Tuesday, October 13, 2009
un Gancho al Corazón Mon 10/12/9 Rolando Klunder Pays a Steep Price for his Transgressions

Labels: gancho
Loved your asides, the flan, "take that oldtimer", "well boo-frickin'-hoo, "this show is insidious and corrupting" and for me, the most intriguing...your quip about years of practice in sulking. Ah hah!, tell us more, Carlos.
I am a bit bummed as I have not been able to find the episode. But this recap spells everything out nicely, so I'm not sulking.
'Morning, JudyB. :)
"Boo, Mauricio you selfish, arrogant, rich prettyboy" was spot on Carlos. As much as I like him, he is a bit of a snob and an elitist.
I laughed out loud at the bandaged and plaster enhanced Rolu becoming the canvas for Ximena's slightly childish decorations. Leave it to Jero to capitalize on the situation and throw a forced proposal into the mix because as you so poignantly noted "Jero, however, doesn't want two lumps in the house." Excellent!
For the first time, I did feel for Rolu and agree with the clever title. I think he has now more than fully atoned for his sins, right? :)
Carlos, you made me enjoy the episode all over again.
Diana in MA
Poor Rolando, I almost (but not quite) feel sorry for him. After all, he did intend to push Xime off the top floor of the parking garage. I think the scenes with Xime, Jero and Rolu were the funniest of the evening. They were a good diversion from some of the other, darker, scenes. I'm thinking of the conversation between Nieves and Isabel in particular.
By the way, my dictionary translates "ser una perita en dulce" as "to be a gem". Funny, I erroneously thought she said "perrita", heh heh, quite a different connotation.
Thanks Carlos!
Judy, I thought that pouting an sulking are pretty much basic survival skills, especially for boys and men.
Stephe, I was able to find parts of this episode on You Tube. I'll find an address for what's there if you like. Ximena's and Rolu's scenes are certainly worth viewing.
Diana, I do think that Rolu has more than payed for his misdeeds, but watching Ximena sweetly make his life miserable has become so much fun.
Hi right back Stephe...glad to see you back 'round these here parts. Hugs to your mama and poppa.
Thanks for the meaning of una perita en dulce. I knew that it had to be something nice.
Beto really is something, burying his face in Moni's chest. Wasn't it just the other day he went to shake Mau's hand and ended up with his hand on Moni's boob? I sense a little fixation here.
So, apparently Ximena just gets her allowance as long as she's unmarried. Sounds like an incentive to just live together with a guy. If I were the parent, I think I'd double her the allowance if she DID get married (I may be a little old-fashioned).
I'm with Judy in that I thought we women had a lock on sulking and pouting. Then I thought about it more and realized ohhhhh, that's what that was.
Stephe - glad to have you back. I hope your parents are doing better as well as your writing. I loved your comments on Cuidado (and your ones this morning over on Sorteligo). I for one won't have a barf bag ;).
Diana - ITA with you regarding Mau. I am fond of him but he can be an elitist and sexist jerk.
Sylvia - thanks for the translation
Hombre - I like how you think about allowances, women and marriage.
Hey, Karen! Thanks for the good vibes--things are going better with the folks, and I've finally finished the dark paranormal novella I was working on. Thank goodness, because I was WAY past my deadline and having serious Caray withdrawals.
I agree on Mau but I also see his point about Beto. Beto is very important to Moni but he is still trying to get back with her so I can see why Mau doesn't trust him.
Sylvia is right about "perita en dulce" in english you could say Gabby was rolling her eyes while saying something like "Oh right. Because you are such a gem". Also I think "perita en dulce" is rarely ever used in positive phrases, the term alone is filled with sarcasm.
Ximena is so happy now. I'm finding Rolu adorable in his cast, it must be the pretty eyes.
Jarocho, so then perita en dulce is like goody-two-shoes in English? Also, I think Rolu's eyes did an excellent job of expressing his feelings. Of course, once again Ximena reveals her lack of interpretive skills when it comes to reading subtle and not so subtle communication.
My mom made flan on sunday, I could have eaten all if I didn't stop myself. In the office were I used to work we always had flan on birthdays because we all hated cake.
Carlos, your tutor is a dangerous woman. Gorgeous AND she can cook. Mama mía...no wonder you're working so diligently on your Spanish.
Think you could find me some breathtaking hunk to teach me Spanish and maybe take me out to dinner? Sounds good to me.
Jarocha, now I'll be thinking about flan for the rest of the day. I can't think of any dessert as satisfying and comfort inducing, except for maybe peach or dewberry cobbler.
There did I say it? Well that's what I felt when I was watching the whole cast scene and reading about it in your recap. The best. I loved Rolu's pathetic futile screams but I noticed he held on pretty tight to that proposal sign. He could have relaxed his digits and that sucker would have fallen on the floor, along with our plot I guess.
I'm sorry, I know beanies and all, but I have to say it, I just keep wondering, que the hell is he supposed to do for a bano? Does he have a hole in his nether regions? A catheter? I guess that would ruin our plot to bog ourselves down in such minor details.... :)
You guys were driving me crazy with your talk about flan. The only thing I like better than flan is creme brulee, close but with crunchier sugar. MMmmmmmm!
We are now in the third to last vid titled: etgtgtgr. This is where tonight's episode starts.
Kris, I try not to think about those details, but I think that Ximena was on the right track by deciding to store him in the utility room where the unfortunate street dog met his demise. Maybe she won't forget that she left Rolu there. I know that I certainly wouldn't want to be nearby when that cast is removed. Beto's aroma will be a treat compared to that.
Jarocha, thanks for helping us get back on track with You Tube.. Because of my miserable inability to type it helps to get a little head start or at least a preview with You Tube ahead of time. By the way, I recently renewed contact with my room mate from Baylor after over 45 yrs. He is a professor of sociology at UCLA, but more interestingly, his wife is a senior vive-president with Univision television. Small world, huh?
Carlos, any insider info would be awesome. We promise not to tell a soul
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