Monday, October 05, 2009
Mon. 10/5/9 un Gancho al Corazón Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places
Devastated (she should be somewhat accustomed to this by now) Moni seeks out Beto in the gym and announces, I'm ready for you to take me to
las Vegas. The sooner, the better." Beto is delighted. Moni, umm, not so much. There are tears in her eyes and a defeated look of resignation in her visage.
Discussing matters with Estre, Moni does not find support for her decision. Esterella tries to keep the dream alive as she is about to offer up information about the conspiracy afoot to thwart the fairy tale, but first Moni must swear not to murder anyone.
Nieves presents Beto with the money from Connie. A little out of character Beto questions the source. I believe he asks if she frolicked with a a millionaire. Nieves is insulted. "Then where did you get this money?" At that very moment, Moni, accompanied by Estrella, bursts in echoing the question. Hey, Beto asks the questions here! Nieves says that she did it for Moni and Beto, as Moni snatches the money. She declares that she is going to return it. "¡De ninguna manera! (No way!), Beto shouts. She's gone in a flash, trailing sparks in her wake.
Ximena, looking great as always, welcomes Lalo. She shuts her eyes puckers her lips and leans in, expecting a kiss. Now, Ximena, who is lacking in the more intricate skills needed for analyzing both body and spoken language, has not yet considered that Lalo may play for the other team. He brushes by, asks about Jerry, then, as we have, appreciates her look especially her cleavage. She offers to display more. He expresses envy for her bra. I'm not kidding. She offers that she is single but he wants to know about Jero. Ignoring the question, she confesses that she has been looking for that special someone and suspects that she may have found him. Hey, Lalo, too. She pounces and begins mauling him like a love-starved panther shouting,"¡Te amo!". He is almost speechless but manages to say, "Your tickling me! Don't be a lesbian! Wait!" What we got here is failure to communicate.
Uh oh, ominous percussion as Nieves open her door to...Alicia. Astonished, Nieves drops her plastic bucket. Nieves orders her to leave and the threatens to break her face. It sounds as though Nieves believes Isabel and Alicia may be lovers. Nieves looks persuasive but Alicia insists that Nieves must listen to her. Hey, what can it hurt?
Connie, showing no fear of the PETA people, is wearing a rabbit fur vest. Looks good on her,if you don't consider the little bunnies running around naked, shivering in the cold, so that she can look fashionable. She is perched at the foot of Mao's bed and is in an altruistic self-sacrificing mode. She realizes that he must wed to keep the kids. She is willing to marry him,live apart and later divorce him if he desires. Her only concern is that he be allowed to stay with his children. How very noble. I believe we can all wrap our arms around that; Can't we, gang?... Gang?
Looks as though Nieves has relented as she ushers Alicia to a seat at her table. Incidentally, it appears that the demented dog groomer is still on the loose, as Nieves's hair is once again styled in Shih Tzu chic. They have an ugly discussion surrounding Moni's origins. A great deal is revealed. Isabel's pregnancy was the result of a brutal rape and the three of them, Nieves, Alicia, and Isabel have vowed never to tell Monita the facts, indicating of course, that she will soon know everything. Nieves tries to dismiss Alicia.
A tender moment between Connie and Mao, they are embracing, is intruded upon by a still fuming, still sparking Monita. Doesn't anyone knock in this? She flings the money at Connie as a confused Mao looks on.

Nieves is still trying to get rid of Alicia, who tenaciously pursues her mission. Nieves wants to hear none of it. Isabel abandoned Monita to Nieves rather than at the door of the church. Nieves has been her mother all the years and Monita has no need for a reunion. Alicia thinks otherwise. Monita's mother needs her now more than ever. Beto, pausing at the door to eavesdrop, overhears this last bit. Alicia departs but not before telling Nieves not to judge Isabel's rancor too harshly since she suffers from the same. Huh? An angry, frustrated Nieves energetically clears the table. Beto enters to confront. "You lied to me. Moni has been looking for her mom." Nieves gives him a whithering look.
Connie denies, expresses exasperation and hides in the bathroom. Mauricio shouts after her,"We'll talk!" Moni lets Mao have it as well, "I lie to you out of love, she lies to promote her own interest." She stalks off. Mauricio turns his attention to Connie, insisting that she come out. She doesn't. "Then do what you want!"
