Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 1/18/10 The Trouble With Old Folks
Please don't be angry with me, I only gather and report the news. Now, turn up your hearing aids, go potty if you need to, adjust your lap blankets, and let's see what these young whippersnappers at un Gancho al Corazón are up to today.
As you recall, on Friday, Hombre (that mysterious man), took us deep into the recesses of Oily, Odious Oscar's mind. Not a pretty place to take old folks, Hombre. Tonight let's keep a safe distance. Even so, I hope you are all current on your inoculations.
Oscar is joined at a pleasant sidewalk cafe by an aching, lonely, pining young wild bull named Aldo, whose stock (with me anyway) is, at the moment, in freefall. I won't revisit the details of those lugubrious, distasteful facts that led us here, as they were painful enough the first time around. Let's just say that our favorite cougarette has received a harsh lesson in the downside to frolicking with a Clearasil client. And that said client has learned first hand the wisdom of that wartime admonition, "Loose lips sink ships!" The pain emanating from his shattered heart, has led him to Uncle Oscar for some illicit balm for his freshly throbbing wounds. Oscar has just returned from doing some garden work, but is never too busy to spread joy wherever he can. He has a special interest in the well-being and emotional health of Mauricio's pubescent son. An especially nefarious appearing Oscar pushes a ziplock bag containing whites and blues toward our anguished little puppy, who looks at it as though it were a tiny rattlesnake, he reluctantly yet decisively clutches it in his paw. Aldo, Aldo, Aldo. What are you thinking my son. At least Chubi's nepenthe was natural and organic. Next!
This is much better. We're at home with a somewhat more rested appearing Estrella, who is wearing an attractive perky little black dress with a halter top, (smokin'!) which I think must be the feminine equivalent of khakis and navy blazer. She's certainly looking a bit better than the last time we saw her. There's a knock on the door which she opens to my least favorite character (and that includes Oscar who is spell-binding to watch and the two thugs that attacked Estrella, whom I categorize as animal performers) it's Tano. Someone nudge me if I doze off. This man is borrrrring. Downright soporific. Somniferous. Almost comatic. I know, I know, he has his fans here. Maybe if he did something courageous or even outrageous, I could warm up to him, but when I look at him, all I see is a self-righteous prig. She cordially welcomes him in. Hihowyabeen kinda talk ensues. "I was in the neighborhood with Mao and I thought I'd drop by and bump the little cars with you." Not translated exactly word for word but what he was thinking.He twitches and fidgets, "Mao tells me your having problems with Aldo." He actually did say this, the jerk. Appropriate? I sure don't think so. Certainly not right off the bat. She wonders if he's not just feeling her out. He is. She bravely smiles and even responds to his boorish questions though even if not exactly answering them. He denies interest in resuming a relationship. They agree on friendship, yet he presses on with an unctuous, rodential smile, "You've, ended it with Aldo, but I imagine that you still love him, verdad?" He really asks this. Let's see a show of hands of those who think this might be in the least effective. I thought so. Sorry Judy, looks like you're the only one. She looks wistful, tells him that she's dealt with all the applicable dichos, "Love is blind(ciego)"; "She who beds little boys, wakes up wet(mojada)" but "Lo que no mata, se hace fuerta (What doesn't kill, makes one stronger.)," is the one that applies now. She's treating him with respect, oozing grace all the while. Move along, she's not for you.Next!
Gabi is looking very appealing with her hair pulled severely back. She looks great like that. Let me admit, I'm a sucker for starkly contrasting black and white outfits for women. Especially those with geometricity. There's such a clean crisp look about such women's clothing. She is in the outer office on the telephone. She is trying to contact Sal who is in Venezuela on business. Now we know that Sal's travel plans have altered somewhat because the last time we saw him he was on a gurney in the back of a gypsy ambulance under the care of Dr. Oscar. Now you would think that Groupo Sermeño would have better medical benefits, wouldn't you? Gabi is a little peckish with the person she is talking with on the phone and after hanging up, with a curious, sympathetic Pau. Sal has his cell phone off (apagado) and no one can locate him. She can find out zero, zip, nada. Pau offers that "malas noticias son los primeros que lleguen. (bad news is the first to arrive)." "Yeah, well, neither good nor bad news has arrived." As they she what looks to be chocolate cookies Gabi confides that Sal entrusted her with keys (llaves) to his place so she could look after his little plants. When she went in she noticed...here Pau jumps in with a guess to finish Gabi's sentence."...and all his clothes were missing?! Anyone here like having friends who do that for you? Thought not. Neither does Gabi but she politely waits for Paula to finish then continues, "No," but the strangest thing was in el baño she found that all his wrinkle cremes, anti-aging stuff, masques, todos were all neatly arranged and still there, but the worst thing, that which worries her the most is..." here she points to her scalp but this goes over Pau's scalp, "Is what?" so she continues, "His peluquin de repuesto (spare wig), I can't imagine him going anywhere without it." Pau can't believe it either, "Sí, está raro (that's strange)." Strange indeed.
