Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ENDA Tuesday January 12. The kiss of death for Germán’s soul?

Stuff we just haven’t had enough of: In the prison yard, Thugly and Snidekick decide to pound some guilt into Cris’s innocent face. Chucho gets sucked into the melee. The guards break it up and send Cris off to see his visitor, whether he wants to go or not (he does not).

And his instincts are right on, as his visitor is none other than Crueloca, the Heifer from Hell, decked out in a cow-print blouse. She claims she knows everything, then instantly refutes that by asking whether Madeleine Martell is another of his conquests. The Crazy Cow offers Cris one last-chance Get Out of Jail Free card, at the low, low price of spending his life making sweet, sweet lurve to her. He’d rather rot in prison. This was not a chapter in He’s Just Not That Into You*, so of course she may still think he’s into her. Playing hard to get, doncha know? She throws a fit, and Cris finally escapes to the relative peace and luxury of the prison yard.

New stuff: Germán tries to give Eric orders in the office. Eric is having none of it, because Germs does not outrank him. Not for long, says Germy. Eric threatens to break Germy’s face if he doesn’t give it up. Germy says he’s just jealous because Liliana would come running if he snapped his fingers. Snap all you want; we’re splitsville, says Eric. He also thinks it’s pathetic that Germy thinks racking up more notches makes him more manly. Honestly, these two have one of the most passionate and long-lasting relationships on this show, next to Cruel and Cris.

Licenciado Cordero’s secretary or paralegal or whoever asks him whether he really thinks the priest is guilty. He says what he thinks doesn’t matter; people say he’s guilty, and this is his job. He just needs a little more proof to be sure. He finds the envelope which appeared while they were out, marked all over with “Confidential” and “Regarding the Case of Padre Juan Cristóbal” and whatnot. He puts it aside to look at later, and gets back to his files. Cats (unlike puppies and birds) must live long, long lives in Real del Monte, because there is like NO curiosity in the entire pueblo.

Germán interrogates Rufi about the value of Misery Manor and the gentlemen callers of Carlota and Paloma. Rufi clearly wishes there were knockout drops in the coffee she’s serving him, but fortunately Carloca shows up to meet with him and Rufi is spared further temptation to wring his neck. In Carloca’s office, she tells him she wants him to take Cris down. He wants the prestige that would come from winning the case. She tells him he can gain prestige in other cases, but she will pay him well to lose this one. He just needs to find someone who will claim to have witnessed Alonso being run over by the truck, Carlota suggests, as she slowly strolls around Germy and checks out his rump (yes, really). Well, Germs is not totally asleep on the job. “How do you know he was run over by a truck?” he asks, looking at her sharply.

Paloma goes to Gabriel’s studio and shows him the painting she’s been working on. He says it is amazing (it is bad). It’s just like the painting he was doing (also bad)!

{Everyone get your barf buckets ready at this point.}

So Carloca says she heard from someone about the truck. Small town, you know. He pretends to accept that. She makes him sit down about two millimeters in front of her, and gets right in his face and says she wants him to court Paloma. He’s surprised. He always thought Carloca was serious, recatada (circumspect, modest), but as he gets to know her, he marvels, and thinks she is just the most beautiful woman in the whole house! (Way to not overstate the case, Germs). Well, given that Carloca can take “I hate you and want nothing to do with you, EVER” as a “maybe” you can imagine how she reacts to that. She plants a big, gropy, tonsil-tango smooch on him. Does he get into it? Oh yes, he does.

One of Diana’s poker friends, also apparently a friend of Camila, goes to Camila’s shop and confesses to her that she is in big trouble, having lost a lot of money playing poker. She explains about Samuel playing. Camila is shocked to hear that Samuel and Diana are…something we’d rather not think about.

Over at the Anguished Artists’ Mutual Admiration Society meeting, Gabriel tells Paloma he has not come to Real del Monte in vain; she is exactly what he’s been looking for. “Huh?” she responds. “Never mind, just understand that everything I have will be yours.” She doesn’t appear to understand that much better, but Emiliano calls just then to invite her to come with him to visit the baby. Gabriel glares jealously at the phone.

Angélica wonders what Emiliano’s up to. He says the baby needs affection to thrive, and Romina can’t or won’t give it. Ange agrees it’s good for the baby to have Paloma around, but says it is not good for Emiliano. He needs to leave her alone to avoid temptation and let her move on with her life.

La Loca and Germs are still madly making out. His jacket is off and his shirt unbuttoned. “Tell me you love me, Cristóbal!” she pants. Screeeeech. Germy pulls away, everything suddenly clear. When he starts accusing Carloca, she shrieks at him to leave. He flees. She trashes her desk and yells “Te odio, Cristóbal!” over and over. Out in the hall, Rufi looks alarmed.