Looks as though Lalo is continuing having problems making himself clear to Ximena. Somewhat disheveled, he cowers, whimpering in the corner near the door.

Mauricio catches up to Moni and we have another replay of a scene that has become all too frequent. He's sorry but she misunderstands, he has no intention of marrying Connie. She is sorry but he misunderstands, she was only going to go off with Beto because she had lost hope in having him. Well from now on they neither will be so impulsive and talk things out instead. Yeah, sure. They hug, kiss, and he offers to take her home. Lurking, Connie looks on to the accompaniment of that blasted ominous percussion.
Jerry arrives to find an exfruspertrated Lalo perched on the sofa. Lalo tries to enlist the sympathy of a confused Jerry over his assault by Ximena, confusing him more by referring to his horoscope and, "You and me; us." He whines about Jero's sister falling in love with him and as he exits, he invites Jero to dinner at his place, "You won't regret it."

Beto and Nieves are discussing the fact that Moni's mom is alive. "Monita should know," he declares. She explains that Moni's mother does not care for her. Beto, in uncustomary defiance of Nieves asserts that Nieves does not care about Moni, nor him either for that matter. This whole story line seems a bit dark for my taste. Oh well, the writers haven't let us down thus far. Patience, Carlos.
Ximena is distraught when she stumbles over Lalo's agenda. She lovingly sniffs it. In it is a note which begins, "Amado Lalo," and refers to shared desire and the shape of Lalo's hips and is signed..."Jerónimo Sermeño". Oops! Boy, Ximena is frosted. Jero descends the stairs and is confronted by an indignant Ximena. She shows him the letter which he repudiates. She stomps off, urging him to go back in the closet, leaving him to mutter that someone will pay for this. Now, this is more in the spirit of the show.
Parked in the barrio, M&M share sweet talk and a kiss which is witnessed by Beto, who is strolling by. More ominous percussion. He is stunned and runs off. More sweet talk, more kisses and...Voilá, novios once more. Moni sticks her head out the car window and shouts it to the world. We'll believe with a little more tangible evidence. Mauricio's philosophy seems to be, "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with."
Beto has found his way to Connie's pad and she lets him in. He has on a distressing black tee shirt picturing a calavera-inspired luchador's mask. She is still wearing her dead bunnies. He saw it all, they were kissing each other on the plain view. He grabs Connie and graphically demonstrates.

Beto arrives at Moni's door to set her straight. Unfortunately he had a few drinks on the way home. Sleepily Moni appears at the door, as Beto is removing his belt. Not a wise decision, because now Moni begins to pummel him with punches till Nieves rescues him by intervening. Moni, flanked now by Paula and Estrella uses the forum to announced her engagement to Mau. It is met with squeals of delight from the Moni contingent and a devastatingly icy stare from Nieves.
Poor Ximena, in the office, her sad tale of her, Lalo, and Jero is met with uncontrollable laughter from Gabi and Sal. She is OK with Jero being gay, that happens and she'll support him, but why did he choose her guy to pervert? Sal walks away laughing while Gabi agrees to listen and Ximy has three things to say. One, she doesn't like Jero meddling with Lalo because he is in love with her. Two, she will fight to the end of days for Lalo. This sets Gabi to laughing once more. She doesn't want to hear the third thing, she doesn't think she could take it. She walks off leaving Ximy looking befuddled, the third thing unsaid, but suddenly a light goes on. Now she, she decides that she doesn't understand any of it after all.
Back at Moni's the three amigas are rejoicing about, gushing over, and basking in Moni's good fortune. The fairy tail is coming true. Just a few details, she feels very badly about Beto and Nieves. Moni is off to take a bath.
In the office, Oscar is amused by Jero's letter to Lalo, ghost written by Sal. Lalo pops in and scolds Jero for standing him up for dinner. He waited for him till three in the morning. Jero bluntly tells him that he likes women. Well, Lalo doesn't understand the letter Jero wrote. Oscar explains that Sal wrote the letter. Jero wants revenge. Oooh!
