Carlota found them and burned them. She turns over the burnt remnants.

Rojas claims that when he agreed to remain silent about the will 9 years ago, he thought it was what he had to do, but now he’s not so sure, he doesn’t feel comfortable. So when the papers come, his work with her will be settled forever. Carlota glares purple daggers at him.

Dr. B examines the papers that Rufi recovered and says it seems to be a report on bank accounts and investments--could it be the contents of the will? Whatever it is, count on me, I’m going to help you and Paloma find out what’s behind all this.

At school Pal tells Liliana that she and Emil are novios, but it’s still a secret. Lili promises not to tell anyone and that Romi (who has just come back from the bathroom looking sick) will be the last one to find out. Romi shoves Lili out of her way as Lili goes back to her desk. Paloma tells Romi to see a doctor and Romi lies, that’s what Emil and his mom say too. Romi’s going to ask them to come to the appointment with her.

As they walk home, Pal tells Romi about buying back the necklace and Romi thinks it’s better to use the money for something else; besides, it’s bad luck--wasn't that the one you wore when you were going to marry Inaki? They’re outside Camila’s shop now and when Pal suggests that Romi go in, Romi tells her to forget it, she doesn’t want to talk with her mom. After she leaves, Pal takes some papers out of her bag and smiles.

Another shot of the misterioso man hands--accompanied by música de suspenso--arranging Mac’s necklace in a heart-shaped box.

Camila looks at the papers Pal gave her and says yes, the date passed, but tomorrow I will pick it up. Pal then gives her an envelope with the money to buy the necklace, explains how they gave her the scholarship back, etc. Camila offers to be there for Pal if she needs a mother’s advice or just wants to talk with someone. Pal comments how strange life is--I wanted to have my mother, but I don’t have her; and you want your daughter, but you can’t have her. They hug and cry.

My captions have disappeared again--maybe I should go over to Gancho and see if they went over there. German and Romina run into each other and argue a bit but I couldn’t understand much of what they said. I think basically she said she’s going to get back with Emil very soon but German doesn’t think so, telling her that he (German) continues to be her best option.

Aron has come to the house of horrors with flowers and Carlota tells him he’s welcome there and she’d like him to come more often. My niece needs you--don't leave her alone . . . get what I’m sayin’? Pal arrives home and Carlota announces that Aron is going to have dinner with them.

Romina gets dizzy while packing her suitcase and has to run to the bathroom.

Paloma comes into the kitchen and Carlota scolds her for leaving Aron alone at the table. After Carlota leaves, Pal gripes to Rufi that Carlota probably invited Aron because she told her that she loves Emil. Then she gives Rufi the money she borrowed earlier. Rufi asks Pal not to tell Carlota about Carmen being in Real del Monte and visiting them. Pal wants to know why, so Rufi makes up a story about forgetting to tell Carlota about Carmen’s visit and C yelling at her for being distracted all the time, so Pal agrees to keep quiet.

Dr. Bermudez drops in on Rojas to talk about Macarena . . . dun dun DUN!!

Pal mopes at the dinner table while Carlota and Aron chit-chat. Thankfully he takes his leave. Pal doesn’t like that Carlota invited him and C replies that she’s so ungrateful, she only wanted Pal to have some time with her friends, that they have some distraction. You’re not the only one who lost a loved one, and unlike you I don’t have anyone to replace her. Crocodile Carlota leaves the table while pretending to cry.

Dr. B tells Rojas that before dying, Mac asked him to take care of the will Javier left for Paloma, but Rojas responds that the doc can’t intervene here. Dr. B counters that he and Mac were going to marry, and he has info that if true could hurt Rojas. Rojas then asks, Are you threatening me? (another great telenovela line, along with old favorites like “no puede ser” and “que haces aqui?”) No, of course not . . . I only come to tell you to that I’m going to [Anvil Alert!] take it to the limit to find out the truth. Dr. B wants to prove what Javier’s last wishes were and for them to be carried out.

Rafael comes to Camila’s to give her Mac’s necklace, he bought it for her. She explains how Paloma gave her money to buy it back but he tells her to give both the necklace and the money back to Pal if she wants. Anyway, maybe it’s better if you don’t have anything from me--Rafa goes on to explain his decision about not seeing her anymore. He never imagined falling in love again, but she deserves more than what he can give. He’s hurting her, and he doesn’t want to. “I’m going to leave your life, you don’t have to decide between me and Orlando, I’ll have to accept that I lost you, this will be the last time that we see each other,” etc. She gets all weepy and interrupts him by giving him a big ‘ol kiss, and who should walk in on this scene but Romina.

Rufi and Dr. B talk in his car about how he’s sure that Rojas is hiding something. Rufi wonders if Carlota is behind it all and Dr. B replies that Rojas couldn’t be acting alone. But what could be in those papers from Carmen? Dr. B tells Rufi to get Carmen’s contact info, but be discreet about it with both Pal and Carlota.

