Tuesday, October 13, 2009

un Gancho al Corazón Mon 10/12/9 Rolando Klunder Pays a Steep Price for his Transgressions

We begin tonight with a replay of a tender moment between M&M which is almost spoiled by Mauricio expressing his jealousy of Beto. Sure, he trusts Moni, it's Beto he has no confidence in. He wants her to sever all ties with Beto, even though she considers him as a brother. Changing the subject, Moni is going to need time from work to fight for the Campeonato Nacional. Mao is happy for her. What a guy! Oh, on second thought that'll mean that she'll be hanging around the gym with Beto. Boo, Mauricio you selfish, arrogant, rich prettyboy. Moni points out that he can come watch her train, take her out for dinner...This flirtation is fortuitously intruded upon by Ximena with a message for Moni from...Beto. Nieves has awakened and they are waiting for her in Nieve's hospital room. Now that Nieves is better, she'll go with Mao instead. Ximena remembers that she came to check on Rolu.

We pay a brief visit back to the office where Sal, emerging from the coffee room where as you recall, he had been massaging Gabi's neck. He bumps into Paula who suspects the worst after overhearing Gabi's moans of contentment. Lori Loca appears and reminds Pau that Oscar is awaiting his capuchino. At this opportune moment, Gabi emerges looking radiant and this is not lost on Lori or Pau. Lori comments on her glow and Gabi brushes by them noting that she is quite relaxed. Pau is scandalized by the hypocrisy. Lori goes to fetch Oscar's coffee.

At Mau's place, Tano butters up Teresa with flattery. Charmed, she goes to get him a piece of freshly cooled flan. Now that would be enough to distract me from whatever I came for, but Tano is there for something other than flan. Aldo comes in and tells him that if he's looking for Mao, he's not home yet. Nope, he's there to talk with Aldo.

In the kitchen, Teresa spots a blossoming romance on a bench on the veranda. It's Luisa and Ivan who are billing and cooing. She drops a dish and promptly puts a stop to it, sending Luisa to her room and threatening Ivan with eviction. Ah, young love.

Tano offers Aldo some unsolicited advise, "Estrella's too old for you, stay away from her, she's mine." Not in those exact words, but Aldo gets the message and in a display of unusual restraint and respect, thanks him for the advice and points out that he didn't ask for any. Tano doesn't let it drop and Aldo counters that he is in love with Estrella and even though he is immature and inexperienced he can tell by the way she returns his kisses, she feels the same. Take that, oldtimer.

Speaking of love and billing and cooing, back in the barrio, it looks as though Mao is making progress with Moni, but it's late, they both have to get up early...he gives it one last stab, "Hey, wanna spend a little quality time together?" She weakens, almost yields, then sends him on his way. She immediately regrets her choice, but, too late. he's gone. She's joined by the other two amigas who, especially Estrella, chide her for her rash, but probably prudent decision. The Three Amigas continue chatting with Pau still obsessing over Sal and Gabi when Monita informs them that she has been scheduled to fight for the Campeonato Nacional. Hugs and squeals.

Nieves, looking weak and moving slowly is aided by her attentive adoring son as she returns home from the hospital. They are greeted by Moni, who Beto cooly challenges over her sudden disappearance from the hospital. "Where were you? You left with the doll's hair, didn't you?" "I won't deny it, he is my novio after all." "Uuuh!" Beto sneers. "Besides, with Nieves doing better, Ya'll didn't need me." Nieves, playing her weakness to the hilt and calling upon years of practice being passive-aggressive, wearily says, "We've always needed you, you didn't have to say that." Chastened, Moni takes her arm, with Beto needling her that perhaps now her legs are too sore, and ignoring him, she and Beto help Nieves inside and into her bed, where Nieves clutches the kinda creepy doll to her side. (I'm guessing that this doll has great significance to Nieves). Moni then gives Beto some money and sends him off to purchase Nieves prescriptions. He eyes the money wonders if he'll have enough , and when she glares at him saying, "Beto!" he decides they can get by with generics. She and Nieves share thoughts. Behind Moni is a B&W photo of a beautiful young woman, doubtless, Nieves. Nieves wants her to be with her and Beto, Moni wants to be with Mao, and then there's the matter of Moni's mom. Moni checks her purse, a folded note which she looks at, then leaves on the table, and her coin purse is empty, then leaves Nieves looking helpless, alone, and distraught, clutching that wretched doll. Well played, Nieves!

