Thursday, November 05, 2009

Un Gancho - Wednesday 11/4 - Welcome back, you're gonna die, just kidding, I think.

Kris is in Mexico no doubt having the time of her life. Wheeeeee!! I am subbing for her tonight.

I know we were trying to forget exactly where we were last night, let's just rush through the first part...

Coni insists she will marry Mau it's the only way he can get his kids back he says he'll only grow to loathe her she says she loves him and she will wait ten fifteen twenty years he knows her terms think hard handsome and when you have an answer let me know I'll be waiting. Coni smirks. Mau shakes head and looks dumb...founded.

Nieves warns Estre about ending up like her, all alone with only a child to fill the void. Don't do it! Oh, and you'd better let Beto see Monita, they have such a long history, and if you don't I will grab you by the hair and eject you by force. Estrella agrees and Nieves blows her a kiss.

Oh goodie, we're now with Xime and Rolu who is kinda sorta shaven. Now that she can hear his voice it's like falling in love all over again, can she make him a daquiri? He doesn't want to put her out. She says three things...una, it's not a bother; dos, she's his wife and it's her obligation; tres, doesn't he feel like having a daquiri? He ACTS very sweet, calls her princess and says he's the luckiest guy in the world because she's perfect. Then he gives her a big kiss. Hmmmph.

It looks like the Latin Grammies are on tomorrow night so I get the night off from recapping. That works out well.

Beto is at Moni's bedside. I wonder if his manly scent will wake her out of her coma? He tells her when he found out about her and Mau he felt like wringing her neck for falling in love with his ex soul brother. It really accelerated his rattle and made his blood boil. He's still wearing his "I heart NY" t-shirt, the hypocrite. He apologizes, then decides that since Moni can't hear him he'll admit to her he was with Coni. Whew! He tells her it sure felt good to get that off his chest. He concludes his confession by giving her a kiss on the lips.

Estre runs into Tano outside Moni's room. She loses it and tells him she's an estupida. Since Moni was injured she's had a lot of time to think. She doesn't want to end up like Nieves. She can't seem to grab her own life, she's not even the star of her own life. Will Tano give her another chance?

Rolu tells Xime how much he loves her, she says three things, they make out, and Jero walks in and is grossed out. Rolu tells Jero (in front of Xime) that Xime is a goddess. He's cold could she get him a blanket? Sure was easy to get rid of her. Rolu tells Jero he's got plans. He was in agony for six months and a damned hell awaits Ximena.

Estre weeps that she understands Tano's silence and she blabs on about what a loser she is. He asks her to shut it. He's also made many mistakes and he's as lonely as she. But how will she feel tomorrow? Is she still thinking of Aldo? He really likes her and she's special but he doesn't want to make the same mistake twice. He pulls a measly flower out of Monita's bouquet and gives it to her.

Nieves and Beto are in the hospital cafe and he tells the waiter he's not that hungry because he just arrived from the states and proceeds to order steak and fires, chile verde, muffins, etc. He tells his ma he gets hungry when he's upset. She asks about Coni "la Flauta", she was gone for a long time too. Was he with her? Nieves tells him Moni lost the fight because of Coni. Beto gets all squinty eyed.

Mau pats Moni's head and tells her sweet things. Then, right in front of Moni (yay, she's going to wake up!), he tells Tano that Coni is back with her demands and blackmail, her demand for marriage if he wants to see his kids again. Oh dear, are those Moni's eyes opening just a little? Tano advises that marrying Coni will ruin his life. Now Moni's eyes are fully open and she hears Mau tell Tano these have been the most difficult six months of his life, back and forth between the office and the hospital and never to his house because it's empty, boo hoo. When he turns back around Moni shuts her eyes so he won't know she's awake. The guys leave and she peeks out of one eye. "Six months?" Oh tell me she's not going to pretend to be in a coma!

