Friday, October 16, 2009

Un gancho - Oct. 15 Thurs. A fight is won, a past undone? a new love begun?

Wow, well I'm posting a slot for you all to comment on behalf of our captain who has traveled south of the border today and will no doubt return with some wonderful tales for us. We wish her the best, I know she would have done this terrific episode justice.

I, on the otherhand, am merely giving you a condensed version. In fact my DVR gave me a condensed version. My reception was apparently awful tonight (I was out) and I came back to much macroblocking and an hour episode condensed into 36 minutes because of signal issues and missing spots.

So what I gleaned briefly, is that in a one two punch, the monkey outdoes the Barbie and we have ourselves a new peso gallo campiona, La Mona!!! Ma's encouragement inspired her of course. Mau is proud she is his novia. Beto is sour about that.

Everyone goes back to the vecinidad for celebration, including Ma, whom Mona begs to stay.

At said celebration, Katia can't resist calling Estre a golfa and she hauls off and smacks her. Tano and Aldo separate them, Estre goes to her room and tells Tano to leave until the anger fades from her a little. Yeah, what's up with slapping a minor.

OK, so the best part is at some point Coni shows up to the party claiming to be rescuing her sister, and well she ends up with Beto in his newly acquired bachelor pad. They start to get busy, maybe in too much of a hurry and, DOH!!!!!! Beto catches his you know what in his pants zipper. Yeow!!!! I don't have one of those and that hurts me to just think about!!

Coni tries to free him, somehow Xime tries to help and Ma sees them both with their heads "just there" and thinks the worst. Turns out after everyone leaves, he later has to go to the hospital for some "extraction."

OK, so Isabel doesn't feel well and the ladies think she should call a doc, but she doesn't want Mona to know she's sick and says they must keep the secret. Mona of course overhears this part and wonders what is secret. They feign that Ma is trying to rent a room in the building, but maybe none are available so they are waiting. Mona says hers is, and Ma will stay with her. They have what loks like a great night of pillow talk and bonding between Ma and Hija, and ma genuineinly looks to admire Mona who is surrounded by love instead of alone like she has been all the years. We didn't see any creepy smile this time, so maybe she's really feeling it. They bond and end up sleeping in the same bed. Remember this is not uncommon to share this way. Later Isabel can hide her dizzy spells no more and she collapses in the courtyard. In fact we end with Mona wondering que the heck and the others thinking they should tell Mona the truth. But more fun stuff happens on other fronts before that.

OK, remember Estrella was sulking at home after her fight with Katia, well, she shows up the next day at Mau's looking for Aldo. He is surprised to see her and wonders what she is there for. She answers this, and smacks a big one on him. Hurray for love!!! The gist of this is that she wonders if he still wants her to be the first in his life and he assures her of course. They decide his Dad's house is not cool and too many metiches will be sticking their noses in at the vecinidad, so we see them edge up to a sort of seedy hotel. I don't think we see anything beyond that except that Coni saw them making out in front of Mau's house and I think follows them in her car. Oh and she takes pics of them kissing in front.

There is a burning of the Rolu look spoiled wedding dress and everyone roast marshmallows (well, not really, but kind of as they all take in the flames). Oh and I discovered that a virgin male had to burn it to reverse the bad luck, so that's why Aldo set it on fire. Xime thought she was out of luck when she first heard that, but things have a way of working out. :)

Isabel warns Nieves to watch out for the momia and Beto. I think there was no Sal and Gabi or that camp in this one.

In the end Mona learns her Ma is dying and she is the only one who can help save her.

I don't know, those are the big things. Feel free to add as you see fit in the comments and I can always copy over here too. Despite my signal issues, thsi seemed like a great episode, so maybe I'll find and can watch the whole thing.

Thanks all!!


Gosh, seems to me that you got everything, Kris. Aldo and Estrella didn't go into the seedy hotel because neither one of them had any money on them.

I thought of Carlos' comment last night that we are well and truly corrupted by this show because I was laughing out loud during the Beto scene, and especially when both Ximena and Connie were trying to help him and Nieves comes in and says "Dos!?". Yes, laughing out loud and hoping neither my husband or son would walk in the room and see what was on the screen! The whole scene was very well played. These folks are great comediens.

Kris: Enjoyed your thoughtful title - your recap was great. Thanks so much.

