Thursday, October 15, 2009
Gancho Wed 10-14 - Chicken stew for the soul and fuego en la mesa..

We’ll open with a cute Dani pic since I love her expressions so much, but you saw this all yesterday. The new biz starts with Mona being approached by her Ma. You could safely say Mona ripped her a new one, how dare she show up after all she did to her, the only thing she knows about the word daughter is how to write it, blah blah. Ok, she leaves.
Lore Loca walks up to Gabi who is leaving to get ready for a romantic dinner. Lore thinks it’s with her husband. Gabi says no way and stop blaming your failing marriage on me. She tells Lore she has to do something to spice it up, like trap him in a hotel room or something. Loreloca likes this idea but fears her conservative hubby won’t go for it. They havn’t moved out of missionary position in all these years. Gabi is sad for her and says then she needs to trick him. Gabi gives Lore an idea to fake that someone is meeting him for negocios but to turn it into a hot tryst. Lore can get behind that (ha) and declares that Gabi is maybe not so bad after all. Gabi says of herself, of course she’s charming, and wishes her luck.
Mona goes after her Ma. This delights Ma, who makes an eerie smile but she turns around repentive to Mona who wants to get a bunch of crap off her chest.

Ma continues with the forgive mes and I don’t deserves. Mo says she had to force herself not to forget Ma’s face because she was afraid they might pass each other in the street and she might not recognize her own Ma. Blah blah and Mona goes back in. Ma smiles again then corrects herself and carries on. I guess we are supposed to hate her.

Loreloca is chatting with Sal and tells him the client he’s been trying to reach all week called him and wants to meet him in the Hotel del Rincon del San Angel to listen to his job proposals. Sal thinks that’s great until he realizes the time is the same as that when Gabi will be waiting for him.
Jero tells Sal, Mau has to get to Merida very quickly. Sal thinks Jero should work and talks Jero into meeting the business guy Mandiola at 9 despite Jero first thinking Sal meant for him to go to Merida and began protesting.
Jero goes out and tells this to Oscar, who offers to go in his place. Oh this will be fun.
So Oscar is there and a bell boy brings him a key and a mask that he is supposed to put on and go up to a room where Mandiola is waiting with some chicas. Oski “understands” and proclaims how much he loves “business dinners” !! Sheesh, of course.

So Gabi is set up for dinner and opens the door to find Sal with champagne. She tries to tell him something, but he pops the cork and spills it everywhere.

She worries he’ll liquor her up and he says yes, but with his kisses. She admits she looooves him, but there is this little matter of your loca wife and me being “the other woman.”
Mona tells her gals the story of her Mafrontation. She thought she would feel better after yelling at her Ma, but of course doesn’t. Pau and Estre fight over advising her. Despite Moni wanting them to stop, Estre says it helps distract Mona. They leave.
In enters Beto offering her some chicken stew, more specifically stew of a “broody hen” oh now that sweetens it for me, and he jokes about how hard it was to get her into the pot, but she is not in the mood for jokes. She cries as he leaves eating the stew.
Oski enters the room and immediately get whipped. He is told to not say a word, lay down in the bed and that this is the end of the missionary position forever. He’s her slave.
Mientras tanto, Sal and Gabi are having a romantic dinner. They talk about her and Oski, and thank Pau for hearing wrong. He promises he wants to divorce. Afterall, Lore is getting better. Hmm, she doesn’t recognize her own husband only with a blindfold on, not sure if she’s better. Anyway, one thing leads to the next and Sal and Gabi proclaim their love to each other and proceed to make out. And, fuego en la mesa. The tablecloth gets yanked and the candle falls starting the cloth on fire and they mill about trying to figure out where there is water to put it out.