Nieves tells Beto that Coni sprayed Moni's eyes with pepper spray, Moni couldn't see, and got whacked upside the head. Also, Coni is a bad piece of work for stealing Mau's kids. He hasn't seen them in six months and she has never seen a man suffer as much as he has. In spite of his grief he has been at the hospital day and night and all the while Beto was jumping from bed to bed with that woman! Nieves has really worked herself up by now and tells Beto that Mau is much more of a man than Beto is. Well duh!

Whew! Moni is awake and talking to the Doc. She can't believe it's been six months, it feels like she was boxing just last night. The doc tells her she's strong but it will be a good long time before she's back in the ring. What? He thought she might have had brain damage but the tests look good. Did I hear that right? Carlos, is that prudent? Whatever, he says her friends are outside and worried about her. Estre is first and Moni wants her to explain everything.

In the hospital cafe Mau tells Tano he's tried to get the kids back but the judge supports Coni. El Juez has irrefutable proof that Mau is a crap parent, but if he marries Coni then he will get his kids back. Tano says the thought makes him ill, think of Moni, what if she comes out of her coma and finds Mau married to that woman?

Estre explains about Mau literally losing the kids, the mummy disappeared with them. Each time she saw him he was increasingly more desperate but he'd come to see Moni, hitch up his pants, and go happy and smiling to try to cheer up his comatose girlfriend. Moni says he's the greatest guy she's ever met in her life. Estre muses how happy he'll be when he finds Moni has woken from her coma. Just think! Oh yeah, we're thinking.

Back at Beto's table he tells Nieves he's a macho man (sniffs armpit) and nobody beats him. Correction, says ma, you're a puppet, a pawn for she who has no other use for you but to use you to hurt YOUR Monita. Nieves says at first she was mad at Mau for leaving Moni at the altar, but then she learned what really happened. She gets right down to it, "Beto, did you know what that Constancia was up to? Were you in league with her to ruin the wedding?" Naughty boy looks very guilty.

Moni reveals to Estre that she overheard Mau telling Tano that the mummy is back in town.

Mau tells Tano he should give Estre another chance because she is noble and has a big heart. Tano's not interested in becoming her lifesaver. Mau says help her and help yourself, anyway he doubts Tano will find another woman as worth the pain as Estrella.

Cut to Aldo at the kiddie prison having flashbacks of his first kiss with Estrella.

Nieves leads Beto by the ear to the hospital chapel so that he can tell her the truth in front of Jesus and the Virgin of Guadalupe. With open arms and open eyes he finds he cannot deny he was in on the insidious plot. He swears if he'd known how things would have ended up he wouldn't have done it. (Sheesh, he's so immature!) Nieves says for all his dirty deeds she never thought he was truly bad, but now she's not so sure. Beto's got an out, didn't she tell him day and night all his life that he was going to marry Monita? Now Nieves is supplicant and assumes the position, it IS her fault! However, now that they are in front of the virgin and telling the truth, does he love that Flauta? Does he? His shifty-eyed glance is his answer. Nieves knows it's true, it's a pure disgrace! She cries and leaves the room. Mom, can I lower my arms now? Beto vows to The Father that if Moni recovers he'll renounce her (give her up) and ensure her happiness, even if it's not with him.

Estre breaks the happy news to Nieves, Moni is awake and out of danger! She shares the news with Beto. Beto and Estre hug and ick!!! they wipe the cooties off themselves.

Beto walks over to the desk and overhears the Doc and nurse discuss breaking the terrible news to the woman's family that she'll not survive the night. He assumes they are discussing Monita so he tells Nieves that Monita is scheduled to die that night. More tears.

And now for a kooky scene, I can't decide whether it's funny or annoying or both. Beto and Nieves stumble into Moni's room looking stricken. Of course Moni wonders what's up. Beto begs her forgiveness, he doesn't want her to go without forgiving him, does she know about her test results? Yeah yeah, she'll be leaving soon. This sets Beto off again, does her head hurt? Does she see the white light? Moni says her head hurts a little but knows it will pass. "For forever," adds Beto, Nieves whacks him. Moni wonders what's up with them and Beto decides she should know the truth. Nieves weeps that the test results are bad. "You're going to die tonight" cries Beto. Moni is impactada.