Mao and Moni are sitting on Moni's bed sharing a typically ho hum M&M exchange. She's excited about Furia's upcoming bout. He teases about her loving the Bug, he's jealous, would like to break Furia's face. Moni's in love with both, yadda, yadda, yadda, a kiss, "How's the divorce coming?" "Fine." He does say that after this bout, Furia Enmascarada will take a leave of absence and lay low. (Judy, it seems like lie low would be the proper usage, but lay low is how I've always heard it... Help!) and... Next!
Seated in their usual restaurant, Coni is looking very tasty. She has on a perky black and white checked sun dress. Qué the heck is she stirring in that orange juice? Looked like a packet of Sweet'n Low. What? Am I missing something here? and she smiles broadly when Beto walks up behind covering her eye's (yes THOSE eyes that turn my heart to goo) with his sleeve saying in a falsetto, "¿Qien soy?(Guess who?)" "Mi Bizcocho," she beams. (I'm not sure we've discussed this endearment which means biscuit.) He observes that she must have been tipped off by his manly aroma. Then, Coni's not prepared for this, he has a surprise behind his back. She is eager to see it, so he produces a tiny Fantasma Vengador mask created for Fantasmatita Junior, the now difuntito little Betito. He uses it as a hand puppet along side of a grown-up Fantasma mask made for Coni. He teases Coni, trying to get her to try her's on. She resists telling him to save it for a more intimate time. He gives a voice to the little Fantasmatita. This is heart-breaking. This has certainly gotten to me so no doubt it has an impact on Coni. She recoils reflexively as if she's spotted a ghost, and in effect, indeed she has. She summons inner strength, smiles weakly, and feigns delight.He tries He tells her that pregnancy has made her even more beautiful than ever, he leans over, places his head against her belly and calls out to Betito. Stop it Beto! Mercifully, the conversation turns to tonight's wrestling debut of the team of Fantasma Vengador and Furia Enmascarada. I guess the reports of the demise of Señor Bug were greatly exaggerated. She wants to see our beneficial bug exposed as Mauricio, but it's more important for Beto that they are successful and perform well. At lot is at stake for the future of their familia. For he and Coni and (sniff) little Betito. Coni wants to go, he wants her there for support, and it looks like my luck is holding up. I get to cover the fight!They kiss. Even their little obligatory "love you too" kisses sizzle.
Though the fight is not for some time yet, the crowd is starting to arrive early. Among the early arrivals is our little estrogenic contingent from the vecinidario. It's Nieves, Alicia, Monita, Estrella, Paula, and Teresa who is now one of them ha joined with them and is fitting right in from the looks of things. Monita, who is in a dazzling cocktail dress calls for a huddle to share a secret. We're excluded from this conference but the enthusiasm they express for the Masked Fury leaves little doubt that now they all know Meester Bug's true identity. Teri sets the tone by shouting,"¡Arriba Furia Enmascarrada!" Nieves wearing that same shiny pink top already described by Hombre, amends the cheer adding, "¡...y'l Fantasma Vengador!" All chime in. I think that we have a good idea which camp these fans are in. As they head for their seats Tano (what a coincidence) cuts Estrella from the herd. OK, There's Cristian and Ivan so I suppose maybe those three guys accompanied the ladies, but for just a friend he is awfully attentive to Estre. He tells her that her high heels are going to cause her to fall. Good line, Tano. Aren't you the clever wordsmith? Have you ever considered recapping? Just as he's making his pitch who should walk up but... Aldo! (no doubt another coincidence). With one coincidence after another it may be a good time to go over the Spanish expression por casualidad, which is easy and fun to say and makes people think,"Hey! He really does speak Spanish!" and of course, coincidentally means by coincidence. Try it out. Por casualidad, Aldo pops up to thwart Tano's feeble effort. He's not delighted to see Tano with Estre and needs to talk to Estrella... now. The alert, astute Monita, looking ever so pretty drags Tano off, leaving Master June and Miss September alone to seek out a place to talk. She pulls him to the entrance, faces off hands on hips (Oww! Could the body language be any less promising?) and snaps, "¿Qué quiere (waddaya want)?" If they were any more icy, the words would have frozen in midair before reaching those tender ears. I'm starting to soften, feeling a smidgen of sympathy welling up, directed toward Aldo. Well, here's a newsflash, Aldo's confused. Imagine that. You could knock me over with a feather. He sounds so young. There's no way he can stay away from her what with her being pregnant and all. Well chew on this cowboy, "¡No estoy embarrazada!" She walks away. Moni asks Estre "What happened?" "Nothing. I told him, 'I'm not pregnant." Moni asks, "Why? A few days ago, we did the test. Estás embarrazada, expecting Aldo's baby."