She bumps into Beto, they exchange thoughts on how he should be caring for Nieves. Beto of course is now a responsible independent man. They are joined by Costeño who breaks the news to Beto that Moni will be battling for the Campeonato Nacional. Moni confirms it. Beto is a bit miffed and hurt that he wasn't informed. They are after all, a team. Well, no, Beto. Sorry. Besides, you have a sick mom. No, no, no. Hey, don't go putting it off on Beto's mom. Well, it looks like for Beto, the dream has died. Moni leaves with a threat, she'll knock out his teeth the next time he tries to kiss her. Beto turns to Costeño, "See, Moni doesn't love me any more." Costeño does the minimum required consoling then invites Beto to join him in the cantina hey'll scare up a game of cubilete (I'm guessing that dice game they were playing with Jero awhile back). Beto likes the idea but first must see to his mom. Well, actually first he must tend to some enteric matters. As Beto hurries off to tend to matters, a vecino (neighbor) in a UCLA jogging suit with a bandana on his head ambles up, and while Costeño is inviting him on their little outing, Nieves, with a small duffelbag, wearing her red mules, slips out behind them. Now where is she going? I mean really, I haven't a clue. Where is she going?

It's breakfast (desayuno) time at Mao's place. He has a glass of orange juice and there is a tempting basket of pastries on the table. The kiddos are at the table with him. There is a bit of breakfast small talk, Luisa asks if Ivan will be joining them and an uncharacteristically snippy Teri says no, that he's already gone to the university. She clearly has a bug up her butt. Trust Dani to cut to the chase, "When are you and Monita going to get married?" Good question, kid. Mao advises patience. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm with you kid . "Well, time to go!" Unfortunately, Luisa lags behind, offers help to Teresa and is rewarded with some strong disapproval of her relationship with Ivan. Seems that if they don't cut it out, it's adiós a Ivan. Harsh!

We catch a glimpse of a weeping Nieves on the bus. Where the heck is she going?
Moni's in training. Lookin' good! Beto spoils it. "¡Se fue! (She's gone!)" Moni steps out of the ring, consoles him with a hug and who should appear on cue? Yes, of course it's Mao. "So you care about Beto more than me?" Well boo frickin' hoo! Mao is once again showing his butt.

I should have guessed, Nieves is seeking out Isabel. She is in Moroleón, Guanajuato. Alicia opens the front door to her. "I need to speak with her," Nieves informs, tilting her head. "Here I am announces Isanel emerging through the door.They spar, turns out that Moni doesn't want anything to do with her, and well...likewise, so why's Nieves here? Isabel asks Alicia to leave her alone with Nieves. Nieves could give a rat's patootie, but Moni needs to see her mom and learn why she was rejected in order to get on with her life.

Moni has chased Mao into the gym parking lot with Beto hot on her heels. Mao can't abide any relationship that she might have with Beto. He splits and Moni turns on Beto. "Are you happy now?" Beto is disgusted by her apparent indifference, promises to dog Monita becoming her worst nightmare. She gives him a jab with her still gloved fist.

Isabel tells Nieves that she has no regrets for what she did and that there will be no apologies. Exhausted by this confrontation, she summons Alicia back announcing that she needs to rest now. Nieves left alone with Alicia asks, "Is she sick?" "Yes. She's dying," is her response.

