Friday, October 02, 2009

MEPS recappers lineup for final episode Monday October 5

Just so everybody knows - I am making an executive decision and calling the line-up thus:

8-8:30: Me (Melinama, now seem to have a new screen name Chapel Hill Fiddler)
8:30-9: Julie
9-9:30: Kat
9:30-10: Jardinero
10-10:30: Jody

If it runs over Chris will take the overflow.

I realize the segments won't end exactly at the half-hour. Feel free to start a little before your time and end a little after your time - overlap is fine.

Instead of collating the entries, I suggest we each post separately adding a "Part One" "Part Two" ... "Part Six (finale)" to our title.


I may be wrong, but I think in Mexico, the first hour of the final 3 hour program was a repeat of the last episode. Somebody correct me if this isn't right.


That's fine, then we can just start an hour later and do 20 minute slices, if need be.

Thanks Sondie for the info.

Well, as the first one off the block, I'll stick with my time. If it's a repeat, then I'm off the hook! The other way (changing on the night itself) is too hard to plan.

Sounds good to me. I'll be anxiously awaiting my slot!

Works for me!

Sounds good, I'm on board.

I live in houston texas is this the show MEPS thats ending and Sortiligo is replacing? please let me know! I have televisa.


Sounds fine with me.

I'll hold off posting my part of the recap until Tuesday, so I don't get it too far out of order.

rebeca -- yes, this Monday is the gran final of Manana es para siempre (Sortilegio will start airing Tuesday night.)

Jody :)

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