Estre paces outside the hospital and finally Mau arrives so she can tell him the good news. They rush inside.

Moni kicks the two clowns out (and Nieves really does look like a clown with her red lips in a perpetual clown frown) while Beto bleats that he's dying of hunger. Outside her room Mau and Estre race by unseen, then Coni shows up with a victorious smirk on her face. She looks truly shocked as Beto tells her to get the hell out, she's a viper, out! It's all her fault that his Monita is dying.

Mau leaps on Monita's bed and welcomes her back to the land of the living. Not so fast Mau, Moni has something important to tell you. She tells him he has to get married so he can get his kids back. He has to marry Constanza.



Good morning Miss Sylvia. Thanks for filling in for Kris...and the Telenovela Gods noticed!...they're giving you a well-deserved night off tonight.

I love all your little "Sylvisms"..."let's just rush through this", "wonder if his manly scent will wake her" and, just like you, I had very conflicted feelings during the Beto/Nieves/Monita bedside scene.

Three things!
1)Actually, I thought people COULD hear during a coma.
2) Given what she's been through, all that diving upon her and kissing must have seemed overwheming

And to unload something hurtful (like infidelity) just before someone was about to die (as they thought) is beyond the pale. Pure selfishness in its worst form.

Now just one more thing. I had to laugh because we saw the Estrella/Tano scene so differently.

I was very moved. I felt the actor playing Tano did a beautiful job of portraying hurt...hope...fear...yearning.. regret.... a multitude of emotions while Estrella was verbally expressing the same things.

I thought it was a fantastic job of two people reaching out and then pulling back...wanting to trust and then being afraid to...
and it showed the deep damage that opening oneself up to love can do. And yet the constant yearning to love again....

For me, the scene was beautifully written, well directed and acted. They both did a terrific job and I found Tano's long silence eloquent.

Just a difference of perspective. Clearly I am in Tano's corner!

And to his credit, THIS time he acknowledged his own mistakes. It wasn't just a yes, YOU screwed up...but a balanced I have made bad decisions in my life too and I regret them....

So I think the ground is being laid for an eventual reconciliation between the two. I could be wrong. Clearly I am biased. And if it's realistic, it will be a long slow climb back to a connection. But I sympathize with Tano's reluctance to just be someone's "fall back" position. The safe landing spot after the real prize slipped out of the hands.

Whether it's Estrella or some new character, I want Tano to be loved and cherished for the solid "brown bag" guy that he is.

Yikes! I need to remember this is just a soap opera!

So happy you filled in for Kris, Sylvia. It's not a complete week (and not nearly as fun) when we don't have a recap from you.

"dumb...founded" had me laughing out loud. This was a stellar, witty and wry recap. Recounting the conversations is so helpful to those of us who understand only a smattering of words and often miss the gist of what is said. Gracias.

Rolu is frightening me more than Coni now. What is lurking in that devious mind? "Hmmmph". I feel as though Ximena is a deer in the headlights - let's hope her loving spirit and otherworld mindset helps her outmaneuver whatever he has planned.

Major shift in terms of moving closer to or further away from redemption. Beto was slightly redeemed but not fully.
Jero - fully unredeemable. He knows Rolu is plotting revenge against Ximena but seems to be doing nothing to stop it.

I did laugh at Beto blatently listening to the doctor's discussion about the non-Moni patient not making it through the night. He picked up the phone, never spoke but listened intently. So much for patient confidentiality! (Carlos, as Sylvia already noted, some of these scense must have made you cringe!) As Moni will survive the night, hopefully everyone will know reports of her imminent demise have been greatly exaggerated.

Judy, you wrote very eloquently and passionately about Tano. We are invested in these characters and feel their joy and pain so you have company. I also want Tano to find someone who loves and adores him above all others.