Cris tells Orlando he wants to find a way to make Carlota tell the truth and show what she’s really like. Orly, always one to dismiss the problems of others, says probably everything will work out in the trial. Cris gives Orlando a letter to give to Natalia. Supposing Cris is out of prison in a few days, says Orly, does he think he’ll get together with Natalia? “What is wrong with you?” says Cris’s expression. “Well, why not? You’re no longer a priest, Macarena is gone, and Natalia is a widow. You could start over and have a family,” says Orlando. Cris looks thoughtful.

Paloma tells Gabriel she’s finished the sketch she’s been working on. “Great; see you next class,” Gabriel snottily replies, not really looking up from the Virgen painting he’s restoring. “Don’t you want to look at it?” No, he doesn’t. She’s dismissed. Paloma is not to be gotten rid of so easily, she’s hurt and confused and asks him what’s going on. A few rounds of “Nothing; see you later.” “We’re friends. Tell me what’s wrong.” “I’m your teacher, and I say we’re done.” “Are you mad at me?” “It’s not you, it’s me.” “What?” “Fine. You stay and I’ll go.” Gabriel leaves and Paloma has no idea what has just happened.

Carloca stomps up the stairs. Rufi goes into the office and sees the mess. “Carlota and Germán?! I can’t believe it!”

You know, the shower scenes in this novela are really subpar. This one features La Loca. She furiously rinses while remembering the nasty germy smooch. Her eye makeup does not move, even with rubbing.

Mónica and Camila hope the news about Samuel and Diana is only gossip, but Camila says maybe Diana thought it was the perfect vengeance against Camila. She tells Mónica she can believe Samuel would do it to try to scam Diana. In fact, she saw him with Carlota one day and suspects he was up to the same thing with her. Camila leaves a message for Samuel to call her.

Samuel is playing cards and drinking with Diana, and ignores the beeping phone. He claims Camila has been pestering him since he returned to Real del Monte, always wanting to get together. She’s probably tired of her fiancé, that pelmazo (pain in the heinie), and having a midlife crisis besides, now that she’s a grandmother. Diana looks a little offended at that, but Samuel quickly covers by saying that no one would guess she is also a grandmother. Sammy wants to keep playing poker, but Diana says he’s won all her money. He suggests strip poker instead. She’s titillated. His jacket comes off. Her shoes. Her jacket. Her blouse. Her skirt. Her wig.

Romina calls the furniture store to ask why her delivery is taking so long. The furniture lady says they have no record of her order. Then a nurse calls to tell her the baby is stable, but needs his mother to come visit him; it’s vital to help him thrive. Romina says she’ll see if she can get around to it, but in the meantime, take good care of him, okey-dokey? Buh-bye.

Liliana finds Eric on the street and tells him she’s missed him terribly and wants to get back together. He says he loves her, but she doesn’t really love him. She says she does. He says unless she is absolutely sure, she should stay away from him. Lili cries.

Luz lets herself into Gabriel’s place and hunts around looking for him. Yes, she is one of those women who calls, “You-hoooo!” (It’s spelled yuju en español). She finds a sketch of a girl with bangs and braids and seems enchanted by it. Luz writes a note: “Gabriel, where are you? I’m stealing your sketch (bosquejo).” She needs to learn some boundaries.

Gabriel is out pacing in the park. Sandra calls from her sickbed and asks what’s the deal with him taking Paloma to graduation. “Sorry, gotta go,” he says, and hangs up. Romina strolls up, looking remarkably trim. “Hola, guapo,” she says flirtily.

Paloma helps Rufi with some baking. “Mamá’s recipe,” comments Paloma happily. “Yes, your father loved this,” says Rufi. Paloma gets mad and says she doesn’t want to hear anything about that man. Rufi tells her not to believe what he said. Maybe if Rufi would just tell Paloma the truth already, she could have something real to believe. Paloma’s still annoyed, so Rufi tells her the hot gossip about Carlota and Germán to distract her. She says they were shut up in the office for hours and hours (REALLY?! That was some kiss! I’m glad we got the condensed version!) and then Germs left in a hurry and Tia Loca had a fit. Rufi is just saying that she doesn’t think Carlota will attend the trial when the purple cow walks in and says certainly not. No one should. Paloma says she is definitely going. Carloca says fine, but she’s going to hear some very ugly things about Cris and Natalia.

Gabriel asks about Romina’s baby, which she uses as a lead-in to trash-talk Paloma and grope Gabe a bit while asking if he has the hots for Paloma. Gabriel suddenly feels the need to get back to work. “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth,” Romina says to herself.

Germán visits Doc Bermúdez. Doc tells him that he and Emiliano doubt the baby’s paternity. Germán says they already did a test. Doc says even so, things just don’t square, and he wants to do another test. Germy says no test; he doesn’t want to know. In his mind, he says if Carlota found out he was the father of Romina’s baby, his scheme with her would be over. (Oh, the irony! Carlota is the one who got the first test faked. I love that Germy still thinks he has the upper hand and hasn’t grasped that Carlota is the root of all Real del Monte evil). Doc B calls him a coward. Germs doesn’t care. He wants to dar la carpetaza to the whole subject (I’m guessing that’s like file it away; be done with it).