Power Rangers are suiting up for action. Just kidding. Checking to see if you guys are awake. Nah, better'n Power Rangers, it's Superbug and Super Slug, ¡Ay! sorry again. Testing! Testing! ¡Uno! ¡Dos!¡Tres! It's Roberto Ochoa and Mauricio Sermeño, Fantasma Vengador y Furia Enmascarada, girding their loins for battle. Mauricio is sanguine, "We're going to win.", Beto is nervous and frisky. Beto is worried because both Moni and Coni will be in attendance. Of course they will win the match, the press will be there, Beto will announce his real father. Mao counsels caution here. Beto, excited, will at last meet his dad. "Frente a frente. (face to face)."
We're in the dressing room of their opponents. Remember when we started today? The shots thing? Well those of you not current with vaccinations may want to stand back here. These guys look rough. They are discussing the impending battle when the room is invaded by an apparition of hermosura (extreme beauty). It's our Coni (OK,OK, my Coni) who is still looking gorgeous in that sundress.She bats those bewitching eyes, "Hola. ¿Se puede pasar?" She's here to make a deal. (Who remembers the scene in I Claudius, where Livia had gone into the bowels of the Colosseum to encourage her gladiators?) She makes her straight forward pitch. Regardless of win or lose she wants the bug's mask. Simple as that. She opens an elegant aluminum brief case to show them the money. She coyly fiddles with her hair. They negotiate. They agree. For the second time tonight the phrase pan comida is invoked. Piece of cake! Coni snorts, "Eso espero (I hope so.)" Trato hecho (deal made). She takes the brief case, places it in the locker, holds up the key, they grasp for it, she withdraws it. Not so fast. She slips the key down her cleavage, "Show me your muscles." They flex for her. "May I touch?" She feels them up... well, checks their musculature. gives a flirtatious glance and, poof! Gone. Our hefty Luchadors high ten, "Yes!"
The boys are bonding as they stretch. Beto observes that it's a funny (chistoso) world. Mao, a well-groomed, well-dressed executive sitting behind his desk doing nothing all day (Beto has a surprisingly accurate concept of the business world.) and now a luchador. "Monita changed my life and made it more interesting..." This grippingly profound exchange is interrupted by Don Cesar, looking particularly dapper in his orange UT (take your pick) suit, pink shirt, open at the collar, sleeves turned back over jacket sleeves, white shoes, impeccably styled hair, and this stylish look is punctuated by those omnipresent designer shades and gold chain. He could have stepped of the cover of GQ. Her tells them to stop talking about whatever they were discussing(Beto says they were philosophying over the life ephemeral and love. "In other words... women(viejas)," deduces Cesar.) He admonishes them to concentrate on the fight(lucha). He asks how they feel. Both are fine, thank you. Mao brings up their concern that Beto brought Coni. This disturbs Cesar. "If it's not the one it's the other." Beto tries to mollify them by offering that Coni promised to behave. Well, there you have it, I know that I certainly feel better.