Rojas calls Carlota--he needs to talk with her but can’t discuss it over the phone. She agrees to meet him at his office the next morning, before he leaves Real del Monte to attend to some business matters.

Emiliano brings what looks like a box of chocolates to Paloma. He asks about the flowers and gets annoyed upon learning they’re from Aron. Pal says Aron’s just a friend and informs him that Carlota knows they’re novios but is unhappy about it. Emiliano wants to tell C right away that they’re getting married, so Pal goes upstairs to get her.

Romina, Queen-of-the-Hypocrites-in-Training, no lo puede creer--you and Emil’s dad kissing??!! The Horror!!! Rafael tries to put the blame on himself but Camila shoos him away. Camila swears that she’s not Rafa’s lover but Romi doesn’t believe her and is convinced that she is “the other woman”, that’s why Rafa is leaving Diana. Now I know why my father left you, because you’re a slut. Camila smacks her across the face.

Previews: Pal tells Carlota she and Emiliano want to marry, Romina overhears Emiliano talking to German about marrying Pal.


Debbie – thank you for this delightfully-written recap. It was a real pleasure to read. I loved the glaring purple daggers bit.

Again tonight I was thinking how terrific the writing is on this show. Every scene has traction and moves the plot along. Well, we could have been spared the shout-it-from-the-rooftops (cartops) scene of Emiliano’s, but it was mercifully brief. Otherwise, it was all great stuff. Camila caught kissing Rafa – woo hoo!

I agree that it was pretty amazing how the “secret” engagement was a secret for only a few hours. And speaking of secrets, I couldn’t believe Lili’s and Paloma’s chat in the completely silent classroom where ordinary girls would be straining to hear every juicy bit, but somehow all the girls were studying quietly and seemingly not overhearing.

It was a treat to see Dr B strap on his cape and swell up his chest, all ready to fight the forces of evil. I’ve always liked Dr B and am glad to see him show some spunk. I hope his heroism doesn’t have fatal consequences.

Oh, I forgot to mention: Great title!

Great recap Debbie. I've given up watching this show because of my work schedule and trying to balance that with my family situation.....I have to say, it is a much more enjoyable program when you read it and don't watch it.

So, let's see, Romina is going to end up being pregnant. She'll loop that lasso around Emiliano so tightly just as he and Paloma have pledged to spend their lives together. Sometimes I get really frustrated with how formulaic these novelas can be.

I'll miss recapping, but I'm hoping when things settle down with work and Grandma, I'll find the time to recap again (hopefully on one of the more comedic novelas---it would be a pleasant change). I'll keep checking in from time to time, just to make sure that Cruelota comes to some sort of nasty demise.

Hi Deb. Thanks for that "mientras tanto". I'll pass it along to Carlos who got it going. Keep your spirits up. Sure looks like many storms ahead.

I still worry, from time to time, about the effects of playing this tortured Paloma role will have on the young actress. I know adults can be deeply (and negatively) affected by doing hateful roles day after day, and I would think for a teenager, the results would be even more overwhelming. Hope she has lots of lighthearted companions on the set to help keep her centered.

Thank Heavens Rufi and Dr. B. are stepping up their game in this novela. But every time something happens for the good guys, I fear they become eligible for "the anvil," as we reference it here. It pains me to think of how awful it will be for Palomna when Emiliano is accused of impregnating stupid Romena. In novela time, it must be several months since she tricked him into bed. But it looks like there's nowhere to go but further down thanks to Romena. I'm guessing the ax will fall tonite since it's Friday. I can't wait for Paloma to leave town and head for school. May she have at least a couple of weeks without having to cry her heart out.

Last night episode was like wow. First the pimp slap from Carlota to Paloma and Paloma standing her ground.

Then Dr. B totally redeeming himself bying confronting that scheming lawyer Rojas. The best part was when he said it was Mac last words to him before she died and he keeps Rufi out of it too.

I even liked when the scheming lawyer told Carlota he won't being doing business with her anymore once those papers arrive from Mexico. God bless Rufi having the good sense of telling Paloma not to tell Carlota that Carmen came visit.
Then Romina catching Rafael with her mother kissing. She calling her own mother an slut!!!! WOW!!!
I wonder if she will tell Diana?
The writers for this novela i have to say just keep surprising me.

Great and funny recap! I love the anvil alerts and unfortunately I'm sure you're right. At least this episode wasn't as grim as the last few and there are finally some good guys fighting for Paloma. Also good to see her standing up for herself. Too bad when Camila and Rafael finally have a real kiss - Romina!! Ugh.

Awesome episode, awesomer recap!

So excellent that Paloma is finally standing up for herself! If it's Emiliano's influence causing that, then I guess I like him even though he's a dweeb. Why does he have to bellow everthing from a pedestal? He is the worst secret-keeper ever. He has a long way to go to top Iñaki for galán-worthiness.

Also, kudos to Dr. Bermúdez. If he keeps this up I may apologize for calling him Rude-olfo.

I hope Romina gets put on bed rest for some reason so she's out of commission. She's such a pest.