Gabriel is hard at work when his dad drops in and can sense something is wrong. Gabriel says he wants to finish up his work and skip town as soon as possible, because he is in love with Paloma. They have a little staring contest. Eugenio is thrilled. Falling in love is great! Gabriel doesn’t like it. Besides, he says, you know my secret, and that I can’t have ataduras (have ties? Relations? Something like that?). Eugenio says finding love is a blessing and he should just go with it. Gabriel wants to use his time to pass on his knowledge and skill. Aww, it’s kind of sweet that his dad just can’t break it to him that he sucks at art. Dad says that love isn’t a waste of time. Sure, I feel that, says Gabe, but what about after?

[I’m leaning toward brain tumor as the diagnosis. It might explain some of the delusions and mood swings. There are also hints pointing toward HIV, but that is very treatable these days, so while I would understand his reluctance to have relations, I’m not sure it would explain the fatalistic “I have limited time” attitude. Then again, this is a telenovela, so regular medical facts need not apply. Then AGAIN, I have learned everything I pretend to know about medicine from television.]

Chava gives Emiliano a tiny pair of soccer shoes and a little soccer ball for the baby. He says he’s going to Padre JC’s trial to support him, which is the very least he can do after all PJC has done for him. Chava hopes someday he can help Emo’s son the way Emo helped him (is he saying he hopes Samito will be an alcoholic dropout?) and he wants to be just like Emo when he grows up. Big hug.

Orlando gives Natalia the letter from Cris. It says he’s very sorry he’s gotten her into this situation and to have faith that soon they will be free. Nat says it is not his fault. Orlando tells her that surely Carlota is responsible, motivated by her sick and twisted obsession with Cris. “Inconceivable!” says Nat. Orly tries to cheer her up a bit and agrees to try to make arrangements for Ivonne to come and visit.

Paloma admires the baby. Emiliano shows up with his friend Alejandro, who is visiting from Guanajuato. Alejandro plays the recorder therapeutically for the baby. Sammy isn’t screaming, so I guess he likes it okay. Paloma tells Emiliano he’s a super good dad. He says she’ll be a great mom someday. He ponders sadly the idea of her in love with another. The hospital staff comes to the window to find out what the hell that noise is…er, I mean, to marvel at the beautiful healing scene.

Germán fetches Cris. It’s time to go. Cris says he hopes the facts will come to light, especially since Natalia has a daughter and it’s about time for their annual two-hour mother-daughter visit. He might not have said that last part.

*I’m guessing; I didn’t actually read it.

Mañana: The trial. Seriously?! Neither the prosecution nor the defense has done any investigating!


Another great recap, Julia. I may have to watch this episode, if it's anywhere near as interesting as your account of it. Some of my favorite quips: Orly, always one to dismiss the problems of others..
shower scenes in this are subpar, eyeshadow doesn't budge...Luz, needs to learn some boundaries....and of course the respective art critiques (bad) and (bad). So funny. Thanks amiga.

Crueloca's shower scene after her make out session with Germy is hilarious. She is under the shower head rubbing her face and her purple eye make/shadow is unmovable. My husband quipped "is that painted on' or it maybe is that she really does have purple eyelids.

What a perfect (and perhaps prophetic?) title. Your humor was spot on, especially "Thugly" and "Snidekick". A fabulous recap Julia.

One of the most frustrating things in this novela is that no one reads important information when they receive it - Macarena, Paloma, and now Cordero. Ack!

Poor Rufi looked confused and befuddled the entire episode and of course, who could blame her. The idea of Germ and Carlota is enough to confuse the heck out of anyone.

Carlota made several uncharacteristic and revealing mistakes: noting Alonso was the victim of a hit and run and calling Germ "Cris".

Germ should now be sufficiently alarmed to realize he is dealing with someone sub-human. Will he choose the dark side (to his ultimate demise as he is no match for the evil one), or work to try and put the pieces together to figure things out. Someone has to!


Thanks Julia for all the detail. there was a lot of background noise in some of the scenes and I was having atough time figuring out, with what little language skill I have, what people were saying.
But all I can say after this episode is "MY EYES!!". La Loca and Germy, how uncomfortable was that to watch? I agree, thank goodness we got the condensed version. One of the strongest "Ick" moments I've ever had watching any TN.
And the poker match with Diana and Samuel? I mean give a girl a break, my eyes are getting old and can only take so much in one evening.