Now, this looks to be much happier; for us at least. Ximena rolls a fully casted Rolu into her apartment. She fawns over the helpless, immobile chunk of plaster. She instructs him in how they will communicate, "One blink means nopi and two blinks mean sipi, aren't you glad that we're together?" Squeezing his eyes tightly shut with all the strength he can muster, he silently shouts,"¡NOPI!" She is unfazed and by his wink believes that he is flirting (coqueteando) with her. This tender scene is interrupted by Jero who descends the stairs asking, "Who is this mummy?" Well, Coni is the only mummy here, but she identifies it as the injured Rolu and the least they can do after she saved his life is take care of him. Jero, however, doesn't want two lumps in the house. How will she manage getting him to her bedroom upstairs without the wheelchair. She thinks about that for a moment and then decides that she will park him in the little room adjacent to the kitchen where they kept the dog that they picked up off the street but died because they forgot about it. I love dogs but I'm cracking up even as I write this. This show is insidious and corrupting. She rushes off for a moment leaving the two men together. Jerry speculates that Rolu was actually trying to kill her. No blinks indicating sipi, but Rolu's eyes suggest that he might be right. Jero says it would have been a great favor.

Now Nieves is chatting with Alicia and is informed that Isabel, dying, is stubborn and plans to skip any treatment and await death. Alicia feels that she should reunite with her daughter, leaving out the fact that Isabel needs a chunk of Moni, namely some bone marrow, to survive. She believes that Mauricio will prevail on Moni to do the right thing but she really would like Nieves' help. Nieves more or less refuses to get involved.

Estrella is doing her laundry as Beto and Moni walk up. "Have you seen my jefecita (little boss-lady, in this case, mom)? "Nope." Distraught, Beto takes advantage of the opportunity to bury his face between Moni's bubis. "I must find her!" Why she doesn't knock him into tomorrow is beyond me. She instead politely but firmly grabs his hair, repositions it, and informs him that he won't be finding her there. Instead she advises that he should report her missing to the police. He is afraid that if he does, he'll be arrested as a neglectful son. Well, OK if Moni will come with him. he pleads, his pouting almost as heart-rending as mine, refined over years of practice. Estrella sticks her tongue out at Beto as he and Moni depart.

Paula, quite the metiche (meddlesome busybody) since her split with Cristian, tries to goad Gabi. Today, Gabi, not rising to the bait, says that it's almost Miller Time and no one is going to bug (acongojar) her. Too bad that Moni is all tied up with the boxing thing. She certainly can't count on Pau now that she's aligned with Lori. But that's OK, she's always been alone and alway manages to cope. (Passive-agressivity lessons from Nieves, perhaps?) "No, no, don"t try that on me, you're no perita en dulce (candied pear?)" I've no clue what that means. Enough of this, she picks up her purse and splits...with Lori and Sal. Once more Pau is scandalized. Pau then turns on Mao and tries to share with him what she knows about Gabi. He tells her that if she does her work well, she'll have no problems with Gabi. and Sal. "Not interested." As he heads for the elevator, she observes that,"You'd think now that he is with Monita he'd be friendlier."
He thinks that she was nicer and more respectful when she was with Cristian.

Speaking of, he is at the police station taking a missing person report from B&M (doesn't have quite the same sweetness, huh?). He inquires about Paula and Monita suggests that he try again with her. Cristian remembers Nieves, a good-looking, full-figured woman who still has quite a nice figure (percha). A woman meeting that description has been reported performing public lewd acts (impúdicas). "¿Qué?" "¿Qué?" Say what? Moni thinks that's funny. Beto, not so much.