Too little time elapsed between Isabel's hidden smirks and last night's bonding with Moni for it to be genuine. I don't think Mau believes it either as his facial expressions have been grim. Although I'm not entirely comfortable siding with our handsome but less than brillant doll haired galan, I think in this case, he's unfortunately right.

Rolu's eyes were rolling manically in his head last night. Judy, I'm with you and Carlos in being corrupted as I laugh every time I see him now, just waiting to see what will happen next.

It looked as though Teresa threw some cold water on Ivan and Luisa's relationship. Could anyone tell me what Teresa said to them?

Diana in MA

Glad to oblige, Diana. Tere pointed out that they were in two different stages of life. He had already had a serious girlfriend (and reached "criterion behavior"); while Luisa was just a young, innocent 14-year-old. Ready for her first innocent kiss, walking hand in hand with her beau, going for ice cream....and Ivan was past that stage.

Therefore it was wrong for him to be involved with her. Especially since it probably would lead to intimacy, given his previous experience. Soooo...Deep-six it now, or else.

And the way that they arived at the conversation about Ivan and his first girlfriend of two years is because Ivan mentioned that Aldo had to burnt he dress because he was the male virgin at the party. This clicked with Luisa, like "you're not a virgin?" Which led Theresa to mention the girlfriend, his first in everything. This got Luisa peeved, because obviously Ivan had not told her. When she left the kitchen, Theresa said the above to Ivan. And I tend to agree with her. But I also don't feel that ivan would push Luisa into something she wasn't ready for. He's a good guy and they really care for each other. I feel similar mixed feeling about Estrella and Aldo. No clear answer for me about these two relationships.

-Vivi in DC

I could not stop giggling during the Beto/Connie/Xime scene, and burst out laughing when Nieves came in. :) That was a true I Love Lucy moment (if the show took place in the 2000s and was a bit salty) and those three reminded me of Lucy, Ethel and Fred getting into some kind of mischief, and Nieves played the Ricky role- walking into this maddness and wondering what the heck was going on.

-Vivi in DC

Thank you Judy and Vivi! Very kind of you both to fill in all the details, along with your thoughtful and insightful comments.

I would feel better if Luisa were older and had a few life experiences of her own. However, I agree that Ivan is respectful although hormones do fly when you're young and in love.

Again, gracias. Diana in MA

Thanks for your recaps Kris both yesterday and today. Also thanks to Judy and Vivi your input as well.

This show is so wonderfully silly and corrupting. It's so fun to watch and then blog with you all!

Thanks Kris. Like Judy, I can't think of anything you left out. This was a fun episode, although I felt bad for la Barbie and of course for the hapless Beto.

As you might imagine, I have a little anecdote about Beto's plight. I had just gone into practice and was working in the ER at the little community hospital that I was practicing at. The victim was a little 8 yr. old boy who like Beto, managed to zip himself into his pants' zipper...ouch. The little fellow was understandably panicked and his parents as well. It was my first such case, though not the last. This sort of thing happens more often than one might think. After reassuring the little fellow that I wasn't going to hurt him, I got out a sturdy, rather frightening pair of scissors and in spite of reassurances, this set the little tyke to squalling anew. Very much I might add like our Beto. Once more calmed, he finally allowed me near the scene of the accident. With the guided hand of a skilled urological surgeon, I deftly cut across the zipper below the trapped bodypart and the zipper fell harmlessly apart releasing it's captive. The kid was thrilled and grateful. The dad...less so. "I could have done that," he groused. But he didn't think to do that. That's why they pay me the big bucks. I charged them ten dollars (this was almost 40 yrs. ago) but almost added a surcharge for lack of gratitude.


At the rate that her two older siblings are going (a 14 year old girl dating a 19 year old boy, and a 16 year old boy dating a 20-something year old woman), our little 5-year old Dani will be dating a middle-schooler any day now! They are a precocious bunch! :)

-Vivi in DC

Keep those stories comin' Carlos (and please write them down at home too). I'm totally in favor of you adding a surcharge for ingratitude. Honestly!...people, sometimes.

By the way, Debbie, in her ENDA recap today used "mientras tanto" in homage to the Gancho recappers. You started it, amigo, and that plus Jardinera's dedicating her recap to you and Bonnie Bell(have I messed up her name?).....well, you're getting quite a following!

Kris, great recap, and you covered almost all of this funny episode. Here are just a few more details (not necessarily important).

- When Moni won the fight, they draped the championship belt over her shoulder, beauty-contest style, rather than around the waist.