I had to crack up as well watching that shower scene. What brand of makeup does that woman use? I can maybe see the mascara being waterproof, but the eye shadow? I mean nothing even ran just a teeny tiny bit. Boy would that make my getting ready for work time so much easier, just leave the same shadow and mascara on for the whole week. No wonder she wears the same color clothing for days at a stretch.

I wish they would just come out and say what the heck Gabriel's problem is. In talking to his own father he still refers to it as "the secret." I think you're on to something with the tumor. I guess his reluctance to get involved with anyone is feeling it's not fair to them if he's kicking the bucket soon. But then why treat Paloma like crap because your jealous big guy? She seems dense as a doornail on how you really feel, so just be friends. Men!

Iknew Romina would be back to her old tricks, but what's with the come-on to Gabe. So she has to try and lure him to her snare just because he's interested in Paloma? Wouldn't she be thrilled that Emi would be hers then? That girl has some serious issues. So much for the warm and fuzzy friends moments.

And can I just add how that the recorder would have made my sons screech when they were in the incubator. He should find a friend with a strumming guitar maybe? love your comment on the doctors coming in to see "What the hell that noise..."

So now we go to the trial. This should prove interesting. What deceptions will Germy and his lip-locker come up with to ruin Chris or will Germy show a conscience and get him off after all? the plot thickens....

Whether or not the good people of RealWeird del Monte trust Germ or not, can't they see that Chris and Natalia are in serious trouble? Why don't they hire a more experienced lawyer. Up until now Germ has been an assistant ambulance chaser.

Good grief people. Wake up.


Thanks, Julia.

That kiss. That horrible kiss. Yuck! and more Yuck! Germy would sell his soul to the Devil for money.

Daisy: I have a lot of problems hearing the dialog in the novela because of the noise or sound effects that seem to be "on top" of the actors' voices.

Oh, well, that happens in many novelas. Just poor sound quality ruining a performance.

Great recap....

Heifer from hell was the best line in centuries lol!

As I keep saying and will always state emiliano is annoying me. Its not fair he keep calling and making moony faces at Paloma. He is not giving her a chance to heal, move on etc.

Romina romina romina....just as selfish, hateful and carlota-like as ever. Trying to hit on gabe. He looked disgusted I feel bad for him. I mean wasn't it a couple of episodes ago they (evilmina and pal) were crying their heads off missing each other...wasn't paloma holding her slimy two faced hand when the dr was trying to get her 25lbs 6 month baby out?

I can't believe she is still holding a grude...she has em the baby the apt and married..what more could she want?

The kiss that made every1 sick for a couple of minutes....
That was so nasty I won't even go there...the first sentence covered it all....

I seen the preview I so doubt pjc (minus the p) will go to jail...someone will show up or some paper will fall from the sky clearing them both.... p.s has anyone heard of alibis?

Ok gabe....this secret I keep leaning towards HIV just because he keeps saying how he doesn't wanna love because of it...

Diana...samuel..eek....enough said haha.

Fabulous recap Julia. Brilliant and hysterical!

So is there any doubt that Carloca is certifiably nuts? I fear for Rufi because she knows way too much to be living with a homicidal psychotic.

I think the last thing Chris said to Germs is "Save Natalia". In other words, I may have to rot in prison, but don't let that happen to her.

So Ro-MEAN-a refuses to bond with her baby, nurse it, touch it, visit it--will it grow up to become the male equivalent of Crueloca--completely nuts and marinated in hate?

I think Dr. B. has the power not only to do another paternity test but demand an investigation of the bogus test results paid for by Crueloca.

Typical Mexican judge's attitude: He's guilty already, and I won't believe otherwise until someone proves it to me. Exactly what kind of circus will this trial be??

One more thing, can anyone clarify exactly who Eugenio is and why he has appeared on the scene? It has to be about more than just being Gabriel's father. Is he a lawyer? Does anyone guess like I do that he's going to help unmask the truth about Crueloca?

Dona Gringuita

Thanks for the recap Julia. Yes I think that German may have completely crossed over to the dark side. I also enjoyed the Heifer from Hell and Orly's ability to dismiss the problems of others.

I hope La Loca's interaction (ITA with daisynjay about MY EYES) with German is the beginning of her downfall.

maybe Gabriel is Eugenio and Carloca's love child and that's the terrible secret. (j/k)


Thanks for the great recap, Julia.

Does anyone think Carloca is capable of something bad happening to German because of what he found out about her???

I don't think he really commited himself to her requests (losing the case, etc.) but she might be walking on thin ice if she attempts to have something happen to German, but then, again, she is nuts. Will he turn against her???


I can't quite give up on hoping to see Germy redeemed, but it's looking less and less likely. Even if he does lose the case, he still knows way too much about Carloca, and she may decide to do something about that. Besides, his demise may help clear the way for Paloma and Emiliano to end up with the baby.

Julia thanks for another funny recap, one of your best lines Gabriel is amazed at how bad Paloma's painting is.Then we see Gabriel's painting it's the same bad also.ROFL with that one.