Beto, now looking sober, emerges from Paula's munching a sandwich. Nieves taking clothes off the clothesline, clothespins attached to the neck of her blouse. He has changed tee shirts and is in a hurry and it looks as though he's hiding something that is bulging in his pants. No, not that. She wants to know where he's going, but he evades the question, "What does it matter to you?" and scurries off.
Ximena confers with Connie who is struggling to apply a bra to a busty mannequin. Connie assures her that there is no way that that Jero is gay. She goes on to say right out that Lalo is gay. "No, Jero is gay..." "He goes out with other men," Connie persists. Ximy closes off her ears. She wants to hear none of this. Connie just doesn't like the idea of Ximy with Lalo. Yeah, that's it. Lalo, at this moment comes skipping in and confirms Ximy's worst (well, maybe not) nightmare. He is not gay. He is very gay. Ximy reacts badly, "No, no, no, no!" and bolts out of the boutique.
Lalo races after her and catches up. He adores her, she is divine, great to be with, beautiful, but he can't... She points out that they are gemelas de alma (soulmates) and he agrees. He goes after men. So does she. Not with women. Likewise. Inspiration hits our Ximena.

Moni and Pau come rushing into the office and are instructed by Gabi to give their names and take a seat. The friendly bickering that ensues is interrupted by Mau who is delighted to see Monita, he and she are going out to lunch. As they get in the elevator, Pau informs Gabi that M&M are novios. Thrilled, Gabi grabs her friend's hand and they rush off after the happy pair.
Downstairs, arm in arm or lovebirds are accosted by a perturbed Connie. This time Mauricio wastes no time and minces no words, "Monita and I are novios." Before she has time to react with more than,"¿Qué?", Beto, looking unusually surly and intense, pops up, "¡Mauricio Sermaño!" "Beto, what are you doing here?" a startled Moni inquires. He responds by pulling a gun, pointing it directly at Mao and says with chilling iciness, "¡Te voy a matar! (I'm going to kill you!)"

Yikes! and double yikes!!
Labels: gancho
Shall we start with "no, not that", my frisky friend? And I loved the poetic touches...Monita's "visage" and "trailing sparks in her wake".
There were some very dark moments in this. The account of the gang rape of Monita's mom, explaining why she couldn't bond with her child...and the indication that Nieves was also raped in the past
and that is why she doesn't know the name of Beto's dad. What a dark and painful undercurrent in this light-hearted tale.
I DID laugh out loud at the very well-played scene between Salvador and they kept laughing over the letter and Ximena's cluelessness. And our super-gay wedding planner is growing on me...Jero should reconsider...especially since he has so little luck with women.
And, in closing, let me say that your title was perfect. Bien hecho, doctor.
Carlos, once again, your wit and wry humor was spot on. Enjoyed Ximena "who is lacking in the more intricate skills needed for analyzing both body and spoken language", "Connie, showing no fear of the PETA people" and the priceless "it appears that the demented dog groomer is still on the loose, as Nieves's hair is once again styled in Shih Tzu chic." A most excellent recap Carlos.
Judy, it was a dark episode and hoping it reverts to the light-hearted romp that has so delighted us these past months.
Diana in MA
This episode was a bit dark and heavy in places as you both note. Thank goodness for Ximena and her misdirected affections. She is always like sipping Champagne. She's bubbly, refreshing, and intoxicating. Wouldn't it be fun to view the world through her eyes? Of course only for short spurts. Wouldn't want to live there.
Diana, I thought Beto with a gun was completely out of character for our normally exuberant wastrel, but I must admit he convinced me of his seriousness with that cold, intense glare.
Judy, the story of the rapes was extremely disturbing, but I'm trusting in the writers who, thus far, have rarely let us down.
Also, did you guys notice that Nieves was at Nanda's and Eddie's wedding? Didn't know anyone there, just loves weddings.
Diana in MA
I hope that Beto snaps to his senses before doing anything rash. I'm loving Lalo(in a manly way of course). Looks like Cupid's arrows were off the mark for a day or so, or maybe he has a mean sense of humor at times. In any case the little scamp added some fun to a rather dark eoisode.
I am not liking this rape backstory but it will be interesting to see where it goes.