Moni and Pau are double-teaming Estrella, scolding her for withholding the truth from Aldo and especially from abuelito futura, Mao. "And what about when you start showing?" Pau queries? All worked out. She plans to go and stay with Alicia, just like Texas girls who used to go stay with a rural aunt. Problem solved. She concedes that Mao will eventually have to know. Moni excuses herself to go check on the boys. Aldo skulks.
But not for long. He confronts Tano. Tano says,"Let's go talk."
Alicia expresses to Nieves her sympathy for Aldo. Nieves thanks Alicia. "¿Para qué?" "For what you're doing for Estrella." They reminisce on the days that they were that age, but Nieves abruptly reminds her that they are there to see a fight and hopes up and begins leading the crowd in cheers for our favorite luchadors, Furia E. and Fantasma V.
Conveniently our least favorite luchadors are discussing their chore for Coni as we find that Aldo is not the only skulker. Moni overhears every word and scurries off. Phew!
Cesar isn't done with his prefight exhortation of his gladiators. However his little speech is interrupted by a breathless Monita. "What is it Monita?" asks Mao, obviously annoyed by her intrusion upon Don Cresar's inspiring words. "¡La Momia!" gasps a clearly agitated Moni. For those of you new here, la Momia (the Mummy) is the affectionate nickname given to Coni by Mauricio's charges who are currently her legal wards. This was quickly picked up by her many friends. She relates that she has bribed their opponents(contrincantes, a pretty word that rolls off the tongue, worth remembering... you're welcome.) to unmask Mr. Bug. Beto reacts with negativity.
In front of the ticket office, Aldo and Tano work on their differences. A little game, guess who says what. "Estrella is mine!" "We're just good friends." "You think I swallow that?!" "You need to grow up." "So now you talk to me like I were a child?!" "You need to learn to accept when a relationship is over." "I love Estrella and she loves me!" Next!
Coni has caught her breath. They should call off the fight. Surprisingly Cesar agree."The important thing is to protect the identity of Furia Enmascarada. Don Cesar may look weird, but the man is a mensch. Mao says it's all gonna be OK. Moni and Cesar exit, Cesar turns and gives one last instruction,¡Concentren!". Mao turns to Beto and complains, "You see? Coni always has a plan." Yes, but Roberto Beto Ochoa, ¡Huiya! is your Fantasma Vengador, ¡Huiya!" ¡Me pusó piel de gallina! (I've got gooseflesh.) Mao seems less convinced.
We see Tano rushing to take his seat. Up in the ring the ring announcer is announcing the combatants for tonight's wrestling spectacle. Wanna listen in?
"Ladies and gentlemen, for tonight's main event, what you've waited for, the premier of a new pair of ring combatants, the idol of the ladies, Fantasma Vengadorrrr! Next, his partner el téchnico revelacíon, Furia Enmascaradaaaa! Next, their opponents, Mascara Divinaaaa! And his partner, Super Primeeee! Here entering the ring is the referee, Pierooo!" OK gang, does anyone else detect an homoerotic subtext to this Lucha Libre stuff? perhaps we can discuss this later in our post fight analysis. For now, LET'S GET READY to RUMBLE!
For a moment we relax a bit and join Gabriella in her apartment fretting over the whereabouts and safety of Sal. Don't forget, he forgot his spare wig. Doorbell rings. She opens the door. It's our favorite future aceptee into a suite in Hell, Oscar. He has brought wine. How thoughtful.
The fight has started. Now gang, I love announcing Moni's boxing matches, and though professional wrestling from the City Auditorium in Houston was the first thing I ever saw on TV as a child (our next door neighbors the Spencers, rich folks, had the first TV in the 'hood, and they would invite the gentuza of the neighborhood to watch Houston Wrestling produced by Morris Siegal and announced by Paul Bosche, himself a wrestling veteran.)
Sadly, Paul Bosche died. I'm not sure What he would have thought of Lucha Libre, but my gut feeling is that he would have loved it. After all, back in the 70s he posed for I W Marks' Jewelry Store ads with a diamond stud ensconced in his cauliflower ear. Stunning! So Carlos will give you his concise wrestling analysis:
This is like Cirque du Soleil on crystal meth. So well choreographed. Costumed masked combatants flying all over the ring in precise movements that would make the Radio City Rockettes proud. As they strut their stuff we see the fans in attendance... enthralled. Magic.
