Thursday, October 01, 2009
Gancho 9-30-09: Ser Naco es Chido o Adoptivo o Loquito o Cibernetico?

Gabi arrives at the office from visiting Oski who was sick from eating the raw oysters to find Pau in charge. She is surprised they haven’t heard anything yet about the plan and suddenly thinks maybe he’s here. They find him starting to come to in his office so Pau fixes that with a pow from a bottle (HA Pau with a pow) and he’s out again.

Gabi worried maybe it was too hard.
At the jail Mona and Ma are springing Costeno and Beto yells at them for not getting him out too. She’s mad because he dared attack Jero destroying Mau‘s place. He starts to say but that guy took advantage of my Con…fidence he finishes. Yeah whatever, Moni says he stays. Ma tells him something endearing I lost signal.
Christian comes upon Jero in the kitchen all tied up and gives him the third degree about what he’s doing he wants his name but since Jero is gagged well this doesn’t come out well and Chris thinks he’s uncooperative. Pau and he talk during this about the decision she needs to make and basically he needs to know but she’s not decided yet because she can’t throw away the three years she’s spent on this career so can they talk about it tomorrow instead? He leaves Jero to drop to the floor as he kisses the lovely Pau goodbye. I don’t know why but these droppings of folks really crack me up. I guess they do it so well.

Mau is waiting on said babbling justice defiler at the meeting, but Sal convinces him to start without Jero.
Pau yells at Jero for ruining her romantic moment and Xime comes in to find him. She notices that Pau is upset but again she still doesn’t get to explain herself.
The meeting is a s success and the contract with Fabrimex signed. Mona runs in and congratulates everyone. They wonder what Jero will think, but Mona has a favor to ask regarding him.
Con shows up at Nieves place very uncomfortable. N tells her about the impending fight. Con thinks maybe they are fighting for her, but Niev bursts her bubble that it’s over Mona. This changes Cons tune from excited to sour. Nieves begs her to convince Mau to quit this fight idea or else she’ll tell Mau of the dirty exploits Con has had with her Betito. Coni finally agrees, then takes her leave telling Nieves to call her instead of making her come down to that hovel.
Mau is so nice he sprang his best enemy from the slammer only so Beto could ready himself for the fight.
Beto isn’t happy to thank him and Mau says save it anyway for the ring. Beto promises he’s as ready as a sock. They spar a little and Mona tells them to cool it or they’ll see how she fights. Beto knows how she fights he bleats (thanks Judy). Oh Mr. Mau then gets in a good one. The neurons are -a- firin’ and he says well we already know how you fight, and kiss. Needless to say this fires up Beto and Mona loses her patience leaving them both to hopefully end up locked up together there in the jail. A few macho “que” “que” to you and this scene is over.
Tano and Estre come back from the movies all kissy face. Tano wants some more like he got before and Estre thinks they should do things the right way and wait. Somehow in the end she changes her mind and they go in.
Luisa complains to Ivan about Mau marrying Con and now Aldo with Kat. She thinks everyone is nuts, except for him. She gets mad though when he tries to leave always at the “right” moments. He confesses it’s because everyone warns him to stay away from her that she is too young for him etc. She promises not to tell anyone if he asks her to be his novia. Works for him. Will she? Yep and a simple kiss seals the deal. Ok, this age diff actually bothers me more than Estre and Aldo..

Mona returns with Beto home. Ma tries to convince Beto to talk to Mau to call off the duel. Beto says no way he’s not a coward. Just a chauvinist; as he orders his Ma to make his dinner. He yells at the doll that it’s a nobody and throws a fruit at it. Why is there a doll on the bed anyway????

Outside Gabi comes up with Xime and Pau to tell Mona about Jero, and to go out and celebrate. Mona is happy to not have to see Beto. Pau wants Gabi to meet her Pa because she’s talked so much and Mona goes to change and Xime goes to invite Estre. Whoops she’s busy. Xime finds them in plena well, you know.