Oski and Lore are relaxing post tryst until the lights come on and the masks come off. AAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I think we see his uvula. :)

The stew returns this time with Nieves who swears she made it not Beto so don’t be afraid to eat it. Mona says she wants to be alone. She thanks Nieves for taking care of her, and doing all the Mom things like explaining when her body was changing. Nieves laughs at how Moni thought she was cut by something when she passed into womanhood. Nieves sticks up for her Ma saying she feels guilt and has lived hell since she left Mona and Mona should really forgive her, once can‘t buy life and maybe she‘ll regret it someday. Mona isn’t sure. Nieves forces herself to tell Mona maybe she came back so Mona would have more of her than the memory that she abandoned her.

The stew has now changed hands and Mau offers it to her. He gets her to eat it and says he doesn’t want to see her get hit but ends up promising her he’ll beat her fight.
Dias despues and we are in the ring for the national rooster weight championship. Mona and Mariana La Barbie Juarez are announced with their weights and fight history.
Everyone cheers her, except Mau who is not there. Beto tells his Ma Coni will make sure dollhead doesn’t come. Ma tells B that he needs to let Mona go because Mau really cares for her. Beto of course says she’s hurting him and leaves. I love the monita t-shirts and the poor monkey who shifts nervously from all the crowd hoopla.

Oh for Pete’s sake, all she comes up with is slashing tires? Sheesh.

They announce the famous Jose Guadalupe Garcia willl be refing the bout.
The fight begins and Mona looks around nervously for Mau. Mona gets dropped but gets up in time.
Mau gets final things in order and rushes off only to find his tires flat. Coni to the rescue agrees to drive him. The fight continues and Moni gets in a good jab.
Of course Coni has taken Mau right into a horrible traffic jam but believes this was the better way. He gets fed up and gets out of the car. She protests.
Of course more worrying about the prince not having arrived yet. Estre gives her a pep talk.
La loquita shows up again to arrange Xime and Rolu’s wedding.

Rolu likes the sound of that and his eyes tell us.

Back at the ring we see slo mos of the fight so that each can get their punches in without really hurting themselves. Finally Mau arrives and cheers for Mona as she gets slogged and falls.