Commercials. Hey, I subscribe to Vanidades. Not bad. Written in eighth grade Spanish, a treat for Spanish students. Something for everybody. Thumbs up.
More excellent wrestling action, a recappers dream. What precision! Oops! All four end up on the floor outside the ring.
We've rejoined Gariela and Satan. She is so cool. He opens the wine. She protests,"You know that I'm with Salvador, remember? I'm promised to him and we're going to marry." Yes, the Count remembers. But hey! When you can't be with the one you love... well, you know. "Have you forgotten how you trembled in my arms? Every corner of this apartment was a witness to our passion." Not bad, Oscar. Decidedly better than Tano. He clinks her glass. "¡Salud! For old times." He sips, she raises her glass to her lips, then tosses it in his face. She sets up! She shoots! She scores! YESSS! She calmly finishes off the glass. "Your wine is riquisimo, no?" I have a new heroine. He dabs at his eyes.
Awww. We join my new favorite granny and her adoring brood. It's Jaqui, Katia, and the Fem sibs. Dani shouts. Granny cringes, "Couldya tone it down?" Party last night, remember? Doorbell rings. Katia goes. It's Primo Jerónimo toting plastic sacks of food. Yeah! he's brought along Rolu, in his silla de ruedas(wheelchair), Ximena (we're blest) and even germ-boy, Arnoldo. Jaqui bemoans the absence of Teri.
In the arena, things have gone sour. Furia E is at the mercy of Masca D and Super P. He's kneeling, They're stripping his mask. Monita's beside herself and Coni is channeling Madam Defarge sans knitting.
And this mis viejos concludes tonight's presentation.
Judy... sigue.
Labels: gancho
"Cirque de Soleil on Crystal Meth" was absolute genius. I would have been tempted to use that as the title. Simply awesome.
Some other favorites were "estrogenic contingent" from the barrio, Tano "cuts Estrella from the herd?, "Master June and Miss September" and" Superbug and Superslug." The latter, simply perfect.
Also enjoyed your rendering of the fight announcer's style: I could literally "hear" him as I read your words.
BUT, BUT, BUT....How could we see Tano so differently, mi alma gemela?!
I, of course, was delighted to see him back in town, listening sensitively...first to Mauricio, then to Estrella. Better and better, I could see he still loved Estrella in a mature way, far beyond the sizzle of adolescent hormones. I saw the care to keep her from tripping in her high heels as a sigh of protectiveness...a cherished sign, especially if one is pregnant.
In short, I was just beaming and hopeful of seeing Tano as step-daddy to little Aldito, while you just saw a brown bag schlump trying to get back in Estrella's good graces....and bedroom.
Oh my. Can this friendship be saved? Looks like you and I are going to have to talk to a counselor, Carlos.
Let me echo Judy's accolades, this was a great recap, really sizzling. I thought Moni looked fantastic in her little dress, what a stunner. I couldn't help noticing how limber Sebastian Rulli is, the guy can really stretch. What did you think Judy? You're the expert.
Gabi, I love you!!! I expected Oski to start melting, but then I remembered he is the count, not the Wicked Witch of the West.
Thanks Carlos, what a fun and clever recap. Aren't the fight scenes a hoot?
My message to Univision: haven't you heard we have a stinking economy and us "seniors" are all still working full-time in the hope that SOMEDAY we MAY be able to retire? And, we seniors do not like change? AND, we seniors don't do technology well(as in figuring out a way to record the show?)
Hubby and I went out and bought a DVD Recorder, spent hours trying to figure out how to get it to work, found out we need an external tuner, etc., etc. Whatever happened to the days of plugging the VCR to the TV and pressing record? Bottom line: still no recording capability, frustrated, increased anger that the show has moved to 3:00. Ok, Ok, I know: get over it! In the meantime, I'll read the excellent recaps and picture what's happening on my favorite show.
BTW, I gave HQEDNS a chance last night. It just didn't grab me. Maybe I'm just mourning the upcoming loss of my favorite show...Anyway, I'll stick with Dinero this week and see if I can get a spark of interest.
On to more pleasant topics: I love Gabriela! She is one of the more well-rounded characters, and I'm not referring to her well-fed curves! She is nobody's fool when it comes to the business world, has Jero and Oscar figured out, but has such a need for love, that she is often foolish. I crack up everytime she starts running her mouth like a little kid at Christmas when she is in love. She totally loses the cool, intelligent, almost-cynical demeanor that she usually exhibits.