Diana in MA

Good morning compañeras y compañeros.

Ah Judy, thanks for your kind words about Tano. I'm glad you're my friend and he would be too if he were a real guy. I actually thought he was kind of cute (and very smart not to want to be the rebound kid), I was just miffed that he pulled the smallest flower out of the bouquet. However Estrella didn't seem to mind. Maybe it was the flower that smelled the sweetest, eh? Or the flower that would last the longest?

Judy, I'm high-fiving you on your three things, especially number three. I HATE THAT TOO!!! It has nothing to do with asking forgiveness and everything to do with making oneself feel better. Grrr!

Hey Diana, your comment would have been a great title for this recap, "Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated". Why didn't I think of that?

I refuse to believe that Rolu will best Xime. Never never never (this is me digging my heels in).

For me one of the most interesting things about last night's episode was that I felt for the first time that Estre and Aldo, although very sweet, are not really destined for each other. These writers are playing with me like a yo-yo.

I agree that every one of us deserves to be loved and cherished whether we are brown baggers like Tano or shining stars like Estrella. Quite often these two types of people are unexplainably drawn to each other. Even though Estrella and Aldo have that sort of "love at first yearning" thing going on, they are at such different points in their relationship maturity it's hard to imagine they could ever really work out. I think it would end more badly for her than for him. Maybe she should walk away from the hot fudge sundae and stick to brown-bag lunches for a while, might be a lot healthier for her in the long run.

So many lively discussions occur late in the day and the comments posted on Judy's blog yesterday were no exception.

So many great lines but Mike noting the similarity between Rolu and a Geico caveman and Carlos': "I'm a little disappointed that there's no tiny Mini-Mao percolating" definitely bear repeating.

Such bright and creative minds on this site.

Diana in MA

Thanks for the recap! Lots of good info that I missed (they were talking very fast at times!)

I glanced quickly through the remarks (sorry...trying to get out the door to work)so I hope I'm not repeating a question which someone else has already asked or explained: what was the significance of Beto's arms being outstretched in the chapel? Then Nieves did the same thing. Is it something cultural or part of the Catholic Church? I get that she hauled him in there to "confess" in front of Jesus and the Virgin, but is there a significance to the outstretched arms until they hurt?

Sylvia, thanks for another great Slvian recap. I love your work. You make it look so effortless and natural. You are right about Moni's boxing future if this were the real world. There is not a boxing commission in the US(well OK, maybe New Jersey) that would license her to fight. The appalling thing was that her Dr., most likely a neurosurgeon, would even consider her fighting again. Fortunately, this is not real life, I selfishly want to see her reclaim her title.

Judy, I wanted to hug you after reading your third thing(very Ximenesque). This has been a pet peeve for me ever since I began practicing medicine. The only person who ever feels better after such confessions is the confessor. I say shut up, behave, and come to grips with your guilt on your on or go to confession.

Now Tano is another matter. I thought that he almosted taunted Estrella with that ,"Yes, I've thought that getting back with you would be a good thing... but no. I don't want to risk getting hurt again." And then that scrawny flower. I thought, great, now Judy and Emilia will see this guy for the jerk he is as far as Estrella's concerned. Oh well, I still have my crush on Coni. Didn't she look pretty last night?


Sylvia thank you for your fantastic recap, especially for this:

"Mau shakes head and looks dumb...founded"

BWAHAHAHA... That was awesome and true.

Deb: the oustreched arms are used commonly during prays when you repent from your sins and wish mercy from God, this gesture is not meant to hurt you. Lifting your arms with your extended palms is a way to signify that you are extending your heart to God and your quest for forgiveness is sincere. It doesn't matter if your pray lasts a minute or an hour, what really matters is being honest with yourself and God.

I liked Tano's small flower gesture. I thought it meant to signify that things are still awkward between them but this was a little step towards healing and friendship.