German went to the dark side for me when he didn't step up and come clean to Emiliano about his involvement with RoMEna.

Everyone has said it that kiss was just nasty, thank god i wasn't eating anything at that moment.

Carloca let slip that Alonso was killed by a hit and run accident and that it was a truck that hit him.

The shower scene i don't know about you guys but i laughed because some of her eye shadow did smear on her eyelids. At that moment i was reminded of the female cartoon villain in the Little Mermaid movie cartoon.

I thought i heard Cris say at the end to Orlando to save Natalia, it's like he's resigned to staying in prison.

As for RoMEna hitting on Gabrile why are you guys surprised by her. She did the same thing with Inaki when she kissed him when he was drunk.Every male in Real Del Monte has to be in love with RoMEna.

RoMEna really does have some serious issues to be dealt with and it's going to take a lot of therapy to cure this crazy heifer.

Samuel and Diana so deserve each other, Diana used Samuel to scam her friends out of money. I hope now Rafael when he finds out can get a peaceful divorce.

Luz i believe has never been introduce to the word boundaries.

Eugenio when he was first introduced at Paloma's exhibition is a famous painter too. I think he has a lot of connections with a lot of powerful people. When Gabriel called him and ask if he could get Paloma in to see PJC when he was in jail.

Eugenio just used his connections to make it happen, that's why German was jealous of him because he has a close and good relationship with his father.

Thanks for all the recappers of ENDA who take the time to do this for us, you are all truly appreciated.

Thanks for the great recap Julia. So sorry you had to cover both a Carloca/Germy face suck and Diana/Samuel strip poker, you have my sympathies. You're very brave. :) .... "I’m leaning toward brain tumor as the diagnosis. It might explain some of the delusions and mood swings." -- Brain tumors causing delusions, mood swings. Hmm, I think there just might be a whole lot of brain tumors in this TN (and other TNs). :)

I don't think Gabe is Carloca's love child, She is too obsessed with Cris. I've mentioned the brain tumor but the relations thing did throw HIV into the mix.

Poor Germs. He has a ton of the pieces but can't get passed his own ambition. He does seem conflicted and I sure agree that in a murder trial they should be looking for an experienced lawyer. Then again this is Mexico where JC and Nat get tossed into prison based on an anonymous note and a few innocuous pictures with no proof whatsoever that Alonzo's death was even a murder. And the purple cow did make a big slip with Germs on that one.

We have to remember that there is a letter stashed in Nat's picture that probably mentions the cow killing Inaki and her total killing count is now up to four. If I was Germs I'd be watching my back because as far as I know the cow still has assess to deadly herbs.

I also have continued to wonder why Doc B never checked out all those hints from Rufi about Macarena's meds.

And I must say I am really disappointed in Rufi that she keeps mum both to JC and Paloma. When he was a priest it sort of made sense but not now, not when it is obvious how hurt Paloma is.

And I am also disappointed that JC who had loved Macarena for years, who discovered Carloca's lies still managed to believe her when she implied that her saintly sister was a slut.

Julia, your writing is outstanding! I so enjoy your recaps.

One little odd thing was that Germy thought bubbled either after or during the suck face that he wondered if she really was a señorita. This struck me as funny, since it seemed to imply he wondered if she were a virgin. And we know she always insists on not being called Señora.

Doc B said that Rufi's suspicions about the medications made sense, but that at this point, with Mac long gone, there was no way to prove them.

However, if it just takes a pasted-letters accusation to get PJC and Nat thrown in prison, the numerous bits of evidence against Carlota should be at least as good...but of course the real bad guys always are much harder to nail.

I didn't even notice Germy wondering about Carloca's "señorita" status. Funny.

My high school guidance counselor (the evil one who was a dead ringer for Ursula the Sea Witch) always was very emphatic that her name was MS. S***, NOT MRS. S***. I don't know why she felt the urge to dispel any notions anyone might have had that some fool might have wanted to marry her. After spending five seconds with her, anyone would assume she was quite single.

Julia – A++++ for this recap! I’d cite all the lines that had me laughing, but then I’d have to cite practically the whole thing. Great, great stuff.

Orlando is just too much – I couldn’t believe it when he was trying to matchmake Chris and Natalia. They have waaay more to think about right now, like getting out of prison at all (and in Chris’s case, alive).

I was startled when Rufi said Carlota and German had been in her office for hours. And why did she assume that there was something romantic going on with them just because the desk was cleared. Did she think they did it on top of it?

Well since I figured out that indeed Diana is wearing a wig, I was wondering what she’d do when she got Samuel in bed. Something like that might put a damper on romance, but he’s very determined, I guess. Anyway, she had to give it up last night.

I think Rufi was clued in to Carloca and Germs's goings-on when Germy came out of the office rather deshabille. Carloca was also a bit mussed up.