I was so proud of her throwing that glass of wine at Oscar! She let him know that she'll enjoy his wine, especially on his face, but he's not fooling her one bit. Way to go Gabi!
Coni, ITA with you regarding Tano. I didn't get the impression he was at Estrella's for any ulterior motives. I think he's still interested and was just cautiously checking on her. He has been hurt numerous times, and is also looking for love. I find him to be a sympathetic character and hope he finds someone.
Oh my, where to start?? In addition to what Judy's already pointed out, I loved your gentle admonishment to "turn up your hearing aids, go potty if you need to, adjust your lap blankets," "Gariela and Satanto" and last but not least: "favorite cougarette has received a harsh lesson in the downside to frolicking with a Clearasil client".
I believe in love which is why I am not abandoning the concept of Estrella and Aldo, especially in view of the baby. They do have tremendous obstacles to overcome so how fast can Aldo speed up his maturation process? Estrella's wounds are still raw and Tano seemed all too eager to pounce too soon.
We all seem to agree that Beto's love and devotion to little Betito coninues unabated. Coni's failure to tell him the truth is so cruel and unfair. He's going to be devastated and Sylvia, you are absolutely right, he does deserve better.
Anyway, great recap and I will try to work "por casualidad" into a conversation. I borrowed Isabel's "Usted otra vez?" when mi esposa came downstairs Saturday morning which, though clever, was not all that well received for some reason.
Tano must be deeply masochistic to come sniffing around Estrella after she jilted (when's the last time you heard that?) for a sixteen year old. Or else he has major problems w/ his "autoestima."
Greatly enjoyed the lucha libre match. OK, it's not really wrestling, but those guys really are great athletes in my book.
And we womenfolk will never view Connie as charitably as you do.
So now, what can we learn from this?
Oh, who cares?
Let's just get Salvador out of that damned rogue ambulance and spend some more time with Jacqui, Ximena and Rolu. I need a big honkin'dose of laughter. Sure hope the telenovela gods are with me this afternoon (if I can wake up from my nap to watch it).
But hoping for some more Lucha Libre as well, so I can use the "Cirque de Soleil on crystal meth" line.
I have to leave in a minute for a meeting but I wanted to take a moment to thank you for a(nother) really fine recap. In yesterday's episode we seem to have returned to the lighthearted and charming show that I expected when I came on down to Gancho.
Except for the Coni and Beto and no-longer Betito scene. That was agonizing to watch. Whatever else Coni has done in this TN, her behavior in not telling Beto about their loss is dreadful.
Loved the choreographed floor exercise with the wrestlers.
And, Carlos and Judy, somehow I think you two will work out your soul relationship before I next have time to comment.
Happy rainy morning from sunny California.
I've always been on team Tano but I suspect Estrella's choice will be Aldo eventually.
Mike and Judy, y'all used my snark lines: Geritol, Lawrence Welk, naptime... What's left? Dinner at 3:30? Guess we don't have to tell Univision that we get up at 4:30, eat a big bowl of All Bran followed by 28 pills and three pots of coffee. (They already know, eerie, isn't it?)
Thanks for clarifying that Moni told Estre they'd already done the pregnancy test and it was positive. I thought that's what they said, but they were talking fast at that point. So, if it's Aldo's kid, I'm rooting for Aldo, no matter how supportive Tano is. Judy, you're right, the men are tougher on the male characters, and the women are tougher on the women characters.
Deb, good luck with the technical difficulties. I would think if you have a cable box, the signal would come from the outside world, to the cable box (which is like a tuner) then to the dvr recorder, then to the TV. But your setup may be totally different. Hope you guys get it worked out.
Mike, I sometime try clever Spanish expressions on my wife, too. Works about as well as it did for you.
The previews seemed to indicate that the boys came up with a way to foil Coni's unmasking plan, at least temporarily. Can't wait for tonight's (sorry, make that, this afternoon's) episode!
Great recap. Such lively descriptions. Whoever decided to feature lucha libre in a telenovela is a genious.
Don't the Looneyvision execs know that we geriatric types are easily upset by changes in routine?