Meanwhile, back at Ximy's and Jero's casa, The three, Jero, Ximy, and their unfortunate, reluctant guest are sharing breakfast. That is, Jero's eating and like an attentive nurse, Ximy is nourishing the hapless Rolu with orange juice through a straw. Poor Rolu's decorated body cast must be seen to be believed.
Ximy has mercilessly decorated it with colored magic markers and topped it off with a feather boa around his helpless, plaster-encrusted neck. Who knew when he picked on Aldo, the price of retribution would be so steep? Ximy leaves the two alone and Jero explains his motives.Seems as though if Ximy is out of the way, he'll double his allowance getting Ximy's share. No problem, he'll take advantage of Rolu's incommunicative state and propose marriage to his troublesome sister for him. Rolu is about to explode inside his rigid cocoon. Jero fashions a message proposing marriage and wedges it into Rolu's helpless grip. Much to Rou's discomfort, he repositions the wheelchair. He puts his mom's wedding ring on his little finger. Beingthe warrior (guerrero) that he is, he knows that Rolu will understand. Ximena returns and is overwhelmed with joy.

Sharing sodas at the malt shop, Ivan and Luisa resume their courtship. I'm afraid that they are making more progress toward congress than M&M. Slow down kids! Aldo and Katia arrive. Aldo objects.

Back at home, Teri announces to Mauricio that he has a guest. It's the elusive, wayward Nieves. "I need to talk to you." "¿Sí?" "About Monita."



Looking forward to watching this sometime! Really don't want to miss a thing now that I've read your recap, Carlos.

Loved your asides, the flan, "take that oldtimer", "well boo-frickin'-hoo, "this show is insidious and corrupting" and for me, the most intriguing...your quip about years of practice in sulking. Ah hah!, tell us more, Carlos.

Nice recap, Carlos. Thanks for your hard work.

I am a bit bummed as I have not been able to find the episode. But this recap spells everything out nicely, so I'm not sulking.

'Morning, JudyB. :)

Hombre, I posted a late comment about your superb Friday recap - gracias.

"Boo, Mauricio you selfish, arrogant, rich prettyboy" was spot on Carlos. As much as I like him, he is a bit of a snob and an elitist.

I laughed out loud at the bandaged and plaster enhanced Rolu becoming the canvas for Ximena's slightly childish decorations. Leave it to Jero to capitalize on the situation and throw a forced proposal into the mix because as you so poignantly noted "Jero, however, doesn't want two lumps in the house." Excellent!

For the first time, I did feel for Rolu and agree with the clever title. I think he has now more than fully atoned for his sins, right? :)

Carlos, you made me enjoy the episode all over again.

Diana in MA

Oh Carlos, you are too funny. Your editorial comments always make me giggle. "B&M, doesn't quite have the same sweetness", OMG that's hilarious. Oh, and I very much enjoyed the link with the fantastic accordion accompaniment. I can't think of a better way to start the day than with a lively accordion number. I suppose it's not quite to everyone's tastes but it suits mine.

Poor Rolando, I almost (but not quite) feel sorry for him. After all, he did intend to push Xime off the top floor of the parking garage. I think the scenes with Xime, Jero and Rolu were the funniest of the evening. They were a good diversion from some of the other, darker, scenes. I'm thinking of the conversation between Nieves and Isabel in particular.

By the way, my dictionary translates "ser una perita en dulce" as "to be a gem". Funny, I erroneously thought she said "perrita", heh heh, quite a different connotation.

Thanks Carlos!

Good morning Judy, Stephe and Diana. This was an excellent episode. I thought that Rolu's eyes did an excellent job of acting. I think that this was the first time I actually laughed out loud while writing a recap. Poor Rolu, what a terrifying prospect, though I've never out anyone in a body cast, or for that matter I've never seen anyone in such as that. However, I once ha apt. who was a trucker who fell out of his cab shattering both arms and the orthopedist put him in an upper body cast immobilizing both arms just so. I was visiting him in is hospital room when it suddenly dawned on him how helpless and dependent he was.

Judy, I thought that pouting an sulking are pretty much basic survival skills, especially for boys and men.

Stephe, I was able to find parts of this episode on You Tube. I'll find an address for what's there if you like. Ximena's and Rolu's scenes are certainly worth viewing.

Diana, I do think that Rolu has more than payed for his misdeeds, but watching Ximena sweetly make his life miserable has become so much fun.


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Hey Carlos..thought we womenfolk had a lock on pouting and sulking...glad to know you're an equal opportunity brooder.