Thanks Jarocha about the significance of the outstretched arms, palms up, during prayer. I thought Nieves made him stretch out his arms 'cause she thought he deserved to be crucified for how he acted! Bwawawa indeed. I'm glad you explained that.

Ah, the diversity of opinion on Tano! And the one small flower. (A first tentative tender step in my opinion.) We women seem to be able to view him more charitably than the men. Still, we haven't had Hombre and Mike weigh in yet.

Carlos, bless you for remembering Connie's good points (she's pretty and well-dressed) while the rest of us are ready to condemn her to a never-ending inferno! Somebody has to be on her side, especially since even Beto was harsh with her last night. I'm sure that well-dressed attractiveness has been a consolation to the kids abandoned in the prison/orphanage. Hey, our adoptive mom is a "looker"!(tongue firmly in cheek as I assume yours was.)

And glad we ALL agree on these self-serving confessions! Basta ya!

Sylvia, I enjoyed every paragraph of your recap. Great job!

I previously was a little down on Tano, but last night I thought a) he actually is fairly good looking, and b) I sort of understand his reluctance to fully commit to Estrella. The thing I really don't like about him is his accent, which is a little hard for me to understand. This is silly, of course, so I'll get over it. However, I still wish everyone talked like Mau (I can understand every word he says).

Judy, although I'm no doctor, from past discussions, I think coma victims can hear people talking, but that doesn't mean they ALWAYS DO. In fact, they are probably "asleep" a lot of the time, and just drift in and out. And they might not remember things later, either. I just say this because I'm pretty sure Moni was not aware of Beto's confession of infidelity (I may be proven wrong on this). I totally agree that it was terrible of Beto to confess just to clear his conscience, but I think he still owes Moni a confession when she can hear him.

Carlos, I agree that Connie looked really pretty, but speak of delusional! Is she really gonna wait 15-20 years for Mau to love her? She needs some close girlfriend to tell her to move on. She obviously doesn't care what Ximena or Katia might say, so I guess she's gonna have to learn the hard way (with anvils).

Hombre: Mau is one of the characteres that isn't supposed to have an accent. All the people from the barrio have a naco chilango accent (naco's accent's vary a little depending of the area) and people like Gaby and Jero have inflections in their voices that signify how they are a little full of themselves (in Jero's case alot). Xime is super fresa, Lorenza speaks like she is kind of crazy and the the kids speak normal chilango. Coni has an inflection simmilar to Jero and Gaby's but hers is more subtle.

This means that only Mau, Salvador and Isabel have neutral accents in this novela.


I'm sorry I meant Teresa. The neutral accents: Mau, Don Chavita (tm Beto) and Teresa.


Judy hehe I'm sure at the time Nieves could have crucified his criaturita but of course she would have gotten him of as soon as he started complaining.


OK, Mikey's views of the Tano / Estrella question. Move on, both of 'em.

Tano: jilted in favor of a 16 y/o. It happened. Deal with it. Move on. Very gentlemanly of him to reward Estrella with a flower - any flower. I like this guy. You know my metric - yes, I'd have been happy to crew with him.

Estrella: cute, funny, bright, loyal, etc. but jilted a decent guy for a 16 y/o. It happened. Deal with it. Move on. She seemed to be disappointed in her self last night. I like her, too, and if our son brought home an Estrella, that would be fine.

Conclusion: not every relationship works out.

Recommendation: plenty of other solid, attractive men for Estrella and women for Tano. Each should close this chapter in their respective biographies and move on.

Jarocha, not being Catholic, I have to wonder if Beto's outstretched arms and upturned palms are something left over from the Arab occupation of Iberia. I believe Islamic prayer involves a somewhat similar gesture.

And, Jarocha, let me add my sincere thanks for all your comments and insights! You greatly enrich our learning.

Cap'n Sharkbait, ma'am, another triumph! Thank you kindly.

Okay Hombre and Mike. Thanks for weighing in.