She acts upset, how could Tano who is her mascot and adoring dog who swore his eternal love to her be like this; he says look you ignored me for so long I’ve moved on babe. She says she was just about to ask him out. He shrugs her off. Xime thinks Estre beds all her men. Ouch. She was runs off and Tano tells Estre not to worry that she‘ll get over it she‘s a good egg.
Coni yells at Mau for agreeing the fight and not telling her blah blah. The end result is she is hiring a wedding planner because he’s not helping her.
Conni warns Kat she’d better give up Aldo Naco or she’s going straight back to Italy. NO offense but that sounds like a good deal to me.
Nieves asks to speak to Mona and begs her to do what she can stop the fight. She just doesn’t give this up, I guess she has no faith in Beto. That or she’s a pacifist. Me thinks the former.
Mau calls Mona and gets an earful from Nieves about Mona going out with Beto and being very affectionate. Mau is disturbed and decides he shouldn’t leave a message. Nieves says she won’t say even Moo. J
Our ladies are sitting at a bar celebrating but all lamenting something.

Conni introduces La Lo quita, the wedding planner -he‘s really Lalo Mora, get it, also someone famous.

Pau chats with Chris she decides not to go with him maybe they can be long distance lovers. He wants someone not only on the weekends, but around all the time to put out his dinner, wash his socks….Scratch goes the record. Pau knows she made the right decision and bids him goodbye. They have a last kiss, and maybe this is the last we see of him? Que pena…
Mona finds Pau crying and cheers her up. Estre calls because she knows where Mau is going to train.
Jero, who has made a rapid recovery while Oski who merely suffered from Oyster poisoning still has an arm sling on, is complaining about what happened to him. The gist of this was Oski tells him to lay off Ochoa because he needs to be on his side if he wants Primo dead.
Mau shows up at his new training digs and his coach is none other than el famoso Cibernetico. We see a whole round of fight practice scenes on both sides. Ciber looks like he's having fun! Uff, talk about hot!!!

Coni shows up to visit Beto and tells him of his Ma’s warning, but she says she’s not going to try to stop, but she wants him to win and humiliate Mau completely in front of the Mona. Oh yeah, that’ll work. And if he does, he gets to eat all her cookies, if you know what I mean. He turns all Hannibal Lecter and basically wants to suck her up.

Mona shows up at Mau’s gym as El Ciber is really putting it hard to him. She beg for mercy on his behalf and then begs him not to go through with the fight. He says no way so she says fine then she’ll help train. He points out she is boxer not luchadora or wrestler. The do wrestle and of course end up making out and we see the preview of Mau calling off the wedding. Hmmm.