Hi right back Stephe...glad to see you back 'round these here parts. Hugs to your mama and poppa.

Sylvia, I remember now that you like accordion music. Do you like zydeco. Here in Houston, we have an abundance of music featuring accordions with zydeco from Louisiana and conjunto and Tejano music from here and Mexico.
Thanks for the meaning of una perita en dulce. I knew that it had to be something nice.


Carlos, thanks for the entertaining recap and fun links. It looks as if cubilete is a little like Yahtzee, but with different dice.

Beto really is something, burying his face in Moni's chest. Wasn't it just the other day he went to shake Mau's hand and ended up with his hand on Moni's boob? I sense a little fixation here.

So, apparently Ximena just gets her allowance as long as she's unmarried. Sounds like an incentive to just live together with a guy. If I were the parent, I think I'd double her the allowance if she DID get married (I may be a little old-fashioned).

Thanks for another wonderful recap Carlos. Your title captured it all. I look forward to viewing it this evening.

I'm with Judy in that I thought we women had a lock on sulking and pouting. Then I thought about it more and realized ohhhhh, that's what that was.

Stephe - glad to have you back. I hope your parents are doing better as well as your writing. I loved your comments on Cuidado (and your ones this morning over on Sorteligo). I for one won't have a barf bag ;).

Diana - ITA with you regarding Mau. I am fond of him but he can be an elitist and sexist jerk.

Sylvia - thanks for the translation

Hombre - I like how you think about allowances, women and marriage.

If you have any links offhand, Carlos, I would appreciate them. Everything I encountered on YouTube was the wrong episode, or maybe it was just me. I never have trouble finding epis, so I am puzzled.

Hey, Karen! Thanks for the good vibes--things are going better with the folks, and I've finally finished the dark paranormal novella I was working on. Thank goodness, because I was WAY past my deadline and having serious Caray withdrawals.

Stephe, here are 2 which fortunately have the scenes with Jero, Ximena, and Rolu. Careful with any beverages while watching those scenes.




Carlos thank you so much for your recap. As always I loved your observations.

I agree on Mau but I also see his point about Beto. Beto is very important to Moni but he is still trying to get back with her so I can see why Mau doesn't trust him.

Sylvia is right about "perita en dulce" in english you could say Gabby was rolling her eyes while saying something like "Oh right. Because you are such a gem". Also I think "perita en dulce" is rarely ever used in positive phrases, the term alone is filled with sarcasm.

Ximena is so happy now. I'm finding Rolu adorable in his cast, it must be the pretty eyes.


Hombre, don't forget, as he often reminds us, Beto breastfed to the age of 8 yrs. I suspect that might have helped promote his fondness for bubis.

Jarocho, so then perita en dulce is like goody-two-shoes in English? Also, I think Rolu's eyes did an excellent job of expressing his feelings. Of course, once again Ximena reveals her lack of interpretive skills when it comes to reading subtle and not so subtle communication.


Judy, one of my weaknesses is for flan. My profa makes the best flan I've ever eaten. Its texture is like fine silk and she manages to take the caramelization just to the point of burning the sugar, but not. I must admit that Teri's flan looked very good. Now, where can I score some flan this afternoon?


Carlos, I'm not quite sure if I understand correctly the use of "Goody Two-Shoes" but I'm guessing yes.

My mom made flan on sunday, I could have eaten all if I didn't stop myself. In the office were I used to work we always had flan on birthdays because we all hated cake.


Oh my...we all have the same weakness. I LOVE crème caramel....which is very similar to flan. And like Jarocha, I could eat an entire batch of it.

Carlos, your tutor is a dangerous woman. Gorgeous AND she can cook. Mama mía...no wonder you're working so diligently on your Spanish.

Think you could find me some breathtaking hunk to teach me Spanish and maybe take me out to dinner? Sounds good to me.

Karen, thanks. I hope I haven't revealed too much of the masculine secrets for survival in a world full of women.