Mike, I think men are better at "moving on" than women. The male brain, so I understand, compartmentalizes more effectively than a woman's does.

Our emotional reactions light up every area of the brain, whereas men's are more confined. Supposedly. Haven't seen the tests.

However that may be, my experiences from innumerable kitchen table talks, is that we gals are much more likely to hang onto a relationship that has hit major snags than are men. And much more likely to mourn a deceased spouse than to move on to a new one. I've known guys who've started dating 6 weeks after the funeral!

On the other hand, three fellas from my late teens and twenties have gone to some trouble to locate me and write to me. So I'm thinking that men don't move on all that well either. Or else they just backtrack and glamourize the past when they get into their late 60's.

Jarocha, are you studying to become a teacher?? You are so good at filling us in on so many things - and we always want to know more. Thanks for such a wonderful (free) education.

Sylvia, excellent as always. Plus you get tonight off, life is good! My favorite part was when Estrella and Beto wiped off the cooties. Estre will have to boil her clothes!

Xime is too lucky, let's hope! to be badly injured by Rolu. Of course, we don't know what he has planned as revenge. Put on another coat of Teflon, girl.

Judy, I am on Team Tano also, and loved the way he pulled out the flower for Estrella. He seemed to have to tug it a bit to get it to come out - maybe he was supposed to pull out a different one instead. I'm thinking they won't get together until closer to the end of the show if at all. I really don't think he's a jerk, (sorry..) Carlos, he just has weird hair.

Coni: yes, pretty and well dressed but that could be said for a few mass murderers. Sorry (again) Carlos...

Carlos, agree that Constanza is a DGLW (Damn good lookin' woman) and I would love to see that actress in a comedy role or anything lighter.

Gabi is likewise a DGLW with the added benefit that she appears old enough that yo, un viejo, noeed not feel like a lecher for thinking that.

Umm... which is not to say that Gabriela is in any sense "old" rather, I meant that, well (cough, cough) ahem... It's just that... Um well.

Hey Folks! Emilia sez: "Shut up, Mike!"

Oh heck...go ahead and say it Mike! I think us mature gals have come to terms with the fact that we're not jail bait anymore.

And I agree...Gabriela has that velvety skin and bouteous curves that, to my way of thinking, would be more attractive to a man than the bony thinness of...say..a Jacqueline Bracamontes. She's flat out beautiful, and since she's well-nourished, probably healthy and in a good temper most of the time too. That counts!

Let join in the praise of Gabi. She is a genuine beauty with a comparable temperament. Mike, I understand very well what you're saying, but then I'm not the one that needs explaining to. For us men, I think that there is some sort of perverse pleasure in watching one of our kind squirm. I wonder if the antelopes in Africa get a similar pleasure in watching one of their brothers being eaten by a lion. Maybe it's more of a sense of relief that you're not the one being eaten.

Hombre, I must respectfully disagree with your understanding of coma. By definition, the person in coma is insensate, seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting,smelling nada. This is beyond sleep. Bear in mind this is a strict medical classification of level of consciousness. Folks can appear to be in coma and hear or otherwise sense their surroundings, but then, again, by definition, a state of coma does not exist. I realize that I sound like a nit-picky, pedantic prig pointing this out. The really smug priggish medical professor-types like to snicker when they hear someone refer to a coma and delight in correcting by pointing out that one is not in a coma, rather in coma. Now I'm disgusting myself. You will hear me here refer to a person being in a coma because I think that's the way real people talk.

Judy, very funny. Yes I'm sure that Aldo and the femsibs take great pride in having such a beautiful, well-dressed mom. Let's not forget that she just about hit on a confused Aldo. She' bad. I know it. If this were the MEPS, FELS, Sortilegio, someone named Anon would have already posted a lengthy enumeration of her crimes and suggested that my mother was negligent in potty training me. I'm glad I'm in the midst of our loving, understanding, tolerant, Gancho family.