Julia LOL i couldn't remember the name of the witch from the Little Mermaid but Carloca smeared some of her eye shadow that's exactly who she reminded me of.

Yes the high school counselor from hell, where exactly do they recruit these people from.

I was watching a little of the Tormenta de Paraiso novela this afternoon. Erick Elias who plays Gabriel on ENDA is the lead.

The actor German is on it too, and guess who else Rufi.The actress who plays Rufi has short hair in this novela and it's blond. I wonder if she's wearing a wig for the ENDA role she's playing.

The actor who plays Eric on ENDA acts better on ENDA than he does ob Sorti where his performance is quite wooden.

I hope we get Los Exitosos Pérez here eventually. Our Natalia appears there as a saucy tart, and Tano from Gancho is there as a pretty entertaining sidekick. And, of course, there is Jaime Camil. I would watch him read the tax code. He knows how to amuse.

I expect we'll be getting Maite Perroni's latest novela Mi Pecado. Either it will replace ENDA or move into the 8:00 time period and maybe the Hasta might be moved into &:00 time period after ENDA ends.

The time period to watch though is the Sortilegio one, since that novela will be over in Febuary i have to wonder if they would really put the newest version of Corazon Salvage at that time.

I had a discussion about this on the Sorti page with several of the Eduardo Yanez fans. CS is doing extremely poor ratings wise in Mexico at the moment.

Since Univision has just made a major shake up in our program schedule starting next week. How could they think or even consider putting CS into that timeslot.

It will be interesting to see what new promos we'll be seeing advertising the next two novelas to replace Sorti and ENDA.

I agree the Carloca German kiss - yikes and yuck! Surprising, too. She must just be desperate to fantasize that anyone is Cristobal. I do think German is conflicted as well, maybe he is starting to understand that La Loca is loca.

I couldn't believe Orly suggesting Cris and Nat get together - after they've been accused of that already - wouldn't that just make people think it was true? His lack of social graces again?

And I agree about Rufi - disappointed that she won't reveal what she knows at this point.

I'm not surprised that CS is doing poorly. Remaking a classic with a substandard cast is a sure fire dud in the making. One good thing about ENDA is that the actors are playing age appropriate parts, Nothing is more disgusting then watching 50 year old galans chasing after 20 year olds which is what is going on in CS. A few of the old time galans would be much smarter to play more mature parts and not end up looking ridiculous.

OK Sorti ends in Feb, I believe ENDA ends in March so we seem to getting ready for a load of new stuff. Let's hope their id at least one goody in the bunch.

Decie girl LOL at that one 50 year old galans chasing after 20 year olds.That's the problem with a lot of these producers they keep using the Yanez and Colunga in these roles and they are not age appropiate.

I remember a lot of people were saying that when MEPS was on about Colunga's age. I also think part of the problem is that they don't have a lot good young male actors either.

ENDA ends in March.

Orlando is just totally clueless in how to comfort someone, remember how he acted with Cris when Mac died.

I think there are plenty of good young male actors who are capable of carrying the lead; they just frequently get passed up in favor of the aging favorites. I have no problem with a 50-year-old getting the lead role, but if they want that guy to star, then they need to have a show written with the character as an older man.

I personally think it would be better to not play the lead, however. The second-string characters are often far more interesting and seem to have a lot of fun and spend less time crying, plus the actor gets a day off now and then. Also, the pay is likely plenty to live comfortably, yet they probably don't have to suffer as much paparazzi hassle as the big name stars.

I know I'd prefer not to be the lead. Then again, I don't remotely have the personality of an actor.

Deciegirl you are right. The one problem in Televisa right now is that they keep remaking novelas that were popular before with the actors that were around the time they first aired.

They are picking very popular novelas from the 90's that due to their success have been on constant rerun again and again on television, so the public still has them very present on their minds, with the young, atractive actors of that time. Besides that, the new productions are not of the same quality as the ones before because the new producers are less experienced and much more pressured by the network since they have more competition (other tv stations, cable tv, internet, etc.). They are too obssesed with ratings that instead of taking their chances and just work on the details of the proyect they prefer the easy way of picking stories that they know were successes, with actors that they know people like and simply add a few more deceptions and sex.

Yañez's imgage has been affected by the new CS, everybody I speak to keeps talking about how wrong the casting was for that story and CS2009 is the butt of the joke on reunions. I don't think Yañez will stop getting work because of that but I hope producers start to realize that they need to be more careful with their productions and try to give the oportunity for young writers to create original stories.


Well said Jarocha this is a big complaint of mind no originality what so ever. Stop going with the old tired but true stories and get with being original.

So many of these novelas have been remade over so many times with different names maybe some parts changed to try to keep it fresh but still a remake.

The sad thing is that they have the young writers but they don't pick them because it's too risky.