I wonder whether Mauricio and Monita can stay together for an entire episode.
We've been wondering when darkness would seep into this one....and here it is. On the MEPS line we've been discussing a bit how harshly women in these telenovelas are punished for their errors in judgment or their actual misdeeds. The menfolk don't seem to meet such grisly, protracted-suffering ends.
My sense is that Monita's mother has been mentally ill since the gang rape. You had that queasy feeling when she was drifting around the house that night looking at Mauricio and Monita...a ghostly person, not quite human anymore. Or...I'm just reading too much into this.
Still queasy myself from last nights MEPS slam-bang ending, complete with lots of grisly close-ups of surgery, point-blank gunshots and self-immolation. Not a good night for popcorn.
We have to remember that Beto is impulsive. Many times, he's said "I going to kill (fill in the blank)".
Fortunately, he calms down just as fast. Hopefully a few calming words from Moni will bring out his basic underlying goodness.
I sort of liked Connie's jacket. She really does have an amazing assortment of fashions, it's always fun to see what look she'll come up with next (and they always look good). Ximena, too. For that matter, Estrella. Okay, let me just say it - I like all the women's fashions on this show. Okay, finally got that out.
As for the guys, just keep Mauricio in a towel and el Cibernetico in shorts and I'll be happy.
Ximena always looks great, but often in stuff that wouldn't necessarily look good on many other people. Did I actually see her wearing pants that were not only plaid, but also pleated and with hip pockets?! And yet she looked terrific.
Gabi needs to give seminars on how to dress for maximum flattery. I love her clothes.
I'm much less particular about men's clothing. They don't have to try as hard to look good; any old basic thing looks fine. A lot of people disagree with me, though...poor Fr/Ed on MEPS was constantly mocked in the comments regarding his preppy sweaters, but I thought they looked good.
On the lighter side I loved "Shih Tzu chic" which is totally on point. Even little doggies sometimes get painted hearts and crap put on or near their little tushies, so that describes Nieves exactly.
OK Betito put down your toy gun and play nice nice. I'm hoping this turns into some sort of joking thing I agree that I don't think he should have turned that corner either and am hoping maybe it just looks that way...
Excellent hysterical recap Carlos!!!!
Speaking of clothes, I really liked Lalo's striped shirt, the tight purple pants, not so much.
I know its too late to start a discussion but I'm disturbed the use of rape in novelas. I'll start something tonight after Judy posts her recap.
I really loved the scene with Xime talking with Salvador and Gabriela. It was one of those that I still remember vividly even though there's been months since it aired.
I agree about the clothes here. The wardrobe people are great. I think the key is mantain the actors in a style they feel comfortable wearing. Gaby has a nice, normal weight and she dresses in a way that makes her look good and comfortable with her figure. Coni has elegant and sexy clothes and she doesn't need to be in the ridiculous tiny dresses that many "sexy" actresses wear.
Karen, I cringed big time when Alicia and Nieves began talking. I wish that the topic of rape was not so pervasive in TNs, and here it is in this cheery little show.
Jarocha, I always enjoy what you have to say. I think that Gabi is one of the most attractive women in TNs. Of course, I'm an old geezer and prefer grownup girls.
Carlos, I really can't add any more accolades, my friends have already gotten dibs on your best quotes. I wasn't even going to watch this episode but I simply HAD to after your recap. Grrrrrr!
By the way, I haven't seen the finale of MEPS nor have I had a chance to comment on it yet so I was NOT lured away from Gancho because of that. The simple explanation is that I was busy, elsewhere, and could not get my laptop to cooperate.
Yes, the story of Isabel and Nieves is sad and dark, but I find it interesting that they both deal with similar traumas in very different ways. Hence, they are perhaps unforgiving of the other because of this, which is quite true to life I think. It's funny how sometimes humans can be so compassionate but can also be so stiff and unforgiving. Also, why can we be so forgiving of strangers and at the same time so harsh to the ones we love?
I find the Luchador motif, the constant battle between good and evil embodied within ourselves, to be an appropriate motif for this telenovela.
I do hope it stays light but I suspect we are about to enter the trial phase of our archetypal journey.
Thanks again Carlos, a most excellent recap and I particularly like the title. How true!
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