Ay yi've got me laughing again, Carlos. Yes, some anonymous cranky individual would have been seething by now. Melinama had to step in again this week on the blog line and tell them to "play nicely together" again.

Thanks for the info on "coma" and "in coma". Like Hombre, I always believed folks could hear in a coma also. I think I learned that from Bernie Siegel...who also maintains that people can register what you're saying while under anesthesia for surgery and therefore only positive healing things should be said.

And while I don't believe in that over-the-top-chirpy positivity that some nurses practice, I do believe only hopeful, encouraging things should be said to a patient, where "in coma" or not.

I was once visiting a patient who was slowly dying of heart-related issues. He had a wonderful friend, a doctor (not treating him...just a friend) who had his own issues.... cancer. But he visited faithfully. And when Jack lamented his own condition, this fellow said gently "Just a temporary setback, Jack.".

And he was right in that this friend did indeed die before Jack did. But he supported him faithfully until his own death. I'll always remember his words and his gentle encouragement.

Oh, and thanks for the hug, by the way. Those are as health-giving as gentle words of encouragement.

Judy, wow, another shiver inducing wonderful story. Let me point out that I encourage friends and family to talk about pleasant things with unconscious patients as I do myself. I know that you guys must be weary of my Dr. stories and it's not gonna get any better. I've got 40+ years of them.

A number of years ago, before CT scans and MRIs, I had a pt. with a stroke in... coma. Each morning I would cheerly go in, grasp his big toe (his feet were always peaking from beneath his sheet and blanket. I'd wiggle the toe, greet him by name an launch into inane but cheery banter. The nurse accompanying me would invariably point out that he was unconscious. This went on for a wk and a half. On a Thurs. morning I was wiggling his toe, I had already greeted him, and I was startled by him withdrawing his foot suddenly, and even more so when he said loudly and clearly, "Hey! Leggo my foot!" Then after a moment or so he continued, "Are you here to fix the TV? It's not working."


Ha ha! Carlos, that's a great story! Did you fix his TV?

Please one and all, share all your stories, they are part of the fun. As wacky as these telenovelas are, truth is many times stranger than fiction.

Yes, Coni is quite horrid, but there is one thing that I'm really liking about this show. SO FAR (and I say it guardedly) so far the characters are not completely one-sided. The good are not angelic and the bad are not satanic. I could be proved wrong (and often am) but I still think Coni could improve. Don't get me wrong, I would like to slap that pretty smirk right off her face, or better yet take her out "yachting" and get her so sick she'd be hurling over the side and begging to pay me to return. But, ahem, I digress. Where was I? Oh yes, not all bad. Beto is a scamp, Mau is a doltish Prince Charming, Moni is an adorable and responsible compulsive liar, and so on. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

Carlos, thanks for the info about being in coma. I had never heard that.

Oh, and Jarocha thank you for your input. What would be do without you? We'd be walking around in fog half of the time.

Ditto with mi Sylvia. Keep on sharing those stories, Carlos, we love 'em. And keep on sharing that cultural and language information, Jarocha, they are great.

And keep on chatting, everyone...I love this line.

PS Just logged on to Jarocha's link to that chilango video. Understood about three words...chele, chava and pachanga. Other than that, pretty well lost! Guess I'm not ready for the big leagues yet.

But come to think of it, there were some funny English movies a few years ago featuring dialogue in Manchester dialect, and I didn't get a lot of that either!

Sylvia and Judy, thank you but I'm not offering anything special, most of the info I have is common knowledge here. Plus, there's my addiction to youtube.

Judy and Carlos: those stories you shared were fantastic. Carlos, with the stories you share I almost wish I would have become a doctor.


I couldn't understand the song either. Great video though. And good point about different dialects in the english language. Sometimes I'm watching the mouths move but I don't understand what's coming out.

Jarocha, the way you share your knowledge is very educational. Some people have a knack for it and you most certainly do!