Julie, In México characteres are divided in Estelar, Coestelar, Primera Parte, Segunda Parte, Tercera Parte and extra. A secondary character is usually a primera, segunda or tercera parte. The most important of those (primera parte) gets around 730 pesos for every 6 hours of work (around 56 dollars), and taxes are deducted from that. That's the agreement with the actor's union. If they get an exclusivity contract with Televisa or another network, then they get a monthly pay apart from that. People playing leads can usually negotiate better payment (some are VERY WELL paid) but if you always play secondary characteres it's hard to tell how much they can negotiate. They have to be always on the look for work to avoid losing their contract, while those that usually get leads can choose if they want to do a novela or not or if they want to go to another network or to work on another country.


So what sort of lifestyle does that translate into for the secondary actors? Are they doing okay, or is it a starving artist kind of situation? It doesn't seem like a lot of money, but can they make more with advertising deals, and get lots of free stuff and whatnot?

Julia, your recap was snarkily fantastic. Thanks for the laughs.

Since others have mentioned the eeew/yuck horror scenes, I did enjoy these moments: seeing the super cute little soccer shoes and tiny soccer ball that Chava gave to Em as a thoughtful gift and even though Pal and Gabe are crappy artists, they are soulmates as demonstrated by their similar yellow/orange crappy artwork.

Since Canibal just sent Chris to death's door with a shiv to Chris' stomach, you'd think the prison might want to keep Canibal locked up and away from Chris since the poor guy hasn't even had a trial yet. Chris could be proven innocent but if he's a goner what good would that do him.

And why hasn't Orlando, who has mucho dinero, sought out an investigator and a top notch lawyer to defend his best friend, Chris. After all, Germ was working for him a few months ago and was not a defense lawyer then but a business lawyer.

I must watch the trial, as I really really have no idea as to how Chris will prove himself innocent.


I'm hoping the eyewitnesses who can place Natalia and Cris in Real del Monte at the time of Alonso's death in Pachuca will testify.

Of course, I don't think Germy has ever had a criminal case before, and if he's not even trying to win, what are their chances?

It's not a bad salary but it's not a great salary either. Definitely above minimung wage (that's 50 pesos a day= 4 dollars) but you can make more in other jobs like engineering, teaching in a University, law, medicine, accouting, etc. You can make a decent life but with not much luxury. A good exclusivity deal helps some to get a nicer life. I don't think they get much free stuff, but they definitely do alot of advertising. Many of them save their money and invest in a restaurant or a boutique or a sports store, etc. (Remember when the actress playing Pris in MEPS said she went to depression when her investment didn't work?). Some get a few years with constant good roles and luck and spend alot of money in fancy things and later they have a couple of years without work and become a little desperate having to deal with a much more modest life(although not completely starving), some are very careful with their investments and they manage to keep a nice steady life for them and their families.


GinCa it will be interesting if the driver who ran over Alonso comes in to testify.I agree why the heck hasn't Orlando hired a investigator at all.

Jarocha what is the economy like in Mexico, how would compare the American dollar to pesos.

I am always seeing a lot of actors who worked on one novela sometimes reunited for another one.

Will the eye witnesses be the gossip guy and his friend who seemed to have already convicted Chris and Nat for just hugging in public. That would be LOL if they ended up being their alibi. And the truck driver may be long gone, but perhaps his conscience will force him to testify and exonerate Chris and Pal. After all, Alonso did literally appear out of nowhere in front of his truck. There was no way to avoid hitting him but then the police may not believe his story.

Oops. meant Chris and Nat. GinCA

1 dollar is equivalent right now to 13 pesos (cents more or less depending on the value for the day). A nice meal in a restaurant for one person can go up to over 200 pesos (around 15 dollars) in some expensive restaurants and 30 at the cheap ones (a little over 2 dlrs). Prices for ticket for buses around the city vary depending on the state but most are aroun 6pesos. The minimum wage 50 pesos is for 8 hours of work a day. The average salary is 4 000 a month (307 dlrs), but it varies depending on the state (Nuevo Leon is higher, Oaxaca is lower, etc.). Gasoline is around 9 pesos a liter. Clothes can go from the cheapest shirts at 30 pesos to more than 1000. Pants go from 70 pesos at the cheapest. A private doctor apointment is between 200 to 600 pesos. A cheap private doctor apointment at a pharmacy is between 30 and 60 pesos. If you have IMSS or ISSTE or any of the healthcare systems for the working clases the doctor visits are free. A six hour trip from a city to other is around 400 pesos. A coke is around 6 pesos and a small bag of chips between 3 and 6.

Heh. I felt like a mastercard commercial.


Jarocha- You are a fountain of knowledge. I am always happy to read your insightful comments. I spent all day over on the Sorti line today (too busy multitasking with other things), but wanted to add myself to the list of people who wanted to wash my eyes out with that stuff from high school chemistry class during the Carloca/Germy kissing and Sam/Diana strip poker scenes!