A really big shout-out and THANK YOU to Looneyvision for moving this up. We AARP folks can finish Gancho and then go to the early-bird 1/2 price dinners at the local cafeteria for us seniors. MMmmm... that's livin'!
Yep, that fight was muy choreographed. Should't the bad-guy luchador in the red suit be wearing a cup? TMI of the visual type. Ack! My eyes are burning (and I was a little bit worried about his manhood getting injured in that fight).
I'm glad someone else noticed the red luchador's wardrobe issue. I thought there was something wrong with me.
Actually, there is. I just realized I've misspelled genius like three times so far today. Must be the dementia.
Emilia, that's DR. Crankypants.
Elna June, I truly teared up when Beto brought outFantasmatito's little mask. I'm sure it'll be tough for Coni to tell him what happened.
Hombre, there's just something not right about Tano. I still haven't quite put my finger on it. Maybe he'll kill someone and validate my doubts about him.
Julia, Aldo's a little tough to love right now but I still am rooting for him. I think Oscar just upgraded his accommodations in Hell by providing drugs for our wild bull calf.
Doris, The wrestling was downright beautiful and breathtaking. Glad you've joined our little seniors' group.
Mike, your mention of Geritol brought back memories of my childhood in Pasadena, Texas. Radio waves were dominated by commercials for a tonic called Hadacol. It was very popular. Kids sang the jingles and just about every senior citizen took and swore by it. My dad was a pharmacist and though he condemned it roundly, nonetheless it was his best seller. It inspired the song Hadacol Boogie. There was a scandal about it later and it disappeared. Dad said that it's effectiveness was owed to it's 12% EtOH content.
After a while I finally know who Tano reminds me of: A mexican actor called Demian Bichir. Bichir was always that guy in novelas that never got the girl but he always represented that average guy tha could offer a nice normal life for the protagonist without the heartbreak and the crazyness that always came with being inlove with the lead. The problem was that he was never as atractive or as interesing as th main galán so you never rooted for him. Bichir later went to TV Azteca where he got a lead in an interesting novela about the fight against narcotraffic (I'll leave the link to the main theme because I love it even if that's not my type of music). Then he decided he prefered to do movies and last I heard of him his character had gotten Mary Louise Parker's character pregnant on Showtime's Weeds. SO maybe one day Tano will get the girl.
I also felt bad in the scene with the little fantasmita mask.
My main gripe about this new time is that once Gancho is over, Mike and I will probably have to start a new (for us)tn in the middle, since we only watch one at a time. I will read the the recaps for Dinero once in awhile in cast that's the one we settle on. Oh dear, change is lousy!!
Jarocha - hey, Emilia and I had dinner w/ our son in a very nice but unimaginatively named Mexican restaurant called "Mexico Restaurant" on Sunday. I mention this because nuestro mesero was a very nice young man named Rigo. I asked him where his home is in Mexico and he said Veracruz. So I said, "Un Jarocho?" and he really beamed at that. Thanks, Jarocha, for letting us know about that!
Amiga, you crack me up! The question regarding the safety of our Red luchador's family jewels was burning for several of us, but you had the courage to voice it! Ay!LOL.
And dear Carlos, I love how you give those of us who are fashion obsessed the benefit of your sartorial commentary. I LOVED Gabi in the black and white dress and I want one just like it. Coni and Moni looked great in their sundresses.
But the outfit that Nieves is wearing, well, she could go straight to Burning Man is that pink holographic baby-doll-cut pleather number, and they would probably comp her a general admission ticket. That jacket is a cultural treasure, and, if I were able to wear pink (which I am not) I would wear it to the next snooty Napa Valley Wine Country 'do I get invited to. That would be so FUN! Maybe I could borrow the baby bottle earrings as well...
As an aside...Of course, our Sonoma County wines win just as many awards as those in Napa but uptight folk in limousines aren't allowed into OUR funky family wineries.
Those same Gumment folks have a problem with our enterprising local organic cannabis growers. Geez, don't those guys know how to have a good time? (Grin.)
BTW, I still owe you and Emilia an e-mail on the John Deere question. Unfortunately WORK has interfered with my TN obsession. i'll catch up with you two tomorrow.
Thanks to both Carlos and Hombre (there is now a comment on your day too) for fantastic jobs. I'm so glad the boys are playing the game with us I always liked coed!!!! :)
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