Labels: gancho
And to myself for forgetting to turn on the TV to record?
¿Eres o te haces, Judy?
From the excellent pictures showing her Eddie Haskell demeanor, I agree Kris "we are supposed to hate" Isabel. If anyone knows what Isabel really wants, please share because I'm lost.
Early on, I thought there may be some hope for Rolu and Ximena, that there would be an instant in which he realizes he loves rather than loathes her. In light of his smirking (if that can be truly detected from his eyebrow raising and eye crinkling), I think any hope's been distinguished. Ximena is just too good for him! Although her logic may be faulty, she should run for the hills and forget him for good.
Sounds like you had a busy night Judy. Hope everything worked out and everyone is OK.
Diana in MA
Ximena never fails to amuse, and Rolu's eyes are certainly doing a bangup job in playing the role of...well...Rolu's eyes.
You photos of the horrified Lori and Oscar were perfect. I just wish we had gotten to see a little more of their little rendezvous, it certainly got off to a provocative start, what with her ruling out the missionary position from the outset.
Judy, I hope your kitten is OK. I hope he is more cooperative and compliant than our little killer, Jack. He can suddenly render himself invisible whenever a pill bottle is brought out.
Maybe Mau is paying Isabel to visit Moni, so even though Moni rejects her, she gets money? That might explain the weird smile.
I love the boxing scenes, even if most of it is in slow motion. I think they called the weight class "gallina" or chicken or hen weight. I believe flyweight is up to 110 lbs, and this is the next weight, which we call bantamweight, which goes up to about 118 pounds. Still pretty light. Barbie is 5'4", so she has to be pretty thin. I think Moni's about 5'2", and she obviously has a bit more in the pecho area.
The whole switch with Oscar ending up with Lorenza and Gabi with Sal was hilarious.
However, when we first got her (at age 5) she would regularly disappear. Hiding behind t.v.'s, the quilt rack by the fireplace, etc. And seemed to "know" when it was time to go to the vet and would be especially hard to locate unless you were carrying a can of tuna around.
Now that she feels secure with us, she'll come when called like a little doggie. And since she's little, only around 8 pounds, she's my substitute for a baby since we're so far from the grandkids. Yeah...I know...pathetic!
I was making fun, but even in female boxing the category in Spanish is "peso gallo" or literally rooster weight, and you are correct, we use the term "bantamweight" in English.
Form what I understand the weight limit changes depending on whether you are a pro or amateur, pro is 115 to 118 lbs and amateur is about 105lbs to 112lbs roughly.
Mariana's profile shows her weight has been anywhere from 113 to 116 in various bouts.
I think she is super cute though she definitely has less in the pecho than our actress!! :) I would feel bad watching her pretty little face getting punched out. :)
She does the same for me whenever I'm down with some virus.
An adorable baby when you're feeling well, a devoted nurse when you're not. The perfect being!
Anyway, we need another group hug for Emilia - the oral surgery really threw her for a loop last week. She's now on Amoxicillin which I thought was only made for juvenile ear infections - we sure plowed through it back in the day.
Judy, special thanks for "coscolinas!" I've been calling Emilia and her best girlfriend the English version of that for a long time.
Was the 80's Isabel played by the same actress who plays Monita w/ different hair and makeup? Kinda looked like her.
Kris, excellent capture on Oscar and Lorenza finding out who they were actually in bed with. That was hilarious!
Judy, leaving your cat to others, how's your son's car?
Diana in MA
I loved the expressions on Lor and Oscar's faces - priceless!
Kris, I'm glad you put the picture from the tea party, that's a sweet scene. It of course reminds me of a patient I had several years ago. He was an older guy, sort of one of the rugged cowboy types that we grow here in Texas. He had some relatively minor heart problems and I was checking him over. I wanted to check his feet... pulses ,color, swelling and whatnot, so I asked him to remove his cowboy boots. He was very reluctant, muttering something about maybe next time, but as I usually do, I prevailed. Well, I got a good look at his feet which had little tufts of hair at the base of each toe (a healthy sign), no swelling (also healthy), good pulses(great), but also each toenail was painted a flaming pink, not your usual cowboy style. I looked up with raised eyebrows, now understanding his reluctance, He hastened to explain that his little grand daughter was visiting and talked him into a game of beautyshop. Wow, the things we old guys will do for our kids and grandkids, especially the cute little girls.
Dani worked that same charm on Mao, getting him to be Monita for her tea party.
Mike, the car is fixed. It was done by 10 pm last night. Good thing since he has a loooong drive to Ohio Dominican. And since he only had an hour's sleep (paper due) he was able to take a nap until it got fixed.
I thought parenting ended once they reached 21 or so, but turns out that's not so...not with our last two anyway.
Emilia made Her Best Ever Shepherd's Pie last night -they're always good, but this one... - so if that's the leftovers she mentioned, I'm happy!
Oh, yeah, does anyone else think the actress playing Isabel is doing a good job of being creepy?
"Hysterical" to Carlos and his pink toed friend
"yes" to creepy Isabel---I do hate her, actually...though I hope she comes around... :)
Carlos, I love your doctor stories. I hope you have written up every one of these somewhere. Otherwise one of us is going to have to go back and cull these gems and put them in a Dr. Carlos collection.
Mike, of course cornbread would be better but it's so easy to throw some biscuits together and I'm not feeling very ambitious "aujourd'hui"(that's for you, Hombre!)
Thanks for the hug, y'all. You're the best!!
Both biscuits and cornbread sound great, but with turnip greens (a favorite of mine since my earliest childhood) cornbread is my choice. Of course I'm not doin' the cookin'.
As for the weight class corresponding to bantam weight is peso gallo. La Monita weighed in at 53 kilos 200 grams for this fight.
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