-Vivi in DC

I really wish Emiliano would just leave Pal alone to live her own life! No one held a gun to his head and told him to marry Romena. I know he did it because of the baby, but since he's a married man, he needs to start acting lie it. Personally, I'd rather see Pal with Gabriel at the end anyway. He seems more honest (except for his secret) and geniune than Emiliano, who is controlling and jealous.

And thanks, Jarocha, for the interesting bits on the Mexican lifestlye. So, I guess the "super rich" or at least the well off in Mexico are the equivalent of America's middle class, maybe? It inda sucks how at lot of the secondary actors on these shows are not paid that money for their work. If anyone remembers Maite Perroni, the lead, in CCEA, she earned around 35-40K pescos a year (least than $4000 US dollars)(At least, those were her earnings for the year CCEA was aired). I read that in a magazine, so it may or may not be true. Still, from the looks for it, she's considered to be wealthy, by Mexico standards. So, you can imagine that the newer or less famous actors are earning way less. I guess for them, they would be straving artists. But, you notice that Televisa often cast their famous actors/actresses in back to back roles for higher ratings. William Levy did CCEA, then Sortieligo, Maite, did CCEA, then her new soap, Mi Pecado, etc. I do wish, they'd be more creative and stop with all the remakes b/c just about all of them come from either Argentina (which has some of the best Spanish soaps), or older remakes of their own shows, which were mostly remakes of other countries' shows. Basically, they could use a breath of fresh air and come up with original shows with unknown actors.

Jarocha.. I just have to finish off your mastercard commercial. Your insights and information... priceless! :)

Hey Anon @ 4:46, I think, or at least, I hope that Maite's soap is up next. It got decent ratings in Mexico (couldn't beat Hasta dinero no separan, which had the lead spot nearly even single day), and is a short novela, only about 100 episodes. Actually, I don't think CS, will replace Levy's novela. Maybe they put it in the 7pm slot until Sort. ends and will move it to 9pm once Sort. ends. But, that wouldn't make any sense b/c "Hasta" is a comedy and comedies come on @ 7. Has Gancho ended yet b/c maybe it's taking its time slot? I don't know, I guess we'll have to wait and see. I hope the next 8pm novela is a good one b/c I've been wathcing these soaps since Al Diablo and it's nice getting to see actors pop up in serval different novelas over the years.

I think Maite must have earned more than that in a year. An Estelar (lead) makes 1500 pesos for a "llamado" (6 hours) 40 000 pesos is more or less what she would have earned six months of work if she would have had just 1 "llamado" every day 6 days a week. So maybe the magazine just found out what the salary for actors is according to the union and they made that math (although CCA was on for 9 months). Besides that salary Maite has her monthly payment from her contract with Televisa, her money from advertising and her music. Not to mention that sometimes leads can have up to three "llamados" a day.

You are rignt about well off people from México, they do earn around the same than middle classes in USA, but living in the United States is much more expensive than living in México. There are still some very rich people here (like in novelas type of wealth) and people in the middle classes live well (University studies, always food on the table, computer(s) in the house, car, a dog, enough money for recreational activities, etc.) even though we still have a great porcentage of poverty (And poor people here are truly in difficult circumstances).

Well, Mexican novelas were also remade in other countries. To be fair to Televisa they were the first company that started producing and they have been doing novelas for 50 years many of them have been remande in other countries during that time. Most of the most popular ones that continued to be remade again and again were original stories by Mexican authors that used to write monthly or weekly books for the housewives of the 50's (like La Mentira, Corazón Salvaje, Rubí etc.)

Vivi and Jeff thank you but I'm just explaining some bits and pieces of my country, living here all my life that's not that difficult.



Thanks you very much Jarocha i love reading and learning about different cultures than my own.

Anon 9:53 if this Hasta Dinero novela is so popular i don't understand why they couldn't wait until Sorti ended to put it in that time slot.

I know you said it's comedy and that most comedies go into the 7:00 pm time slot. From the Gancho watchers they say that it's a comedy too.

Does anyone know how well Gancho did in Mexico and is doing now in the states? I don't watch that novela but surely Univision would not move it if it was getting very good ratings.

As for the move of ENDA to the 7:00pm timeslot, i have to guess ENDA is pulling in very strong ratings in America that's why they are being used as a strong lead in to introduce this new novela.

Gancho is being moved to 3:00 pm in the afternoon.

Anon 9:53 what is your opinion about the new CS, i think from your statement itself it doesn't sound like it's a good novela.

They could put Maite's novela in the 7:000 timeslot after Sorti ends and move ENDA into the 9:00 timeslot.

I think they should move the Hasta into the 7:00 time period after Sorti ends. ENDA back to 8:00 and introduce whatever novela they deem is best at gettin ratings at 9:00 to replace Sorti.

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