- Isabel hugged her to congratulate her. Later, when Isabel was talking to Moni, she told her that Moni achieved all the things Isa never did, not having had courage.

- Moni and Mau had another nice kiss. However, Mau seems to be feeling guilty. It may be that he paid Isabel to come here, which Moni would definitely not like.

- When Isabel fell asleep in Moni's bed, Moni took some pictures of her with an instamatic (non-digital) camera. Also, she took a few of herself and Isa by holding the camera at arms length.

That's it. Looks as if I'm getting the hospital episode tonight.

Isabel is really hard to read. She's definitely a cold/frigid person. I wonder if she was similar before the rape? The rape seems to have made her hard and closed off on top of being cold. However, she did seem genuinely in awe of Monita, like "I could never do something like that." Monita is a fighter, can defend herself. Something that Isabel was not, and perhaps she feels the result of the rape attempt would have been different if she were a fighter like Moni. She called Moni valiant (which Valentina means anyway). I wonder if Monita's boxing also brings up feelings about Monita perhaps inheriting a violent streak from her rapist father? The first time Isabel heard that Moni was a professional boxer, she recoiled a bit, almost in disgust.

This character has such mixed motivations- self-interest, love, loathing, fear. She's fascinating.

-Vivi in DC

You're right Vivi...the actress is expressing a lot of complexity with very few lines and facial expressions. Mysterious, somewhat menacing and deeply conflicted. That mixed in with crazy comedic scenes of stuck zippers. Quite an original casserole the writers have concocted.

Casserole is a good description, Judy. Sometimes this show seems like a nice light chiffon pie, then the writers toss a pork chop on top of it all. But it is addictive and a lot of fun.

Judy and Emilia, casserole, chiffon pie topped with a pork chop; funny and apt descriptions. This show is consistently entertaining, amusing, and intriguing. Vivi and Karen, I'm so glad that you are sharing this with us.

Kris, thanks to Jarocha, here's a link to You tube for last evening. The 5 parts are in order:


Hey there...thanks much for filling in extra detail...I actually did go back and watch it on you tube when I couldn't sleep, that's when I figured out Coni took pics of Aldo and Estre and the whole bit about him being the only virgin and what not and Extre defended his "honor" by suggesting perhaps he wasn't and this is what actually spiked Katia's fury. Yep, no doubt that would irk me too. It takes a while, but I've learned over the years if you don't feel right over and over again about your mate's interactions with someone of the opposite sex then probably there is something up and you should move along rather than yell at them(this of course is much easier if you haven't been married to that person for several years, wink...) but for kids Katia's age definitely. Anyway, I was happy for them. I'm sort of glad they were stopped mid encounter by lack of funds (too cute and sooo teenage) so maybe this romance will draw out a little longer or the writers will make us feel good about the two of them not being together again. I just don't want her to rush off to make him "hers" and then realize she really shouldn't be with him afterall...AGAIN. Ah well.

Yes it was important to note Nieves and Mau both had consternated faces when Mona was so cozy with her Ma as they definitely weren't convinced of her sincerity. Let's hope that maybe it will be a case of Ma always being scared to be close to her rape spawn, but once she is forced even for fake, that she can't help be enchanted with her own daughter and will convert to a true Mona fan ala Betty la Fea. I guess we'll see.

Kris, I'm one of those that want to see the kids hold off, but as I said a few days ago, Luisa and Ivan, and now once again Estrella and Aldo are on a course to fulfill their biological imperatives before M&M.

And once again, Ximena and Rolu continue to entertain, thogh I still feel a little bit guilty each evening for laughing at poor Rolu's plight.

A few moments ago I treated one of my young lady patients who has a tattoo of angel wings on her back that is identical to la Barbie's.


Re Estrella and Aldo, there are times when Estrella looks like she's no more than 19, though I guess her character is meant to be late 20's or thereabouts.

But I agree w/ Carlos re the addictive nature of this show and it makes me wish my Spanish was better. I listen to our local Spanish radio station (yep, only one such station here and it's AM - great music though!) and it seems I can pick out words and phrases more easily there. Regrettbly, some of the local abogados are a rich source of their advertising revenue.

My wife: talkin' about pork chops when she knows I get hungry in the afternoon. Hmmph.

Ah ha...torture by pork chops. Well, it beats getting hit upside the head with an iron skillet.

Dr., your life must be super-interesting every day. Will have to go back to the tape and take another look at the tattoo.

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