Debbie, superb recap and as Maggie already noted, so well written! Your excellent sense of humor is evident at every turn.

Wonderful comments today too.

I'm loving the assertive, take no guff Paloma. She's no match for Carlota, but at least she's standing up for herself.

Agree that Romina's appearance at the Camila-Rafa lip lock was bad timing at it's worst. Poor Camila, things just go from bad to worse for her.

The good doctor is definitely redeeming himself by standing up for Mac. Glad Rufi is also not standing idly by but getting proactive in finding out what Carlota was up to.

Germ will no doubt realize he is the father of Romina's baby. But will he speak up?

Cathy, nice to see you post. You are missed. Hoping that you are back recapping very soon.

Diana in MA

Excellent title and recap, Debbie.

I'm afraid Dr. Bermúdez signed his death warrant last night. It's way too early for Carlota's schemes with the will to be revealed.

LOVED Romina getting slapped. I had to back up and watch it again. I've been longing to do it myself for weeks.

Of course Romina is going to tell that evil witch Diana about her mother and Rafael. Romina is completely clueless about everything in her life. Let's see: you have a doting, extremely affectionate and always present mother, so what do you do? Despise her and long for a father who hasn't even sent a birthday card in a decade. You have a handsome young man, apparently a good lover, who takes you shopping and pays for everything, so what do you do? Move heaven and earth to get a guy who has told you repeatedly he doesn't love you and that you know, furthermore, is in love with someone else. Only in a telenovela!

Thanks for the great recap. I too loved the "glaring purple daggers" part. This episode was particularly good. We got to see Emiliano jump and shout for joy and Romina get a good slap in the face.

I had a feeling that it was Rafael who bought Macarena's necklace, but I didn't even think about why he would be buying it. Glad to see though that Camila and Paloma are finding in each other what they don't have.

I was glad to see Rojas try and back out of his deal with Carlota, but I think he should just let Dr. B in on the secret if he really wants out no matter what the consequences.

I also thought it was weird that no one was listening in on the conversation between Lili and Paloma. Lili seems to be Paloma's only true friend.

This episode was a change of pace from the last few sorrowful ones and I was thinking it was excellent with things moving forward but with some huge anvils overhead.

Debbie, I love your recaps which are full of humor and details. Who says this novela has no sense of humor....have you seen purple Carlota's facial expressions. LOL.

Just wanted to add that just as Pal is ready to buy back her precious necklace, we see the scene with the mysterious hands and the necklace being purchased. I thought, this isn't fair to manipulate the viewers and probably for a long time about who bought the necklace and when it would appear again. But, surprise, surprise, it was resolved so quickly and was a vital part of plot advancement since.....Romina thinks Camilia is the other woman causing Diana's divorce and she probably won't keep quiet about it.


Did anyone ever volunteer to do Friday recaps?

If not, I can recap tonight, if no one objects. I'm not willing to commit to two recaps every week, but I've got nothing else going on this evening.

Wait, now I see that someone did offer...who was that anonymous person?

Yes, Julia, an Anon did volunteer, but I don't know if melinama ever got back to her with the info about how to post. I had suggested that someone just post a place on Fridays for commenters if that's the best we could get.

I've done recaps before but still keep thinking I may bail on ENDA. The angst and villainy gets to me. I like more nuanced characters. The last one I substituted for was Doña Bárbara on Telemundo, which I totally loved.

Maybe if you did tonight's something would resolve about the Anon by next Friday????

Julia... your recaps are tops! Please, please do tonight! Last night was a watershed episode and I can't wait to see what tonight brings. It's rainey and cold where I am and this weekend could be warm and fuzzy if you do a quick recap and our other commenters add their thoughts as the weekend progresses.
I love this novela and can't wait for the Friday night bombshells to explode!
Thanks and blessings to all recappers and commenters!
(Fully recovered from Mac's passing and ready to rock!)

How exactly is Rufi going to get Carmen contact info without talking to Paloma about it. Plus they just got rid of all Mac's things too. Unless she gets the phone records for the house. Maybe she can contact Arcadia's granddaughter and ask her if she has Carmen number.

I believe now Paloma has a better support system than she did with Mac. While i hated how Mac died and everything she suffered. If she had only spoke up for herself Carlota would have never had the power to control her and Paloma. Now Paloma has Camila, Dr. B, Lilliana, Rufi, Angelica, Emiliano and Cris to give her reinforcements to battle Carlota. Not to mention Carmen, Natalia and even though Alonso blame her also for Inaki's death i believe he still wants the truth regarding his son. Poor Mac just never could muster up the courage to tell Camila the whole truth about her and Carlota. I guess years of abuse condition an person to think they aren't worthy of human kindness. She should have never been passive about it when it concern her daughter being subjected to the same environment.

Okay, if the mystery recapper hasn't posted a recap by tomorrow afternoon, I'll post one.

Love ya, Julia! Thanks in advance for capping this episode!
I'm very concerned about Rafael and Camila's relationship. I hope they will lay low and come back together after the fan is hit with Diana's secret past.

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