Jarocha, now I'll be thinking about flan for the rest of the day. I can't think of any dessert as satisfying and comfort inducing, except for maybe peach or dewberry cobbler.


I'm not watching, just peeking in and am loving your style. Loved your choice of "billing and cooing", "boo frickin' hoo" and "who knew the price of retribution would be so steep?" Now "calling upon years of practice being passive-aggressive" has grabbed my curiosity, dear médico, as much as it has JudyB's. Methinks the live doctor is not the cardboard cut-out type we're generally fed in these things. Such a relief! Hope I can request you might sub for me in the future some time when "duty calls." Would love to see your full take on Sortilegio's sophistry sometime.

Ha Ha Ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha ha HA AHA ha HA!!!!!!!

There did I say it? Well that's what I felt when I was watching the whole cast scene and reading about it in your recap. The best. I loved Rolu's pathetic futile screams but I noticed he held on pretty tight to that proposal sign. He could have relaxed his digits and that sucker would have fallen on the floor, along with our plot I guess.

I'm sorry, I know beanies and all, but I have to say it, I just keep wondering, que the hell is he supposed to do for a bano? Does he have a hole in his nether regions? A catheter? I guess that would ruin our plot to bog ourselves down in such minor details.... :)

Heh, I'm sure that whatever he needs Xime will take care of it in a manner that will make Rolu even more miserable.

You guys were driving me crazy with your talk about flan. The only thing I like better than flan is creme brulee, close but with crunchier sugar. MMmmmmmm!

Carlos! Thanks to your link I found a new reproduction list on youtube with the next episodes:


We are now in the third to last vid titled: etgtgtgr. This is where tonight's episode starts.


Jardinera, thanks for dropping by and for the praise. This means so much coming from one of the masters. I can feel my head swelling; heck, I may have to get new hats. If you get an opportunity, give this show a look. It is so funny that just describing what happens is humorous enough. As Kris points out one must ignore some of the incongruities, but the characters are so endearing and the situations so amusing that it's easy to overlook the unlikely an inexplicable. I think I'd enjoy taking a shot at Sortilegio sometime, though your recaps are so popular that I'm afraid I'd be met by boos right off the bat.

Kris, I try not to think about those details, but I think that Ximena was on the right track by deciding to store him in the utility room where the unfortunate street dog met his demise. Maybe she won't forget that she left Rolu there. I know that I certainly wouldn't want to be nearby when that cast is removed. Beto's aroma will be a treat compared to that.


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Whoa, I have no idea what happened, that was like a shotgun. Sorry gang. Sylvia, creme brulee certainly works for me, although flan is very special for me, probably because the only one who makes it especially for me is my profa. My secretary makes creme brulee from time to time using a blow torch to caramelize the top.

Jarocha, thanks for helping us get back on track with You Tube.. Because of my miserable inability to type it helps to get a little head start or at least a preview with You Tube ahead of time. By the way, I recently renewed contact with my room mate from Baylor after over 45 yrs. He is a professor of sociology at UCLA, but more interestingly, his wife is a senior vive-president with Univision television. Small world, huh?


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Carlos, small world indeed. Maybe you could get some inside info on how these novelas are doing according to uni or why so much censorhip. You are welcome for the link. I found another that has more episodes but I lost it. I'll find it again.


No, Carlos! Everybody loves your crazy quips and comments. I've peeked in on the show a few times here and thought it was cute and well done, but I've got no time to give two shows these days. A shame, cuz I really enjoy the gang over here but QE was such a "delicious" pleasure but it really stretched me last time.

Jardinera, I know what you mean. I really tried to keep up with MEPS but I was always days behind, often too late to comment, etc. However I did read nearly all of y'all's recaps and enjoyed them thoroughly. I vowed to not even begin watching Sortilegio to give myself a break. However I did get a peek at William Levy and I must say he is maturing nicely.

Carlos, any insider info would be awesome. We promise not to tell a soul

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