Carlos: Your story about the patient and the TV was wonderful. It gave me a huge lift. Love your stories. Add me to the crowd who's chanting "Keep 'em coming".

Diana in MA

Carlos, re the usage of "in coma", the Brits routinely speak of someone being "in hospital." One of many Brit-isms we learned.

Must be some telepathy going on here. I was thinking the same thing about "in hospital" while at the kitchen sink this morning. Picked that up the year we were in London.

Judy, how is your eye today? Don't forget your goggles if you do any yard work this weekend. I had never heard in hospital before and before I went Hispanic, I watched a fair amount of British television on PBS.

NY was not a good influence on Beto. I noticed tha he was wearing a baseball cap in hospital... backward. One of my pet annoyances.


It's funny because in Spanish we use "en coma" not "en una coma". Saying "in a coma" sounded strange to me at the begining but I got used to it quickly thanks to TV shows and now I learn that it is not the right term.


Carlos, I dislike that, too. I thought at first Beto was wearing a do-rag till he turned enough to see the visor down his neck. At least he didn't have it turned halfway to one side.

Jarocha, "en coma" would fit better with coma's Latin roots. It's been a long time but I don't remember Latin having words for "a", "an", or "the."

Brit-isms abound. Emilia, Judy and I could go on and on about that. Churchill had it right when he spoke of Yanks and Brits being "one race divided by a common language."

Mike, we do have "a", "an" and "the", the articles we use for
"a" and "an" are: "Un" and "una".

-A pencil: un lápiz
-A table: una mesa
-An elephant: un elefante
-An apple: una manzana.

And for "the": "el", "la", "los" and "las".

-The book: el libro
-The class: la clase
-The planets: los planetas
-The stars: las estrellas


Jarocha, thanks - I didn't phrase my commment very well. Latin doesn't have equivalent words.

Sorry, I misunderstood also. But you are right, Latin doesn't have articles, Romance languages developed them from latin adjetives like ille and illa, transformed in spanish to el/la, french: le/la, italian: il/la, etc.


Thanks for asking about my eye, Dr. Carlos. It's still inflamed at the corner, but the overall swelling has gone down. I'm working part of the time with sunglasses: the goggles I have are awfully cumbersome.

But I keep on with the hot packs, metrogel and it seems to be improving.

Judy, m'dear, you don't do anything halfway, do you?? Glad you're recovering, albeit slowly.

Mike and the kids were 'wrassling' many years ago and one son tossed a book - Mike got a paper cut on his eyeball (still grosses me out to say it!) It took him over a week to recover, as I remember it... (Mike?) but entailed several trips to the doctor, a pirate patch, loss of flight status, not fun for poor Mike at all.

Jarocha, I'd never heard that (about the Latin 'ille/illa') but it makes perfect sense.

Quid est demonstrandum, eh?

Say, do you remember into how many parts all of Gaul was divided?

The cut on my eyeball was chump change compared to your overhand stroke that lands the skillet on the top of my head...


I remember there were three Gallias, only because I had to do a presentation in highschool and the other two girls in my team got sick that day and I had to do their parts myself, it was supposed to be one each! There was a dengue epidemy in Veracruz and I only got sick later during vacations, bummer.

Scholae dura est :(.


I'm in desperate need of another Ximena fix. I'm hoping we get a glimpse of the newlyweds tonight with lots of sipis nopis and porfis. Somehow I can see Ximena actually thriving on Rolu's attempts to make her miserable. She simply does not view the world through the same jaundiced lens as the rest of us.


Yes, I think Ximena's lenses were designed by Peter Max!

I'm with you Carlos and Emilia...we'uns need a big dose of Ximena. Didn't realize how essential she was to our well-being until this thing turned dark and dramatic and hell's bells, bring 'er on. No way can Rolu dampen her enthusiasn for life...not more than 15 minutes or so anyway.

Well you saw what happened to him last time he tried to "dampen" her. Served him right. If he gets too dangerous we might have to send her a skillet as a wedding present.

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