No cute Dani fotos tonight, she must be off the set in school or home or somewhere little kids should really be. Miss her... :)
Labels: gancho
It's the little things that crack me up in this one. Like you noted, the way people are dropped is hysterical. And Paula blaming poor trussed up Jeronimo for "ruining her moment of love" was just too funny.
Likewise Connie's horror at Nieve's couch, crowded furniture and gauze curtains was played so well, it was hilarious.
Even Sebastien Rulli has proven adept at physical comedy (like when he rolled off the road to avoid being run over).
The cast and writers are doing a great job on this one. And I for one think we deserve it after suffering through that self-righteous Tontas for months and months. Viva el Gancho!
Lalo Quita, too funny. The book we're reading, 2666, has a character named Lalo Cura. I hope we see more of Lalo, he has a lot of potential for fun.
The treatment of poor Jerry was a little reminiscent of 9 to 5 and the way the ladies treated Dabney Coleman.
The last scene of Monita and Mauricio wrestling looked lke the actors were really enjoying themselves.
I liked it when Nieves pushed Coni's feet off her coffee table. Who's the low class slob there?
I realize the constant whacking, dropping and abusing of Jero is infantile, however it amuses the heck out of me. Is it my imagination or do Jero and Oski keep trading injuries? One night one of them is injured then the next night the other, and back and forth.
ITA with Judy, the physical comedy is really good in this show and everyone seems to participate. It's a wonder they're not all running around with slings. I think these shows must be much more physical than they seem. I remember when I went to see the stage show La Aventurera starring a bunch of telenovela personalities, Jorge Salinas had an arm in a sling from falling off a horse in FELS and Edith Gonzales was in a neck brace.
Again, the pics are a hoot, you always seem to capture the perfect moment.
I like Lalo, there is some good comedic potential there.
It seems like all four romantic leads know that their "intendeds" are bumping cars with someone else. The signals and clues are all there but they just don't seem to care. Maybe they are as numbed by the daily ebb and flow of romance as we are?
Awesome recap Kris, thanks!
I agree that all the actors seem to be having a great time and that's what continues to make this a fun novela.
Sylvia, good observation on Jerry and Oscar. I think you are right; they seem to trade injuries.
Hombre, the site you gave looks great, I signed up but still am unable to access un Gancho. Any suggestions you have would be appreciated.
Mau and Monita appeared to be stifling laughs several times in this one, especially the wrestling scene. Y'all are right, the entire cast is very physical, even poor Salvador. He was pretty limber when he flung Gabi over the desk a while back.
I definitely don't like Aldo with Katia but not with Estrella either. Estrella and Tono are closer in age and experience. And Luisa is WAY too young for Ivan, even if he is cute and gentle with her. It was a sweet kiss - she just enjoyed it without trying to kiss back. Young love... sigh!
Carlos, once you've been accepted as a member on the Mistelenovelas site, you just go to the main page, and scroll down, down, down, past about 16 sections until you get to the section of telenovelas. There's a long list of telenovelas finalizadas. They're roughly in alphabetic order. Near the bottom is Un Gancho al Corazon. Click on that, and it takes you to the forum for that novela. The very first message should then be clicked on, and it has a summary of story, which you can skip, followed by links to download each episode. If you click on episode 71, for example, it takes you to MegaUpload, where you can download it for free, but if you pay a little to be a premium member of MegaUpload (I think I paid for 3 months), it's much faster. BTW, this site also has many many books, videos, etc. in Spanish. I downloaded some old Alfred Hitchcock TV shows in Spanish, and am enjoying watching and learning.
Ximena is so funny, but she sure has a misplaced sense of priorities as to her own love life, continually pursuing Rolu, while dumping on Tano (but getting upset when he's with someone else). Since she's sort of in the middle of everything, she could end up with everyone mad at her (or everyone loving her).
If they were real people, I wouldn't be in favor of Ivan/Luisa, since I think he's 18 and she's 14, or Aldo/Estrella, since he's 16 and she's 26 or so. But since it's a fantasy, and love is supposed to triumph, why not?
Glad this one was fun, my last few shows seemed too serious....
Thanks all, wondering how long THIS break off of wedding will last....
My only problem with Luisa is the 14 yrs part. When she's 18 of course the difference doesn't matter much. For some reason Aldo at 16 doesn't bother me. I guess I'm chauvinistic because I feel it's easier for a guy to take care of himself than a girl and maybe the two years makes it easier. Just a perception of vulnerability I suppose. I know there are arguments all over the place for both sides, but that's my perspective.
Re the physical comedy, yep I really think the actors don't get quite the same union and OSHA protections that folks here are used to. The things they make these poor actors do, countless actors here wouldn't even touch. They actually really work hard. I really have an appreciation for the Mexican celebrities because they work hard and it always seems to me they are so much more appreciative of their fans. I don't know. I feel more respect for them for sure.
I loved the wrestling scene. That brought back some memories.
You meant the wrestling? Not much of a particular story to tell. Wrestling is fun. Especially with someone you like who isn't actually trying to hurt you, quite unlike wrestling against your will with your pesky little brother. Ummm...that is all.
Julia....interesting.... :)
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